Have you ever wanted to become a millionaire without having to give up anything? Well, that's what flash loans are for. 🤑🤑
In this level we will learn how to take a Flash Loan from Aave and utilize this new concept in DeFi which doesn't exist in the web2 world. There is no good analogy for this from the traditional finance world, since this is simply impossible outside blockchains.
Are you excited? Well, I surely am 🥳🥳
How do traditional banking systems work? If you want a loan you have to put forward a collateral against which you can take the loan. This is typically how lending/borrowing in DeFi also works.
However, you may need just a shit ton of money at times to execute some sort of attack that you cannot possibly provide collateral for, perhaps to execute a huge arbitrage trade or attack some contracts.
You might be thinking: Is it some kind of loan? Well, yes, it is. It's a special type of loan where a borrower can borrow an asset as long as they return the borrowed amount and some interest before the end of the transaction. Since the borrowed amount is returned back, with interest, in the same transaction, there is no possibility for anyone to run away with the borrowed money. If the loan is not repaid in the same transaction, the transaction fails overall and is reverted.
This simple, but fascinating, detail is what allows you to borrow billions with no upfront capital or collateral, because you need to pay it back in the same transaction itself. However, you can go wild with that money in between borrowing it and paying it back.
Remember that all of this happens in one transaction 👀
They help in arbitrage between assets, causing liquidations in DeFi lending protocols, often play part in DeFi hacks, and other use cases. You can essentially use your own creativity to create something new 😇
In this tutorial we will only focus on how a Simple Flash Loan
works which includes being able to borrow one asset. There are alternatives where you can borrow multiple assets as well. To read about other kinds of flash loans, read the documentation from Aave
Let us try to go a little deep on one use case, which is arbitrage. What is arbitrage? Imagine there are two crypto exchanges - A and B. Now A is selling a token LW3
for a lower price than B. You can make profits if you buy LW3
from A in exchange for DAI and then sell it on B gaining more DAI than the amount you initially started with.
Trading off price differences across exchanges is called arbitrage. Arbitrageurs are a necessary evil that help keep prices consistent across exchanges.
There are 4 basic steps to any flash loan. To execute a flash loan, you first need to write a smart contract that has a transaction that uses a flash loan. Assume the function is called createFlashLoan()
. The following 4 steps happen when you call that function, in order:
- Your contract calls a function on a Flash Loan provider, like Aave, indicating which asset you want and how much of it
- The Flash Loan provider sends the assets to your contract, and calls back into your contract for a different function,
is all custom code you must have written - you go wild with the money here. At the end, you approve the Flash Loan provider to withdraw back the borrowed assets, along with a premium- The Flash Loan provider takes back the assets it gave you, along with the premium.
If you look at this diagram, you can see how a flash loan helped the user make a profit in an arbitrage trade. Initially the user started a transaction by calling lets say a method createFlashLoan
in your contract which is named as FlashLoan Contract
. When the user calls this function, your contract calls the Pool Contract
which exposes the liquidity management methods for a given pool of assets and has already been deployed by Aave. When the Pool Contract
receives a request to create a flash loan, it calls the executeOperation
method on your contract with the DAI in the amount user has requested. Note that the user didn't have to provide any collateral to get the DAI, he just had to call the transaction and that Pool Contract
requires you to have the executeOperation
method for it to send you the DAI
Now in the executeOperation
method after receiving the DAI, you can call the contract for Exchange A
and buy some LW3
tokens from all the DAI that the Pool Contract
sent you. After receiving the LW3 Tokens
you can again swap them for DAI by calling the Exchange B
By this time now your contract has made a profit, so it can allow the Pool Contract
to withdraw the amount which it sent our contract along with some interest and return from the executeOperation
Once our contract returns from the executeOperation
method, the Pool Contract
has allowance to withdraw the DAI it originally sent along with the interest from our FlashLoan Contract
, so it withdraws it.
All this happens in one transaction, if anything is not satisfied during the transaction like for example our contract fails in doing the arbitrage, remember everything will get reverted and it will be as if our contract never got the DAI in the first place. All you would have lost is the gas fees for executing all this.
User can now withdraw profits from the contract after the transaction is completed.
It has been suggested by Aave to withdraw the funds after a successful arbitrage and not keep them long in your contract because it can cause a griefing attack
. An example has been provided here.
Let's build an example where you can experience how we can start a flash loan. Note we won't be actually doing an arbitrage here, because finding profitable arbitrage opportunities is the hardest part and not related to the code, but will essentially just learn how to execute a flash loan.
NOTE: Just like hedge funds protect their trading strategies, protecting arbitrage opportunities is important for arbitrageurs. If those opportunities are made public, they really aren't opportunities anymore as someone is always willing to 'do it cheaper' driving the profit margin to essentially zero.
To start the project, open up your terminal and create a new project directory.
mkdir flash-loans
Let's start by setting up Hardhat inside the flash-loans
cd flash-loans
npm init --yes
npm install --save-dev hardhat @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox
npx hardhat
When prompted, choose the Create a Javascript Project
option and follow the steps.
