diff --git a/docs/notebooks/Topic_dendrogram.ipynb b/docs/notebooks/Topic_dendrogram.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1632d9d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/notebooks/Topic_dendrogram.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,5733 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Visualizing Topic clusters\n",
+ "\n",
+ "In this notebook, we will learn how to visualize topic clusters using dendrogram. Dendrogram is a tree-structured graph which can be used to visualize the result of a hierarchical clustering calculation. Hierarchical clustering puts individual data points into similarity groups, without prior knowledge of groups. We can use it to explore the topic models and see how the topics are connected to each other in a sequence of successive fusions or divisions that occur in the clustering process."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 1,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Using TensorFlow backend.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "text/vnd.plotly.v1+html": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "from gensim.models.ldamodel import LdaModel\n",
+ "from gensim.corpora import Dictionary\n",
+ "from gensim.parsing.preprocessing import remove_stopwords, strip_punctuation\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import numpy as np\n",
+ "import pandas as pd\n",
+ "import re\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import plotly.offline as py\n",
+ "import plotly.graph_objs as go\n",
+ "\n",
+ "py.init_notebook_mode()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Train Model\n",
+ "\n",
+ "We'll use the [fake news dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/mrisdal/fake-news) from kaggle for this notebook. First step is to preprocess the data and train our topic model using LDA. You can refer to this [notebook](https://github.com/RaRe-Technologies/gensim/blob/develop/docs/notebooks/lda_training_tips.ipynb) also for tips and suggestions of pre-processing the text data, and how to train LDA model for getting good results."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "df_fake = pd.read_csv('fake.csv')\n",
+ "df_fake[['title', 'text', 'language']].head()\n",
+ "df_fake = df_fake.loc[(pd.notnull(df_fake.text)) & (df_fake.language == 'english')]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# remove stopwords and punctuations\n",
+ "def preprocess(row):\n",
+ " return strip_punctuation(remove_stopwords(row.lower()))\n",
+ " \n",
+ "df_fake['text'] = df_fake['text'].apply(preprocess)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Convert data to required input format by LDA\n",
+ "texts = []\n",
+ "for line in df_fake.text:\n",
+ " lowered = line.lower()\n",
+ " words = re.findall(r'\\w+', lowered, flags=re.UNICODE|re.LOCALE)\n",
+ " texts.append(words)\n",
+ "# Create a dictionary representation of the documents.\n",
+ "dictionary = Dictionary(texts)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Filter out words that occur less than 2 documents, or more than 30% of the documents.\n",
+ "dictionary.filter_extremes(no_below=2, no_above=0.4)\n",
+ "# Bag-of-words representation of the documents.\n",
+ "corpus_fake = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in texts]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "lda_fake = LdaModel(corpus=corpus_fake, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=35, passes=30, chunksize=1500, iterations=200, alpha='auto')\n",
+ "lda_fake.save('lda_35')"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "lda_fake = LdaModel.load('lda_35')"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Basic Dendrogram\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Firstly, a distance matrix is calculated to store distance between every topic pair. These distances are then used ascendingly to cluster the topics together whose process is depicted by the dendrogram."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# This input cell contains the modified code from Plotly[1]. \n",
+ "# It can be removed after PR (https://github.com/plotly/plotly.py/pull/807) gets merged.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# [1] https://github.com/plotly/plotly.py/blob/master/plotly/figure_factory/_dendrogram.py\n",
+ "\n",
+ "from collections import OrderedDict\n",
+ "\n",
+ "from plotly import exceptions, optional_imports\n",
+ "from plotly.graph_objs import graph_objs\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Optional imports, may be None for users that only use our core functionality.\n",
+ "np = optional_imports.get_module('numpy')\n",
+ "scp = optional_imports.get_module('scipy')\n",
+ "sch = optional_imports.get_module('scipy.cluster.hierarchy')\n",
+ "scs = optional_imports.get_module('scipy.spatial')\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def create_dendrogram(X, orientation=\"bottom\", labels=None,\n",
+ " colorscale=None, distfun=None,\n",
+ " linkagefun=lambda x: sch.linkage(x, 'single'),\n",
+ " annotation=None):\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " BETA function that returns a dendrogram Plotly figure object.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " :param (ndarray) X: Matrix of observations as array of arrays\n",
+ " :param (str) orientation: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', or 'left'\n",
+ " :param (list) labels: List of axis category labels(observation labels)\n",
+ " :param (list) colorscale: Optional colorscale for dendrogram tree\n",
+ " :param (function) distfun: Function to compute the pairwise distance from\n",
+ " the observations\n",
+ " :param (function) linkagefun: Function to compute the linkage matrix from\n",
+ " the pairwise distances\n",
+ "\n",
+ " clusters\n",
+ "\n",
+ " Example 1: Simple bottom oriented dendrogram\n",
+ " ```\n",
+ " import plotly.plotly as py\n",
+ " from plotly.figure_factory import create_dendrogram\n",
+ "\n",
+ " import numpy as np\n",
+ "\n",
+ " X = np.random.rand(10,10)\n",
+ " dendro = create_dendrogram(X)\n",
+ " plot_url = py.plot(dendro, filename='simple-dendrogram')\n",
+ "\n",
+ " ```\n",
+ "\n",
+ " Example 2: Dendrogram to put on the left of the heatmap\n",
+ " ```\n",
+ " import plotly.plotly as py\n",
+ " from plotly.figure_factory import create_dendrogram\n",
+ "\n",
+ " import numpy as np\n",
+ "\n",
+ " X = np.random.rand(5,5)\n",
+ " names = ['Jack', 'Oxana', 'John', 'Chelsea', 'Mark']\n",
+ " dendro = create_dendrogram(X, orientation='right', labels=names)\n",
+ " dendro['layout'].update({'width':700, 'height':500})\n",
+ "\n",
+ " py.iplot(dendro, filename='vertical-dendrogram')\n",
+ " ```\n",
+ "\n",
+ " Example 3: Dendrogram with Pandas\n",
+ " ```\n",
+ " import plotly.plotly as py\n",
+ " from plotly.figure_factory import create_dendrogram\n",
+ "\n",
+ " import numpy as np\n",
+ " import pandas as pd\n",
+ "\n",
+ " Index= ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J']\n",
+ " df = pd.DataFrame(abs(np.random.randn(10, 10)), index=Index)\n",
+ " fig = create_dendrogram(df, labels=Index)\n",
+ " url = py.plot(fig, filename='pandas-dendrogram')\n",
+ " ```\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " if not scp or not scs or not sch:\n",
+ " raise ImportError(\"FigureFactory.create_dendrogram requires scipy, \\\n",
+ " scipy.spatial and scipy.hierarchy\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ " s = X.shape\n",
+ " if len(s) != 2:\n",
+ " exceptions.PlotlyError(\"X should be 2-dimensional array.\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if distfun is None:\n",
+ " distfun = scs.distance.pdist\n",
+ "\n",
+ " dendrogram = _Dendrogram(X, orientation, labels, colorscale,\n",
+ " distfun=distfun, linkagefun=linkagefun,\n",
+ " annotation=annotation)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " return {'layout': dendrogram.layout,\n",
+ " 'data': dendrogram.data}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "class _Dendrogram(object):\n",
+ " \"\"\"Refer to FigureFactory.create_dendrogram() for docstring.\"\"\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ " def __init__(self, X, orientation='bottom', labels=None, colorscale=None,\n",
+ " width=\"100%\", height=\"100%\", xaxis='xaxis', yaxis='yaxis',\n",
+ " distfun=None,\n",
+ " linkagefun=lambda x: sch.linkage(x, 'single'),\n",
+ " annotation=None):\n",
+ " self.orientation = orientation\n",
+ " self.labels = labels\n",
+ " self.xaxis = xaxis\n",
+ " self.yaxis = yaxis\n",
+ " self.data = []\n",
+ " self.leaves = []\n",
+ " self.sign = {self.xaxis: 1, self.yaxis: 1}\n",
+ " self.layout = {self.xaxis: {}, self.yaxis: {}}\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if self.orientation in ['left', 'bottom']:\n",
+ " self.sign[self.xaxis] = 1\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " self.sign[self.xaxis] = -1\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if self.orientation in ['right', 'bottom']:\n",
+ " self.sign[self.yaxis] = 1\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " self.sign[self.yaxis] = -1\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if distfun is None:\n",
+ " distfun = scs.distance.pdist\n",
+ "\n",
+ " (dd_traces, xvals, yvals,\n",
+ " ordered_labels, leaves) = self.get_dendrogram_traces(X, colorscale, distfun, linkagefun, annotation)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " self.labels = ordered_labels\n",
+ " self.leaves = leaves\n",
+ " yvals_flat = yvals.flatten()\n",
+ " xvals_flat = xvals.flatten()\n",
+ "\n",
+ " self.zero_vals = []\n",
+ "\n",
+ " for i in range(len(yvals_flat)):\n",
+ " if yvals_flat[i] == 0.0 and xvals_flat[i] not in self.zero_vals:\n",
+ " self.zero_vals.append(xvals_flat[i])\n",
+ "\n",
+ " self.zero_vals.sort()\n",
+ "\n",
+ " self.layout = self.set_figure_layout(width, height)\n",
+ " self.data = graph_objs.Data(dd_traces)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " def get_color_dict(self, colorscale):\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " Returns colorscale used for dendrogram tree clusters.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " :param (list) colorscale: Colors to use for the plot in rgb format.\n",
+ " :rtype (dict): A dict of default colors mapped to the user colorscale.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # These are the color codes returned for dendrograms\n",
+ " # We're replacing them with nicer colors\n",
+ " d = {'r': 'red',\n",
+ " 'g': 'green',\n",
+ " 'b': 'blue',\n",
+ " 'c': 'cyan',\n",
+ " 'm': 'magenta',\n",
+ " 'y': 'yellow',\n",
+ " 'k': 'black',\n",
+ " 'w': 'white'}\n",
+ " default_colors = OrderedDict(sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if colorscale is None:\n",
+ " colorscale = [\n",
+ " 'rgb(0,116,217)', # blue\n",
+ " 'rgb(35,205,205)', # cyan\n",
+ " 'rgb(61,153,112)', # green\n",
+ " 'rgb(40,35,35)', # black\n",
+ " 'rgb(133,20,75)', # magenta\n",
+ " 'rgb(255,65,54)', # red\n",
+ " 'rgb(255,255,255)', # white\n",
+ " 'rgb(255,220,0)'] # yellow\n",
+ "\n",
+ " for i in range(len(default_colors.keys())):\n",
+ " k = list(default_colors.keys())[i] # PY3 won't index keys\n",
+ " if i < len(colorscale):\n",
+ " default_colors[k] = colorscale[i]\n",
+ "\n",
+ " return default_colors\n",
+ "\n",
+ " def set_axis_layout(self, axis_key):\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " Sets and returns default axis object for dendrogram figure.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " :param (str) axis_key: E.g., 'xaxis', 'xaxis1', 'yaxis', yaxis1', etc.\n",
+ " :rtype (dict): An axis_key dictionary with set parameters.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " axis_defaults = {\n",
+ " 'type': 'linear',\n",
+ " 'ticks': 'outside',\n",
+ " 'mirror': 'allticks',\n",
+ " 'rangemode': 'tozero',\n",
+ " 'showticklabels': True,\n",
+ " 'zeroline': False,\n",
+ " 'showgrid': False,\n",
+ " 'showline': True,\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if len(self.labels) != 0:\n",
+ " axis_key_labels = self.xaxis\n",
+ " if self.orientation in ['left', 'right']:\n",
+ " axis_key_labels = self.yaxis\n",
+ " if axis_key_labels not in self.layout:\n",
+ " self.layout[axis_key_labels] = {}\n",
+ " self.layout[axis_key_labels]['tickvals'] = \\\n",
+ " [zv*self.sign[axis_key] for zv in self.zero_vals]\n",
+ " self.layout[axis_key_labels]['ticktext'] = self.labels\n",
+ " self.layout[axis_key_labels]['tickmode'] = 'array'\n",
+ "\n",
+ " self.layout[axis_key].update(axis_defaults)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " return self.layout[axis_key]\n",
+ "\n",
+ " def set_figure_layout(self, width, height):\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " Sets and returns default layout object for dendrogram figure.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " self.layout.update({\n",
+ " 'showlegend': False,\n",
+ " 'autosize': False,\n",
+ " 'hovermode': 'closest',\n",
+ " 'width': width,\n",
+ " 'height': height\n",
+ " })\n",
+ "\n",
+ " self.set_axis_layout(self.xaxis)\n",
+ " self.set_axis_layout(self.yaxis)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " return self.layout\n",
+ "\n",
+ " def get_dendrogram_traces(self, X, colorscale, distfun, linkagefun, annotation):\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " Calculates all the elements needed for plotting a dendrogram.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " :param (ndarray) X: Matrix of observations as array of arrays\n",
+ " :param (list) colorscale: Color scale for dendrogram tree clusters\n",
+ " :param (function) distfun: Function to compute the pairwise distance\n",
+ " from the observations\n",
+ " :param (function) linkagefun: Function to compute the linkage matrix\n",
+ " from the pairwise distances\n",
+ " :rtype (tuple): Contains all the traces in the following order:\n",
+ " (a) trace_list: List of Plotly trace objects for dendrogram tree\n",
+ " (b) icoord: All X points of the dendrogram tree as array of arrays\n",
+ " with length 4\n",
+ " (c) dcoord: All Y points of the dendrogram tree as array of arrays\n",
+ " with length 4\n",
+ " (d) ordered_labels: leaf labels in the order they are going to\n",
+ " appear on the plot\n",
+ " (e) P['leaves']: left-to-right traversal of the leaves\n",
+ "\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " d = distfun(X)\n",
+ " Z = linkagefun(d)\n",
+ " P = sch.dendrogram(Z, orientation=self.orientation,\n",
+ " labels=self.labels, no_plot=True)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " icoord = scp.array(P['icoord'])\n",
+ " dcoord = scp.array(P['dcoord'])\n",
+ " ordered_labels = scp.array(P['ivl'])\n",
+ " color_list = scp.array(P['color_list'])\n",
+ " colors = self.get_color_dict(colorscale)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " trace_list = []\n",
+ "\n",
+ " for i in range(len(icoord)):\n",
+ " # xs and ys are arrays of 4 points that make up the '∩' shapes\n",
+ " # of the dendrogram tree\n",
+ " if self.orientation in ['top', 'bottom']:\n",
+ " xs = icoord[i]\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " xs = dcoord[i]\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if self.orientation in ['top', 'bottom']:\n",
+ " ys = dcoord[i]\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " ys = icoord[i]\n",
+ " color_key = color_list[i]\n",
+ " text_annotation = None\n",
+ " if annotation:\n",
+ " text_annotation = annotation[i]\n",
+ " trace = graph_objs.Scatter(\n",
+ " x=np.multiply(self.sign[self.xaxis], xs),\n",
+ " y=np.multiply(self.sign[self.yaxis], ys),\n",
+ " mode='lines',\n",
+ " marker=graph_objs.Marker(color=colors[color_key]),\n",
+ " text=text_annotation,\n",
+ " hoverinfo='text'\n",
+ " )\n",
+ "\n",
+ " try:\n",
+ " x_index = int(self.xaxis[-1])\n",
+ " except ValueError:\n",
+ " x_index = ''\n",
+ "\n",
+ " try:\n",
+ " y_index = int(self.yaxis[-1])\n",
+ " except ValueError:\n",
+ " y_index = ''\n",
+ "\n",
+ " trace['xaxis'] = 'x' + x_index\n",
+ " trace['yaxis'] = 'y' + y_index\n",
+ " trace_list.append(trace)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " return trace_list, icoord, dcoord, ordered_labels, P['leaves']"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 7,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true,
+ "scrolled": false
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from gensim.matutils import jensen_shannon\n",
+ "from scipy import spatial as scs\n",
+ "from scipy.cluster import hierarchy as sch\n",
+ "from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# get topic distributions\n",
+ "topic_dist = lda_fake.state.get_lambda()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# get topic terms\n",
+ "num_words = 300\n",
+ "topic_terms = [{w for (w, _) in lda_fake.show_topic(topic, topn=num_words)} for topic in range(topic_dist.shape[0])]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# no. of terms to display in annotation\n",
+ "n_ann_terms = 10\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# use Jensen-Shannon distance metric in dendrogram\n",
+ "def js_dist(X):\n",
+ " return pdist(X, lambda u, v: jensen_shannon(u, v))\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# calculate text annotations\n",
+ "def text_annotation(topic_dist, topic_terms, n_ann_terms):\n",
+ " # get dendrogram hierarchy data\n",
+ " linkagefun = lambda x: sch.linkage(x, 'single')\n",
+ " d = js_dist(topic_dist)\n",
+ " Z = linkagefun(d)\n",
+ " P = sch.dendrogram(Z, orientation=\"bottom\", no_plot=True)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # store topic no.(leaves) corresponding to the x-ticks in dendrogram\n",
+ " x_ticks = np.arange(5, len(P['leaves']) * 10 + 5, 10)\n",
+ " x_topic = dict(zip(P['leaves'], x_ticks))\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # store {topic no.:topic terms}\n",
+ " topic_vals = dict()\n",
+ " for key, val in x_topic.items():\n",
+ " topic_vals[val] = (topic_terms[key], topic_terms[key])\n",
+ "\n",
+ " text_annotations = []\n",
+ " # loop through every trace (scatter plot) in dendrogram\n",
+ " for trace in P['icoord']:\n",
+ " fst_topic = topic_vals[trace[0]]\n",
+ " scnd_topic = topic_vals[trace[2]]\n",
+ " \n",
+ " # annotation for two ends of current trace\n",
+ " pos_tokens_t1 = list(fst_topic[0])[:min(len(fst_topic[0]), n_ann_terms)]\n",
+ " neg_tokens_t1 = list(fst_topic[1])[:min(len(fst_topic[1]), n_ann_terms)]\n",
+ "\n",
+ " pos_tokens_t4 = list(scnd_topic[0])[:min(len(scnd_topic[0]), n_ann_terms)]\n",
+ " neg_tokens_t4 = list(scnd_topic[1])[:min(len(scnd_topic[1]), n_ann_terms)]\n",
+ "\n",
+ " t1 = \"
\".join((\": \".join((\"+++\", str(pos_tokens_t1))), \": \".join((\"---\", str(neg_tokens_t1)))))\n",
+ " t2 = t3 = ()\n",
+ " t4 = \"
\".join((\": \".join((\"+++\", str(pos_tokens_t4))), \": \".join((\"---\", str(neg_tokens_t4)))))\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # show topic terms in leaves\n",
+ " if trace[0] in x_ticks:\n",
+ " t1 = str(list(topic_vals[trace[0]][0])[:n_ann_terms])\n",
+ " if trace[2] in x_ticks:\n",
+ " t4 = str(list(topic_vals[trace[2]][0])[:n_ann_terms])\n",
+ "\n",
+ " text_annotations.append([t1, t2, t3, t4])\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # calculate intersecting/diff for upper level\n",
+ " intersecting = fst_topic[0] & scnd_topic[0]\n",
+ " different = fst_topic[0].symmetric_difference(scnd_topic[0])\n",
+ "\n",
+ " center = (trace[0] + trace[2]) / 2\n",
+ " topic_vals[center] = (intersecting, different)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " # remove trace value after it is annotated\n",
+ " topic_vals.pop(trace[0], None)\n",
+ " topic_vals.pop(trace[2], None) \n",
+ " \n",
+ " return text_annotations"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 8,
+ "metadata": {
+ "scrolled": false
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.plotly.v1+json": {
+ "data": [
+ {
+ "hoverinfo": "text",
+ "marker": {
+ "color": "rgb(61,153,112)"
+ },
+ "mode": "lines",
+ "text": [
+ "['they', 'attorney', 'robert', 'refuge', 'project', 'obama', 'same', 'following', 'year', 'news']",
+ [],
+ [],
+ "['70', 'they', 'currently', 'german', 'course', 'past', 'following', 'year', 'race', 'news']"
+ ],
+ "type": "scatter",
+ "x": [
+ 155,
+ 155,
+ 165,
+ 165
+ ],
+ "xaxis": "x",
+ "y": [
+ 0,
+ 0.30135198617159836,
+ 0.30135198617159836,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "yaxis": "y"
+ },
+ {
+ "hoverinfo": "text",
+ "marker": {
+ "color": "rgb(255,65,54)"
+ },
+ "mode": "lines",
+ "text": [
+ "['they', 'collusion', 'now', 'mails', 'obama', 'knows', 'year', 'following', 'news', 'don']",
+ [],
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+ "source": [
+ "# get text annotations\n",
+ "annotation = text_annotation(topic_dist, topic_terms, n_ann_terms)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Plot dendrogram\n",
+ "dendro = create_dendrogram(topic_dist, distfun=js_dist, labels=range(1, 36), annotation=annotation)\n",
+ "dendro['layout'].update({'width': 1000, 'height': 600})\n",
+ "py.iplot(dendro)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "The x-axis or the leaves of hierarchy represent the topics of our LDA model, y-axis is a measure of closeness of either individual topics or their cluster. Essentially, the y-axis level at which the branches merge (relative to the \"root\" of the tree) is related to their similarity. For ex., topic 4 and 30 are more similar to each other than to topic 32. In addition, topic 18 and 24 are more similar to 35 than topic 4 and 30 are to topic 32 as the height on which they merge is lower than the merge height of 4/30 to 32.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Text annotations visible on hovering over the cluster nodes show the intersecting/different terms of it's two child nodes. Cluster node on first hierarchy level uses the topics on leaves directly to calculate intersecting/different terms, and the upper nodes assume the intersection(+++) as the topic terms of it's child node.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "This type of tree graph could help us see the high level cluster theme that might exist in our data as we can see the common/different terms of combined topics in a cluster head annotation."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Dendrogram with a Heatmap\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Now lets append the distance matrix of the topics below the dendrogram in form of heatmap so that we can see the exact distances between all pair of topics."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 9,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# get text annotations\n",
+ "annotation = text_annotation(topic_dist, topic_terms, n_ann_terms)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Initialize figure by creating upper dendrogram\n",
+ "figure = create_dendrogram(topic_dist, distfun=js_dist, labels=range(1, 36), annotation=annotation)\n",
+ "for i in range(len(figure['data'])):\n",
+ " figure['data'][i]['yaxis'] = 'y2'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 17,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# get distance matrix and it's topic annotations\n",
+ "mdiff, annotation = lda_fake.diff(lda_fake, distance=\"jensen_shannon\", normed=False)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# get reordered topic list\n",
+ "dendro_leaves = figure['layout']['xaxis']['ticktext']\n",
+ "dendro_leaves = [x - 1 for x in dendro_leaves]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# reorder distance matrix\n",
+ "heat_data = mdiff[dendro_leaves, :]\n",
+ "heat_data = heat_data[:, dendro_leaves]"
+ ]
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+ "+++ reported, city, the, killed, october
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+ "+++ year, 4, years
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+ "+++ years, year, the, house, told
--- ban, fucking, human, rape, twitter, hospital, addicts, you, lack, campaign",
+ "+++ day, media, don, men, death, way, year, them, right, the
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+ "+++ news, reported, years, october, school, according, day, told, way, don
--- evidence, party, she, girl, a, romney, reportedly, count, 4, me",
+ "+++ year, day, 4, years
--- contains, need, social, october, animal, ve, animals, me, cup, add",
+ "+++ the, tv, says, years, i, there, life, way, don, right
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+ "+++ right, october, news, house, years, story, the, media
--- court, friends, home, says, carter, hamilton, went, contra, u, control",
+ "+++ face, right, the, you, day, women, me, way, i, men
--- coaching, talk, america, christian, real, going, thing, yes, come, court",
+ "+++ news, reported, i, house, law, october, days, told, day, years
--- media, marijuana, act, vaccine, know, got, sex, them, friday, women",
+ "+++ 4, october, tv, according, the, media, i, reported, twitter, news
--- crew, quake, child, room, cooking, young, pilger, liquid, rt, them",
+ "+++ the, according, media, called
--- victims, islamic, person, family, friend, google, bashar, way, home, iranian",
+ "+++ reported, october, police, according, re, told, law, share, man, stop
--- williams, access, dna, dakota, north, them, sexual, scene, riot, friend",
+ "+++ the, years, called
--- you, pope, japan, cooperation, online, policy, refugees, her, utm, political",
+ "+++ i, them, don, right, the, re, day, person, life, face
--- facebook, deep, mind, woman, able, reality, means, room, look, 20"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ ve, years, i, you, way, home, children, year, man, face
--- victims, palestine, online, car, click, dead, rape, didn, son, posted",
+ "+++ hamas, feature, bookmark, bread, face, hair, temple, arab, site, unesco
--- ",
+ "+++ land, the, world, years, state, 2, right, year, way
--- place, visas, blood, access, companies, connection, issue, billion, bookmark, insurance",
+ "+++ now, posted, day, right, i, october, year, times, state, the
--- officials, ingredients, wine, good, palestinians, told, weiner, west, connection, jewish",
+ "+++ the, 2, october, state, year, children, years, world
--- major, hamas, added, groups, residents, army, 2014, hebrew, ancient, right",
+ "+++ i, ago, children, day, world, old, 2, year, x, years
--- f, m, japanese, earthquake, dose, incident, hormones, israel, permalink, general",
+ "+++ year, posted, bank, years, world, state, 2
--- banks, china, home, mount, news, israelis, occupied, larry, making, kara",
+ "+++ i, ve, re, day, way, children, posted, think, dead, year
--- comments, anonymous, sickness, code, fatigue, check, ancient, 11, went, lord",
+ "+++ life, the, world, ancient, i, posted, year, re, 2, you
--- david, control, medical, humans, bread, x, human, 4, state, monsanto",
+ "+++ dose, i, ingredients
--- gaza, green, compounds, blood, persian, re, b, israeli, study, ve",
+ "+++ mr, think, re, day, october, man, times, way, the, state
--- settlements, world, bread, years, bookmark, wall, bank, arab, making, occupied",
+ "+++ state, the, day, don, i, re, right
--- issues, temple, world, veritas, donald, case, going, ago, fraud, charges",
+ "+++ year, you, day, october, old, period, years, times, 2, world
--- arctic, south, feature, bad, home, away, life, ice, hebrew, dimples",
+ "+++ re, don, right, home, times, state, year
--- settlements, matter, went, drink, cancel, posted, israel, americans, democratic, period",
+ "+++ year, the, world, state, years
--- land, article, quran, having, mount, face, video, fargo, again, afghan",
