diff --git a/Missionbasefiles/kp_liberation.cam_lao_nam/mission.sqm b/Missionbasefiles/kp_liberation.cam_lao_nam/mission.sqm new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6145af873 --- /dev/null +++ b/Missionbasefiles/kp_liberation.cam_lao_nam/mission.sqm @@ -0,0 +1,6072 @@ +version=54; +class EditorData +{ + moveGridStep=1; + angleGridStep=0.2617994; + scaleGridStep=1; + autoGroupingDist=10; + toggles=513; + class ItemIDProvider + { + nextID=493; + }; + class MarkerIDProvider + { + nextID=1; + }; + class LayerIndexProvider + { + nextID=207; + }; + class Camera + { + pos[]={2125.4722,29.942047,4086.0276}; + dir[]={0.79833263,-0.43620101,0.41520318}; + up[]={0.38699093,0.89984924,0.20126933}; + aside[]={0.46141416,1.4901161e-008,-0.88718486}; + }; +}; +binarizationWanted=0; +sourceName="kp_liberation"; +addons[]= +{ + "A3_Ui_F", + "A3_Structures_F_System", + "A3_Structures_F_Mil_Cargo", + "A3_Structures_F_Mil_Flags", + "A3_Modules_F_Curator_Curator", + "A3_Modules_F", + "A3_Characters_F", + "structures_f_vietnam_c", + "modules_f_vietnam", + "objects_f_vietnam_c" +}; +class AddonsMetaData +{ + class List + { + items=9; + class Item0 + { + className="A3_Ui_F"; + name="Arma 3 - User Interface"; + author="Bohemia Interactive"; + url="https://www.arma3.com"; + }; + class Item1 + { + className="A3_Structures_F"; + name="Arma 3 - Buildings and Structures"; + author="Bohemia Interactive"; + url="https://www.arma3.com"; + }; + class Item2 + { + className="A3_Structures_F_Mil"; + name="Arma 3 - Military Buildings and Structures"; + author="Bohemia Interactive"; + url="https://www.arma3.com"; + }; + class Item3 + { + className="A3_Modules_F_Curator"; + name="Arma 3 Zeus Update - Scripted Modules"; + author="Bohemia Interactive"; + url="https://www.arma3.com"; + }; + class Item4 + { + className="A3_Modules_F"; + name="Arma 3 Alpha - Scripted Modules"; + author="Bohemia Interactive"; + url="https://www.arma3.com"; + }; + class Item5 + { + className="A3_Characters_F"; + name="Arma 3 Alpha - Characters and Clothing"; + author="Bohemia Interactive"; + url="https://www.arma3.com"; + }; + class Item6 + { + className="structures_f_vietnam_c"; + name="structures_f_vietnam_c"; + author="Savage Game Design"; + url="https://www.arma3.com"; + }; + class Item7 + { + className="modules_f_vietnam"; + name="modules_f_vietnam"; + author="Savage Game Design"; + url="https://www.arma3.com"; + }; + class Item8 + { + className="objects_f_vietnam_c"; + name="objects_f_vietnam_c"; + author="Savage Game Design"; + url="https://www.arma3.com"; + }; + }; +}; +randomSeed=2078020; +class ScenarioData +{ + author="[GREUH] Zbug, [GREUH] McKeewa, [KP] Wyqer"; + respawnDialog=0; + disabledAI=1; + respawn=3; + respawnDelay=5; + class Header + { + gameType="CTI"; + minPlayers=1; + maxPlayers=37; + }; +}; +class CustomAttributes +{ + class Category0 + { + name="Scenario"; + class Attribute0 + { + property="EnableDebugConsole"; + expression="true"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; +}; +class Mission +{ + class Intel + { + briefingName="@STR_MISSION_TITLE"; + overviewText="@STR_MISSION_DESCRIPTION"; + resistanceEast=1; + timeOfChanges=1800.0002; + startWeather=0.40000001; + startWind=0.1; + startWaves=0.1; + forecastWeather=0.40000001; + forecastWind=0.1; + forecastWaves=0.1; + forecastLightnings=0.1; + year=2038; + month=6; + day=6; + hour=8; + minute=0; + startFogDecay=0.014; + forecastFogDecay=0.014; + }; + class Entities + { + items=18; + class Item0 + { + dataType="Layer"; + name="Startbase - USS Freedom"; + class Entities + { + items=16; + class Item0 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={2109.9143,188.16367,4095.4265}; + name="huronmarker"; + text="Spartan 01"; + type="b_air"; + id=70; + atlOffset=159.92776; + }; + class Item1 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2113.7703,28.292759,4079.9539}; + angles[]={0.0099949092,5.6083994,6.2731905}; + }; + side="Empty"; + flags=4; + class Attributes + { + name="startbase"; + }; + id=72; + type="Land_ClutterCutter_small_F"; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="allowDamage"; + expression="_this allowdamage _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item2 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2090.1484,28.444031,4095.2749}; + angles[]={0.012000273,6.0690637,6.2671871}; + }; + side="Empty"; + flags=4; + class Attributes + { + name="littlebird_0"; + }; + id=73; + type="Land_ClutterCutter_small_F"; + atlOffset=1.9073486e-006; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="allowDamage"; + expression="_this allowdamage _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item3 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2109.7852,28.17585,4097.2275}; + angles[]={0.011995304,6.1331501,6.2711902}; + }; + side="Empty"; + flags=4; + class Attributes + { + name="huronspawn"; + }; + id=74; + type="Land_ClutterCutter_small_F"; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="allowDamage"; + expression="_this allowdamage _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item4 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2074.1472,28.646048,4096.2661}; + angles[]={0.0060001095,6.1651812,6.2671871}; + }; + side="Empty"; + flags=4; + class Attributes + { + name="littlebird_1"; + }; + id=75; + type="Land_ClutterCutter_small_F"; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="allowDamage"; + expression="_this allowdamage _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item5 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2057.2053,28.948647,4095.4727}; + angles[]={0.0060001095,6.2285919,6.2611909}; + }; + side="Empty"; + flags=4; + class Attributes + { + name="littlebird_2"; + }; + id=76; + type="Land_ClutterCutter_small_F"; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="allowDamage"; + expression="_this allowdamage _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item6 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2128.8267,28.022091,4119.209}; + angles[]={6.2731905,4.8923049,0}; + }; + side="Empty"; + flags=4; + class Attributes + { + name="base_boxspawn"; + }; + id=77; + type="Land_ClutterCutter_small_F"; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="allowDamage"; + expression="_this allowdamage _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item7 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2120.3083,29.01248,4074.0715}; + angles[]={0,2.3437314,0}; + }; + side="Empty"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + init="this setVariable [""ace_medical_isMedicalFacility"", true, true];"; + }; + id=78; + type="Land_Medevac_house_V1_F"; + }; + class Item8 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2120.1819,32.261818,4076.2671}; + angles[]={0.017997233,3.9142313,6.2711854}; + }; + side="Empty"; + flags=4; + class Attributes + { + init="this setFlagTexture ""res\flag_kp_co.paa"";"; + }; + id=79; + type="Flag_White_F"; + atlOffset=3.8146973e-006; + }; + class Item9 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2121.4841,32.218464,4077.8071}; + angles[]={0.017997233,4.5250969,6.2711854}; + }; + side="Empty"; + flags=4; + class Attributes + { + }; + id=80; + type="Flag_US_F"; + atlOffset=1.9073486e-006; + }; + class Item10 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2578.7715,0,2959.4038}; + angles[]={0,3.7766957,0}; + }; + side="Empty"; + class Attributes + { + name="boat_0"; + }; + id=81; + type="Land_ClutterCutter_small_F"; + atlOffset=2.3778522; + }; + class Item11 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2587.2637,-0.14070177,2954.5269}; + angles[]={0,3.5924191,0}; + }; + side="Empty"; + class Attributes + { + name="boat_1"; + }; + id=82; + type="Land_ClutterCutter_small_F"; + atlOffset=2.2078078; + }; + class Item12 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2564.562,-0.31668043,2961.3103}; + angles[]={0,3.0353131,0}; + }; + side="Empty"; + class Attributes + { + name="boat_2"; + }; + id=83; + type="Land_ClutterCutter_small_F"; + atlOffset=2.1287651; + }; + class Item13 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2552.6787,-0.55760312,2959.0273}; + angles[]={0,2.4245238,0}; + }; + side="Empty"; + class Attributes + { + name="boat_3"; + }; + id=84; + type="Land_ClutterCutter_small_F"; + atlOffset=1.9124885; + }; + class Item14 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={2092.8069,196.875,4105.8608}; + name="startbase_marker"; + text="Operation Base"; + type="mil_start"; + colorName="ColorWEST"; + id=85; + atlOffset=168.54306; + }; + class Item15 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={2567.7612,0,2950.4595}; + name="marker_0"; + text="Operation Base Docks"; + type="b_naval"; + id=473; + atlOffset=2.752284; + }; + }; + id=86; + atlOffset=17.639969; + }; + class Item1 + { + dataType="Layer"; + name="Capital Markers"; + class Entities + { + items=7; + class Item0 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16313.868,26.379999,3690.3611}; + name="bigtown_7"; + text="Saigon"; + type="n_service"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + a=1.55; + b=1.55; + angle=90; + id=57; + }; + class Item1 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17448.301,9.3599997,9218.3809}; + name="bigtown_1"; + text="Hue"; + type="n_service"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + a=1.55; + b=1.55; + angle=90; + id=131; + }; + class Item2 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13052.56,4.8575668,13512.738}; + name="bigtown_2"; + text="Hanoi"; + type="n_service"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + a=1.55; + b=1.55; + angle=90; + id=148; + atlOffset=3.3875668; + }; + class Item3 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3059.0432,3.8727374,8690.208}; + name="bigtown_3"; + text="Sihanoukville"; + type="n_service"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + a=1.55; + b=1.55; + angle=90; + id=149; + }; + class Item4 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={7687.3169,3.8099999,11748.748}; + name="bigtown_4"; + text="Attapeu"; + type="n_service"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + a=1.55; + b=1.55; + angle=90; + id=150; + }; + class Item5 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1674.7915,10.745865,19154.246}; + name="bigtown_5"; + text="Nodal Lho"; + type="n_service"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + a=1.55; + b=1.55; + angle=90; + id=151; + }; + class Item6 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={5818.9761,9.4099998,15115.696}; + name="bigtown_6"; + text="Dao Trai Village"; + type="n_service"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + a=1.55; + b=1.55; + angle=90.767967; + id=153; + }; + }; + id=87; + atlOffset=2.3811026; + }; + class Item2 + { + dataType="Layer"; + name="Radiotower Markers"; + class Entities + { + items=24; + class Item0 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={6487.6924,4.0556645,4976.9512}; + name="tower"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=58; + }; + class Item1 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={10165.354,67.9021,4647.2622}; + name="tower_1"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=248; + atlOffset=-1.9849625; + }; + class Item2 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13805.648,10.432556,1229.9878}; + name="tower_2"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=249; + atlOffset=-5.0131836; + }; + class Item3 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17871.934,7.782959,3512.8418}; + name="tower_3"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=250; + atlOffset=-4.9814939; + }; + class Item4 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13315.138,16.246826,5210.6978}; + name="tower_4"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=251; + atlOffset=-0.59592628; + }; + class Item5 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={11895.68,350.82715,8216.2754}; + name="tower_5"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=252; + atlOffset=-5.7140198; + }; + class Item6 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={9068.5576,30.615623,7420.9727}; + name="tower_6"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=253; + atlOffset=-30.820171; + }; + class Item7 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={5565.3398,248.68066,8614.6025}; + name="tower_7"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=254; + atlOffset=15.002716; + }; + class Item8 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={2109.5408,26.78125,7638.4761}; + name="tower_8"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=255; + atlOffset=-5.5785332; + }; + class Item9 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3084.0403,198.84741,12266.922}; + name="tower_9"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=256; + atlOffset=-2.7963562; + }; + class Item10 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3272.8157,446.10645,15536.53}; + name="tower_10"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=257; + atlOffset=-4.9535522; + }; + class Item11 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1272.8463,235.16068,17750.348}; + name="tower_11"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=258; + atlOffset=30.435608; + }; + class Item12 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={4795.147,287.39621,18661.303}; + name="tower_12"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=259; + atlOffset=36.880463; + }; + class Item13 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={6039.313,184.56665,15742.436}; + name="tower_13"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=260; + atlOffset=-5.3300781; + }; + class Item14 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={9998.5254,343.44434,16819.947}; + name="tower_14"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=261; + atlOffset=-5.1130371; + }; + class Item15 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13381.093,400.07953,17941.424}; + name="tower_15"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=262; + atlOffset=244.42708; + }; + class Item16 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={12687.422,11.374329,14117.53}; + name="tower_16"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=263; + atlOffset=-4.3438625; + }; + class Item17 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={11378.074,524.35364,10544.419}; + name="tower_17"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=264; + atlOffset=-7.9168091; + }; + class Item18 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={8102.1777,259.40417,12935.939}; + name="tower_18"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=265; + atlOffset=-4.9751282; + }; + class Item19 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16351.888,84.488281,15212.375}; + name="tower_19"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=266; + atlOffset=-6.3607559; + }; + class Item20 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={18066.615,47.157959,10740.468}; + name="tower_20"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=267; + atlOffset=-2.2460213; + }; + class Item21 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14897.412,225.63843,10698.779}; + name="tower_21"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=268; + atlOffset=-4.5984039; + }; + class Item22 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16870.598,17.106934,7509.7246}; + name="tower_22"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=269; + atlOffset=-5.0130672; + }; + class Item23 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={20053.947,3.6054077,7173.3076}; + name="tower_23"; + text="Radio Tower"; + type="loc_Transmitter"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=270; + atlOffset=-7.2662783; + }; + }; + id=88; + atlOffset=28.108219; + }; + class Item3 + { + dataType="Layer"; + name="Military Base Markers"; + class Entities + { + items=28; + class Item0 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={15246.323,65.059998,4710.3022}; + name="military"; + text="Ho Ngoc Tao"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=55; + atlOffset=0.019996643; + }; + class Item1 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17324.975,30.411013,5588.127}; + name="military_1"; + text="Ban Me Thuot"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=122; + }; + class Item2 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={20162.189,3.8,6604.1348}; + name="military_2"; + text="Da Nang"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=123; + }; + class Item3 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={18596.807,21.41,8399.0479}; + name="military_3"; + text="Phu Bai"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=124; + }; + class Item4 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16326.723,74.510002,8115.9424}; + name="military_4"; + text="Plei Mei"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=125; + }; + class Item5 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14792.625,99.580002,6874.9912}; + name="military_5"; + text="Kon Tum"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=126; + atlOffset=-0.0099945068; + }; + class Item6 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={11401.354,21.179003,6218.167}; + name="military_6"; + text="Quan Loi"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=127; + }; + class Item7 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14771.54,244.06,9616.418}; + name="military_7"; + text="Mai Loc"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=128; + atlOffset=0.0099945068; + }; + class Item8 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16187.538,67.877144,11040.106}; + name="military_8"; + text="Khe Gio"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=129; + }; + class Item9 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={11359.984,70.078598,14602.849}; + name="military_9"; + text="Gia Lam Airbase"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=130; + }; + class Item10 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16323.456,14.98,6532.6797}; + name="military_10"; + text="Plaiku Airbase South"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=132; + }; + class Item11 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16138.522,18.671541,7526.4839}; + name="military_11"; + text="Plaiku Airbase North"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=133; + }; + class Item12 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14645.075,25.717285,15591.61}; + name="military_12"; + text="Ha Long Navy Base"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=134; + atlOffset=21.560934; + }; + class Item13 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={6817.6089,3.95,4552.2783}; + name="military_13"; + text="Phu Quoc POW Base"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + angle=0.48070624; + id=135; + }; + class Item14 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={6925.0664,73.739998,5406.0225}; + name="military_14"; + text="Phu Quoc Recon Base"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=136; + }; + class Item15 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1036.0883,91.434616,9397.7822}; + name="military_15"; + text="Mildly Interesting Military Base"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=137; + }; + class Item16 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1930.2196,72.116241,12682.722}; + name="military_16"; + text="Plain of Jars Camp"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=138; + }; + class Item17 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1099.1,9.3360004,15164.966}; + name="military_17"; + text="Bam Bon Smuggler Base"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=139; + atlOffset=0.00039482117; + }; + class Item18 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={8169.7471,67.169998,10717.41}; + name="military_18"; + text="Kio Lan Camp"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=140; + atlOffset=0.019996643; + }; + class Item19 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={4881.9092,456.26901,13646.456}; + name="military_19"; + text="Leghom"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=141; + atlOffset=-0.11804199; + }; + class Item20 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={9227.1611,322.54901,16546.043}; + name="military_20"; + text="Thud Ridge"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=142; + atlOffset=-2.6211853; + }; + class Item21 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13733.816,434.29001,8384.1143}; + name="military_21"; + text="Berchtesgaden"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=143; + }; + class Item22 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={12855.69,215.172,8507.0088}; + name="military_22"; + text="Pi's Camp"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=144; + atlOffset=0.16200256; + }; + class Item23 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={20044.607,9.2911377,9755.1611}; + name="military_23"; + text="Paradise Island"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=145; + atlOffset=4.9599462; + }; + class Item24 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={12093.994,422.92401,17660.461}; + name="military_24"; + text="Son Tay Prison"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=146; + atlOffset=417.99402; + }; + class Item25 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={5241.2822,148.54401,17556.984}; + name="military_25"; + text="Staging Area Camp"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=147; + atlOffset=-0.00044250488; + }; + class Item26 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14734.237,15.460211,2668.718}; + name="military_26"; + text="Un Daileng Camp"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=160; + }; + class Item27 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={15770.709,3.7486389,1612.6383}; + name="military_27"; + text="Makalia Base"; + type="o_support"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=165; + }; + }; + id=89; + atlOffset=39.668606; + }; + class Item4 + { + dataType="Layer"; + name="Factory Markers"; + class Entities + { + items=25; + class Item0 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16058.015,2.4542847,2283.8357}; + name="factory"; + text="Makalia Factory"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=56; + atlOffset=-0.9018898; + }; + class Item1 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13368.028,22.419001,2500.697}; + name="factory_1"; + text="Soc Trang Fishing Camp"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=156; + atlOffset=-0.00017166138; + }; + class Item2 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14452.557,11.690369,2443.6597}; + name="factory_2"; + text="Un Daileng Plantation"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=158; + atlOffset=-3.6981325; + }; + class Item3 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14745.954,8.4495459,5846.0225}; + name="factory_3"; + text="Cu Chi Factory"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=161; + }; + class Item4 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16979.346,2.1297302,2988.0317}; + name="factory_4"; + text="Saigon Harbor"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=163; + atlOffset=0.96973026; + }; + class Item5 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17941.568,-8.665,5977.5679}; + name="factory_5"; + text="Pleiku Harbor"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=166; + atlOffset=-10.575087; + }; + class Item6 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={10620.63,16.366226,5173.4868}; + name="factory_6"; + text="Quan Loi Fishing Village"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=172; + atlOffset=1.2804365; + }; + class Item7 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={9253.1172,8.6800003,8764.8057}; + name="factory_7"; + text="Bai Bien Dep Factory"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=177; + atlOffset=-1.5214596; + }; + class Item8 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={8521.4492,285.47699,17935.762}; + name="factory_8"; + text="Vin Hau Lumberyard"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=198; + atlOffset=-1.4730225; + }; + class Item9 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={2201.6709,195.89355,13420.719}; + name="factory_9"; + text="Plain of Jars Storage"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=203; + atlOffset=-1.786438; + }; + class Item10 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={2318.6394,70.928085,11987.474}; + name="factory_10"; + text="Zho Larak Plantation"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=204; + }; + class Item11 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1746.015,0,10357.411}; + name="factory_11"; + text="Xo Xahn Fishing Village"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=205; + atlOffset=-1.2992872; + }; + class Item12 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={5827.5806,180.0144,9908.0811}; + name="factory_12"; + text="Tsrun Phei Plantation"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=206; + atlOffset=-1.575119; + }; + class Item13 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={4824.9463,9.5723152,15128.813}; + name="factory_13"; + text="Nong Khiaw Labor Camp"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=207; + }; + class Item14 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={2471.6125,7.1141968,17084.637}; + name="factory_14"; + text="Va Cang Plantation"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=208; + atlOffset=-1.4916048; + }; + class Item15 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={12533.177,146.79907,10004.771}; + name="factory_15"; + text="Shau Valley Plantation"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=210; + atlOffset=-1.5153809; + }; + class Item16 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={9798.3926,228.88,12076.293}; + name="factory_16"; + text="La Hot Plantation"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=211; + atlOffset=-2.7341309; + }; + class Item17 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={7287.1816,12.970954,11518.432}; + name="factory_17"; + text="Attapeu Plantation"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=217; + }; + class Item18 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16976.855,14.5979,8117.3887}; + name="factory_18"; + text="Plei Mei Plantation"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=218; + atlOffset=-1.6256771; + }; + class Item19 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13604.533,-5.9190674,13193.75}; + name="factory_19"; + text="Hanoi Storage"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=219; + atlOffset=-10.829067; + }; + class Item20 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3071.5925,4.3120003,7717.937}; + name="factory_20"; + text="Sihanoukville Storage"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=221; + atlOffset=-17.003021; + }; + class Item21 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={5731.2939,116.879,17033.289}; + name="factory_21"; + text="Staging Area Plantation"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=222; + atlOffset=-1.6165314; + }; + class Item22 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={7006.7349,2.2021484,4319.5796}; + name="factory_22"; + text="Phu Quoc Factory"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=223; + atlOffset=-1.7478516; + }; + class Item23 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1331.9604,76.121582,12306.097}; + name="factory_23"; + text="Efa Koli Plantation"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=224; + atlOffset=-1.6248932; + }; + class Item24 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={800.89502,52.051998,14379.336}; + name="factory_24"; + text="Com Ngon Lumberyard"; + type="loc_Fuelstation"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=379; + atlOffset=-3.3929214; + }; + }; + id=90; + atlOffset=-86.510666; + }; + class Item5 + { + dataType="Layer"; + name="City Markers"; + class Entities + { + items=45; + class Item0 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={15296.137,11.700378,2874.3879}; + name="capture"; + text="Chun Ita Village"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=54; + atlOffset=-3.1059837; + }; + class Item1 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={15458.667,1.6814429,2248.2561}; + name="capture_1"; + text="Makalia Village"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=157; + }; + class Item2 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14501.839,23.34,1688.0808}; + name="capture_2"; + text="Soc Trang Village"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=159; + }; + class Item3 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={15127.148,8.6363802,5719.7207}; + name="capture_3"; + text="Cu Chi"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=162; + }; + class Item4 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={18051.986,14.557,4114.2432}; + name="capture_4"; + text="Ba Ria"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=164; + atlOffset=-2.0530005; + }; + class Item5 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={18300.225,7.04,5364.2524}; + name="capture_5"; + text="Gnom Thalik"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=167; + }; + class Item6 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={18625.979,3.2,6102.6265}; + name="capture_6"; + text="Ban Hoang"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=168; + }; + class Item7 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13612.615,0,3578.2507}; + name="capture_7"; + text="Nhen Den"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=169; + atlOffset=-0.61000001; + }; + class Item8 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={11649.962,19.479,6868.6021}; + name="capture_8"; + text="Gan Song Village"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=170; + atlOffset=-1.171175; + }; + class Item9 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={10203.211,0,7037.2236}; + name="capture_9"; + text="Unat Wong"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=171; + atlOffset=-25.08; + }; + class Item10 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={11818.383,5.6928515,3992.0903}; + name="capture_10"; + text="Kola Jina"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=173; + }; + class Item11 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={7634.4741,7.743,6088.7144}; + name="capture_11"; + text="Betra Than"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=174; + atlOffset=1.9721274; + }; + class Item12 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={7791.083,87.731003,9092.8379}; + name="capture_12"; + text="Lumphat"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=175; + }; + class Item13 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={9036.9766,4.8189998,9136.4775}; + name="capture_13"; + text="Nuoc Bun"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=176; + atlOffset=0.00040483475; + }; + class Item14 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={6492.5239,73.074997,9180.4902}; + name="capture_14"; + text="Yen Thin"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=178; + atlOffset=-0.00047302246; + }; + class Item15 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1499.901,4.2470002,9527.5303}; + name="capture_15"; + text="Bai Bien Dep Tenoi"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=179; + atlOffset=-0.00031709671; + }; + class Item16 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3390.5569,10.672,7743.7251}; + name="capture_16"; + text="Sihanoukville Village"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=180; + atlOffset=3.5309734; + }; + class Item17 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={15904.57,-20.671,18256.686}; + name="capture_17"; + text="Dong Xa"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=181; + atlOffset=-25.640999; + }; + class Item18 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={15724.739,15.01,8006.4668}; + name="capture_18"; + text="Grano Mhua"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=182; + }; + class Item19 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={9619.1943,322.49915,11414.695}; + name="capture_19"; + text="Khe Sanh"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=183; + atlOffset=-2.9853821; + }; + class Item20 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={11463.462,220.703,9587.1074}; + name="capture_20"; + text="Seg Begat"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=184; + atlOffset=0.0001373291; + }; + class Item21 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16879.365,44.005001,12003.283}; + name="capture_21"; + text="Sam Song"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=185; + atlOffset=28.507242; + }; + class Item22 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={8696.4326,149.82405,13739.042}; + name="capture_22"; + text="Bru Village"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=186; + }; + class Item23 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={7670.3589,204.92999,16751.064}; + name="capture_23"; + text="Ket Thuc"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=187; + atlOffset=-0.00047302246; + }; + class Item24 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={5223.4102,101.9599,16846.385}; + name="capture_24"; + text="Jhok Pol"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=188; + }; + class Item25 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={2945.5774,9.1618042,16780.467}; + name="capture_25"; + text="Va Cang"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=189; + atlOffset=-6.8381958; + }; + class Item26 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3780.8142,139.86761,18028.4}; + name="capture_26"; + text="Van Chu"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=190; + atlOffset=-3.0681915; + }; + class Item27 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13125.213,309.715,16018.012}; + name="capture_27"; + text="Bach Dang"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=191; + atlOffset=294.39984; + }; + class Item28 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1042.5973,47.74218,11348.439}; + name="capture_28"; + text="Kro Sang"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=192; + }; + class Item29 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1032.4102,74.432053,12452.997}; + name="capture_29"; + text="Efa Koli"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=193; + }; + class Item30 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={2900.2922,110.89716,11834.42}; + name="capture_30"; + text="Zho Larak"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=194; + atlOffset=7.6293945e-006; + }; + class Item31 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={2415.5659,3.1054146,10172.111}; + name="capture_31"; + text="Koplo Mon"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=195; + }; + class Item32 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={4326.6284,153.01021,11728.887}; + name="capture_32"; + text="Bala Kop"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=196; + }; + class Item33 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={6909.8901,106.27988,10399.902}; + name="capture_33"; + text="Tsrun Phei"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=197; + }; + class Item34 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={5628.895,127.744,17490.967}; + name="capture_34"; + text="Staging Area Village"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=199; + atlOffset=0.00035858154; + }; + class Item35 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={12301.465,116.201,11432.162}; + name="capture_35"; + text="Bahn