Vue2Leaflet is a JavaScript library for the Vue framework that wraps Leaflet making it easy to create reactive maps.
npm install vue2-leaflet leaflet --save
For more detailed information you can follow the Quick Start Guide
A new major release 2.0.0 is available and come with two breaking changes:
Leaflet is now a peerDependency and need to be installed manually, we updated our docs to reflect this but please pay attention when migrating
Now the code of vue2-leaflet is split component by component (while using a bundler like Webpack/Rollup/Parcel) to do so the following syntax is not working anymore:
import Vue2Leaflet from 'vue2-leaflet'; // INVALID
And has been replaced by
import * as Vue2Leaflet from 'vue2-leaflet'; // VALID
Is highly suggested to import only the needed modules by doing so:
import { LMap, LTileLayer, LMarker } from 'vue2-leaflet';
This will reduce the size of the bundle significantly
Go here to check out live examples and docs.
Do you have questions? Ideas? do you want to collaborate but you feel lost? Join us on discord Invite Link
Vue2Leaflet has a wide array of plugins written by the community! Check Here
# clone the repository
git clone
cd Vue2Leaflet
# install dependencies and build vue2-leaflet
npm install
# Compile the source and start the documentation server
npm run dev
Go to http://localhost:8080/ to see the docs and the examples
Any changes to the source code is reflected in the docs after a handfuls of seconds.
- Mickaël Bouchaud
- Nicolò Maria Mezzopera
Inspired by many map wrapper (google and leaflet) for many framework (React, Angular and Vue 1.0)
If you believe you should be on this list please add yourself by typing this on a PR or issue:
@all-contributors please add @yourNickname for X
where X is one of all-contributors emojoi keys
And all the rest who contributed
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details