+ "+++ 2, click, x, world, site, life, land
--- think, tomb, went, way, occupied, earth, energy, drink, bank, history",
+ "+++ think, way, world, state, history, ve, bad, you, life, years
--- election, national, period, media, point, things, jerusalem, jewish, public, clinton",
+ "+++ minister, state, right, year, october, the, world, years
--- permalink, public, blood, larry, ago, countries, site, let, occupied, ve",
+ "+++ the, arab, state, palestine, october
--- isil, trouble, terrorists, reported, turkey, fatigue, wine, vehicles, army, connection",
+ "+++ years, the, world, living, day, october, re
--- home, stuart, dimples, ago, wine, chlorine, 3, times, crimea, nato",
+ "+++ life, blood, 2, year, years, times, the, children
--- science, aristocracy, ancient, media, fatigue, mr, doctors, study, ago, authority",
+ "+++ 2, year, state, years
--- immigration, support, place, making, class, dose, programs, you, bank, hillary",
+ "+++ state, years, year, the
--- site, god, ancient, mosque, fsa, drugs, re, think, medicare, hair",
+ "+++ good, land, day, now, world, west, the, times, place, way
--- ve, law, aircraft, western, dimples, minister, them, posted, unesco, we",
+ "+++ october, years, day, year, posted, 2, state, way, don
--- point, donald, democratic, candidate, the, evidence, 12, school, post, x",
+ "+++ day, years, year, add, blood, world, 2, good
--- october, kara, reduce, water, mount, trouble, click, i, think, unesco",
+ "+++ re, you, way, world, years, the, life, don, i, good
--- high, again, benjamin, common, parenthood, great, history, exposed, state, work",
+ "+++ october, state, x, right, the, years, history, world, times
--- don, pressure, democracies, living, posted, ago, palestinians, i, emphasized, mount",
+ "+++ now, don, ve, times, again, ago, world, years, history, state
--- larry, doesn, movie, maybe, best, little, aristocracy, arab, palestinians, hair",
+ "+++ year, state, i, years, october, day, the
--- living, netanyahu, century, american, secretary, election, 3a, world, vaccine, enforcement",
+ "+++ state, the, 2, i, posted, october
--- making, 46, trump, 34, ve, minister, 11, feature, earthquakes, fox",
+ "+++ west, world, state, the, arab
--- unesco, went, 3a, years, war, sunni, let, authority, nusra, including",
+ "+++ state, land, i, posted, day, site, re, year, man, october
--- you, comments, dose, jerusalem, indigenous, connection, hamas, share, danney, jewish",
+ "+++ years, the, west, state, history, century, minister, world
--- settlements, you, capital, again, order, persian, gaza, old, israelis, leader",
+ "+++ right, the, good, re, i, think, god, way, making, place
--- trouble, reality, connection, past, dose, true, create, wine, gaza, bad"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ according, right, year, city, years, the, court, way, law
--- news, sex, land, constitutional, days, instagram, administration, person, share, free",
+ "+++ years, world, state, way, land, year, 2, the, right
--- industry, obamacare, cost, doses, wine, court, again, place, force, aoun",
+ "+++ city, enforcement, cost, clean, the, end, world, lead, issue, force
--- ",
+ "+++ u, law, money, that, and, public, the, american, year, state
--- chairman, she, clean, courts, increase, property, records, service, including, country",
+ "+++ according, city, 2, local, world, international, year, years, human, the
--- clean, including, courts, population, access, order, groups, forces, russian, carry",
+ "+++ united, world, year, according, 000, we, years, 2, u, end
--- north, impaired, radiation, 4, pay, told, supply, rover, lead, injuries",
+ "+++ price, federal, use, company, cost, state, world, money, companies, policy
--- advertisers, markets, latest, obamacare, property, service, according, issue, investors, growth",
+ "+++ use, that, we, 2, year, way, world, going, right
--- spiritually, access, supplies, energy, policy, hillary, administration, money, text, act",
+ "+++ 2, year, we, use, world, human, work, that, according, years
--- supplies, food, billion, country, science, 4, animal, increase, body, humans",
+ "+++ use, government, public, health
--- clear, alternative, federal, cost, constitution, future, prevent, act, clinical, company",
+ "+++ we, going, way, americans, the, that, million, state, american, country
--- anti, oil, october, york, money, campaign, post, him, non, republicans",
+ "+++ court, laws, federal, going, legal, government, state, americans, that, u
--- win, election, way, local, republican, 000, visas, gop, clinton, re",
+ "+++ power, we, energy, years, world, however, according, year, water, 2
--- times, october, warm, miles, states, nasa, access, fairfax, secret, grid",
+ "+++ rights, judges, law, state, power, american, right, americans, u, work
--- increases, water, required, use, baehr, race, need, black, enforcement, same",
+ "+++ the, years, we, world, million, 000, according, that, american, state
--- olympics, center, political, pay, law, riding, recep, star, war, constitution",
+ "+++ according, however, energy, water, force, access, world, 2, environmental, land
--- sky, we, administration, property, scientists, planets, years, judges, visas, international",
+ "+++ way, the, order, right, government, we, americans, country, continue, power
--- want, millions, force, ve, pay, lead, supply, health, billion, price",
+ "+++ government, power, end, country, international, that, order, public, right, policy
--- regime, constitution, protection, russians, flint, course, news, service, company, fairfax",
+ "+++ state, the, 000, government, force, city
--- cost, map, constitutional, villages, 25, local, company, iraq, increases, environmental",
+ "+++ according, we, the, years, 2014, world, crisis
--- 2, sea, including, city, year, rivers, international, legal, environmental, administration",
+ "+++ health, however, increase, years, lead, 2, year, the, use
--- body, public, utm, dying, increases, need, constitution, taking, stress, low",
+ "+++ end, pay, americans, tax, states, that, policy, government, million, 000
--- jobs, wages, work, act, business, penalty, access, provide, law, nation",
+ "+++ obamacare, that, companies, rights, administration, human, the, act, americans, insurance
--- party, house, property, tax, maldives, doctor, going, kratom, land, problem",
+ "+++ way, power, the, state, however, order, international, year, right, land
--- insurance, use, billion, courts, day, place, act, killed, rights, later",
+ "+++ million, country, according, year, 2, way, state, lead, company, however
--- voted, infection, software, the, electronic, radioactive, 1, crisis, environmental, international",
+ "+++ free, use, year, water, world, 2, health, work, years, oil
--- 5, products, government, minutes, tea, milk, d, good, that, contains",
+ "+++ american, years, world, power, free, that, the, right, way, work
--- property, government, god, local, crisis, 000, sheet, water, best, pay",
+ "+++ right, years, the, american, state, power, future, human, u, however
--- obamacare, fiber, knowledge, plans, non, and, federal, clean, india, details",
+ "+++ country, americans, right, way, going, and, we, end, state, american
--- cost, citizens, yes, 000, companies, company, doesn, history, countries, now",
+ "+++ the, federal, american, act, public, year, administration, 000, legal, government
--- company, rover, review, clean, constitutional, reported, director, plants, health, records",
+ "+++ state, according, 2, force, the
--- fox, 6, megyn, support, posted, wearechange, pinky, use, campaign, penalty",
+ "+++ american, world, power, policy, human, countries, u, the, according, government
--- carol, afghanistan, law, islamic, service, utm, allies, judges, security, attacks",
+ "+++ use, local, we, state, rights, according, that, access, water, enforcement
--- tribe, morton, department, militarized, issue, protest, north, carol, private, united",
+ "+++ order, countries, world, state, international, power, united, government, million, country
--- ship, lead, law, refugees, end, laws, administration, agreement, supplies, property",
+ "+++ that, way, energy, the, power, right, state, world, years, money
--- 000, international, required, true, american, continue, industry, supplies, spiritual, life"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ story, october, i, the, according, right, media, days, she, day
--- toys, 4, u, wikileaks, server, took, family, sent, huma, foundation",
+ "+++ year, now, day, october, the, state, think, i, posted, right
--- place, and, election, secretary, gait, media, documents, permalink, bank, dnc",
+ "+++ american, law, state, and, u, going, money, according, year, right
--- 2, government, sources, fairfax, president, trump, john, revealed, comey, land",
+ "+++ post, public, account, john, secretary, department, according, 2015, aide, source
--- ",
+ "+++ the, source, including, state, according, year, 000, october, reports, use
--- school, held, committee, reported, officials, she, president, u, money, lives",
+ "+++ i, according, told, u, 000, day, year
--- evidence, child, obama, 2, secret, evacuation, right, injuries, tepco, staff",
+ "+++ year, state, use, u, money, news, 2015, at, information, 000
--- bitcoin, know, markets, weiner, value, big, 3, 4, foundation, york",
+ "+++ that, think, going, post, year, there, know, day, trump, i
--- spam, actually, criminal, 5, images, emails, publish, youtube, democratic, media",
+ "+++ according, source, posted, that, use, year, i, the, 000, evidence
--- revealed, officials, husband, pain, dnc, percent, she, virus, anthony, post",
+ "+++ public, i, use, media, news
--- hibiscus, reports, sources, clinton, university, leave, psychoactive, nutrients, classified, ingredients",
+ "+++ democratic, white, media, political, post, obama, trump, state, clinton, american
--- press, voters, sanders, debate, comments, country, leaked, politics, working, public",
+ "+++ trump, i, clinton, american, national, democratic, u, told, right, the
--- documents, rights, records, twitter, donald, vote, second, absentee, republican, there",
+ "+++ know, there, going, times, secret, day, according, source, year, october
--- radar, anthony, private, 3, look, white, feet, november, 14, aircraft",
+ "+++ president, house, national, fbi, campaign, foundation, public, corruption, clinton, u
--- slept, features, agents, blackberry, racial, warren, bleachbit, private, issues, weiner",
+ "+++ obama, media, national, according, american, told, 000, intelligence, president, that
--- i, criminal, breakthrough, documents, gruber, york, we, shadowproof, christians, she",
+ "+++ e, information, use, according, news, source
--- account, mobile, area, know, american, earth, emails, blank, 1, dakota",
+ "+++ now, right, that, clinton, media, trump, american, news, think, national
--- server, emails, anthony, chairman, huma, let, can, human, sources, at",
+ "+++ secretary, presidential, october, u, the, trump, american, officials, election, obama
--- likely, country, today, candidate, democratic, reports, foreign, elections, americans, wikileaks",
+ "+++ state, reported, the, october, 000
--- democratic, leaked, at, area, emails, account, according, joint, enter, president",
+ "+++ reports, including, news, according, president, october, day, the
--- huma, 58, ukrainian, gonz, public, evidence, lez, wrote, corruption, she",
+ "+++ use, year, times, evidence, media, the, reported
--- tea, problems, revealed, baby, tests, york, field, campaign, corruption, depression",
+ "+++ money, u, clinton, obama, american, hillary, national, state, political, trump
--- government, told, education, spending, banks, there, left, policy, billion, non",
+ "+++ campaign, white, president, that, state, year, obama, clinton, told, hillary
--- envelope, wrote, reports, election, according, regulated, utm, budget, shiny, investigation",
+ "+++ obama, know, that, year, president, law, national, intelligence, times, now
--- left, states, emails, army, government, clinton, citizens, reported, director, later",
+ "+++ officials, post, hillary, election, posted, day, democratic, year, reports, news
--- infection, leaked, know, points, ballot, win, think, article, husband, comey",
+ "+++ e, including, information, day, use, year
--- world, obama, chairman, eat, know, small, story, developing, that, zika",
+ "+++ american, know, there, news, the, i, right, that
--- cups, days, insert, tube, attribution, money, long, aide, reports, exposed",
+ "+++ case, u, october, media, public, news, evidence, times, state, the
--- documents, private, sent, society, richard, cube, going, podesta, emphasized, envelope",
+ "+++ that, white, right, the, going, state, times, i, there, american
--- aide, got, again, tell, away, different, immigrants, campaign, case, account",
+ "+++ according, reports, evidence, committee, secretary, days, information, state, private, post
--- filed, july, aide, u, review, official, corruption, sources, investigators, white",
+ "+++ media, i, trump, reported, the, wikileaks, october, state, posted, john
--- money, she, information, aide, magnitude, secret, envelope, fox, earthquake, 2",
+ "+++ president, american, according, u, intelligence, state, the, including, media
--- erdogan, told, foreign, eastern, policy, year, russian, now, afghanistan, security",
+ "+++ reported, that, private, day, account, i, now, year, news, know
--- podesta, thursday, there, think, scene, documents, e, camp, riot, standing",
+ "+++ including, the, state, political
--- years, reported, presidential, documents, power, uk, million, future, account, eastern",
+ "+++ obama, think, day, money, know, the, that, right, state, i
--- secretary, longer, at, sources, e, dnc, husband, best, little, she"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ city, years, children, killed, october, the, school, year, according
--- russian, says, group, photos, carry, way, police, home, migrants, research",
+ "+++ 2, state, october, year, world, the, children, years
--- aristocracy, occupied, let, france, aleppo, connection, way, west, refugee, work",
+ "+++ however, 2, million, years, work, state, city, government, 2014, international
--- right, access, 5, groups, money, residents, calais, constitution, gm, federal",
+ "+++ according, including, use, october, 000, reports, state, the, source, year
--- paris, now, children, u, 1, calais, britain, air, envelope, operation",
+ "+++ refugee, idlib, war, use, 2014, areas, pakistan, number, ministry, group
--- ",
+ "+++ years, year, general, 2, 5, 000, air, according, children, world
--- we, today, army, refugee, injuries, uk, a, authorities, groups, vietnamese",
+ "+++ use, 0, state, years, government, 1, world, 2, 3, 000
--- employees, billion, trading, companies, british, britain, reports, prices, estimated, movement",
+ "+++ a, children, use, 3, 2, october, 5, year, 0, world
--- god, website, carrier, refugee, movement, rape, victim, he, french, british",
+ "+++ work, world, according, a, 000, use, source, research, study, food
--- quality, need, type, areas, phosphorus, however, earth, authorities, similar, aleppo",
+ "+++ fact, study, british, university, a, 1, use, government, britain, group
--- cite, city, corbyn, migrants, studies, cbd, patients, army, began, october",
+ "+++ million, the, state, october
--- soros, force, source, air, aircraft, day, says, going, mediterranean, including",
+ "+++ government, project, state, the
--- according, physics, ministry, britain, mediterranean, president, forces, journalist, ryan, operation",
+ "+++ air, area, according, world, 1, year, october, 2, 3, aircraft
--- believed, use, added, nasa, 7, silver, state, 000, population, lights",
+ "+++ work, state, movement, lives, year, university
--- members, physics, refugees, khamenei, air, tim, the, racial, reports, migrants",
+ "+++ according, killed, world, led, study, year, years, war, million, 000
--- however, calais, 234, center, signals, university, biden, shadowproof, admiral, toosi",
+ "+++ use, air, a, 5, according, source, 3, world, area, however
--- e, areas, civilian, million, russian, environmental, video, blank, aircraft, planet",
+ "+++ today, human, long, fact, work, war, the, state, years, world
--- use, stop, school, washington, began, change, general, good, way, this",
+ "+++ according, however, years, state, recent, long, today, fact, world, year
--- city, major, estimated, interests, reports, moscow, no, added, calais, conflict",
+ "+++ killed, air, british, forces, eastern, october, general, 000, operations, government
--- enter, 25, afar, kurdish, carrier, mediterranean, amnesty, near, including, fighter",
+ "+++ eastern, the, according, 2014, 0, today, years, including, 3, world
--- tsunami, project, however, a, killed, pacific, number, 2020, pakistan, trees",
+ "+++ research, a, however, 3, 2, the, years, children, 1, use
--- manchanda, powerful, flu, alcohol, normal, camp, reduce, media, 000, eastern",
+ "+++ 1, 2, million, workers, state, 5, year, 3, 000, government
--- labor, number, calais, income, fact, india, 0, taxes, air, navy",
+ "+++ the, years, year, government, 1, state, human, million
--- medicare, however, millions, camp, europe, 2014, pharmaceutical, carrier, heroin, pharma",
+ "+++ years, world, the, aircraft, army, international, year, war, including, fact
--- refugee, nation, civilians, western, work, u, ukraine, called, attack, and",
+ "+++ reports, according, school, state, 1, 3, october, years, a, number
--- article, navy, trump, estimated, source, forces, today, votes, phosphorus, poll",
+ "+++ research, year, use, including, years, 2, world, 3, number, work
--- common, mix, skin, bone, cause, vdare, brazil, acid, amnesty, gm",
+ "+++ world, years, food, the, today, a, work, long
--- movement, state, edward, gm, britain, general, universe, republish, project, relieve",
+ "+++ human, years, war, group, world, the, october, however, state, india
--- secret, city, vietnam, reports, consciousness, surprise, parry, area, culture, clear",
+ "+++ work, fact, years, world, long, the, state
--- little, however, live, aircraft, lot, residents, racist, began, khamenei, now",
+ "+++ state, years, government, october, reports, 000, including, the, year, use
--- administration, operations, american, operation, justice, records, department, review, groups, day",
+ "+++ october, 5, the, 1, state, according, force, a, source, 0
--- amnesty, jungle, megyn, europe, study, http, damage, 46, pic, held",
+ "+++ groups, government, state, civilians, army, forces, including, war, world, group
--- erdogan, iran, nations, uk, food, humanitarian, school, migrants, west, soldiers",
+ "+++ reports, began, state, october, local, 1, project, year, area, according
--- million, police, britain, that, france, air, pipeline, officer, activists, thursday",
+ "+++ india, including, refugees, eastern, europe, war, world, years, british, international
--- east, operations, chinese, south, military, aircraft, calais, gm, islands, seas",
+ "+++ however, today, years, world, long, use, 1, the, government, 3
--- place, admiral, estimated, a, source, real, killed, do, local, feel"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ 4, i, day, death, years, according, told, children, killed, says
--- person, swanson, sexual, film, her, region, leg, rome, watch, p",
+ "+++ 2, x, world, ago, years, day, year, children, old, i
--- radiation, west, god, mother, site, we, bad, 000, ancient, tepco",
+ "+++ world, we, years, end, 2, 000, according, year, u, united
--- tax, 300, ago, geoffrey, 9, tokyo, death, the, doss, rape",
+ "+++ day, 000, u, i, year, according, told
--- national, information, end, swanson, law, fbi, tokyo, secretary, dnc, reports",
+ "+++ war, air, 1, children, years, 2, 000, general, world, 5
--- major, glacier, began, japan, impaired, government, study, phosphorus, civilians, film",
+ "+++ japan, tokyo, u, l, m, 6, children, x, 5, 1
--- ",
+ "+++ 1, 2, year, 000, central, world, u, years, 4
--- sales, bitcoin, markets, sell, unresponsive, trading, hormones, we, stocks, impaired",
+ "+++ 11, children, we, rape, world, 9, 2, year, 5, girls
--- images, sex, real, know, injuries, them, dylan, sexual, what, ocean",
+ "+++ 000, according, year, we, ago, world, 4, 1, years, 2
--- d, tepco, light, benefits, film, glacier, park, rick, killed, higher",
+ "+++ help, i, 1
--- soy, heart, result, shilajit, proposition, allen, 4, struck, recreational, dairy",
+ "+++ i, told, day, says, m, we
--- obama, october, armor, killed, rally, tepco, struck, voight, radiation, fake",
+ "+++ told, u, day, i, united
--- x, old, reuters, 1, burr, government, trump, oregon, alabama, voter",
+ "+++ lake, we, north, world, 6, 2, near, 5, day, nuclear
--- l, boy, pacific, wind, janet, geoffrey, creature, firearms, re, radiation",
+ "+++ u, year
--- same, brew, boy, warren, mother, student, students, waters, washington, medal",
+ "+++ war, years, 000, year, according, world, we, killed, told
--- intelligence, 4, hormones, 234, taliban, waters, formula, janet, 11, voa",
+ "+++ d, according, world, x, near, 5, says, 1, 2, north
--- source, click, 400, river, laura, f, environmental, construction, reno, ufo",
+ "+++ world, i, end, united, war, we, years
--- ocean, impaired, 11, let, this, swanson, 5, death, news, general",
+ "+++ end, year, nuclear, years, war, world, united, u, according, north
--- ago, far, hormones, ocean, injuries, incident, officials, long, public, administration",
+ "+++ 000, near, killed, war, doss, air, general
--- 25, st, strikes, 2, aleppo, rim, girls, swanson, area, state",
+ "+++ world, we, according, says, years, pacific, day, 1, 11, canada
--- coast, 400, leg, dr, near, injuries, rome, border, trade, tsunami",
+ "+++ 1, ocean, death, help, years, children, year, park, 2, d
--- old, vietnamese, choi, tokyo, blood, the, depression, bonuses, research, particles",
+ "+++ 000, 2, 4, 9, years, 5, end, u, 1, year
--- rome, national, film, 7, housing, girls, economic, wealth, unresponsive, i",
+ "+++ year, 1, years, told
--- fsa, incident, girls, reno, death, deal, white, pharma, boy, ki",
+ "+++ u, ago, general, death, air, end, day, killed, years, war
--- president, pink, killing, order, the, reno, now, americans, west, however",
+ "+++ day, according, 1, told, u, 2, years, year
--- janet, 2012, presidential, data, japan, reuters, comment, point, miles, nuclear",
+ "+++ 5, 4, 2, year, 6, help, day, years, world, d
--- diet, contains, fat, milk, cup, pacific, number, organic, products, long",
+ "+++ says, d, i, world, 9, years
--- old, long, tv, death, unresponsive, anti, end, laura, medal, 400",
+ "+++ u, x, p, world, years, peace, war
--- alaska, truth, united, culture, news, 400, airport, control, north, power",
+ "+++ world, years, we, m, old, day, end, i, ago, d
--- reuters, baseball, laura, think, mother, thought, 1, california, fact, armor",
+ "+++ day, 000, year, 11, i, according, years, told, months, general
--- vaccine, scandal, hillary, north, l, vaccines, state, case, fbi, decision",
+ "+++ according, 2, earthquake, 11, 9, 1, 5, 4, 6, magnitude
--- dylan, twitter, posted, canada, latest, 300, death, infowars, leg, told",
+ "+++ war, according, world, united, region, u
--- invasion, bear, help, year, end, canada, american, government, incident, magnitude",
+ "+++ north, day, year, according, i, we, 1, help, near, m
--- posted, 300, air, medal, shot, tepco, coast, county, riot, unresponsive",
+ "+++ world, united, war, years, coast, region, rome, japan, italy
--- end, european, nuclear, empire, india, geoffrey, economic, europe, we, m",
+ "+++ world, end, help, day, years, 1, i
--- 6, long, film, form, we, fukushima, collective, reno, miles, tepco"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ years, facebook, 20, news, 4, network, year
--- market, investors, social, bank, price, monetary, they, sell, toys, stop",
+ "+++ 2, state, year, posted, years, world, bank
--- west, drink, now, having, persian, went, china, rates, day, information",
+ "+++ policy, price, industry, and, billion, use, pay, increase, 000, u
--- comments, international, future, issue, prices, management, crisis, month, law, americans",
+ "+++ money, state, 000, use, year, at, news, posted, and, information
--- law, economic, american, data, profit, envelope, 4, costs, latest, emails",
+ "+++ 3, a, year, state, years, 000, recent, use, 2, 1
--- latest, operations, idlib, 20, fed, inflation, killed, sales, posts, university",
+ "+++ 000, year, u, 2, 4, years, central, world, 1
--- radiation, large, use, sandberg, 9, l, 6, digital, general, government",
+ "+++ sales, billion, use, profit, assets, big, bank, at, report, central
--- ",
+ "+++ year, 0, world, posted, 2, com, comments, a, use, 3
--- ring, money, writing, know, businesses, book, stocks, orthodox, and, signs",
+ "+++ a, 2, world, years, 1, report, posted, higher, 4, use
--- latest, cash, costs, employees, theory, medicine, according, bitcoin, virus, paper",
+ "+++ 1, a, news, use, government
--- ingredients, referendum, help, format, company, flowers, parliament, business, mixture, study",
+ "+++ state, news, comments, big
--- nominee, pay, saying, we, presidential, president, reserve, money, violence, white",
+ "+++ government, news, u, 20, state, com, federal
--- price, county, campaign, reserve, a, facebook, consumers, second, supporters, year",
+ "+++ 1, world, 3, year, large, years, 2, gold
--- video, coming, arctic, day, you, blue, november, glacial, 14, feet",
+ "+++ state, news, year, u
--- right, investment, crocs, company, michelle, 2015, consumers, sanders, baehr, debt",
+ "+++ years, state, year, posts, news, report, world, 000, follow
--- signal, wang, according, monetary, shadowproof, com, center, recep, carney, isis",
+ "+++ com, 0, 2, information, 1, content, world, 3, www, a
--- rai, at, debt, cost, land, alien, state, meters, employees, global",
+ "+++ state, money, news, world, economy, economic, government, global, years
--- president, industry, end, use, self, election, establishment, vote, war, policy",
+ "+++ policy, u, years, year, state, news, world, recent, government, economic
--- employees, right, minister, course, icke, stock, company, financial, anti, growth",
+ "+++ state, government, 000
--- prices, fighter, growth, 0, management, comments, latest, debt, spokesman, villages",
+ "+++ world, posts, report, 3, years, news, 0, banking, 1, 10
--- dollar, bank, crisis, 07, month, saakashvili, sell, 000, floods, sea",
+ "+++ a, year, 1, 3, use, increase, years, 10, 2
--- 4, banks, world, researchers, big, stress, follow, facebook, studies, assets",
+ "+++ years, investment, business, 2, policy, debt, financial, 3, pay, billion
--- inequality, assets, address, americans, tax, nation, spent, www, comments, sell",
+ "+++ industry, year, state, big, companies, 2015, government, years, com, 1
--- executions, information, solution, costs, care, affordable, investment, at, technicians, insurance",
+ "+++ government, years, and, u, world, policy, state, year
--- them, economy, that, right, intelligence, land, day, washington, obama, businesses",
+ "+++ posted, u, 3, 10, data, state, years, news, report, company
--- presidential, media, central, percent, powder, race, industry, million, republican, pay",
+ "+++ use, 1, 4, 3, products, information, 2, years, world, year
--- businesses, animals, diet, companies, debt, news, rate, blood, economic, confuse",
+ "+++ years, com, 10, world, big, a, news
