## 默认固件功能- 时钟和秒表(时钟通过右边的多功能按钮向下长按拨动2秒钟,可进入时间调节模式,向上拨动进行调节)
- 休眠(长按灭屏+休眠)
- 重力键盘、水平仪、重力小球走迷宫
- 3D渲染
- FlappyBird
- 开关机在侧面的拨动开关,拨到下面是开机,拨到上面是关机(锂电池的正极和PCB之间变为断开)
- 如上,如果插入USB给锂电池充电,需要把拨动开关拨到下面,才能正常充进去电,否则仅为USB给ESP32供电(改进版已经修复这个问题)
- 锂电池充电管理IC是TP4057,充电电流配置为400mA,充电时间大概10-20分钟左右,充满后自动停止充电
- 下载Arduino: http://www.arduino.cc
- 下载本github项目的最新版本zip包(git clone也可以)
GPIO | Peripheral | Notes |
GPIO0 | 侧按开关 | Pulled Up, 按下可以在启动时作为flash开关 |
GPIO12 | 多功能开关Pin1 | Pulled Up |
GPIO5 | 多功能开关Pin2 | Pulled Up |
GPIO13 | 多功能开关 按下 | Pulled Up |
GPIO9 | TP4057充电芯片CHRG脚 | 表示充电状态,Pulled Up |
GPIO4 | MPU6050 Interrupt | |
GPIO32 | VBAT_SENSOR | 电池电压ADC检测,使用100K和300K电阻分压后给GPIO,GPIO电压是VBAT的四分之三 |
GPIO27 | TFT_DC | aka TFT_RS |
GPIO14 | TFT_CS | |
GPIO15 | TFT_BACKLIGHT | P-MOS管TFT背光控制,默认上拉不亮,低电平点亮 |
GPIO23 | TFT_SDA | ESP32 full speed SPI(VSPI) |
GPIO18 | TFT_SCL | ESP32 full speed SPI(VSPI) |
GPIO22 | SCL | ESP32 hardware I2C |
GPIO21 | SDA | ESP32 hardware I2C |
Device | I2C address | Arduino Library | Notes |
RTC | 0x51 | https://github.com/NeiroNx/RTCLib | PCF8563 |
MPU6050 | 0x68 | https://github.com/tockn/MPU6050_tockn | |
BMP280 | 0x76 | https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_BMP280_Library | 初始化时需指定0x76地址:bmp.begin(BMP280_ADDRESS_ALT) |
- 现在WatchIO强制烧了efuse配置flash SDIO_VCC是3.3V,也就是设置忽略了MTDI的strapping pin,这样可以释放出一个GPIO12。
- 命令: espefuse.py set_flash_voltage 3.3V 参考 https://blog.csdn.net/u010631857/article/details/78323512 和 https://github.com/espressif/esptool/wiki/espefuse
Program your board using the esptool.py program, found here. If you are putting MicroPython on your board for the first time then you should first erase the entire flash using:
esptool.py --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 erase_flash
From then on program the firmware starting at address 0x1000:
esptool.py --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 460800 write_flash -z 0x1000 esp32-20190101-v1.10.bin
GPIO | Peripheral | Notes |
GPIO0 | 侧按开关 | Pulled Up, 按下可以在启动时作为flash开关 |
GPIO12 | 多功能开关Pin1 | Pulled Up |
GPIO9 | 多功能开关Pin2 | Pulled Up |
GPIO13 | 多功能开关 按下 | Pulled Up |
GPIO4 | MPU6050 Interrupt | |
GPIO32 | VBAT_SENSOR | 电池电压ADC检测,使用100K和300K电阻分压后给GPIO,GPIO电压是VBAT的四分之三 |
GPIO27 | TFT_DC | aka TFT_RS |
GPIO14 | TFT_CS | |
GPIO15 | TFT_BACKLIGHT | P-MOS管TFT背光控制,默认上拉不亮,低电平点亮 |
GPIO23 | TFT_SDA | ESP32 full speed SPI(VSPI) |
GPIO18 | TFT_SCL | ESP32 full speed SPI(VSPI) |
GPIO22 | SCL | ESP32 hardware I2C |
GPIO21 | SDA | ESP32 hardware I2C |