Typically an extension reconciles a specific resource (Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)) and creates/modifies resources in the cluster (via helm, managed resources, kubectl, ...). We call these API Objects 'dependent objects' - as they are bound to the lifecycle of the extension.
The goal of this library is to enable extensions to setup health checks for their 'dependent objects' with minimal effort.
The library provides a generic controller with the ability to register any resource that satisfies the extension object interface.
An example is the Worker
Health check functions for commonly used dependent objects can be reused and registered with the controller, such as:
- Deployment
- DaemonSet
- StatefulSet
- ManagedResource (Gardener specific)
See below example taken from the provider-aws.
func() runtime.Object { return &extensionsv1alpha1.Worker{} },
mgr, // controller runtime manager
opts, // options for the health check controller
nil, // custom predicates
general.CheckManagedResource(genericactuator.McmShootResourceName): string(gardencorev1beta1.ShootSystemComponentsHealthy),
general.CheckSeedDeployment(aws.MachineControllerManagerName): string(gardencorev1beta1.ShootEveryNodeReady),
worker.SufficientNodesAvailable(): string(gardencorev1beta1.ShootEveryNodeReady),
This creates a health check controller that reconciles the extensions.gardener.cloud/v1alpha1.Worker
resource with the spec.type 'aws'.
Three health check functions are registered that are executed during reconciliation.
Each health check is mapped to a single HealthConditionType
that results in conditions with the same condition.type
(see below).
To contribute to the Shoot's health, the following can be used: SystemComponentsHealthy
, EveryNodeReady
, ControlPlaneHealthy
The Gardener/Gardenlet checks each extension for conditions matching these types.
However extensions are free to choose any HealthConditionType
More information can be found here.
A health check has to satisfy below interface. You can find implementation examples here.
type HealthCheck interface {
// Check is the function that executes the actual health check
Check(context.Context, types.NamespacedName) (*HealthCheckResult, error)
// SetSeedClient injects the seed client
// SetShootClient injects the shoot client
// SetLoggerSuffix injects the logger
SetLoggerSuffix(string, string)
The health check controller regularly (default: 30s
) reconciles the extension resource and executes the registered health checks for the dependent objects.
As a result, the controller writes condition(s) to the status of the extension containing the health check result.
In our example, two checks are mapped to ShootEveryNodeReady
and one to ShootSystemComponentsHealthy
, leading to conditions with two distinct HealthConditionTypes
- lastTransitionTime: "20XX-10-28T08:17:21Z"
lastUpdateTime: "20XX-11-28T08:17:21Z"
message: (1/1) Health checks successful
reason: HealthCheckSuccessful
status: "True"
type: SystemComponentsHealthy
- lastTransitionTime: "20XX-10-28T08:17:21Z"
lastUpdateTime: "20XX-11-28T08:17:21Z"
message: (2/2) Health checks successful
reason: HealthCheckSuccessful
status: "True"
type: EveryNodeReady
It is up to the extension to decide how to conduct health checks, though it is recommended to make use of the build-in health check functionality of managed-resources
for trivial checks.
By deploying the depending resources via managed resources, the gardener resource manager conducts basic checks for different API objects out-of-the-box (e.g Deployments
, DaemonSets
, ...) - and writes health conditions.
In turn, the library contains a health check function to gather the health information from managed resources.
More sophisticated health checks should be implemented by the extension controller itself (implementing the HealthCheck