--- posted, god, bible, month, self, policy, content, bell, tv, debt",
+ "+++ world, years, u, news, state
--- inflation, higher, investigation, case, 10, american, posted, society, financial, future",
+ "+++ years, and, state, world
--- americans, got, can, the, cash, 2015, california, feel, employees, bitcoin",
+ "+++ 000, news, government, information, use, state, years, report, com, year
--- china, 2, emails, industry, house, related, follow, investment, comments, attorney",
+ "+++ comments, 2, posted, 2015, news, www, 1, 4, com, state
--- companies, higher, campaign, cost, week, global, hollywood, central, 26, economic",
+ "+++ u, government, policy, state, world
--- russia, media, china, 0, rebels, intelligence, use, central, bombing, aid",
+ "+++ use, year, facebook, 1, comments, com, news, posted, state
--- violent, bitcoin, businesses, banks, years, halloween, statement, federal, media, i",
+ "+++ state, years, global, world, economic, china, policy, government
--- management, leaders, investment, war, businesses, posted, eu, cash, 2, australian",
+ "+++ 1, world, government, state, money, use, years, 3
--- recent, 4, rates, the, production, businesses, pay, 10, year, month"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ them, re, sexual, girls, rape, got, person, right, father, they
--- killed, him, guest, 3, ignore, post, me, away, looks, embassy",
+ "+++ day, you, god, world, posted, i, don, year, dead, children
--- girls, state, remedy, went, images, 3a, the, comment, use, trouble",
+ "+++ year, world, that, we, way, use, going, 2, right
--- access, companies, spam, anonymous, trump, work, city, american, pay, insurance",
+ "+++ day, october, use, i, trump, know, posted, going, hillary, post
--- huma, source, sex, god, images, political, wrote, text, house, american",
+ "+++ 3, 2, october, 5, year, use, 0, a, children, world
--- amnesty, right, lives, good, way, girls, fact, code, britain, refugee",
+ "+++ i, child, world, 2, day, children, x, girls, 11, 9
--- a, anymore, central, sandberg, 400, according, 3, months, abuse, ve",
+ "+++ comments, 0, a, world, year, com, posted, 3, 2, use
--- big, got, video, state, industry, banking, re, ring, looks, years",
+ "+++ x, sign, actually, october, think, abuse, 9, girls, god, link
--- ",
+ "+++ year, i, we, text, a, ve, 2, they, world, that
--- anymore, animal, mins, person, code, benefits, god, quality, researchers, monsanto",
+ "+++ use, a, strong, i
--- ve, automatically, essential, metabolism, thc, britain, campus, studies, compounds, hibiscus",
+ "+++ way, going, that, in, video, october, know, i, comments, he
--- vote, politics, a, publish, anymore, spiritually, ve, guest, website, donald",
+ "+++ going, com, don, that, i, video, right, re, hillary, day
--- campaign, in, look, 3, constitution, anderson, 9, michigan, donald, orthodox",
+ "+++ 3, re, 5, day, 2, world, look, know, going, there
--- atmosphere, sign, use, arctic, earth, 0, grid, warm, musket, 11",
+ "+++ trump, right, re, hillary, year, don
--- class, african, malik, good, use, images, racial, sexual, furniture, anonymous",
+ "+++ video, that, year, we, world, women
--- mohammad, looks, according, code, shadowproof, them, biden, extraterrestrial, you, screen",
+ "+++ use, 2, check, x, 3, 5, video, 0, world, a
--- comments, dead, october, there, planets, radiation, health, screen, free, flip",
+ "+++ world, look, know, you, think, trump, i, real, hillary, re
--- got, he, democracy, election, years, 2, october, father, ring, images",
+ "+++ world, that, right, year, trump, october, post, hillary
--- link, text, government, public, they, november, nuclear, he, party, flip",
+ "+++ october
--- woman, re, major, town, gen, strong, afar, signs, aleppo, post",
+ "+++ october, 3, world, 0, 11, re, day, we, 26
--- look, pieczenik, floods, vs, rtd, video, signs, point, georgia, twitter",
+ "+++ year, a, children, women, 3, use, 2
--- d, effect, god, know, normal, looks, caused, problems, function, baby",
+ "+++ 3, year, trump, that, 5, 2, hillary, 9
--- ecuador, check, jena, a, them, jobs, well, ring, know, they",
+ "+++ hillary, com, year, that
--- act, tony, white, free, addicts, day, assange, 3, apples, mining",
+ "+++ right, world, them, way, good, year, day, that, don, know
--- women, image, the, you, land, 26, youtube, known, west, hillary",
+ "+++ year, 3, day, 2, posted, october, way, point, comment, don
--- raped, according, 0, republican, website, results, presidential, poll, florida, well",
+ "+++ good, 2, day, 5, use, world, 3, year
--- daily, milk, microcephaly, e, important, bone, smoking, infections, well, brazilian",
+ "+++ god, com, that, good, 9, don, know, re, there, in
--- can, kiss, trump, man, bell, we, attribution, anti, hole, news",
+ "+++ world, book, right, x, october
--- that, indian, abuse, parry, actually, group, airport, writing, iran, there",
+ "+++ we, that, day, look, ve, he, women, there, world, real
--- sign, want, immigrants, text, didn, ecuador, too, looks, tell, god",
+ "+++ year, com, day, hillary, i, use, 11, know, post, october
--- scandal, according, images, spiritually, women, going, check, law, woman, guest",
+ "+++ i, 2, a, hillary, 0, posted, comments, 3, com, 11
--- raped, magnitude, women, know, 6, 43, website, day, sign, spiritually",
+ "+++ world
--- arabia, libya, assad, american, father, we, arab, attacks, you, 0",
+ "+++ that, video, re, comments, day, posted, share, we, youtube, know
--- trump, access, write, 0, police, actually, you, publish, violence, assange",
+ "+++ world
--- 3, god, country, com, cultural, islands, 11, communist, ve, war",
+ "+++ ve, right, use, god, real, good, world, re, point, 3
--- year, share, october, writing, posted, energy, video, what, spam, children"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ they, life, re, you, the, according, ve, don, years, i
--- parents, birth, dad, october, got, virus, daughter, friend, 20, studies",
+ "+++ i, re, world, ve, ago, don, year, 2, you, posted
--- went, temple, cancer, bread, doses, kara, land, bookmark, add, israeli",
+ "+++ world, 2, health, year, use, we, 000, the, years, work
--- medical, service, countries, extract, water, premiums, legal, paper, companies, million",
+ "+++ year, evidence, use, according, posted, that, i, 000, the, source
--- u, candidate, revealed, at, husband, director, professor, patient, light, humans",
+ "+++ according, year, study, human, research, years, 000, food, source, 2
--- population, ph, professor, camp, authorities, major, genetic, movement, residents, uk",
+ "+++ world, 1, ago, years, 4, i, according, 000, 2, year
--- use, miles, d, boy, human, genetic, science, cells, pink, reno",
+ "+++ years, year, a, 000, 2, posted, world, report, use, 1
--- investment, businesses, pain, different, companies, market, research, federal, that, need",
+ "+++ don, world, 2, they, re, we, that, year, i, ve
--- surface, scientists, dr, type, woman, guest, evidence, image, medicine, god",
+ "+++ you, we, mental, product, need, ago, the, report, scientists, monsanto
--- ",
+ "+++ cells, drugs, health, plant, study, dr, i, studies, body, university
--- professor, drug, long, effects, fda, metabolism, discovered, higher, compounds, you",
+ "+++ re, we, the, i, that
--- election, plant, different, virus, rally, donald, october, cells, want, higher",
+ "+++ i, the, don, re, they, that
--- united, democrat, nevada, report, theory, dna, cancer, miller, pain, journalist",
+ "+++ 1, food, surface, years, silver, you, according, year, re, need
--- chemicals, near, period, lights, water, scientists, winter, anxiety, animal, mystery",
+ "+++ university, don, year, need, re, work
--- matter, chemicals, house, white, ago, human, baehr, live, study, life",
+ "+++ world, the, that, years, year, according, we, study, 000, report
--- posted, paper, drugs, support, news, cancer, led, i, medical, million",
+ "+++ scientists, researchers, cancer, according, 1, sun, 2, study, earth, use
--- university, ve, quarterly, http, e, release, paper, information, site, treatment",
+ "+++ the, need, don, control, that, human, long, great, we, life
--- 2, reality, us, so, percent, political, drug, corporate, use, chemicals",
+ "+++ world, years, long, according, year, the, that
--- regime, russian, science, forces, secretary, fact, deal, political, light, medical",
+ "+++ 000, the
--- theory, science, ottoman, liberated, al, added, percent, study, us, human",
+ "+++ we, according, 1, report, world, the, animal, years, re, species
--- pigs, work, crash, animals, scissors, mental, silver, rtd, floods, saakashvili",
+ "+++ years, life, health, evidence, treatment, use, effects, 2, a, study
--- increase, heart, sugar, effect, mins, field, flu, symptoms, insert, text",
+ "+++ percent, 000, 2, 1, year, 4, need, years, that
--- different, live, obama, government, nation, mental, fund, anxiety, free, 5",
+ "+++ the, pharmaceutical, that, human, drugs, year, drug, 1, years, health
--- genetic, won, meth, party, campaign, foreign, kaiser, substances, product, a",
+ "+++ the, long, that, great, don, years, life, ago, we, year
--- political, study, present, armed, treatment, patient, work, attack, death, killed",
+ "+++ evidence, a, posted, paper, 2, year, don, according, years, percent
--- mental, reported, science, they, cast, point, long, mins, media, university",
+ "+++ long, years, 2, research, benefits, virus, 1, work, health, animal
--- ph, moon, babies, water, brazilian, oil, seeds, paper, mins, human",
+ "+++ the, i, that, a, life, you, world, body, earth, long
--- news, author, research, quality, brain, instead, higher, bell, ve, evidence",
+ "+++ years, evidence, world, the, control, nature, human
--- drug, unearthed, hamilton, moon, india, cancer, right, october, brain, simply",
+ "+++ the, re, years, i, you, ve, we, need, that, work
--- little, sure, country, food, now, vote, moon, genetic, chemicals, research",
+ "+++ the, discovered, evidence, report, use, 000, years, i, according, year
--- congress, lynch, pharmaceutical, private, drug, cells, you, effects, monsanto, light",
+ "+++ source, posted, a, 1, i, 4, according, the, 2
--- buildings, light, pharmaceutical, john, theory, 29, need, different, life, 34",
+ "+++ world, human, according, the
--- use, called, libya, foreign, professor, defense, washington, discovered, long, groups",
+ "+++ that, posted, i, according, year, 1, re, use, we, the
--- arrested, stop, comments, studies, incident, known, drugs, researchers, drug, cancer",
+ "+++ great, the, world, years
--- discovered, use, cooperation, nations, australian, regional, african, south, source, island",
+ "+++ i, different, re, that, earth, life, ve, use, need, long
--- spiritual, goes, away, ancient, food, place, physical, means, cancer, alien"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ i, news, media
--- public, you, body, them, heart, son, prevent, cannabis, school, took",
+ "+++ ingredients, i, dose
--- liver, biblical, public, mr, netanyahu, david, government, the, period, medicinal",
+ "+++ health, public, use, government
--- country, hibiscus, herbal, chronic, pay, strong, rights, diabetes, recreational, mailing",
+ "+++ media, use, news, i, public
--- secret, podesta, britain, metabolism, 2015, acids, study, shilajit, proposition, criminal",
+ "+++ study, britain, use, fact, 1, government, group, university, a, british
--- green, refugee, khamenei, project, groups, health, candy, forces, b, year",
+ "+++ help, 1, i
--- 300, film, p, st, drugs, united, ingredients, compounds, bear, tepco",
+ "+++ a, 1, news, use, government
--- www, stomach, companies, pay, treat, industry, financial, dollar, large, higher",
+ "+++ use, strong, i, a
--- paragraphs, going, father, sign, candy, cite, psychoactive, dr, look, studies",
+ "+++ plant, drugs, cells, health, study, benefits, dr, studies, body, 1
--- farage, need, cannabidiol, years, container, institute, work, boost, treatment, clear",
+ "+++ boost, dr, metabolism, barns, heart, clinical, public, essential, body, fatty
--- ",
+ "+++ debate, media, anti, news, i
--- presidential, antioxidants, moderation, change, told, clear, way, support, acids, george",
+ "+++ government, news, i
--- inflammatory, acid, paragraphs, prevent, charges, compounds, tea, miller, vote, plant",
+ "+++ 1
--- night, re, 3, world, treat, hibiscus, health, moderation, mistakenly, cannabidiol",
+ "+++ news, university, public, anti
--- b, fatty, national, washington, treat, democratic, rights, lives, left, newman",
+ "+++ news, media, study
--- astronomers, wells, one, b, fatty, properties, chronic, saeed, stars, fargo",
+ "+++ use, a, news, health, study, 1
--- chronic, fact, flowers, media, farage, diabetes, ingredients, gas, quarterly, britain",
+ "+++ news, government, i, public, fact, media
--- way, prevent, cbd, united, american, this, actually, debate, antioxidants, far",
+ "+++ fact, public, anti, clear, government, news, media
--- nuclear, essential, far, secretary, dose, strong, proposition, vladimir, campus, result",
+ "+++ british, government, group
--- traitors, dairy, stomach, iraq, zionist, institute, disorders, cbd, prevents, offensive",
+ "+++ dr, group, news, 1
--- 07, blender, prevents, heart, disorders, fatty, campus, ukraine, october, bailout",
+ "+++ media, study, anti, help, 1, heart, benefits, studies, body, result
--- disorders, contains, metabolism, container, boost, i, prevents, plant, flu, debate",
+ "+++ 1, government, 50, public
--- clinton, leave, jena, barns, global, street, revenue, quarter, candy, alternative",
+ "+++ drugs, government, 1, health
--- won, clinton, state, blockquote, kratom, heart, appropriation, panels, obamacare, anti",
+ "+++ government, media, fact, public
--- killing, armed, inflammatory, us, smell, air, russian, ingredients, fatty, cells",
+ "+++ media, news, a, 1
--- acid, antioxidants, cite, democratic, rigged, block, lead, elections, institute, onion",
+ "+++ acid, use, tea, 1, help, benefits, contains, health
--- public, years, study, mood, herbal, microcephaly, information, cells, calcium, recreational",
+ "+++ anti, i, body, a, news
--- prevents, daily, britain, flowers, american, high, shilajit, exposed, media, farage",
+ "+++ clear, group, public, media, news
--- book, use, national, psychoactive, cells, leave, clinical, farage, historical, white",
+ "+++ i, fact
--- heart, referendum, group, moderation, thc, know, body, america, barns, day",
+ "+++ news, public, i, government, use
--- newman, b, office, format, mistakenly, comey, marijuana, agents, barns, york",
+ "+++ news, media, 1, i, a
--- nutrients, wednesday, state, cbd, 50, tow, chronic, hit, benefits, 28",
+ "+++ media, government, group
--- alliance, erdogan, the, dose, islamic, wars, newman, coalition, aid, libya",
+ "+++ media, 1, news, help, use, i
--- violent, com, comments, recreational, nutrients, 50, koch, that, britain, soy",
+ "+++ britain, parliament, government, british
--- i, mood, sea, ship, united, green, newman, group, catholics, nations",
+ "+++ 1, i, help, fact, heart, government, use
--- referendum, good, onion, campus, do, british, come, thc, metals, power"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ october, news, day, media, him, re, way, twitter, i, man
--- took, online, dad, they, ve, york, video, working, fake, victims",
+ "+++ mr, man, way, re, times, state, october, day, the, i
--- ago, gaza, country, ve, supporters, national, york, west, democrats, post",
+ "+++ way, country, americans, state, going, american, million, the, we, that
--- cnn, price, use, judges, energy, bernie, democrats, man, times, and",
+ "+++ election, october, clinton, i, think, white, hillary, state, trump, presidential
--- want, documents, use, comey, fake, establishment, democrat, abedin, huma, staff",
+ "+++ the, million, october, state
--- operation, europe, soros, win, change, says, uk, barack, house, aircraft",
+ "+++ i, m, told, day, says, we
--- press, october, 000, working, establishment, 9, won, speech, state, radiation",
+ "+++ comments, state, big, news
--- event, markets, debate, u, pro, we, press, prices, establishment, working",
+ "+++ re, we, day, post, man, think, he, in, october, hillary
--- actually, bernie, can, women, left, ecuador, event, ignore, told, democrat",
+ "+++ that, the, re, i, we
--- gop, donald, earth, trump, health, democrat, virus, use, candidates, barack",
+ "+++ news, media, debate, anti, i
--- smell, treat, drugs, stomach, container, election, blockquote, barack, big, prevent",
+ "+++ saying, president, says, way, american, press, big, politics, donald, speech
--- ",
+ "+++ trump, told, supporters, election, campaign, republicans, voters, hillary, party, americans
--- alabama, we, voter, white, million, want, second, way, sanders, government",
+ "+++ going, october, re, video, day, know, times, november, we
--- there, voters, seen, radar, twitter, weather, walsh, mysterious, voight, political",
+ "+++ president, party, american, americans, trump, wall, campaign, voters, left, anti
--- elections, elena, blacks, class, the, in, november, million, fox, o",
+ "+++ the, million, national, that, video, told, american, we, news, political
--- muslim, rally, finds, know, isis, republican, mr, wed, eti, democratic",
+ "+++ news, video, says
--- tribe, american, 100, protests, nasa, establishment, country, in, e, clearance",
+ "+++ the, know, election, media, re, we, news, american, national, want
--- elite, million, economic, great, win, stop, corporate, day, fake, world",
+ "+++ americans, november, country, political, that, campaign, american, october, hillary, house
--- fact, likely, year, way, sanctions, strategic, we, supporters, voight, politics",
+ "+++ state, the, november, october
--- support, republican, artillery, combat, us, daesh, victory, syrian, news, sanders",
+ "+++ says, we, re, day, president, news, october, november, the, wall
--- sanders, pollution, soros, media, mr, pacific, obama, voters, state, tpp",
+ "+++ the, anti, times, media
--- important, years, house, american, testing, november, medical, life, tea, manchanda",
+ "+++ america, million, voters, wall, hillary, paid, state, that, working, country
--- soros, revenue, donald, anti, states, 5, 100, times, nation, democratic",
+ "+++ president, americans, campaign, state, party, won, big, million, house, told
--- deal, democrat, speech, opioid, obamacare, re, tony, ban, anti, utm",
+ "+++ change, times, white, november, american, media, day, we, political, washington
--- comments, policy, york, violence, paid, unelected, later, now, years, power",
+ "+++ democrats, state, day, way, presidential, told, hillary, country, million, october
--- in, think, want, romney, lead, support, electronic, going, presidency, numbers",
+ "+++ day
--- e, calcium, national, animal, support, food, state, sanders, india, establishment",
+ "+++ says, in, the, anti, party, way, big, i, know, news
--- high, supporters, m, cnn, 10, today, bible, long, hillary, baby",
+ "+++ news, president, election, october, american, white, house, the, national, times
--- case, video, o, in, clear, consciousness, elect, airport, elections, teachings",
+ "+++ way, think, trump, times, left, country, white, m, americans, american
--- all, little, clinton, face, believe, pro, person, rally, big, voight",
+ "+++ hillary, york, national, campaign, state, clinton, know, the, post, house
--- twitter, dnc, charges, attorney, elections, use, that, republican, days, review",
+ "+++ november, support, trump, news, wednesday, clinton, media, i, october, the
--- fox, soros, 2, 9, 0, victory, supporters, jones, posted, liberal",
+ "+++ state, american, media, the, washington, support, president, country
--- defense, according, white, democratic, wednesday, weapons, anti, eastern, terrorism, house",
+ "+++ man, we, violence, protests, state, m, comments, that, day, know
--- candidates, dnc, saying, police, going, liberal, rights, help, november, reported",
+ "+++ political, country, support, million, state, the
--- m, century, bernie, elections, cnn, times, vatican, democrat, day, seas",
+ "+++ know, i, going, that, the, day, think, obama, state, want
--- saying, simple, we, light, collective, this, presidential, control, individual, sure"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ day, i, don, law, right, told, 20, news, re, court
--- asked, stop, legal, life, victims, u, home, friends, called, college",
+ "+++ the, state, i, day, re, right, don
--- voters, they, posted, old, 3a, arab, court, jury, supporters, news",
+ "+++ state, going, states, u, americans, american, constitution, law, laws, rights
--- video, electoral, candidate, republicans, veritas, world, pic, issue, hillary, access",
+ "+++ law, day, election, that, campaign, president, american, right, democratic, told
--- won, voters, think, trial, michigan, 20, leaked, comey, donald, bundy",
+ "+++ project, government, state, the
--- use, europe, movement, county, quantum, that, operations, gop, school, khamenei",
+ "+++ i, told, united, day, u
--- democrats, waters, guilty, d, republicans, pic, film, rape, re, 300",
+ "+++ news, state, com, government, u, federal, 20
--- journalist, college, management, re, investors, 2015, economy, candidate, costs, president",
+ "+++ they, day, re, hillary, right, going, video, that, twitter, com
--- campaign, project, x, action, national, can, well, burr, a, voter",
+ "+++ that, the, don, i, re, they
--- american, miller, discovered, published, told, similar, electoral, use, supporters, product",
+ "+++ government, news, i
--- mood, nigel, benefits, diabetes, dr, institute, anti, hibiscus, creamer, corbyn",
+ "+++ obama, american, video, told, elections, democratic, americans, democrat, donald, twitter
--- rights, cnn, guilty, college, second, ryan, iowa, 20, u, press",
+ "+++ democrats, ballot, hillary, government, republicans, trial, votes, going, county, voter
--- ",
+ "+++ re, day, gun, november, video, going
--- told, electoral, alabama, secret, south, picture, feet, amendment, government, creamer",
+ "+++ state, voters, american, case, president, americans, law, democrats, news, re
--- work, 20, voting, ryan, elections, project, collar, college, police, gop",
+ "+++ told, obama, american, news, national, state, president, that, video, the
--- afghan, states, world, campaign, sulfur, 234, action, justices, case, wells",
+ "+++ video, news, com
--- michigan, elections, planets, tomb, force, access, campaign, college, pipeline, quarterly",
+ "+++ american, president, trump, news, national, don, government, clinton, united, states
--- money, nevada, case, trial, democrats, elites, country, continue, is, point",
+ "+++ president, government, the, right, state, states, issues, hillary, november, americans
--- laws, anderson, establishment, absentee, support, course, charges, democratic, supreme, russia",
+ "+++ the, november, government, state
--- national, operation, issues, college, twitter, heavy, villages, killed, fraud, iraq",
+ "+++ november, president, day, re, news, the
--- polling, 20, absentee, 1, win, project, floods, including, creamer, ballots",
+ "+++ the
--- video, voter, help, 2, president, i, researchers, doctors, rigged, medical",
+ "+++ trump, poll, national, that, american, u, states, americans, hillary, clinton
--- 3, 4, votes, electoral, republican, year, democratic, the, taxes, michigan",
+ "+++ americans, obama, com, hillary, clinton, told, the, president, campaign, party
--- insurance, pharmaceutical, project, laws, trial, don, years, arizona, ki, illegal",
+ "+++ american, americans, law, day, right, the, united, obama, government, don
--- laws, us, constitution, including, re, creamer, power, them, history, year",
+ "+++ states, hillary, polling, votes, u, news, fraud, elections, clinton, democrats
--- i, nov, way, powder, charges, machines, obama, legal, electronic, tuesday",
+ "+++ day
--- americans, drinking, absentee, don, including, national, charges, supporters, november, available",
+ "+++ party, right, com, don, news, i, american, the, re, that
--- in, uranium, big, guilty, national, god, today, black, pussy, hillary",
+ "+++ right, president, state, u, the, election, national, case, american, news
--- re, consciousness, videos, w, kissinger, vote, planetary, conspiracies, candidate, nixon",
+ "+++ that, the, state, vote, they, day, re, right, trump, americans
--- real, united, times, ago, project, he, place, makes, robert, poll",
+ "+++ state, election, day, hillary, obama, case, clinton, news, states, the
--- moore, 11, official, supreme, oregon, months, marijuana, act, that, director",
+ "+++ state, november, twitter, com, clinton, video, i, hillary, videos, trump
--- federal, oregon, burr, re, earthquake, national, law, comments, pm, 28",
+ "+++ state, u, government, president, american, the, states, united
--- backed, creamer, ballots, islamic, arms, anderson, wars, videos, democratic, americans",
+ "+++ county, the, told, project, video, i, com, twitter, that, state
--- reported, amendment, man, states, vote, protesters, candidate, pic, facebook, don",
+ "+++ government, state, states, the, united
--- leader, judge, asian, christians, francis, american, campaign, church, americans, russia",
+ "+++ re, the, government, state, obama, right, that, going, day, don
--- however, let, learn, law, donald, fraud, spiritual, making, simple, metals"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ day, away, year, years, according, old, there, re, october, you
--- video, days, 12, miles, energy, 14, man, family, period, asked",
+ "+++ period, you, world, 2, old, october, years, re, year, times
--- surface, 12, video, night, nuclear, 14, home, snow, mount, atmosphere",
+ "+++ 2, energy, world, water, power, going, years, according, year, however
--- earth, silver, you, issue, mystery, vehicle, crisis, work, supply, international",
+ "+++ going, year, source, october, day, there, times, know, secret, according
--- ice, investigation, world, post, classified, gold, sent, mystery, grid, solar",
+ "+++ october, food, according, 1, 3, year, 2, area, long, world
--- 2014, phosphorus, heat, water, lives, wind, amnesty, power, secret, killed",
+ "+++ year, years, north, 6, lake, miles, near, nuclear, air, 5
--- gun, silver, concealed, however, p, firearms, source, reno, central, earth",
+ "+++ world, 3, year, 2, gold, 1, large, years
--- however, billion, 4, follow, monetary, firearms, management, power, lake, banking",
+ "+++ there, world, october, you, day, re, going, video, look, 5
--- warm, air, 7, he, coming, abuse, index, twitter, way, aircraft",
+ "+++ source, world, according, discovered, year, light, silver, 2, years, moon
--- universe, cave, virus, glacial, arctic, aircraft, similar, creature, picture, substances",
+ "+++ 1
--- power, study, need, video, food, acid, herbal, times, lights, anti",
+ "+++ october, day, november, know, video, times, we, going, re
--- soros, night, lights, i, kelly, ritual, 7, left, source, candidate",
+ "+++ day, going, re, gun, video, november
--- republican, justices, case, poll, snow, gold, the, air, firearms, i",
+ "+++ creature, weapon, years, know, gold, base, 7, warm, power, weather
--- ",
+ "+++ re, need, power, times, year
--- baier, vehicle, food, work, same, race, african, michelle, north, period",
+ "+++ according, years, year, video, we, world
--- shadowproof, believed, cecil, grid, water, arctic, recep, hypothesis, eti, national",
+ "+++ 1, world, water, video, nasa, energy, light, 2, area, earth
--- eddie, d, ritual, site, mobile, flying, www, mysterious, vehicle, day",
