⭐This code is for the Tiger Re-ID in the Wild track (detection part) CVWC2019 @ICCV19 Workshop:
To generate detected tiger pictures for Tiger Re-ID in the Wild.
git clone https://github.com/LcenArthas/CVWC2019-Amur-Tiger-Detection.git
Tested under python3. Ubantu16.04
- python packages
- pytorch==0.4.1(Note: V1.0.1 may result in an error)
- torchvision>=0.2.0
- cython==0.29.3
- cffi==1.12.3
- matplotlib==3.1.1
- tqdm==4.32.2
- numpy==1.16.4
- scipy==1.2.1
- opencv==
- pyyaml==5.1.1
- packaging==19.0
- pycocotools — for COCO dataset, also available from pip.
- tensorboardX — for logging the losses in Tensorboard
- An NVIDAI GPU and CUDA 8.0 or higher. Some operations only have gpu implementation.
Compile the CUDA code:
cd lib
sh make.sh
It will compile all the modules you need, including NMS, ROI_Pooing, ROI_Crop and ROI_Align. (Actually gpu nms is never used ...)
🔸 Creat a new folder named /Original_train/
under the {repo_root}/data/
cd data
mkdir Original_train
🔸 Put the train dataset(two folder: atrw_anno_detection_train
& atrw_detection_train
) in the {repo_root}/data/Original_train/
folder under the repo.
🔸 Transform the data style for the model
python make_coco_data.py
🔸 Creat a new folder named /pretrained_model/
under the {repo_root}/data/
cd data
mkdir pretrained_model
🔸 Download the pre-trained weighte and put it(resent50_caffe.pth) into the {repo_root}/data/pretrained_model/
And make sure the repo files as the following structure:
├── configs
├── demo
├── lib
├── data
| ├── coco
│ │ ├── anntations
│ │ | └── instances_train2017.json
│ │ └── images
│ │ └── train2017
│ │ ├── 0000.jpg
│ │ ├── 0002.jpg
│ │ ├── 0003.jpg
│ │ ├── 0004.jpg
│ │ ├── 0005.jpg
│ │ └── ...
| ├── Original_train
| | ├── atrw_ann_detection_train
| | ├── atrw_detection_train
| | └── data
| └── pretrained_model
| ├── resnet50_caffe.pth
| └── resnet101_caffe.pth
├── tools
└── make_coco_data.py
cd tools
python train_net_step.py
Eventually the trained model will be saved in {repo_root}/tools/Outputs/
🔸 Creat a new folder named /test/
under the {repo_root}:
mkdir test
🔸 Put the test images in the {repo_root}/test/
folder under the repo.
I use Faster-rcnn-Resnet50-FPN to train my model.
🔸 Download it and create a new folder under the {repo_root} named /trained_weight/
mkdir trained_weight
🔸 Put the trained weight(best_model.pth) into the {repo_root}/trained_weight/
And make sure the repo files as the following structure:
├── configs
├── demo
├── lib
├── test
| ├── 0001.jpg
│ ├── 0002.jpg
│ ├── 0003.jpg
│ ├── 0004.jpg
│ ├── 0005.jpg
│ └── ...
├── tools
├── trained_weight
│ ├── best_model.pth
└── make_coco_data.py
cd tools
python infer_simple.py
This process will take about 15 minutes, just a moment, please.
Run this scrip will generate 3 files in the {repo_root/}:
det_submission.json — for the
Tiger Detection track
, you can submit in the Tiger Detection track (0.45988 mAP in the Public Leaderboard). -
wide_box.json — for the
Tiger Re-ID in the Wild track
. -
reid_test(a folder) — for the
Tiger Re-ID in the Wild track
, it contains images that have been detected and croped.