My name is Florentin and I'm a software developer and network engineer.
Currently, I am pursuing my studies in Computer Science at the Vienna University of Technology.
Prior to this, I successfully completed my education at the Higher Technical Institute HTL Rennweg.
Tech-related interests:
- Systems programming (with Rust)
- Embedded programming and automation (ESP32 and Arduino using Rust and MicroPython)
- Database technologys (PostgreSQL, MongoDB, TimescaleDB)
- Linux & Windows servers
- Network engineering and IT security
- Rusty-BruhBot - A blazingly 🦀 fast 🚀 Discord soundboard
- Oxidized Klimostat - An air quality monitoring system written in Rust and running on ESP32-C3
- micropython-snippets - A small collection of MicroPython scripts for ESP32
- Rusty Discord Mirrorbot - A utility to mirror messages between two Discord text channels
- Discord Command Deletor - A script to delete all commands in a Discord application
- conways-gol - Game of Life implemented in Go with OpenGL
- webOTP - A browser based TOTP-client
- IPcalc - A fully-featured IPv4 address calculator developed by a colleague