+ "+++ coming, world, know, you, re, power, need, going, far, we
--- americans, aircraft, index, elite, source, however, elites, point, can, democracy",
+ "+++ according, power, october, far, years, north, november, year, nuclear, world
--- no, large, presidential, old, called, fact, fly, country, flying, ritual",
+ "+++ area, october, near, air, november, south
--- attack, raqqa, spokesman, moon, 7, defense, field, liberated, you, feet",
+ "+++ world, 3, years, re, november, october, day, according, we, 1
--- declines, firearms, contaminated, 11, retail, plane, wind, surface, bailout, however",
+ "+++ years, need, field, 1, however, 3, year, 2, times
--- feet, taking, studies, know, 6, large, 14, caused, flying, particles",
+ "+++ 5, 1, years, 3, 2, year, need, 7
--- inequality, grid, american, walsh, millions, clinton, debt, south, gold, working",
+ "+++ years, 1, year
--- single, house, contaminated, mystery, 14, creature, addiction, near, mandate, power",
+ "+++ year, know, air, we, november, day, times, years, power, long
--- america, weapons, winter, special, musket, away, president, war, veterans, right",
+ "+++ however, 12, years, october, day, 1, 2, year, according, 3
--- period, 7, near, mysterious, clinton, firearms, poll, air, wnd, voters",
+ "+++ long, day, 5, year, heat, need, world, 2, food, water
--- you, concealed, flying, discovered, oil, weather, video, free, glacial, best",
+ "+++ food, you, know, earth, there, world, long, power, years, re
--- creature, video, heat, pirate, feet, a, cups, high, day, bad",
+ "+++ october, power, however, times, world, secret, years
--- vice, history, teachings, night, believed, look, vows, proceeds, richard, national",
+ "+++ you, know, going, there, need, we, day, look, re, years
--- arctic, culture, lights, makes, white, man, me, sure, november, ve",
+ "+++ years, know, day, discovered, october, year, according
--- contaminated, classified, snow, however, cave, reports, feet, secret, believed, space",
+ "+++ 5, according, night, source, 2, spirit, 1, october, november, video
--- breaking, aircraft, picture, campaign, fox, times, space, force, north, 2015",
+ "+++ power, according, world
--- surface, army, glacial, base, grid, times, eddie, pole, mystery, index",
+ "+++ year, 1, re, according, water, area, we, north, near, video
--- mystery, walsh, story, night, nuclear, 3, posted, look, discovered, eddie",
+ "+++ years, south, power, world
--- greece, chinese, island, firearms, beijing, source, restoration, region, western, energy",
+ "+++ 3, world, long, light, re, years, know, energy, however, need
--- spiritual, glacial, start, walsh, air, weather, base, feel, sailing, great"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ law, home, right, police, didn, year, don, house, re, social
--- national, 20, took, according, photos, murderer, sexual, community, you, online",
+ "+++ don, times, right, year, state, home, re
--- mosque, furniture, living, larry, work, students, power, making, baier, period",
+ "+++ power, u, american, rights, public, law, work, year, americans, state
--- courts, collar, rover, that, social, united, future, states, years, michelle",
+ "+++ times, white, political, right, house, investigation, news, justice, president, sources
--- need, warren, chairman, dnc, that, know, leaked, collar, america, fox",
+ "+++ lives, university, work, movement, state, year
--- street, physics, residents, public, carry, wall, justice, area, source, world",
+ "+++ year, u
--- furniture, obama, war, elena, right, d, discharged, rome, americans, bleachbit",
+ "+++ news, year, state, u
--- america, content, facebook, investors, sell, demands, based, 3, business, kaine",
+ "+++ trump, re, year, don, hillary, right
--- julian, rape, them, i, sign, agents, 0, in, rights, race",
+ "+++ need, work, university, re, don, year
--- different, cells, power, state, pharmaceutical, members, u, discovered, research, foundation",
+ "+++ news, anti, public, university
--- media, home, social, recreational, inflammatory, corbyn, dr, bleachbit, likely, alternative",
+ "+++ barack, news, campaign, political, support, house, election, party, obama, voters
--- cnn, possible, struggles, gop, nominee, he, violence, candidate, class, we",
+ "+++ case, news, clinton, campaign, issues, democratic, democrats, rights, party, law
--- year, court, fraud, bundy, house, the, lgbt, twitter, college, neanderthals",
+ "+++ power, year, need, times, re
--- gun, discovered, voters, contaminated, world, struggles, warm, heat, michelle, water",
+ "+++ washington, don, collar, committee, justice, features, state, congress, corruption, bernie
--- ",
+ "+++ american, year, national, support, president, obama, news, political, state
--- elizabeth, community, recognition, islamic, didn, lives, credible, rights, signal, home",
+ "+++ news, police
--- 1, planet, north, sky, site, meters, foundation, p, environmental, click",
+ "+++ america, re, party, trump, national, right, power, election, americans, hillary
--- students, department, matter, neanderthals, marriage, thing, lies, movement, african, democratic",
+ "+++ washington, power, president, right, obama, trump, likely, americans, election, anti
--- lives, deal, called, vladimir, foreign, the, african, strategic, fly, congress",
+ "+++ state
--- marriage, us, murderer, arab, war, fled, battle, democrats, america, american",
+ "+++ street, re, wall, president, news
--- rtd, clinton, futures, 26, tpp, 11, likely, corruption, blackberry, 2020",
+ "+++ need, year, anti, times
--- results, tim, home, agents, life, washington, campaign, democratic, sugar, important",
+ "+++ hillary, america, americans, public, political, american, street, year, state, trump
--- murderer, black, financial, sources, housing, progressive, investment, programs, possible, poll",
+ "+++ americans, party, congress, white, state, obama, campaign, rights, year, house
--- agents, race, need, social, didn, blackberry, insurance, regulated, deductibles, mohammed",
+ "+++ public, obama, america, state, u, national, american, white, political, right
--- western, today, sanders, general, armed, work, justice, same, marriage, end",
+ "+++ campaign, hillary, democrats, voters, trump, u, don, possible, news, party
--- racial, percent, however, lgbt, bleachbit, voted, university, blackberry, neanderthals, police",
+ "+++ need, year, work
--- baier, committee, black, high, street, elizabeth, movement, fox, americans, birth",
+ "+++ news, don, party, anti, power, re, work, black, american, right
--- consume, demands, lgbt, stuffed, possible, pirate, hillary, lab, uranium, clown",
+ "+++ public, state, house, election, case, investigation, national, news, american, power
--- multipolar, black, fox, understanding, need, tibet, re, bleachbit, so, years",
+ "+++ didn, americans, america, left, trump, need, state, re, white, work
--- same, country, university, national, ago, talk, likely, demands, power, slept",
+ "+++ department, justice, obama, washington, investigation, clinton, year, state, office, congress
--- decision, bernie, warren, home, racial, movement, investigators, according, student, legal",
+ "+++ campaign, trump, hillary, fox, clinton, news, state, support
--- justice, hit, jones, case, elizabeth, 10, beck, social, tow, a",
+ "+++ support, power, state, president, american, u, washington
--- foreign, countries, political, alliance, committee, office, sanders, members, fighters, student",
+ "+++ rights, police, news, department, state, year, black, re, law
--- democrats, told, agents, party, youtube, committee, race, election, political, standing",
+ "+++ power, african, state, political, support
--- vatican, countries, war, social, murderer, struggles, bleachbit, church, eu, foreign",
+ "+++ state, re, need, work, possible, matter, obama, power, right, don
--- national, democratic, understand, want, marriage, movement, however, face, making, issues"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ year, media, according, news, christian, women, told, the, search, years
--- carney, audio, led, finds, sex, woman, forgiveness, story, parents, million",
+ "+++ years, the, year, state, world
--- told, sulfur, killed, hamas, khan, formula, christian, god, follow, political",
+ "+++ 000, american, million, years, we, the, state, year, that, world
--- signal, oil, flint, herb, utm, courts, end, audio, aliens, quran",
+ "+++ american, that, intelligence, state, told, media, the, according, 000, national
--- law, support, one, telescope, stars, corruption, story, astronomers, donate, source",
+ "+++ million, the, led, war, years, year, according, world, state, 000
--- russian, carrier, stars, food, search, calais, reports, refugees, gruber, groups",
+ "+++ year, according, war, we, told, killed, 000, years, world
--- aliens, peace, 11, armor, incident, award, intelligence, months, muslim, formula",
+ "+++ world, follow, 000, posts, report, news, state, years, year
--- policy, price, global, company, breakthrough, makeup, national, and, sales, stellar",
+ "+++ world, women, we, video, year, that
--- media, astronomers, trump, obama, isi, dead, code, gruber, look, text",
+ "+++ 000, years, world, the, that, report, study, we, according, year
--- isi, birth, intelligence, egypt, riding, breakthrough, food, news, re, muslim",
+ "+++ study, media, news
--- fact, biden, wed, signal, christian, stars, fatty, result, mohammad, egypt",
+ "+++ we, video, president, obama, media, support, told, million, that, the
--- carney, quran, makeup, ceta, isis, mohammad, change, democrats, aliens, won",
+ "+++ that, american, the, told, president, state, video, obama, national, news
--- robert, second, world, credible, olympics, agreement, women, constitution, wells, clinton",
+ "+++ world, years, we, according, video, year
--- wang, musket, coming, going, egypt, obama, ceta, astronomers, water, eti",
+ "+++ state, american, president, political, year, news, national, obama, support
--- told, saeed, elena, student, collar, article, blackberry, cancel, 620, follow",
+ "+++ center, intelligence, national, astronomers, signals, 234, obama, credible, borra, saeed
--- ",
+ "+++ world, video, study, according, news
--- 3, located, planets, war, http, researchers, underground, gas, rai, telescope",
+ "+++ war, years, president, state, obama, media, political, national, the, news
--- future, society, reality, astronomers, public, self, point, continue, trottier, millions",
+ "+++ year, that, years, national, war, president, obama, news, support, state
--- called, christians, issues, riding, long, establishment, telescope, biden, stars, ceta",
+ "+++ 000, state, isis, killed, the, war
--- heavy, british, biden, shadowproof, province, carney, fled, audio, army, us",
+ "+++ news, years, the, world, posts, president, we, according, report
--- birds, year, riding, carney, pigs, turtles, war, attractions, afghan, stellar",
+ "+++ women, media, study, years, year, the
--- war, search, however, riding, world, lead, recognition, news, fargo, breakthrough",
+ "+++ political, state, year, american, obama, national, million, support, 000, that
--- wells, borra, jobs, eti, dollars, franco, public, riding, nation, clinton",
+ "+++ that, years, million, told, state, obama, the, year, president
--- sequester, deductibles, tony, rights, maldives, national, muslim, apples, clowns, muslims",
+ "+++ president, intelligence, media, national, world, killed, war, year, that, state
--- armed, biden, khan, so, saeed, them, told, syria, good, foreign",
+ "+++ million, year, media, according, years, told, state, report, article, news
--- cecil, race, gruber, republican, ballots, shaabi, center, stars, muslims, olympics",
+ "+++ world, years, year
--- need, beer, research, million, recep, recognition, brazilian, signal, news, bone",
+ "+++ that, world, star, the, article, news, american, years
--- kiss, muslims, weight, sulfur, nsa, islam, hydrogen, alex, pills, high",
+ "+++ state, american, news, media, war, president, years, the, national, world
--- foster, reality, hydrogen, women, 620, eti, sulfur, study, muslims, posts",
+ "+++ that, american, state, one, world, the, we, women, years
--- don, living, you, all, vote, long, feel, report, place, end",
+ "+++ report, national, years, president, political, 000, state, told, news, the
--- general, states, intelligence, clowns, decision, center, borra, formula, legal, gruber",
+ "+++ according, media, support, star, the, video, state, news
--- reported, toosi, 28, gruber, wed, force, wang, 6, franco, christians",
+ "+++ islamic, american, intelligence, state, media, according, world, war, led, president
--- military, hypothesis, turkish, olympics, wed, human, mohammad, weapons, gruber, coalition",
+ "+++ the, that, media, video, news, year, according, we, told, state
--- morton, quran, million, thursday, tribe, isis, north, one, center, muslims",
+ "+++ political, agreement, support, the, christians, state, war, million, years, world
--- country, wed, makeup, foreign, germany, china, asian, hydrogen, development, russia",
+ "+++ obama, the, years, world, that, state
--- finds, however, better, best, come, brotherhood, government, important, signals, fact"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ life, according, news, police, says
--- instagram, researchers, ufo, sky, wife, video, killed, girls, air, stop",
+ "+++ x, life, 2, click, world, site, land
--- bookmark, says, let, gas, making, tribe, objects, re, larry, gaza",
+ "+++ energy, land, water, 2, world, environmental, force, health, however, according
--- 3, line, rover, pay, gas, 10, radiation, cell, blank, rubber",
+ "+++ e, news, source, information, use, according
--- 2015, gas, revealed, year, right, now, john, she, hillary, a",
+ "+++ however, area, 2, 1, force, 3, a, use, air, study
--- meters, tomb, brown, cell, heating, earth, e, admiral, added, north",
+ "+++ 1, north, d, world, according, says, x, air, p, radiation
--- content, fukushima, death, 000, 100, we, 10, wood, japan, site",
+ "+++ a, 2, 1, www, world, news, com, 10, content, 0
--- original, html, economy, location, release, stock, at, posts, employees, investment",
+ "+++ a, x, world, 0, check, com, video, 5, use, 2
--- 1, energy, going, sexual, objects, spam, screen, solar, well, information",
+ "+++ 2, source, 1, according, a, life, earth, study, sun, use
--- posted, http, water, objects, theory, body, long, release, blank, ebola",
+ "+++ health, 1, news, study, a, use
--- campus, police, rubber, benefits, free, onion, planet, objects, volcano, fatty",
+ "+++ news, video, says
--- www, bullets, soros, electricity, mobile, curiosity, location, dnc, discovery, mars",
+ "+++ com, news, video
--- trump, exposure, bullets, mars, polling, voters, alien, republicans, obama, www",
+ "+++ 2, however, earth, solar, nasa, video, water, 3, 1, world
--- researchers, old, surface, cancer, blue, use, http, object, seen, 14",
+ "+++ police, news
--- elena, need, anti, d, exposure, scientists, rock, same, tim, planets",
+ "+++ study, world, news, video, according
--- search, isi, use, intelligence, wells, report, http, check, fraction, shadowproof",
+ "+++ life, gas, police, near, objects, org, clearance, 1, 100, burns
--- ",
+ "+++ free, life, news, world
--- objects, discovery, can, elites, lies, donald, river, environmental, trump, quarterly",
+ "+++ north, according, world, however, news
--- years, administration, clearance, meters, e, government, economic, http, 10, burns",
+ "+++ near, force, area, air
--- planet, information, city, 25, balfour, army, health, line, free, tribe",
+ "+++ 10, 1, according, says, news, 3, world, 0
--- trade, solar, endangered, 1970, teens, health, located, gas, burns, underground",
+ "+++ 1, study, however, 10, life, a, researchers, d, 3, use
--- electricity, effects, video, sun, research, low, peta, need, ocean, park",
+ "+++ 10, 2, 3, 1, free, 100, 5
--- information, trump, points, life, working, class, ebola, x, non, program",
+ "+++ health, 1, com, free
--- party, pharma, lack, obamacare, opioid, problem, affordable, americans, foreign, opiates",
+ "+++ air, land, life, force, however, world
--- ebola, tribe, use, object, nation, 100, cancer, cia, site, according",
+ "+++ 3, 2, however, according, 1, news, 10, a
--- school, donald, years, solar, electronic, rock, ebola, johnson, 100, blank",
+ "+++ world, water, e, information, d, free, health, use, 1, 5
--- mosquitoes, planets, heat, damage, dakota, curiosity, vdare, area, natural, construction",
+ "+++ free, com, a, world, d, says, life, 10, earth, news
--- object, exposed, 3, burns, air, nasa, study, e, american, tube",
+ "+++ news, x, world, p, line, however
--- 5, parry, scientists, sky, north, nature, html, multipolar, 1992, nasa",
+ "+++ life, d, world
--- sure, one, water, baseball, well, all, we, click, air, planet",
+ "+++ com, news, information, according, use
--- clinton, electricity, doj, land, electric, 2015, related, click, html, cancer",
+ "+++ www, 2, 0, 10, news, 1, com, video, source, 3
--- 27, standing, moreno, line, site, 100, check, homeless, information, object",
+ "+++ according, world
--- content, burns, planets, iraq, arabia, government, tribe, release, cia, washington",
+ "+++ area, access, video, police, 1, standing, pipeline, water, use, rock
--- private, quarterly, mobile, arrested, property, we, sacred, river, 100, tomb",
+ "+++ world
--- area, chinese, catholics, middle, nasa, access, underground, health, located, australian",
+ "+++ energy, light, however, 3, life, world, use, earth, free, 1
--- solar, ve, 0, that, x, making, cancer, human, river, exposure"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ don, stop, you, ve, years, news, them, called, re, the
--- family, money, trump, sexual, global, person, man, elite, so, network",
+ "+++ now, let, bad, right, re, don, good, the, state, i
--- biblical, news, washington, so, control, bookmark, war, clinton, president, again",
+ "+++ future, years, free, end, money, the, power, way, work, americans
--- court, policy, need, war, 2017, elites, lead, now, know, donald",
+ "+++ right, the, election, think, public, american, obama, money, president, that
--- lies, world, stop, aide, sent, sources, ve, instead, investigation, economy",
+ "+++ state, government, human, war, the, today, fact, years, world, long
--- democracy, us, study, country, 000, force, number, navy, election, now",
+ "+++ war, we, i, years, world, end, united
--- hillary, stop, discharged, human, elites, country, nuclear, long, come, order",
+ "+++ global, world, years, money, economic, economy, government, state, news
--- better, right, 20, real, war, national, long, today, americans, latest",
+ "+++ right, look, i, trump, hillary, actually, don, world, that, way
--- years, self, looks, twitter, human, now, economy, believe, link, girls",
+ "+++ long, we, human, ve, control, need, re, i, don, life
--- ph, earth, anxiety, higher, coming, us, so, way, 1, plant",
+ "+++ i, public, fact, government, news, media
--- onion, actually, acids, this, americans, economic, self, millions, clinton, liver",
+ "+++ washington, we, think, that, donald, national, establishment, the, hillary, change
--- instead, presidential, human, dnc, called, gop, this, things, mainstream, million",
+ "+++ that, national, i, re, clinton, americans, going, don, states, party
--- change, ve, so, stop, video, veritas, today, democrats, propaganda, fraud",
+ "+++ coming, we, going, power, you, need, long, years, look, far
--- so, night, weather, silver, national, winter, light, president, thing, atmosphere",
+ "+++ americans, state, president, news, right, work, obama, trump, don, clinton
--- the, cancel, times, this, control, economic, look, climate, change, bad",
+ "+++ media, national, years, world, that, american, political, obama, the, we
--- hypothesis, public, better, great, establishment, signal, fargo, work, self, is",
+ "+++ free, life, world, news
--- corporate, president, near, gas, fact, donald, economic, can, believe, hillary",
+ "+++ world, think, lies, elites, coming, called, let, corporate, hillary, that
--- ",
+ "+++ election, hillary, media, establishment, public, end, power, government, right, obama
--- november, free, u, continue, want, forces, elites, democracy, instead, syria",
+ "+++ war, government, state, the, us
--- syrian, popular, better, peshmerga, al, society, instead, baghdadi, world, ahrar",
+ "+++ we, years, world, re, news, president, today, the
--- economy, 07, pollution, ve, good, media, blender, election, nation, change",
+ "+++ the, life, need, media, years
--- you, way, today, levels, elites, work, future, science, want, high",
+ "+++ money, nation, americans, need, states, clinton, american, that, hillary, america
--- mexican, average, high, banks, quarter, order, stop, elite, pay, look",
+ "+++ millions, hillary, obama, americans, that, human, party, state, president, years
--- better, we, companies, toll, life, ban, so, society, maldives, dea",
+ "+++ national, life, nation, us, control, government, state, media, come, so
--- coming, international, climate, obergefell, intelligence, truth, times, known, bad, armed",
+ "+++ election, hillary, state, donald, years, states, media, don, way, trump
--- bad, voting, instead, us, government, data, county, national, look, told",
+ "+++ world, long, good, need, work, better, years, free
--- tea, public, number, media, food, beer, party, great, america, day",
+ "+++ today, work, know, that, american, want, years, don, life, right
--- cups, human, order, history, economy, consume, need, fact, election, corporate",
+ "+++ reality, the, election, society, so, public, history, national, control, right
--- italic, 1991, don, secret, iran, peace, continue, reptilian, contra, w",
+ "+++ this, is, that, need, state, look, work, think, great, them
--- racist, maybe, m, feel, not, political, far, white, old, order",
+ "+++ washington, government, years, clinton, the, know, public, hillary, obama, news
--- security, report, global, corporate, don, lynch, mainstream, year, 2015, director",
+ "+++ trump, clinton, the, i, news, state, hillary, media
--- earthquake, magnitude, america, support, re, wednesday, pilger, coming, donald, fox",
+ "+++ washington, us, the, states, called, world, government, american, media, war
--- al, border, rebel, aid, libya, we, nation, need, security, america",
+ "+++ we, the, now, news, know, that, re, media, stop, state
--- instead, real, halloween, long, m, look, states, posted, government, corporate",
+ "+++ future, global, today, state, us, history, war, political, years, country
--- money, leader, way, chinese, americans, island, church, japan, is, member",
+ "+++ right, society, know, come, them, need, this, good, real, believe
--- economy, hillary, trump, washington, different, face, learn, propaganda, called, spiritual"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ years, right, october, according, media, house, called, year, news, the
--- don, sex, russians, november, watch, death, campaign, icke, jesus, network",
+ "+++ right, year, the, world, state, years, minister, october
--- gait, pressure, bad, add, x, biblical, place, u, doe, elections",
+ "+++ order, government, that, administration, countries, crisis, however, power, state, the
--- fly, work, election, intelligence, global, today, access, free, officials, protection",
+ "+++ media, presidential, state, news, right, intelligence, post, the, october, obama
--- administration, party, money, investigation, huma, personal, reported, york, fly, private",
+ "+++ according, october, russian, state, recent, long, the, government, fact, today
--- university, officials, anti, project, political, led, course, residents, patients, elections",
+ "+++ nuclear, according, united, north, year, world, years, war, end, u
--- weapons, military, clear, interests, political, party, 5, soviet, washington, minister",
+ "+++ u, economic, news, recent, state, years, policy, global, government, year
--- 0, 2015, minister, order, money, gold, soviet, digital, assets, 4",
+ "+++ right, world, that, post, hillary, october, year, trump
--- issues, don, orthodox, guest, east, regime, the, united, defense, election",
+ "+++ years, world, year, the, according, that, long
--- deal, 4, media, gods, ukraine, body, health, they, mental, elections",
+ "+++ news, public, clear, fact, government, anti, media
--- america, russians, far, metabolism, national, this, october, that, 1, result",
+ "+++ elections, the, political, post, news, media, president, october, clinton, trump
--- according, i, foreign, icke, regime, o, intelligence, kelly, administration, voters",
+ "+++ american, president, elections, americans, states, clinton, campaign, november, trump, that
--- constitution, years, don, this, fact, illegal, moore, told, interests, burr",
+ "+++ year, november, far, october, nuclear, according, years, world, power, however
--- no, house, contaminated, 5, war, fly, period, intelligence, large, gun",
+ "+++ party, america, americans, public, right, hillary, support, campaign, year, u
--- brew, tim, democratic, establishment, far, europe, bernie, possible, murderer, vladimir",
+ "+++ years, war, national, world, year, news, the, that, president, state
--- vladimir, video, minister, soviet, signals, signal, officials, policy, syria, americans",
+ "+++ news, north, world, however, according
--- original, national, earth, us, p, course, a, 3, study, public",
+ "+++ states, americans, trump, state, war, hillary, us, long, fact, called
--- fly, actually, post, missile, russia, want, point, democracy, international, elite",
+ "+++ november, global, media, that, weapons, administration, sanctions, intelligence, long, security
--- ",
+ "+++ defense, october, november, state, war, the, military, us, east, forces
--- recent, al, that, nuclear, battle, today, american, regime, turkish, northern",
+ "+++ president, nato, news, november, october, russian, ukraine, russia, today, the
--- futures, 58, economic, teens, tsunami, security, lakes, year, animals, highlights",
+ "+++ year, anti, media, however, years, the
--- low, chemical, life, reported, this, span, choi, doctors, results, clear",
+ "+++ end, u, support, american, public, that, country, hillary, americans, states
--- power, 10, elections, term, 5, points, icke, putin, sanctions, fact",
+ "+++ deal, president, foreign, house, government, hillary, year, years, obama, americans
--- fsa, technicians, military, global, heroin, clear, us, sanctions, relations, intelligence",
+ "+++ called, government, state, security, u, years, power, us, weapons, nato
--- including, place, unelected, west, cia, nuclear, know, men, aircraft, nation",
+ "+++ however, states, hillary, officials, u, party, according, clinton, campaign, presidential
--- likely, president, voter, threat, crisis, europe, tuesday, numbers, zone, policy",
+ "+++ long, world, year, years
--- moscow, us, contains, foreign, policy, syria, birth, small, babies, mosquitoes",
+ "+++ that, years, the, anti, right, long, american, party, power, world
--- economic, soviet, author, campaign, far, consume, u, nsa, nuclear, regime",
+ "+++ state, war, president, however, national, october, media, election, house, american
--- north, conspiracies, airport, economic, likely, henry, tibet, syria, unearthed, interests",
+ "+++ long, this, trump, world, americans, state, years, fact, the, that
--- women, forces, international, going, real, racist, interests, life, elections, election",
