This framework is the most basic version which is available for free to download and create scripts for. This version contains:
- Inventory system
- Vehicle trunk system
- Storage system
- Basic Banking
- Shops
- Very basic anti-cheat
- Couple usable items
- Car speedometer
- Teleport players that fell underground
- Time + Weather sync
If you want to purchase a version with more features contact me on Discord Kuzkay#9999
Good example of using the kuz_Essentials in an external package is the kuz_Usable package
local kes = ImportPackage('kuz_Essentials')
This function allows you to force save players position, inventory and balance
This function returns the player's PlayerData table
This function gets players role (only role in this version is 'criminal' This has no meaning but can be used to setup multiple characters and player saves, just ignore it if you don't understand)
This function sets players job.
This function returns players job
This function returns players job grade
This function returns player CASH balance
This function adds onto players CASH balance
This function removes from player CASH balance
This functions returns player BANK balance
This function adds onto players BANK balance
This function removes from player BANK balance
This function returns players level
This function add levels to player
This function lowers players level
This function returns players XP
This function adds XP to the player
This function removes XP from the player
Adds an item to players inventory, returns true on success and false on failure
Removes an item from players inventory, returns true on success and false on failure
This function removes all players items
This function gets the amount of item that player has
This function returns the single and plural item names
When player right clicks and item and presses "Use" the SERVER sided event "Kuzkay:UseItem:{item name}" gets called
for example Kuzkay:UseItem:bandage
gets called when player uses the item, The first parameter of this event is the player and second parameter is the item(could be used to call same function from different items)
Good example of this can be found in package kuz_Usable