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User Alerts

Alertname Severity Type Description
ApiServerUnreachableViaKubernetesService critical shoot The Api server has been unreachable for 3 minutes via the kubernetes service in the shoot.
CoreDNSDown critical shoot CoreDNS could not be found. Cluster DNS resolution will not work.
ApiServerNotReachable blocker seed API server not reachable via external endpoint: {{ $labels.instance }}.
KubeApiServerLatency warning seed Kube API server latency for verb {{ $labels.verb }} is high. This could be because the shoot workers and the control plane are in different regions. 99th percentile of request latency is greater than 3 second.
KubeApiServerTooManyOpenFileDescriptors warning seed The API server ({{ $labels.instance }}) is using {{ $value }}% of the available file/socket descriptors.
KubeApiServerTooManyOpenFileDescriptors critical seed The API server ({{ $labels.instance }}) is using {{ $value }}% of the available file/socket descriptors.
KubeControllerManagerDown critical seed Deployments and replication controllers are not making progress.
KubeEtcd3DbSizeLimitApproaching warning seed Etcd3 {{ $labels.role }} DB size is approaching its current practical limit of 2GB.
KubeEtcd3DbSizeLimitCrossed critical seed Etcd3 {{ $labels.role }} DB size has crossed its current practical limit of 2GB. Etcd might now require more memory to continue serving traffic with low latency, and might face request throttling.
KubeKubeletNodeDown warning shoot The kubelet {{ $labels.instance }} has been unavailable/unreachable for more than 1 hour. Workloads on the affected node may not be schedulable.
KubeKubeletTooManyPods warning Kubelet {{ $labels.instance }} is running {{ $value }} pods, close to the limit of 110
KubeletTooManyOpenFileDescriptorsShoot warning shoot Shoot-kubelet ({{ $labels.kubernetes_io_hostname }}) is using {{ $value }}% of the available file/socket descriptors. Kubelet could be under heavy load.
KubeletTooManyOpenFileDescriptorsShoot critical shoot Shoot-kubelet ({{ $labels.kubernetes_io_hostname }}) is using {{ $value }}% of the available file/socket descriptors. Kubelet could be under heavy load.
KubePodPendingShoot warning shoot Pod {{ $labels.pod }} is stuck in "Pending" state for more than 1 hour.
KubePodNotReadyShoot warning shoot Pod {{ $labels.pod }} is not ready for more than 1 hour.
KubeSchedulerDown critical seed New pods are not being assigned to nodes.
NoWorkerNodes blocker There are no worker nodes in the cluster or all of the worker nodes in the cluster are not schedulable.
NodeExporterDown warning shoot The NodeExporter has been down or unreachable from Prometheus for more than 1 hour.
K8SNodeOutOfDisk critical shoot Node {{ $labels.node }} has run out of disk space.
K8SNodeMemoryPressure warning shoot Node {{ $labels.node }} is under memory pressure.
K8SNodeDiskPressure warning shoot Node {{ $labels.node }} is under disk pressure
VMRootfsFull critical shoot Root filesystem device on instance {{ $labels.instance }} is almost full.
VMConntrackTableFull critical shoot The nf_conntrack table is {{ $value }}% full.
VPNProbeAPIServerProxyFailed critical shoot The API Server proxy functionality is not working. Probably the vpn connection from an API Server pod to the vpn-shoot endpoint on the Shoot workers does not work.