+ "+++ years, election, secretary, american, political, obama, clinton, news, post, public
--- interests, presidential, order, ukraine, investigators, today, world, up, classified, 11",
+ "+++ state, november, according, hillary, media, trump, news, campaign, the, support
--- zone, thompson, icke, party, 43, 2015, channel, https, 22, economic",
+ "+++ president, russia, support, media, defense, american, washington, united, us, military
--- backed, soviet, civilians, terror, attacks, nations, opposition, islamic, party, allies",
+ "+++ october, news, according, north, media, state, that, year, the
--- years, we, help, stop, protests, states, conflict, right, u, vladimir",
+ "+++ us, state, states, minister, called, war, years, country, political, russia
--- anti, end, parliament, however, news, americans, intelligence, interests, century, australia",
+ "+++ power, end, world, however, that, government, obama, fact, state, long
--- sure, weapons, regime, idea, americans, different, forces, actually, experience, conflict"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ the, reported, october, killed, city
--- arabs, iraq, christian, al, lt, right, children, doss, network, forces",
+ "+++ the, arab, state, palestine, october
--- children, 2c, syrian, times, aoun, us, balfour, zionist, hashd, minister",
+ "+++ the, 000, city, force, government, state
--- fled, environmental, courts, offensive, zionist, years, arabs, going, balfour, public",
+ "+++ october, reported, state, 000, the
--- iraqi, added, iraq, areas, lt, campaign, revealed, turkey, president, obama",
+ "+++ areas, killed, area, state, 000, war, group, british, forces, general
--- ottoman, vehicles, offensive, paris, spokesman, liberation, 3, civilians, amnesty, attack",
+ "+++ 000, war, doss, near, air, killed, general
--- the, pink, army, according, 9, rape, group, fighting, ocean, assault",
+ "+++ government, 000, state
--- trading, spokesman, financial, debt, based, assets, villages, daesh, kurdish, market",
+ "+++ october
--- book, added, mcinerney, share, rape, general, liberation, ignore, post, state",
+ "+++ 000, the
--- 4, vehicles, fda, province, fighter, moon, need, body, battle, enter",
+ "+++ government, british, group
--- combat, brexit, koch, hibiscus, militants, acid, area, mistakenly, soy, candy",
+ "+++ november, october, state, the
--- anti, he, operation, country, event, mr, map, mcinerney, assault, added",
+ "+++ state, the, november, government
--- isil, palestine, northern, fled, zionist, isis, vote, united, kurdish, army",
+ "+++ november, area, air, near, october, south
--- heat, raqqa, nasa, operations, re, coming, need, mystery, lt, palestine",
+ "+++ state
--- ottoman, vehicles, baehr, u, strikes, fbi, voters, rights, wall, barack",
+ "+++ the, state, killed, isis, 000, war
--- daesh, november, follow, strikes, voa, special, carney, jets, near, combat",
+ "+++ area, force, air, near
--- mosul, liberation, forces, fled, light, mobile, rock, ahrar, general, brown",
+ "+++ government, the, war, us, state
--- americans, operations, actually, future, lies, human, corporate, you, assault, political",
+ "+++ military, war, east, november, state, october, defense, us, the, forces
--- secretary, flights, year, ottoman, major, tal, arab, fled, establishment, troops",
+ "+++ artillery, offensive, afar, area, military, aleppo, positions, killed, november, general
--- ",
+ "+++ november, the, october, group, eastern
--- report, positions, tal, day, mosul, birds, bloomberg, command, rtd, pigs",
+ "+++ reported, the
--- ocean, toxic, attack, known, heart, baby, risk, testing, militants, isis",
+ "+++ state, 000, government
--- map, balfour, afar, income, program, education, joint, reported, iraqi, jobs",
+ "+++ the, state, government, plan
--- area, al, policies, hillary, ban, executions, mosul, isil, defense, areas",
+ "+++ killed, general, military, forces, force, attack, special, government, air, war
--- liberate, change, human, left, land, media, russian, however, ottoman, artillery",
+ "+++ state, october, reported
--- candidate, 10, clinton, balfour, traitors, texas, war, mosul, machines, peshmerga",
+ "+++
--- associated, birth, training, food, al, world, high, 25, 1, minutes",
+ "+++ the
--- black, state, license, isis, produces, king, creative, palestine, map, common",
+ "+++ war, october, the, group, state
--- aleppo, units, documentary, wounded, italic, consciousness, fiber, truth, town, operations",
+ "+++ the, state
--- you, map, that, daesh, place, trump, good, isis, iraqi, arab",
+ "+++ 000, reported, general, government, the, october, state
--- positions, liberation, president, war, crime, act, commander, air, palestine, flights",
+ "+++ october, force, reported, november, the, 25, state
--- kurdish, 9, government, http, thompson, wounded, 000, ahrar, fighter, operations",
+ "+++ aleppo, east, government, defense, iraq, war, state, syrian, military, turkish
--- killed, security, islamic, 2c, artillery, tal, according, strikes, united, spokesman",
+ "+++ near, october, reported, state, the, area
--- areas, property, jets, peshmerga, violence, camp, militarized, terrorists, popular, turkey",
+ "+++ state, military, the, government, eastern, south, us, war, british, east
--- gen, restoration, fighting, utm, 25, lt, holy, spokesman, reported, korea",
+ "+++ government, state, the, us
--- province, real, reality, jets, idea, ottoman, british, assault, better, energy"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ years, says, according, october, day, news, the, re
--- reports, russian, wife, cuba, underwater, room, killed, 10, eastern, watch",
+ "+++ living, years, world, re, the, day, october
--- russia, baltic, birds, ukrainian, retail, dr, according, jerusalem, period, doses",
+ "+++ world, we, according, the, years, 2014, crisis
--- u, non, clean, immigration, use, year, 1, 1970, however, losses",
+ "+++ including, president, the, october, day, according, news, reports
--- 11, announces, state, posts, know, u, georgia, post, 26, glass",
+ "+++ world, according, years, group, 1, russian, today, the, october, 3
--- refugee, turtles, says, million, announces, research, source, force, estimated, carrier",
+ "+++ years, 1, world, 11, canada, we, says, pacific, day, according
--- conservation, glass, birds, rome, peace, tokyo, alaska, pieczenik, year, lake",
+ "+++ world, posts, years, report, banking, 10, 3, news, 0, 1
--- 4, large, industry, trading, pigs, baltic, management, says, economy, use",
+ "+++ re, 26, october, 11, day, world, we, 3, 0
--- com, a, wall, embassy, 1970, text, assange, statues, don, sea",
+ "+++ the, species, according, years, animal, dr, report, 1, re, world
--- mins, sea, genetic, attractions, you, hour, gonz, rtd, scientists, venezuela",
+ "+++ news, 1, group, dr
--- pacific, lakes, result, clinical, fatty, president, trade, the, canada, body",
+ "+++ news, we, says, wall, day, re, the, november, october, president
--- underwater, turtles, years, nato, americans, 58, event, crimea, endangered, fake",
+ "+++ president, november, re, the, day, news
--- rights, georgia, voting, 1, ballot, losses, today, 58, retail, pacific",
+ "+++ november, re, world, october, 3, 1, we, day, years, according
--- news, grid, discovered, mysterious, atmosphere, retail, know, bailout, space, away",
+ "+++ news, president, wall, re, street
--- left, sanders, says, hour, baier, michelle, election, law, statues, elephants",
+ "+++ we, according, news, years, posts, president, world, the, report
--- media, biden, islam, clowns, ukraine, ceta, living, lakes, agreement, franco",
+ "+++ 0, news, according, world, 1, says, 3, 10
--- mobile, p, attractions, wwf, trees, tomb, check, bullets, october, pieczenik",
+ "+++ news, the, we, world, today, re, years, president
--- turtles, society, attractions, 07, trees, can, venezuela, elephants, americans, lies",
+ "+++ november, russia, news, russian, world, crisis, october, according, president, the
--- pieczenik, futures, year, east, relations, syria, americans, pollution, vladimir, government",
+ "+++ november, the, group, october, eastern
--- scissors, forces, balfour, east, 11, pigs, northern, kurdish, general, venezuela",
+ "+++ including, border, living, vs, street, cuba, elephants, 2020, group, report
--- ",
+ "+++ 3, 10, the, 1, years
--- baltic, re, highlights, media, border, 58, system, russia, birds, recommended",
+ "+++ 10, street, years, 3, trade, 1, wall
--- workers, endangered, labor, system, group, rates, eastern, 2020, ukrainian, wealth",
+ "+++ 1, the, president, years
--- mandate, toll, lakes, government, single, regulated, obamacare, posts, million, budget",
+ "+++ we, including, ukraine, world, years, november, coup, day, today, president
--- americans, war, canada, banking, conservation, border, saakashvili, georgia, wwf, nation",
+ "+++ 3, 1, reports, report, day, october, according, 10, news, years
--- results, elections, president, including, country, bloomberg, 2014, floods, saakashvili, county",
+ "+++ animals, including, years, day, world, animal, 1, 3
--- cuba, georgia, fat, use, russian, 2, futures, tea, floods, chlorine",
+ "+++ world, today, years, says, re, news, 10, the
--- scissors, anti, rivers, com, vs, god, nato, bad, reports, blender",
+ "+++ group, president, october, news, world, the, years
--- formatting, contra, indian, baltic, tpp, attractions, conspiracies, consciousness, line, process",
+ "+++ world, living, we, re, years, the, day
--- great, crash, 40, live, saakashvili, better, pacific, good, species, all",
+ "+++ the, october, day, including, years, 11, reports, news, according, president
--- use, days, trees, administration, underwater, general, birds, enforcement, rivers, office",
+ "+++ 3, according, 1, 26, news, november, 11, the, october, 0
--- species, videos, hour, fox, scissors, media, endangered, rt, 2015, 4",
+ "+++ group, russian, including, according, russia, the, world, nato, president, eastern
--- isis, pacific, region, iranian, banking, assad, rebels, yemen, gonz, islamic",
+ "+++ news, 1, re, according, day, we, the, october, reports
--- camp, account, border, now, 2014, pieczenik, wall, 26, arrested, property",
+ "+++ today, trade, sea, the, years, including, world, eastern, russia
--- member, 2020, georgia, century, war, australian, cuba, baltic, vatican, great",
+ "+++ today, 1, world, re, 3, day, years, the
--- 2014, point, we, feel, barrett, self, life, sure, 07, form"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ death, years, life, year, the, baby, media, reported, women, children
--- away, young, friend, father, journal, photos, days, woman, sexual, 20",
+ "+++ children, the, life, year, 2, blood, times, years
--- went, park, man, minister, normal, health, face, wine, bad, use",
+ "+++ years, however, the, health, lead, increase, year, use, 2
--- reduce, immune, tea, doctors, land, known, depression, benefits, bonuses, supplies",
+ "+++ use, evidence, the, media, reported, year, times
--- story, there, post, justice, 000, house, choi, need, hillary, natural",
+ "+++ 2, years, 3, use, 1, the, a, research, study, year
--- recommended, result, curcumin, estimated, worldtruth, aircraft, local, camp, workers, cancer",
+ "+++ d, 1, park, children, help, ocean, 2, death, year, years
--- near, heart, choi, p, magnetic, we, incident, blood, lake, 400",
+ "+++ 1, year, a, increase, 3, 10, 2, use, years
--- at, cost, journal, entry, span, business, www, cause, trading, insert",
+ "+++ children, a, year, 3, women, 2, use
--- girls, check, 11, know, embassy, effect, abuse, reduce, text, park",
+ "+++ studies, cancer, 1, use, years, science, need, study, 2, medical
--- natural, blood, 4, i, span, particles, function, nature, insert, discovered",
+ "+++ benefits, study, a, 1, health, help, use, media, heart, body
--- properties, strong, newman, disease, caused, cite, doctor, california, alternative, bones",
+ "+++ media, the, anti, times
--- hillary, re, kelly, taking, death, important, flu, country, democrats, he",
+ "+++ the
--- healing, study, medical, case, trial, magnetic, right, use, arizona, doctor",
+ "+++ need, year, 1, field, times, 2, years, however, 3
--- earth, miles, age, base, sailing, according, seen, away, span, important",
+ "+++ anti, times, year, need
--- possible, foundation, field, results, law, problems, levels, elizabeth, system, ocean",
+ "+++ media, women, the, study, years, year
--- brotherhood, killed, told, borra, high, health, effects, effect, voa, according",
+ "+++ 2, use, study, d, 1, a, however, 3, cancer, health
--- help, magnetic, electricity, particles, www, medicine, testing, journal, area, symptoms",
+ "+++ need, life, the, media, years
--- 1, point, doctors, fact, curcumin, clinton, journal, american, far, we",
+ "+++ year, the, media, however, years, anti
--- reduce, international, problems, long, moscow, national, u, global, america, ukraine",
+ "+++ reported, the
--- disease, death, benefits, mcinerney, assault, liberation, problems, use, aleppo, science",
+ "+++ 10, the, 1, years, 3
--- problems, birds, 07, today, women, conservation, venezuela, researchers, treatment, low",
+ "+++ low, d, health, dying, symptoms, span, system, curcumin, children, healing
--- ",
+ "+++ 3, system, high, 2, 10, 1, need, year, years
--- percentage, levels, women, diseases, money, 50, treatment, average, magnetic, taxes",
+ "+++ years, the, doctor, year, 1, health
--- payer, administration, saudi, age, particles, benefits, regulated, that, industry, testing",
+ "+++ times, known, media, death, years, however, the, year, life
--- low, white, defense, evidence, increase, military, study, veterans, journal, stress",
+ "+++ reported, 10, 2, however, evidence, results, media, 1, lead, a
--- worldtruth, positive, trump, numbers, post, 2012, park, million, times, according",
+ "+++ benefits, worldtruth, cause, 3, help, natural, health, reduce, use, year
--- effects, normal, choi, drinking, bones, increased, cases, smoking, water, particles",
+ "+++ 10, anti, the, years, body, high, baby, life, a, insert
--- author, pregnancy, reported, star, reduce, parenthood, that, use, way, cause",
+ "+++ media, years, evidence, the, however, times
--- heart, h, tibet, 2000, george, curcumin, diseases, 10, researchers, worldtruth",
+ "+++ need, years, the, times, california, d, life, women
--- reported, bones, caused, effects, 10, 3, he, good, all, body",
+ "+++ recommended, years, evidence, the, year, reported, use
--- powerful, email, records, federal, 3, system, act, told, obama, problems",
+ "+++ reported, a, 1, 10, 2, 3, the, media
--- hillary, channel, years, november, body, park, lead, campaign, 9, 0",
+ "+++ the, media
--- bones, 1, benefits, foreign, results, turkish, allies, years, researchers, council",
+ "+++ reported, the, use, 1, help, media, year
--- need, scene, benefits, recommended, positive, sioux, increase, tribe, results, doctors",
+ "+++ the, years
--- results, europe, children, regional, lead, immune, system, park, research, states",
+ "+++ 3, life, the, years, heart, level, help, 1, important, however
--- lot, want, anti, learn, best, truth, baby, 2, this, able"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ year, years, 4
--- corporations, tv, millions, person, mother, revenue, taxes, end, called, 20",
+ "+++ years, 2, state, year
--- having, america, public, trump, netanyahu, doses, program, world, that, history",
+ "+++ tax, 2, country, immigration, billion, million, years, u, that, government
--- wall, global, cost, required, working, system, revenue, mexican, housing, countries",
+ "+++ political, national, that, hillary, obama, private, trump, u, american, money
--- quarter, jena, information, points, non, news, paul, dollars, october, emails",
+ "+++ year, 000, 3, million, 5, workers, 2, years, government, 1
--- migrants, banks, operations, gaap, population, private, economic, food, paid, idlib",
+ "+++ u, 000, 5, years, 9, year, 4, 2, end, 1
--- wage, doss, tepco, national, left, laura, free, economy, 6, bear",
+ "+++ state, global, 1, investment, money, rates, business, banks, years, federal
--- free, reserve, crocs, trillion, posted, funds, housing, need, gold, 2008",
+ "+++ 9, 2, 5, that, 3, year, hillary, trump
--- investment, child, world, private, x, wall, ignore, what, u, immigration",
+ "+++ 4, 000, years, that, 2, need, 1, percent, year
--- species, type, wall, pharmaceutical, americans, discovered, ago, system, funds, mins",
+ "+++ government, public, 50, 1
--- plant, cite, nigel, onion, street, allen, 10, that, national, stomach",
+ "+++ america, political, voters, clinton, paid, million, left, trump, that, wall
--- republican, says, average, vote, voight, dollars, 000, poll, republicans, percentage",
+ "+++ trump, national, state, u, that, states, government, clinton, federal, americans
--- corporations, business, wages, wealth, trial, revenue, don, spent, funds, income",
+ "+++ 5, 3, 7, 2, years, 1, need, year
--- wealth, 14, points, percentage, gaap, u, revenue, high, wage, mysterious",
+ "+++ wall, american, class, hillary, public, state, u, americans, america, left
--- economy, murderer, news, revenue, bernie, government, business, 2, banks, fox",
+ "+++ national, that, years, obama, year, support, political, million, state, 000
--- cecil, shaabi, wealth, global, credible, passports, formula, islamic, private, business",
+ "+++ 1, 10, 5, 2, 100, 3, free
--- housing, says, life, u, america, immigration, content, business, inequality, quarter",
+ "+++ millions, hillary, global, free, that, state, years, need, national, americans
--- fund, trade, establishment, debt, look, long, programs, let, immigration, 100",
+ "+++ government, country, americans, global, years, national, end, support, states, state
--- anti, forces, spending, 10, federal, europe, ukraine, 7, high, 2008",
+ "+++ government, 000, state
--- syrian, 100, isil, command, liberation, tax, voters, trade, total, free",
+ "+++ wall, 1, 10, street, years, trade, 3
--- declines, lakes, state, wildlife, government, statues, blender, immigration, income, 26",
+ "+++ 3, year, 10, years, high, need, 2, system, 1
--- million, 100, recommended, support, medical, political, span, percentage, public, heart",
+ "+++ points, states, year, tax, global, fund, paid, programs, economy, 3
--- ",
+ "+++ that, hillary, 1, state, americans, year, millions, free, ban, government
--- reelected, sequester, com, appropriation, opiate, fsa, solution, payer, education, dollars",
+ "+++ obama, public, that, policy, america, end, u, american, political, government
--- ukraine, inequality, special, dollars, money, media, west, spent, pay, financial",
+ "+++ state, voters, million, years, u, year, country, clinton, poll, 3
--- economy, taxes, electronic, spending, end, americans, 2012, elections, that, funds",
+ "+++ 4, 1, 5, free, high, 3, years, year, 2, need
--- common, programs, obama, trade, cause, infections, e, brazil, million, virus",
+ "+++ american, free, high, 10, years, 9, that
--- power, trump, truth, gaap, banks, alex, instead, political, 000, cups",
+ "+++ american, years, national, public, state, u
--- working, media, bush, immigration, million, voters, taxes, paid, left, quarter",
+ "+++ trump, need, america, american, country, americans, years, end, that, state
--- look, d, states, debt, man, policy, workers, percentage, billion, old",
+ "+++ state, obama, private, national, years, political, american, hillary, 000, year
--- programs, gaap, country, housing, chief, support, workers, points, paid, term",
+ "+++ 10, 4, support, 3, 5, 9, hillary, clinton, 2, 7
--- homeless, free, trillion, income, dollars, night, 0, private, jolie, www",
+ "+++ u, states, country, government, policy, state, american, support
--- federal, pay, investment, america, syrian, street, sunni, human, arms, wall",
+ "+++ 1, private, state, that, year
--- millions, paul, spending, dollars, savings, political, average, 000, inequality, account",
+ "+++ economic, country, global, years, trade, state, policy, government, million, political
--- corporations, banks, financial, quarter, millions, empire, american, uk, world, military",
+ "+++ government, money, years, 3, end, 1, need, state, free, obama
--- private, do, wall, understand, housing, total, light, actually, idea, tax"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ years, told, house, the, year
--- punishment, photos, way, police, won, shiny, girls, took, addicts, social",
+ "+++ state, the, year, years
--- companies, health, 3a, think, minister, larry, arab, deductibles, making, mining",
+ "+++ act, the, americans, utm, free, health, years, insurance, industry, rights
--- american, obama, deductibles, foreign, fix, pharma, we, land, executions, order",
+ "+++ obama, house, hillary, that, told, president, clinton, white, 2015, campaign
--- podesta, story, fsa, deal, pharma, wikileaks, york, trump, according, e",
+ "+++ government, years, human, million, the, state, 1, year
--- recent, children, including, replace, a, congress, insurance, that, drug, tripadvisor",
+ "+++ year, years, 1, told
--- boy, million, m, americans, tokyo, impaired, maldives, obamacare, ocean, payer",
+ "+++ 2015, industry, 1, government, com, year, state, big, years, companies
--- mining, obama, value, ban, digital, prices, won, content, opioid, lobbying",
+ "+++ that, hillary, year, com
--- maldives, arabia, insurance, anymore, spiritually, real, a, girls, companies, screen",
+ "+++ that, drugs, human, pharmaceutical, 1, drug, the, health, years, year
--- fsa, report, quality, published, professor, monsanto, won, lobbying, administration, genetic",
+ "+++ 1, drugs, government, health
--- house, barns, breathing, 50, panels, mohammed, problem, corbyn, addiction, technicians",
+ "+++ americans, big, that, president, party, white, the, won, told, campaign
--- event, support, care, going, foreign, addictive, industry, shiny, pharma, supporters",
+ "+++ rights, won, hillary, government, com, clinton, americans, told, president, campaign
--- united, pic, republican, voters, don, veritas, justices, democrat, 2015, 1",
+ "+++ years, 1, year
--- contaminated, arabia, away, october, foreign, believed, period, opioid, reelected, sailing",
+ "+++ hillary, party, obama, congress, house, year, clinton, rights, white, state
--- meth, pharmaceutical, act, bleachbit, saudi, re, industry, news, doctor, political",
+ "+++ that, told, million, years, obama, president, the, year, state
--- search, meth, study, addiction, ban, party, opioid, taliban, pharmaceutical, congress",
+ "+++ 1, free, health, com
--- land, sun, manila, white, click, release, the, affordable, un, addictive",
+ "+++ human, state, that, the, government, free, party, clinton, hillary, obama
--- far, american, life, addicts, lobbying, opiate, them, 1, appropriation, great",
+ "+++ foreign, administration, government, year, americans, campaign, years, deal, that, party
--- nato, opiates, threat, doctor, moscow, power, called, problem, officials, post",
+ "+++ state, government, plan, the
--- addictive, joint, balfour, areas, gen, terrorists, hashd, arabia, baghdadi, kratom",
+ "+++ 1, president, the, years
--- crash, utm, health, administration, street, bailout, white, animal, millions, deal",
+ "+++ health, the, years, doctor, 1, year
--- caused, california, choi, foreign, study, normal, toll, park, payer, alcohol",
+ "+++ government, millions, that, obama, clinton, state, year, 1, americans, hillary
--- labor, meth, fix, 10, arabia, campaign, america, support, tripadvisor, pharmaceutical",
+ "+++ pharmaceutical, industry, ban, ki, obamacare, maldives, that, manila, drugs, lack
--- ",
+ "+++ foreign, americans, state, white, president, years, obama, that, human, the
--- maldives, single, industry, technicians, power, public, millions, way, world, pharmaceutical",
+ "+++ years, campaign, clinton, hillary, party, 1, year, million, state, told
--- point, vote, numbers, post, house, white, wnd, big, lack, win",
+ "+++ years, 1, free, year, health
--- that, better, associated, pharmaceutical, heat, deductibles, un, deal, training, arabia",
+ "+++ years, that, free, com, big, the, party
--- human, hole, clinton, heroin, tv, addiction, americans, budget, solution, great",
+ "+++ white, years, the, president, human, house, state
--- investigation, fiber, vice, johnson, group, solution, emphasized, prescription, bush, u",
+ "+++ years, the, that, americans, white, state
--- apples, you, millions, makes, he, maybe, heroin, know, medicare, industry",
+ "+++ years, administration, act, congress, obama, government, year, president, state, campaign
--- saudi, sent, health, vaccines, nurses, probe, obamacare, addictive, won, kaiser",
+ "+++ hillary, the, 1, 2015, campaign, saudi, clinton, com, state
--- maldives, buildings, americans, tony, replace, videos, medications, https, breaking, won",
+ "+++ the, state, saudi, government, arabia, president, human, foreign
--- turkish, lack, obamacare, world, according, international, including, nusra, defense, house",
+ "+++ told, com, the, 1, year, rights, that, state
--- posted, black, october, ki, site, million, scene, youtube, dna, officer",
+ "+++ foreign, the, state, years, utm, government, million
--- com, australian, beijing, breathing, trade, today, italy, health, pharma, order",
+ "+++ free, years, obama, government, human, 1, that, the, state
--- single, bureaucracy, energy, want, thing, heroin, president, manila, maldives, plan"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ men, don, called, media, death, the, law, life, them, right
--- reportedly, baby, later, west, story, didn, defense, 4, wife, kids",
+ "+++ west, don, history, life, state, day, good, times, year, way
--- western, pressure, doe, bank, palestine, benjamin, again, bad, american, however",
+ "+++ citizens, public, states, government, order, state, american, force, land, the
--- day, washington, crisis, non, 2, west, fairfax, access, obergefell, later",
+ "+++ now, that, public, know, day, state, law, u, year, american
--- fact, trump, director, house, history, attack, years, great, so, defense",
+ "+++ international, long, russian, government, world, army, years, including, killed, year
--- military, and, west, defense, later, india, operations, groups, death, areas",
+ "+++ u, end, death, united, year, general, day, years, we, war
--- impaired, cia, law, d, coup, including, power, don, miles, laura",
+ "+++ policy, years, and, u, state, world, year, government
--- forces, value, stocks, land, nation, news, left, information, flag, day",
+ "+++ them, world, right, we, day, good, year, know, that, way
--- got, spiritually, unelected, political, website, man, attack, embassy, orthodox, publish",
+ "+++ don, that, control, years, great, year, the, we, long, life
--- silver, american, dr, a, genetic, called, general, west, weapons, gods",
+ "+++ public, government, media, fact
--- strong, left, syria, brexit, washington, president, medicinal, clear, block, later",
+ "+++ november, national, day, know, american, times, political, way, media, the
--- nominee, year, won, men, law, pro, presidential, trump, attack, o",
+ "+++ u, president, law, government, that, state, the, states, national, americans
--- jury, washington, elections, polling, armed, action, hillary, known, international, supreme",
+ "+++ world, know, long, we, times, november, year, power, aircraft, years
--- death, states, and, citizens, right, spirit, old, musket, coup, nasa",
+ "+++ american, america, washington, white, state, times, right, president, political, year