Trung"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=200; + atlOffset=0.0001449585; + }; + class Item36 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={9142.2422,208.657,12453.81}; + name="capture_36"; + text="Tan Di"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=201; + atlOffset=7.6293945e-005; + }; + class Item37 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={8628.2021,29.505554,10497.595}; + name="capture_37"; + text="Kio Lan"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=202; + atlOffset=-1.0644455; + }; + class Item38 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={19178.512,-1.39,13570.584}; + name="capture_38"; + text="Bolar Gier Hot"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=209; + atlOffset=0.86621344; + }; + class Item39 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={10690.47,397.69601,12386.203}; + name="capture_39"; + text="A Lieng"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=212; + atlOffset=0.0098266602; + }; + class Item40 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={10924.81,205.658,12090.481}; + name="capture_40"; + text="Thieng Ling"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=213; + atlOffset=-3.0517578e-005; + }; + class Item41 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={10521.294,251.383,8253.9297}; + name="capture_41"; + text="Niem Tin"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=214; + atlOffset=7.6293945e-005; + }; + class Item42 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3247.3159,154.75101,12719.987}; + name="capture_42"; + text="Ban Len"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=215; + atlOffset=-0.00018310547; + }; + class Item43 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={2214.2361,11.5,17564.324}; + name="capture_43"; + text="Kenglat"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=216; + }; + class Item44 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={15969.597,1.126,17514.002}; + name="capture_44"; + text="Tau Phabang"; + type="n_art"; + colorName="ColorEAST"; + id=220; + atlOffset=-1.7280282; + }; + }; + id=91; + atlOffset=-241.74277; + }; + class Item6 + { + dataType="Layer"; + name="Opfor Spawnpoints"; + class Entities + { + items=171; + class Item0 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13112.706,211.49756,8154.3037}; + name="opfor_point"; + type="Empty"; + id=59; + atlOffset=-7.680191; + }; + class Item1 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={12470.968,169.33899,8862.2969}; + name="opfor_point_1"; + type="Empty"; + id=271; + atlOffset=-7.6925201; + }; + class Item2 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={12456.115,113.45595,10563.445}; + name="opfor_point_2"; + type="Empty"; + id=272; + atlOffset=-7.680748; + }; + class Item3 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={10561.753,-4.0746012,7150.8584}; + name="opfor_point_3"; + type="Empty"; + id=273; + atlOffset=-7.6646013; + }; + class Item4 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={11122.392,36.904076,6539.1162}; + name="opfor_point_4"; + type="Empty"; + id=274; + atlOffset=-7.6902733; + }; + class Item5 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={11142.889,18.570988,5035.1572}; + name="opfor_point_5"; + type="Empty"; + id=275; + atlOffset=-7.690588; + }; + class Item6 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={11552.217,17.58285,4350.5068}; + name="opfor_point_6"; + type="Empty"; + id=276; + atlOffset=-7.6786404; + }; + class Item7 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={11950.614,44.909988,5339.2261}; + name="opfor_point_7"; + type="Empty"; + id=277; + atlOffset=-10.431435; + }; + class Item8 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={12548.299,20.140152,3849.3359}; + name="opfor_point_8"; + type="Empty"; + id=278; + atlOffset=-2.3694649; + }; + class Item9 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13143.088,27.331291,3750.2051}; + name="opfor_point_9"; + type="Empty"; + id=279; + atlOffset=-5.1591721; + }; + class Item10 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13462.371,25.989727,3329.2188}; + name="opfor_point_10"; + type="Empty"; + id=280; + atlOffset=19.913876; + }; + class Item11 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14062.31,14.77113,2855.4473}; + name="opfor_point_11"; + type="Empty"; + id=281; + atlOffset=4.581418; + }; + class Item12 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14737.618,16.314785,3629.9512}; + name="opfor_point_12"; + type="Empty"; + id=282; + atlOffset=-7.6850338; + }; + class Item13 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14438.017,20.153076,4437.2119}; + name="opfor_point_13"; + type="Empty"; + id=283; + atlOffset=-7.7002716; + }; + class Item14 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17134.611,7.8297281,4741.7666}; + name="opfor_point_14"; + type="Empty"; + id=284; + atlOffset=-7.7102718; + }; + class Item15 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17767.551,8.1956902,4935.5225}; + name="opfor_point_15"; + type="Empty"; + id=285; + atlOffset=-5.9043102; + }; + class Item16 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17833.982,16.642099,5439.291}; + name="opfor_point_16"; + type="Empty"; + id=286; + atlOffset=-7.6902714; + }; + class Item17 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17544.266,9.2557526,4038.7061}; + name="opfor_point_17"; + type="Empty"; + id=287; + atlOffset=-7.6846752; + }; + class Item18 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17439.846,9.2606506,3345.0146}; + name="opfor_point_18"; + type="Empty"; + id=288; + atlOffset=-7.6802731; + }; + class Item19 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={15949.097,24.395706,5567.167}; + name="opfor_point_19"; + type="Empty"; + id=289; + atlOffset=-7.6802711; + }; + class Item20 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={15346.582,12.529728,5434.563}; + name="opfor_point_20"; + type="Empty"; + id=290; + atlOffset=-7.6802711; + }; + class Item21 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14968.114,-5.2702713,5363.7412}; + name="opfor_point_21"; + type="Empty"; + id=291; + atlOffset=-7.6902714; + }; + class Item22 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16934.725,28.569729,5832.0938}; + name="opfor_point_22"; + type="Empty"; + id=292; + atlOffset=-7.6502724; + }; + class Item23 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17453.023,26.621056,6439.3774}; + name="opfor_point_23"; + type="Empty"; + id=293; + atlOffset=-7.6492043; + }; + class Item24 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17549.582,25.894905,6036.416}; + name="opfor_point_24"; + type="Empty"; + id=294; + atlOffset=-7.6694336; + }; + class Item25 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={18059.406,10.10111,6641.5063}; + name="opfor_point_25"; + type="Empty"; + id=295; + atlOffset=-5.9671993; + }; + class Item26 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17859.855,8.5476913,6730.3394}; + name="opfor_point_26"; + type="Empty"; + id=296; + atlOffset=-5.9695692; + }; + class Item27 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17844.406,4.37749,6347.9746}; + name="opfor_point_27"; + type="Empty"; + id=297; + atlOffset=-4.2915287; + }; + class Item28 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={19155.109,8.7512512,5739.27}; + name="opfor_point_28"; + type="Empty"; + id=298; + atlOffset=-7.9776649; + }; + class Item29 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={19408.293,29.105316,6036.001}; + name="opfor_point_29"; + type="Empty"; + id=299; + atlOffset=-12.279037; + }; + class Item30 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={19346.52,10.138813,5335.1978}; + name="opfor_point_30"; + type="Empty"; + id=300; + atlOffset=-7.6602707; + }; + class Item31 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={18843.889,11.239729,4435.9155}; + name="opfor_point_31"; + type="Empty"; + id=301; + atlOffset=-8.0072632; + }; + class Item32 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={18551.645,11.009863,4030.376}; + name="opfor_point_32"; + type="Empty"; + id=302; + atlOffset=-4.8759794; + }; + class Item33 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={20148.383,-2.0978107,6140.2832}; + name="opfor_point_33"; + type="Empty"; + id=303; + atlOffset=-7.5321932; + }; + class Item34 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={19545.049,4.96,6526.5537}; + name="opfor_point_34"; + type="Empty"; + id=304; + }; + class Item35 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={19602.869,-0.88276482,6918.4805}; + name="opfor_point_35"; + type="Empty"; + id=305; + atlOffset=-6.060863; + }; + class Item36 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={20039.967,4.9000001,6930.5996}; + name="opfor_point_36"; + type="Empty"; + id=306; + }; + class Item37 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={18857.215,23.620586,7531.394}; + name="opfor_point_37"; + type="Empty"; + id=307; + atlOffset=-9.0228119; + }; + class Item38 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={18641.326,29.565033,7772.7744}; + name="opfor_point_38"; + type="Empty"; + id=308; + atlOffset=-9.2802696; + }; + class Item39 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={19625.178,-4.6902714,8032.4795}; + name="opfor_point_39"; + type="Empty"; + id=309; + atlOffset=-7.7002716; + }; + class Item40 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={19451.859,15.895243,8640.1191}; + name="opfor_point_40"; + type="Empty"; + id=310; + atlOffset=-7.6802711; + }; + class Item41 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={18742.043,13.573147,8631.4102}; + name="opfor_point_41"; + type="Empty"; + id=311; + atlOffset=-7.1526165; + }; + class Item42 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={19142.676,13.629728,8843.3389}; + name="opfor_point_42"; + type="Empty"; + id=312; + atlOffset=-7.7002716; + }; + class Item43 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17940.777,13.425194,8435.4482}; + name="opfor_point_43"; + type="Empty"; + id=313; + atlOffset=-8.2039948; + }; + class Item44 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17556.109,30.032101,8351.2578}; + name="opfor_point_44"; + type="Empty"; + id=314; + atlOffset=-7.6827888; + }; + class Item45 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={18023.52,30.81715,7857.7236}; + name="opfor_point_45"; + type="Empty"; + id=315; + atlOffset=-18.112793; + }; + class Item46 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17343.051,9.7776775,7939.0664}; + name="opfor_point_46"; + type="Empty"; + id=316; + atlOffset=-8.4568958; + }; + class Item47 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14663.426,56.168221,7749.3691}; + name="opfor_point_47"; + type="Empty"; + id=318; + atlOffset=-7.6558609; + }; + class Item48 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={15646.496,10.364059,8560.7217}; + name="opfor_point_48"; + type="Empty"; + id=319; + atlOffset=4.5077262; + }; + class Item49 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16235.885,-1.2302723,8642.1982}; + name="opfor_point_49"; + type="Empty"; + id=320; + atlOffset=-7.6902723; + }; + class Item50 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={18443.172,10.875662,9428.4512}; + name="opfor_point_50"; + type="Empty"; + id=321; + atlOffset=-7.6802711; + }; + class Item51 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={18659.463,20.905745,9944.7119}; + name="opfor_point_51"; + type="Empty"; + id=322; + atlOffset=-7.5577126; + }; + class Item52 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={18340.18,10.879728,10235.67}; + name="opfor_point_52"; + type="Empty"; + id=323; + atlOffset=-7.6902714; + }; + class Item53 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17857.398,10.879728,9929.2617}; + name="opfor_point_53"; + type="Empty"; + id=324; + atlOffset=-7.2056904; + }; + class Item54 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17755.689,10.927443,10226.659}; + name="opfor_point_54"; + type="Empty"; + id=325; + atlOffset=-7.6708736; + }; + class Item55 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17848.387,14.411818,10641.211}; + name="opfor_point_55"; + type="Empty"; + id=326; + atlOffset=-7.5693874; + }; + class Item56 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={18544.885,-2.5202713,11036.453}; + name="opfor_point_56"; + type="Empty"; + id=327; + atlOffset=-7.6802711; + }; + class Item57 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17153.18,17.118593,10956.631}; + name="opfor_point_57"; + type="Empty"; + id=328; + atlOffset=-2.0400429; + }; + class Item58 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16756.652,10.879728,10648.937}; + name="opfor_point_58"; + type="Empty"; + id=329; + atlOffset=0.111866; + }; + class Item59 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17243.303,18.580982,11335.139}; + name="opfor_point_59"; + type="Empty"; + id=330; + atlOffset=-7.6951942; + }; + class Item60 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16927.887,-0.68027163,11620.947}; + name="opfor_point_60"; + type="Empty"; + id=331; + atlOffset=-12.101328; + }; + class Item61 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16943.699,0.87972832,9729.8545}; + name="opfor_point_61"; + type="Empty"; + id=332; + atlOffset=-2.2361822; + }; + class Item62 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16663.213,0.87972832,10157.967}; + name="opfor_point_62"; + type="Empty"; + id=333; + atlOffset=-9.0226421; + }; + class Item63 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16040.914,9.3733845,9537.3145}; + name="opfor_point_63"; + type="Empty"; + id=334; + atlOffset=-7.695015; + }; + class Item64 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={15231.688,-2.7402716,12146.147}; + name="opfor_point_64"; + type="Empty"; + id=335; + atlOffset=-7.2461457; + }; + class Item65 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14957.146,7.3098145,12600.552}; + name="opfor_point_67"; + type="Empty"; + id=338; + atlOffset=-4.8334322; + }; + class Item66 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={15533.656,7.3097286,13031.617}; + name="opfor_point_69"; + type="Empty"; + id=340; + atlOffset=0.80059004; + }; + class Item67 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={15570.116,0.27972841,13542.033}; + name="opfor_point_71"; + type="Empty"; + id=342; + atlOffset=-7.7002716; + }; + class Item68 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14350.322,-2.038353,13118.947}; + name="opfor_point_73"; + type="Empty"; + id=344; + atlOffset=-7.6817317; + }; + class Item69 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14061.143,7.3097286,12862.432}; + name="opfor_point_74"; + type="Empty"; + id=345; + atlOffset=-7.6300173; + }; + class Item70 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14065.623,-2.7402716,13516.076}; + name="opfor_point_76"; + type="Empty"; + id=347; + atlOffset=-7.6365094; + }; + class Item71 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13558.136,-1.6702709,13744.221}; + name="opfor_point_77"; + type="Empty"; + id=348; + atlOffset=-7.6492624; + }; + class Item72 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14066.522,7.3097286,13931.047}; + name="opfor_point_78"; + type="Empty"; + id=349; + atlOffset=-7.7002716; + }; + class Item73 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13449.455,7.3097286,14238.236}; + name="opfor_point_79"; + type="Empty"; + id=350; + atlOffset=-3.340271; + }; + class Item74 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={12930.291,120.06847,14735.842}; + name="opfor_point_80"; + type="Empty"; + id=351; + atlOffset=6.4019623; + }; + class Item75 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={10914.93,211.33301,15468.99}; + name="opfor_point_81"; + type="Empty"; + id=352; + atlOffset=-14.355194; + }; + class Item76 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={12855.121,135.37971,7413.5962}; + name="opfor_point_82"; + type="Empty"; + id=353; + atlOffset=-8.8211212; + }; + class Item77 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={8063.7231,108.90973,7251.9238}; + name="opfor_point_83"; + type="Empty"; + id=354; + atlOffset=-7.6602707; + }; + class Item78 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={7651.1338,81.139725,7839.8525}; + name="opfor_point_84"; + type="Empty"; + id=355; + atlOffset=-7.6602783; + }; + class Item79 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={8300.3965,99.126297,7643.877}; + name="opfor_point_85"; + type="Empty"; + id=356; + atlOffset=-7.6494751; + }; + class Item80 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={8774.1211,4.519289,5235.2676}; + name="opfor_point_86"; + type="Empty"; + id=357; + atlOffset=2.0398262; + }; + class Item81 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={8969.8105,4.9783106,5730.9302}; + name="opfor_point_87"; + type="Empty"; + id=358; + atlOffset=8.4398727; + }; + class Item82 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={7704.2329,-3.9626198,6255.0122}; + name="opfor_point_88"; + type="Empty"; + id=359; + atlOffset=9.9057426; + }; + class Item83 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={5255.7422,1.3972492,6911.4185}; + name="opfor_point_89"; + type="Empty"; + id=360; + atlOffset=-2.665832; + }; + class Item84 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={6145.0137,83.557198,7456.9004}; + name="opfor_point_90"; + type="Empty"; + id=361; + atlOffset=-25.335487; + }; + class Item85 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={4842.7744,-0.45284891,7367.7383}; + name="opfor_point_91"; + type="Empty"; + id=362; + atlOffset=1.7986104; + }; + class Item86 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3741.2979,1.8592577,8935.418}; + name="opfor_point_92"; + type="Empty"; + id=363; + atlOffset=2.8395739; + }; + class Item87 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={4031.2754,2.6697283,9125.8164}; + name="opfor_point_93"; + type="Empty"; + id=364; + atlOffset=-6.5804729; + }; + class Item88 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3323.0596,1.9180851,8925.0645}; + name="opfor_point_94"; + type="Empty"; + id=365; + atlOffset=-3.83498; + }; + class Item89 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1862.6777,14.999729,9937.3916}; + name="opfor_point_95"; + type="Empty"; + id=366; + atlOffset=-7.6802711; + }; + class Item90 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1340.21,12.45056,9738.4326}; + name="opfor_point_96"; + type="Empty"; + id=367; + atlOffset=-7.6998405; + }; + class Item91 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1571.21,58.502121,9823.293}; + name="opfor_point_97"; + type="Empty"; + id=368; + atlOffset=-7.6927032; + }; + class Item92 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3900.8223,-1.5270538,10152.961}; + name="opfor_point_98"; + type="Empty"; + id=369; + atlOffset=-40.927055; + }; + class Item93 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3641.8193,-3.1702995,10135.731}; + name="opfor_point_99"; + type="Empty"; + id=370; + atlOffset=-42.519356; + }; + class Item94 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3725.6914,-2.2677641,9819.6279}; + name="opfor_point_100"; + type="Empty"; + id=371; + atlOffset=-7.6602483; + }; + class Item95 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1695.5371,67.506401,12680.891}; + name="opfor_point_101"; + type="Empty"; + id=372; + atlOffset=-7.6820526; + }; + class Item96 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1869.3223,42.818893,11810.012}; + name="opfor_point_102"; + type="Empty"; + id=373; + atlOffset=-7.6902924; + }; + class Item97 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={8332.0566,206.90337,13275.86}; + name="opfor_point_103"; + type="Empty"; + id=374; + atlOffset=-7.6919403; + }; + class Item98 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={7052.5562,0.68969727,13884.4}; + name="opfor_point_104"; + type="Empty"; + id=375; + atlOffset=-5.3891406; + }; + class Item99 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={2207.2754,-3.7902069,15607.371}; + name="opfor_point_105"; + type="Empty"; + id=376; + atlOffset=-4.4589567; + }; + class Item100 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1839.6533,1.6129084,15507.508}; + name="opfor_point_106"; + type="Empty"; + id=377; + atlOffset=-8.9343891; + }; + class Item101 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={2065.7383,1.7097282,14985.078}; + name="opfor_point_107"; + type="Empty"; + id=378; + atlOffset=-7.7002716; + }; + class Item102 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1573.6504,44.939728,17802.539}; + name="opfor_point_108"; + type="Empty"; + id=380; + atlOffset=-33.639961; + }; + class Item103 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1766.4395,5.8780689,17648.787}; + name="opfor_point_109"; + type="Empty"; + id=381; + atlOffset=-18.951399; + }; + class Item104 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={4414.4336,1.213748,15576.555}; + name="opfor_point_110"; + type="Empty"; + id=382; + atlOffset=-7.1501627; + }; + class Item105 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={4286.8867,1.7097282,15478.648}; + name="opfor_point_111"; + type="Empty"; + id=383; + atlOffset=-7.6702719; + }; + class Item106 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3812.3916,1.6953802,15321.25}; + name="opfor_point_112"; + type="Empty"; + id=384; + atlOffset=-7.7002697; + }; + class Item107 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3838.1406,1.7097282,15491.192}; + name="opfor_point_113"; + type="Empty"; + id=385; + atlOffset=-7.6777096; + }; + class Item108 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={5373.2412,1.7097282,15258.357}; + name="opfor_point_114"; + type="Empty"; + id=386; + atlOffset=-7.7002716; + }; + class Item109 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={6620.4102,30.806538,11603.553}; + name="opfor_point_115"; + type="Empty"; + id=387; + atlOffset=-7.6831779; + }; + class Item110 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3459.9863,91.759468,14641.366}; + name="opfor_point_116"; + type="Empty"; + id=388; + atlOffset=-8.1607513; + }; + class Item111 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3701.4443,100.87817,14531.445}; + name="opfor_point_117"; + type="Empty"; + id=389; + atlOffset=-7.7018356; + }; + class Item112 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3508.2822,117.37254,11499.939}; + name="opfor_point_118"; + type="Empty"; + id=390; + atlOffset=-7.689949; + }; + class Item113 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={8631.4863,4.52,9828.585}; + name="opfor_point_119"; + type="Empty"; + id=391; + atlOffset=0.050285816; + }; + class Item114 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={8432.8037,-3.1802711,9821.7334}; + name="opfor_point_120"; + type="Empty"; + id=392; + atlOffset=-5.1377735; + }; + class Item115 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={8636.1758,38.979015,9429.9551}; + name="opfor_point_121"; + type="Empty"; + id=393; + atlOffset=-1.7250366; + }; + class Item116 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={8702.5381,126.04335,8485.0596}; + name="opfor_point_122"; + type="Empty"; + id=394; + atlOffset=-7.6753845; + }; + class Item117 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={10172.34,40.793999,6471.3926}; + name="opfor_point_123"; + type="Empty"; + id=395; + atlOffset=-7.6615524; + }; + class Item118 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={11086.915,342.68536,16440.371}; + name="opfor_point_65"; + type="Empty"; + id=396; + atlOffset=64.250916; + }; + class Item119 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={10709.869,320.32007,16958.961}; + name="opfor_point_66"; + type="Empty"; + id=397; + atlOffset=17.299164; + }; + class Item120 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={10587.017,353.71539,16527.822}; + name="opfor_point_68"; + type="Empty"; + id=398; + atlOffset=-6.4472046; + }; + class Item121 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={7285.9443,41.402454,15647.35}; + name="opfor_point_70"; + type="Empty"; + id=399; + atlOffset=-7.6961746; + }; + class Item122 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={6930.73,9.2768555,15067.825}; + name="opfor_point_72"; + type="Empty"; + id=400; + atlOffset=-7.6678295; + }; + class Item123 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={7309.436,61.602051,14892.44}; + name="opfor_point_75"; + type="Empty"; + id=401; + atlOffset=-7.6569977; + }; + class Item124 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={10037.662,178.43112,9667.875}; + name="opfor_point_124"; + type="Empty"; + id=402; + atlOffset=-7.6881104; + }; + class Item125 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={11568.92,254.47993,8219.4063}; + name="opfor_point_125"; + type="Empty"; + id=403; + atlOffset=-7.6232452; + }; + class Item126 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={11884.895,128.02069,12101.355}; + name="opfor_point_126"; + type="Empty"; + id=404; + atlOffset=-8.208374; + }; + class Item127 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={9710.3701,339.31946,11660.012}; + name="opfor_point_127"; + type="Empty"; + id=405; + atlOffset=-7.6402588; + }; + class Item128 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={9123.4629,145.13222,13480.803}; + name="opfor_point_128"; + type="Empty"; + id=406; + atlOffset=-7.6932068; + }; + class Item129 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={8623.0898,150.88626,15875.506}; + name="opfor_point_129"; + type="Empty"; + id=407; + atlOffset=-7.6426239; + }; + class Item130 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14742.361,125.80687,19091.672}; + name="opfor_point_130"; + type="Empty"; + id=408; + atlOffset=30.478058; + }; + class Item131 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14860.23,130.45526,19304.447}; + name="opfor_point_131"; + type="Empty"; + id=409; + atlOffset=-7.6587067; + }; + class Item132 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13972.378,144.69168,19608.252}; + name="opfor_point_132"; + type="Empty"; + id=410; + atlOffset=-7.6660156; + }; + class Item133 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13624.481,-0.68027163,18300.93}; + name="opfor_point_133"; + type="Empty"; + id=411; + atlOffset=-7.6302714; + }; + class Item134 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14319.213,-0.71027184,18085.402}; + name="opfor_point_134"; + type="Empty"; + id=412; + atlOffset=-3.6802719; + }; + class Item135 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14139.288,-0.71027184,18036.109}; + name="opfor_point_135"; + type="Empty"; + id=413; + atlOffset=-3.6802719; + }; + class Item136 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14600.597,-0.71027184,18378.117}; + name="opfor_point_136"; + type="Empty"; + id=414; + atlOffset=-5.6502719; + }; + class Item137 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={15171.251,2.3097286,16762.336}; + name="opfor_point_137"; + type="Empty"; + id=415; + atlOffset=-6.761919; + }; + class Item138 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14894.814,2.5597286,16790.184}; + name="opfor_point_138"; + type="Empty"; + id=416; + atlOffset=0.5797286; + }; + class Item139 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={14926.854,2.3097286,16267.031}; + name="opfor_point_139"; + type="Empty"; + id=417; + atlOffset=-6.9740334; + }; + class Item140 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1248.2933,133.68217,17208.533}; + name="opfor_point_140"; + type="Empty"; + id=418; + atlOffset=-7.6902771; + }; + class Item141 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1433.5989,44.909729,15467.218}; + name="opfor_point_141"; + type="Empty"; + id=419; + atlOffset=-7.7002716; + }; + class Item142 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3410.7224,158.00281,19082.279}; + name="opfor_point_142"; + type="Empty"; + id=420; + atlOffset=-7.6908417; + }; + class Item143 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={2740.3706,127.45041,19508.822}; + name="opfor_point_143"; + type="Empty"; + id=421; + atlOffset=-7.6687927; + }; + class Item144 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3490.7461,137.19873,18180.373}; + name="opfor_point_144"; + type="Empty"; + id=422; + atlOffset=-7.7882843; + }; + class Item145 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={6635.0469,169.06766,17534.787}; + name="opfor_point_145"; + type="Empty"; + id=423; + atlOffset=-7.6705627; + }; + class Item146 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={5562.0269,126.41719,18255.367}; + name="opfor_point_146"; + type="Empty"; + id=424; + atlOffset=-7.6738892; + }; + class Item147 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={10616.494,3.2448845,13562.539}; + name="opfor_point_147"; + type="Empty"; + id=425; + atlOffset=-7.6860723; + }; + class Item148 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={10961.969,-3.7459748,13697.383}; + name="opfor_point_148"; + type="Empty"; + id=426; + atlOffset=-7.5745878; + }; + class Item149 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13597.225,148.62857,11201.508}; + name="opfor_point_149"; + type="Empty"; + id=427; + atlOffset=-9.0798492; + }; + class Item150 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={11964.504,277.40674,15749.449}; + name="opfor_point_150"; + type="Empty"; + id=428; + atlOffset=100.13057; + }; + class Item151 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={8857.9961,326.58398,18259.26}; + name="opfor_point_151"; + type="Empty"; + id=429; + atlOffset=-7.6722717; + }; + class Item152 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={6115.5132,-3.5094991,5249.4717}; + name="opfor_point_152"; + type="Empty"; + id=430; + atlOffset=-7.6950803; + }; + class Item153 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={6956.8857,-3.7002716,5643.5205}; + name="opfor_point_153"; + type="Empty"; + id=431; + atlOffset=-7.6502714; + }; + class Item154 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={7012.9424,-0.63659096,12715.957}; + name="opfor_point_154"; + type="Empty"; + id=432; + atlOffset=-7.6902714; + }; + class Item155 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={9954.5439,249.02968,19050.924}; + name="opfor_point_155"; + type="Empty"; + id=433; + atlOffset=-4.1485748; + }; + class Item156 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={19551.52,22.993164,5354.1709}; + name="opfor_point_156"; + type="Empty"; + id=477; + atlOffset=-7.6602707; + }; + class Item157 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={15472.14,28.062141,3250.6592}; + name="opfor_point_157"; + type="Empty"; + id=478; + atlOffset=-7.6602707; + }; + class Item158 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13746.03,167.56403,6503.0381}; + name="opfor_point_158"; + type="Empty"; + id=479; + atlOffset=-7.6602783; + }; + class Item159 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={12685.828,14.840034,5695.8374}; + name="opfor_point_159"; + type="Empty"; + id=480; + atlOffset=-7.6602716; + }; + class Item160 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={7123.0273,-1.0675173,14088.857}; + name="opfor_point_160"; + type="Empty"; + id=481; + atlOffset=-7.6602707; + }; + class Item161 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={6956.314,5.6697292,14434.682}; + name="opfor_point_161"; + type="Empty"; + id=482; + atlOffset=-7.6602707; + }; + class Item162 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={6753.5371,5.3738127,14886.414}; + name="opfor_point_162"; + type="Empty"; + id=483; + atlOffset=-7.6602707; + }; + class Item163 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={5427.1357,173.0553,19337.926}; + name="opfor_point_163"; + type="Empty"; + id=484; + atlOffset=-7.6602631; + }; + class Item164 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13443.006,154.92972,7214.4248}; + name="opfor_point_164"; + type="Empty"; + id=485; + atlOffset=-7.6602783; + }; + class Item165 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1261.929,90.227715,13250.85}; + name="opfor_point_165"; + type="Empty"; + id=486; + atlOffset=-7.6602707; + }; + class Item166 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={4157.1782,77.722641,12315.467}; + name="opfor_point_166"; + type="Empty"; + id=487; + atlOffset=-7.6602707; + }; + class Item167 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={3955.8896,137.86887,17140.744}; + name="opfor_point_167"; + type="Empty"; + id=488; + atlOffset=-7.6602783; + }; + class Item168 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={10220.761,306.83234,17634.564}; + name="opfor_point_168"; + type="Empty"; + id=489; + atlOffset=-7.6602783; + }; + class Item169 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={9537.2373,339.60922,17520.055}; + name="opfor_point_169"; + type="Empty"; + id=490; + atlOffset=-7.6602783; + }; + class Item170 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={2453.9187,115.50106,14278.749}; + name="opfor_point_170"; + type="Empty"; + id=491; + atlOffset=-7.6602707; + }; + }; + id=92; + atlOffset=52.316544; + }; + class Item7 + { + dataType="Layer"; + name="Opfor Air Spawnpoints"; + class Entities + { + items=17; + class Item0 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={8501.5723,-5,56.425049}; + name="opfor_airspawn"; + type="Empty"; + id=53; + atlOffset=89.938347; + }; + class Item1 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={12530.112,-5,44.735107}; + name="opfor_airspawn_1"; + type="Empty"; + id=95; + atlOffset=91.165657; + }; + class Item2 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={16577.988,-5,126.10107}; + name="opfor_airspawn_2"; + type="Empty"; + id=96; + atlOffset=95.864342; + }; + class Item3 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={20361.428,-5,44.735107}; + name="opfor_airspawn_3"; + type="Empty"; + id=97; + atlOffset=95.010002; + }; + class Item4 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={20402.115,-5,3563.7463}; + name="opfor_airspawn_4"; + type="Empty"; + id=98; + atlOffset=95.216743; + }; + class Item5 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={20448.1,-5,7559.1509}; + name="opfor_airspawn_5"; + type="Empty"; + id=99; + atlOffset=28.963268; + }; + class Item6 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={20381.77,24.177521,11700.182}; + name="opfor_airspawn_6"; + type="Empty"; + id=100; + atlOffset=127.55497; + }; + class Item7 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={20438.537,3.5551758,15504.914}; + name="opfor_airspawn_7"; + type="Empty"; + id=101; + atlOffset=88.868279; + }; + class Item8 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={20448.471,-14.23,19592.057}; + name="opfor_airspawn_8"; + type="Empty"; + id=102; + atlOffset=85.770004; + }; + class Item9 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17481.982,-15.709999,20426.037}; + name="opfor_airspawn_9"; + type="Empty"; + id=103; + atlOffset=83.478836; + }; + class Item10 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={13513.525,24.09,20414.1}; + name="opfor_airspawn_10"; + type="Empty"; + id=104; + atlOffset=-173.41612; + }; + class Item11 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={9483.1426,24.119999,20456.672}; + name="opfor_airspawn_11"; + type="Empty"; + id=105; + atlOffset=-198.88231; + }; + class Item12 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={5509.5254,24.09,20442.482}; + name="opfor_airspawn_12"; + type="Empty"; + id=106; + atlOffset=-165.20924; + }; + class Item13 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1493.3312,24.09,20442.482}; + name="opfor_airspawn_13"; + type="Empty"; + id=107; + atlOffset=-155.88101; + }; + class