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File metadata and controls

183 lines (132 loc) · 3.81 KB



  id: UUID
  name: STRING
  industry: STRING
  paid: BOOLEAN
  customer_id: STRING
  subscription_id: STRING


  id: UUID
  organization_id: UUID foreign key in ORGANIZATIONS table
  first_name: STRING
  last_name: STRING
  role: STRING [ 'owner', 'supervisor', 'employee' ]
  email: STRING
  phone: STRING
  cal_visit: BOOLEAN
  emp_visit: BOOLEAN
  emailpref: BOOLEAN
  phonepref: BOOLEAN


  id: UUID
  user_id: UUID foreign key in USERS table
  day: INTEGER [ 0- 6 ]
  start_time: TIME STRING [ 0 - 23 ] [HH:MM:SS]
  end_time: STRING STRING [ 0 - 23 ] [HH:MM:SS]
  off: BOOLEAN


  id: UUID
  user_id: UUID foreign key in USERS table
  start: DATE & TIME STRING in YYYY-MM-DD [ 0 - 23 ] [HH:MM:SS]
  end: DATETIME STRING in YYYY-MM-DD [ 0 - 23 ] [HH:MM:SS]
  reason: STRING
  status: STRING [ 'pending', 'confirmed', 'denied' ]


  id: uuid
  user_id: UUID foreign key in USERS table


  id: UUID
  organization_id: UUID foreign key in ORGANIZATIONS table
  day: INTEGER [ 0 -6 ]
  open: TIME STRING [ 0 - 23]
  close: TIME STRING [ 0 - 23]
  closed: BOOLEAN


  id: UUID
  organization_id: UUID foreign key in ORGANIZATIONS table
  inviter_id: UUID foreign key in USERS table
  name: STRING
  email: STRING
  role: STRING [ 'supervisor', 'employee' ]


insertHoursForNewOrg() -> used for seed generation

getOrgs() -> Returns all organizations

getOrg(orgId) -> Returns a single organization by ID

addOrg(org) -> Returns the created org

updateOrg(orgId) -> Update an organization by ID

deleteOrg(orgId) -> Delete an organization by ID

getUsers(orgId) -> if no param all users

getUser(userId) -> Returns a single user by user ID

addUser(user object) --> Creates a new user and returns that user. Also creates 7 availabilities defaulted to hours of operation for their organization.

updateUser(userId, changes object) -> Updates a single user by ID.

deleteUser(userId) -> deletes everything dependent on the user

getAvailabilities(userId) --> gets all availabilties for a user

getAvailability(availabilityId) --> gets a singe availability

addAvailability(userId, day object) --> adds new day

updateAvailability(availabilityId, changes object) --> updates existing day

deleteAvailability(availabilityId) --> deletes day

getTimeOffRequests(userId) -> Return time off request by user ID

getTimeOffRequest(requestId) -> Return a single request by request ID

addTimeOffRequest(request object) -> Add a time off request

updateTimeOffRequest(timeOffRequestId, changes object) -> Update a time off request by request ID

deleteTimeOffRequest(timeOffRequestId) -> Delete a request by request ID

getTimeOffRequestsForOrg(orgId) --> returns a list of the above but for each employee

getEvents(userId) -> Return all events by user ID

getEvent(eventId) -> Return an event by it's event ID

addEvent(event object) --> returns created event object

updateEvent(eventId, changes object) --> returns the updated event object

deleteEvent(eventId) -> Delete an event by event ID

getEventsForOrg(orgId) --> returns list of all events for all users for an org

getHoursOfOperation(orgId) -> Returns hours of operation by organization ID

updateHoursOfOperation(hourId, updates) -> Update a single hour of operation by it's ID

addHour(hour) -> add a new Hour of Operation

getInvite(inviteId) -> Return an invite by its ID

addInvite(invite object) -> Create a new invite

updateInvite(inviteId, updates object) -> Update an invite by its ID

deleteInvite(inviteId) -> Delete an invite