--- trump, department, members, rights, party, slept, policy, re, race, flag",
+ "+++ that, intelligence, obama, year, media, national, state, killed, president, political
--- nation, right, government, policy, one, passports, attack, carney, u, rule",
+ "+++ force, world, land, air, however, life
--- states, veterans, underground, west, army, nation, quarterly, planet, killing, later",
+ "+++ united, the, control, human, political, great, government, right, america, president
--- continue, want, ukraine, cia, attack, special, believe, i, left, donald",
+ "+++ russian, world, u, nato, however, america, obama, november, military, fact
--- crisis, recent, administration, coup, white, relations, global, election, news, fly",
+ "+++ government, november, special, military, force, forces, general, army, attack, us
--- called, media, americans, major, raqqa, united, eastern, flights, them, country",
+ "+++ the, president, november, world, ukraine, we, years, day, coup, russia
--- animals, formatting, change, so, military, americans, group, now, cuba, long",
+ "+++ life, year, years, death, however, the, times, known, media
--- body, know, heart, white, syria, forces, flu, health, doctors, effects",
+ "+++ public, country, nation, americans, end, policy, u, political, states, government
--- present, 2008, order, change, war, investment, financial, ago, economic, white",
+ "+++ state, americans, that, year, white, government, the, human, foreign, obama
--- cia, washington, obamacare, breathing, appropriation, force, congress, called, fsa, them",
+ "+++ national, president, known, times, flag, and, nato, us, white, peace
--- ",
+ "+++ u, don, country, year, day, however, states, years, state, way
--- and, control, elections, army, poll, fact, candidate, early, reports, right",
+ "+++ good, including, day, years, long, year, known, world
--- nato, syria, land, security, free, diet, war, developing, 5, d",
+ "+++ world, that, way, great, years, the, good, power, long, right
--- left, armed, insert, you, news, times, now, political, earth, men",
+ "+++ peace, president, years, power, world, times, human, public, however, right
--- life, india, group, planetary, left, men, parry, change, called, end",
+ "+++ good, men, way, ago, country, end, and, them, long, place
--- baseball, real, citizens, forces, women, racist, thing, policy, coup, general",
+ "+++ security, the, obama, political, know, years, law, year, state, general
--- great, world, report, november, up, clinton, investigators, americans, come, 000",
+ "+++ november, force, media, state, the
--- white, left, nation, international, october, syria, hollywood, jones, http, 9",
+ "+++ washington, military, the, state, security, world, syria, foreign, attack, government
--- ago, force, backed, rebel, eastern, change, aid, national, terrorists, border",
+ "+++ year, the, day, now, media, know, state, law, land, we
--- change, come, posted, woman, and, williams, defense, known, unelected, riot",
+ "+++ states, great, foreign, including, international, history, power, policy, military, world
--- special, citizens, long, them, forces, unelected, south, trade, force, security",
+ "+++ world, human, them, day, long, don, place, way, good, power
--- let, lot, public, actually, attack, re, americans, think, ago, media"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ october, reported, according, day, school, years, media, way, year, don
--- reports, romney, entertainment, son, coaching, million, parents, officials, number, machines",
+ "+++ year, day, october, 2, years, posted, state, way, don
--- 2012, ancient, media, 8, voter, powder, officials, palestine, electoral, percent",
+ "+++ however, way, lead, years, state, 2, states, u, million, according
--- we, county, constitutional, future, order, race, powder, enforcement, right, citizens",
+ "+++ u, campaign, october, hillary, told, candidate, democratic, trump, evidence, media
--- at, a, electoral, envelope, party, leaked, story, ballots, political, wrote",
+ "+++ according, however, million, 1, years, october, school, number, 3, state
--- operation, force, party, carrier, pakistan, presidential, republican, voters, group, campaign",
+ "+++ u, years, day, 1, told, according, year, 2
--- paper, sandberg, 300, reports, united, presidential, miles, won, ballot, reno",
+ "+++ 10, a, company, 1, year, 3, posted, state, u, data
--- win, don, 2015, pay, inflation, 000, reporting, stocks, million, price",
+ "+++ year, posted, 2, point, 3, october, hillary, day, a, way
--- race, strong, data, embassy, early, poll, code, voting, officials, julian",
+ "+++ years, 1, posted, percent, a, evidence, report, paper, 2, don
--- scientific, data, live, known, food, media, published, early, mins, we",
+ "+++ news, media, a, 1
--- race, year, shilajit, fact, ahead, according, acids, evidence, democrats, company",
+ "+++ donald, election, candidate, trump, won, told, party, win, hillary, democratic
--- tuesday, reporting, schwartz, gop, times, victory, twitter, electoral, 12, report",
+ "+++ democrats, don, states, election, ballots, told, clinton, voter, fraud, elections
--- paper, pic, infection, guilty, 3, officials, virginia, tuesday, way, a",
+ "+++ 3, year, day, however, 1, 2, years, 12, october, according
--- romney, surface, seen, 2012, texas, secret, miles, officials, power, energy",
+ "+++ don, hillary, year, voters, u, clinton, possible, news, party, democrats
--- republican, point, right, vote, texas, office, case, president, investigation, barack",
+ "+++ media, million, article, according, news, told, report, years, state, year
--- october, wed, follow, muslim, star, way, olympics, shaabi, search, islamic",
+ "+++ 1, 3, news, 10, 2, however, a, according
--- discovery, curiosity, located, www, environmental, underground, volcano, pipeline, lead, heating",
+ "+++ news, states, years, party, way, don, hillary, point, election, trump
--- fact, software, johnson, economic, school, percent, count, fraud, let, elite",
+ "+++ news, u, clinton, campaign, year, trump, elections, media, presidential, party
--- november, posted, deal, lead, regime, cast, strategic, relations, no, countries",
+ "+++ state, october, reported
--- government, daesh, troops, iraqi, terrorists, year, pennsylvania, 1, british, nov",
+ "+++ day, news, reports, report, years, october, 1, according, 10, 3
--- vote, possible, russia, pacific, turtles, rivers, underwater, close, teens, 58",
+ "+++ a, 3, evidence, lead, years, reported, 2, results, 10, year
--- doctors, clinton, increased, county, system, article, reduce, software, voter, won",
+ "+++ trump, years, country, hillary, year, 2, states, million, voters, 10
--- pennsylvania, taxes, 8, workers, machines, article, street, ballot, close, company",
+ "+++ state, hillary, years, campaign, told, million, year, party, clinton, won
--- election, shiny, meth, problem, ban, punishment, voting, fraud, number, deal",
+ "+++ states, country, state, day, year, way, media, don, however, u
--- numbers, florida, war, school, called, vote, air, world, post, russia",
+ "+++ possible, 12, party, reports, points, texas, software, registered, polls, told
--- ",
+ "+++ years, 3, day, 1, 2, number, year
--- eat, democratic, babies, ballots, lead, 4, india, known, numbers, romney",
+ "+++ a, years, party, news, way, article, 10, don
--- free, american, report, bad, universe, states, powder, officials, cups, food",
+ "+++ news, media, however, evidence, election, years, johnson, state, october, u
--- peace, ballots, so, simply, 2012, software, tuesday, society, surprise, carter",
+ "+++ don, state, years, way, trump, country, day, vote
--- johnson, talk, close, news, voter, 10, voted, not, american, little",
+ "+++ campaign, day, election, officials, october, post, year, clinton, states, told
--- powder, friday, 000, count, fbi, american, secretary, polling, million, bureau",
+ "+++ posted, campaign, october, news, media, trump, state, 1, clinton, 10
--- channel, elections, q, democratic, 0, wikileaks, twitter, pennsylvania, race, jolie",
+ "+++ media, according, state, states, country, u
--- 12, possible, race, don, fraud, fighters, soldiers, told, president, nusra",
+ "+++ state, reports, county, media, told, year, wnd, 1, posted, october
--- voting, polls, officials, report, software, black, now, thursday, country, clinton",
+ "+++ states, country, million, years, state
--- great, korea, powder, sea, report, early, history, us, including, empire",
+ "+++ point, 1, years, don, way, state, 3, day, however, possible
--- mind, machines, life, simple, world, better, reports, help, donald, registered"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ 4, year, years, day
--- good, developing, milk, fat, them, animal, children, help, 20, world",
+ "+++ world, day, year, years, add, blood, good, 2
--- including, doses, ve, pressure, cause, animal, fat, period, gaza, developing",
+ "+++ years, work, use, year, water, oil, 2, health, world, free
--- the, babies, benefits, 5, food, vitamin, premiums, future, injury, that",
+ "+++ year, e, use, day, information, including
--- small, money, american, media, foods, think, products, contains, white, world",
+ "+++ including, 2, india, work, food, research, long, year, 3, use
--- benefits, million, minutes, confuse, pregnant, paris, forces, smoking, gm, carry",
+ "+++ 5, 2, years, help, 1, world, 4, d, year, day
--- unresponsive, mix, japanese, vitamin, acid, we, italy, contain, number, child",
+ "+++ information, years, 3, year, 1, use, 4, world, 2, products
--- banking, employees, help, month, 0, infections, zika, businesses, cost, posts",
+ "+++ good, 2, year, world, 5, 3, use, day
--- code, long, high, helps, 11, number, reduce, modi, work, text",
+ "+++ years, year, health, food, use, world, work, animal, benefits, 2
--- technology, pregnant, eating, genetic, 5, scientific, tea, 000, contains, moon",
+ "+++ use, contains, health, help, tea, benefits, 1, acid
--- 6, natural, mosquitoes, drugs, paste, skin, strong, good, barns, diabetes",
+ "+++ day
--- research, man, violence, rally, million, vitamin, including, risk, seeds, defects",
+ "+++ day
--- supporters, tea, health, november, democratic, burr, use, milk, action, daily",
+ "+++ 5, food, long, years, 6, day, water, world, need, year
--- concealed, october, old, glacial, lights, video, seeds, light, mix, cave",
+ "+++ need, year, work
--- rights, pregnant, marriage, confuse, community, important, didn, causes, animals, social",
+ "+++ world, years, year
--- forgiveness, signal, million, sulfur, olympics, women, beer, 234, war, day",
+ "+++ information, 2, 5, d, health, 3, world, water, 1, free
--- day, small, rubber, babies, calcium, including, long, light, click, important",
+ "+++ need, long, years, free, world, good, work, better
--- fact, right, self, important, known, health, confuse, actually, real, helps",
+ "+++ years, world, long, year
--- good, high, elections, training, election, brazil, nuclear, infections, recent, 5",
+ "+++
--- 4, aleppo, year, olive, milk, pregnant, government, 25, defense, cause",
+ "+++ animals, 1, world, 3, animal, years, day, including
--- sea, bone, cuba, 6, 2014, november, vegetables, defects, saakashvili, cause",
+ "+++ blood, d, benefits, reduce, 3, cause, levels, need, years, year
--- sugar, positive, vdare, world, healing, study, available, low, virus, curcumin",
+ "+++ 2, free, years, year, 1, 5, 4, 3, need, high
--- class, india, calcium, animals, spent, funds, revenue, vitamin, points, fund",
+ "+++ health, years, free, year, 1
--- contain, tea, 5, cause, healthy, known, breathing, obamacare, medications, deductibles",
+ "+++ day, known, world, years, year, including, long, good
--- natural, coup, disease, acid, smoking, mix, killed, order, weapons, special",
+ "+++ 1, years, number, 3, year, 2, day
--- elections, calcium, clinton, party, campaign, eat, animals, article, early, free",
+ "+++ heat, associated, eating, small, year, long, reduce, supplements, research, healthy
--- ",
+ "+++ high, long, years, food, work, daily, world, best, good, free
--- 1, important, infections, brazil, training, republish, organic, stuffed, pirate, vegetables",
+ "+++ world, years, india
--- animal, information, foods, society, parry, however, vitamin, cause, indian, evidence",
+ "+++ better, good, long, years, need, world, d, best, day, work
--- i, history, we, health, re, milk, too, number, different, and",
+ "+++ year, including, information, use, day, years
--- high, contain, act, infections, political, criminal, up, secretary, classified, campaign",
+ "+++ damage, 5, 1, 3, 6, 2, 4
--- organic, comments, 34, buildings, homeless, reported, virus, http, animals, world",
+ "+++ world, including
--- terrorist, moderate, turkish, d, natural, bombing, food, iranian, work, long",
+ "+++ water, year, help, use, day, 1
--- rights, danney, cause, ins, media, officers, 27, mix, arrest, supplements",
+ "+++ including, years, world, india
--- parliament, eu, 2, infections, food, worldtruth, reduce, better, minister, catholics",
+ "+++ important, help, long, world, best, free, use, better, 1, 3
--- god, india, seeds, babies, do, however, little, healthy, goes, calcium"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ the, years, don, news, baby, way, right, says, tv, re
--- home, 9, god, parenthood, city, kids, pills, world, boy, best",
+ "+++ way, i, good, life, world, re, god, you, don, bad
--- ago, license, trouble, mr, bible, authority, tube, posted, ingredients, feature",
+ "+++ that, world, years, free, work, the, way, right, american, power
--- courts, increase, body, continue, city, supply, produces, bell, bible, great",
+ "+++ there, american, i, know, news, right, that, the
--- records, king, house, tube, posted, self, attribution, money, political, post",
+ "+++ work, the, today, a, food, long, years, world
--- groups, satisfied, pregnancy, including, project, pills, life, truth, bible, 1",
+ "+++ years, says, d, world, i, 9
--- laura, general, p, universe, you, bad, japanese, old, film, geoffrey",
+ "+++ big, 10, world, years, a, com, news
--- credit, 0, facebook, commons, debt, universe, u, gold, black, month",
+ "+++ good, i, you, god, don, that, in, book, right, world
--- alex, embassy, 3, earth, what, trump, father, malik, weight, clown",
+ "+++ work, you, years, great, long, earth, body, that, i, food
--- humans, holes, free, baby, nsa, university, 9, self, republish, medicine",
+ "+++ body, i, anti, news, a
--- jones, mailing, book, medicinal, pirate, world, treat, free, acid, fatty",
+ "+++ american, party, that, big, way, says, i, in, want, anti
--- life, working, iceland, star, you, kelly, insert, wednesday, instead, parenthood",
+ "+++ right, i, com, re, that, don, party, american, the, news
--- laws, states, exposed, november, trump, charges, nevada, 9, day, parenthood",
+ "+++ earth, you, there, long, world, food, power, years, know, re
--- bad, pregnancy, cure, thought, 6, book, moon, 1, right, mysterious",
+ "+++ news, work, don, american, right, re, party, power, black, anti
--- that, trump, you, magic, choice, fox, be, street, stuffed, national",
+ "+++ article, news, world, years, star, the, that, american
--- pirate, party, we, uranium, pirates, earth, exposed, signal, pills, recognition",
+ "+++ a, news, 10, com, d, world, earth, life, says, free
--- exposure, magic, womb, exposed, located, solar, light, 5, king, curiosity",
+ "+++ thing, self, party, power, life, instead, that, long, i, free
--- mainstream, election, change, better, can, holes, king, there, order, is",
+ "+++ party, power, world, the, right, anti, that, years, long, news
--- in, there, global, u, pirates, fact, forces, weight, sheet, state",
+ "+++ the
--- tube, positions, general, near, gen, aleppo, mosul, instead, joint, artillery",
+ "+++ re, the, world, years, today, says, 10, news
--- hour, baltic, underwater, russia, trade, day, thing, wwf, pills, baby",
+ "+++ life, d, baby, anti, the, a, 10, high, years, body
--- pirate, treatment, healing, book, universe, today, manchanda, researchers, earth, sheet",
+ "+++ years, free, high, that, 10, american, 9
--- inequality, work, voters, investment, d, u, good, workers, millions, 1",
+ "+++ com, the, that, free, party, big, years
--- cure, 1, health, ban, addictive, star, 10, don, american, world",
+ "+++ american, long, life, today, don, way, years, right, the, world
--- says, daily, commons, unelected, pregnancy, big, free, kiss, us, history",
+ "+++ don, news, party, a, way, years, article, 10
--- truth, country, presidential, free, com, donald, hillary, vote, earth, lab",
+ "+++ fat, food, work, world, d, common, high, best, long, good
--- modi, babies, skin, mosquitoes, kiss, re, disease, 6, research, including",
+ "+++ want, today, choice, instead, high, life, attribution, bad, rice, alex
--- ",
+ "+++ book, truth, the, news, power, american, years, right, world
--- indian, today, edward, instead, unearthed, peace, swipe, 1991, there, state",
+ "+++ years, there, long, i, good, don, work, thought, best, life
--- clown, wrong, says, hole, look, cups, tv, feel, immigrants, come",
+ "+++ i, com, american, years, know, news, the
--- truth, commons, be, 000, daily, investigators, private, relieve, iceland, that",
+ "+++ com, a, 10, the, tv, jones, 9, star, news, i
--- 11, world, 43, power, pirate, parenthood, attribution, conspiracy, long, be",
+ "+++ world, the, power, american
--- bashar, daily, don, snowden, eastern, international, nsa, truth, fighters, yemen",
+ "+++ com, news, i, the, know, that, re, black
--- cops, fat, peaceful, you, property, now, woman, 9, 10, right",
+ "+++ years, great, today, power, the, world
--- article, way, high, earth, sea, russia, island, war, member, agreement",
+ "+++ life, good, know, world, self, way, god, best, you, right
--- iceland, true, big, attribution, use, means, light, high, kiss, republish"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ years, right, the, october, media, story, house, news
--- i, away, friend, watch, rape, carter, reported, girl, national, family",
+ "+++ right, x, october, history, times, years, the, world, state
--- public, remedy, reality, 3a, 1986, again, reagan, parry, however, truth",
+ "+++ years, right, the, public, power, future, american, however, human, world
--- planetary, local, rights, billion, work, election, cube, totalitarian, iran, india",
+ "+++ state, u, media, story, investigation, white, right, secret, president, news
--- husband, foundation, cube, line, process, contra, told, clinton, reported, wikileaks",
+ "+++ however, years, group, october, war, world, india, state, the, human
--- food, case, army, tibet, control, henry, peace, news, 000, house",
+ "+++ world, x, u, p, years, peace, war
--- according, india, swanson, vice, johnson, media, white, italy, evacuation, laura",
+ "+++ world, years, u, state, news
--- 1992, airport, contra, reptilian, proceeds, china, however, markets, entry, india",
+ "+++ world, october, right, x, book
--- code, consciousness, website, spam, war, trust, child, use, 5, peace",
+ "+++ evidence, control, nature, human, the, world, years
--- silver, october, medical, war, earth, national, chemicals, type, simply, historical",
+ "+++ media, group, news, clear, public
--- ingredients, study, barns, control, cannabis, newman, w, fatty, totalitarian, contains",
+ "+++ election, news, president, october, national, times, media, the, white, george
--- trump, rally, parry, historical, candidates, m, working, iran, donald, campaign",
+ "+++ state, election, president, u, case, american, national, right, the, news
--- clear, oregon, united, history, ryan, nevada, rights, hamilton, 1980, line",
+ "+++ world, october, years, power, times, secret, however
--- 1991, george, wind, contaminated, south, re, plane, cube, emphasized, snow",
+ "+++ u, president, power, national, american, case, right, news, state, times
--- 1986, cover, washington, year, clinton, group, iran, consciousness, barack, same",
+ "+++ american, years, the, war, news, media, state, national, president, world
--- muslim, telescope, house, wells, history, x, muslims, trunews, forgiveness, recep",
+ "+++ x, however, news, world, line, p
--- art, study, 2, control, white, totalitarian, cube, d, pipeline, cover",
+ "+++ power, future, truth, state, public, war, reality, so, human, president
--- ve, india, us, h, simply, clinton, 1986, indian, coming, point",
+ "+++ news, clear, however, american, u, national, power, house, media, state
--- north, society, nixon, india, strategic, long, 1991, moscow, russia, anti",
+ "+++ october, state, group, war, the
--- attack, baghdadi, aleppo, line, surprise, henry, years, unearthed, fled, hashd",
+ "+++ october, group, president, the, world, news, years
--- human, underwater, statues, teens, vice, rtd, ukrainian, gonz, male, 1970",
+ "+++ times, however, media, evidence, years, the
--- age, process, normal, power, body, studies, high, history, healing, span",
+ "+++ u, years, state, national, american, public
--- house, emphasized, contra, poll, 3, jobs, vows, term, percentage, history",
+ "+++ years, house, the, white, president, state, human
--- consciousness, war, understanding, reality, lack, clinton, hefty, george, art, future",
+ "+++ right, human, the, president, world, power, peace, so, national, state
--- simply, tibet, ukraine, vietnam, weapons, p, them, land, w, foster",
+ "+++ u, news, years, however, election, johnson, state, evidence, october, media
--- presidential, texas, emphasized, polls, contra, trust, teachings, machines, cast, count",
+ "+++ years, world, india
--- indian, future, use, p, reduce, worldtruth, understanding, cube, fiber, iran",
+ "+++ american, power, world, book, right, years, the, truth, news
--- white, star, richard, long, society, edward, october, reptilian, history, relieve",
+ "+++ culture, indian, details, reagan, documentary, evidence, surprise, hamilton, w, reptilian
--- ",
+ "+++ white, the, so, state, culture, history, world, american, times, right
--- americans, live, doesn, well, human, iran, left, away, consciousness, historical",
+ "+++ evidence, national, news, president, election, years, public, investigation, the, house
--- u, contra, reagan, 000, official, hamilton, act, johnson, reports, campaign",
+ "+++ the, state, october, media, news
--- week, iran, 22, campaign, american, case, angelina, process, h, 48",
+ "+++ the, world, u, american, human, power, war, iran, president, group
--- male, libya, fighters, multipolar, countries, policy, iranian, 1986, 1992, defense",
+ "+++ state, october, story, the, news, media
--- american, white, truth, so, cube, consciousness, dna, president, camp, 1",
+ "+++ war, power, world, the, history, years, india, future, state
--- henry, coast, region, asian, richard, government, election, book, europe, surprise",
+ "+++ the, right, state, however, truth, human, society, world, power, reality
--- matter, metals, iran, vows, true, bush, richard, doesn, carter, 1992"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ old, they, day, person, didn, don, got, life, re, way
--- kids, one, her, friend, movie, real, year, baseball, hand, racist",
+ "+++ i, again, face, man, think, don, day, the, re, old
--- can, occupied, we, bad, year, ancient, me, kara, site, gait",
+ "+++ years, end, state, and, way, right, that, work, going, country
--- got, however, baseball, courts, future, issue, public, service, administration, extract",
+ "+++ white, and, now, state, going, the, there, day, times, i
--- culture, wrote, evidence, information, weiner, good, got, staff, husband, look",
+ "+++ the, fact, years, long, world, work, state
--- number, operation, however, not, phosphorus, so, amnesty, aircraft, project, one",
+ "+++ old, we, m, d, day, world, end, i, ago, years
--- tepco, evacuation, region, 000, he, ve, hand, 5, tokyo, too",
+ "+++ state, years, world, and
--- com, entry, best, information, at, investors, reserve, global, sure, racist",
+ "+++ man, going, think, day, there, trump, know, that, person, can
--- the, lot, now, share, comments, 9, better, point, me, tell",
+ "+++ long, the, great, that, don, life, they, re, you, ve
--- can, benefits, history, research, text, virus, there, wrong, published, silver",
+ "+++ fact, i
--- d, re, now, ingredients, format, away, cbd, going, herbal, look",
+ "+++ he, trump, america, day, re, the, left, that, americans, man
--- tell, men, there, dnc, rally, washington, fact, soros, again, world",
+ "+++ trump, vote, they, re, i, state, day, don, americans, going
--- journalist, com, miller, thing, pic, law, polling, best, didn, federal",
+ "+++ you, we, day, know, years, re, old, times, look, need
--- doesn, grid, contaminated, musket, want, concealed, too, me, white, food",
+ "+++ white, americans, re, need, american, times, left, trump, america, state
--- brew, believe, again, election, long, tell, lgbt, baehr, away, features",
+ "+++ american, we, state, that, years, world, the, women, one
--- place, re, eti, credible, biden, aliens, want, now, islamic, posts",
+ "+++ d, world, life
--- environmental, great, person, ebola, release, mars, html, the, com, light",
+ "+++ know, state, long, come, end, now, life, great, them, think
--- here, elite, he, establishment, old, nation, culture, actually, racist, person",
+ "+++ american, end, right, americans, long, fact, country, that, the, world
--- campaign, putin, course, vote, united, little, washington, recent, minister, intelligence",
+ "+++ state, the
--- tell, well, let, yes, killed, think, best, near, baghdadi, life",
+ "+++ living, day, we, years, re, the, world
--- highlights, baltic, wall, face, 3, best, you, feel, trade, lot",
+ "+++ the, women, california, life, years, times, d, need
--- country, stress, m, chemical, 2, away, normal, results, america, end",
+ "+++ state, that, left, country, need, america, americans, american, end, trump
--- feel, movie, debt, private, wage, 4, workers, fund, look, spent",
+ "+++ americans, the, white, years, that, state
--- them, yes, payer, immigrants, fix, work, i, fact, sequester, come",
+ "+++ don, state, life, fact, know, good, them, times, american, day
--- think, air, look, lot, women, re, coup, california, live, is",
+ "+++ trump, day, state, country, years, vote, don, way
--- news, polls, away, radioactive, times, article, race, life, numbers, county",
+ "+++ best, d, better, day, need, world, work, good, years, long
--- yes, known, worldtruth, important, trump, vote, fat, thing, acid, daily",
+ "+++ know, life, d, right, re, that, want, don, american, great
--- says, today, commons, now, instead, america, all, tube, relieve, free",
+ "+++ history, the, white, years, world, american, so, state, times, culture
--- work, can, old, live, too, contra, not, vice, americans, fact",
+ "+++ living, doesn, this, and, ll, ve, wrong, look, again, them
--- ",
+ "+++ american, day, the, i, state, years, know
--- james, decision, re, records, and, come, hillary, old, country, baseball",
+ "+++ state, the, trump, i
--- quake, earthquakes, americans, 34, wikileaks, pic, think, want, d, women",
+ "+++ state, the, american, world, country
--- wrong, makes, we, united, rebels, terrorists, ve, fact, civilians, face",
+ "+++ that, day, now, re, the, i, man, m, we, state
--- arrest, here, admin, com, protesters, sheriff, white, better, can, mercury",
+ "+++ world, state, years, history, great, the, country
--- catholics, christians, feel, member, italian, come, fact, war, utm, you",
+ "+++ don, away, different, day, feel, work, place, way, state, the
