ApiServerUnreachableViaKubernetesService |
critical |
shoot |
The Api server has been unreachable for 3 minutes via the kubernetes service in the shoot. |
CoreDNSDown |
critical |
shoot |
CoreDNS could not be found. Cluster DNS resolution will not work. |
ApiServerNotReachable |
blocker |
seed |
API server not reachable via external endpoint: {{ $labels.instance }}. |
KubeApiServerLatency |
warning |
seed |
Kube API server latency for verb {{ $labels.verb }} is high. This could be because the shoot workers and the control plane are in different regions. 99th percentile of request latency is greater than 3 second. |
KubeApiServerTooManyOpenFileDescriptors |
warning |
seed |
The API server ({{ $labels.instance }}) is using {{ $value }}% of the available file/socket descriptors. |
KubeApiServerTooManyOpenFileDescriptors |
critical |
seed |
The API server ({{ $labels.instance }}) is using {{ $value }}% of the available file/socket descriptors. |
KubeControllerManagerDown |
critical |
seed |
Deployments and replication controllers are not making progress. |
KubeEtcd3DbSizeLimitApproaching |
warning |
seed |
Etcd3 {{ $labels.role }} DB size is approaching its current practical limit of 2GB. |
KubeEtcd3DbSizeLimitCrossed |
critical |
seed |
Etcd3 {{ $labels.role }} DB size has crossed its current practical limit of 2GB. Etcd might now require more memory to continue serving traffic with low latency, and might face request throttling. |
KubeKubeletNodeDown |
warning |
shoot |
The kubelet {{ $labels.instance }} has been unavailable/unreachable for more than 1 hour. Workloads on the affected node may not be schedulable. |
KubeKubeletTooManyPods |
warning |
Kubelet {{ $labels.instance }} is running {{ $value }} pods, close to the limit of 110 |
KubeletTooManyOpenFileDescriptorsShoot |
warning |
shoot |
Shoot-kubelet ({{ $labels.kubernetes_io_hostname }}) is using {{ $value }}% of the available file/socket descriptors. Kubelet could be under heavy load. |
KubeletTooManyOpenFileDescriptorsShoot |
critical |
shoot |
Shoot-kubelet ({{ $labels.kubernetes_io_hostname }}) is using {{ $value }}% of the available file/socket descriptors. Kubelet could be under heavy load. |
KubePodPendingShoot |
warning |
shoot |
Pod {{ $labels.pod }} is stuck in "Pending" state for more than 1 hour. |
KubePodNotReadyShoot |
warning |
shoot |
Pod {{ $labels.pod }} is not ready for more than 1 hour. |
KubeSchedulerDown |
critical |
seed |
New pods are not being assigned to nodes. |
NoWorkerNodes |
blocker |
There are no worker nodes in the cluster or all of the worker nodes in the cluster are not schedulable. |
NodeExporterDown |
warning |
shoot |
The NodeExporter has been down or unreachable from Prometheus for more than 1 hour. |
K8SNodeOutOfDisk |
critical |
shoot |
Node {{ $labels.node }} has run out of disk space. |
K8SNodeMemoryPressure |
warning |
shoot |
Node {{ $labels.node }} is under memory pressure. |
K8SNodeDiskPressure |
warning |
shoot |
Node {{ $labels.node }} is under disk pressure |
VMRootfsFull |
critical |
shoot |
Root filesystem device on instance {{ $labels.instance }} is almost full. |
VMConntrackTableFull |
critical |
shoot |
The nf_conntrack table is {{ $value }}% full. |
VPNProbeAPIServerProxyFailed |
critical |
shoot |
The API Server proxy functionality is not working. Probably the vpn connection from an API Server pod to the vpn-shoot endpoint on the Shoot workers does not work. |