Item14 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={59.990768,24.060001,17589.992}; + name="opfor_airspawn_14"; + type="Empty"; + id=108; + atlOffset=-202.56087; + }; + class Item15 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={17.416328,24.060001,13587.992}; + name="opfor_airspawn_15"; + type="Empty"; + id=109; + atlOffset=-149.18997; + }; + class Item16 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={45.798843,28.355675,9628.5654}; + name="opfor_airspawn_16"; + type="Empty"; + id=110; + atlOffset=-100.65385; + }; + }; + id=93; + atlOffset=-54.56921; + }; + class Item8 + { + dataType="Layer"; + name="Spawn Area Elements"; + class Entities + { + items=18; + class Item0 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1916.823,23.264,3125.1699}; + name="ghost_spot"; + type="Empty"; + id=0; + atlOffset=19.272619; + }; + class Item1 + { + dataType="Trigger"; + position[]={1893.9966,2.054646,3130.658}; + angle=0.79255629; + class Attributes + { + condition="GRLIB_endgame == 1"; + timeout[]={17,17,17}; + interuptable=1; + effectMusic="LeadTrack03_F"; + }; + id=3; + type="EmptyDetector"; + }; + class Item2 + { + dataType="Logic"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1870.8236,2.9802597,3129.738}; + angles[]={6.2172818,0.88177568,0.081816852}; + }; + name="zm1"; + id=4; + type="ModuleCurator_F"; + atlOffset=2.3841858e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="ModuleCurator_F_Owner"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Owner',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="STRING"; + value="commandant"; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute1 + { + property="ModuleCurator_F_Forced"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Forced',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute2 + { + property="ModuleCurator_F_Name"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Name',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="STRING"; + value="OVERLORD"; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute3 + { + property="ModuleInfo"; + expression="false"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute4 + { + property="ModuleCurator_F_Addons"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Addons',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=5; + }; + }; + class Item3 + { + dataType="Logic"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1869.2087,2.884202,3133.4431}; + angles[]={6.2771854,0.88177568,0.083802827}; + }; + id=5; + type="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F"; + atlOffset=4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_Lock"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Lock',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute1 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_Exec"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Exec',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute2 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_Fuel"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Fuel',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute3 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_UnitPos"; + expression="_this setVariable ['UnitPos',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute4 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_Curator"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Curator',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="STRING"; + value=""; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute5 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_Damage"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Damage',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute6 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_Rank"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Rank',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute7 + { + property="ModuleInfo"; + expression="false"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute8 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_RespawnVehicle"; + expression="_this setVariable ['RespawnVehicle',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute9 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_Skill"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Skill',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute10 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_RespawnPosition"; + expression="_this setVariable ['RespawnPosition',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=11; + }; + }; + class Item4 + { + dataType="Logic"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1872.3833,3.0689757,3135.8506}; + angles[]={0.039979152,0.88177568,0.059928458}; + }; + id=6; + type="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesGroup_F"; + atlOffset=2.3841858e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_UnitPos"; + expression="_this setVariable ['UnitPos',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute1 + { + property="ModuleInfo"; + expression="false"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute2 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesGroup_F_Curator"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Curator',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="STRING"; + value=""; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute3 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_SpeedMode"; + expression="_this setVariable ['SpeedMode',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute4 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_Skill"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Skill',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute5 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_GroupID"; + expression="_this setVariable ['GroupID',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute6 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_Formation"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Formation',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute7 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_RespawnPosition"; + expression="_this setVariable ['RespawnPosition',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute8 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_Behaviour"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Behaviour',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=9; + }; + }; + class Item5 + { + dataType="Logic"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1875.0502,3.0835156,3138.1208}; + angles[]={0.055941612,0.88177568,6.2491984}; + }; + id=7; + type="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesPlayer_F"; + atlOffset=2.3841858e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_Lock"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Lock',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute1 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_Exec"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Exec',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute2 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_Fuel"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Fuel',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute3 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_UnitPos"; + expression="_this setVariable ['UnitPos',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute4 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_Curator"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Curator',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="STRING"; + value=""; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute5 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_Damage"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Damage',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute6 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_Rank"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Rank',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute7 + { + property="ModuleInfo"; + expression="false"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute8 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_RespawnVehicle"; + expression="_this setVariable ['RespawnVehicle',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute9 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_Skill"; + expression="_this setVariable ['Skill',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute10 + { + property="ModuleCuratorSetAttributesObject_F_RespawnPosition"; + expression="_this setVariable ['RespawnPosition',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=11; + }; + }; + class Item6 + { + dataType="Logic"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1891.4314,2.4770172,3118.1079}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,6.2392149}; + }; + name="gamelogic"; + id=8; + type="Logic"; + }; + class Item7 + { + dataType="Group"; + side="West"; + class Entities + { + items=2; + class Item0 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1884.5134,2.9259522,3128.8196}; + angles[]={0.049958061,0.69773036,6.134295}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=6; + class Attributes + { + rank="COLONEL"; + init="removeallWeapons this; removebackpack this; this setVariable ['ace_medical_medicClass', 1]; this setVariable ['ACE_isEngineer', 1];"; + name="commandant"; + description="Platoon Leader (Commander)"; + isPlayer=1; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=10; + type="B_officer_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1.04; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item1 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1884.7753,2.9630463,3127.2922}; + angles[]={0.049958061,0.71258336,6.134295}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=4; + class Attributes + { + rank="CAPTAIN"; + init="removeallWeapons this; removebackpack this;"; + description="Platoon Sergeant"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=11; + type="B_Soldier_SL_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0.97000003; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attributes + { + }; + id=9; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + }; + class Item8 + { + dataType="Group"; + side="West"; + class Entities + { + items=11; + class Item0 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1878.0796,3.4379673,3131.7163}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=7; + class Attributes + { + rank="SERGEANT"; + description="Squad 1 Leader"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=13; + type="B_Soldier_SL_F"; + atlOffset=1.4305115e-006; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item1 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1876.9047,3.3728483,3132.8486}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + rank="CORPORAL"; + description="Squad 1 Medic"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=14; + type="B_medic_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0.97000003; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item2 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1879.3788,3.5105429,3130.428}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + description="Squad 1 Engineer"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=15; + type="B_engineer_F"; + atlOffset=1.4305115e-006; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1.04; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item3 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1876.2366,3.3718824,3131.2385}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + rank="CORPORAL"; + description="Squad 1 Team 1 Leader"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=16; + type="B_Soldier_TL_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item4 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1874.9678,3.3205714,3131.2334}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + description="Squad 1 Team 1 Rifleman"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=17; + type="B_Soldier_F"; + atlOffset=-2.3841858e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1.02; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item5 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1874.6033,3.2936814,3129.8193}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + description="Squad 1 Team 1 Rifleman"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=18; + type="B_Soldier_F"; + atlOffset=1.4305115e-006; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1.01; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item6 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1873.3298,3.190536,3129.8384}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + description="Squad 1 Team 1 Rifleman"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=19; + type="B_Soldier_F"; + atlOffset=1.4305115e-006; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0.95999998; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item7 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1877.7374,3.4425101,3129.926}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + rank="CORPORAL"; + description="Squad 1 Team 2 Leader"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=20; + type="B_Soldier_TL_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1.04; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item8 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1876.7172,3.3732944,3129.5083}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + description="Squad 1 Team 2 Rifleman"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=21; + type="B_Soldier_F"; + atlOffset=1.4305115e-006; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0.98000002; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item9 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1876.5105,3.2875557,3128.364}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + description="Squad 1 Team 2 Rifleman"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=22; + type="B_Soldier_F"; + atlOffset=1.4305115e-006; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item10 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1875.2776,3.2328076,3128.2441}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + description="Squad 1 Team 2 Rifleman"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=23; + type="B_Soldier_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0.99000001; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attributes + { + }; + id=12; + atlOffset=1.4305115e-006; + }; + class Item9 + { + dataType="Group"; + side="West"; + class Entities + { + items=11; + class Item0 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1881.038,3.342103,3127.6072}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=7; + class Attributes + { + rank="SERGEANT"; + description="Squad 2 Leader"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=25; + type="B_Soldier_SL_F"; + atlOffset=1.4305115e-006; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item1 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1879.8644,3.446779,3128.7378}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + rank="CORPORAL"; + description="Squad 2 Medic"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=26; + type="B_medic_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0.97000003; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item2 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1882.3375,3.2129252,3126.3188}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + description="Squad 2 Engineer"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=27; + type="B_engineer_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1.04; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item3 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1879.1953,3.3106186,3127.1289}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + rank="CORPORAL"; + description="Squad 2 Team 1 Leader"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=28; + type="B_Soldier_TL_F"; + atlOffset=1.4305115e-006; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item4 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1877.9275,3.259469,3127.1223}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + description="Squad 2 Team 1 Rifleman"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=29; + type="B_Soldier_F"; + atlOffset=1.4305115e-006; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1.02; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item5 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1877.563,3.1522987,3125.7085}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + description="Squad 2 Team 1 Rifleman"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=30; + type="B_Soldier_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1.01; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item6 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1876.287,3.2131588,3125.7302}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + description="Squad 2 Team 1 Rifleman"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=31; + type="B_Soldier_F"; + atlOffset=0.1079154; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0.95999998; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item7 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1880.6942,3.2314544,3125.8181}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + rank="CORPORAL"; + description="Squad 2 Team 2 Leader"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=32; + type="B_Soldier_TL_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1.04; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item8 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1879.6758,3.2122087,3125.3992}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + description="Squad 2 Team 2 Rifleman"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=33; + type="B_Soldier_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0.98000002; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item9 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1879.4703,3.1255565,3124.2534}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + description="Squad 2 Team 2 Rifleman"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=34; + type="B_Soldier_F"; + atlOffset=-7.1525574e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item10 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1878.236,3.1061122,3124.1348}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + description="Squad 2 Team 2 Rifleman"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=35; + type="B_Soldier_F"; + atlOffset=0.035773754; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0.99000001; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attributes + { + }; + id=24; + atlOffset=1.4305115e-006; + }; + class Item10 + { + dataType="Logic"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1894.5953,2.1098232,3119.9644}; + angles[]={0.049959254,0.88177568,6.1894608}; + }; + name="HC1"; + isPlayable=1; + id=36; + type="HeadlessClient_F"; + atlOffset=-2.3841858e-007; + }; + class Item11 + { + dataType="Logic"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1889.2145,2.5557604,3115.2209}; + angles[]={6.2332273,0.88177568,6.2771955}; + }; + name="HC2"; + isPlayable=1; + id=37; + type="HeadlessClient_F"; + }; + class Item12 + { + dataType="Logic"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1883.3119,2.2588284,3110.2979}; + angles[]={6.2053428,0.88177568,0.049958061}; + }; + name="HC3"; + isPlayable=1; + id=38; + type="HeadlessClient_F"; + }; + class Item13 + { + dataType="Group"; + side="West"; + class Entities + { + items=4; + class Item0 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1884.4977,3.0476835,3124.8267}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=7; + class Attributes + { + rank="LIEUTENANT"; + description="MedEvac Pilot"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=40; + type="B_Helipilot_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0.94999999; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item1 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1883.3096,3.0285931,3123.5288}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + rank="SERGEANT"; + description="MedEvac Co-Pilot"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=41; + type="B_Helipilot_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0.97000003; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item2 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1882.1456,2.9986765,3122.3374}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + rank="CORPORAL"; + description="MedEvac Medic"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=42; + type="B_medic_F"; + atlOffset=1.4305115e-006; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0.98000002; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item3 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1881.0101,2.9237344,3121.1694}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + rank="CORPORAL"; + description="MedEvac Medic"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=43; + type="B_medic_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0.95999998; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attributes + { + }; + id=39; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + }; + class Item14 + { + dataType="Group"; + side="West"; + class Entities + { + items=3; + class Item0 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1886.1696,2.8988931,3123.2988}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=7; + class Attributes + { + rank="LIEUTENANT"; + description="Logistics Pilot"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=45; + type="B_Helipilot_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1.01; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item1 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1884.7572,2.9021482,3121.7078}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + rank="CORPORAL"; + description="Logistics Engineer"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=46; + type="B_engineer_F"; + atlOffset=1.4305115e-006; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1.03; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item2 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1883.4609,2.8632925,3120.5161}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + rank="CORPORAL"; + description="Logistics Demolition Expert"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=47; + type="B_soldier_exp_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1.03; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attributes + { + }; + id=44; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + }; + class Item15 + { + dataType="Group"; + side="West"; + class Entities + { + items=2; + class Item0 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1887.8109,2.7426434,3121.8367}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=7; + class Attributes + { + rank="LIEUTENANT"; + description="CAS Pilot"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=49; + type="B_Helipilot_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0.98000002; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item1 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1886.252,2.7529807,3120.0874}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=5; + class Attributes + { + rank="LIEUTENANT"; + description="CAS Pilot"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=50; + type="B_Helipilot_F"; + atlOffset=1.4305115e-006; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1.03; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attributes + { + }; + id=48; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + }; + class Item16 + { + dataType="Group"; + side="West"; + class Entities + { + items=1; + class Item0 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1889.4264,2.5889201,3120.3992}; + angles[]={0,0.88177568,0}; + }; + side="West"; + flags=7; + class Attributes + { + rank="SERGEANT"; + description="UAV and Intelligence"; + isPlayable=1; + }; + id=52; + type="B_soldier_UAV_F"; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="pitch"; + expression="_this setpitch _value;"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1.02; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attributes + { + }; + id=51; + atlOffset=-4.7683716e-007; + }; + class Item17 + { + dataType="Marker"; + position[]={1895.3793,4.2976713,3141.9617}; + name="respawn"; + type="Empty"; + angle=358.21271; + id=60; + }; + }; + id=94; + atlOffset=1.3048687; + }; + class Item9 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2109.3503,28.181391,4097.2002}; + angles[]={0.011995304,0,6.2711902}; + }; + side="Empty"; + flags=4; + class Attributes + { + }; + id=467; + type="Land_vn_b_helipad_01"; + }; + class Item10 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2089.9321,28.441292,4095.8164}; + angles[]={0.012000273,0,6.2671871}; + }; + side="Empty"; + flags=4; + class Attributes + { + }; + id=468; + type="Land_vn_b_helipad_01"; + }; + class Item11 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2074.0386,28.647205,4096.3628}; + angles[]={0.0060001095,0,6.2671871}; + }; + side="Empty"; + flags=4; + class Attributes + { + }; + id=469; + type="Land_vn_b_helipad_01"; + }; + class Item12 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2057.1843,28.948311,4095.6055}; + angles[]={0.0060001095,0,6.2611909}; + }; + side="Empty"; + flags=4; + class Attributes + { + }; + id=470; + type="Land_vn_b_helipad_01"; + }; + class Item13 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2128.6655,28.01989,4118.9888}; + angles[]={6.2731905,5.2335672,0}; + }; + side="Empty"; + flags=4; + class Attributes + { + }; + id=471; + type="Land_vn_b_helipad_01"; + }; + class Item14 + { + dataType="Logic"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1941.874,2.1509681,3072.7161}; + }; + init="if (isClass (configfile >> ""CfgPatches"" >> ""ace_medical"")) then {" \n " missionNamespace setVariable [""vn_advanced_revive_started"", true, true];" \n "};"; + id=474; + type="vn_module_advanced_revive"; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="vn_module_revive_revive_requirement"; + expression="_this setVariable ['revive_requirement',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute1 + { + property="vn_module_revive_revive_item"; + expression="_this setVariable ['revive_item',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="STRING"; + value="[""FirstAidKit"",""Medikit"",""vn_o_item_firstaidkit"",""vn_b_item_firstaidkit"",""vn_b_item_medikit_01""]"; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute2 + { + property="vn_module_revive_bleedout_affects_actions"; + expression="_this setVariable ['bleedout_affects_actions',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute3 + { + property="vn_module_revive_revive_item_remove"; + expression="_this setVariable ['revive_item_remove',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute4 + { + property="vn_module_revive_bleedout_time"; + expression="_this setVariable ['bleedout_time',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=300; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute5 + { + property="vn_module_revive_bandage_item"; + expression="_this setVariable ['bandage_item',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="STRING"; + value="[""FirstAidKit"",""vn_o_item_firstaidkit"",""vn_b_item_firstaidkit"",""vn_b_item_medikit_01"",""Medikit""]"; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute6 + { + property="vn_module_revive_revive_delay"; + expression="_this setVariable ['revive_delay',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=5; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute7 + { + property="vn_module_revive_medic_boost"; + expression="_this setVariable ['medic_boost',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute8 + { + property="vn_module_revive_grenade_chance"; + expression="_this setVariable ['grenade_chance',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=75; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute9 + { + property="vn_module_revive_bandage_item_remove"; + expression="_this setVariable ['bandage_item_remove',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=1; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute10 + { + property="vn_module_revive_time_to_respawn_action"; + expression="_this setVariable ['time_to_respawn_action',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=75; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute11 + { + property="vn_module_revive_withstand_percentage"; + expression="_this setVariable ['withstand_percentage',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=80; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute12 + { + property="vn_module_revive_downed_icon_distance"; + expression="_this setVariable ['downed_icon_distance',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=50; + }; + }; + }; + class Attribute13 + { + property="vn_module_revive_move_chance"; + expression="_this setVariable ['move_chance',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=75; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=14; + }; + }; + class Item15 + { + dataType="Logic"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1957.7678,2.021836,3073.0811}; + }; + id=475; + type="vn_module_qol"; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="vn_module_qol_earplug"; + expression="_this setVariable ['earplugs',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="BOOL"; + value=0; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item16 + { + dataType="Logic"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={1973.2969,2.0462008,3073.0811}; + }; + id=476; + type="vn_module_gesturemenu"; + class CustomAttributes + { + class Attribute0 + { + property="vn_module_gesturemenu_maxRange"; + expression="_this setVariable ['vn_module_gesturemenu_maxRange',_value,true];"; + class Value + { + class data + { + singleType="SCALAR"; + value=60; + }; + }; + }; + nAttributes=1; + }; + }; + class Item17 + { + dataType="Object"; + class PositionInfo + { + position[]={2126.9238,29.037062,4086.6843}; + angles[]={0,1.2091243,0}; + }; + side="Empty"; + class Attributes + { + }; + id=492; + type="vn_b_prop_fmradio_01"; + atlOffset=0.83037758; + }; + }; + class Connections + { + class LinkIDProvider + { + nextID=3; + }; + class Links + { + items=3; + class Item0 + { + linkID=0; + item0=6; + item1=4; + class CustomData + { + type="Sync"; + }; + }; + class Item1 + { + linkID=1; + item0=7; + item1=4; + class CustomData + { + type="Sync"; + }; + }; + class Item2 + { + linkID=2; + item0=5; + item1=4; + class CustomData + { + type="Sync"; + }; + }; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/Missionframework/CfgFunctions.hpp b/Missionframework/CfgFunctions.inc similarity index 97% rename from Missionframework/CfgFunctions.hpp rename to Missionframework/CfgFunctions.inc index 3c49c9277..1ade27f42 100644 --- a/Missionframework/CfgFunctions.hpp +++ b/Missionframework/CfgFunctions.inc @@ -98,6 +98,6 @@ class KPLIB { class overlayUpdateResources {}; }; - #include "scripts\client\CfgFunctions.hpp" - #include "scripts\server\CfgFunctions.hpp" + #include "scripts\client\CfgFunctions.inc" + #include "scripts\server\CfgFunctions.inc" }; diff --git a/Missionframework/GREUH/UI/GREUH_interface.hpp b/Missionframework/GREUH/UI/GREUH_interface.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/GREUH/UI/GREUH_interface.hpp rename to Missionframework/GREUH/UI/GREUH_interface.