--- 3, experience, learn, jews, immigrants, however, they, create, tell, use"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ day, days, year, i, october, law, according, the, reported, years
--- wife, weiner, them, report, her, american, decision, court, friday, sent",
+ "+++ year, october, years, i, day, state, the
--- national, records, bad, site, children, land, reports, think, justice, obama",
+ "+++ 000, government, states, federal, administration, act, enforcement, legal, use, years
--- private, official, companies, and, department, policy, told, order, days, going",
+ "+++ october, days, national, sent, criminal, 000, post, scandal, use, secretary
--- report, intelligence, crime, years, government, john, legal, com, at, bureau",
+ "+++ reports, years, according, general, state, the, 000, including, use, government
--- 5, com, fbi, french, operation, migrants, areas, khamenei, states, discovered",
+ "+++ months, general, 11, day, 000, according, years, i, told, year
--- state, committee, email, related, use, review, park, dylan, political, probe",
+ "+++ com, government, news, report, year, use, 2015, 000, years, federal
--- sell, increase, friday, policy, cash, campaign, debt, bureau, political, records",
+ "+++ day, know, year, com, post, use, 11, october, hillary, i
--- states, official, video, can, there, looks, automatically, children, re, records",
+ "+++ report, 000, the, years, evidence, use, discovered, i, according, year
--- universe, virus, post, ph, marijuana, department, information, chief, state, paper",
+ "+++ public, use, news, i, government
--- flowers, cite, psychoactive, general, parliament, reopening, the, clear, administration, inflammation",
+ "+++ election, know, state, news, house, day, political, york, president, campaign
--- country, department, won, reports, chief, attorney, big, general, democratic, presidency",
+ "+++ hillary, state, legal, told, i, law, president, government, day, national
--- records, private, second, house, polling, constitution, democratic, department, trump, congress",
+ "+++ year, according, years, know, discovered, october, day
--- 5, snow, legal, contaminated, silver, world, north, review, area, concealed",
+ "+++ national, agents, justice, investigation, fbi, campaign, obama, house, clinton, congress
--- administration, evidence, vaccine, social, according, wnd, charges, information, enforcement, party",
+ "+++ the, political, according, obama, 000, year, years, told, american, national
--- formula, official, that, egyptian, sent, post, fargo, brotherhood, borra, world",
+ "+++ news, com, according, use, information
--- criminal, click, tribe, filed, justice, the, object, 0, political, release",
+ "+++ i, news, election, government, national, president, state, obama, know, clinton
--- york, bureau, country, related, months, way, bad, don, according, post",
+ "+++ american, washington, news, administration, years, post, president, according, election, political
--- use, countries, likely, criminal, scandal, syria, missile, weapons, classified, bureau",
+ "+++ government, general, the, reported, october, 000, state
--- director, according, army, hashd, legal, evidence, 11, terrorists, south, palestine",
+ "+++ report, the, years, president, including, news, according, october, reports, day
--- 2020, justice, banking, york, retail, teens, use, american, conservation, lez",
+ "+++ evidence, year, use, the, recommended, years, reported
--- natural, marijuana, case, hillary, caused, toxic, national, depression, high, state",
+ "+++ federal, year, public, state, 000, american, years, private, national, obama
--- discovered, income, working, poll, high, i, com, non, 3, wage",
+ "+++ hillary, told, 2015, president, administration, com, act, years, the, government
--- discovered, free, email, party, utm, toll, big, addiction, reelected, according",
+ "+++ security, obama, american, political, washington, general, government, the, president, years
--- later, election, great, director, investigation, foreign, reported, marijuana, fact, months",
+ "+++ clinton, hillary, post, day, state, wnd, states, according, october, reported
--- related, general, presidential, law, classified, weiner, radioactive, doj, york, way",
+ "+++ years, including, year, use, information, day
--- 6, national, state, bone, agents, months, charges, days, investigation, secretary",
+ "+++ i, years, the, com, news, american, know
--- judiciary, pirate, decision, classified, report, pregnancy, crime, evidence, pills, that",
+ "+++ investigation, public, years, national, election, american, president, october, the, state
--- reported, white, henry, so, secretary, airport, ability, committee, 2000, enforcement",
+ "+++ the, day, american, years, know, i, state
--- related, up, 11, weiner, this, states, enforcement, national, old, movie",
+ "+++ director, national, years, told, office, federal, government, house, evidence, president
--- ",
+ "+++ state, according, 2015, com, october, i, hillary, 11, news, the
--- 1, marijuana, buildings, case, 9, up, administration, crowley, star, 3",
+ "+++ american, the, washington, states, government, state, security, president, including, according
--- classified, erdogan, 000, western, judiciary, national, secretary, lynch, terrorists, saudi",
+ "+++ told, know, october, department, wnd, use, law, reports, according, enforcement
--- construction, activists, arrest, review, official, recommended, officers, classified, land, thursday",
+ "+++ government, state, years, political, states, including, the
--- committee, europe, decision, italy, york, greece, charges, com, east, utm",
+ "+++ years, the, obama, know, day, use, i, government, state
--- com, justice, information, 3, weiner, president, up, needs, deep, charges"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ news, tv, i, the, media, twitter, october, 4, according, reported
--- child, 29, share, channel, 9, satanic, source, blitzer, infowars, 43",
+ "+++ 2, october, the, posted, i, state
--- way, ancient, http, fox, palestinian, liquid, mount, 10, persian, spirit",
+ "+++ force, the, 2, state, according
--- clean, enforcement, angelina, 48, power, q, increases, local, immigration, 29",
+ "+++ media, reported, clinton, state, hillary, october, the, campaign, trump, according
--- clintons, emails, 28, quake, american, hannity, crew, classified, adl, breaking",
+ "+++ according, 5, 3, state, october, source, a, force, 2, the
--- 000, videos, jones, army, video, 22, adl, killed, magnitude, wearechange",
+ "+++ magnitude, according, 5, 1, 9, 2, earthquake, 4, 6, i
--- marina, boy, alaska, 27, infowars, media, dylan, told, jones, girls",
+ "+++ comments, 2015, 10, state, 2, 4, 1, 0, posted, com
--- 11, angelina, magnitude, investors, trump, cooking, production, buildings, banking, billion",
+ "+++ october, 9, posted, 2, twitter, 26, trump, video, com, i
--- images, news, sean, damage, ignore, screen, 34, victim, version, women",
+ "+++ the, i, a, according, 4, 2, 1, posted, source
--- rt, damage, cooking, 43, latest, night, saudi, jones, infowars, sun",
+ "+++ news, media, 1, a, i
--- source, container, reported, the, format, wednesday, dose, night, b, clinton",
+ "+++ clinton, the, news, comments, october, trump, media, twitter, support, wednesday
--- tow, 48, sean, republicans, channel, tv, angelina, speech, rally, politics",
+ "+++ state, clinton, campaign, videos, i, twitter, pic, the, news, com
--- a, creamer, 0, told, hit, moore, journalist, crowley, ballot, according",
+ "+++ video, spirit, october, source, 3, 5, 7, 1, 6, night
--- 46, eddie, moon, field, aircraft, earthquakes, coming, long, john, pm",
+ "+++ support, trump, fox, clinton, state, hillary, campaign, news
--- quake, i, re, hannity, reported, night, committee, democrats, party, president",
+ "+++ video, the, state, news, according, media, support, star
--- i, pm, earthquake, 7, wearechange, 22, posts, recep, american, clowns",
+ "+++ www, 3, 10, news, http, according, 1, a, com, force
--- land, health, exposure, october, gas, angelina, adl, hillary, week, jolie",
+ "+++ i, clinton, state, trump, hillary, the, media, news
--- megyn, 28, 2015, 3, 6, is, mainstream, order, human, them",
+ "+++ trump, november, media, clinton, according, campaign, news, october, hillary, the
--- countries, foreign, 43, cooking, hannity, secretary, 26, night, house, war",
+ "+++ 25, state, november, force, october, the, reported
--- com, epstein, hillary, wednesday, balfour, magnitude, defense, pm, general, homeless",
+ "+++ november, 26, according, october, 10, 11, news, 0, the, 3
--- declines, world, 4, homeless, vs, today, reported, report, 22, nato",
+ "+++ 2, media, reported, 1, 10, 3, the, a
--- http, curcumin, marina, hillary, blood, bonuses, doctor, level, treatment, star",
+ "+++ hillary, 4, 9, state, trump, 10, 3, clinton, support, 5
--- private, pm, banks, wage, paul, points, income, trillion, year, americans",
+ "+++ state, clinton, 1, saudi, hillary, com, campaign, the, 2015
--- white, medications, mining, conspiracy, year, dea, industry, 22, video, a",
+ "+++ force, state, media, november, the
--- 7, now, 5, earthquake, 2015, so, government, conspiracy, i, crowley",
+ "+++ trump, according, reported, 3, 1, state, news, october, 10, a
--- http, 9, night, videos, election, machine, pinky, radioactive, 0, democratic",
+ "+++ 1, 6, damage, 3, 4, 5, 2
--- sean, tea, cases, mix, minutes, diet, crew, comments, jolie, india",
+ "+++ news, star, the, 9, 10, i, a, tv, com, jones
--- hit, 5, bell, 25, breaking, pussy, clown, clinton, good, infowars",
+ "+++ news, state, the, october, media
--- quake, a, homeless, source, surprise, angelina, 4, adl, fiber, liquid",
+ "+++ state, trump, the, i
--- jews, and, not, pic, me, good, americans, cooking, face, pilger",
+ "+++ october, hillary, news, reported, 2015, the, campaign, i, according, com
--- legal, washington, satanic, fbi, support, lynch, private, 4, political, comments",
+ "+++ november, jolie, 26, 4, moreno, spirit, 10, 28, news, source
--- ",
+ "+++ saudi, the, state, support, media, according
--- wednesday, 26, invasion, libya, moderate, jones, afghanistan, com, syria, middle",
+ "+++ news, according, 27, 1, comments, posted, com, the, state, october
--- enforcement, hollywood, arrests, north, pipeline, 6, officer, water, quake, property",
+ "+++ the, support, state
--- eu, reported, 29, military, clinton, vatican, 27, sea, pilger, 4",
+ "+++ i, 3, the, state, 1
--- source, week, learn, human, society, government, metals, hit, things, latest"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ according, the, called, media
--- baby, google, soldiers, asked, qaeda, young, told, attack, arab, backed",
+ "+++ arab, west, world, state, the
--- libya, government, nusra, western, terrorism, defense, civilians, syrian, allies, human",
+ "+++ states, international, policy, state, world, countries, power, american, united, u
--- end, local, arab, forces, fighting, qaeda, law, extract, bashar, obamacare",
+ "+++ american, the, state, media, president, intelligence, according, u, including
--- al, army, groups, security, now, states, fighting, told, region, wikileaks",
+ "+++ eastern, army, state, groups, government, human, aleppo, forces, war, group
--- washington, camp, long, use, fighting, carry, terrorist, 0, terrorists, city",
+ "+++ united, war, world, according, u, region
--- air, end, alliance, terrorist, 4, 9, east, terrorists, border, struck",
+ "+++ government, u, world, state, policy
--- costs, bitcoin, gold, countries, increase, entry, business, based, stock, industry",
+ "+++ world
--- united, they, states, state, middle, a, real, in, terrorists, allies",
+ "+++ according, human, the, world
--- syria, source, substances, drugs, dna, monsanto, international, regime, sun, animal",
+ "+++ media, government, group
--- institute, bashar, regime, turkish, soldiers, shilajit, u, result, 1, arab",
+ "+++ state, country, president, support, the, american, washington, media
--- november, foreign, wars, event, western, post, troops, i, candidate, alliance",
+ "+++ states, united, president, the, state, american, government, u
--- rebel, media, republican, intelligence, michigan, turkey, afghanistan, fighters, ryan, miller",
+ "+++ world, power, according
--- afghanistan, army, large, turkish, lebanon, turkey, us, rebel, times, troops",
+ "+++ u, state, washington, support, president, american, power
--- fighting, us, regime, terrorists, saudi, student, department, house, corruption, murderer",
+ "+++ war, isis, world, islamic, president, led, media, american, intelligence, support
--- military, allies, we, riding, weapons, including, fighting, cia, muslim, brotherhood",
+ "+++ according, world
--- libya, tribe, brown, united, alliance, peta, fighters, http, pipeline, attacks",
+ "+++ president, media, us, government, the, united, human, washington, country, world
--- bad, public, far, ve, this, better, work, terrorism, u, support",
+ "+++ nato, president, russia, state, washington, american, media, war, foreign, states
--- terrorists, recent, arab, interests, campaign, bashar, rebels, assad, daesh, led",
+ "+++ aleppo, military, government, eastern, turkish, forces, turkey, troops, state, group
--- 000, hashd, country, intelligence, qatar, region, terror, conflict, palestine, saudi",
+ "+++ according, russian, group, border, the, world, russia, president, including, eastern
--- species, bashar, al, reports, rivers, we, qaeda, terrorists, crash, foreign",
+ "+++ the, media
--- war, arab, effects, problems, park, worldtruth, lead, medical, times, coalition",
+ "+++ state, american, policy, u, country, support, states, government
--- percent, west, humanitarian, gaap, region, federal, united, bashar, clinton, revenue",
+ "+++ state, saudi, arabia, government, foreign, human, the, president
--- defense, toll, single, opposition, terrorism, prescription, fighters, syria, homosexuality, tony",
+ "+++ us, west, defense, international, war, government, media, attack, weapons, russia
--- syrian, now, veterans, aircraft, arabia, right, obama, attacks, sunni, america",
+ "+++ country, u, according, media, state, states
--- october, turkey, 12, intelligence, islamic, afghanistan, foreign, 3, terrorists, campaign",
+ "+++ world, including
--- american, important, zika, east, troops, seeds, according, erdogan, washington, turkish",
+ "+++ american, world, the, power
--- states, com, baby, united, us, region, called, stuffed, terrorists, thing",
+ "+++ the, power, state, world, war, president, u, american, media, human
--- civilians, aid, nations, unearthed, kissinger, years, country, truth, secret, attacks",
+ "+++ world, the, country, state, american
--- media, region, times, history, arms, nusra, he, troops, re, talk",
+ "+++ security, according, washington, government, states, president, including, the, american, state
--- east, human, congress, public, york, year, clinton, hillary, us, foreign",
+ "+++ support, state, the, saudi, according, media
--- 25, fighting, eastern, regime, co, videos, nato, united, 11, wars",
+ "+++ border, us, humanitarian, according, group, invasion, army, u, fighting, syria
--- ",
+ "+++ media, according, the, state
--- isis, iran, turkish, property, fighting, halloween, com, assad, group, rebels",
+ "+++ united, war, state, called, power, world, government, east, region, military
--- alliance, weapons, terrorism, trade, catholic, history, forces, aid, resolution, isis",
+ "+++ power, world, us, state, human, the, government
--- goes, u, conflict, love, heart, matter, united, however, earth, going"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ the, twitter, media, re, reported, told, law, facebook, man, news
--- toys, arrest, him, wife, that, began, department, home, coaching, says",
+ "+++ now, day, site, re, i, posted, man, the, state, october
--- native, activists, hebrew, bookmark, 27, aristocracy, let, peaceful, mr, benjamin",
+ "+++ we, enforcement, rights, year, that, land, state, local, water, property
--- government, violence, utm, department, admin, increases, began, police, tax, administration",
+ "+++ the, know, now, told, that, news, account, year, according, private
--- going, at, money, chairman, williams, enforcement, sent, server, john, investigation",
+ "+++ according, project, began, local, reports, the, october, year, camp, 1
--- 3, including, phosphorus, group, share, arrests, khamenei, school, paris, general",
+ "+++ day, told, i, north, incident, year, near, according, we, 1
--- camp, stone, impaired, media, says, rome, leg, peaceful, share, ago",
+ "+++ comments, facebook, 1, state, posted, news, year, use, com
--- costs, sheriff, cash, big, cost, rock, and, halloween, china, businesses",
+ "+++ man, re, com, know, october, woman, use, i, posted, we
--- text, incident, orthodox, write, violence, can, enforcement, well, website, amy",
+ "+++ i, we, that, according, year, 1, re, the, dna, use
--- riot, work, text, brain, alien, humans, project, admin, wnd, state",
+ "+++ use, media, i, help, 1, news
--- reports, blockquote, clear, incident, began, danney, farage, militarized, campus, flowers",
+ "+++ media, the, told, that, man, know, m, october, protests, state
--- republicans, york, department, think, com, big, trump, area, vote, activists",
+ "+++ state, twitter, news, rights, that, county, com, law, day, i
--- government, police, help, votes, miller, electoral, ryan, election, voter, near",
+ "+++ video, year, october, we, area, according, near, water, day, know
--- need, use, feet, spirit, peaceful, space, share, admin, ins, food",
+ "+++ law, police, department, state, black, re, news, rights, year
--- murderer, violent, arrests, scene, voters, blackberry, enforcement, clinton, marriage, native",
+ "+++ told, the, video, media, state, news, that, we, according, year
--- toosi, native, scene, egypt, breakthrough, world, trunews, hypothesis, halloween, biden",
+ "+++ rock, land, site, north, pipeline, com, tribe, dakota, 1, video
--- wood, researchers, indigenous, williams, know, peta, activists, reports, 2, however",
+ "+++ we, know, now, the, media, news, i, stop, state, re
--- violent, life, political, private, rights, history, future, them, sioux, area",
+ "+++ state, north, according, media, the, october, news, year, that
--- foreign, ukraine, construction, crisis, right, use, law, deal, interests, story",
+ "+++ october, reported, the, state, area, near
--- plan, iraqi, amy, williams, operation, mosul, killed, terrorists, thursday, camp",
+ "+++ 1, reports, according, we, the, re, october, day, news
--- world, rock, violent, williams, 58, teens, border, baltic, retail, birds",
+ "+++ use, year, 1, help, reported, the, media
--- militarized, rock, death, state, positive, california, told, property, diagnosed, bonuses",
+ "+++ state, year, 1, private, that
--- i, sioux, county, corporations, points, com, 5, media, savings, labor",
+ "+++ rights, that, year, the, told, com, state, 1
--- incident, policies, water, stop, health, site, opiates, near, project, hillary",
+ "+++ now, we, know, year, land, day, law, state, media, that
--- known, united, air, intelligence, weapons, help, white, woman, statement, violent",
+ "+++ state, reported, media, news, october, posted, year, told, 1, day
--- riot, early, machines, m, nov, election, texas, reporting, a, we",
+ "+++ day, use, 1, help, water, year
--- levels, halloween, sioux, amy, products, man, admin, arrest, shot, health",
+ "+++ black, know, that, com, re, the, news, i
--- years, parenthood, pussy, share, comments, private, violence, produces, halloween, protests",
+ "+++ october, media, news, story, state, the
--- dakota, years, according, nature, 1986, ins, parry, clear, now, vice",
+ "+++ the, re, state, m, we, man, now, day, i, that
--- protectors, too, them, near, protest, police, culture, jews, old, year",
+ "+++ com, according, enforcement, department, told, reports, the, use, october, state
--- national, doj, president, officers, government, arrests, construction, classified, vaccine, man",
+ "+++ news, media, com, october, posted, reported, the, twitter, 27, video
--- www, 4, november, share, cop, protest, pic, earthquake, trump, pipeline",
+ "+++ media, the, according, state
--- violent, day, cia, saudi, aleppo, share, terrorists, nusra, began, led",
+ "+++ construction, arrests, reports, twitter, reported, statement, danney, peaceful, media, day
--- ",
+ "+++ state, the
--- amy, great, violence, catholics, day, pastor, 27, year, capital, minister",
+ "+++ use, that, state, day, know, 1, the, help, i, re
--- create, law, however, us, enforcement, thursday, truth, sioux, level, long"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ years, the, called
--- korea, victims, islands, world, nations, twitter, agreement, united, stop, home",
+ "+++ years, history, century, world, west, the, state, minister
--- global, occupied, union, wine, empire, coast, now, europe, western, asian",
+ "+++ utm, power, countries, years, world, policy, states, united, the, future
--- india, companies, communist, work, minister, tax, issue, act, century, visit",
+ "+++ state, the, political, including
--- 2015, eu, empire, money, wikileaks, sea, years, reported, times, ship",
+ "+++ world, the, international, today, million, britain, government, refugees, british, state
--- empire, great, ship, cooperation, held, trade, forces, century, group, future",
+ "+++ italy, war, world, region, coast, years, rome, united, japan
--- told, parliament, china, visit, leader, eu, catholic, 9, 1, countries",
+ "+++ policy, china, economic, global, world, years, state, government
--- vatican, posts, regional, growth, monetary, capital, www, uk, 20, christians",
+ "+++ world
--- year, asian, prime, century, island, british, development, including, leader, restoration",
+ "+++ great, years, world, the
--- earth, africa, ago, japan, drug, fda, study, catholic, prime, chinese",
+ "+++ parliament, government, british, britain
--- future, stomach, alternative, i, 50, uk, acids, world, study, disorders",
+ "+++ the, support, political, million, state, country
--- working, wall, paid, india, republicans, policy, restoration, us, nominee, october",
+ "+++ government, the, state, united, states
--- trade, called, policy, world, constitution, polling, vote, don, that, voting",
+ "+++ world, power, south, years
--- today, empire, nuclear, lights, korea, australian, firearms, light, however, united",
+ "+++ support, power, political, state, african
--- capital, refugees, party, restoration, elizabeth, resolution, called, uk, today, likely",
+ "+++ agreement, million, support, christians, world, years, state, political, the, war
--- aliens, union, makeup, holy, european, one, cooperation, led, countries, study",
+ "+++ world
--- leader, years, century, health, states, utm, ship, radiation, exposure, international",
+ "+++ global, years, country, today, political, government, state, power, called, great
--- empire, pastor, australia, this, is, million, public, leaders, island, control",
+ "+++ the, international, united, states, europe, east, support, economic, years, called
--- germany, north, soviet, no, regional, end, this, president, capital, beijing",
+ "+++ state, war, the, south, us, military, british, east, eastern, government
--- today, great, australia, isil, countries, popular, terrorists, germany, hashd, empire",
+ "+++ world, the, including, years, sea, trade, russia, today, eastern
--- support, gonz, century, 58, uk, international, trees, leader, 10, global",
+ "+++ years, the
--- times, risk, duterte, cancer, park, member, however, tests, cause, immune",
+ "+++ economic, state, political, states, years, global, government, million, trade, policy
--- philippines, cultural, economy, refugees, 5, capital, pay, high, union, system",
+ "+++ foreign, state, government, the, years, million, utm
--- eu, minister, lobbying, executions, history, countries, meth, policies, nations, communist",
+ "+++ russia, called, state, history, states, west, today, military, international, western
--- place, support, however, year, germany, asian, november, intelligence, life, control",
+ "+++ states, country, state, million, years
--- 2012, including, points, u, western, greece, india, 1, 8, australia",
+ "+++ years, world, india, including
--- south, food, cultural, economic, health, supplements, cause, daily, rome, chinese",
+ "+++ great, world, power, years, the, today
--- you, right, holy, way, asia, eu, italy, sea, kiss, refugees",
+ "+++ power, history, the, india, state, future, war, world, years
--- cultural, country, consciousness, 1986, bush, europe, italy, johnson, rome, us",
+ "+++ state, the, great, world, years, country, history
--- union, racist, islands, yes, order, he, want, middle, think, movie",
+ "+++ states, the, state, political, including, years, government
--- leader, chief, obama, hillary, world, islands, church, information, public, communist",
+ "+++ state, the, support
--- 34, development, thompson, 48, foreign, campaign, member, holy, wikileaks, minister",
+ "+++ eastern, west, world, war, including, foreign, called, states, us, the
--- australia, union, afghanistan, troops, attack, nusra, korea, security, iraq, political",
+ "+++ the, state
--- officers, south, mercury, we, admin, capital, foreign, communist, us, duterte",
+ "+++ member, british, state, today, uk, rome, war, islands, government, global
--- ",
+ "+++ the, world, today, government, power, state, years, us, great
--- order, longer, end, support, way, nations, policy, beijing, place, west"
+ ],
+ [
+ "+++ i, person, face, way, life, day, re, ve, the, you
--- share, feel, sure, son, instagram, police, says, state, toys, 4",
+ "+++ think, good, ve, way, the, making, re, world, life, god
--- kara, mosque, great, do, david, power, century, unesco, create, site",
+ "+++ work, the, government, free, use, energy, that, way, power, however
--- service, do, extract, physical, earth, international, today, sure, united, protection",
+ "+++ right, going, obama, that, money, i, use, know, day, think
--- american, individual, come, important, self, fact, god, clinton, private, officials",
+ "+++ use, 1, 3, the, human, long, today, however, work, government
--- think, reports, aircraft, great, energy, aleppo, simple, right, real, let",
+ "+++ world, end, help, years, day, i, 1
--- let, united, 2, bear, start, impaired, l, mind, way, reuters",
+ "+++ government, money, years, use, 3, 1, world, state
--- heart, management, fed, prices, rate, re, form, follow, gold, notes",
+ "+++ going, them, real, i, ve, don, world, way, god, use
--- human, man, little, spam, youtube, doesn, strong, guest, images, do",
+ "+++ use, light, earth, re, the, need, ve, you, long, life
--- percent, anxiety, effects, sun, plant, point, universe, scientists, place, let",
+ "+++ use, i, government, help, 1, heart, fact
--- long, dr, a, goes, true, individual, diabetes, 50, world, truth",
+ "+++ way, going, the, want, day, state, that, obama, re, think
--- 3, george, americans, party, true, o, society, big, twitter, democrat",
+ "+++ don, i, the, obama, day, that, re, going, government, right
--- states, form, journalist, metals, love, help, sure, gop, end, oregon",
+ "+++ away, world, need, 3, energy, however, look, earth, power, years
--- mysterious, concealed, old, ice, understand, coming, let, end, level, self",
+ "+++ possible, state, need, re, power, right, obama, matter, work, don
--- wall, experience, rights, features, self, spiritual, year, department, case, free",
