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Numeric Springing in Swift

A framework for numeric springing in Swift, written in Swift 5, currently supporting iOS 10 and newer.

Allows easy creation of spring animations, in cases where e.g. UIView.animate isn't a viable option, e.g. if the target value can change dynamically at any given time.

A sample project showcasing some animations which can be made using this framework can be found here.


Swift Package Manager

With your project opened in Xcode, follow these steps to add the Numeric Springing framework to your project:

  1. Select your project.
  2. Click Swift Packages.
  3. Click the Add button (+ symbol).
  4. Enter the following repository URL:
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select your preferred import/version rules. Unless you have specific reasons not to, I recommend using the default settings.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Ensure the Package NumericSpringing is selected, and that the correct target is selected.
  9. Click Finish.

You will need to include import NumericSpringing in the source files which use the Numeric Springing framework.

How to use

To use a spring, you will generally need to store it in a variable, in order to update its target values.

Code Example -- toggling rotation of a view

For this, we need a view to rotate, as well as 2 other variables -- one for the spring, and one to keep track of which rotation value we're wanting.

private var rotateView: UIView!
private var rotateSpring: Spring<CGFloat>?
private var rotateToggled = false

For convenience, we'll have a variable that gives us our target rotation value:

private var rotationValue: CGFloat {
    return self.rotateToggled ? CGFloat.pi / 2 : 0

Next, we create the spring. This is also where we have our animation closure. Remember to consider retain cycles here, and apply [weak self] as appropriate:

self.rotateSpring = .createBasicSpring(startValue: self.rotationValue, animationClosure: { [weak self] (animationValue) in
    self?.rotateView.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: animationValue)

Note that creating a spring does not make it animate automatically. To start the animation, either call startSpringAnimation(), or updateTargetValue with the startIfPaused flag set to true (default = true).

Finally, we add a gesture recognizer to allow us to tap our rotateView.

self.rotateView.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(rotateViewTapped)))
// ...
@objc func rotateViewTapped() {

Tapping rotateView will now cause it to rotate with a spring. Note also that the target value can be updated at any time, and the spring will dynamically feed the animation closure with the correct animation values.

In addition to createBasicSpring, there is also factory method called createCustomSpring -- this allows you to tweak the various parameters to get the desired effect.

Supported types

The Numeric Springing framework works by making a type conform to the Springable protocol. A Spring operates on Springable objects. Internally, the Numeric Spring framework does math using Double.

This means that custom classes and structs can support the Numeric Springing framework. The only requirements to conform to the Springable protocol is that the class/struct must be able to convert from and to 1 or more Double values.

Already supported types

The following types are already supported in the Numeric Springing framework:

  • Double.
  • CGFloat.
  • CGPoint.
  • Int.
  • Arrays of supported types are also supported (non-nested).

Adding support for new types

To add support for a new type, make the type conform to the Springableprotocol. The Springable protocol has 3 requirements:

  • public static var numValuesNeededForSpringInitialization: Int { get } -- How many Doubles are consumed when initializing a single instance of the object. For array purposes.

  • public var values: [Double] { get } -- Convert an object of the required type into an array of Doubles, for use internally in the Numeric Spring framework.

  • public static func from(values: [Double]) -> T -- Given an array of Doubles, create an object of the required type.

Example, CGFloat

extension CGFloat: Springable {

    public static var numValuesNeededForSpringInitialization: Int {
        return 1
    public var values: [Double] {
        return [Double(self)]

    public static func from(values: [Double]) -> CGFloat {
        guard values.count == numValuesNeededForSpringInitialization else {
            fatalError("Attemping to create 1x CGFloat from \(values.count) values. Expected \(numValuesNeededForSpringInitialization).")
        return CGFloat(values[0])

Known issues/TODOs

  • Supporting nested arrays.


Based on Ming-Lun "Allen" Chou's blog posts on numeric springing:


A framework for numeric springing in Swift.







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