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/KP/KPGUI/KPGUI_classes.hpp b/Missionframework/KP/KPGUI/KPGUI_classes.inc similarity index 99% rename from Missionframework/KP/KPGUI/KPGUI_classes.hpp rename to Missionframework/KP/KPGUI/KPGUI_classes.inc index 201193097..63045a645 100644 --- a/Missionframework/KP/KPGUI/KPGUI_classes.hpp +++ b/Missionframework/KP/KPGUI/KPGUI_classes.inc @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /* Killah Potatoes GUI base classes - File: KPGUI_classes.hpp + File: KPGUI_classes.inc Author: Wyqer - https://github.com/KillahPotatoes Date: 2018-09-13 Last Update: 2020-05-09 diff --git a/Missionframework/KP/KPGUI/KPGUI_defines.hpp b/Missionframework/KP/KPGUI/KPGUI_defines.inc similarity index 99% rename from Missionframework/KP/KPGUI/KPGUI_defines.hpp rename to Missionframework/KP/KPGUI/KPGUI_defines.inc index fe5f0fa92..dfcff6ab3 100644 --- a/Missionframework/KP/KPGUI/KPGUI_defines.hpp +++ b/Missionframework/KP/KPGUI/KPGUI_defines.inc @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /* Killah Potatoes GUI defines and functions - File: KPGUI_defines.hpp + File: KPGUI_defines.inc Author: Wyqer - https://github.com/KillahPotatoes Date: 2018-07-10 Last Update: 2020-04-10 @@ -135,4 +135,4 @@ #define KP_HEIGHT_VAL_LP (1 - 2 * KP_Y_VAL_LP - KP_HEIGTH_TITLE - KP_HEIGTH_BUTTON - 2 * KP_SPACING_Y) // Classes include -#include "KPGUI_classes.hpp" +#include "KPGUI_classes.inc" diff --git a/Missionframework/KP/KPPLM/KPPLM_functions.hpp b/Missionframework/KP/KPPLM/KPPLM_functions.inc similarity index 97% rename from Missionframework/KP/KPPLM/KPPLM_functions.hpp rename to Missionframework/KP/KPPLM/KPPLM_functions.inc index 13b78ba20..e74b300db 100644 --- a/Missionframework/KP/KPPLM/KPPLM_functions.hpp +++ b/Missionframework/KP/KPPLM/KPPLM_functions.inc @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /* KP PLAYER MENU FUNCTIONS - File: KPPLM_functions.hpp + File: KPPLM_functions.inc Author: Wyqer - https://github.com/KillahPotatoes Date: 2018-06-02 Last Update: 2020-04-08 diff --git a/Missionframework/KP/KPPLM/ui/KPPLM_dialog.hpp b/Missionframework/KP/KPPLM/ui/KPPLM_dialog.inc similarity index 99% rename from Missionframework/KP/KPPLM/ui/KPPLM_dialog.hpp rename to Missionframework/KP/KPPLM/ui/KPPLM_dialog.inc index ed26aca9c..8056a69c2 100644 --- a/Missionframework/KP/KPPLM/ui/KPPLM_dialog.hpp +++ b/Missionframework/KP/KPPLM/ui/KPPLM_dialog.inc @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /* KP player menu dialog - File: KPPLM_dialog.hpp + File: KPPLM_dialog.inc Author: Wyqer - https://github.com/KillahPotatoes Date: 2018-08-03 Last Update: 2018-11-10 diff --git a/Missionframework/KPLIB_debriefs.hpp b/Missionframework/KPLIB_debriefs.inc similarity index 93% rename from Missionframework/KPLIB_debriefs.hpp rename to Missionframework/KPLIB_debriefs.inc index 92f9bc011..b2c1eec38 100644 --- a/Missionframework/KPLIB_debriefs.hpp +++ b/Missionframework/KPLIB_debriefs.inc @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - File: KPLIB_debriefs.hpp + File: KPLIB_debriefs.inc Author: KP Liberation Dev Team - https://github.com/KillahPotatoes Date: 2020-05-09 Last Update: 2020-05-09 diff --git a/Missionframework/arsenal_presets/vn.sqf b/Missionframework/arsenal_presets/vn.sqf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2ff977deb --- /dev/null +++ b/Missionframework/arsenal_presets/vn.sqf @@ -0,0 +1,679 @@ +/* + S.O.G. Prairie Fire Arsenal Preset + + Mods needed: + - S.O.G. Prairie Fire + + Mods optional: + - None +*/ + +GRLIB_arsenal_weapons = [ + "vn_dp28", + "vn_fkb1_pm_sd", + "vn_fkb1_pm", + "vn_fkb1_red", + "vn_fkb1", + "vn_hd", + "vn_hp", + "vn_izh54_p", + "vn_izh54_shorty", + "vn_izh54", + "vn_k50m", + "vn_m_axe_01", + "vn_m_axe_fire", + "vn_m_bayo_carbine", + "vn_m_bayo_m14", + "vn_m_bayo_m16", + "vn_m_bayo_m1897", + "vn_m_bayo_m4956", + "vn_m_bolo_01", + "vn_m_fighting_knife_01", + "vn_m_hammer", + "vn_m_m51_etool_01", + "vn_m_machete_01", + "vn_m_machete_02", + "vn_m_mk2_knife_01", + "vn_m_shovel_01", + "vn_m_typeivaxe_01", + "vn_m_vc_knife_01", + "vn_m_wrench_01", + "vn_m10_sd", + "vn_m10", + "vn_m127", + "vn_m14_camo", + "vn_m14", + "vn_m16_camo", + "vn_m16_xm148", + "vn_m16", + "vn_m1891", + "vn_m1895", + "vn_m1897", + "vn_m1911", + "vn_m1carbine_gl", + "vn_m1carbine", + "vn_m2carbine_gl", + "vn_m2carbine", + "vn_m38", + "vn_m3a1", + "vn_m3carbine", + "vn_m3sd", + "vn_m40a1_camo", + "vn_m40a1", + "vn_m45_camo", + "vn_m45_fold", + "vn_m45", + "vn_m4956_gl", + "vn_m4956", + "vn_m60_shorty_camo", + "vn_m60_shorty", + "vn_m60", + "vn_m63a", + "vn_m712", + "vn_m72", + "vn_m79_p", + "vn_m79", + "vn_m9130", + "vn_mat49_f", + "vn_mat49_vc", + "vn_mat49", + "vn_mc10_sd", + "vn_mc10", + "vn_mk22", + "vn_mp40", + "vn_mx991_m1911_sd", + "vn_mx991_m1911", + "vn_mx991_red", + "vn_mx991", + "vn_p38s", + "vn_pk", + "vn_pm_sd", + "vn_pm", + "vn_pps43", + "vn_pps52", + "vn_ppsh41", + "vn_rpd_shorty_01", + "vn_rpd_shorty", + "vn_rpd", + "vn_rpg2", + "vn_rpg7", + "vn_sa7", + "vn_sa7b", + "vn_sks_gl", + "vn_sks", + "vn_sten_sd", + "vn_sten", + "vn_tt33", + "vn_type56", + "vn_welrod", + "vn_xm177_camo", + "vn_xm177_fg", + "vn_xm177_short", + "vn_xm177_stock", + "vn_xm177_xm148_camo", + "vn_xm177_xm148", + "vn_xm177" +]; + +GRLIB_arsenal_magazines = [ + "MineDetector", + "vn_22mm_cs_mag", + "vn_22mm_he_mag", + "vn_22mm_lume_mag", + "vn_22mm_m17_frag_mag", + "vn_22mm_m19_wp_mag", + "vn_22mm_m1a2_frag_mag", + "vn_22mm_m22_smoke_mag", + "vn_22mm_m60_frag_mag", + "vn_22mm_m60_heat_mag", + "vn_22mm_m9_heat_mag", + "vn_40mm_m381_he_mag", + "vn_40mm_m397_ab_mag", + "vn_40mm_m406_he_mag", + "vn_40mm_m433_hedp_mag", + "vn_40mm_m576_buck_mag", + "vn_40mm_m583_flare_w_mag", + "vn_40mm_m651_cs_mag", + "vn_40mm_m661_flare_g_mag", + "vn_40mm_m662_flare_r_mag", + "vn_40mm_m680_smoke_w_mag", + "vn_40mm_m682_smoke_r_mag", + "vn_40mm_m695_flare_y_mag", + "vn_40mm_m715_smoke_g_mag", + "vn_40mm_m716_smoke_y_mag", + "vn_40mm_m717_smoke_p_mag", + "vn_b_item_trapkit", + "vn_carbine_15_mag", + "vn_carbine_15_t_mag", + "vn_carbine_30_mag", + "vn_carbine_30_t_mag", + "vn_chicom_grenade_mag", + "vn_dp28_mag", + "vn_f1_grenade_mag", + "vn_hd_mag", + "vn_hp_mag", + "vn_izh54_mag", + "vn_izh54_so_mag", + "vn_m10_mag", + "vn_m127_mag", + "vn_m128_mag", + "vn_m129_mag", + "vn_m14_10_mag", + "vn_m14_10_t_mag", + "vn_m14_grenade_mag", + "vn_m14_mag", + "vn_m14_t_mag", + "vn_m16_20_mag", + "vn_m16_20_t_mag", + "vn_m16_30_mag", + "vn_m16_30_t_mag", + "vn_m16_40_mag", + "vn_m16_40_t_mag", + "vn_m18_green_mag", + "vn_m18_purple_mag", + "vn_m18_red_mag", + "vn_m18_white_mag", + "vn_m18_yellow_mag", + "vn_m1895_mag", + "vn_m1897_buck_mag", + "vn_m1897_fl_mag", + "vn_m1911_mag", + "vn_m34_grenade_mag", + "vn_m38_mag", + "vn_m38_t_mag", + "vn_m3a1_mag", + "vn_m3a1_t_mag", + "vn_m40a1_mag", + "vn_m40a1_t_mag", + "vn_m45_mag", + "vn_m45_t_mag", + "vn_m4956_10_mag", + "vn_m4956_10_t_mag", + "vn_m60_100_mag", + "vn_m61_grenade_mag", + "vn_m63a_30_mag", + "vn_m63a_30_t_mag", + "vn_m67_grenade_mag", + "vn_m7_grenade_mag", + "vn_m712_mag", + "vn_m72_mag", + "vn_mat49_mag", + "vn_mat49_t_mag", + "vn_mat49_vc_mag", + "vn_mc10_mag", + "vn_mc10_t_mag", + "vn_mine_ammobox_range_mag", + "vn_mine_m112_remote_mag", + "vn_mine_m14_mag", + "vn_mine_m15_mag", + "vn_mine_m16_mag", + "vn_mine_m18_mag", + "vn_mine_m18_range_mag", + "vn_mine_m18_x3_mag", + "vn_mine_m18_x3_range_mag", + "vn_mine_punji_01_mag", + "vn_mine_punji_02_mag", + "vn_mine_punji_03_mag", + "vn_mine_satchel_remote_02_mag", + "vn_mine_tm57_mag", + "vn_mine_tripwire_arty_mag", + "vn_mine_tripwire_f1_02_mag", + "vn_mine_tripwire_f1_04_mag", + "vn_mine_tripwire_m16_02_mag", + "vn_mine_tripwire_m16_04_mag", + "vn_mine_tripwire_m49_02_mag", + "vn_mine_tripwire_m49_04_mag", + "vn_mk22_mag", + "vn_molotov_grenade_mag", + "vn_mp40_mag", + "vn_mp40_t_mag", + "vn_pk_100_mag", + "vn_pm_mag", + "vn_pps_mag", + "vn_pps_t_mag", + "vn_ppsh41_35_mag", + "vn_ppsh41_35_t_mag", + "vn_ppsh41_71_mag", + "vn_ppsh41_71_t_mag", + "vn_rdg2_mag", + "vn_rg42_grenade_mag", + "vn_rgd33_grenade_mag", + "vn_rgd5_grenade_mag", + "vn_rkg3_grenade_mag", + "vn_rpd_100_mag", + "vn_rpd_125_mag", + "vn_rpg2_mag", + "vn_rpg7_mag", + "vn_sa7_mag", + "vn_sa7b_mag", + "vn_sks_mag", + "vn_sks_t_mag", + "vn_sten_mag", + "vn_sten_t_mag", + "vn_t67_grenade_mag", + "vn_tt33_mag", + "vn_type56_mag", + "vn_type56_t_mag", + "vn_type56_v_12_he_mag", + "vn_type56_v_12_heat_mag", + "vn_v_m18r_mag", + "vn_v_m61_mag", + "vn_v_m7_mag", + "vn_v_rdg2_mag", + "vn_v_rgd5_mag", + "vn_v40_grenade_mag", + "vn_welrod_mag" +]; + +GRLIB_arsenal_items = [ + "FirstAidKit", + "G_Aviator", + "G_Bandanna_aviator", + "G_Bandanna_blk", + "G_Bandanna_oli", + "G_Spectacles_Tinted", + "ItemCompass", + "ItemMap", + "ItemRadio", + "ItemWatch", + "Medikit", + "MineDetector", + "Toolkit", + "vn_anpvs2_binoc", + "vn_b_acc_goggles_01", + "vn_b_acc_m17_01", + "vn_b_acc_m17_02", + "vn_b_acc_ms22001_01", + "vn_b_acc_ms22001_02", + "vn_b_aviator", + "vn_b_bandana_01", + "vn_b_bandana_02", + "vn_b_bandana_03", + "vn_b_bandana_04", + "vn_b_bandana_05", + "vn_b_bandana_06", + "vn_b_bandana_07", + "vn_b_bandana_a", + "vn_b_beret_01_01", + "vn_b_beret_01_02", + "vn_b_beret_01_03", + "vn_b_beret_01_04", + "vn_b_beret_01_05", + "vn_b_beret_01_06", + "vn_b_boonie_01_01", + "vn_b_boonie_01_02", + "vn_b_boonie_01_03", + "vn_b_boonie_01_04", + "vn_b_boonie_01_05", + "vn_b_boonie_01_06", + "vn_b_boonie_01_07", + "vn_b_boonie_02_01", + "vn_b_boonie_02_02", + "vn_b_boonie_02_03", + "vn_b_boonie_02_04", + "vn_b_boonie_02_05", + "vn_b_boonie_02_06", + "vn_b_boonie_02_07", + "vn_b_boonie_03_01", + "vn_b_boonie_03_02", + "vn_b_boonie_03_03", + "vn_b_boonie_03_04", + "vn_b_boonie_03_05", + "vn_b_boonie_03_06", + "vn_b_boonie_03_07", + "vn_b_boonie_04_01", + "vn_b_boonie_04_02", + "vn_b_boonie_04_03", + "vn_b_boonie_04_04", + "vn_b_boonie_04_05", + "vn_b_boonie_04_06", + "vn_b_boonie_04_07", + "vn_b_boonie_05_01", + "vn_b_boonie_05_02", + "vn_b_boonie_05_03", + "vn_b_boonie_05_04", + "vn_b_boonie_05_05", + "vn_b_boonie_05_06", + "vn_b_boonie_05_07", + "vn_b_camo_m14", + "vn_b_camo_m40a1", + "vn_b_camo_m9130", + "vn_b_carbine", + "vn_b_headband_01", + "vn_b_headband_02", + "vn_b_headband_03", + "vn_b_headband_04", + "vn_b_headband_05", + "vn_b_helmet_aph6_01_01", + "vn_b_helmet_aph6_01_02", + "vn_b_helmet_aph6_01_03", + "vn_b_helmet_aph6_01_04", + "vn_b_helmet_aph6_01_05", + "vn_b_helmet_aph6_02_01", + "vn_b_helmet_aph6_02_02", + "vn_b_helmet_aph6_02_03", + "vn_b_helmet_aph6_02_04", + "vn_b_helmet_aph6_02_05", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_01_01", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_01_02", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_02_01", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_02_02", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_03_01", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_03_02", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_04_01", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_04_02", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_05_01", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_05_02", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_06_01", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_06_02", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_07_01", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_07_02", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_08_01", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_08_02", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_09_01", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_09_02", + "vn_b_helmet_sog_01", + "vn_b_helmet_svh4_01_01", + "vn_b_helmet_svh4_01_02", + "vn_b_helmet_svh4_01_03", + "vn_b_helmet_svh4_01_04", + "vn_b_helmet_svh4_01_05", + "vn_b_helmet_svh4_01_06", + "vn_b_helmet_svh4_02_01", + "vn_b_helmet_svh4_02_02", + "vn_b_helmet_svh4_02_03", + "vn_b_helmet_svh4_02_04", + "vn_b_helmet_svh4_02_05", + "vn_b_helmet_svh4_02_06", + "vn_b_helmet_t56_01_01", + "vn_b_helmet_t56_01_02", + "vn_b_helmet_t56_01_03", + "vn_b_helmet_t56_02_01", + "vn_b_helmet_t56_02_02", + "vn_b_helmet_t56_02_03", + "vn_b_item_compass_sog", + "vn_b_item_compass", + "vn_b_item_firstaidkit", + "vn_b_item_map", + "vn_b_item_medikit_01", + "vn_b_item_radio_urc10", + "vn_b_item_toolkit", + "vn_b_item_trapkit", + "vn_b_item_watch", + "vn_b_item_wiretap", + "vn_b_m14", + "vn_b_m16", + "vn_b_m1897", + "vn_b_m38", + "vn_b_m4956", + "vn_b_scarf_01_01", + "vn_b_scarf_01_03", + "vn_b_sks", + "vn_b_spectacles_tinted", + "vn_b_spectacles", + "vn_b_squares_tinted", + "vn_b_squares", + "vn_b_type56", + "vn_b_uniform_heli_01_01", + "vn_b_uniform_k2b_01_01", + "vn_b_uniform_k2b_01_02", + "vn_b_uniform_k2b_02_01", + "vn_b_uniform_k2b_02_02", + "vn_b_uniform_k2b_02_03", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_01_01", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_01_02", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_01_03", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_01_04", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_01_05", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_01_06", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_01_07", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_01_08", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_02_01", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_02_02", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_02_05", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_02_06", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_02_07", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_02_08", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_03_01", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_03_02", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_03_05", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_03_06", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_03_07", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_03_08", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_04_01", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_04_02", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_04_05", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_04_06", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_04_07", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_04_08", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_04_20", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_04_21", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_05_01", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_05_02", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_05_05", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_05_06", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_05_07", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_05_08", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_06_01", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_06_02", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_06_05", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_06_06", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_06_07", + "vn_b_uniform_macv_06_08", + "vn_b_uniform_sog_01_01", + "vn_b_uniform_sog_01_02", + "vn_b_uniform_sog_01_03", + "vn_b_uniform_sog_01_04", + "vn_b_uniform_sog_01_05", + "vn_b_uniform_sog_01_06", + "vn_b_uniform_sog_02_01", + "vn_b_uniform_sog_02_02", + "vn_b_uniform_sog_02_03", + "vn_b_uniform_sog_02_04", + "vn_b_uniform_sog_02_05", + "vn_b_uniform_sog_02_06", + "vn_b_vest_aircrew_01", + "vn_b_vest_aircrew_02", + "vn_b_vest_aircrew_03", + "vn_b_vest_aircrew_04", + "vn_b_vest_aircrew_05", + "vn_b_vest_aircrew_06", + "vn_b_vest_aircrew_07", + "vn_b_vest_sog_01", + "vn_b_vest_sog_02", + "vn_b_vest_sog_03", + "vn_b_vest_sog_04", + "vn_b_vest_sog_05", + "vn_b_vest_sog_06", + "vn_b_vest_usarmy_01", + "vn_b_vest_usarmy_02", + "vn_b_vest_usarmy_03", + "vn_b_vest_usarmy_04", + "vn_b_vest_usarmy_05", + "vn_b_vest_usarmy_06", + "vn_b_vest_usarmy_07", + "vn_b_vest_usarmy_08", + "vn_b_vest_usarmy_09", + "vn_b_vest_usarmy_10", + "vn_b_vest_usarmy_11", + "vn_b_vest_usarmy_12", + "vn_b_vest_usarmy_13", + "vn_b_vest_usarmy_14", + "vn_m19_binocs_grey", + "vn_m19_binocs_grn", + "vn_mk21_binocs", + "vn_o_3x_m84", + "vn_o_3x_m9130", + "vn_o_4x_m16", + "vn_o_4x_m4956", + "vn_o_9x_m14", + "vn_o_9x_m16", + "vn_o_9x_m40a1_camo", + "vn_o_9x_m40a1", + "vn_o_anpvs2_m14", + "vn_o_anpvs2_m16", + "vn_o_anpvs2_m40a1", + "vn_rocket_m128_launcher", + "vn_s_m14", + "vn_s_m16", + "vn_s_m1895", + "vn_s_m1911", + "vn_s_m3a1", + "vn_s_m45_camo", + "vn_s_m45", + "vn_s_mat49", + "vn_s_mc10", + "vn_s_mk22", + "vn_s_pm", + "vn_s_sten", + "vn_type56_v_03", + + // ACE Items + "ACE_acc_pointer_green", // Laser Pointer (green) + "ACE_adenosine", // Adenosine autoinjector + "ACE_Altimeter", // Altimeter Watch + "ACE_artilleryTable", // Artillery Rangetable + "ACE_ATragMX", // ATragMX + "ACE_Banana", // Banana + "ACE_bloodIV_250", // Blood IV (250 ml) + "ACE_bloodIV_500", // Blood IV (500 ml) + "ACE_bloodIV", // Blood IV (1000 ml) + "ACE_bodyBag", // Bodybag + "ACE_CableTie", // Cable Tie + "ACE_Cellphone", // Cellphone + "ACE_Chemlight_Shield", // Chemlight Shield (Empty) + "ACE_Clacker", // M57 Firing Device + "ACE_DAGR", // DAGR + "ACE_DeadManSwitch", // Dead Man's Switch + "ACE_DefusalKit", // Defusal Kit + "ace_dragon_sight", // SU-36/P Daysight + "ACE_EarPlugs", // Earplugs + "ACE_elasticBandage", // Bandage (Elastic) + "ACE_EntrenchingTool", // Entrenching Tool + "ACE_epinephrine", // Epinephrine autoinjector + "ACE_fieldDressing", // Bandage (Basic) + "ACE_Flashlight_KSF1", // KSF-1 + "ACE_Flashlight_Maglite_ML300L", // Maglite ML300L + "ACE_Flashlight_MX991", // Fulton MX-991 + "ACE_Flashlight_XL50", // Maglite XL50 + "ACE_HuntIR_monitor", // HuntIR monitor + "ACE_IR_Strobe_Item", // IR Strobe + "ACE_Kestrel4500", // Kestrel 4500NV + "ACE_M26_Clacker", // M152 Firing Device + "ACE_MapTools", // Map Tools + "ACE_microDAGR", // MicroDAGR GPS + "ACE_morphine", // Morphine autoinjector + "ACE_muzzle_mzls_338", // Flash Suppressor (.338) + "ACE_muzzle_mzls_93mmg", // Flash Suppressor (9.3 mm) + "ACE_muzzle_mzls_B", // Flash Suppressor (7.62 mm) + "ACE_muzzle_mzls_H", // Flash Suppressor (6.5 mm) + "ACE_muzzle_mzls_smg_01", // FLash Suppressor (.45 ACP) + "ACE_muzzle_mzls_smg_02", // Flash Suppressor (9 mm) + "ACE_MX2A", // MX-2A + "ACE_NVG_Gen1", // NV Goggles (Gen1) + "ACE_NVG_Gen2", // NV Goggles (Gen2) + "ACE_NVG_Gen4", // NV Goggles (Gen4) + "ACE_NVG_Wide", // NV Goggles (Wide) + "ACE_packingBandage", // Bandage (Packing) + "ACE_personalAidKit", // Personal Aid Kit + "ACE_plasmaIV_250", // Plasma IV (250 ml) + "ACE_plasmaIV_500", // Plasma IV (500 ml) + "ACE_plasmaIV", // Plasma IV (1000 ml) + "ACE_quikclot", // Bandage (QuickClot) + "ACE_RangeCard", // Range Card + "ACE_RangeTable_82mm", // 82 mm Rangetable + "ACE_rope12", // Rope 12.2 meters + "ACE_rope15", // Rope 15.2 meters + "ACE_rope18", // Rope 18.3 meters + "ACE_rope27", // Rope 27.4 meters + "ACE_rope36", // Rope 36.6 meters + "ACE_salineIV_250", // Saline IV (250 ml) + "ACE_salineIV_500", // Saline IV (500 ml) + "ACE_salineIV", // Saline IV (1000 ml) + "ACE_Sandbag_empty", // Sandbag (empty) + "ACE_splint", // Splint + "ACE_SpottingScope", // Spotting Scope + "ACE_SpraypaintBlack", // Spray Paint (Black) + "ACE_SpraypaintBlue", // Spray Paint (Blue) + "ACE_SpraypaintGreen", // Spray Paint (Green) + "ACE_SpraypaintRed", // Spray Paint (Red) + "ACE_surgicalKit", // Surgical Kit + "ACE_tourniquet", // Tourniquet (CAT) + "ACE_Tripod", // SSWT Kit + "ACE_UAVBattery", // UAV Battery + "ACE_Vector", // Vector 21 Nite + "ACE_VectorDay", // Vector 21 + "ACE_VMH3", // VMH3 + "ACE_VMM3", // VMM3 + "ACE_wirecutter", // Wirecutter + "ACE_Yardage450", // Yardage 450 + + // ACRE Items + "ACRE_PRC117F", // AN/PRC-117F + "ACRE_PRC148", // AN/PRC-148 + "ACRE_PRC152", // AN/PRC-152 + "ACRE_PRC343", // AN/PRC-343 + "ACRE_PRC77", // AN/PRC-77 + "ACRE_SEM52SL", // SEM 52 SL + "ACRE_SEM70", // SEM 70 + "ACRE_VHF30108", // VHF30108 GSM + "ACRE_VHF30108MAST", // VHF30108 Mast + "ACRE_VHF30108SPIKE", // VHF30108 GS + + //TFAR Items + "tf_anprc148jem", // AN/PRC148 JEM + "tf_anprc152", // AN/PRC152 + "tf_anprc154_1", // AN/PRC154 + "tf_fadak", // FADAK + "tf_microdagr", // MicroDAGR Radio Programmer + "tf_pnr1000a_1", // PNR1000A + "tf_rf7800str" // PF7800STR +]; + +GRLIB_arsenal_backpacks = [ + "NonSteerable_Parachute_F", + "Steerable_Parachute_F", + "vn_b_pack_01_02", + "vn_b_pack_01", + "vn_b_pack_02_02", + "vn_b_pack_02", + "vn_b_pack_03_02", + "vn_b_pack_03", + "vn_b_pack_04_02", + "vn_b_pack_04", + "vn_b_pack_05_02", + "vn_b_pack_05", + "vn_b_pack_lw_01", + "vn_b_pack_lw_02", + "vn_b_pack_lw_03", + "vn_b_pack_lw_04", + "vn_b_pack_lw_05", + "vn_b_pack_lw_06", + "vn_b_pack_lw_07", + "vn_b_pack_m5_01", + "vn_b_pack_prc77_01", + "vn_b_pack_trp_01_02", + "vn_b_pack_trp_01", + "vn_b_pack_trp_02_02", + "vn_b_pack_trp_02", + "vn_b_pack_trp_03_02", + "vn_b_pack_trp_03", + "vn_b_pack_trp_04_02", + "vn_b_pack_trp_04", + + // TFAR Backpacks + "tf_anarc164", // AN/ARC-164 + "tf_anarc210", // AN/ARC-210 + "tf_anprc155_coyote", // AN/PRC 155 Coyote + "tf_anprc155", // AN/PRC 155 + "tf_bussole", // Assault Pack Bussole + "tf_mr3000_multicam", // MR3000 Multicam + "tf_mr3000", // MR3000 + "tf_mr6000l", // MR6000L + "tf_rt1523g_big", // RT-1523G (ASIP) Big + "tf_rt1523g_black", // RT-1523G (ASIP) Black + "tf_rt1523g_fabric", // RT-1523G (ASIP) Fabric + "tf_rt1523g_green", // RT-1523G (ASIP) Green + "tf_rt1523g_sage", // RT-1523G (ASIP) Sage + "tf_rt1523g" // RT-1523G (ASIP) +]; diff --git a/Missionframework/description.ext b/Missionframework/description.ext index ac8b44a8f..53c04ab34 100644 --- a/Missionframework/description.ext +++ b/Missionframework/description.ext @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ File: description.ext Author: KP Liberation Dev Team - https://github.com/KillahPotatoes Date: 2017-10-16 - Last Update: 2020-05-09 + Last Update: 2021-05-11 License: MIT License - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT Description: @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class Header { gameType = "CTI"; minPlayers = 1; - maxPlayers = 34; + maxPlayers = 37; }; // Name of Mission author(s) and contributors. Obviously you can only add and not (!) remove someone. @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ taskManagement_drawDist = 5000; */ class CfgDebriefing { - #include "KPLIB_debriefs.hpp" + #include "KPLIB_debriefs.inc" }; class CfgDiscordRichPresence { @@ -228,8 +228,8 @@ class CfgDiscordRichPresence { }; class CfgFunctions { - #include "CfgFunctions.hpp" - #include "KP\KPPLM\KPPLM_functions.hpp" + #include "CfgFunctions.inc" + #include "KP\KPPLM\KPPLM_functions.inc" }; class CfgRespawnTemplates { @@ -237,14 +237,14 @@ class CfgRespawnTemplates { }; class CfgTaskDescriptions { - #include "scripts\client\tutorial\CfgTaskDescriptions.hpp" + #include "scripts\client\tutorial\CfgTaskDescriptions.inc" }; -#include "ui\liberation_interface.hpp" -#include "ui\liberation_notifications.hpp" -#include "ui\mission_params.hpp" +#include "ui\liberation_interface.inc" +#include "ui\liberation_notifications.inc" +#include "ui\mission_params.inc" -#include "GREUH\UI\GREUH_interface.hpp" -#include "KP\KPGUI\KPGUI_defines.hpp" -#include "KP\KPPLM\ui\KPPLM_dialog.hpp" +#include "GREUH\UI\GREUH_interface.inc" +#include "KP\KPGUI\KPGUI_defines.inc" +#include "KP\KPPLM\ui\KPPLM_dialog.inc" diff --git a/Missionframework/functions/ui/fn_overlayUpdateResources.sqf b/Missionframework/functions/ui/fn_overlayUpdateResources.sqf index 2314fb0db..f74fad550 100644 --- a/Missionframework/functions/ui/fn_overlayUpdateResources.sqf +++ b/Missionframework/functions/ui/fn_overlayUpdateResources.sqf @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -#include "script_components.hpp" +#include "script_components.inc" /* File: fn_overlayUpdateResources.sqf Author: KP Liberation Dev Team - https://github.com/KillahPotatoes Date: 2020-05-01 - Last Update: 2020-08-25 + Last Update: 2021-05-11 License: MIT License - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT Description: diff --git a/Missionframework/functions/ui/script_components.hpp b/Missionframework/functions/ui/script_components.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/functions/ui/script_components.hpp rename to Missionframework/functions/ui/script_components.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/init.sqf b/Missionframework/init.sqf index acc03d8a0..35e3bbc47 100644 --- a/Missionframework/init.sqf +++ b/Missionframework/init.sqf @@ -51,7 +51,11 @@ if (!isDedicated && hasInterface) then { }; // Execute fnc_reviveInit again (by default it executes in postInit) -if ((isNil {player getVariable "bis_revive_ehHandleHeal"} || isDedicated) && !(bis_reviveParam_mode == 0)) then { +if ( + (isNil {player getVariable "bis_revive_ehHandleHeal"} || isDedicated) + && !(bis_reviveParam_mode == 0) + && !(missionNamespace getVariable ["vn_advanced_revive_started", false]) +) then { [] call bis_fnc_reviveInit; }; diff --git a/Missionframework/kp_liberation_config.sqf b/Missionframework/kp_liberation_config.sqf index 0c993250b..9c0840b25 100644 --- a/Missionframework/kp_liberation_config.sqf +++ b/Missionframework/kp_liberation_config.sqf @@ -51,7 +51,9 @@ KP_liberation_medical_vehicles = [ "uns_ch47a_medevac", "uns_H13_medevac_CAV", "uns_M577_amb", - "uns_uh1D_med" + "uns_uh1D_med", + "vn_b_air_uh1d_01_01", + "vn_b_wheeled_m54_repair_airport" ]; // Building classnames which also function as ACE medical facilities. @@ -60,6 +62,15 @@ KP_liberation_medical_facilities = [ "Land_Medevac_HQ_V1_F", "LAND_uns_army_med", "LAND_uns_tent3mash", + "Land_vn_tent_mash_01_01", + "Land_vn_tent_mash_01_02", + "Land_vn_tent_mash_01_03", + "Land_vn_tent_mash_01_04", + "Land_vn_tent_mash_01", + "Land_vn_tent_mash_02_01", + "Land_vn_tent_mash_02_02", + "Land_vn_tent_mash_02_03", + "Land_vn_tent_mash_02_04", "uns_mash_main", "uns_mash", "US_Tent_2", @@ -108,7 +119,8 @@ If you want to change a preset, it's recommended to set all four presets to 0 an 27 = CUP Takistani Army 28 = SFP (Woodland) 29 = SFP (Desert) -30 = LDF (Contact DLC) */ +30 = LDF (Contact DLC) +31 = SOGPF */ KP_liberation_preset_blufor = 0; /* OPFOR preset: @@ -132,7 +144,8 @@ KP_liberation_preset_blufor = 0; 17 = CUP Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Modern MSV) 18 = CUP Chernarus Defense Force 19 = CUP British Armed Forces (Desert) -20 = CUP British Armed Forces (Woodland) */ +20 = CUP British Armed Forces (Woodland) +21 = SOGPF */ KP_liberation_preset_opfor = 0; /* Resistance preset: @@ -144,7 +157,8 @@ KP_liberation_preset_opfor = 0; 5 = Germany (Global Mobilization) 6 = Unsung 7 = CUP Takistani Locals -8 = CUP National Party of Chernarus */ +8 = CUP National Party of Chernarus +9 = SOGPF */ KP_liberation_preset_resistance = 0; /* Civilians preset: @@ -155,7 +169,8 @@ KP_liberation_preset_resistance = 0; 4 = Germany (Global Mobilization) 5 = Unsung 6 = CUP Takistani Civilians -7 = CUP Chernarussian Civilians */ +7 = CUP Chernarussian Civilians +8 = SOGPF */ KP_liberation_preset_civilians = 0; /* Which arsenal preset should be used? @@ -175,7 +190,8 @@ KP_liberation_preset_civilians = 0; 13 = CSAT Hex arsenal preset 14 = CSAT Green Hex arsenal preset 15 = AAF arsenal preset -16 = LDF arsenal preset */ +16 = LDF arsenal preset +17 = SOGPF arsenal preset */ KP_liberation_arsenal = 0; /* - Fuel consumption settings. @@ -253,7 +269,8 @@ KP_liberation_resistance_ambush_chance = 25; // Chanc // Array of worldName values. // When playing on this map, it'll create a clearance (remove terrain objects) in a 15m radius around the battlegroup/reinforcements spawnpoint. KP_liberation_battlegroup_clearance = [ - "song_bin_tanh" + "song_bin_tanh", + "Cam_Lao_Nam" ]; /* Slot independent commander action access. @@ -707,7 +724,10 @@ KPLIB_transportConfigs = [ ["uns_m37b1", -5, [0,-1.8,0.15]], ["uns_nvatruck_mg", -5, [0,-1.05,0.8], [0,-2.75,0.8]], ["uns_nvatruck_open", -5, [0,-1.05,0.8], [0,-2.75,0.8]], - ["uns_nvatruck", -5, [0,-1.05,0.8], [0,-2.75,0.8]] + ["uns_nvatruck", -5, [0,-1.05,0.8], [0,-2.75,0.8]], + ["vn_b_wheeled_m54_01", -5, [0,-0.8,0.18], [0,-2.5,0.18]], + ["vn_b_wheeled_m54_02", -5, [0,-0.8,0.18], [0,-2.5,0.18]], + ["vn_o_wheeled_z157_01", -5.5, [0,-1.2,0.18], [0,-2.9,0.18]] ]; /* Various other settings. @@ -751,7 +771,8 @@ KPLIB_aiResupplySources = [ "sfp_tgb40_ammo", "uns_M113_ENG", "uns_M35A2_ammo", - "uns_motorpool1_repair" + "uns_motorpool1_repair", + "vn_b_wheeled_m54_ammo" ]; // Everything that can resupply other vehicles. @@ -794,7 +815,8 @@ vehicle_repair_sources = [ "UNS_Hanger_repair", "uns_M113_ENG", "uns_M35A2_repair", - "uns_motorpool1_repair" + "uns_motorpool1_repair", + "vn_b_wheeled_m54_repair" ]; vehicle_rearm_sources = [ @@ -835,7 +857,8 @@ vehicle_rearm_sources = [ "rhsusf_M977A4_AMMO_usarmy_wd", "sfp_tgb40_ammo", "uns_M113_ENG", - "uns_M35A2_ammo" + "uns_M35A2_ammo", + "vn_b_wheeled_m54_ammo" ]; vehicle_refuel_sources = [ @@ -877,7 +900,8 @@ vehicle_refuel_sources = [ "sfp_tgb40_fuel", "uns_M113_ENG", "uns_M35A2_fuel", - "uns_M35A2_fueltanker" + "uns_M35A2_fueltanker", + "vn_b_wheeled_m54_fuel" ]; // Classnames of boats, so they can be built on water. @@ -906,7 +930,8 @@ boats_names = [ "uns_PBR_M10", "uns_pbr_mk18", "uns_pbr", - "UNS_Zodiac_W" + "UNS_Zodiac_W", + "vn_b_boat_05_01" ]; // Classnames of artillery vehicles, which should be added to the support module @@ -1029,7 +1054,9 @@ KP_liberation_suppMod_artyVeh = [ "uns_M2_60mm_mortar_pvp", "uns_M2_60mm_mortar", "uns_M30_107mm_mortar", - "uns_Type55_mortar" + "uns_Type55_mortar", + "vn_b_army_static_mortar_m2", + "vn_b_army_static_mortar_m29" ]; // Objects which are spawned as intel objects for pickup diff --git a/Missionframework/onPlayerRespawn.sqf b/Missionframework/onPlayerRespawn.sqf index c98d8403e..eb8b91b49 100644 --- a/Missionframework/onPlayerRespawn.sqf +++ b/Missionframework/onPlayerRespawn.sqf @@ -10,10 +10,14 @@ if (isNil "GRLIB_respawn_loadout") then { removeBackpack player; removeHeadgear player; removeGoggles player; - player linkItem "ItemMap"; - player linkItem "ItemCompass"; - player linkItem "ItemWatch"; - player linkItem "ItemRadio"; + if (KP_liberation_arsenal == 17) then { + removeUniform player; + player addUniform "vn_b_uniform_macv_04_01"; + player linkItem "vn_b_item_map"; + player linkItem "vn_b_item_compass"; + player linkItem "vn_b_item_watch"; + player linkItem "vn_b_item_radio_urc10"; + }; } else { sleep 4; [player, GRLIB_respawn_loadout] call KPLIB_fnc_setLoadout; @@ -44,3 +48,10 @@ if ([ [KPLIB_suppMod_arty] call BIS_fnc_moduleSupportsInitProvider; }; }; + +// Cam Lao Nam SOGPF traits +if (worldName == "Cam_Lao_Nam") then { + player setUnitTrait ["camouflageCoef", 0.6]; + player setUnitTrait ["audibleCoef", 0.3]; + player setUnitTrait ["loadCoef", 0.5]; +}; diff --git a/Missionframework/presets/blufor/vn.sqf b/Missionframework/presets/blufor/vn.sqf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9e0c355be --- /dev/null +++ b/Missionframework/presets/blufor/vn.sqf @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +/* + Needed Mods: + - S.O.G. Prairie Fire CDLC + + Optional Mods: + - None +*/ + +/* + --- Support classnames --- + Each of these should be unique. + The same classnames for different purposes may cause various unpredictable issues with player actions. + Or not, just don't try! +*/ +FOB_typename = "Land_vn_hootch_02_03"; // This is the main FOB HQ building. +FOB_box_typename = "B_Slingload_01_Cargo_F"; // This is the FOB as a container. (Land_vn_cargo20_military_green_f could be usable when it is slingloadable. +FOB_truck_typename = "vn_b_wheeled_m54_03"; // This is the FOB as a vehicle. +Arsenal_typename = "Land_vn_us_weapons_stack2"; // This is the virtual arsenal as portable supply crates. +Respawn_truck_typename = "vn_b_wheeled_m54_01_airport"; // This is the mobile respawn (and medical) truck. (Not medical or optimal but at least less emersion breaking that HEMTT) +huron_typename = "vn_b_air_ch34_01_01"; // This is Spartan 01, a multipurpose mobile respawn as a helicopter. +crewman_classname = "vn_b_men_army_14"; // This defines the crew for vehicles. +pilot_classname = "vn_b_men_aircrew_05"; // This defines the pilot for helicopters. +KP_liberation_little_bird_classname = "vn_b_air_oh6a_01"; // These are the little birds which spawn on the Freedom or at Chimera base. +KP_liberation_boat_classname = "vn_c_boat_02_02"; // These are the boats which spawn at the stern of the Freedom. +KP_liberation_truck_classname = "vn_b_wheeled_m54_01"; // These are the trucks which are used in the logistic convoy system. +KP_liberation_small_storage_building = "ContainmentArea_02_sand_F"; // A small storage area for resources. (Land_vn_hootch_01_wall) +KP_liberation_large_storage_building = "ContainmentArea_01_sand_F"; // A large storage area for resources. (Land_vn_barracks_04_wall) +KP_liberation_recycle_building = "Land_vn_hootch_01_03"; // The building defined to unlock FOB recycling functionality. +KP_liberation_air_vehicle_building = "Land_vn_radar_small_f"; // The building defined to unlock FOB air vehicle functionality. +KP_liberation_heli_slot_building = "Land_vn_b_helipad_01"; // The helipad used to increase the GLOBAL rotary-wing cap. +KP_liberation_plane_slot_building = "Land_vn_usaf_hangar_02"; // The hangar used to increase the GLOBAL fixed-wing cap. +KP_liberation_supply_crate = "Land_FoodSacks_01_cargo_brown_F"; // This defines the supply crates, as in resources. +KP_liberation_ammo_crate = "vn_b_ammobox_supply_05"; // This defines the ammunition crates. +KP_liberation_fuel_crate = "CargoNet_01_barrels_F"; // This defines the fuel crates. + +/* + --- Friendly classnames --- + Each array below represents one of the 7 pages within the build menu. + Format: ["vehicle_classname",supplies,ammunition,fuel], + Example: ["B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F",300,150,150], + The above example is the NATO IFV-6a Cheetah, it costs 300 supplies, 150 ammunition and 150 fuel to build. + IMPORTANT: The last element inside each array must have no comma at the end! +*/ +infantry_units = [ + ["vn_b_men_army_09",15,0,0], // Rifleman (Light) + ["vn_b_men_army_15",20,0,0], // Rifleman + ["vn_b_men_army_12",30,0,0], // Rifleman (AT) + ["vn_b_men_army_07",25,0,0], // Grenadier + ["vn_b_men_army_06",25,0,0], // Autorifleman + ["vn_b_men_army_10",30,0,0], // Marksman + ["vn_b_men_army_11",40,0,0], // Sharpshooter + ["vn_b_men_army_12",50,10,0], // AT Specialist + ["vn_b_men_army_03",30,0,0], // Combat Life Saver + ["vn_b_men_army_04",30,0,0], // Engineer + ["vn_b_men_army_05",30,0,0], // Explosives Specialist + ["vn_b_men_sf_04",20,0,0], // Recon Scout + ["vn_b_men_sf_21",30,0,0], // Recon Marksman + ["vn_b_men_sf_02",30,0,0], // Recon Paramedic + ["vn_b_men_sf_03",30,0,0], // Recon Demolition Expert + ["vn_b_men_army_13",10,0,0], // Crewman + ["vn_b_men_army_16",20,0,0], // Para Trooper + ["vn_b_men_aircrew_06",10,0,0], // Helicopter Crew + ["vn_b_men_aircrew_05",10,0,0], // Helicopter Pilot + ["vn_b_men_jetpilot_01",10,0,0] // Pilot +]; + +light_vehicles = [ + ["vn_c_bicycle_01",10,0,0], // Bicycle + ["vn_b_wheeled_m151_01",75,0,50], // M151A1 Transport + ["vn_b_wheeled_m151_mg_02",75,40,50], // M151A1 M2 + ["vn_b_wheeled_m151_mg_03",75,50,50], // M151A1 Patrol + ["vn_b_wheeled_m151_mg_04",95,30,60], // M151A1 Armoured + ["vn_b_wheeled_m54_mg_01",100,60,50], // M54 Gun Truck (3x M2HB) + ["vn_b_wheeled_m151_02",75,0,50], // M151A1 Transport (Covered) + ["vn_b_wheeled_m54_mg_03",100,80,50], // M54 Gun Truck (Minigun) + ["vn_b_wheeled_m54_mg_02",100,120,50], // M54 (M45 Quad) + ["vn_b_wheeled_m54_01",125,0,75], // M54 Transport + ["vn_b_wheeled_m54_02",125,0,75], // M54 Transport (Covered) + ["vn_c_boat_01_00",25,0,25], // Boat + ["vn_c_boat_02_00",35,0,25], // Long Boat + ["vn_b_boat_05_01",200,120,75] // PTF Nasty (Mortar) +]; + +heavy_vehicles = [ + ["vn_b_armor_m41_01_01",300,100,150] // M41A3 Walker Bulldog +]; + +air_vehicles = [ + ["vn_b_air_oh6a_01",200,10,100], // OH-6A Cayuse + ["vn_b_air_oh6a_06",200,200,100], // OH-6A Cayuse (Gunship/APERS) + ["vn_b_air_oh6a_04",200,200,100], // OH-6A Cayuse (Gunship/CAS) + ["vn_b_air_ch34_03_01",225,20,125], // UH-34D Seahorse (M60 x2) + ["vn_b_air_ch34_04_03",225,300,100], // UH-34 Stinger (APERS) + ["vn_b_air_ch34_04_02",225,300,100], // UH-34 Stinger (CAS) + ["vn_b_air_ch34_04_04",225,300,100], // UH-34 Stinger (FAC) + ["vn_b_air_ch34_04_01",225,300,100], // UH-34 Stinger (FFAR) + ["vn_b_air_uh1d_02_01",200,60,150], // UH-1C Iroquois Slick (Army) + ["vn_b_air_uh1c_01_01",500,400,200], // UH-1C Iroquois Hog (Army) + ["vn_b_air_ah1g_02",500,400,200], // AH-1G Cobra (APERS) + ["vn_b_air_ah1g_03",500,400,200], // AH-1G Cobra (AT) + ["vn_b_air_ah1g_04",500,400,200], // AH-1G Cobra (CAS) + ["vn_b_air_ah1gd_05",500,400,200], // AH-1G Cobra (FAC) + ["vn_b_air_ah1g_01",500,400,200], // AH-1G Cobra (FFAR) + ["vn_b_air_uh1d_01_01",250,0,150], // UH-1D Iroquois (Dust Off) MedEvac + ["vn_b_air_f4c_at",1250,1250,450], // F-4C Phantom II (AT) + ["vn_b_air_f4c_cas",1250,1250,450], // F-4C Phantom II (CAS) + ["vn_b_air_f4c_cap",1250,1250,450] // F-4C Phantom II (CAP) +]; + +static_vehicles = [ + ["vn_b_army_static_m60_high",20,30,0], // M60 (High) + ["vn_b_army_static_m60_low",20,30,0], // M60 (Low) + ["vn_b_army_static_m1919a4_high",25,40,0], // M-1919A4 .30cal (High) + ["vn_b_army_static_m1919a4_low",25,40,0], // M-1919A4 .30cal (Low) + ["vn_b_army_static_m1919a6",35,40,0], // M-1919A6 .30cal + ["vn_b_army_static_m2_high",35,60,0], // M-2HB .50cal (High) + ["vn_b_army_static_m2_low",35,60,0], // M-2HB .50cal (Low) + ["vn_b_army_static_mortar_m2",40,80,0], // M2 60mm Mortar + ["vn_b_army_static_mortar_m29",50,100,0], // M29 81mm Mortar + ["vn_b_army_static_m45",50,100,0], // M-45 Quadmount + ["vn_b_army_static_m101",80,100,0], // M101 105mm Howitzer + ["vn_b_static_tow",80,100,0] // BGM71 TOW +]; + +buildings = [ + ["Flag_RedCrystal_F",0,0,0], + ["Flag_White_F",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_army_hut_int",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_army_hut_storrage",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_army_hut2_int",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_army_hut3_long_int",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_foxhole_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_gunpit_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_mortarpit_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_prop_fuelbladder_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_prop_fuelbladder_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_prop_fuelbladder_03",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_prop_fuelbladder_04",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_tower_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_05_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_05_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_05_03",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_20_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_20_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_45_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_45_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_90_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_90_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_bunker_01_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_bunker_01_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_bunker_01_03",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_bunker_02_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_bunker_02_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_bunker_02_03",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_bunker_02_04",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_bunker_03_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_bunker_03_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_bunker_03_03",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_bunker_03_04",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_bunker_04_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_bunker_05_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_bunker_05_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_bunker_06_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_bunker_06_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_corner_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_cross_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_cross_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_end_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_firing_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_firing_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_firing_03",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_firing_04",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_firing_05",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_revetment_05_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_revetment_90_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_revetment_tall_03",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_revetment_tall_09",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_stair_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_stair_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_tee_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_wall_01_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_wall_01_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_wall_01_03",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_wall_03_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_wall_03_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_wall_03_03",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_wall_05_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_wall_05_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_wall_05_03",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_wall_10_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_wall_10_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_b_trench_wall_10_03",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_bagbunker_01_large_green_f",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_bagbunker_01_small_green_f",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_bagbunker_large_f",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_bagbunker_small_f",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_barracks_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_barracks_02_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_barracks_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_barracks_03_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_barracks_03_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_barracks_03_03",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_barracks_03",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_barracks_04_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_barracks_04",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_barracks_03",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_barracks_03_04",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_barracks_04_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_guardhouse_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_guardtower_01_f",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_helipadcircle_f",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_helipadrescue_f",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_helipadsquare_f",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_hootch_01_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_hootch_01_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_hootch_01_11",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_hootch_01_12",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_hootch_01_13",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_hootch_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_hootch_02_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_hootch_02_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_hootch_02_11",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_hootch_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_latrine_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_mobileradar_01_generator_f",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_mobileradar_01_radar_f",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_sandbagbarricade_01_f",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_sandbagbarricade_01_half_f",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_sandbagbarricade_01_hole_f",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_shower_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_tent_01_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_tent_01_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_tent_01_03",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_tent_01_04",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_tent_02_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_tent_02_02",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_tent_02_03",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_tent_02_04",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_usaf_fueltank_75_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_usaf_hangar_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_usaf_revetment_helipad_01",0,0,0], + ["Land_vn_usaf_revetment_helipad_02",0,0,0], + ["PortableHelipadLight_01_blue_F",0,0,0], + ["PortableHelipadLight_01_green_F",0,0,0], + ["PortableHelipadLight_01_red_F",0,0,0], + ["vn_b_prop_fmradio_01",0,0,0], + ["vn_bar_01_campchair_01",0,0,0], + ["vn_flag_101stab",0,0,0], + ["vn_flag_1stcav",0,0,0], + ["vn_flag_25thid",0,0,0], + ["vn_flag_arvn",0,0,0], + ["vn_flag_aus",0,0,0], + ["vn_flag_nz",0,0,0], + ["vn_flag_sog",0,0,0], + ["vn_flag_usa",0,0,0], + ["vn_flag_usarmy",0,0,0], + ["vn_flag_usmc",0,0,0], + ["vn_steeldrum_bbq_02",0,0,0], + ["vn_steeldrum_half_02",0,0,0], + ["vn_steeldrum_trash_02",0,0,0] +]; + +support_vehicles = [ + [Arsenal_typename,100,200,0], + [Respawn_truck_typename,200,0,100], + [FOB_box_typename,300,500,0], + [FOB_truck_typename,300,500,75], + [KP_liberation_small_storage_building,0,0,0], + [KP_liberation_large_storage_building,0,0,0], + [KP_liberation_recycle_building,250,0,0], + [KP_liberation_air_vehicle_building,1000,0,0], + [KP_liberation_heli_slot_building,250,0,0], + [KP_liberation_plane_slot_building,500,0,0], + ["vn_b_wheeled_m54_repair",325,0,75], // M185 Repair + ["vn_b_wheeled_m54_fuel",125,0,275], // M49 Fuel + ["vn_b_wheeled_m54_ammo",125,200,75], // M54 Ammo + ["B_Slingload_01_Repair_F",275,0,0], // Huron Repair + ["B_Slingload_01_Fuel_F",75,0,200], // Huron Fuel + ["B_Slingload_01_Ammo_F",75,200,0] // Huron Ammo +]; + +/* + --- Squads --- + Pre-made squads for the commander build menu. + These shouldn't exceed 10 members. +*/ + +// Light infantry squad. +blufor_squad_inf_light = [ + "vn_b_men_army_02", + "vn_b_men_army_15", // Rifleman + "vn_b_men_army_15", // Rifleman + "vn_b_men_army_12", // Rifleman (AT) + "vn_b_men_army_07", // Grenadier + "vn_b_men_army_06", // Autorifleman + "vn_b_men_army_06", // Autorifleman + "vn_b_men_army_10", // Marksman + "vn_b_men_army_03", // Combat Life Saver + "vn_b_men_army_04" // Engineer +]; + +// Heavy infantry squad. +blufor_squad_inf = [ + "vn_b_men_army_02", + "vn_b_men_army_12", // Rifleman (AT) + "vn_b_men_army_12", // Rifleman (AT) + "vn_b_men_army_07", // Grenadier + "vn_b_men_army_06", // Autorifleman + "vn_b_men_army_06", // Autorifleman + "vn_b_men_army_06", // Autorifleman + "vn_b_men_army_11", // Sharpshooter + "vn_b_men_army_03", // Combat Life Saver + "vn_b_men_army_04" // Engineer +]; + +// AT specialists squad. +blufor_squad_at = [ + "vn_b_men_army_02", + "vn_b_men_army_15", // Rifleman + "vn_b_men_army_15", // Rifleman + "vn_b_men_army_12", // Rifleman (AT) + "vn_b_men_army_12", // Rifleman (AT) + "vn_b_men_army_12", // Rifleman (AT) + "vn_b_men_army_03", + "vn_b_men_army_15" // Rifleman +]; + +// AA specialists squad. Never gonna be available in VN <--- stimme ich zu, könnte also ganz weg (weiß nicht, wie das dann gelöst wird) +blufor_squad_aa = [ + "vn_b_men_army_02", + "vn_b_men_army_15", // Rifleman + "vn_b_men_army_15", // Rifleman + "B_soldier_AA_F", // AA Specialist (Won't be any for VN) + "B_soldier_AA_F", // AA Specialist (Won't be any for VN) + "B_soldier_AA_F", // AA Specialist (Won't be any for VN) + "vn_b_men_army_03", // Combat Life Saver + "vn_b_men_army_15" // Rifleman +]; + +// Force recon squad. +blufor_squad_recon = [ + "vn_b_men_sf_01", + "vn_b_men_sf_04", // Recon Scout + "vn_b_men_sf_04", // Recon Scout + "vn_b_men_sf_13", // Recon Scout (AT) + "vn_b_men_sf_21", // Recon Marksman + "vn_b_men_sf_21", // Recon Marksman + "vn_b_men_sf_14", + "vn_b_men_sf_14", + "vn_b_men_sf_02", // Recon Paramedic + "vn_b_men_sf_03" // Recon Demolition Expert +]; + +// Paratroopers squad (The units of this squad will automatically get parachutes on build) +blufor_squad_para = [ + "vn_b_men_army_16", // Para Trooper + "vn_b_men_army_16", // Para Trooper + "vn_b_men_army_16", // Para Trooper + "vn_b_men_army_16", // Para Trooper + "vn_b_men_army_16", // Para Trooper + "vn_b_men_army_16", // Para Trooper + "vn_b_men_army_16", // Para Trooper + "vn_b_men_army_16", // Para Trooper + "vn_b_men_army_16", // Para Trooper + "vn_b_men_army_16" // Para Trooper +]; + +/* + --- Elite vehicles --- + Classnames below have to be unlocked by capturing military bases. + Which base locks a vehicle is randomized on the first start of the campaign. +*/ +elite_vehicles = []; diff --git a/Missionframework/presets/civilians/vn.sqf b/Missionframework/presets/civilians/vn.sqf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..438980fee --- /dev/null +++ b/Missionframework/presets/civilians/vn.sqf @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/* + Needed Mods: + - S.O.G. Prairie Fire CDLC + + Optional Mods: + - None +*/ + +// Civilian classnames. +civilians = [ + "vn_c_men_01", + "vn_c_men_02", + "vn_c_men_03", + "vn_c_men_04", + "vn_c_men_09", + "vn_c_men_10", + "vn_c_men_11", + "vn_c_men_12", + "vn_c_men_13", + "vn_c_men_14", + "vn_c_men_15", + "vn_c_men_16", + "vn_c_men_17", + "vn_c_men_18", + "vn_c_men_19", + "vn_c_men_20", + "vn_c_men_21", + "vn_c_men_22", + "vn_c_men_23", + "vn_c_men_24", + "vn_c_men_25", + "vn_c_men_26", + "vn_c_men_27", + "vn_c_men_28", + "vn_c_men_29", + "vn_c_men_30", + "vn_c_men_31", + "vn_c_men_32" +]; + +// Civilian vehicle classnames. +civilian_vehicles = [ + "vn_c_bicycle_01", + "vn_c_bicycle_02" +]; diff --git a/Missionframework/presets/init_presets.sqf b/Missionframework/presets/init_presets.sqf index 5eafe1b0e..cf4a8a1a0 100644 --- a/Missionframework/presets/init_presets.sqf +++ b/Missionframework/presets/init_presets.sqf @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ switch (KP_liberation_preset_blufor) do { case 28: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\blufor\sfp_wdl.sqf";}; case 29: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\blufor\sfp_des.sqf";}; case 30: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\blufor\enoch.sqf";}; + case 31: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\blufor\vn.sqf";}; default {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\blufor\custom.sqf";}; }; @@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ switch (KP_liberation_preset_opfor) do { case 18: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\opfor\CUP_CDF.sqf";}; case 19: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\opfor\CUP_BAF_Desert.sqf";}; case 20: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\opfor\CUP_BAF_Woodland.sqf";}; + case 21: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\opfor\vn.sqf";}; default {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\opfor\custom.sqf";}; }; @@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ switch (KP_liberation_preset_resistance) do { case 6: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\resistance\unsung.sqf";}; case 7: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\resistance\CUP_TakiLocals.sqf";}; case 8: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\resistance\CUP_NAPA.sqf";}; + case 9: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\resistance\vn.sqf";}; default {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\resistance\custom.sqf";}; }; @@ -86,6 +89,7 @@ switch (KP_liberation_preset_civilians) do { case 5: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\civilians\unsung.sqf";}; case 6: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\civilians\CUP_TakiCivs.sqf";}; case 7: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\civilians\CUP_ChernoCivs.sqf";}; + case 8: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\civilians\vn.sqf";}; default {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "presets\civilians\custom.sqf";}; }; @@ -159,7 +163,31 @@ GRLIB_ignore_colisions_when_building = [ "B_Mortar_01_F", // Mk6 Mortar "ACE_friesAnchorBar", // ACE FRIES "ACE_friesGantryReverse", // ACE FRIES - "ACE_friesGantry" // ACE FRIES + "ACE_friesGantry", // ACE FRIES + "vn_b_army_static_m60_high", // M60 (High) + "vn_b_army_static_m60_low", // M60 (Low) + "vn_b_army_static_m1919a4_high", // M-1919A4 .30cal (High) + "vn_b_army_static_m1919a4_low", // M-1919A4 .30cal (Low) + "vn_b_army_static_m1919a6", // M-1919A6 .30cal + "vn_b_army_static_m2_high", // M-2HB .50cal (High) + "vn_b_army_static_m2_low", // M-2HB .50cal (Low) + "vn_b_army_static_mortar_m2", // M2 60mm Mortar + "vn_b_army_static_mortar_m29", // M29 81mm Mortar + "Land_vn_b_foxhole_01", + "Land_vn_b_gunpit_01", + "Land_vn_b_mortarpit_01", + "Land_vn_bagbunker_01_small_green_f", + "Land_vn_bagbunker_small_f", + "vn_flag_101stab", + "vn_flag_1stcav", + "vn_flag_25thid", + "vn_flag_arvn", + "vn_flag_aus", + "vn_flag_nz", + "vn_flag_sog", + "vn_flag_usa", + "vn_flag_usarmy", + "vn_flag_usmc" ]; /* diff --git a/Missionframework/presets/opfor/vn.sqf b/Missionframework/presets/opfor/vn.sqf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd35ad6a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Missionframework/presets/opfor/vn.sqf @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +/* + Needed Mods: + - S.O.G. Prairie Fire CDLC + + Optional Mods: + - None +*/ + +// Enemy infantry classes +opfor_officer = "vn_o_men_nva_01"; +opfor_squad_leader = "vn_o_men_nva_06"; +opfor_team_leader = "vn_o_men_nva_03"; +opfor_sentry = "vn_o_men_nva_02"; +opfor_rifleman = "vn_o_men_nva_05"; +opfor_rpg = "vn_o_men_nva_14"; +opfor_grenadier = "vn_o_men_nva_07"; +opfor_machinegunner = "vn_o_men_nva_11"; +opfor_heavygunner = "vn_o_men_nva_11"; +opfor_marksman = "vn_o_men_nva_10"; +opfor_sharpshooter = "vn_o_men_nva_10"; +opfor_sniper = "vn_o_men_nva_10"; +opfor_at = "vn_o_men_nva_14"; +opfor_aa = "vn_o_men_nva_43"; +opfor_medic = "vn_o_men_nva_08"; +opfor_engineer = "vn_o_men_nva_09"; +opfor_paratrooper = "vn_o_men_nva_12"; + +// Enemy vehicles used by secondary objectives. +opfor_mrap = "vn_o_wheeled_btr40_01"; +opfor_mrap_armed = "vn_o_wheeled_btr40_mg_01"; +opfor_transport_helo = "vn_o_air_mi2_01_01"; +opfor_transport_truck = "vn_o_wheeled_z157_01"; +opfor_ammobox_transport = "vn_o_wheeled_z157_02"; +opfor_fuel_truck = "vn_o_wheeled_z157_fuel"; +opfor_ammo_truck = "vn_o_wheeled_z157_ammo"; +opfor_fuel_container = "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_fuel_F"; +opfor_ammo_container = "Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_ammo_F"; +opfor_flag = "vn_flag_pavn"; + +/* Adding a value to these arrays below will add them to a one out of however many in the array, random pick chance. +Therefore, adding the same value twice or three times means they are more likely to be chosen more often. */ + +/* Militia infantry. Lightweight soldier classnames the game will pick from randomly as sector defenders. +Think of them like garrison or military police forces, which are more meant to control the local population instead of fighting enemy armies. */ +militia_squad = [ + "vn_o_men_nva_06", + "vn_o_men_nva_05", + "vn_o_men_nva_06", + "vn_o_men_nva_04", + "vn_o_men_nva_07", + "vn_o_men_nva_09", + "vn_o_men_nva_11", + "vn_o_men_nva_12", + "vn_o_men_nva_14", + "vn_o_men_nva_01", + "vn_o_men_nva_02", + "vn_o_men_nva_02", + "vn_o_men_nva_04", + "vn_o_men_nva_07", + "vn_o_men_nva_08", + "vn_o_men_nva_13", + "vn_o_men_nva_05" +]; + +// Militia vehicles. Lightweight vehicle classnames the game will pick from randomly as sector defenders. Can also be empty for only infantry milita. +militia_vehicles = [ + "vn_o_wheeled_btr40_mg_01" +]; + +// All enemy vehicles that can spawn as sector defenders and patrols at high enemy combat readiness (aggression levels). +opfor_vehicles = [ + "vn_o_wheeled_z157_mg_01", + "vn_o_wheeled_z157_mg_02", + "vn_o_wheeled_btr40_mg_02", + "vn_o_wheeled_btr40_mg_01", + "vn_o_wheeled_btr40_mg_03", + "vn_o_armor_type63_01_nva65" +]; + +// All enemy vehicles that can spawn as sector defenders and patrols but at a lower enemy combat readiness (aggression levels). +opfor_vehicles_low_intensity = [ + "vn_o_wheeled_z157_mg_01", + "vn_o_wheeled_btr40_mg_01", + "vn_o_wheeled_btr40_mg_02" +]; + +// All enemy vehicles that can spawn as battlegroups, either assaulting or as reinforcements, at high enemy combat readiness (aggression levels). +opfor_battlegroup_vehicles = [ + "vn_o_wheeled_z157_mg_01", + "vn_o_wheeled_z157_mg_02", + "vn_o_wheeled_z157_01", + "vn_o_wheeled_btr40_mg_02", + "vn_o_wheeled_btr40_mg_01", + "vn_o_wheeled_btr40_mg_03", + "vn_o_armor_type63_01_nva65" +]; + +// All enemy vehicles that can spawn as battlegroups, either assaulting or as reinforcements, at lower enemy combat readiness (aggression levels). +opfor_battlegroup_vehicles_low_intensity = [ + "vn_o_wheeled_z157_mg_01", + "vn_o_wheeled_btr40_mg_02", + "vn_o_wheeled_btr40_mg_01" +]; + +/* All vehicles that spawn within battlegroups (see the above 2 arrays) and also hold 8 soldiers as passengers. +If something in this array can't hold all 8 soldiers then buggy behaviours may occur. */ +opfor_troup_transports = [ + "vn_o_wheeled_z157_01", + "vn_o_wheeled_btr40_01" +]; + +// Enemy rotary-wings that will need to spawn in flight. +opfor_choppers = [ + "vn_o_air_mi2_04_05", + "vn_o_air_mi2_04_02", + "vn_o_air_mi2_04_03", + "vn_o_air_mi2_05_06", + "vn_o_air_mi2_05_01", + "vn_o_air_mi2_05_03", + "vn_o_air_mi2_03_06", + "vn_o_air_mi2_03_03" +]; + +// Enemy fixed-wings that will need to spawn in the air. +opfor_air = [ +]; diff --git a/Missionframework/presets/resistance/vn.sqf b/Missionframework/presets/resistance/vn.sqf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e2a7fc296 --- /dev/null +++ b/Missionframework/presets/resistance/vn.sqf @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +/* + Needed Mods: + - S.O.G. Prairie Fire CDLC + + Optional Mods: + - None +*/ + +/* Classnames of the guerilla faction which is friendly or hostile, depending on the civil reputation +Standard loadout of the units will be replaced with a scripted one, which depends on the guerilla strength, after spawn */ +KP_liberation_guerilla_units = [ + "vn_i_men_army_01", + "vn_i_men_army_03", + "vn_i_men_army_04", + "vn_i_men_army_08", + "vn_i_men_army_15", + "vn_i_men_army_19", + "vn_i_men_army_21", + "vn_i_men_army_22" +]; + +// Armed vehicles +KP_liberation_guerilla_vehicles = [ + "vn_i_wheeled_m151_mg_01_mp" +]; + +/* Guerilla Equipment +There are 3 tiers for every category. If the strength of the guerillas will increase, they'll have higher tier equipment. */ + +/* Weapons - You've to add the weapons as array like +["Weaponclassname","Magazineclassname","magazine amount","optic","tripod"] +You can leave optic and tripod empty with "" */ +KP_liberation_guerilla_weapons_1 = [ + ["vn_m1carbine","vn_carbine_15_t_mag",8,"",""], + ["vn_m1897","vn_m1897_buck_mag",20,"",""], + ["vn_m1895","vn_m1895_mag",4,"",""], + ["vn_m45","vn_m45_t_mag",4,"",""], + ["vn_m3a1","vn_m3a1_t_mag",4,"",""], + ["vn_mc10","vn_mc10_t_mag",4,"",""] +]; + +KP_liberation_guerilla_weapons_2 = [ + ["vn_m2carbine","vn_carbine_30_t_mag",4,"vn_o_3x_m84",""], + ["vn_m2carbine","vn_carbine_30_t_mag",4,"",""], + ["vn_m16","vn_m16_20_t_mag",6,"",""], + ["vn_m16","vn_m16_20_t_mag",6,"",""], + ["vn_m16","vn_m16_20_t_mag",6,"",""], + ["vn_m14","vn_m14_t_mag",6,"",""], + ["vn_m3a1","vn_m3a1_t_mag",4,"",""] +]; + +KP_liberation_guerilla_weapons_3 = [ + ["vn_m16","vn_m16_30_t_mag",6,"vn_o_4x_m16",""], + ["vn_m16","vn_m16_30_t_mag",6,"vn_o_4x_m16",""], + ["vn_m14","vn_m14_t_mag",6,"",""], + ["vn_m14","vn_m14_t_mag",6,"vn_o_9x_m14",""], + ["vn_m60","vn_m60_100_mag",2,"",""], + ["vn_m79","vn_40mm_m381_he_mag",15,"",""] +]; + +// Uniforms +KP_liberation_guerilla_uniforms_1 = [ + "vn_o_uniform_vc_05_01", + "vn_o_uniform_vc_05_04", + "vn_o_uniform_vc_05_03", + "vn_o_uniform_vc_05_02" +]; + +KP_liberation_guerilla_uniforms_2 = [ + "vn_o_uniform_vc_01_02", + "vn_o_uniform_vc_01_07", + "vn_o_uniform_vc_01_03", + "vn_o_uniform_vc_reg_12_08", + "vn_o_uniform_vc_01_06", + "vn_o_uniform_vc_reg_12_09" +]; + +KP_liberation_guerilla_uniforms_3 = [ + "vn_o_uniform_vc_mf_04_07", + "vn_o_uniform_vc_mf_03_07", + "vn_o_uniform_vc_mf_02_07" +]; + +// Vests +KP_liberation_guerilla_vests_1 = [ + "vn_o_vest_04", + "vn_o_vest_05" +]; + +KP_liberation_guerilla_vests_2 = [ + "vn_o_vest_04", + "vn_o_vest_05", + "vn_o_vest_vc_01", + "vn_o_vest_vc_03" +]; + +KP_liberation_guerilla_vests_3 = [ + "vn_o_vest_vc_01", + "vn_o_vest_vc_05", + "vn_o_vest_vc_04", + "vn_o_vest_vc_03", + "vn_o_vest_vc_02" +]; + +// Headgear +KP_liberation_guerilla_headgear_1 = [ + "vn_c_conehat_02", + "vn_c_conehat_01", + "vn_c_headband_01", + "vn_c_headband_02", + "vn_c_headband_03", + "vn_b_headband_03", + "vn_b_bandana_03", + "vn_b_bandana_01" +]; + +KP_liberation_guerilla_headgear_2 = [ + "vn_b_boonie_03_03", + "vn_b_boonie_04_03", + "vn_b_boonie_04_01", + "vn_b_boonie_05_01", + "vn_o_boonie_vc_01_01", + "vn_o_boonie_vc_01_02" +]; + +KP_liberation_guerilla_headgear_3 = [ + "vn_b_helmet_m1_01_01", + "vn_b_helmet_m1_02_02", + "vn_o_helmet_vc_01", + "vn_o_helmet_vc_03", + "vn_b_helmet_sog_01" +]; + +// Facegear. Applies for tier 2 and 3. +KP_liberation_guerilla_facegear = [ + "", + "", + "", + "vn_b_scarf_01_01", + "vn_b_scarf_01_03", + "vn_b_aviator" +]; diff --git a/Missionframework/scripts/client/CfgFunctions.hpp b/Missionframework/scripts/client/CfgFunctions.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/scripts/client/CfgFunctions.hpp rename to Missionframework/scripts/client/CfgFunctions.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/scripts/client/init_client.sqf b/Missionframework/scripts/client/init_client.sqf index 9a3e2edc0..541153d57 100644 --- a/Missionframework/scripts/client/init_client.sqf +++ b/Missionframework/scripts/client/init_client.sqf @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ switch (KP_liberation_arsenal) do { case 14: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "arsenal_presets\vanilla_csat_ghex.sqf";}; case 15: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "arsenal_presets\vanilla_aaf.sqf";}; case 16: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "arsenal_presets\vanilla_ldf.sqf";}; + case 17: {[] call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "arsenal_presets\vn.sqf";}; default {GRLIB_arsenal_weapons = [];GRLIB_arsenal_magazines = [];GRLIB_arsenal_items = [];GRLIB_arsenal_backpacks = [];}; }; diff --git a/Missionframework/scripts/client/tutorial/CfgTaskDescriptions.hpp b/Missionframework/scripts/client/tutorial/CfgTaskDescriptions.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/scripts/client/tutorial/CfgTaskDescriptions.hpp rename to Missionframework/scripts/client/tutorial/CfgTaskDescriptions.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/scripts/fob_templates/sogpf/template1.sqf b/Missionframework/scripts/fob_templates/sogpf/template1.sqf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0fdf71fa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Missionframework/scripts/fob_templates/sogpf/template1.sqf @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +private _objects_to_build = [ + ["Land_vn_table_ep1", [-7.31, 0.75, 0.00], 183.06], + ["Land_vn_table_ep1", [-7.05, 2.52, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_01", [-8.17, -1.25, 0.00], 1.67], + [opfor_flag, [-1.94, -7.42, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_01", [-7.85, 3.49, 0.00], 10.28], + ["vn_o_ammobox_full_03", [3.98, 7.81, 0.00], 211.82], + ["vn_o_ammobox_full_01", [4.89, 7.93, -0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_table_ep1", [-8.99, -2.42, 0.00], 332.09], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_01", [-8.20, -5.33, 0.00], 6.53], + ["vn_steeldrum_bbq_02", [-8.48, 4.92, 0.00], 137.26], + ["vn_o_ammobox_full_02", [4.94, 8.58, -0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_foodsacks_01_small_white_idap_f", [-9.75, 1.90, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_metalbarrel_f", [-9.55, 3.10, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_01_10", [-6.52, -7.69, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_metalbarrel_f", [-9.86, 2.55, 0.00], 0.00], + ["vn_o_ammobox_kit_nva", [6.03, 8.32, -0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_crateswooden_f", [-8.50, -6.01, 0.00], 58.54], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_01", [5.30, 9.57, -0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_chair", [3.49, 12.45, -0.00], 237.44], + [opfor_mrap, [-8.83, -9.47, -0.00], 269.33], + ["Land_vn_chair", [4.76, 12.67, 0.00], 218.60], + ["Land_vn_wf_vehicle_service_point_east", [12.03, -6.86, -0.00], 268.66], + ["Land_vn_chair", [4.10, 13.78, 0.00], 253.54], + ["Land_vn_bamboofence_01_s_d_f", [-12.38, -7.39, 0.00], 203.46], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_01", [5.21, 13.75, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_wf_field_hospital_east", [-14.80, -1.31, 0.00], 272.88], + ["Land_vn_chair", [3.64, 15.09, -0.00], 278.69], + ["Land_vn_b_prop_mapstand_01", [6.51, 14.86, -0.00], 67.21], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [18.16, 0.27, 0.00], 264.18], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [17.83, 4.30, 0.00], 267.67], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [18.19, -3.86, 0.00], 274.43], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_02", [1.05, 17.97, 0.00], 1.39], + ["Land_vn_metalbarrel_empty_f", [-1.60, 17.63, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [17.78, 8.48, 0.00], 269.83], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [18.05, -7.98, 0.00], 268.23], + ["Land_vn_pavn_weapons_stack3", [0.21, 18.41, -0.02], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_01", [-3.19, 18.15, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_metalbarrel_f", [-3.19, 18.73, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_waterbarrel_f", [-1.94, 18.94, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_barel8", [-2.84, 19.30, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_barel8", [-3.55, 19.27, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [17.90, 11.38, 0.00], 275.35], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [17.81, -12.04, 0.00], 278.98], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [-22.05, 2.28, 0.00], 94.04], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [-22.55, -1.88, 0.00], 100.95], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [-21.92, 6.38, 0.00], 91.40], + ["Land_vn_o_tower_02", [13.92, -17.93, 0.00], 233.39], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [16.55, -15.91, 0.00], 297.31], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [-20.90, 10.26, 0.00], 118.47], + ["Land_vn_o_tower_01", [-10.16, 20.55, 0.00], 91.07], + ["Land_vn_o_tower_01", [-15.16, 16.85, 0.00], 1.14], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [-23.13, -5.89, 0.00], 97.24], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [-19.46, 14.13, 0.00], 100.40], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [-0.44, 25.01, 0.00], 182.37], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_05", [17.98, 15.91, 0.00], 178.55], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [3.71, 24.84, 0.00], 182.37], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [-4.57, 24.86, 0.00], 172.39], + ["Land_vn_o_wallfoliage_01", [11.54, -20.89, 0.00], 239.46], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [-23.49, -10.07, 0.00], 91.91], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_03", [14.86, -19.28, 0.00], 141.40], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [7.83, 24.74, 0.00], 182.37], + ["Land_vn_o_wallfoliage_01", [7.88, -23.13, 0.00], 240.98], + ["Land_vn_o_wallfoliage_01", [4.21, -24.54, 0.00], 74.40], + ["Land_vn_o_wallfoliage_01", [15.12, 20.18, 0.00], 150.58], + ["Land_vn_o_wallfoliage_01", [-17.96, 17.88, 0.00], 216.52], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [-23.27, -14.18, 0.00], 81.93], + ["Land_vn_o_wallfoliage_01", [-8.67, 24.25, 0.00], 263.50], + ["Land_vn_o_wallfoliage_01", [-15.76, 20.69, 0.00], 223.25], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [-12.99, -24.67, 0.00], 31.00], + ["Land_vn_o_wallfoliage_01", [-12.64, 23.10, 0.00], 242.73], + ["Land_vn_o_tower_02", [-19.30, -20.25, 0.00], 306.41], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_05", [-0.05, -27.41, -0.00], 271.34], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [-16.67, -22.72, 0.00], 21.18], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02", [-22.12, -18.09, 0.00], 64.86], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_05", [13.04, 24.69, 0.00], 127.23], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_02_gate", [-4.48, -26.90, -0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_05", [-8.95, -28.07, 0.00], 271.34], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_03", [-19.87, -21.34, 0.00], 217.44], + [opfor_mrap_armed, [6.47, -21.24, 0.00], 242.37] +]; +private _objectives_to_build = [ + // Move all things which should be destroyed to accomplish the mission from the above to this array + [opfor_fuel_truck, [8.20, 0.85, 0.00], 267.55], + [opfor_ammo_truck, [6.25, -7.59, 0.00], 178.72] +]; +private _defenders_to_build = [ + [opfor_rifleman, [-6.81, -0.71, 0.00], 144.19], + [opfor_rifleman, [-7.10, -2.99, 0.00], 83.87], + [opfor_rifleman, [7.81, -2.51, 0.00], 271.34], + [opfor_heavygunner, [5.29, 11.72, 0.00], 0.00], + [opfor_medic, [-13.97, 1.41, 0.09], 0.00], + [opfor_rifleman, [-15.45, -1.32, 0.10], 0.00], + [opfor_marksman, [13.73, -17.69, 4.44], 138.93], + [opfor_grenadier, [-10.22, 20.11, 4.45], 0.00], + [opfor_rifleman, [18.76, 16.85, 0.00], 101.13], + [opfor_marksman, [-19.03, -20.06, 4.44], 223.03], + [opfor_marksman, [13.05, 25.36, 0.00], 0.00], + [opfor_rifleman, [-9.07, -28.27, 0.00], 109.23] +]; +private _base_corners = [ + [40, 40, 0], + [40, -40, 0], + [-40, -40, 0], + [-40, 40, 0] +]; + +[_objects_to_build, _objectives_to_build, _defenders_to_build, _base_corners] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Missionframework/scripts/fob_templates/sogpf/template2.sqf b/Missionframework/scripts/fob_templates/sogpf/template2.sqf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..89fd20614 --- /dev/null +++ b/Missionframework/scripts/fob_templates/sogpf/template2.sqf @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +private _objects_to_build = [ + ["Land_vn_t_leucaena_f", [0.51, -5.38, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_rubber_tree_01", [-2.26, -9.03, 0.00], 163.73], + ["Land_vn_t_leucaena_f", [-5.58, -7.05, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_snipertree_03", [0.07, -1.93, 0.00], 74.93], + ["Land_vn_t_leucaena_f", [-18.77, -1.53, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_t_leucaena_f", [-17.87, 6.50, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_03", [21.65, -2.60, 0.00], 182.41], + ["Land_vn_rubber_tree_01", [-22.39, 1.34, 0.00], 163.73], + ["vn_campfire_burning_f", [-15.37, -17.06, -0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_03", [20.59, -9.63, 0.00], 205.46], + ["Land_vn_b_sambucusnigra_2s", [-1.12, 23.13, -0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_04", [-7.59, -23.22, 0.00], 281.39], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [24.61, 2.91, 0.00], 80.72], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_02", [-17.06, 19.06, 0.00], 337.82], + ["Land_vn_o_snipertree_02", [19.90, 12.94, 0.00], 222.80], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [6.85, 24.47, 0.00], 26.94], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_04", [-14.36, -21.34, 0.00], 287.80], + ["Land_vn_b_sambucusnigra_1s", [-3.92, 25.25, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_01", [-21.00, 16.15, 0.00], 143.85], + ["Land_vn_rubber_tree_01", [16.87, -20.46, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_campfire_f", [-21.40, 15.93, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_03", [-19.24, -17.94, 0.00], 314.44], + ["Land_vn_d_fallentrunk_branches_f", [2.96, -26.85, 0.00], 289.17], + ["Land_vn_o_tower_01", [-6.98, 28.17, 0.00], 87.03], + ["Land_vn_o_snipertree_01", [11.43, -26.51, 0.00], 319.30], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_05", [24.07, -14.80, 0.00], 99.56], + ["Land_vn_o_tower_02", [-28.76, 10.08, 0.00], 31.40], + ["Land_vn_rubber_tree_01", [15.76, -24.73, 0.00], 163.73], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_05", [-13.16, 26.90, 0.00], 150.94], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_05", [19.86, -22.76, 0.00], 131.39], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [-12.55, -27.51, 0.00], 195.37], + ["Land_vn_d_fallentrunk_clear_f", [-5.02, -29.74, 0.00], 254.61], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_03", [-26.23, 16.41, 0.00], 128.33], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_05", [-22.98, -20.90, 0.00], 226.77], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_03", [-23.96, 19.67, 0.00], 145.65], + ["Land_vn_o_tower_02", [-28.68, -15.58, 0.00], 329.60] +]; + +private _objectives_to_build = [ + // Move all things which should be destroyed to accomplish the mission from the above to this array + [opfor_ammo_truck, [14.97, -17.82, 0.00], 42.05], + [opfor_ammo_truck, [-14.11, 2.04, -0.00], 17.81] +]; + +private _defenders_to_build = [ + [opfor_marksman, [-0.77, 1.26, 15.14], 0.00], + [opfor_rifleman, [-17.67, 3.31, 0.00], 33.68], + [opfor_heavygunner, [20.21, -2.26, 0.00], 231.13], + [opfor_rifleman, [19.16, -8.03, 0.00], 322.23], + [opfor_rifleman, [-12.63, -18.50, 0.00], 0.00], + [opfor_rifleman, [11.02, -21.12, 0.00], 312.45], + [opfor_rifleman, [-17.95, -15.85, 0.00], 74.00], + [opfor_squad_leader, [-16.81, 17.70, 0.00], 170.83], + [opfor_engineer, [19.80, 12.89, 10.16], 75.70], + [opfor_marksman, [-7.04, 28.00, 4.44], 0.00], + [opfor_grenadier, [11.37, -26.79, 5.13], 157.30], + [opfor_rifleman, [-28.52, 9.88, 4.44], 0.00], + [opfor_marksman, [-28.22, -15.35, 4.44], 245.20] +]; + +private _base_corners = [ + [40, 40, 0], + [40, -40, 0], + [-40, -40, 0], + [-40, 40, 0] +]; + +[_objects_to_build, _objectives_to_build, _defenders_to_build, _base_corners] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Missionframework/scripts/fob_templates/sogpf/template3.sqf