Now, let's install the required dependencies for the project.
npm install @openzeppelin/contracts @aave/core-v3 dotenv
This installs the OpenZeppelin contracts library, the Aave contracts library, and dotenv to keep our environment variables safe.
Now let's gets started with writing our smart contract, create your first smart contract inside the flash-loans/contracts
directory and name it FlashLoanExample.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.10;
import "@aave/core-v3/contracts/flashloan/base/FlashLoanSimpleReceiverBase.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
contract FlashLoanExample is FlashLoanSimpleReceiverBase {
event Log(address asset, uint256 val);
constructor(IPoolAddressesProvider provider)
function createFlashLoan(address asset, uint256 amount) external {
address receiver = address(this);
bytes memory params = ""; // use this to pass arbitrary data to executeOperation
uint16 referralCode = 0;
POOL.flashLoanSimple(receiver, asset, amount, params, referralCode);
function executeOperation(
address asset,
uint256 amount,
uint256 premium,
address initiator,
bytes calldata params
) external returns (bool) {
// do things like arbitrage here
// abi.decode(params) to decode params
uint256 amountOwing = amount + premium;
IERC20(asset).approve(address(POOL), amountOwing);
emit Log(asset, amountOwing);
return true;
Now let's try to decompose this contract and understand it a little better.
When we declared the contract we did it like this contract FlashLoanExample is FlashLoanSimpleReceiverBase {...}
, our contract is named FlashLoanExample
and it is inheriting a contract named FlashLoanSimpleReceiverBase
which is a contract from Aave which you use to setup your contract as the receiver for the flash loan.
Now after declaring the contract, if we look at the constructor, it takes in a provider of type IPoolAddressesProvider
which is essentially the address of the Pool Contract
we talked about in the example above wrapped around an interface of type IPoolAddressesProvider
. This interface is also provided to us by Aave and can be found here. FlashLoanSimpleReceiverBase
requires this provider in its constructor.
constructor(IPoolAddressesProvider provider)
The first function we implemented was createFlashLoan
which takes in the asset and amount from the user for which he wants to start the flash loan. Now for the receiver address, you can specify the address of the FlashLoanExample Contract
and we have no params, so let's just keep it as empty. For referralCode
we kept it as 0 because this transaction was executed by user directly without any middle man. To read more about these parameters you can go here. After declaring these variables, you can call the flashLoanSimple
method inside the instance of the Pool Contract
which is initialized within the FlashLoanSimpleReceiverBase
which our contract had inherited, you can look at the code here.
function createFlashLoan(address asset, uint amount) external {
address receiver = address(this);
bytes memory params = "";
uint16 referralCode = 0;
After making a flashLoanSimple
call, Pool Contract
will perform some checks and will send the asset in the amount that was requested to the FlashLoanExample Contract
and will call the executeOperation
method. Now inside this method you can do anything with this asset but in this contract we just give approval to the Pool Contract
to withdraw the amount that we owe along with some premium. Then we emit a log and return from the function.
function executeOperation(
address asset,
uint256 amount,
uint256 premium,
address initiator,
bytes calldata params
) external returns (bool){
// do things like arbitrage, liquidation, etc
// abi.decode(params) to decode params
uint amountOwing = amount.add(premium);
IERC20(asset).approve(address(POOL), amountOwing);
emit Log(asset, amountOwing);
return true;
Now we will try to create a test to actually see this flash loan in action.
Now because Pool Contract
is deployed on Polygon Mainnet, we need some way to interact with it in our tests.
We use a feature of Hardhat known as Mainnet Forking
which can simulate having the same state as mainnet, but it will work as a local development network. That way you can interact with deployed protocols and test complex interactions locally.
Note this has been referenced from the official documentation of Hardhat
To configure this, open up your hardhat.config.js
and replace its already existing content with the following:
require("dotenv").config({ path: ".env" });
/** @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig */
module.exports = {
solidity: "0.8.10",
networks: {
hardhat: {
forking: {
You will see that we configured hardhat forking here, by instructing it to fork from the Quicknode RPC URL we provide. This will create a local fork of the Polygon blockchain from the block number when we run our tests - so our local fork will have all the data up until that point (i.e. liquidity in Aave pools) and then we can locally create new txns/blocks for our local fork.
Now lets add the env variable for QUICKNODE_RPC_URL
Create a new file called .env
inside flash-loans
and add the following:
with the URL of the node for Polygon Mainnet. To get this URL go to Quicknode and login. After that click on Create an Endpoint
and select chain as Polygon
and network as Mainnet
. Click Continue and create the app in Discover
mode to remain on the free tier. Copy the HTTP Provider
link from your dashboard, and add it to the environment file.
After creating the .env
file, you will need one more file before we can actually write the test.