+ "+++ the, state, obama, world, years, that
--- mohammad, however, biden, 234, want, fargo, search, free, making, posts",
+ "+++ free, world, light, 1, use, 3, life, energy, earth, however
--- cancer, government, want, release, mind, rai, according, d, way, ebola",
+ "+++ thing, us, self, fact, ve, years, great, control, money, that
--- metals, different, can, lies, hillary, united, national, sure, establishment, economic",
+ "+++ long, government, world, us, obama, today, years, power, that, the
--- international, crisis, issues, secretary, think, icke, interests, clear, self, ukraine",
+ "+++ state, the, us, government
--- day, fact, end, think, deep, 1, help, areas, iraqi, i",
+ "+++ years, today, world, re, the, day, 3, 1
--- end, self, place, past, according, 0, animal, tsunami, fact, futures",
+ "+++ however, years, level, life, need, heart, 1, use, the, help
--- diseases, lead, d, baby, needs, 10, point, believe, doctors, individual",
+ "+++ obama, state, 3, government, 1, money, end, need, that, free
--- thing, non, global, reality, paul, policy, immigration, power, taxes, don",
+ "+++ state, human, the, 1, government, free, that, years, obama
--- affordable, told, industry, opiates, goes, obamacare, act, house, arabia, bureaucracy",
+ "+++ right, world, place, government, great, them, long, end, come, the
--- idea, deep, actually, washington, history, country, past, media, things, citizens",
+ "+++ state, years, way, 1, possible, however, 3, point, don, day
--- real, i, this, light, simple, schwartz, close, life, re, officials",
+ "+++ good, world, 3, 1, best, help, better, day, years, work
--- god, government, contains, idea, truth, true, way, this, individual, physical",
+ "+++ life, self, good, want, power, way, earth, great, long, thing
--- 3, pills, spiritual, need, money, daily, anti, thought, do, a",
+ "+++ truth, society, however, control, world, reality, human, the, years, right
--- peace, needs, longer, w, consciousness, future, richard, reptilian, details, place",
+ "+++ ve, let, thing, away, you, this, need, better, good, know
--- can, today, 1, create, men, history, tell, longer, heart, trump",
+ "+++ government, i, day, obama, years, the, know, state, use
--- days, director, person, related, level, society, national, able, life, physical",
+ "+++ the, i, 1, 3, state
--- crowley, 11, things, power, jones, control, http, 46, level, rt",
+ "+++ government, power, human, us, state, world, the
--- defense, obama, past, aid, terrorism, feel, moderate, better, turkish, qaeda",
+ "+++ state, day, i, use, the, that, re, 1, know, help
--- police, tribe, matter, level, learn, us, society, lot, camp, protesters",
+ "+++ years, government, the, state, us, great, today, power, world
--- united, collective, china, italy, beijing, korea, european, use, real, global",
+ "+++ thing, deep, control, believe, think, light, sure, this, goes, making
--- "
+ ]
+ ],
+ "type": "heatmap",
+ "x": [
+ 5,
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+ 315,
+ 325,
+ 335,
+ 345
+ ],
+ "y": [
+ 5,
+ 15,
+ 25,
+ 35,
+ 45,
+ 55,
+ 65,
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+ 275,
+ 285,
+ 295,
+ 305,
+ 315,
+ 325,
+ 335,
+ 345
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+ 0.6309440840553511,
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+ 0.6494843548930592,
+ 0.6410015399510495,
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+ 0.47680159824348267,
+ 0.603908667733639,
+ 0.6767739885630716,
+ 0.5934074291308933,
+ 0.6741088623526325,
+ 0.5829986201685031,
+ 0.6749179731696859,
+ 0.5965446014360903,
+ 0.6897824025183839,
+ 0.7302835585339976,
+ 0.46310880019794654,
+ 0.5189749372518275,
+ 0.45554446551938077,
+ 0.46935425615693455,
+ 0.4717127909218515,
+ 0.5124464766996873,
+ 0.4822757694024825
+ ],
+ [
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+ 0,
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+ 0.4867621347327834,
+ 0.48394662524404286,
+ 0.46908391370841007,
+ 0.4617569289760781,
+ 0.5650514450200588,
+ 0.6362869247085,
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+ 0.6126431028376115,
+ 0.5196915563872734,
+ 0.6272874823138409,
+ 0.5484546624041541,
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+ 0.4777531995320088,
+ 0.4872410847396431,
+ 0.48080132407529996,
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+ 0.42835590075849195
+ ],
+ [
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+ 0.4796224998933113,
+ 0,
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+ 0.4805309554393937,
+ 0.5090741545651756,
+ 0.4847451690131829,
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+ 0.48069665077214996,
+ 0.4846982973675623,
+ 0.4412474946502788,
+ 0.5774600094172442,
+ 0.6744278543081805,
+ 0.5905950004564119,
+ 0.628751903980444,
+ 0.5586619204944409,
+ 0.6156953287647973,
+ 0.5470077860876824,
+ 0.5982112998974994,
+ 0.6647288877328209,
+ 0.4737419411302727,
+ 0.48850234180923224,
+ 0.442735993050659,
+ 0.43139932148011356,
+ 0.4219092791816043,
+ 0.5034035315639505,
+ 0.4479199511095651
+ ],
+ [
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+ 0.47509158062177553,
+ 0.47679255382295394,
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+ 0,
+ 0.4454139249760718,
+ 0.4066990714457525,
+ 0.42336799790692803,
+ 0.4131974672503071,
+ 0.44078419282431125,
+ 0.4505120499757507,
+ 0.45016789253282424,
+ 0.5383927612518847,
+ 0.5418121340867269,
+ 0.5184889636563167,
+ 0.5120703581757634,
+ 0.5112225069038535,
+ 0.4974442166638433,
+ 0.45291928566284057,
+ 0.6082100430098705,
+ 0.7213114054773656,
+ 0.6278074623448193,
+ 0.6761104377325203,
+ 0.6141927643147341,
+ 0.6611753717135928,
+ 0.5530272152943496,
+ 0.662086451727065,
+ 0.6776620451798578,
+ 0.49565641201247257,
+ 0.5161378006478283,
+ 0.5016468583998348,
+ 0.49593197585928206,
+ 0.4527571036686231,
+ 0.45988055502650527,
+ 0.4453323136108255
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.5066474877295413,
+ 0.5433063256486772,
+ 0.5280377321808307,
+ 0.4441007584479552,
+ 0.4454139249760718,
+ 0,
+ 0.4369602058967519,
+ 0.4660787473045268,
+ 0.4075335188546737,
+ 0.4050397350268663,
+ 0.4864467484628807,
+ 0.5492862391574937,
+ 0.5585182573490923,
+ 0.5953096560304363,
+ 0.6354781764642309,
+ 0.5301140580112584,
+ 0.5588406421206229,
+ 0.5582447612187373,
+ 0.5361377019002193,
+ 0.6582439771318059,
+ 0.7392230075610633,
+ 0.6544398302904495,
+ 0.6669065361470236,
+ 0.6496609425292088,
+ 0.6805232431327821,
+ 0.644332302883895,
+ 0.6813527215017564,
+ 0.7822413787479838,
+ 0.5111428421903553,
+ 0.5011066833754316,
+ 0.560424014643641,
+ 0.5447034258083441,
+ 0.479814638580081,
+ 0.5541262544553387,
+ 0.5112235627735298
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.4878576750833752,
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+ 0.4914702448867976,
+ 0.4404097889795701,
+ 0.4066990714457525,
+ 0.4369602058967519,
+ 0,
+ 0.4342619212013671,
+ 0.39811995565364255,
+ 0.43348118391739193,
+ 0.4647289557778113,
+ 0.47277505233331946,
+ 0.5034793855153968,
+ 0.5491270997548806,
+ 0.5667621196699515,
+ 0.5209800787496826,
+ 0.5047257315713286,
+ 0.4874066493121496,
+ 0.4707558075747069,
+ 0.5998863052671394,
+ 0.7153322586725614,
+ 0.6425229876043961,
+ 0.6563906810998678,
+ 0.6191138674121252,
+ 0.6203263907527092,
+ 0.5787886810769232,
+ 0.662568726747429,
+ 0.7212285341898788,
+ 0.49263112740457593,
+ 0.4930241150757503,
+ 0.5282204584440245,
+ 0.5052916813263304,
+ 0.45344932648259334,
+ 0.5170781493255041,
+ 0.4741804158167829
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.48672802997358133,
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+ 0.4438173821854413,
+ 0.42336799790692803,
+ 0.4660787473045268,
+ 0.4342619212013671,
+ 0,
+ 0.4042956600270294,
+ 0.42241759804066653,
+ 0.4442483904557275,
+ 0.43274018637611833,
+ 0.4815629594559256,
+ 0.5176746913513717,
+ 0.4623777169556434,
+ 0.42772968509596204,
+ 0.4296311320982522,
+ 0.484742136744128,
+ 0.44465457726863555,
+ 0.5439107623930987,
+ 0.5417374083656371,
+ 0.49585331067533184,
+ 0.5203819363549286,
+ 0.5773817273126065,
+ 0.5836682164618601,
+ 0.5503019948344259,
+ 0.61529141364671,
+ 0.6449821611516422,
+ 0.4902691303058,
+ 0.472430243904433,
+ 0.4947431949713743,
+ 0.4745626441299244,
+ 0.4349477729975213,
+ 0.43527963289688054,
+ 0.3839725093065638
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.4614169441220397,
+ 0.4958476166173069,
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+ 0.4145343910738683,
+ 0.4131974672503071,
+ 0.4075335188546737,
+ 0.39811995565364255,
+ 0.4042956600270294,
+ 0,
+ 0.38032474705740754,
+ 0.4142622838259582,
+ 0.4645177763789009,
+ 0.494281672138558,
+ 0.5240692778667604,
+ 0.526452874152117,
+ 0.4736309825920236,
+ 0.4644938010130255,
+ 0.4608009053365495,
+ 0.43576795130431173,
+ 0.537332553987411,
+ 0.6392035222740672,
+ 0.5651326517965848,
+ 0.5754133489224531,
+ 0.5610873200140695,
+ 0.5621286583632177,
+ 0.5107501530384704,
+ 0.5830972486702677,
+ 0.6395487297081762,
+ 0.4662045137725427,
+ 0.4569559926543745,
+ 0.497039646106978,
+ 0.4922473487864776,
+ 0.42242662167750966,
+ 0.46132680797827424,
+ 0.4260709440160234
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.5283212166975417,
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+ 0.40990818502935716,
+ 0.44078419282431125,
+ 0.4050397350268663,
+ 0.43348118391739193,
+ 0.42241759804066653,
+ 0.38032474705740754,
+ 0,
+ 0.37728501615310084,
+ 0.4527620885674323,
+ 0.4883990616180681,
+ 0.5026948894505249,
+ 0.466467048830795,
+ 0.37900406998660774,
+ 0.39979791338027354,
+ 0.4490950750118901,
+ 0.43804139686737714,
+ 0.5397259554440438,
+ 0.46812378972161506,
+ 0.4125016070398629,
+ 0.4315267886069739,
+ 0.4849412137925834,
+ 0.4837875706989276,
+ 0.4633538051704984,
+ 0.4605701349833868,
+ 0.5320134870696998,
+ 0.4175629630670329,
+ 0.39773996779170845,
+ 0.47872802002473885,
+ 0.44883531858446346,
+ 0.387123463436548,
+ 0.4422316257583029,
+ 0.41899958188282704
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.5455905648040245,
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+ 0.4441009537843128,
+ 0.42468555717441636,
+ 0.4505120499757507,
+ 0.4864467484628807,
+ 0.4647289557778113,
+ 0.4442483904557275,
+ 0.4142622838259582,
+ 0.37728501615310084,
+ 0,
+ 0.4140134601936092,
+ 0.46644701301127867,
+ 0.4373232893585499,
+ 0.4683070957757631,
+ 0.4228089929148975,
+ 0.40210488573167524,
+ 0.40360048114392993,
+ 0.39188375618054516,
+ 0.46619336053934773,
+ 0.5157501391272883,
+ 0.45936964981352696,
+ 0.5068728245500465,
+ 0.42076357354190425,
+ 0.48151132343016456,
+ 0.4058844905368138,
+ 0.4432925625004174,
+ 0.4944595636983452,
+ 0.40583432145465337,
+ 0.42762188582089267,
+ 0.44941079287278385,
+ 0.42544625824511606,
+ 0.3721623243723292,
+ 0.43130054469795454,
+ 0.37896410845495415
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.5803224326450241,
+ 0.4379139957373382,
+ 0.4540516239990335,
+ 0.4805309554393937,
+ 0.45016789253282424,
+ 0.5492862391574937,
+ 0.47277505233331946,
+ 0.43274018637611833,
+ 0.4645177763789009,
+ 0.4527620885674323,
+ 0.4140134601936092,
+ 0,
+ 0.42419130643039,
+ 0.3731314839602132,
+ 0.395053135526492,
+ 0.43103810100288953,
+ 0.3833030991702817,
+ 0.4136075864793879,
+ 0.36207531185782427,
+ 0.46113201732664505,
+ 0.4823086834553058,
+ 0.44476850506401255,
+ 0.48080071913279754,
+ 0.37278254444218667,
+ 0.4556683601297924,
+ 0.40631783717760994,
+ 0.4515349783052649,
+ 0.46011098997004374,
+ 0.3740359063068601,
+ 0.412348585284125,
+ 0.4062241359194042,
+ 0.36785782570834225,
+ 0.38714579640515745,
+ 0.38576949604812927,
+ 0.38797171570651257
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.6309440840553511,
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+ 0.5090741545651756,
+ 0.5383927612518847,
+ 0.5585182573490923,
+ 0.5034793855153968,
+ 0.4815629594559256,
+ 0.494281672138558,
+ 0.4883990616180681,
+ 0.46644701301127867,
+ 0.42419130643039,
+ 0,
+ 0.4360564873008381,
+ 0.46988891099115354,
+ 0.47831353257361836,
+ 0.4167124366210308,
+ 0.4278605558648238,
+ 0.410350148524954,
+ 0.4932270993279392,
+ 0.5160348756386584,
+ 0.4719951341533595,
+ 0.5306283153135027,
+ 0.45665637167949447,
+ 0.4771825492571266,
+ 0.47464486855383575,
+ 0.4962487766527729,
+ 0.5727297793384967,
+ 0.3494192755733978,
+ 0.3514045888121566,
+ 0.43119723460173554,
+ 0.39793339704884506,
+ 0.43975775240382214,
+ 0.4510084336759747,
+ 0.45425401687047495
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.6929262808785321,
+ 0.45293789765596176,
+ 0.47932027465099936,
+ 0.4847451690131829,
+ 0.5418121340867269,
+ 0.5953096560304363,
+ 0.5491270997548806,
+ 0.5176746913513717,
+ 0.5240692778667604,
+ 0.5026948894505249,
+ 0.4373232893585499,
+ 0.3731314839602132,
+ 0.4360564873008381,
+ 0,
+ 0.4184185438029022,
+ 0.46553020229955544,
+ 0.39454755232161276,
+ 0.4375872136891498,
+ 0.35949318236825456,
+ 0.47398922666163257,
+ 0.4602157835963978,
+ 0.4340074204720623,
+ 0.47703602649330656,
+ 0.34173581106417317,
+ 0.46073992631071387,
+ 0.40846947731616784,
+ 0.4290681386235334,
+ 0.4250095455964639,
+ 0.3843737844815329,
+ 0.4196258630674645,
+ 0.34684958531644433,
+ 0.3560394181025647,
+ 0.3904774245141439,
+ 0.4011467287538921,
+ 0.4129516088184718
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.6906856309219912,
+ 0.47713730273129823,
+ 0.5191897548292321,
+ 0.5469157223166364,
+ 0.5184889636563167,
+ 0.6354781764642309,
+ 0.5667621196699515,
+ 0.4623777169556434,
+ 0.526452874152117,
+ 0.466467048830795,
+ 0.4683070957757631,
+ 0.395053135526492,
+ 0.46988891099115354,
+ 0.4184185438029022,
+ 0,
+ 0.3823640620855236,
+ 0.373769082450012,
+ 0.44442786730044387,
+ 0.36632036186358174,
+ 0.4169198913825658,
+ 0.3951687536072045,
+ 0.36419303089709015,
+ 0.37147805619323016,
+ 0.38256850963162103,
+ 0.3910259156115719,
+ 0.332106851071544,
+ 0.3870573782334216,
+ 0.37921822431377017,
+ 0.35509533320507547,
+ 0.4189666519446599,
+ 0.45595517007814645,
+ 0.4179051548252559,
+ 0.43498854254970426,
+ 0.3513828465304287,
+ 0.3948152658956523
+ ],
+ [
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+ 0.4867621347327834,
+ 0.4887673286210182,
+ 0.5120703581757634,
+ 0.5301140580112584,
+ 0.5209800787496826,
+ 0.42772968509596204,
+ 0.4736309825920236,
+ 0.37900406998660774,
+ 0.4228089929148975,
+ 0.43103810100288953,
+ 0.47831353257361836,
+ 0.46553020229955544,
+ 0.3823640620855236,
+ 0,
+ 0.30135198617159836,
+ 0.4523831723439996,
+ 0.42258634016402646,
+ 0.46839240664450277,
+ 0.4151195526176269,
+ 0.3751262996676472,
+ 0.33197925073991885,
+ 0.44070418998933447,
+ 0.43039353077912185,
+ 0.41460242484355914,
+ 0.4177073379453163,
+ 0.4457037098654115,
+ 0.3840136314669792,
+ 0.37447530857810674,
+ 0.47318106317497594,
+ 0.44935617067473316,
+ 0.4196758094000521,
+ 0.4047786903862669,
+ 0.40005618689538863
+ ],
+ [
+ 0.642950032250166,
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+ 0.48394662524404286,
+ 0.48069665077214996,
+ 0.5112225069038535,
+ 0.5588406421206229,
+ 0.5047257315713286,
+ 0.4296311320982522,
+ 0.4644938010130255,
+ 0.39979791338027354,
+ 0.40210488573167524,
+ 0.3833030991702817,
+ 0.4167124366210308,
+ 0.39454755232161276,
+ 0.373769082450012,
+ 0.30135198617159836,
+ 0,
+ 0.41961835094658567,
+ 0.37136286582161837,
+ 0.44360859742060643,
+ 0.36943008980502534,
+ 0.35445694466311095,
+ 0.3429309339864136,
+ 0.3940862073992688,
+ 0.38228586395446124,
+ 0.3819119109905093,
+ 0.39243240311053973,
+ 0.41785381907836516,
+ 0.36600815788994767,
+ 0.3548430339152504,
+ 0.4128507138799588,
+ 0.3851062399289874,
+ 0.4046917025198501,
+ 0.3883589878806449,
+ 0.39119466919552526
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+ [
+ 0.5971043217236153,
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+ 0.4846982973675623,
+ 0.4974442166638433,
+ 0.5582447612187373,
+ 0.4874066493121496,
+ 0.484742136744128,
+ 0.4608009053365495,
+ 0.4490950750118901,
+ 0.40360048114392993,
+ 0.4136075864793879,
+ 0.4278605558648238,
+ 0.4375872136891498,
+ 0.44442786730044387,
+ 0.4523831723439996,
+ 0.41961835094658567,
+ 0,
+ 0.3314790813616175,
+ 0.3614996753338702,
+ 0.4983201433585693,
+ 0.44929397839078233,
+ 0.47510602701461485,
+ 0.4038336053405141,
+ 0.3670930797948559,
+ 0.3538047945693598,
+ 0.40503325798360335,
+ 0.4703385053319238,
+ 0.33931677449202174,
+ 0.3871331027726812,
+ 0.4398501149772863,
+ 0.42556418025181053,
+ 0.4121408974025068,
+ 0.43610097656703106,
+ 0.4314272294617765
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+ [
+ 0.5287081541479696,
+ 0.47680159824348267,
+ 0.4617569289760781,
+ 0.4412474946502788,
+ 0.45291928566284057,
+ 0.5361377019002193,
+ 0.4707558075747069,
+ 0.44465457726863555,
+ 0.43576795130431173,
+ 0.43804139686737714,
+ 0.39188375618054516,
+ 0.36207531185782427,
+ 0.410350148524954,
+ 0.35949318236825456,
+ 0.36632036186358174,
+ 0.42258634016402646,
+ 0.37136286582161837,
+ 0.3314790813616175,
+ 0,
+ 0.3451060383591778,
+ 0.4637526934584508,
+ 0.40136225334714826,
+ 0.44776650587654665,
+ 0.36422127972588675,
+ 0.350887511376501,
+ 0.3066587417203187,
+ 0.3879225017024149,
+ 0.41611247630542325,
+ 0.31511058636702227,
+ 0.36719311166567237,
+ 0.37465406434753656,
+ 0.3520527331031381,
+ 0.3871444406870526,
+ 0.3782507396014292,
+ 0.40402805667562147
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+ [
+ 0.5575833669169146,
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+ 0.5774600094172442,
+ 0.6082100430098705,
+ 0.6582439771318059,
+ 0.5998863052671394,
+ 0.5439107623930987,
+ 0.537332553987411,
+ 0.5397259554440438,
+ 0.46619336053934773,
+ 0.46113201732664505,
+ 0.4932270993279392,
+ 0.47398922666163257,
+ 0.4169198913825658,
+ 0.46839240664450277,
+ 0.44360859742060643,
+ 0.3614996753338702,
+ 0.3451060383591778,
+ 0,
+ 0.4274405198340817,
+ 0.3960158773376379,
+ 0.4135436334461857,
+ 0.40649881244718733,
+ 0.2686458161812807,
+ 0.27135043830383415,
+ 0.35654304004361953,
+ 0.426961641510249,
+ 0.3652447349616448,
+ 0.43212678212377825,
+ 0.5084454643376615,
+ 0.4738618503406824,
+ 0.49500564982555106,
+ 0.4628759021883367,
+ 0.471340904196797
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+ [
+ 0.8988887914727112,
+ 0.6767739885630716,
+ 0.6362869247085,
+ 0.6744278543081805,
+ 0.7213114054773656,
+ 0.7392230075610633,
+ 0.7153322586725614,
+ 0.5417374083656371,
+ 0.6392035222740672,
+ 0.46812378972161506,
+ 0.5157501391272883,
+ 0.4823086834553058,
+ 0.5160348756386584,
+ 0.4602157835963978,
+ 0.3951687536072045,
+ 0.4151195526176269,
+ 0.36943008980502534,
+ 0.4983201433585693,
+ 0.4637526934584508,
+ 0.4274405198340817,
+ 0,
+ 0.20433085451924773,
+ 0.2683711916292657,
+ 0.36039859421183484,
+ 0.30224138479537843,
+ 0.3383726640056932,
+ 0.30150983074973503,
+ 0.33307285794340946,
+ 0.42007419755572806,
+ 0.42801294744979923,
+ 0.5239609916373544,
+ 0.48871255672889674,
+ 0.5097415432341016,
+ 0.4393976126836949,
+ 0.47215129704665504
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+ [
+ 0.7690350273389487,
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+ 0.562614517515887,
+ 0.5905950004564119,
+ 0.6278074623448193,
+ 0.6544398302904495,
+ 0.6425229876043961,
+ 0.49585331067533184,
+ 0.5651326517965848,
+ 0.4125016070398629,
+ 0.45936964981352696,
+ 0.44476850506401255,
+ 0.4719951341533595,
+ 0.4340074204720623,
+ 0.36419303089709015,
+ 0.3751262996676472,
+ 0.35445694466311095,
+ 0.44929397839078233,
+ 0.40136225334714826,
+ 0.3960158773376379,
+ 0.20433085451924773,
+ 0,
+ 0.3317372982094386,
+ 0.3729528548419724,
+ 0.31507491478209737,
+ 0.3203422818714398,
+ 0.33030037283053343,
+ 0.3694049499012543,
+ 0.35834991305221753,
+ 0.4044341642501402,
+ 0.4827211360731644,
+ 0.43370742749872104,
+ 0.4687905348455068,
+ 0.4067827100009568,
+ 0.4446969626371304
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+ [
+ 0.8498517238212165,
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+ 0.6126431028376115,
+ 0.628751903980444,
+ 0.6761104377325203,
+ 0.6669065361470236,
+ 0.6563906810998678,
+ 0.5203819363549286,
+ 0.5754133489224531,
+ 0.4315267886069739,
+ 0.5068728245500465,
+ 0.48080071913279754,
+ 0.5306283153135027,
+ 0.47703602649330656,
+ 0.37147805619323016,
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+ "source": [
+ "# heatmap annotation\n",
+ "annotation_html = [[\"+++ {}
--- {}\".format(\", \".join(int_tokens), \", \".join(diff_tokens))\n",
+ " for (int_tokens, diff_tokens) in row] for row in annotation]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# plot heatmap of distance matrix\n",
+ "heatmap = go.Data([\n",
+ " go.Heatmap(\n",
+ " z=heat_data,\n",
+ " colorscale='YIGnBu',\n",
+ " text=annotation_html,\n",
+ " hoverinfo='x+y+z+text'\n",
+ " )\n",
+ "])\n",
+ "\n",
+ "heatmap[0]['x'] = figure['layout']['xaxis']['tickvals']\n",
+ "heatmap[0]['y'] = figure['layout']['xaxis']['tickvals']\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Add Heatmap Data to Figure\n",
+ "figure['data'].extend(heatmap)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "dendro_leaves = [x + 1 for x in dendro_leaves]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Edit Layout\n",
+ "figure['layout'].update({'width': 800, 'height': 800,\n",
+ " 'showlegend':False, 'hovermode': 'closest',\n",
+ " })\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Edit xaxis\n",
+ "figure['layout']['xaxis'].update({'domain': [.25, 1],\n",
+ " 'mirror': False,\n",
+ " 'showgrid': False,\n",
+ " 'showline': False,\n",
+ " \"showticklabels\": True, \n",
+ " \"tickmode\": \"array\",\n",
+ " \"ticktext\": dendro_leaves,\n",
+ " \"tickvals\": figure['layout']['xaxis']['tickvals'],\n",
+ " 'zeroline': False,\n",
+ " 'ticks': \"\"})\n",
+ "# Edit yaxis\n",
+ "figure['layout']['yaxis'].update({'domain': [0, 0.75],\n",
+ " 'mirror': False,\n",
+ " 'showgrid': False,\n",
+ " 'showline': False,\n",
+ " \"showticklabels\": True, \n",
+ " \"tickmode\": \"array\",\n",
+ " \"ticktext\": dendro_leaves,\n",
+ " \"tickvals\": figure['layout']['xaxis']['tickvals'],\n",
+ " 'zeroline': False,\n",
+ " 'ticks': \"\"})\n",
+ "# Edit yaxis2\n",
+ "figure['layout'].update({'yaxis2':{'domain': [0.75, 1],\n",
+ " 'mirror': False,\n",
+ " 'showgrid': False,\n",
+ " 'showline': False,\n",
+ " 'zeroline': False,\n",
+ " 'showticklabels': False,\n",
+ " 'ticks': \"\"}})\n",
+ "\n",
+ "py.iplot(figure)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "The heatmap lets us see the exact distance measure between any two topics in the z-value of their corresponding cell and also their intersecting or different terms in the +++/--- annotation. This could help see the distance between those topics also which are not directly connected in the dendrogram."
+ ]
+ }
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diff --git a/gensim/matutils.py b/gensim/matutils.py
index af7b093548..a8e427eb50 100644
--- a/gensim/matutils.py
+++ b/gensim/matutils.py
@@ -480,12 +480,10 @@ def isbow(vec):
return True
-def kullback_leibler(vec1, vec2, num_features=None):
+def convert_vec(vec1, vec2, num_features=None):
- A distance metric between two probability distributions.
- Returns a distance value in range <0, +∞> where values closer to 0 mean less distance (and a higher similarity)
- Uses the scipy.stats.entropy method to identify kullback_leibler convergence value.
- If the distribution draws from a certain number of docs, that value must be passed.
+ Convert vectors to appropriate forms required by entropy input.
+ Checks for sparsity and bag of word format.
if scipy.sparse.issparse(vec1):
vec1 = vec1.toarray()
@@ -495,12 +493,12 @@ def kullback_leibler(vec1, vec2, num_features=None):
if num_features is not None: # if not None, make as large as the documents drawing from
dense1 = sparse2full(vec1, num_features)
dense2 = sparse2full(vec2, num_features)
- return entropy(dense1, dense2)
+ return dense1, dense2
max_len = max(len(vec1), len(vec2))
dense1 = sparse2full(vec1, max_len)
dense2 = sparse2full(vec2, max_len)
- return entropy(dense1, dense2)
+ return dense1, dense2
# this conversion is made because if it is not in bow format, it might be a list within a list after conversion
# the scipy implementation of Kullback fails in such a case so we pick up only the nested list.
@@ -508,7 +506,28 @@ def kullback_leibler(vec1, vec2, num_features=None):
vec1 = vec1[0]
if len(vec2) == 1:
vec2 = vec2[0]
- return scipy.stats.entropy(vec1, vec2)
+ return vec1, vec2
+def kullback_leibler(vec1, vec2, num_features=None):
+ """
+ A distance metric between two probability distributions.
+ Returns a distance value in range <0, +∞> where values closer to 0 mean less distance (and a higher similarity)
+ Uses the scipy.stats.entropy method to identify kullback_leibler convergence value.
+ If the distribution draws from a certain number of docs, that value must be passed.
+ """
+ vec1, vec2 = convert_vec(vec1, vec2, num_features=num_features)
+ return entropy(vec1, vec2)
+def jensen_shannon(vec1, vec2, num_features=None):
+ """
+ A method of measuring the similarity between two probability distributions.
+ It is a symmetrized and finite version of the Kullback–Leibler divergence.
+ """
+ vec1, vec2 = convert_vec(vec1, vec2, num_features=num_features)
+ avg_vec = 0.5 * (vec1 + vec2)
+ return 0.5 * (entropy(vec1, avg_vec) + entropy(vec2, avg_vec))
def hellinger(vec1, vec2):
diff --git a/gensim/models/ldamodel.py b/gensim/models/ldamodel.py
index 200a6cc55e..55ce334460 100755
--- a/gensim/models/ldamodel.py
+++ b/gensim/models/ldamodel.py
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
from gensim import interfaces, utils, matutils
from gensim.matutils import dirichlet_expectation
-from gensim.matutils import kullback_leibler, hellinger, jaccard_distance
+from gensim.matutils import kullback_leibler, hellinger, jaccard_distance, jensen_shannon
from gensim.models import basemodel, CoherenceModel
# log(sum(exp(x))) that tries to avoid overflow
@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ def diff(self, other, distance="kullback_leibler", num_words=100, n_ann_terms=10
Calculate difference topic2topic between two Lda models
`other` instances of `LdaMulticore` or `LdaModel`
`distance` is function that will be applied to calculate difference between any topic pair.
- Available values: `kullback_leibler`, `hellinger` and `jaccard`
+ Available values: `kullback_leibler`, `hellinger`, `jaccard` and `jensen_shannon`
`num_words` is quantity of most relevant words that used if distance == `jaccard` (also used for annotation)
`n_ann_terms` is max quantity of words in intersection/symmetric difference between topics (used for annotation)
`diagonal` set to True if the difference is required only between the identical topic no.s (returns diagonal of diff matrix)
@@ -1003,6 +1003,7 @@ def diff(self, other, distance="kullback_leibler", num_words=100, n_ann_terms=10
"kullback_leibler": kullback_leibler,
"hellinger": hellinger,
"jaccard": jaccard_distance,
+ "jensen_shannon": jensen_shannon
if distance not in distances:
@@ -1048,8 +1049,8 @@ def diff(self, other, distance="kullback_leibler", num_words=100, n_ann_terms=10
pos_tokens = fst_topics[topic1] & snd_topics[topic2]
neg_tokens = fst_topics[topic1].symmetric_difference(snd_topics[topic2])
- pos_tokens = sample(pos_tokens, min(len(pos_tokens), n_ann_terms))
- neg_tokens = sample(neg_tokens, min(len(neg_tokens), n_ann_terms))
+ pos_tokens = list(pos_tokens)[:min(len(pos_tokens), n_ann_terms)]
+ neg_tokens = list(neg_tokens)[:min(len(neg_tokens), n_ann_terms)]
annotation_terms[topic] = [pos_tokens, neg_tokens]