b/Missionframework/scripts/fob_templates/sogpf/template3.sqf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..160f795c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Missionframework/scripts/fob_templates/sogpf/template3.sqf @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +private _objects_to_build = [ + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_06", [-4.75, 3.22, 0.00], 169.95], + ["Land_vn_o_prop_cong_cage_03", [7.36, -2.13, -0.00], 80.95], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_06", [-7.76, 1.93, 0.00], 148.87], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_06", [-10.63, -0.64, 0.00], 107.98], + ["Land_vn_o_prop_cong_cage_03", [4.30, -9.79, 0.00], 160.63], + ["Land_vn_t_cyathea_f", [-5.31, 13.16, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_bunker_04", [7.03, 14.88, 0.00], 41.22], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_05", [-3.10, 15.42, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_t_palaquium_f", [-12.29, 3.13, 0.00], 95.83], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [15.66, 3.03, 0.00], 61.75], + ["Land_vn_o_snipertree_02", [13.26, -6.76, 0.00], 258.65], + ["Land_vn_t_cyathea_f", [1.14, 17.25, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_03", [-11.63, 13.38, 0.00], 146.40], + ["Land_vn_t_cyathea_f", [-5.58, -17.32, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_bunker_03", [-18.86, 9.02, 0.00], 324.41], + ["Land_vn_t_cyathea_f", [-10.99, -16.95, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_05", [18.41, -12.07, 0.00], 104.22], + ["Land_vn_o_bunker_03", [-17.76, -15.86, 0.00], 236.35], + ["Land_vn_t_palaquium_f", [-8.72, -19.05, 0.00], 210.99], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_03", [-22.95, 3.14, 0.00], 280.26], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [5.78, -22.92, 0.00], 166.17], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_03", [-22.14, -8.48, 0.00], 242.52], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_05", [-9.35, -22.27, 0.00], 205.31], + ["Land_vn_o_bunker_02", [14.43, -21.35, 0.00], 160.18] +]; +private _objectives_to_build = [ + // Move all things which should be destroyed to accomplish the mission from the above to this array + [opfor_ammo_truck, [0.44, -4.42, 0.00], 17.81] +]; +private _defenders_to_build = [ + [opfor_rifleman, [-3.89, 0.85, 0.00], 210.66], + [opfor_engineer, [4.16, -4.55, 0.00], 0.00], + [opfor_rifleman, [-7.85, -1.04, 0.00], 99.18], + [opfor_medic, [5.31, 13.03, 0.25], 303.40], + [opfor_marksman, [13.25, -6.67, 10.16], 109.01], + [opfor_heavygunner, [-18.88, 8.63, 0.15], 330.14], + [opfor_rifleman, [-17.60, -16.01, 0.14], 228.17], + [opfor_rifleman, [13.99, -20.32, 0.15], 157.66] +]; +private _base_corners = [ + [40, 40, 0], + [40, -40, 0], + [-40, -40, 0], + [-40, 40, 0] +]; +[_objects_to_build, _objectives_to_build, _defenders_to_build, _base_corners] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Missionframework/scripts/fob_templates/sogpf/template4.sqf b/Missionframework/scripts/fob_templates/sogpf/template4.sqf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..95d090875 --- /dev/null +++ b/Missionframework/scripts/fob_templates/sogpf/template4.sqf @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +private _objects_to_build = [ + [opfor_flag, [0.08, -0.06, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_us_common_bench_01", [10.66, -6.57, -0.00], 273.36], + ["Land_vn_woodentable_small_f", [11.57, -6.54, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_us_common_bench_01", [10.61, -8.17, -0.00], 270.78], + [opfor_mrap, [-13.32, -2.02, 0.00], 90.69], + ["Land_vn_woodentable_small_f", [11.51, -8.16, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_us_common_bench_01", [12.49, -6.61, 0.00], 273.36], + ["Land_vn_tenta_f", [12.09, 7.44, 0.00], 269.52], + ["Land_vn_us_common_bench_01", [13.62, -5.92, 0.00], 273.36], + ["Land_vn_us_common_bench_01", [12.44, -8.26, 0.00], 88.53], + ["Land_vn_tenta_f", [12.10, 9.65, 0.00], 269.52], + ["Land_vn_us_common_bench_01", [13.66, -7.63, 0.00], 268.98], + ["Land_vn_woodentable_small_f", [14.58, -6.11, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_woodentable_small_f", [14.57, -7.67, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_us_common_bench_01", [15.40, -6.09, 0.00], 273.36], + ["Land_vn_tenta_f", [12.09, 11.98, 0.00], 269.52], + ["Land_vn_us_common_bench_01", [15.42, -7.67, 0.00], 267.35], + ["Land_vn_ch_mod_c", [12.40, -12.65, 0.00], 270.12], + ["Land_vn_camonet_east", [14.46, -10.65, 0.00], 88.78], + ["Land_vn_tenta_f", [16.87, 7.43, 0.01], 89.15], + ["Land_vn_waterbarrel_f", [-5.36, 17.76, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_tower_01", [20.01, -0.74, 0.00], 180.30], + ["Land_vn_ch_mod_c", [13.16, -13.13, 0.00], 281.95], + ["Land_vn_ch_mod_c", [12.50, -13.79, 0.00], 244.51], + ["Land_vn_tenta_f", [12.10, 14.19, 0.00], 269.52], + ["Land_vn_wf_vehicle_service_point_east", [-17.94, 5.52, 0.00], 89.03], + ["Land_vn_ch_mod_c", [13.38, -14.06, 0.00], 258.02], + ["Land_vn_tenta_f", [16.86, 9.64, 0.00], 89.15], + ["Land_vn_waterbarrel_f", [-6.24, 18.78, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_b_prop_mapstand_01", [15.34, -12.78, 0.00], 78.57], + ["Land_vn_metalbarrel_f", [-7.74, 18.49, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_tower_01", [-21.67, 0.09, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [20.23, -0.23, 0.00], 270.25], + ["Land_vn_barel8", [-7.71, 18.93, 0.85], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_barel8", [-7.37, 19.09, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_ch_mod_c", [13.68, -15.22, 0.00], 244.51], + ["Land_vn_tenta_f", [12.22, 16.45, 0.00], 269.52], + ["Land_vn_metalbarrel_f", [-8.07, 19.05, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_tenta_f", [16.96, 11.90, 0.01], 89.15], + ["Land_vn_camonet_east", [-10.94, 17.81, 0.00], 359.62], + ["Land_vn_woodencrate_01_f", [-13.34, 16.42, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_woodencrate_01_f", [-10.87, 18.20, -0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_woodencrate_01_f", [-13.71, 16.44, 0.63], 168.35], + ["Land_vn_woodencrate_01_f", [-11.40, 18.25, 0.62], 168.34], + ["Land_vn_barel8", [-9.40, 19.37, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_metalbarrel_empty_f", [-9.99, 19.14, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_woodencrate_01_f", [-11.81, 18.20, -0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_woodencrate_01_f", [-14.29, 16.42, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [-21.88, -0.41, 0.00], 89.95], + ["Land_vn_tenta_f", [16.96, 14.11, 0.00], 89.15], + ["Land_vn_tenta_f", [12.23, 18.66, 0.01], 269.52], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [20.16, 9.69, 0.00], 270.65], + ["Land_vn_woodencrate_01_stack_x5_f", [-13.23, 18.26, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_woodencrate_01_stack_x3_f", [-15.86, 16.19, 0.00], 93.41], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [20.21, -10.31, 0.00], 271.17], + ["Land_vn_wf_vehicle_service_point_east", [-17.85, -14.77, -0.00], 89.03], + ["Land_vn_tenta_f", [16.93, 16.44, 0.00], 89.15], + ["Land_vn_crateswooden_f", [-15.37, 18.13, 0.00], 0.60], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [-21.91, 9.67, 0.00], 90.87], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [-21.76, -10.34, 0.00], 90.35], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_01_gate", [0.15, -24.74, -0.00], 359.42], + ["Land_vn_fence_bamboo_01_gate", [0.08, 24.94, 0.00], 179.21], + ["Land_vn_tenta_f", [16.93, 18.65, 0.00], 89.15], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_03", [-3.71, -24.89, -0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_03", [3.91, -24.90, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_03", [-3.79, 25.17, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_03", [3.96, 25.18, -0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_05", [-7.49, -25.27, 0.00], 271.06], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_05", [-7.54, 25.34, 0.00], 89.98], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_05", [7.74, -25.35, 0.00], 271.06], + ["Land_vn_o_shelter_05", [7.80, 25.39, 0.00], 90.37], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [20.21, 19.95, 0.00], 91.37], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [20.30, -20.36, 0.00], 269.52], + ["Land_vn_o_tower_02", [16.32, 25.41, 0.00], 90.67], + ["Land_vn_o_tower_02", [20.45, -22.06, 0.00], 180.35], + ["Land_vn_o_tower_02", [20.23, 22.24, 0.00], 179.84], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [-14.84, 25.29, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_tower_02", [-21.97, 21.08, 0.00], 358.82], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [-21.92, 19.71, 0.00], 90.00], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [15.25, 25.41, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [-21.80, -20.20, 0.00], 89.88], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [-14.81, -25.84, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_tower_02", [17.30, -25.99, 0.00], 269.52], + ["Land_vn_o_tower_02", [-17.80, -25.85, 0.00], 270.04], + ["Land_vn_o_tower_02", [-18.93, 25.09, 0.00], 87.99], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_10", [15.33, -26.07, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_o_tower_02", [-21.74, -22.73, 0.00], 359.21], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_03", [-21.08, 25.26, 0.00], 0.00], + ["Land_vn_fence_punji_01_03", [-21.10, -25.84, 0.00], 0.00], + [opfor_mrap, [-13.69, -6.95, 0.00], 90.69] +]; + +private _objectives_to_build = [ + // Move all things which should be destroyed to accomplish the mission from the above to this array + [opfor_ammo_truck, [-7.62, 5.86, 0.00], 179.59], + [opfor_fuel_truck, [-12.59, -13.82, -0.00], 0.00], + [opfor_fuel_truck, [-8.31, -14.04, 0.00], 0.00], + [opfor_ammo_truck, [-11.95, 5.93, -0.00], 179.59] +]; + +private _defenders_to_build = [ + [opfor_rifleman, [-0.68, -1.71, 0.00], 294.95], + [opfor_rifleman, [0.39, 2.39, 0.00], 225.26], + [opfor_rifleman, [-13.22, 0.77, 0.00], 124.16], + [opfor_engineer, [-13.58, -9.91, 0.00], 0.00], + [opfor_rifleman, [11.33, -13.36, 0.00], 0.00], + [opfor_at, [13.73, -11.54, 0.00], 230.90], + [opfor_engineer, [-9.93, 16.20, 0.00], 168.37], + [opfor_rifleman, [14.90, 12.36, 0.00], 0.00], + [opfor_squad_leader, [14.43, -13.66, 0.00], 243.73], + [opfor_grenadier, [19.67, -0.74, 4.44], 84.97], + [opfor_rifleman, [-21.78, 0.04, 4.44], 265.97], + [opfor_medic, [14.74, 18.09, 0.00], 0.00], + [opfor_heavygunner, [-7.41, -25.21, 0.00], 144.97], + [opfor_rifleman, [-7.69, 25.45, 0.00], 0.00], + [opfor_rifleman, [7.90, 25.50, 0.00], 0.00], + [opfor_rifleman, [8.01, -25.77, 0.00], 192.32], + [opfor_marksman, [19.89, -21.91, 4.44], 67.89], + [opfor_marksman, [19.81, 22.24, 4.45], 12.41], + [opfor_marksman, [17.00, -25.34, 4.44], 162.92], + [opfor_rifleman, [-17.52, -25.04, 4.44], 185.62], + [opfor_marksman, [-18.91, 24.53, 4.44], 0.00] +]; + +private _base_corners = [ + [40, 40, 0], + [40, -40, 0], + [-40, -40, 0], + [-40, 40, 0] +]; + +[_objects_to_build, _objectives_to_build, _defenders_to_build, _base_corners] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Missionframework/scripts/server/CfgFunctions.hpp b/Missionframework/scripts/server/CfgFunctions.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/scripts/server/CfgFunctions.hpp rename to Missionframework/scripts/server/CfgFunctions.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/scripts/server/init_server.sqf b/Missionframework/scripts/server/init_server.sqf index dcecb7252..0be8cc9d4 100644 --- a/Missionframework/scripts/server/init_server.sqf +++ b/Missionframework/scripts/server/init_server.sqf @@ -88,6 +88,14 @@ switch (KP_liberation_preset_opfor) do { "scripts\fob_templates\unsung\template5.sqf" ]; }; + case 21: { + KPLIB_fob_templates = [ + "scripts\fob_templates\sogpf\template1.sqf", + "scripts\fob_templates\sogpf\template2.sqf", + "scripts\fob_templates\sogpf\template3.sqf", + "scripts\fob_templates\sogpf\template4.sqf" + ]; + }; default { KPLIB_fob_templates = [ "scripts\fob_templates\default\template1.sqf", diff --git a/Missionframework/scripts/server/patrols/manage_patrols.sqf b/Missionframework/scripts/server/patrols/manage_patrols.sqf index 4ebadec5f..7d1ee642a 100644 --- a/Missionframework/scripts/server/patrols/manage_patrols.sqf +++ b/Missionframework/scripts/server/patrols/manage_patrols.sqf @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ sleep 5; waitUntil { sleep 0.3; !isNil "blufor_sectors" }; waitUntil { sleep 0.3; count blufor_sectors > 3 }; -if (worldName != "song_bin_tanh") then { +if !(worldName in KP_liberation_battlegroup_clearance) then { { [_x, false] spawn manage_one_patrol; sleep 1; diff --git a/Missionframework/scripts/shared/defines.hpp b/Missionframework/scripts/shared/defines.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/scripts/shared/defines.hpp rename to Missionframework/scripts/shared/defines.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/scripts/shared/fetch_params.sqf b/Missionframework/scripts/shared/fetch_params.sqf index 0219a2080..7463ccc1f 100644 --- a/Missionframework/scripts/shared/fetch_params.sqf +++ b/Missionframework/scripts/shared/fetch_params.sqf @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -#include "defines.hpp" +#include "defines.inc" // Check if ACE is running if (isClass (configfile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_common")) then {KP_liberation_ace = true; ["ACE detected. Deactivating resupply script from Liberation.", "MOD"] call KPLIB_fnc_log;} else {KP_liberation_ace = false}; diff --git a/Missionframework/stringtable.xml b/Missionframework/stringtable.xml index 6d052ecbf..afcd38079 100644 --- a/Missionframework/stringtable.xml +++ b/Missionframework/stringtable.xml @@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ - CTI 34 KP Liberation v0.96.7a + CTI 34 KP Liberation v0.96.7a - v0.96.7a + v0.96.7a - Deploy + Deploy Déploiement Bereitstellen Despliegue @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Výsadek - Deployment in progress ... + Deployment in progress ... Déploiement en cours ... Bereitstellung in Arbeit Despliegue en curso ... @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Probíhá Výsadek... - Close + Close Fermer Schliessen Cerca @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Zavřít - YOU ARE WOUNDED + YOU ARE WOUNDED VOUS ETES BLESSE DU BIST VERWUNDET ESTAS HERIDO @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ JSI V BEZVĚDOMÍ - -- BUILD -- + -- BUILD -- -- CONSTRUIRE -- -- BAUEN -- -- CONSTRUIR -- @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ -- STAVĚT -- - BUILD MENU + BUILD MENU CONSTRUCTION BAUMENÜ MENU DE CONSTRUCCIÓN @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ MENU STAVĚNÍ - Build + Build Construire Bauen Construir @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Postavit - Supplies + Supplies Effectifs Nachschub Efectivos @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ Zásoby - Ammunition + Ammunition Munitions Munition Munición @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ Munice - Fuel + Fuel Carburant Kraftstoff Combustible @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ Palivo - Bleedout in %1 seconds + Bleedout in %1 seconds Mort dans %1 secondes Ausbluten in %1 Sekunden Desangrado en %1 segundos @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ Vykrvácíš za %1 vteřin - Stabilized + Stabilized Stabilisé Stabilisiert Estabilizado @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ Stabilizován - -- Rotation + -- Rotation -- Rotation -- Rotieren -- Rotación @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ -- Otočit - -- Build + -- Build -- Construire -- Bauen -- Construir @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ -- Postavit - -- Build and Repeat + -- Build and Repeat -- Construire et Répéter -- Bauen und Wiederholen -- Construir y repetir @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ -- Postavit a Opakovat - -- Cancel + -- Cancel -- Annuler -- Abbrechen -- Cancelar @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ -- Zrušit - Building canceled. + Building canceled. Construction annulée. Bauen abgebrochen. Construcción cancelada @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ Stavění zrušeno - Building confirmed. + Building confirmed. Construction confirmée. Bauen bestätigt. Construcción confirmada. @@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ Stavění potvrzeno - Can't place here: there are %1 object(s) within %2 meters of the object position. + Can't place here: there are %1 object(s) within %2 meters of the object position. Impossible de placer ici : il y a %1 objet(s) dans les %2 mètres de la position voulue. Kann hier nicht platziert werden: %1 Objekt(e) innerhalb von %2 Meter der Position Imposible de colocar aqui: hay 1% objeto(s) a %2 metros de la posición del objeto @@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ Nelze stavět, poblíž je %1 objekt(ů) ve vzdálenosti %2 metrů od pozice objektu - This position is valid. + This position is valid. Cette position est valide. Diese Position ist gültig. Esta posición es válida @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ Pozice je správná - -- ARSENAL -- + -- ARSENAL -- -- ARSENAL -- -- ARSENAL -- -- ARSENAL -- @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ -- ARZENÁL -- - -- LOAD CRATE + -- LOAD CRATE -- CHARGER MUNITIONS -- KISTE AUFLADEN -- CARGAR CAJA DE MUNICIÓN @@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ -- NALOŽIT BEDNU - -- UNLOAD CRATES + -- UNLOAD CRATES -- DECHARGER MUNITIONS -- KISTEN ABLADEN -- DESCARGAR CAJA DE MUNICIÓN @@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ -- VYLOŽIT BEDNU - -- LOAD TO VEHICLE + -- LOAD TO VEHICLE -- AUF FAHRZEUG LADEN -- CARGAR AL VEHÍCULO -- ЗАГРУЗИТЬ В ТРАНСПОРТ @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ -- NALOŽIT DO VOZIDLA - -- UNLOAD FROM VEHICLE + -- UNLOAD FROM VEHICLE -- VON FAHRZEUG ABLADEN -- DESCARGAR DEL VEHÍCULO -- ВЫГРУЗИТЬ ИЗ ТРАНСПОРТА @@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ -- VYLOŽENÍ Z VOZIDLA - -- NO TRANSPORT VEHICLES NEARBY + -- NO TRANSPORT VEHICLES NEARBY -- KEIN TRANSPORTFAHRZEUG IN DER NÄHE -- NO HAY VEHÍCULOS DE TRANSPORTE CERCA -- НЕТ ТРАНСПОРТА ПОБЛИЗОСТИ @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ -- NELZE NALOŽIT - Ammo box successfully loaded on the transport vehicle. + Ammo box successfully loaded on the transport vehicle. La caisse de munitions a été chargée sur le véhicule de transport. Munitionskiste erfolgreich auf das Transportfahrzeug geladen. Caja de munición cargada correctamente en el vehículo de transporte @@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ Bedna úspěšně naložena do vozidla. - Ammo box successfully unloaded from the transport vehicle. + Ammo box successfully unloaded from the transport vehicle. La caisse de munitions a été déchargée du véhicule de transport. Munitionskiste erfolgreich vom Transportfahrzeug abgeladen. Caja de munición descargada correctamente del vehículo de transporte @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ Bedna úspěšně vyložena z vozidla - There is no nearby vehicle capable of carrying the ammo box. + There is no nearby vehicle capable of carrying the ammo box. Aucun véhicule à proximité capable de charger la caisse de munitions. Kein Fahrzeug in der Nähe, das die Munitionskiste aufnehmen kann. No hay ningún vehículo cercano capaz de cagar la caja de munición @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ V blízkosti není vozidlo schopné přepravovat bedny - -- DEPLOY FOB -- + -- DEPLOY FOB -- -- DEPLOYER FOB -- -- FOB BEREITSTELLEN -- -- DESPLEGAR FOB -- @@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ -- POSTAVIT FOB -- - Can't deploy a new FOB here, you must be at least %1 meters away from every other FOB. Nearest FOB is %2 meters away. + Can't deploy a new FOB here, you must be at least %1 meters away from every other FOB. Nearest FOB is %2 meters away. Impossible de déployer une nouvelle FOB ici, vous devez être à au moins %1 mètres de toutes les autres FOB. La FOB la plus proche est à %2 mètres d'ici. Kann hier keine FOB platzieren, du musst min. %1 Meter von der anderen FOB entfernt sein. Die nächste FOB ist %2 Meter entfernt. Imposible desplegar una nueva FOB aquí, debes estar al menos a 1% metros de cualquier otra FOB. La FOB más cercana está a %2 metros. @@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ Zde Nelze postavit nové FOB, musí být vzdáleno %1 metrů od jakékoliv jiné FOB. Nejbližší FPB je vzdáleno %2 metrů. - Can't deploy a new FOB here, you must be at least %1 meters away from every capturable zone. Nearest zone is %2 meters away. + Can't deploy a new FOB here, you must be at least %1 meters away from every capturable zone. Nearest zone is %2 meters away. Impossible de déployer une nouvelle FOB ici, vous devez être à au moins %1 mètres de toutes les zones capturables. La zone la plus proche est à %2 mètres d'ici. Kann hier keine FOB platzieren, du musst min. %1 Meter von allen Sektoren entfernt sein. Der nächste Sektor ist %2 Meter entfernt. Imposible desplegar una nueva FOB aquí, debes estar al menos a %1 metros de cualquier zona capturable. La zona más cercana está a %2 metros @@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ Zde Nelze postavit nové FOB, musí být vzdáleno %1 metrů od jakékoliv zabratelné zóny. Nejbližší zóna je vzdálena %2 metrů. - Can't build on water. + Can't build on water. Impossible de construire sur l'eau. Kann nicht auf Wasser gebaut werden. Imposible construir sobre el agua. @@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ Nemůžeš stavět na vodě - Can't build further than %1 meters away from the FOB. + Can't build further than %1 meters away from the FOB. Impossible de construire à plus de %1 mètres de la FOB. Kann nicht weiter als %1 Meter von der FOB entfernt sein. Imposible construir más lejos de %1 metros de la FOB @@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ Nemůžeš stavět dál než %1 metrů od FOB. - FOB Container + FOB Container Container FOB FOB Container Contenedor de FOB @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ FOB Kontejner - FOB Truck + FOB Truck Camion FOB FOB Lastwagen Camión de FOB @@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ FOB Náklaďák - Mobile respawn + Mobile respawn Respawn mobile Mobiler Respawn Respawn móvil @@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ Mobilní respawn - Arsenal box + Arsenal box Caisse à arsenal Arsenalkiste Caja de Arsenal @@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ Bedna se zbrojnicí - DEPLOYMENT + DEPLOYMENT DEPLOIEMENT EINSATZ DESPLIEGUE @@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ VÝSADEK - Deploy + Deploy Déploiment Einsetzen Desplegar @@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ Výsadek - -- REDEPLOY -- + -- REDEPLOY -- -- REDEPLOIEMENT -- -- NEU EINSETZEN -- -- REDESPLEGAR -- @@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ -- ZNOVUNASAZENÍ -- - Build (Crew) + Build (Crew) Construire (Equipage) Bauen (Besatzung) Construir (Equipo) @@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ Postavit (Mužstvo) - Light Rifle Squad + Light Rifle Squad Escouade Fusiliers Légère Leichter Waffentrupp Escuadra de fusileros ligeros @@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ Lehké útočné družstvo - Heavy Rifle Squad + Heavy Rifle Squad Escouade Fusiliers Lourde Schwerer Waffentrupp Escuadra de fusileros pesados @@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ Těžké útočné družstvo - AT Squad + AT Squad Escouade AT Panzerbekämpfungstrupp Escuadra Antitanque @@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ Proti-tankové družstvo - AA Squad + AA Squad Escouade AA Luftabwehrtrupp Escuadra Antiaérea @@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ Proti-letadlové družstvo - Recon Squad + Recon Squad Escouade Recon Aufklärungstrupp Escuadra de reconocimiento @@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ Průzkumné družstvo - Paratroopers Squad + Paratroopers Squad Escouade Parachutistes Fallschirmjägertrupp Escuadra de paracaidistas @@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ Výsadkářské družstvo - Unit cap + Unit cap Limite Einheitenbegrenzung Límite de unidades @@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ Limit jednotek - Wipe Save Data + Wipe Save Data Effacer la sauvegarde Spielstand löschen Borrar partida guardada @@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ Vymazat uloženou hru - Confirm: Wipe Save Data + Confirm: Wipe Save Data Confirmer : effacer la sauvegarde Bestätige: Spielstand löschen Confirmar : Borrar partida guardada @@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ Potvrdit: Vymazání uložené hry - No + No Non Nein No @@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ Ne - !! THE SAVEGAME WILL BE WIPED, NO RECOVERY POSSIBLE !! + !! THE SAVEGAME WILL BE WIPED, NO RECOVERY POSSIBLE !! !! LA SAUVEGARDE SERA EFFACEE SANS RECUPERATION POSSIBLE !! !! SPIELSTAND WIRD GELÖSCHT, KEIN WIEDERHERSTELLEN MÖGLICH !! !! LA PARTIDA GUARDADA SERÁ BORRADA, SIN RECUPERACIÓN POSIBLE !! @@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ !! ULOŽENÁ POZICE BUDE SMAZÁNA BEZ MOŽNOSTI NÁVRATU !! - -- UNFLIP + -- UNFLIP -- UNFLIP -- UMDREHEN -- RECOLOCAR VEHÍCULO @@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ -- PŘEVRÁTIT - -- Grid mode + -- Grid mode -- Mode grille -- Rastermodus -- Modo rejilla @@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ -- Režim mřížky - -- CAPTURE + -- CAPTURE -- CAPTURER -- GEFANGENNEHMEN -- CAPTURAR @@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ -- ZAJMOUT - Squad member + Squad member Membre d'escouade Truppenmitglieder Miembro de escuadra @@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ Člen družstva - Near + Near Près de Nah Cerca @@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ Blízko - -- RECYCLE + -- RECYCLE -- RECYCLER -- WIEDERVERWERTEN -- RECICLAR @@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ -- RECYKLOVAT - Recycling + Recycling Recyclage Wiederverwerten Reciclando @@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ Recyklování - Recycling this %1 will yield: + Recycling this %1 will yield: Le recyclage de %1 rapportera : Die Wiederverwertung von %1 erbringt: Reciclando este %1 obtienes: @@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ Zrecyklováním %1 získáte: - Recycle + Recycle Recycler Wiederverwerten Reciclar @@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ Recyklovat - Cancel + Cancel Annuler Abbrechen Cancelar @@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ Zrušit - SECTOR CAPTURED + SECTOR CAPTURED SECTEUR CAPTURE SEKTOR EINGENOMMEN SECTOR CAPTURADO @@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ SEKTOR ZABRÁN - Our forces have captured %1. + Our forces have captured %1. Nos forces ont capturé %1. Unsere Truppen haben %1 eingenommen. Nuestras fuerzas han capturado %1 @@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ Naše jednotky zabraly %1. - SECTOR ATTACKED + SECTOR ATTACKED SECTEUR ATTAQUE SEKTOR ANGEGRIFFEN SECTOR ATACADO @@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ SEKTOR POD ÚTOKEM - Hostiles forces are attacking %1! + Hostiles forces are attacking %1! Des forces hostiles attaquent %1! Gegnerische Truppen greifen %1 an! Fuerzas hostiles están atacando %1 @@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ Nepřátelské jednotky útočí na %1! - SECTOR LOST + SECTOR LOST SECTEUR LOST SEKTOR VERLOREN SECTOR PERDIDO @@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ SEKTOR ZTRACEN - We have lost control over %1! + We have lost control over %1! Nous avons perdu le contrôle de %1! Wir haben die Kontrolle über %1 verloren! Hemos perdido el control sobre %1! @@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ Ztratil jsi kontrolu nad %1! - SECTOR SAFE + SECTOR SAFE SECTEUR SECURISE SEKTOR SICHER SECTOR SEGURO @@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@ SEKTOR ZABEZPEČEN - %1 is no longer under threat. + %1 is no longer under threat. %1 n'est plus menacé(e). %1 ist außer Gefahr. %1 ya no está bajo amenaza. @@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@ %1 už není v nebezpečí. - NEW FOB BUILT + NEW FOB BUILT NOUVELLE FOB NEUE FOB GEBAUT NUEVA FOB CONSTRUIDA @@ -1044,7 +1044,7 @@ POSTAVENO NOVÉ FOB - FOB %1 is now operational. + FOB %1 is now operational. La FOB %1 est opérationnelle. FOB %1 nun funktionsfähig. La FOB %1 es operacional @@ -1058,7 +1058,7 @@ FOB %1 je nyní dostupné - FOB SAFE + FOB SAFE FOB SECURISEE FOB SICHER FOB SEGURA @@ -1072,7 +1072,7 @@ FOB ZABEZPEČENO - FOB %1 is no longer under threat. + FOB %1 is no longer under threat. La FOB %1 n'est plus menacée. FOB %1 ist außer Gefahr. FOB %1 ya no está bajo amenaza @@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ FOB %1 už není v nebezpečí - FOB ATTACKED + FOB ATTACKED FOB ATTAQUEE FOB ANGEGRIFFEN FOB ATACADA @@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@ FOB POD ÚTOKEM - FOB %1 is under attack! + FOB %1 is under attack! La FOB %1 est attaquée ! FOB %1 wird angegriffen ! FOB %1 está bajo ataque! @@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ FOB %1 pod útokem! - FOB DESTROYED + FOB DESTROYED FOB DETRUITE FOB ZERSTÖRT FOB DESTRUIDA @@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ FOB ZNIČENO - FOB %1 has been destroyed! + FOB %1 has been destroyed! La FOB %1 a été détruite ! FOB %1 wurde zerstört! La FOB %1 ha sido destruida! @@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ FOB %1 bylo zničeno - HOSTILE FORCES INCOMING + HOSTILE FORCES INCOMING FORCES HOSTILES EN APPROCHE GEGNERISCHE TRUPPEN TREFFEN EIN FUERZAS HOSTILES ACERCÁNDOSE @@ -1154,7 +1154,7 @@ NEPŘÁTELSKÉ JEDNOTKY PŘICHÁZEJÍ - Hostile forces spotted near %1. + Hostile forces spotted near %1. Forces hostiles repérées près de %1. Gegnerische Truppen nahe %1 gesichtet. Fuerzas hosstiles avistadas cerca de %1 @@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@ Nepřátelské jednotky spatřeny poblíž %1 - NEW INTELLIGENCE + NEW INTELLIGENCE NOUVEAUX RENSEIGNEMENTS NEUE INFORMATIONEN NUEVA INTELIGENCIA @@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@ NOVÉ INFORMACE - Hostile FOB near %1. + Hostile FOB near %1. FOB hostile près de %1. Gegnerische FOB nahe %1. FOB hostil cerca de %1 @@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@ Nepřátelské FOB poblíž %1. - We have interrogated a prisoner. + We have interrogated a prisoner. Nous avons interroger un prisonnier. Wir haben einen Gefangenen verhört. Hemos interrogado a un prisionero. @@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@ Vyslechl jsi zajatce - We have found secret documents. + We have found secret documents. Nous avons trouvé des documents secrets Wir haben geheime Dokumente gefunden. Hemos encontrado documentos secretos @@ -1224,7 +1224,7 @@ Našel jsi tajné dokumenty. - SECONDARY OBJECTIVE + SECONDARY OBJECTIVE OBJECTIF SECONDAIRE SEKUNDÄRZIEL OBJETIVO SECUNDARIO @@ -1238,7 +1238,7 @@ VEDLEJŠÍ ÚKOL - Hostile FOB destroyed + Hostile FOB destroyed FOB hostile détruite. Gegnerische FOB zerstört. FOB hostil destruída @@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@ Nepřátelské FOB zničeno. - HOSTILE REINFORCEMENTS + HOSTILE REINFORCEMENTS RENFORTS HOSTILES GEGNERISCHER NACHSCHUB REFUERZOS HOSTILES @@ -1266,7 +1266,7 @@ NEPŘÁTELSKÉ POSILY - Hostile forces reinforcing %1. + Hostile forces reinforcing %1. Forces hostiles en renfort à %1. Gegnerische Truppen verstärken %1. Fuerzas hostiles reforzando %1 @@ -1280,7 +1280,7 @@ Nepřátelsky posily v %1. - == MISSION OPTIONS == + == MISSION OPTIONS == == OPTIONS DE MISSION == == MISSIONSEINSTELLUNGEN == == OPCIONES DE MISIÓN == @@ -1294,7 +1294,7 @@ == MOŽNOSTI MISE == - == GAMEPLAY OPTIONS == + == GAMEPLAY OPTIONS == == SPIELEINSTELLUNGEN == == OPCIONES DE JUEGO == ИГРОВЫЕ ОПЦИИ == @@ -1307,7 +1307,7 @@ == HERNÍ MOŽNOSTI == - == TECHNICAL OPTIONS == + == TECHNICAL OPTIONS == == OPTIONS TECHNIQUES == == TECHNISCHE EINSTELLUNGEN == == OPCIONES TÉCNICAS == @@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@ == TECHNICKÉ MOŽNOSTI == - Day duration (hours) + Day duration (hours) Durée du jour (heures) Länge eines Tages (Stunden) Duración del día (horas) @@ -1335,7 +1335,7 @@ Délka dne (hodiny) - Difficulty + Difficulty Difficulté Schwierigkeit Dificultad @@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@ Obtížnost - Tourist + Tourist Touriste Tourist Turista @@ -1363,7 +1363,7 @@ Procházka - Easy + Easy Facile Einfach Fácil @@ -1377,7 +1377,7 @@ Jednoduchá - Normal + Normal Normal Normal Normal @@ -1391,7 +1391,7 @@ Normální - Moderate + Moderate Modérée Moderat Moderado @@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ Obtížný - Hard + Hard Difficile Schwer Difícil @@ -1419,7 +1419,7 @@ Těžký - Extreme + Extreme Extrême Extrem Extremo @@ -1433,7 +1433,7 @@ Extrémní - Ludicrous + Ludicrous Affolante Wahnsinnig Ridículo @@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ Nemožný - Oh god oh god we're all gonna die + Oh god oh god we're all gonna die Oh mon dieu on va tous mourir Oh mein Gott, wir werden alle sterben! Oh dios mío, vamos a morir! @@ -1461,7 +1461,7 @@ Ó můj bože, všichni umřeme - Manage AI Skill + Manage AI Skill Administrar dificultad de IA Управлять сложностью ботов 管理AI能力 @@ -1473,7 +1473,7 @@ Nastavení obtížnosti AI - Resources multiplier + Resources multiplier Multiplicateur de resources Ressourcenmultiplikator Multiplicador de recursos @@ -1487,7 +1487,7 @@ Násobitel zdrojů - Stamina + Stamina Stamina Ausdauer Estamina @@ -1501,7 +1501,7 @@ Výdrž - Introduction + Introduction Introduction Einführung Introducción @@ -1515,7 +1515,7 @@ Úvod - Deployment cinematic + Deployment cinematic Cinématique de déploiement Zwischensequenz bei Einsatz Cinemática de comienzo @@ -1529,7 +1529,7 @@ Filmové scéna - Enabled + Enabled Activé Aktiviert Activado @@ -1543,7 +1543,7 @@ Zapnuto - Disabled + Disabled Désactivé Deaktiviert Desactivado @@ -1557,7 +1557,7 @@ Vypnuto - Start the campaign with the first FOB already built + Start the campaign with the first FOB already built Commencer la campagne avec une première FOB déjà construite Starte die Kampagne mit einer bereits gebauten FOB Comenzar la campaña con la primera FOB ya construída @@ -1571,7 +1571,7 @@ Spustit kampaň s postaveným prvním FOB - Yes + Yes Oui Ja Si @@ -1585,7 +1585,7 @@ Ano - No + No Non Nein No @@ -1599,7 +1599,7 @@ Ne - Maximum amount of AI units + Maximum amount of AI units Quantité maximum d'unités IA Maximale Anzahl KI-Einheiten Cantidad máxima de unidades de IA @@ -1613,7 +1613,7 @@ Maximální počet AI jednotek - 50% - Recommended for local hosting + 50% - Recommended for local hosting 50% - Recommandé pour un hébergement local 50 % - Empfohlen für lokal gehostete Spiele 50% - Recomendado para host local @@ -1627,7 +1627,7 @@ 50% - Doporučeno pro lokální hraní - 75% - Dedicated server recommended + 75% - Dedicated server recommended 75% - Serveur dédié recommandé 75 % - Dezidierter Server empfohlen 75% - Recomendado para servidor dedicado @@ -1641,7 +1641,7 @@ 75% - Doporučeno pro dedikované servery - 100% - Dedicated server recommended + 100% - Dedicated server recommended 100% - Serveur dédié recommandé 100 % - Dezidierter Server empfohlen 100% - Recomendado para servidor dedicado @@ -1655,7 +1655,7 @@ 100% - Doporučeno pro dedikované servery - 125% - Dedicated server with headless client recommended + 125% - Dedicated server with headless client recommended 125% - Serveur dédié avec headless client recommandé 125 % - Dezidierter Server mit Headless Client empfohlen 125% - Recomendado para servidor dedicado con cliente descabezado @@ -1669,7 +1669,7 @@ 