If you use this code, please cite the following paper
Anirudh Vemula, Wen Sun, J. Andrew Bagnell. Contrasting Exploration in Parameter and Action Space: A Zeroth Order Optimization Perspective. In the proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS). 2019
pip install -r requirements.txt
To reproduce the results of the Mujoco Experiments (both Swimmer and HalfCheetah) with hyperparameter tuning, run
To reproduce the results of the LQR experiments with hyperparameter tuning, run
To generate plots used in the paper, run the following commands after running the experiments
python scripts/plot_zooomed_results.py
python scripts/plot_lqr_results.py
- Python 3.6.3
- Ray 0.5.2
- Numpy 1.15.1
- Matplotlib 2.2.3
- Mujoco-py
- Gym 0.10.5
- Scipy 1.1.0
- Jupyter 1.0.0
- Autograd