Create a new file named config.js
as well inside flash-loans
and add the following lines of code to it
// Polygon Mainnet DAI Contract Address
const DAI = "0x8f3Cf7ad23Cd3CaDbD9735AFf958023239c6A063";
// Random user's address that happens to have a lot of DAI on Polygon Mainnet
// By the time you're doing this lesson, if this address doesn't have DAI on Polygon Mainnet,
// switch it out for someone else who does have a lot of DAI
const DAI_WHALE = "0xdfD74E3752c187c4BA899756238C76cbEEfa954B";
// Mainnet Pool contract address
const POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = "0xa97684ead0e402dc232d5a977953df7ecbab3cdb";
module.exports = {
If you look at this file, we have three variables - DAI
is the address of the DAI
contract on polygon mainnet. DAI_WHALE
is an address on polygon mainnet with lots of DAI and POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER
is the address of the PoolAddressesProvider
on polygon mainnet that our contract is expecting in the constructor. The address can be found here.
Since we are not actually executing any arbitrage, and therefore will not be able to pay the premium if we run the contract as-is, we use another Hardhat feature called impersonation that lets us send transactions on behalf of any address, even without their private key. However, of course, this only works on the local development network and not on real networks. Using impersonation, we will steal some DAI from the DAI_WHALE
so we have enough DAI to pay back the loan with premium.
Awesome 🚀, we have everything setup now lets go ahead and write the test.
Inside your flash-loans/test
folder create a new file FlashLoanExample.js
and add the following lines of code to it.
const { expect } = require("chai");
const { ethers, network } = require("hardhat");
const { DAI, DAI_WHALE, POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER } = require("../config");
describe("Deploy a Flash Loan", function () {
it("Should take a flash loan and be able to return it", async function () {
const flashLoanExample = await ethers.deployContract(
// Address of the PoolAddressProvider: you can find it here: https://docs.aave.com/developers/deployed-contracts/v3-mainnet/polygon
await flashLoanExample.waitForDeployment();
const token = await ethers.getContractAt("IERC20", DAI);
const BALANCE_AMOUNT_DAI = ethers.parseEther("2000");
// Impersonate the DAI_WHALE account to be able to send transactions from that account
await network.provider.request({
method: "hardhat_impersonateAccount",
params: [DAI_WHALE],
const signer = await ethers.getSigner(DAI_WHALE);
await token
.transfer(flashLoanExample.target, BALANCE_AMOUNT_DAI); // Sends our contract 2000 DAI from the DAI_WHALE
const tx = await flashLoanExample.createFlashLoan(DAI, 1000); // Borrow 1000 DAI in a Flash Loan with no upfront collateral
await tx.wait();
const remainingBalance = await token.balanceOf(flashLoanExample.target); // Check the balance of DAI in the Flash Loan contract afterwards
expect(remainingBalance).to.be.lt(BALANCE_AMOUNT_DAI); // We must have less than 2000 DAI now, since the premium was paid from our contract's balance
Now let's try to understand whats happening in these lines of code.
First, using Hardhat's extended ethers
version, we call the function getContractAt
to get the instance of DAI deployed on Polygon Mainnet. Remember Hardhat will simulate Polygon Mainnet, so when you get the contract at the address of DAI
which you had specified in the config.js
, Hardhat will actually create an instance of the DAI contract which matches that of Polygon Mainnet.
After that, the lines given below will again try to impersonate/simulate the account on Polygon Mainnet with the address from DAI_WHALE
. Now the fascinating point is that even though Hardhat doesn't have the private key of DAI_WHALE
in the local testing environment, it will act as if we already know its private key and can sign transactions on the behalf of DAI_WHALE
. It will also have the amount of DAI it has on the polygon mainnet.
await hre.network.provider.request({
method: "hardhat_impersonateAccount",
params: [DAI_WHALE],
Now we create a signer for DAI_WHALE
so that we can call the simlulated DAI contract with the address of DAI_WHALE
and transfer some DAI
to FlashLoanExample Contract
. We need to do this so we can pay off the loan with premium, as we will otherwise not be able to pay the premium. In real world applications, the premium would be paid off the profits made from arbitrage or attacking a smart contract.
const signer = await ethers.getSigner(DAI_WHALE);
await token
.transfer(flashLoanExample.address, BALANCE_AMOUNT_DAI);
After this we start a flash loan and checking that the remaining balance of FlashLoanExampleContract
is less than the amount it initially started with, the amount will be less because the contract had to pay a premium on the loaned amount.
const txn = await flashLoanExample.createFlashLoan(DAI, 10000);
await txn.wait();
const remainingBalance = await token.balanceOf(flashLoanExample.address);
To run the test you can simply execute on your terminal:
npx hardhat test
If all your tests pass, then that means you successfully were able to borrow a loan of 10,000 DAI from Aave with no required collateral, and then paid back the 10k DAI + a premium.
Hope you learnt something from this tutorial. As always, if you feel stuck somewhere, reach out on the Discord and we'd be happy to help you out!