125% - Doporučeno pro dedikované servery s Headless klienty - 150% - Dedicated server with headless client recommended + 150% - Dedicated server with headless client recommended 150% - Serveur dédié avec clients headless multiples recommandé 150 % - Dezidierter Server mit Headless Client empfohlen 150% - Recomendado para servidor dedicado con múltiples clientes descabezados @@ -1683,7 +1683,7 @@ 150% - Doporučeno pro dedikované servery s vícero Headless klienty - 200% - Dedicated server with multiple headless clients recommended + 200% - Dedicated server with multiple headless clients recommended 200% - Serveur dédié avec clients headless multiples recommandés 200 % - Dezidierter Server mit mehreren Headless Clients empfohlen 200% - Recomendado para servidor dedicado con múltiples clientes descabezados @@ -1697,7 +1697,7 @@ 200% - Doporučeno pro dedikované servery s vícero Headless klienty - Civilian activity + Civilian activity Activité civile Zivile Aktivität Actividad civil @@ -1711,7 +1711,7 @@ Aktivita civilistů - None + None Aucune Keine Ninguna @@ -1725,7 +1725,7 @@ Žádná - Reduced + Reduced Réduite Reduziert Reducida @@ -1739,7 +1739,7 @@ Snížená - Normal + Normal Normale Normal Normal @@ -1753,7 +1753,7 @@ Normální - Increased + Increased Augmentée Erhöht Aumentada @@ -1767,7 +1767,7 @@ Zvýšená - Warning: friendly fire + Warning: friendly fire Attention: tirs alliés Achtung: Eigenbeschuss Atención: fuego amigo @@ -1781,7 +1781,7 @@ Varování: Střelba do vlastních řad - Hostile presence adapts to player count + Hostile presence adapts to player count La présence hostile s'adapte au nombre de joueurs Feindpräsenz passt sich der Spielerzahl an Adaptar presencia hostil según la cantidad de jugadores @@ -1795,7 +1795,7 @@ Počet nepřátel se adaptuje na počet hráčů - Infantry units + Infantry units Unités d'infanterie Infanterie Unidades de infantería @@ -1809,7 +1809,7 @@ Pěchota - Light vehicles + Light vehicles Véhicules légers Leichte Fahrzeuge Vehículos ligeros @@ -1823,7 +1823,7 @@ Lehká vozidla - Armored vehicles + Armored vehicles Vehicules blindés Gepanzerte Fahrzeuge Vehículos blindados @@ -1837,7 +1837,7 @@ Obrněná vozidla - Air vehicles + Air vehicles Véhicules aériens Luftfahrzeuge Vehículos aéreos @@ -1851,7 +1851,7 @@ Letectvo - Static defenses + Static defenses Defenses statiques Statische Verteidigung Defensas estáticas @@ -1865,7 +1865,7 @@ Statické zbraně - Buildings + Buildings Batiments Gebäude Edificios @@ -1879,7 +1879,7 @@ Budovy - Logistics + Logistics Logistique Logistik Logística @@ -1893,7 +1893,7 @@ Logistika - Infantry squads + Infantry squads Escouades d'infanterie Infanteriegruppen Escuadras de infantería @@ -1907,7 +1907,7 @@ Pěchotní Družstva - Active Sectors: + Active Sectors: Secteurs Actifs : Aktive Sektoren: Sectores activos: @@ -1921,7 +1921,7 @@ Aktivní sektory: - The unitcap setting has been exceeded and further sector activation is temporarily halted. You can now see the list of currently active sectors where you shall concentrate your efforts. + The unitcap setting has been exceeded and further sector activation is temporarily halted. You can now see the list of currently active sectors where you shall concentrate your efforts. La limite d'unités actives a été dépassée et l'activation de nouveaux secteurs est temporairement stoppée. Vous pouvez maintenant voir la liste des sectors déjà actifs sur lesquels vous pouvez concentrer vos efforts. Maximale Anzahl KI-Einheiten erreicht. Es können keine weitere Zonen aktiviert werden. Du kannst nun die Liste der aktiven Gebiete sehen, auf die du deine Kraft fokussieren solltest. El límite de unidades activas se ha excedido, por lo que la activación de sectores queda temporalmente paralizada. Ahora puedes ver la lista de sectores activos donde concentrar tus esfuerzos @@ -1935,7 +1935,7 @@ Překročen limit jednotek a bylo dočasně pozastaveno aktivování dalších sektorů. Nyní můžete vidět seznam aktivních sektorů na které by jste se měly soustředit. - LOCKED BY + LOCKED BY VEROUILLE PAR VERSCHLOSSEN VON BLOQUEADO POR @@ -1949,7 +1949,7 @@ ZAMČENO OD - UNLOCKED BY + UNLOCKED BY DEVEROUILLE PAR GEÖFFNET VON DESBLOQUEADO POR @@ -1963,7 +1963,7 @@ ODEMKNUTO OD - SQUAD MANAGEMENT + SQUAD MANAGEMENT GESTION D'ESCOUADE GRUPPENVERWALTUNG GESTIÓN DE ESCUADRA @@ -1977,7 +1977,7 @@ SPRÁVA DRUŽSTVA - -- SQUAD MANAGEMENT + -- SQUAD MANAGEMENT -- GESTION D'ESCOUADE -- GRUPPENVERWALTUNG -- GESTIÓN DE ESCUADRA @@ -1991,7 +1991,7 @@ -- SPRÁVA DRUŽSTVA - Replace + Replace Remplacer Ersetzen Reemplazar @@ -2005,7 +2005,7 @@ Nahradit - You will deploy on the selected squad member and replace them while keeping your current loadout. + You will deploy on the selected squad member and replace them while keeping your current loadout. Vous allez vous déployer à la place du member d'escouade selectionné tout en conservant votre équipement actuel. Du wirst das ausgewählte Gruppenmitglied ersetzen, während du deine Ausrüstung behältst. Reaparecerás en el miembro de la escuadra seleccionado, manteniendo tu equipación actual @@ -2018,7 +2018,7 @@ Budeš nasazen na místo člena družstva a nahradíš ho se svým aktuálním vybavením. - Remove + Remove Supprimer Entfernen Suprimir @@ -2031,7 +2031,7 @@ Odstranit - The selected squad member will be deleted. + The selected squad member will be deleted. Le membre d'escouade sélectionné sera supprimé. Das ausgewählte Gruppenmitglied löschen. El miembro de la escuadra seleccionado será eliminado @@ -2044,7 +2044,7 @@ Vybraný člen družstva bude odstraněn - Resupply + Resupply Réapprovisionner Versorgen Reabastecer @@ -2057,7 +2057,7 @@ Přezbrojit - If the selected squad member is close enough from a resupply point (mobile spawn or FOB) they will get a brand new, full loadout. + If the selected squad member is close enough from a resupply point (mobile spawn or FOB) they will get a brand new, full loadout. Si le membre d'escouade sélectionné est assez près d'un point d'approvisionnement (spawn mobile ou FOB) il recevra un nouvel équipement complet. Wenn das gewählte Gruppenmitglied nahe genug bei einem Versorgungspunkt (mobiler Spawn oder FOB) ist, erhält es eine brandneue, vollständige Ausrüstung Si el miembro de la escuadra se encuentra cerca de un punto de abastecimiento (spawn móvil o FOB) obtendrá el equipamiento completo nuevo @@ -2071,7 +2071,7 @@ Pokud je jednotka dostatečně blízko zásobovacímu bodu (mobilní spawn nebo FOB) pak dostane novou celou výzbroj. - Confirm + Confirm Confirmer Bestätigen Confirmar @@ -2085,7 +2085,7 @@ Potvrdit - Health: + Health: Santé : Leben: Salud: @@ -2099,7 +2099,7 @@ Životy: - Distance: + Distance: Distance : Distanz: Distancia: @@ -2113,7 +2113,7 @@ Vzdálenost: - Primary + Primary Principale Primär Principal @@ -2127,7 +2127,7 @@ Primární - Secondary + Secondary Secondaire Sekundär Secundaria @@ -2141,7 +2141,7 @@ Sekundární - None + None Aucune Keine Ninguno @@ -2155,7 +2155,7 @@ Žádný - Driver + Driver Conducteur Fahrer Conductor @@ -2169,7 +2169,7 @@ Řidič - Gunner + Gunner Tireur Schütze Artillero @@ -2183,7 +2183,7 @@ Střelec - Commander + Commander Commandant Kommandant Comandante @@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@ Velitel - Passenger + Passenger Passager Passagier Pasajero @@ -2211,7 +2211,7 @@ Pasažér - Squad deploy + Squad deploy Déploiement d'escouade Gruppeneinsatz Despliegue de escuadra @@ -2225,7 +2225,7 @@ Výsadek družstva - You have deleted the selected squad member. + You have deleted the selected squad member. Vous avez supprimé le membre de l'escouade sélectionné. Du hast das ausgewählte Gruppenmitglied gelöscht. Has eliminado al miebro de la escuadra. @@ -2239,7 +2239,7 @@ Odstranili jste vybraného člena družstva. - The selected squad member has been resupplied. + The selected squad member has been resupplied. Le membre de l'escouade sélectionné a été réapprovisionné. Das ausgewählte Gruppenmitglied wurde versorgt. El miembro seleccionado de la escuadra ha sido reamunicionado @@ -2253,7 +2253,7 @@ Přezbrojily jste vybraného člena družstva. - The selected squad member isn't close enough from a FOB or mobile spawn. + The selected squad member isn't close enough from a FOB or mobile spawn. Le membre de l'escouade sélectionné n'est pas assez proche d'une FOB ou d'un spawn mobile. Das ausgewählte Gruppenmitglied ist nicht nahe genug an einer FOB oder an einem mobilen Spawn. El miembro seleccionado de la escuadra no está suficientemente cerca de una FOB o spawn móvil. @@ -2267,7 +2267,7 @@ Vybraný člen družstva není dostatečně blízko k FOB nebo mobilnímu spawnu. - PERMISSIONS MANAGEMENT + PERMISSIONS MANAGEMENT GESTION DES PERMISSIONS Rechteverwaltung GESTIÓN DE PERMISOS @@ -2281,7 +2281,7 @@ MANAŽER PRAVOMOCÍ - Light vehicles + Light vehicles Véhicules légers Leichte Fahrzeuge Vehículos ligeros @@ -2295,7 +2295,7 @@ Lehká vozidla - Armored vehicles + Armored vehicles Véhicules blindés Gepanzerte Fahrzeuge Vehículos blindados @@ -2309,7 +2309,7 @@ Obrněná vozidla - Air vehicles + Air vehicles Véhicules aériens Luftfahrzeuge Vehículos aéreos @@ -2323,7 +2323,7 @@ Letectvo - Construction + Construction Construction Konstruktionen Construcción @@ -2337,7 +2337,7 @@ Stavění - Recycling + Recycling Recyclage Wiederverwerten Reciclar @@ -2351,7 +2351,7 @@ Recyklování - Others + Others Autres Andere Otros @@ -2365,7 +2365,7 @@ Ostatní - All + All Toutes Alle Todos @@ -2379,7 +2379,7 @@ Vše - None + None Aucune Keine Ninguno @@ -2393,7 +2393,7 @@ Nic - Allows the player to operate light vehicles as driver and gunner. + Allows the player to operate light vehicles as driver and gunner. Autorise le joueur à utiliser les véhicules légers en tant que conducteur ou tireur. Erlaubt es dem Spieler, leichte Fahrzeuge als Fahrer und Schütze zu bedienen. Permite al jugador utilizar vehículos ligeros como conductor y artillero @@ -2407,7 +2407,7 @@ Povolí hráči operovat s lehkými vozidly jako řidič nebo střelec. - Allows the player to operate armored vehicles as driver, gunner and commander. + Allows the player to operate armored vehicles as driver, gunner and commander. Autorise le joueur à utiliser les véhicules blindés en tant que conducteur, tireur ou commandant. Erlaubt es dem Spieler, gepanzerte Fahrzeuge als Fahrer, Schütze und Kommandant zu bedienen. Permite al jugador utilizar vehículos blindados como conductor, artillero y comandante @@ -2421,7 +2421,7 @@ Povolí hráči operovat s obrněnými vozidly jako řidič, střelec a velitel. - Allows the player to operate air vehicles as driver and gunner. + Allows the player to operate air vehicles as driver and gunner. Autorise le joueur à utiliser les véhicules aériens en tant que conducteur ou tireur. Erlaubt es dem Spieler, Luftfahrzeuge als Pilot und Schütze zu bedienen. Permite al jugador utilizar vehículos aéreos como conductor y artillero @@ -2435,7 +2435,7 @@ Povolí hráči operovat s letadly jako řidič a střelec. - Allows the player to use the BUILD menu. + Allows the player to use the BUILD menu. Autorise le joueur à utiliser le menu CONSTRUCTION. Erlaubt es dem Spieler, das Baumenü zu benutzen. Permite al jugador utilizar el menú de CONSTRUCCIÓN @@ -2449,7 +2449,7 @@ Povolí hráči používat menu STAVĚNÍ. - Allows the player to use the RECYCLE action. + Allows the player to use the RECYCLE action. Autorise le joueur à utiliser l'action RECYCLER. Erlaubt es dem Spieler, die "WIEDERVERWERTEN"-Aktion zu benutzen. Permite al jugador utilizar la acción de RECICLAR @@ -2463,7 +2463,7 @@ Povolí hráči RECYKLOVAT. - Allows the player to use other actions: unflip, resource box manipulation, prisoner capture, etc. + Allows the player to use other actions: unflip, resource box manipulation, prisoner capture, etc. Autorise le joueur à utiliser les autres actions : retournement de véhicule, manipulation des boites de munition, capture de prisoniers, etc. Erlaubt es dem Spieler, andere Aktionen durchzuführen: Umdrehen, Interaktion mit Munitionskisten, Gefangennahme, usw. Permite al jugador usar otras acciones: Recolocar vehículo, manipulación de cajas de munición, captura de prisioneros, etc. @@ -2477,7 +2477,7 @@ Povolí hráči používat funkce jako: převrátit, manipulace s bednami, zajmutí zajatce, atd. - Gives all permissions to the player. + Gives all permissions to the player. Donne toutes les permissions au joueur. Gibt dem Spieler alle Rechte Darle todos los permisos al jugador @@ -2491,7 +2491,7 @@ Povolí hráči VŠE. - Removes all permissions from the player. + Removes all permissions from the player. Supprime toutes les permissions du joueur. Nimmt dem Spieler alle Rechte weg. Quitar todos los permisos al jugador @@ -2505,7 +2505,7 @@ Zakáže hráči VŠE. - -- PERMISSIONS + -- PERMISSIONS -- PERMISSIONS -- RECHTE -- PERMISOS @@ -2519,7 +2519,7 @@ -- PRAVOMOCE - Save Changes + Save Changes Sauvegarder Änderungen speichern Guardar cambios @@ -2533,7 +2533,7 @@ Uložit změny - Permissions Management + Permissions Management Gestion des Permissions Rechteverwaltung Gestión de permisos @@ -2547,7 +2547,7 @@ Manažer pravomocí - You don't have permission from the commander to use light vehicles. + You don't have permission from the commander to use light vehicles. Vous n'avez pas la permission du commandant pour utiliser les véhicules légers. Du hast keine Rechte zur Nutzung leichter Fahrzeuge. No tienes permiso del comandante para usar vehículos ligeros @@ -2561,7 +2561,7 @@ Nemáš pravomoc od Komandéra používat lehká vozidla. - You don't have permission from the commander to use armored vehicles. + You don't have permission from the commander to use armored vehicles. Vous n'avez pas la permission du commandant pour utiliser les véhicules blindés. Du hast keine Rechte zur Nutzung gepanzerter Fahrzeuge No tienes permiso del comandante para usar vehículos blindados @@ -2575,7 +2575,7 @@ Nemáš pravomoc od Komandéra používat obrněná vozidla. - You don't have permission from the commander to use air vehicles. + You don't have permission from the commander to use air vehicles. Vous n'avez pas la permission du commandant pour utiliser les véhicules aériens. Du hast keine Rechte zur Nutzung von Luftfahrzeugen No tienes permiso del comandante para usar vehículos aéreos @@ -2589,7 +2589,7 @@ Nemáš pravomoc od Komandéra používat letectvo. - No permissions have been set. The commander must setup the permissions to allow player actions and vehicle usage. Alternatively, the permission system can be disabled from the mission options. + No permissions have been set. The commander must setup the permissions to allow player actions and vehicle usage. Alternatively, the permission system can be disabled from the mission options. Aucune permission n'a été définie. Le commandant doit configurer les permissions pour permettre aux joueurs d'effectuer des actions et d'utiliser les véhicules. Sinon, le système de permissions peut être désactivé dans les options de mission. Keine Rechte wurden vergeben. Der Kommandant muss die Rechte verwalten, um Spielern Aktionen und die Nutzung von Fahrzeugen zu erlaubne. Alternativ kann das Rechtesystem in den Missionsoptionen deaktiviert werden. No hay permisos definidos. El comandante debe asignar los permisos para permitir a los jugadores el uso de los vehículos y acciones. Alternativamente, puede desactivarse el sistema de permisos desde las opciones de misión @@ -2603,7 +2603,7 @@ Nejsou nastaveny pravomoce. Komandér musí nastavit pravomoce na používání funkcí a vozidel. Alternativně lze pravomoce úplně vypnou v nastaveni mise. - ARSENAL + ARSENAL ARSENAL ARSENAL ARSENAL @@ -2617,7 +2617,7 @@ ARZENÁL - Edit loadout + Edit loadout Modifier équipement Ausrüstung bearbeiten Modificar equipamiento @@ -2631,7 +2631,7 @@ Upravit výzbroj - Take loadout + Take loadout Charger l'équipement Ausrüstung laden Coger equipamiento @@ -2645,7 +2645,7 @@ Vzít výzbroj - Default + Default Par défaut Standard Por defecto @@ -2659,7 +2659,7 @@ Výchozí - -- REPACKAGE FOB -- + -- REPACKAGE FOB -- -- REPLIER FOB -- -- FOB EINPACKEN -- -- EMPAQUETAR FOB -- @@ -2673,7 +2673,7 @@ -- ZABALIT FOB -- - REPACKAGE FOB + REPACKAGE FOB REPLIER FOB FOB EINPACKEN EMPAQUETAR FOB @@ -2687,7 +2687,7 @@ ZABALIT FOB - Are you sure you want to repackage this FOB? + Are you sure you want to repackage this FOB? Etes-vous sur de vouloir replier cette fob? Bist du dir sicher, dass du deine FOB einpacken willst? ¿Estas seguro de querer reempaquetar esta FOB? @@ -2701,7 +2701,7 @@ Jste si jistý že chcete zabalit FOB? - HALO Jump + HALO Jump Saut HALO HALO-Sprung Salto HALO @@ -2715,7 +2715,7 @@ HALO Skok - Enabled - No cooldown + Enabled - No cooldown Activé - Pas de cooldown Aktiviert - Keine Abklingzeit Activado - Sin tiempo de espera @@ -2729,7 +2729,7 @@ Zapnuto - Bez čekání - Enabled - 5 minutes cooldown + Enabled - 5 minutes cooldown Activé - Cooldown de 5 minutes Aktiviert - 5 Minuten Abklingzeit Activado - 5 minutos de espera @@ -2743,7 +2743,7 @@ Zapnuto - 5 minut cooldown - Enabled - 10 minutes cooldown + Enabled - 10 minutes cooldown Activé - Cooldown de 10 minutes Aktiviert - 10 Minuten Abklingzeit Activado - 10 minutos de espera @@ -2757,7 +2757,7 @@ Zapnuto - 10 minut cooldown - Enabled - 15 minutes cooldown + Enabled - 15 minutes cooldown Activé - Cooldown de 15 minutes Aktiviert - 15 Minuten Abklingzeit Activado - 15 minutos de espera @@ -2771,7 +2771,7 @@ Zapnuto - 15 minut cooldown - Enabled - 20 minutes cooldown + Enabled - 20 minutes cooldown Activé - Cooldown de 20 minutes Aktiviert - 20 Minuten Abklingzeit Activado - 20 minutos de espera @@ -2785,7 +2785,7 @@ Zapnuto - 20 minut cooldown - Enabled - 30 minutes cooldown + Enabled - 30 minutes cooldown Activé - Cooldown de 30 minutes Aktiviert - 30 Minuten Abklingzeut Activado - 30 minutos de espera @@ -2799,7 +2799,7 @@ Zapnuto - 30 minut cooldown - Can't perform HALO jump, you are on cooldown for %1 more minute(s). + Can't perform HALO jump, you are on cooldown for %1 more minute(s). Impossible d'effectuer un suat HALO, vous êtes en cooldown pour encore %1 minute(s). HALO Sprung noch nicht möglich. Verbleibende Abklingzeit von %1 Minuten. No puedes saltar en HALO, te quedan %1 minuto(s) de espera. @@ -2813,7 +2813,7 @@ Nemůžete použít HALO skok, musíte počkat %1 minut - -- HALO JUMP + -- HALO JUMP -- SAUT HALO -- HALO-SPRUNG -- SALTO HALO @@ -2827,7 +2827,7 @@ -- HALO SKOK - HALO JUMP + HALO JUMP SAUT HALO HALO-SPRUNG SALTO HALO @@ -2841,7 +2841,7 @@ HALO SKOK - Clear spawned vehicle cargo + Clear spawned vehicle cargo Inventar gespawnter Fahrzeuge leeren Remover carga de vehículo creado Очищать инвентарь созданного транспорта @@ -2853,7 +2853,7 @@ Vymazat náklad vyvolaného vozidla - Maximum sector deactivation delay (starts increasing after 5th activation minute) + Maximum sector deactivation delay (starts increasing after 5th activation minute) Maximale Verzögerung zur Sektor Deaktivierung (Beginnt nach 5 Minuten seit Aktivierung) Máximo atraso de desactivación de sector (empieza a incrementar después del 5to minuto de activación) Максимальное время деактивации сектора (начинает увелич. после 5-ти минут активации) @@ -2861,7 +2861,7 @@ Maximální zpoždění deaktivace sektoru (začíná se zvyšovat po 5. aktivační minutě) - Limited Zeus interface + Limited Zeus interface Eingeschränkte Zeus Funktionen Interface de Zeus limitada Ограниченный интерфейс Zeus @@ -2870,11 +2870,11 @@ Omezené rozhraní Zeus - Zeus for Commander + Zeus for Commander Zeus für Kommandant - Chance that enemies will stay in immobile/damaged vehicles + Chance that enemies will stay in immobile/damaged vehicles Chance, dass Feinde in fahrunfähigen/beschädigten Fahrzeugen verbleiben Probabilidad de que los enemigos se quedarán dentro de un vehículo inmovilziado/dañado Шанс того, что враги будут оставаться в неподвижных/поврежденных автомобилях @@ -2882,7 +2882,7 @@ Šance, že nepřátelé zůstanou v nepohyblivých / poškozených vozidlech - Deployment in progress... + Deployment in progress... 고공침투 중... Déploiement en cours... Verlegung im Gange @@ -2896,7 +2896,7 @@ Probíhá výsadek... - Use the commander whitelist + Use the commander whitelist Utiliser la whitelist pour le commandant Nutze die Whitelist für den Kommandanten Utilizar la lista blanca para Comandantes @@ -2910,7 +2910,7 @@ Použít whitelist pro komandéra - Enabled - Only use if you have modified your whitelist.sqf! + Enabled - Only use if you have modified your whitelist.sqf! Aktiviert - Nur benutzen, wenn du deine whitelist.sqf verändert hast! Activé - A n'utiliser que si vous avez modifié votre whitelist.sqf ! Activado - ¡Sólo utilizar si has modificado tu whitelist.sqf @@ -2924,7 +2924,7 @@ Povoleno - Použijte pouze pokud jste upravily whitelist.sqf! - Cannot build: hostile forces nearby. + Cannot build: hostile forces nearby. Impossible de construire: forces hostiles à proximité. Kann nicht gebaut werden: Feindkräfte in der Nähe No se puede construir: fuerzas hostiles cercanas @@ -2938,7 +2938,7 @@ Nemůžeš stavět: nepřátelské jednotky poblíž. - Cleanup abandoned vehicles outside FOBs + Cleanup abandoned vehicles outside FOBs Nettoyer les véhicules abandonnés loin d'une FOB Räumt verlassene Fahrzeuge auserhalb von FOBs weg Limpieza de vehículos abandonados fuera de FOBs @@ -2952,7 +2952,7 @@ Čištění zapomenutých vozidel mimo FOB - Enabled - 1 hour delay + Enabled - 1 hour delay Activé - 1 heure de délai Aktiv - 1 Stunde Verzögerung Activado- abandonados durante 1 hora @@ -2966,7 +2966,7 @@ Zapnuto - Jednou za hodinu - Enabled - 2 hours delay + Enabled - 2 hours delay Activé - 2 heures de délai Aktiv - 2 Stunde Verzögerung Activado - abandonados durante 2 horas @@ -2980,7 +2980,7 @@ Zapnuto - Jednou za dvě hodiny - Enabled - 4 hours delay + Enabled - 4 hours delay Activé - 4 heures de délai Aktiv - 4 Stunden Verzögerung Activado - abandonados durante 4 horas @@ -2994,7 +2994,7 @@ Zapnuto - Jednou za čtyři hodiny - Sorry! + Sorry! Désolé ! Entschuldigung! Lo siento! @@ -3008,7 +3008,7 @@ Pardon! - You are not authorized to use the commander slot on this server. + You are not authorized to use the commander slot on this server. Vous n'êtes pas authorizé à utiliser la place de commandant sur ce serveur. Du bist auf diesem Server nicht als Kommandant autorisiert. No estás autorizado para usar el slot de comandante en este servidor. @@ -3022,7 +3022,7 @@ Nemáš oprávnění používat pozici Komandéra na tomto serveru. - Save respawn loadout + Save respawn loadout Equipement de respawn Setze Respawnausrüstung Guardar el equipamiento para respawn @@ -3036,7 +3036,7 @@ Uložit výzbroj pro oživení - Your current loadout will be restored on every respawn. + Your current loadout will be restored on every respawn. Votre equipement actuel sera restauré à chaque respawn. Deine Ausrüstung wird bei jedem Respwan wiederhergestellt. Tu actual equipamiento seá mantenido en cada respawn. @@ -3050,7 +3050,7 @@ Tvoje aktuální výzbroj bude použita při každém oživení. - Load from player + Load from player Charger depuis joueur Von Spieler laden Cargar desde jugador @@ -3064,7 +3064,7 @@ Načíst od hráče - Successful loadout transfer from %1. + Successful loadout transfer from %1. Transfer d'équipement réussi depuis %1. Erfolgreich Ausrüstung von %1 übertragen. Transferencia de equipamiento de %1 terminada. @@ -3078,7 +3078,7 @@ Úspěšně načteno od %1. - Loadout: + Loadout: Equipement : Ausrüstung: Equipamiento: @@ -3092,7 +3092,7 @@ Výzbroj: - Deployment location: + Deployment location: Lieu de déploiement : Einsatzposition: Lugar para el despliegue: @@ -3106,7 +3106,7 @@ Lokace pro výsadek: - OPFOR aggressivity + OPFOR aggressivity Aggressivité de l'OPFOR OPFOR Aggressivität Agresividad del OPFOR @@ -3120,7 +3120,7 @@ Agresivita OPFOR - Anemic + Anemic Anémique Mutlos Anémica @@ -3134,7 +3134,7 @@ Chudá - Weak + Weak Faible Schwach Floja @@ -3148,7 +3148,7 @@ Slabá - Normal + Normal Normale Normal Normal @@ -3162,7 +3162,7 @@ Normální - Strong + Strong Forte Stark Fuerte @@ -3176,7 +3176,7 @@ Silná - Extreme + Extreme Extreme Extrem Extrema @@ -3190,7 +3190,7 @@ Extrémní - Weather + Weather Meteo Wetter Clima @@ -3204,7 +3204,7 @@ Počasí - Always sunny + Always sunny Soleil permanent Immer sonnig Siempre soleado @@ -3218,7 +3218,7 @@ Stále slunečno - Random without rain + Random without rain Aléatoire sans pluie Zufällig ohne Regen Aleatorio sin lluvia @@ -3232,7 +3232,7 @@ Náhodně bez deště - Random + Random Aléatoire Zufällig Aleatorio @@ -3246,7 +3246,7 @@ Náhodně - Shorter nights + Shorter nights Nuits plus courtes Kürzere Nächte Noches más cortas @@ -3260,7 +3260,7 @@ Kratší noci - Repairing + Repairing Réparation Repariert Reparando @@ -3274,7 +3274,7 @@ Opravování - Rearming in %1s + Rearming in %1s Réarmement dans %1s Aufmunitioniert in %1s Rearmando en %1s @@ -3288,7 +3288,7 @@ Přezbrojení za %1s - Refueling + Refueling Ravitaillement Auftanken Repostando @@ -3302,7 +3302,7 @@ Doplňování paliva - -- TAKE INTEL + -- TAKE INTEL -- PRENDRE INTEL -- GEHEIMDIENSTINFORMATIONEN AUFNEHMEN -- COGER INTELIGENCIA @@ -3316,7 +3316,7 @@ -- VZÍT INFORMACE - -- SECONDARY OBJECTIVES + -- SECONDARY OBJECTIVES -- OBJECTIFS SECONDAIRES -- SEKUNDÄRE ZIELE -- OBJETIVOS SECUNDARIOS @@ -3330,7 +3330,7 @@ -- VEDLEJŠÍ ÚKOLY - SECONDARY OBJECTIVES + SECONDARY OBJECTIVES OBJECTIFS SECONDAIRES SEKUNDÄRE ZIELE OBJETIVOS SECUNDARIOS @@ -3344,7 +3344,7 @@ VEDLEJŠÍ ÚKOLY - Start + Start Commencer Beginnen Empezar @@ -3358,7 +3358,7 @@ Začít - Current intel: %1 + Current intel: %1 Intel actuelle : %1 Aktuelle Geheimdienstinformationen: %1 Inteligencia actual: %1 @@ -3372,7 +3372,7 @@ Zpravodajské body: %1 - Insufficient intel points + Insufficient intel points Points d'intel insuffisants Zu wenige Geheimdienstinformationen Puntos de inteligencia insuficientes @@ -3386,7 +3386,7 @@ Nedostatek zpravodajských bodů - Secondary mission already in progress + Secondary mission already in progress Mission secondaire déjà en cours Sekundäre Mission läuft bereits Misión secundaria ya en curso @@ -3400,7 +3400,7 @@ Vedlejší mise již probíhá - Hostile forces are heading towards %1. + Hostile forces are heading towards %1. Les forces hostiles se dirigent vers %1. Feindliche Streitkräfte bewegen sich auf %1 zu. Fuerzas hostiles acercándose a %1. @@ -3414,7 +3414,7 @@ Nepřátelské jednotky míří k %1. - OPFOR Convoy + OPFOR Convoy Convoi OPFOR OPFOR Konvoi Convoy OPFOR @@ -3428,7 +3428,7 @@ OPFOR Konvoj - Waypoint + Waypoint Point de passage Wegpunkt Punto de ruta @@ -3442,7 +3442,7 @@ Průjezdní bod - OPFOR Convoy neutralized. + OPFOR Convoy neutralized. Convoi OPFOR neutralisé. OPFOR Konvoi neutralisiert. Convoy OPFOR neutralizado @@ -3456,7 +3456,7 @@ OPFOR Konvoj zneškodněn. - OPFOR Convoy near %1. + OPFOR Convoy near %1. Convoi OPFOR près de %1. OPFOR Konvoi nahe %1. Convoy OPFOR cerca de 1% @@ -3470,7 +3470,7 @@ OPFOR Konvoj poblíž %1. - Got it! + Got it! J'ai pigé! Verstanden! Lo tengo! @@ -3484,7 +3484,7 @@ Mám to! - -- TUTORIAL + -- TUTORIAL -- TUTORIAL -- TUTORIAL -- TUTORIAL @@ -3498,7 +3498,7 @@ -- NÁVOD - TUTORIAL + TUTORIAL TUTORIAL TUTORIAL TUTORIAL @@ -3512,7 +3512,7 @@ NÁVOD - FOB Hunting + FOB Hunting Chasse à la FOB FOB Jagd Caza de FOB @@ -3526,7 +3526,7 @@ Hon na FOB - <t size='1.3' color='#ffa000'>FOB HUNTING</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>OPFOR forces use an array of small logistic bases situated behind the front lines. Destroying those assets would greatly disrupt the OPFOR supply lines and impair their capacity to react to our actions.</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Your mission is to destroy all supply assets (trucks, containers) at the objective by any means at your disposal. Unfortunately our intelligence is not able to provide you with a precise position for the base, you will have to locate the objective in the red zone on your map.</t><br/><br/><t size='1.15' color='#00a0ff'>Cost: 15<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\general_gs.paa'/></t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Reward: OPFOR alert level reduced by 40%</t><br/><br/><t size='10'><img image='res\secondary\fob_obj.jpg'/></t> + <t size='1.3' color='#ffa000'>FOB HUNTING</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>OPFOR forces use an array of small logistic bases situated behind the front lines. Destroying those assets would greatly disrupt the OPFOR supply lines and impair their capacity to react to our actions.</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Your mission is to destroy all supply assets (trucks, containers) at the objective by any means at your disposal. Unfortunately our intelligence is not able to provide you with a precise position for the base, you will have to locate the objective in the red zone on your map.</t><br/><br/><t size='1.15' color='#00a0ff'>Cost: 15<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\general_gs.paa'/></t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Reward: OPFOR alert level reduced by 40%</t><br/><br/><t size='10'><img image='res\secondary\fob_obj.jpg'/></t> <t size='1.3' color='#ffa000'>CHASSE A LA FOB</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Les forces de l'OPFOR utilisent des bases logistiques situées derrière la ligne de front. Détruire ces objectifs pertubera les lignes d'approvisionnement de l'OPFOR et les empêchera de réagir efficacement à nos actions.</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Votre mission est de détruire tous les équipements logistiques (camions, containers) présents sur l'objectif. Malheureusement nos renseignements ne permettent pas de vous donner la position précise de la base, vous devrez la chercher dans la zone rouge visible sur votre carte.</t><br/><br/><t size='1.15' color='#00a0ff'>Coût: 15<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\general_gs.paa'/></t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Récompense: niveau d'alerte de l'OPFOR réduit de 40%</t><br/><br/><t size='10'><img image='res\secondary\fob_obj.jpg'/></t> <t size='1.3' color='#ffa000'>FOB JAGD</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Die OPFOR Streitkräfte benutzen ein Netzwerk von kleineren Nachschubbasen hinter den Frontlinien. Diese zu zerstören würden die OPFOR Nachschublinien und ihre Reaktionsmöglichkeiten stark einschränken.</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Ihr Auftrag ist es alle Nachschubkapazitäten (Container und Trucks) zu zerstören. Leider ist unser Geheimdienst nicht in der Lage, Ihnen die genaue Position des Ortes mitzuteilen. Sie werden das Ziel innerhalb der makierten roten Zone auf der Karte suchen müssen.</t><br/><br/><t size='1.15' color='#00a0ff'>Kosten: 15<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\general_gs.paa'/></t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Belohnung: OPFOR Alarmstatus wird um 40% reduziert</t><br/><br/><t size='10'><img image='res\secondary\fob_obj.jpg'/></t> <t size='1.3' color='#ffa000'>CAZA DE FOB</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Las fuerzas del OPFOR utilizan una red de bases logísticas situadas tras las líneas enemigas. Destruir estos recursos interrunpira las líneas de abastecimiento del enemigo y entorpecerán su capacidad para responder a tus acciones.</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Tu misión consiste en destruir todos los recursos (camiones, containers) en el objetivo por cualquier medio que esté en tus manos. Desafortunadamente nuestra inteligencia no permite obtener una localización precisa de la base, deberás encontrarla dentro de la zona marcada en rojo en el mapa.</t><br/><br/><t size='1.15' color='#00a0ff'>Cost: 15<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\general_gs.paa'/></t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Recompensa: nivel de alerta del OPFOR reducido en un 40%</t><br/><br/><t size='10'><img image='res\secondary\fob_obj.jpg'/></t> @@ -3540,7 +3540,7 @@ <t size='1.3' color='#ffa000'>HON NA FOB</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Jednotky OPFOR používají řadu menších logistických základen za hlavní linii. Zničení těchto prostředků výrazně naruší zásobováni OPFOR jednotek a naruší jejich schopnost reagovat na naše akce.</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Cílem mise je zničit všechny zásobovací prostředky (náklaďáky, kontejnery) libovolnými prostředky. Bohužel naše rozvědka není schopna vám poskytnout přesnou polohou pro základny, budete ji muset najít v červené zóně na mapě.</t><br/><br/><t size='1.15' color='#00a0ff'>Cena: 15<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\general_gs.paa'/></t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Odměna: Snížení bojové pohotovosti OPFOR o 40%</t><br/><br/><t size='10'><img image='res\secondary\fob_obj.jpg'/></t> - Convoy Hijack + Convoy Hijack Interception de convoi Konvoi Hinterhalt Interceptar el Convoy @@ -3554,7 +3554,7 @@ Přepadení Konvoje - <t size='1.3' color='#ffa000'>CONVOY HIJACK</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>OPFOR forces use road convoys to resupply their defensive positions. Intercepting one of these convoys would effectively disrupt their supply lines, and we could use the occasion to retrieve an hefty amount of ammunition.</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Your mission is to stop the OPFOR convoy by any means necessary. You can destroy it, or hijack it to retrieve all the ammunition you can grab. The target will be spotted on your map.</t><br/><br/><t size='1.15' color='#00a0ff'>Cost: 10<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\general_gs.paa'/></t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Reward: OPFOR alert level reduced by 15%</t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Side reward: All the ammunition you can retrieve.</t><br/><br/><t size='10'><img image='res\secondary\convoy_obj.jpg'/></t> + <t size='1.3' color='#ffa000'>CONVOY HIJACK</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>OPFOR forces use road convoys to resupply their defensive positions. Intercepting one of these convoys would effectively disrupt their supply lines, and we could use the occasion to retrieve an hefty amount of ammunition.</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Your mission is to stop the OPFOR convoy by any means necessary. You can destroy it, or hijack it to retrieve all the ammunition you can grab. The target will be spotted on your map.</t><br/><br/><t size='1.15' color='#00a0ff'>Cost: 10<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\general_gs.paa'/></t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Reward: OPFOR alert level reduced by 15%</t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Side reward: All the ammunition you can retrieve.</t><br/><br/><t size='10'><img image='res\secondary\convoy_obj.jpg'/></t> <t size='1.3' color='#ffa000'>INTERCEPTION DE CONVOI</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Les forces de l'OPFOR utilisent des convois routiers pour réaprovisionner leurs positions. Intercepter un de ces convois pertuberait leurs lignes d'approvisionnement, et nous pourrions utiliser l'occasion pour récupérer une grande quantité de munitions.</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Votre mission est de stopper le convoi de l'OPFOR par tous les moyens nécessaires. Vous pouvez le détruire, ou le stopper pour récupérer un maximum de munitions. La cible sera marquée sur votre carte.</t><br/><br/><t size='1.15' color='#00a0ff'>Coût: 10<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\general_gs.paa'/></t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Récompense: niveau d'alerte de l'OPFOR réduit de 15%</t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Récompense secondaire: toutes les munitions que vous pourrez récupérer.