Simple openkore plugin that makes use WebService::Discord::Webhook, to send a status update from openkore to your discord server. Helpful for monitoring when you are running the bot from another pc/vps.
Code snip below is a sample output when used as a standalone, it would be in json format and not nice to the eyes
Picture below is how it would look like IF used in tandem with a discord bot that receives the messages and deletes each incoming message so the server wont be flodded with messages.
This adds complexity though and would need more setup so if you want the simple webhook message i suggest the code from sctnightcore which is where i copied most of the code.
for those intereseted in the bot that organizes the messages i am working on it and a tutorial so i can share it with you in the following days. in the meantime you can use this plugin then maybe code your own discord bot too
Honestly i had difficulties installing the requirements on windows, i would provide a dockerfile/docker image later on that would make you not bother with the requirements.
Change the
my $url
, simply paste your webhook url from discord there
paste the jsontodiscord folder inside the plugins folder of your openkore
add the jsontodiscord plugin in the sys.txt inside control folder, the line is like below
# loadPlugins_list <list>
# if loadPlugins is set to 2, this comma-separated list of plugin names (filename without the extension)
# specifies which plugin files to load at startup or when the "plugin load all" command is used.
loadPlugins_list raiseStat,raiseSkill,reconnect,item_weight_recorder,xconf,eventMacro,macro,jsontodiscord
It should work right away if the requirements are installed properly, but i suggest just using the docker that im about to upload if you are not familiar with installing the requirements, modifying the stats that you want to see can also be easy i would upload a tutorial for it later on.
Proceed to the code block below and you can modify this as much as you want, just copy one line say 'Name' => $char->{name},
paste it on the next line and modify the contents.
my $data = {
'Username' => $config{username},
'Name' => $char->{name},
'Hp' => sprintf("%.2f", $char->hp_percent()),
'Weight' => sprintf("%.0f", $char->weight_percent()),
'#Deaths' => (exists $char->{deathCount} ? $char->{deathCount} : 0),
'Exp/hr' => $bExpPerHour,
'Lockmap' => $config{lockMap},
'CX' => $char->position()->{x},
'CY' => $char->position()->{y},
'Map' => $field->name
the 'Name' is the string label while $char->{name}
is a variable in the memory of openkore,
theres listed values of these in wikis or in forums but a good place to start is inside your own openkore plugins, browse to \plugins\needs-review\webMonitor\trunk
and open the
using your text editor of choice, line 564 onwards has alot of different variables to play with, below are some examples from the said plugin
# Character infos general
'characterStatuses' => \@statuses, # Never used
'characterSkillPoints' => $char->{points_skill},
'characterStatusesSring' => $char->statusesString(),
'characterName' => $char->name(),
'characterJob' => $jobs_lut{$char->{jobID}},
'characterJobID' => $char->{jobID},
'characterSex' => $sex_lut{$char->{sex}},
'characterSexID' => $char->{sex},
'characterLevel' => $char->{lv},
'characterJobLevel' => $char->{lv_job},
'characterID' => unpack("V", $char->{ID}), # Never used
'characterHairColor'=> $haircolors{$char->{hair_color}}, # Never used
'characterGuildName' => $char->{guild}{name},
'characterZeny' => formatNumber($char->{'zeny'}),
'characterStr' => $char->{str},
'characterStrBonus' => $char->{str_bonus},
'characterStrPoints' => $char->{points_str},
'characterAgi' => $char->{agi},
'characterAgiBonus' => $char->{agi_bonus},
'characterAgiPoints' => $char->{points_agi},
'characterVit' => $char->{vit},
'characterVitBonus' => $char->{vit_bonus},
'characterVitPoints' => $char->{points_vit},
'characterInt' => $char->{int},
'characterIntBonus' => $char->{int_bonus},
'characterIntPoints' => $char->{points_int},
'characterDex' => $char->{dex},
'characterDexBonus' => $char->{dex_bonus},
Also there a default timer to the interval in between updates to the discord, ive set it on a high one since i use multiple bots and that would make me hit discords rate limiting, set it lower if you want frequent updates just be careful with discords rate limit
# change the min max to your desired timer, it would pick a value in between. I used a large initial value to avoid rate limiting since i use multiple bots.
my $minInterval = 70; # Minimum interval in seconds
my $maxInterval = 110; # Maximum interval in seconds
I think theres some potential here other than a monitoring app. maybe process the data from another app and then send commands back, would be esssentially an alternative to automacros?