parameters: level: 9 scanDirectories: - lam/lib - lam/templates paths: - lam/lib - lam/templates fileExtensions: - php excludePaths: analyseAndScan: - */3rdParty/* ignoreErrors: - '#.* on an unknown class .*#' - '#.* has invalid type .*#' - '#Function [a-zA-Z0-9\\_-]+ not found.#' - '#Class [a-zA-Z0-9\\_-]+ not found.#' - '#Instantiated class [a-zA-Z0-9\\_-]+ not found.#' - '#Caught class [a-zA-Z0-9\\_-]+ not found.#' - '#Used function [a-zA-Z0-9\\_-]+ not found.#' - '#Variable \$helpArray might not be defined.#' - '#Function [a-zA-Z0-9\(\)\\_-]+ has invalid return type [a-zA-Z0-9\\_-]+.#' - '#PHPDoc tag @throws with type LAMException is not subtype of Throwable#' - '#Throwing object of an unknown class [a-zA-Z0-9\\_-]+.#' - '#Parameter \#[0-9] \$[a-zA-Z_]+ of function [a-zA-Z_]+ expects [(]?callable.*#' - '#Call to an undefined method object::.*#' - '#Parameter \#2 \$string of function explode expects string, .* given.#' - '#Parameter \#2 \$result of function ldap_.* expects LDAP\\Result, array\|LDAP\\Result given.#' - '#Cannot access an offset on mixed.#' - '#Cannot access offset .* on mixed.#' - '#Cannot access offset .* on array\|int.#' - '#Cannot access an offset on array\|Countable.#' - '#Cannot assign new offset to list\<string\>\|string.#' - '#Parameter \#1 \$haystack of function str_starts_with expects string, int\|string given.#' - '#Parameter \#3 \$length of function substr expects int\|null, int<0, max>\|false given.#' - '#Parameter \#1 \$string of function htmlspecialchars expects string, .* given.#' - '#Parameter \#1 \$name of function LAM\\ACCOUNTLIST\\search_username expects string, list<string>\|string given.#' - '#Parameter \#1 \$array of function array_keys expects array, mixed given.#' - '#Argument of an invalid type mixed supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported.#' - '#Parameter \#2 \$args of function call_user_func_array expects array<int\|string, mixed>, mixed given.#' - '#Cannot access offset non-falsy-string on array<string>\|object.#' - '#Unable to resolve the template type T in call to function array_values#' - '#Cannot call method .* on mixed.*#' - '#Cannot cast mixed to string.#' - '#Parameter \#. \(mixed\) of .* cannot be converted to string#' - '#Binary operation .* between .* and .* results in an error.#' - '#Parameter \#. .* of (function|method) .* expects .*, mixed given.#' - '#Cannot access property .* on mixed#' - '#Cannot use \+\+ on mixed.#'