The DistributedTimeWindow
class is designed to manage and synchronize time windows across distributed systems. This class ensures that operations within a specified time window are coordinated and consistent across different nodes in a distributed environment.
- Time Window Management: Define and manage time windows for operations.
- Purge on Time or Length: Purge a window based on time or on length of accumulated elements in that window.
- Synchronization: Ensure time windows are synchronized across distributed nodes.
- Distributed System: Designed to be used in multi-threaded and multi-process environments.
import { DistributedTimeWindow } from '../distributed-time-window.js';
import { IAccumulator } from '../i-accumulator';
import { IDistributedSortedSet } from '../i-distributed-sorted-set';
import { IORedisClientPool } from "redis-abstraction";
// Example implementation of IAccumulator
// This is for single thread only, For multi-threads implement this on SharedBuffer. For multi-process implement this on Redis
class ExampleAccumulator implements IAccumulator<string> {
constructor(private readonly redisPool: IORedisClientPool, private readonly identity: string) { }
public async add(value: string | string[]): Promise<number> {
const token = this.redisPool.generateUniqueToken(this.identity);
try {
await this.redisPool.acquire(token);
const values = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];
return await, ['rpush', this.identity, ...values]) as number;
finally {
await this.redisPool.release(token);
public async drain(count: number): Promise<string[]> {
const token = this.redisPool.generateUniqueToken(this.identity);
try {
await this.redisPool.acquire(token);
return await, ['lpop', this.identity, count]) as string[];
finally {
await this.redisPool.release(token);
public async flush(): Promise<string[]> {
const token = this.redisPool.generateUniqueToken(this.identity);
try {
await this.redisPool.acquire(token);
const count = await, ['llen', this.identity]) as number;
if (count > 0) {
return await, ['lpop', this.identity, count]) as string[];
else {
return [];
finally {
await this.redisPool.release(token);
// Example implementation of IDistributedSortedSet
// This is for single thread only, For multi-threads implement this on SharedBuffer. For multi-process implement this on Redis
class ExampleDistributedSortedSet implements IDistributedSortedSet<string> {
constructor(private readonly redisPool: IORedisClientPool, private readonly identity: string) { }
public async add(key: string, sortId: number): Promise<boolean> {
const token = this.redisPool.generateUniqueToken(this.identity);
try {
await this.redisPool.acquire(token);
const insertCount = await, ['zadd', this.identity, sortId, key]) as number;
if (insertCount === 0) {
return false;
else {
return true;
finally {
await this.redisPool.release(token);
public async drain(sortId: number, operator: "lt"): Promise<string[]> {
// This function has to be atomic, redis does not support a single command to fetch and remove elements from a sorted set.
// The idea is to fetch the elements that are less than the sortId, then remove them from the sorted set.
// If the deletion is successful then surely this client has got the elements and not shared with any other client, Thus creating atomic operation.
if (operator !== "lt") {
throw new Error("Invalid operator");
const token = this.redisPool.generateUniqueToken(this.identity);
try {
await this.redisPool.acquire(token);
const members = await, ['zrangebyscore', this.identity, "-inf", `(${sortId}`]) as string[];
const multiCommands = string) => ['zrem', this.identity, member]);
if (multiCommands.length > 0) {
const multiResponse = await this.redisPool.pipeline(token, multiCommands, true) as string[];
const results = new Array<string>();
for (const [index, deleted] of multiResponse.entries()) {
if (parseInt(deleted, 10) === 1) {
return results;
else {
return [];
finally {
await this.redisPool.release(token);
public async flush(): Promise<string[]> {
const token = this.redisPool.generateUniqueToken(this.identity);
try {
await this.redisPool.acquire(token);
const count = await, ['zcard', this.identity]) as number;
if (count > 0) {
return await, ['zpopmin', this.identity, count]) as string[];
else {
return [];
finally {
await this.redisPool.release(token);
const myIdentity = "ME";//`${}-${process.hrtime().toString()}`;
const singleNodeRedisConnectionString = "redis://localhost:6379";
const connectionInjector = () => IORedisClientPool.IORedisClientClusterFactory([singleNodeRedisConnectionString]);
const redisPool = new IORedisClientPool(connectionInjector, 2);
const dSortedSet = new ExampleDistributedSortedSet(redisPool, `${myIdentity}-sorted-set`);
const accumulatorList = new Map<string, ExampleAccumulator>();
// Resolver for Accumulator
const accumulatorResolver = (identity: string) => {
let existingAcc = accumulatorList.get(identity);
if (existingAcc === undefined) {
existingAcc = new ExampleAccumulator(redisPool, `${myIdentity}-accumulator` + identity);
accumulatorList.set(identity, existingAcc);
return existingAcc;
const countWindowSize = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;// Keeping it large to avoid any count based tick.
const timeoutInSeconds = 10;// Time after which the tick will be triggered in a distributed fashion.
// Create an instance of DistributedTimeWindow
const debouncer = new DistributedTimeWindow<string>(countWindowSize, timeoutInSeconds, dSortedSet, accumulatorResolver, tick);
debouncer.push("Trigger Me"); // Just a message to accumulate for a batch.
// Callback function to handle flushed windows
function tick(payloads: string[][]) {
console.log(`${myIdentity}: Triggered at ${new Date().toISOString()}, payloads:${payloads.length}`);
debouncer.push("Trigger Me");