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Prototype tool for editing W3C Data Cube DSDs

Getting started

DSD-Editor is a single page application built with React. It was bootstraped with Create React App and designed thanks to Bootstrap. To run the application in development mode, run the following commands from a shell prompt in the local directory, and then navigate to http://localhost:3000:

# Download all the dependencies needed by the application
yarn install
# Compiles the code and starts a minimal web server
yarn start

W3C Data Cube DSDs Model

"DSDs Model"

DSD-Editor Model


Attribute Predicat Type
rdf:type qb:DataStructureDefinition
Identifier dcterms:identifier xsd:string
Label rdfs:label xsd:string (typed by lang)
Description dc:description xsd:string (typed by lang)
ComponentSpecification qb:Component URI (ComponentSpecification)

Component Specification

Attribute Predicat Type
rdf:type qb:ComponentSpecification
Property qb:ComponentProperty URI (ComponentProperty)
Attachement qb:componentAttachement URI (componentAttachement)

Component Property

Attribute Predicat Type
rdf:type qb:{type}Property
Identifier dcterms:identifier xsd:string
Label rdfs:label xsd:string (typed by lang)
Concept qb:concept URI
Range rdfs:range xsd type or URI
CodeList qb:codeList URI (ComponentSpecification)

{type} can only be one of : Attribute, Dimension, Measure or Coded
A Component Property can also combine types.

Linkable Concepts

Attribute Predicat Type
rdf:type skos:Concept
Label rdfs:label / skos:prefLabel xsd:string (typed by lang)

Linkable CodeList

Attribute Predicat Type
rdf:type sdmx:CodeList
Label skos:prefLabel xsd:string (typed by lang)