- Region:
and probably Portugal - Language:
- Publisher:
ERBE Software S.A.
- Release date:
Spring 1997
- Age rating:
- UPC:
8 420224 343103
- MPN:
- EAN:
- DLM:
Screenshots on the box and all text translated into Spanish. There is no age rating on the packaging.
- Recording date:
22.05.1997 11:14:33
- Volume Space Size (LBA):
- Volume Identifier:
Disc content:
Star Wars: Yoda Stories (Spain)
Star Wars: Making Magic (Spain) (FC1.03) (11/22/1996)
Star Wars: Rebel Assault II Demo (Spain) (DT1.15) (11/22/1996)
- Themed cursors, icons, wallpapers and sound effects for Windows.
The design of the disc is dark, non-standard, it matches the design on the box.
Star Wars - Making Magic
here differs from the previous ones, and not only by the version number.
The interface completely translated, otherwise the version does not differ from the French one, although...
A demo version of the game Rebel Assault II
is hidden in the catalog with Star Wars - Making Magic
Now it is clear why the disk size has grown by 150 MB.
This game is newer than the original one that was on the original Making Magic CD from 1996.
instead ofDH1.15
The demo version also translated into Spanish.
The Spanish version not released first, but among the European versions of Yoda Stories, it appeared on the Internet earlier than others. Therefore, it will become the basis for comparison with other European versions.
The Spanish version of Yoda Stories is between 1.1
and 1.2
in terms of the number of implemented fixes.
- Implemented fixes:
72, 236, 407, 472, 572
- Missing fixes:
266, 267, 271
So, adding melodies in zones 266, 267, 271
will be enough for the game to match Patch 6
Changed categories:
Startup screen
Tile names
Tile genders
Startup screen:
The pink areas show where the stars were.
For some unknown reason, the tiles 1079
and 1078
at the bottom of the screen have been changed to 1084
(100% black square).
It should be understood that there is a similar change in Zone 0.
To accommodate all text, the number of tiles has been increased from 2123 to 2126.
- Changed tiles: 2090-2108
- 3 new tiles: 2123-2125
These tiles used in zones 76-77.
Zones 76-77:
Zone 72: an important fix identical to version 1.2
Zone 236: an important fix identical to version 1.2
Zone 407: an important fix identical to version 1.2
Zone 472: an important fix identical to version 1.2, however, the new actions added at the end of the zone, not in the middle.
Zone 572: an important fix identical to version 1.2
Other sections:
- Puzzles: 100% difference in the text, but expected.
- Characters: differences only in unused data.
- Tile names: 100% difference in text, but expected.
- Tile genders: This is a new data structure, TGEN, typical for languages that use the article to change the gender.
On the Internet can also be find a version of this game from "Spanish translators".
Truth, Selva Translators
only the "About" screen in the existing Spanish version has changed.
News published 13.12.2001, but they write that they finished in November 2001. What was their motivation is not clear.