</t><br/><br/><t size='10'><img image='res\secondary\convoy_obj.jpg'/></t> <t size='1.3' color='#ffa000'>KONVOI HINTERHALT</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Die OPFOR Streitkräfte benutzen Straßenkonvois um ihre Verteidigungspositionen zu versorgen. Diese Konvois abzufangen würden ihre Nachschublinien effektiv unterbrechen und außerdem könnten wir die Möglichkeit nutzen, um selbst eine große Menge an Munition zu erbeuten.</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Ihr Auftrag ist es, den OPFOR Konvoi auf jede erdenkliche Weise zu stoppen. Sie können ihn zerstören oder übernehmen, um soviel Munition wie möglich zu erbeuten. Das Ziel wird auf Ihrer Karte aufgeklärt.</t><br/><br/><t size='1.15' color='#00a0ff'>Kosten: 10<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\general_gs.paa'/></t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Belohnung: OPFOR Alarmstatus wird um 15% reduziert</t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Weitere Belohnung: Soviel Munition wie Sie erbeuten können.</t><br/><br/><t size='10'><img image='res\secondary\convoy_obj.jpg'/></t> <t size='1.3' color='#ffa000'>INTERCEPTAR EL CONVOY</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Las fuerzas OPFOR utilizan convoys de carretera para reabastecer sus posiciones defensivas. Interceptar uno de estos convoy rompería de forma efectiva sus líneas de suministro, y podríamos aprovechar la ocasión para obtener una buena cantidad de munición.</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Tu misión consiste en parar ese convoy por cualquier medio. Puedes destruirlo o capturarlo para capturar toda la munición que sea posible. El objetivo aparecerá marcado en el mapa.</t><br/><br/><t size='1.15' color='#00a0ff'>Coste: 10<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\general_gs.paa'/></t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Recompensa: Nivel de alerta OPFOR reducido 15%</t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Recompensa secundaria: Toda la munición que puedas traer.</t><br/><br/><t size='10'><img image='res\secondary\convoy_obj.jpg'/></t> @@ -3570,7 +3570,7 @@ - BLUFOR defenders in owned sectors + BLUFOR defenders in owned sectors Défenseurs BLUFOR dans les secteurs capturés BLUFOR Verteidiger in besetzten Sektoren Defensores BLUFOR en los sectores controlados @@ -3584,7 +3584,7 @@ BLUFOR obránci v obsazených sektorech - Auto-danger behavior on BLUFOR forces + Auto-danger behavior on BLUFOR forces Comportement 'danger' automatique sur les forces BLUFOR Automatisches Verhalten "Gefahr" bei BLUFOR Kräften Comportamiento de Auto-Alerta en las fuerzas BLUFOR @@ -3598,7 +3598,7 @@ Chování při automatickém nebezpečí BLUFOR jednotek - Maximum number of FOBs allowed + Maximum number of FOBs allowed Nombre maximal de FOBs autorisé Maximale Anzahl an erlaubten FOBs Максимальное количество FOB @@ -3612,7 +3612,7 @@ Maximum postavených FOB - You are not allowed to deploy more than %1 FOBs at the same time. + You are not allowed to deploy more than %1 FOBs at the same time. Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à déployer plus de %1 FOBs en même temps. Sie haben nicht die Erlaubnis, mehr als %1 FOBs zur selben Zeit zu errichten. No se permite desplegar más de %1 FOBs al mismo tiempo @@ -3626,7 +3626,7 @@ Nemůžete postavit víc jak %1 FOB - %1 loadout successfully loaded. + %1 loadout successfully loaded. Equipement %1 chargé avec succès. Ausrüstungsset %1 erfolgreich geladen. Equipamiento %1 cargado correctamente @@ -3640,7 +3640,7 @@ %1 výzbroj načtena. - Search and Rescue + Search and Rescue Recherche et Sauvetage Helikopterbergung Búsqueda y rescate @@ -3654,7 +3654,7 @@ Záchranná mise - <t size='1.3' color='#ffa000'>SEARCH AND RESCUE</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>We have lost contact with a recon helicopter on mission behind the enemy lines. We believe the chopper was shot down by hostile forces.</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>The helicopter may have crashlanded anywhere in a large zone around its last known position. Your mission is to retrieve the chopper crew and their precious intel. Hostile forces may have found them first, so you must be quick, careful, and ready to engage.</t><br/><br/><t size='1.15' color='#00a0ff'>Cost: 8<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\general_gs.paa'/></t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Reward: 20 intel points (10 for each crew alive).</t><br/><br/><t size='10'><img image='res\secondary\fob_obj.jpg'/></t> + <t size='1.3' color='#ffa000'>SEARCH AND RESCUE</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>We have lost contact with a recon helicopter on mission behind the enemy lines. We believe the chopper was shot down by hostile forces.</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>The helicopter may have crashlanded anywhere in a large zone around its last known position. Your mission is to retrieve the chopper crew and their precious intel. Hostile forces may have found them first, so you must be quick, careful, and ready to engage.</t><br/><br/><t size='1.15' color='#00a0ff'>Cost: 8<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\general_gs.paa'/></t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Reward: 20 intel points (10 for each crew alive).</t><br/><br/><t size='10'><img image='res\secondary\fob_obj.jpg'/></t> <t size='1.3' color='#ffa000'>RECHERCHE ET SAUVETAGE</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Nous avons perdu le contact avec un helicoptère de reconnaissance en mission derrière les lignes ennemies. Il a probablement été abattu par les forces hostiles.</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>L'hélicopter a pu finir sa course dans une large zone autour de sa dernière position connue. Votre mission est de retrouver l'équipage et sa précieuse intel. Les forces hostiles les auront peut-être déjà retrouvés, votre action doit donc être rapide et décisive.</t><br/><br/><t size='1.15' color='#00a0ff'>Cout: 8<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\general_gs.paa'/></t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Récompense: 20 points d'intel (10 pour chaque équipage vivant).</t><br/><br/><t size='10'><img image='res\secondary\fob_obj.jpg'/></t> <t size='1.3' color='#ffa000'>SUCHEN UND ZERSTÖREN</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Wir haben den Kontakt mit einem Aufklärungshelikopter, der auf einer Mission hinter feindlichen Linien war, verloren. Wir vermuten, dass der Helikotper von feindlichen Kräften abgeschossen wurde.</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Der Helikopter muss irgendwo in einem größeren Bereich um seine letzte bekannte Position notgelandet sein. Ihr Auftrag ist es, die Besatzung zu finden und deren Aufklärungsbericht zu beschaffen. Feindliche Kräfte könnten sie bereits gefunden haben, also müssen sie schnell, vorsichtig und auf alles vorbereitet sein.</t><br/><br/><t size='1.15' color='#00a0ff'>Cost: 8<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\general_gs.paa'/></t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Reward: 20 intel points (10 for each crew alive).</t><br/><br/><t size='10'><img image='res\secondary\fob_obj.jpg'/></t> <t size='1.3' color='#ffa000'>BÚSQUEDA Y RESCATE</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>Hemos perdido contacto con un helicóptero de reconocimiento durante una misión tras las líneas enemigas. Creemos que el helicóptero ha sido derribado por las fuerzas hostiles.</t><br/><br/><t size='1'>El helicóptero habría aterrizado forzosamente en alguna parte alrededor de su última posición conocida. Tu misión consiste en traer de vuelta a su tripulación y a la preciada información de interligencia que allí se encuentra. Las fuerzas hostiles pueden haberlos encontrado antes, así que hay que ser rápidos, cuidadosos y estar preparados para enfrentarse.</t><br/><br/><t size='1.15' color='#00a0ff'>Coste: 8<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\general_gs.paa'/></t><br/><t size='1.15' color='#ffa000'>Recompensa: 20 puntos de intel (10 por cada tripulante).</t><br/><br/><t size='10'><img image='res\secondary\fob_obj.jpg'/></t> @@ -3670,7 +3670,7 @@ - AI recruitment limit per squad + AI recruitment limit per squad Limite de recrutement d'IA par escouade KI Rekrutierungslimit per Squad Límite de reclutamiento IA por escuadra @@ -3684,7 +3684,7 @@ Limit verbování AI jednotek na družstvo. - Crashed helicopter near %1. + Crashed helicopter near %1. Helicopter crashé près de %1. Helikopterabsturz in der Nähe von %1 Helicóptero derribado cerca de %1 @@ -3698,7 +3698,7 @@ Havárie vrtulníku poblíž %1 - SAR mission failed, both crew are KIA. + SAR mission failed, both crew are KIA. Mission SAR échouée, les deux équipages sont morts. SAR Mission fehlgeschlagen. Beide Crewmitglieder gefallen. Misión de Búsqueda y Rescate fallida, ambos tripulantes están muertos @@ -3712,7 +3712,7 @@ Záchranná mise selhala, všichni jsou mrtví. - SAR mission succeeded. + SAR mission succeeded. Mission SAR réussie. SAR Mission erfolgreich Misión de Búsqueda y Rescate completada satisfactoriamente @@ -3726,7 +3726,7 @@ Záchranná mise byla úspěšná - Player mapmarkers activation through extended options + Player mapmarkers activation through extended options Kartenmarkierungen von Spielern über Erweiterte Optionen aktivierbar Activación de marcas de mapa de jugador a través de opciones extendidas Активация картмаркеров игроков с помощью расширенных опций @@ -3739,7 +3739,7 @@ Aktivování hráčských značek skrz rozšířené menu - Mobile Respawn + Mobile Respawn Mobiler Respawn Respawn Móvil Мобильный респаун @@ -3752,7 +3752,7 @@ Mobilní respawn - Mobile Arsenal + Mobile Arsenal Mobiles Arsenal Arsenal Móvil Мобильный арсенал @@ -3765,13 +3765,13 @@ Mobilní arzenál - Respawn on attacked sectors + Respawn on attacked sectors Respawn bei unter Angriff stehenden Sektoren - Killah Potatoes flag + Killah Potatoes flag Killah Potatoes Flagge Bandera de Killah Potatoes Флаг Killah Potatoes @@ -3784,7 +3784,7 @@ Killah Potatoes vlajka - Small storage area + Small storage area Kleiner Lagerbereich Almacén pequeño Маленький склад @@ -3797,7 +3797,7 @@ Malá skladovací plocha - Large storage area + Large storage area Großer Lagerbereich Almacén grande Большой склад @@ -3810,7 +3810,7 @@ Velká skladovací plocha - Salvage Depot + Salvage Depot Demontageeinrichtung Depósito de reciclaje Утилизационный аппарат @@ -3823,7 +3823,7 @@ Opravárenské Depo - Flight Control + Flight Control Flugkontrolle Torre de Control Aéreo Авиационная вышка (КДП) @@ -3836,7 +3836,7 @@ Letecká kontrola - Helipad + Helipad Helikopterlandeplatz Helipuerto Вертолетная площадка @@ -3849,7 +3849,7 @@ Helipad - Tent Hangar + Tent Hangar Zelthangar Hangar de aviones Ангар @@ -3862,7 +3862,7 @@ Stanový Hangár - There is no free storage area nearby. + There is no free storage area nearby. Keine freie Lagerfläche in der Nähe. No hay sitio de almacenamiento cercano Рядом с вами нет свободного места на складе. @@ -3875,7 +3875,7 @@ V blízkosti není volná skladovací plocha. - -- STORE CRATE + -- STORE CRATE -- KISTE EINLAGERN -- CAJA DE ALMACENAJE -- ЗАГРУЗИТЬ НА СКЛАД @@ -3888,7 +3888,7 @@ -- ULOŽIT BEDNU - -- UNLOAD SUPPLY CRATE + -- UNLOAD SUPPLY CRATE -- NACHSCHUB ABLADEN -- DESCARGA CAJA DE SUMINISTRO -- ВЫГРУЗИТЬ ЯЩИК ПРИПАСОВ @@ -3901,7 +3901,7 @@ -- VYLOŽIT BEDNU SE ZÁSOBAMI - -- UNLOAD AMMO CRATE + -- UNLOAD AMMO CRATE -- MUNITION ABLADEN -- DESCARGA CAJA DE MUNICIÓN -- ВЫГРУЗИТЬ ЯЩИК БОЕПРИПАСОВ @@ -3914,7 +3914,7 @@ -- VYLOŽIT BEDNU S MUNICÍ - -- UNLOAD FUEL CRATE + -- UNLOAD FUEL CRATE -- KRAFTSTOFF ABLADEN -- DESCARGA CAJA DE COMBUSTIBLE -- ВЫГРУЗИТЬ ЯЩИК ТОПЛИВА @@ -3927,7 +3927,7 @@ -- VYLOŽIT BEDNU S PALIVEM - -- CHECK CONTENT + -- CHECK CONTENT -- INHALT PRÜFEN -- COMPROBAR CONTENIDO -- ПРОВЕРИТЬ СОДЕРЖИМОЕ @@ -3940,7 +3940,7 @@ -- ZKONTROLOVAT OBSAH - Crate contains %1 resources + Crate contains %1 resources Kiste beinhaltet %1 Ressourcen La caja contiene %1 recursos Ящик содержит %1 ресурсов @@ -3953,7 +3953,7 @@ Bedna obsahuje 1% - -- Change alignment + -- Change alignment -- Ausrichtung ändern -- Cambiar alineación -- Изменить выравнивание @@ -3966,7 +3966,7 @@ -- Změnit zarovnání - Not enough free storage space + Not enough free storage space Nicht genug Lagerkapazität No hay suficiente espacio disponible Недостаточно свободного места на складе @@ -3979,7 +3979,7 @@ -- Málo úložného prostoru - You can't recycle preplaced objects + You can't recycle preplaced objects Vorplatzierte Objekte können nicht recycelt werden No puedes reciclar objetos pre-posicionados Вы не можете утилизировать предварительно размещенные объекты @@ -3992,7 +3992,7 @@ Nelze rozebrat představené objekty - Can't recycle:\nNo Salvage Depot in FOB area + Can't recycle:\nNo Salvage Depot in FOB area Wiederverwerten nicht möglich:\nKeine Demontageeinrichtung im Bereich der FOB Imposible reciclar:\nNo hay Centro de Reciclaje en el área del FOB Невозможно выполнить переработку:\nНет утилизационного склада в области FOB @@ -4005,7 +4005,7 @@ Nelze rozebrat:\nV dosahu není žádný Opravárenské depo - -- REASSIGN ZEUS + -- REASSIGN ZEUS -- ZEUS NEU ZUWEISEN -- REASIGNAR ZEUS -- ПЕРЕНАЗНАЧИТЬ ZEUS @@ -4018,7 +4018,7 @@ -- PŘIDĚLIT ZEUS - GLOBAL + GLOBAL GESAMT GLOBAL ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЙ @@ -4031,7 +4031,7 @@ GLOBÁLNÍ - -- Switch resource display + -- Switch resource display -- Ressourcenanzeige wechseln -- Alternar pantalla de recursos -- Переключить отображение ресурсов @@ -4044,7 +4044,7 @@ -- Změnit zobrazení surovin - Following items are not allowed:\n%1 + Following items are not allowed:\n%1 Folgende Gegenstände sind nicht erlaubt:\n%1 Los siguientes items no son permitidos:\n%1 Следующие предметы не разрешены:\n%1 @@ -4057,7 +4057,7 @@ Následující věci nejsou dovoleny:\n%1 - -- Production Settings + -- Production Settings -- Produktionseinstellungen -- Configuración de producción -- Настройки Производства @@ -4070,7 +4070,7 @@ -- Nastavení produkce - Production Settings + Production Settings Produktionseinstellungen Configuración de producción Настройки Производства @@ -4083,7 +4083,7 @@ Nastavení produkce - Sector Type: + Sector Type: Sektortyp: Tipo de sector: Тип сектора: @@ -4096,7 +4096,7 @@ Typ sektoru: - City + City Stadt Ciudad Город @@ -4109,7 +4109,7 @@ Město - Factory + Factory Fabrik Fábrica Завод @@ -4122,7 +4122,7 @@ Továrna - Producing: + Producing: Produziert: Produciendo: Производит: @@ -4135,7 +4135,7 @@ Produkce: - Nothing + Nothing Nichts Náda Ничего @@ -4148,7 +4148,7 @@ Nic - Storage: + Storage: Lagerbereich: Almacenamiento: Склад: @@ -4161,7 +4161,7 @@ Sklad: - Not present + Not present Nicht vorhanden Inexistente Отсутствует @@ -4174,7 +4174,7 @@ Není - Time left: + Time left: Verbl. Zeit: Tiempo restante: Осталось: @@ -4187,7 +4187,7 @@ Zbývající čas: - No production + No production Keine Produktion Sin producción Нет производства @@ -4200,7 +4200,7 @@ Žádná produkce - %1 minutes + %1 minutes %1 Minuten %1 minuto %1 Минут(-ы) @@ -4213,7 +4213,7 @@ %1 minuty - Facilities available + Facilities available Verfügbare Einrichtungen Instalaciones disponibles Доступные заводы @@ -4226,7 +4226,7 @@ Dostupné továrny - Stock Overview + Stock Overview Übersicht Lagerbestände Resumen de Stock Обзор склада @@ -4239,7 +4239,7 @@ Stav skladů - %1 Crate + %1 Crate %1 Kiste $1 Caja %1 Ящик @@ -4252,7 +4252,7 @@ %1 Bedna - %1 Crates + %1 Crates %1 Kisten %1 Cajas %1 Ящиков @@ -4265,7 +4265,7 @@ %1 Bedny - Choose Production + Choose Production Produktionswahl Selecciona la producción Выбрать продукцию @@ -4278,7 +4278,7 @@ Vyberte produkci - Sector setting saved. + Sector setting saved. Sektoreinstellung gespeichert. Configuración de sector guardada. Настройки сектора сохранены. @@ -4291,7 +4291,7 @@ Nastavení sektoru uloženo - -- Build storage -- + -- Build storage -- -- Lagerfläche bauen -- -- Construir almacén -- -- Построить склад -- @@ -4304,7 +4304,7 @@ -- Postavit skladiště -- - -- Build supply facility -- + -- Build supply facility -- -- Nachschubeinrichtung bauen -- -- Construir instalación de suministros -- -- Построить завод припасов -- @@ -4317,7 +4317,7 @@ -- Postavit továrnu na zásoby -- - -- Build ammo facility -- + -- Build ammo facility -- -- Munitionseinrichtung bauen -- -- Construir instalación de munición -- -- Построить завод боеприпасов -- @@ -4330,7 +4330,7 @@ -- Postavit továrnu na munici -- - -- Build fuel facility -- + -- Build fuel facility -- -- Kraftstoffeinrichtung bauen -- -- Construir instalación de combustible -- -- Построить завод топлива -- @@ -4343,7 +4343,7 @@ -- Postavit továrnu na palivo -- - Needed facility not built in sector. + Needed facility not built in sector. Benötigte Einrichtung nicht vorhanden. La instalación necesaria no se ha construido en el sector. Необходимый завод не построен в секторе. @@ -4356,7 +4356,7 @@ Továrna nemůže být postavena v sektoru. - Not enough resources.\n\nYou need:\n%1 Supplies\n%2 Ammo\n%3 Fuel + Not enough resources.\n\nYou need:\n%1 Supplies\n%2 Ammo\n%3 Fuel Nicht genug Ressourcen.\n\nDu benötigst:\n%1 Nachschub\n%2 Munition\n%3 Kraftstoff No tienes suficientes recursos.\n\nNecesitas:\n%1 Suministros\n%2 Munición\n%3 Combustible Недостаточно ресурсов.\n\nВам нужно:\n%1 Припасы\n%2 Боеприпасы\n%3 Топливо @@ -4369,7 +4369,7 @@ Nedostatek surovin.\n\nPotřebujete:\n%1 Zásoby\n%2 Munice\n%3 Palivo - Facility established. + Facility established. Einrichtung etabliert. Instalación establecida. Завод построен. @@ -4382,7 +4382,7 @@ Továrna postavena - AI Logistics Module + AI Logistics Module AI Logistik Modul Módulo de logística de IA Модуль логистики AI @@ -4395,7 +4395,7 @@ Modul AI logistiky - -- Logistic Overview + -- Logistic Overview -- Logistikübersicht -- Resumen de logística -- -- Обзор логистики @@ -4408,7 +4408,7 @@ -- Logistický přehled - Logistic Overview + Logistic Overview Logistikübersicht Resumen de logística Обзор логистики @@ -4421,7 +4421,7 @@ Logistický přehled - Add + Add Hinzfg Agregar Добавить @@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ Přidat - Del + Del Entf Eliminar Удалить @@ -4447,7 +4447,7 @@ Odebrat - Status: + Status: Status: Status: Статус: @@ -4460,7 +4460,7 @@ Stav: - Standby + Standby Bereitschaft Espera un momento Ожидание @@ -4473,7 +4473,7 @@ Nečinný - Loading + Loading Verladen Cargando Погрузка @@ -4486,7 +4486,7 @@ Nakládá - On the way + On the way Unterwegs En camino В пути @@ -4499,7 +4499,7 @@ Na cestě - Aborting mission + Aborting mission Auftragsabbruch Abortando misión Прерывание миссии @@ -4512,7 +4512,7 @@ Rušení mise - No resources + No resources Keine Ressourcen Sin recursos Нет ресурсов @@ -4525,7 +4525,7 @@ Nejsou suroviny - No storagespace + No storagespace Kein Lagerplatz Sin espacio de almacenamiento Нет места на складе @@ -4538,7 +4538,7 @@ Není úložné místo - Next destination: + Next destination: Nächster Zielort: Siguiente destino: След. пункт: @@ -4551,7 +4551,7 @@ Další cíl: - Current convoy cargo + Current convoy cargo Aktuelle Konvoiladung Cargamento de convoy actual Текущий состав конвоя @@ -4564,7 +4564,7 @@ Aktuální náklad konvoje - Assigned Trucks + Assigned Trucks Zugeteilte LKWs Camiones asignados Грузовики @@ -4577,7 +4577,7 @@ Nákladní auta - Assign Truck + Assign Truck LKW zuteilen Asignar camión Назначить грузовик @@ -4590,7 +4590,7 @@ Koupit náklaďák - Unassign Truck + Unassign Truck LKW abziehen Remover camión Убрать грузовик @@ -4603,7 +4603,7 @@ Prodat náklaďák - Costs: 100 supplies and 100 fuel. + Costs: 100 supplies and 100 fuel. Kosten: 100 Nachschub und 100 Kraftstoff. Costo: 100 suministros y 100 combustible Стоимость: 100 припасов и 100 единиц топлива. @@ -4616,7 +4616,7 @@ Cena: 100 zásob a 100 paliva - Gives: 50 supplies and 50 fuel. + Gives: 50 supplies and 50 fuel. Erstattet: 50 Nachschub und 50 Kraftstoff. Otorga: 50 suministros y 50 combustible Дает: 50 припасов и 50 единиц топлива. @@ -4629,7 +4629,7 @@ Cena: 50 zásob a 50 paliva - Confirm Mission + Confirm Mission Auftrag bestätigen Confirmar misión Подтвердить миссию @@ -4642,7 +4642,7 @@ Potvrdit misi - Abort Mission + Abort Mission Auftrag abbrechen Abortar misión Отменить миссию @@ -4655,7 +4655,7 @@ Zrušit misi - Not enough resources + Not enough resources Nicht genug Ressourcen No hay recursos suficientes Недостаточно ресурсов @@ -4668,7 +4668,7 @@ Nedostatek surovin - Mission planning + Mission planning Auftragsplanung Planeación de misión Планирование миссии @@ -4681,7 +4681,7 @@ Plánování mise - Destination A + Destination A Ziel A Destino A Пункт назначения A @@ -4694,7 +4694,7 @@ Cíl A - Destination B + Destination B Ziel B Destino B Пункт назначения В @@ -4707,7 +4707,7 @@ Cíl B - Supplies value from here to the other destination. (only whole numbers) + Supplies value from here to the other destination. (only whole numbers) Nachschubmenge von hier zum anderen Ziel. (nur ganzzahlig) Valor de sumistro desde aquí hasta el siguiente destino. (solo números enteros) Припасы отсюда до другого места назначения. (Целые числа) @@ -4720,7 +4720,7 @@ Hodnota zásob odtud do cílového místa. (pouze celá čísla) - Ammo value from here to the other destination. (only whole numbers) + Ammo value from here to the other destination. (only whole numbers) Munitionsmenge von hier zum anderen Ziel. (nur ganzzahlig) Valor de munición desde aquí hasta el siguiente destino. (solo números enteros) Боеприпасы отсюда до другого места назначения. (Целые числа) @@ -4733,7 +4733,7 @@ Hodnota munice odtud do cílového místa. (pouze celá čísla) - Fuel value from here to the other destination. (only whole numbers) + Fuel value from here to the other destination. (only whole numbers) Kraftstoffmenge von hier zum anderen Ziel. (nur ganzzahlig) Valor de combustible desde aqui hasta el siguiente destino. (solo números enteros) Топливо отсюда до другого места назначения. (Целые числа) @@ -4746,7 +4746,7 @@ Hodnota paliva odtud do cílového místa. (pouze celá čísla) - Your mission is not possible. + Your mission is not possible. Auftrag nicht möglich. Tu misión no es posible. Ваша миссия невозможна. @@ -4759,7 +4759,7 @@ Vaše trasa není možná. - You can't abort this mission at the moment. + You can't abort this mission at the moment. Du kannst diesen Auftrag momentan nicht abbrechen. No puedes confirmar la misión en este momento. На данный момент вы не можете прервать эту миссию. @@ -4774,7 +4774,7 @@ - Liberate the region from the enemy oppression! Strategy will be key! Good luck soldiers. + Liberate the region from the enemy oppression! Strategy will be key! Good luck soldiers. Avec le pouvoir de la Liberté et de la Démocratie votre mission est de libérer Altis de l'oppression de l'OPFOR. Befreie das Gebiet von der feindlichen Unterdrückung mit der Kraft von Freiheit und Demokratie Con el poder de la Libertad y la Democracia, debes liberar Altis de la opresión del OPFOR @@ -4788,7 +4788,7 @@ Osvoboďte oblast od nepřátelského útisku. Strategie je klíčová! Hodně štěstí vojáci. - 1. Introduction + 1. Introduction 1. Introduction 1. Einführung 1. Introducción @@ -4802,7 +4802,7 @@ 1. Instrukce - <br/><br/>Hello gentlemen and welcome to the region, enemy forces have surprised us with a brutal and overwhelming offensive. They now have complete control of the region but with your efforts, that won't last long.<br/> <br/>Our primary objective is simple: liberate the region from enemy control!<br/> <br/>The road to victory will be long and dangerous. You will have to retake many sectors and acquire the necessary resources to improve the quantity and quality of friendly forces engaged in this campaign.<br/> <br/>Moreover, enemy forces will most certainly react to our advance. You will have to engage in secondary operations to weaken a foe that fights with higher numbers and better equipment than you do.<br/> <br/>In your efforts you will need the support of the local population, so always double-check what you're firing at!<br/> <br/>Questions? HQ out.<br/> <br/> + <br/><br/>Hello gentlemen and welcome to the region, enemy forces have surprised us with a brutal and overwhelming offensive. They now have complete control of the region but with your efforts, that won't last long.<br/> <br/>Our primary objective is simple: liberate the region from enemy control!<br/> <br/>The road to victory will be long and dangerous. You will have to retake many sectors and acquire the necessary resources to improve the quantity and quality of friendly forces engaged in this campaign.<br/> <br/>Moreover, enemy forces will most certainly react to our advance. You will have to engage in secondary operations to weaken a foe that fights with higher numbers and better equipment than you do.<br/> <br/>In your efforts you will need the support of the local population, so always double-check what you're firing at!<br/> <br/>Questions? HQ out.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Hallo die Herren und Willkommen im Kampfgebiet, der Feind hat uns mit einer brutalen und überwältigenden Offensive überrascht. Er hat jetzt die totale Kontrolle, aber Dank Ihres Einsatzes wird das nicht von Dauer sein.<br/> <br/>Unser Primärziel ist einfach: Befreie das Gebiet von der Feindkontrolle!<br/> <br/>Die Straße zum Sieg wird lang und gefährlich sein. Sie werden viele Sektoren zurück erobern müssen und sich die nötigen Ressourcen beschaffen, um Quantität und Qualität unserer Truppen zu verbessern.<br/> <br/>Außerdem werden die Feindkräfte zeitnah auf unsere Fortschritte reagieren. Sie werden Sekundärziele bestreiten müssen, um den Feind zu schwächen, der uns in Truppenstärke und in Qualität der Ausrüstung überlegen ist.<br/> <br/>In Ihren Anstrengungen wird es nötig sein die lokale Bevölkerung zu unterstützen. Achten Sie also stets darauf auf wen Sie schießen!<br/> <br/>Fragen? HQ Ende. <br/><br/>Buen día caballeros y bienvenidos a la región, las fuerzas enemigas nos han sorprendido con una ofensiva brutalmente abrumadora. Ahora tienen el control absoluto de la zona, pero con su esfuerzo, eso no duarará por mucho..<br/> <br/>Nuestro objetivo principal es simple: liberar la región del control del enemigo!<br/> <br/>El camino a la victoria será largo y peligroso. Tendrán que retomar el control de varios sectores y adquirir los recursos necesarios para mejorar la calidad y cantidad de las fuerzas amigas involucradas en esta campaña.<br/> <br/>Sin embargo, seguramente el enemigo reaccionará a nuestros avances. Tendrás que responder a operaciones secundarias para debilitar al enemigo que lucha con mayor cantidad de soldados y mejor equipo que ustedes.<br/> <br/>En sus esfuerzos tendrán que apoyar a la población local, así que siempre revisen bien a donde disparan!<br/> <br/>Preguntas? HQ termia.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Gentili signori e benvenuti nella regione, le forze nemiche ci hanno sorpreso con un'offensiva brutale e schiacciante. Ora hanno il controllo completo ma con i tuoi sforzi, non durerà a lungo.<br/> <br/>Il nostro obiettivo primario è semplice: liberare la regione dal controllo nemico!<br/> <br/>La strada per la vittoria sarà lunga e pericolosa. Dovrai riprendere molti settori e acquisire le risorse necessarie per migliorare la quantità e la qualità delle forze amiche impegnate in questa campagna.<br/> <br/>Inoltre, le forze nemiche risponderanno certamente alla nostra offensiva. Dovrai impegnarti in operazioni secondarie per indebolire un nemico che combatte con numeri più elevati e attrezzature migliori di te.<br/> <br/>Avrai bisogno del sostegno della popolazione locale, quindi controlla sempre quello a cui stai sparando!<br/> <br/>Ci sono domande? HQ chiudo.<br/> <br/> @@ -4815,7 +4815,7 @@ <br/><br/>Dobrý den, dámy a pánové, vitejte v oblasti. Jednotky OPFOR nás překvapily brutálním a ohromujícím útokem. Nyní mají vládu nad celým ostrovem, ale díky vaší snaze, ne na dlouho.<br/> <br/>Náš cíl je jednoduchý, osvobodit oblast od nepřátelského útisku.<br/> <br/>Cesta za vítězstvím bude dlouhá a nebezpečná. Musíme dobýt mnoho území a získat důležité zdroje k vylepšení a posílení BLUFOR jednotek operujících v tomto tažení.<br/> <br/>Navíc, jednotky OPFOR budou s největší pravděpodobností reagovat na váš postup. Budete muset splnit mnoho vedlejších úkolu k oslabení nepřátelské přesily s lepším vybavením.<br/> <br/>Ve svém úsilí budete potřebovat podporu místního obyvatelstva, takže se vždy ujistěte, po čem střílíte.<br/> <br/>Otázky? HQ konči.<br/> <br/> - 2. Starting the campaign! + 2. Starting the campaign! 2. Débuter la campagne 2. Starten der Kampagne 2. Comenzando la campaña @@ -4829,7 +4829,7 @@ 2. Začátek kampaně - <br/><br/>You begin the campaign either onboard the USS Freedom, or at Chimera base, safe zones the enemy won't dare to attack. Your first choice is to choose where you want to deploy. At first you can only deploy at your starting position but as you progress, more options will become available such as Forward Operating Bases (FOB) and mobile respawns.<br/> <br/>At your starting position you can choose your equipment from a complete Arsenal. You will also find your first FOB packaged inside a container, the Spartan-01 helicopter and a few other small transport helicopters.<br/> <br/>You will have to ferry that container with the Spartan-01 (or choose to start with the first FOB already built). You can deploy this first FOB wherever you want (as long as you're 1km from the starting position and 300m from any sector), so it's up to you to choose the right place to start your campaign offensive.<br/> <br/> + <br/><br/>You begin the campaign either onboard the USS Freedom, or at Chimera base, safe zones the enemy won't dare to attack. Your first choice is to choose where you want to deploy. At first you can only deploy at your starting position but as you progress, more options will become available such as Forward Operating Bases (FOB) and mobile respawns.<br/> <br/>At your starting position you can choose your equipment from a complete Arsenal. You will also find your first FOB packaged inside a container, the Spartan-01 helicopter and a few other small transport helicopters.<br/> <br/>You will have to ferry that container with the Spartan-01 (or choose to start with the first FOB already built). You can deploy this first FOB wherever you want (as long as you're 1km from the starting position and 300m from any sector), so it's up to you to choose the right place to start your campaign offensive.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Sie beginnen die Kampagne entweder an Bord der USS Freedom oder in der Chimera Basis, wobei es sich jeweils um eine sichere Zone handelt, die der Feind nicht wagen würde anzugreifen. Ihre erste Entscheidung ist es, zu wählen, wo sie eingesetzt werden wollen. Zuerst können sie nur an Ihrer Startposition einsetzen, aber je weiter Sie voran schreiten, umso mehr Möglichkeiten, wie Forward Operating Bases (FOB) und mobile Respawns, werden Ihnen offen stehen.<br/> <br/>An Ihrer Startposition können Sie Ihre Ausrüstung aus einem kompletten Arsenal wählen. Außerdem finden Sie hier auch Ihre erste FOB verpackt in einem Container, den Spartan-01 Helikopter und ein paar kleine Transport-Helikopter<br/> <br/>Sie werden diesen Container mit dem Spartan-01 verlegen müssen (oder Sie entscheiden sich, mit einer ersten, bereits gebauten FOB zu starten). Sie können diese erste FOB aufstellen, wo Sie wollen (solange sie 1km von der Startposition und 300m von einem Sektor entfernt ist), also liegt es an Ihnen, den richtigen Platz für den Start Ihrer Offensive zu finden.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Empezarás la camapaña abordo del USS Freedom o en la base Chimera, las cuales son zonas seguras que el enemigo no se atreverá a atacar. La primera decisión que debes tomar es donde quieres desplegarte. Al principio solo puedes desplegarte en tu posición inicial, pero conforme progresas, tendrás más opciones disponibles como un Forward Operating Base (FOB) y mobile respawns.<br/> <br/>En tu posición inicial puedes escoger tu equipo desde el Arsenal completo. También encontrarás tu primer FOB empacado dentro de un contenedor, el helicóptero Spartan-01 y otros cuantos pequeños helicópteros de transporte.<br/> <br/>Tendrás que llevar ese contenedor con el Sparta-01 (o escoger iniciar con el primer FOB construido). Puedes construir tu primer FOB en cualquier lugar que quieras (siempre y cuando te encuentres a 1km de la posición inicial y 300m de cualquier sector), así que depende de ti escoger el mejor lugar para empezar tu campaña ofensiva.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>La campagna partirà dalla USS Freedom, o dalla base Chimera, sono zone sicure che il nemico non oserà attaccare. Prima di tutto bisogna scegliere dove schierarsi. All'inizio ci si può solo schierare nelle posizioni citate prima, ma mentre si progredisce, saranno disponibili ulteriori opzioni quali FOB e respawn mobili.<br/> <br/>Nella posizione iniziale puoi scegliere la tua attrezzatura da un completo Arsenale. Troverete anche la prima FOB imballata all'interno di un container, l'elicottero Spartan-01 e qualche altro piccolo elicottero da trasporto.<br/> <br/>Dovrete trasportare quel container con lo Spartan-01 (o scegliere di iniziare con la prima FOB già costruita). Puoi costruire la FOB dove vuoi (finché sei a 1 km dalla posizione iniziale e 300 metri da qualsiasi settore), quindi stà a voi scegliere il posto giusto per iniziare l'offensiva della vostra campagna.<br/> <br/> @@ -4842,7 +4842,7 @@ <br/><br/>Zahájíte kampaň buď na palubě USS Freedom, nebo na základně Chimera, v bezpečných zónách, které se nepřítel neodváží zaútočit. První volbou je vybrat, kam chcete nasadit. Zpočátku se můžete nasadit pouze na vaší výchozí pozici, ale jak postupujete, budou k dispozici další možnosti, jako jsou Forward Operating Bases (FOB) a mobilní respawns.<br/> <br/>Na své počáteční pozici si můžete vybrat vybavení z kompletního Arsenalu. Také najdete svůj první FOB zabalený v kontejneru, vrtulník Spartan-01 a několik dalších malých transportních vrtulníků.<br/> <br/>Budete se muset přepravit s pomocí Spartan-01 (nebo se rozhodnete začít s první postavenou FOB již postavenou). Tento první FOB můžete nasadit kamkoli budete chtít (pokud jste 1 km od výchozí pozice a 300 m od jakéhokoli sektoru), takže je na vás, abyste vybrali správné místo pro zahájení ofenzivy.<br/> <br/> - 3. Objective + 3. Objective 3. Objectif 3. Ziele 3. Objetivo @@ -4856,7 +4856,7 @@ 3. Cíle - <br/><br/>The primary objective of this campaign is to remove enemy forces from the region entirely. To achieve this, you will have to liberate ALL major cities within the region! This is the only victory condition for the campaign but those cities are tough nuts to crack with only limited resources at your disposal and a well established enemy force. <br/> <br/>To succeed, you will have to capture large number of different sectors, each with their own use.<br/> <br/> + <br/><br/>The primary objective of this campaign is to remove enemy forces from the region entirely. To achieve this, you will have to liberate ALL major cities within the region! This is the only victory condition for the campaign but those cities are tough nuts to crack with only limited resources at your disposal and a well established enemy force. <br/> <br/>To succeed, you will have to capture large number of different sectors, each with their own use.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Das Primärziel dieser Kampagne ist es, die Feindkräfte in dieser Region vollständig zu entfernen. Um dies zu erreichen, werden Sie ALLE Großstädte innerhalb dieser Region befreien müssen! Dies ist die einzige Bedingung zum Sieg, aber diese Städte sind schwer zu knacken, in Anbetracht unserer wenigen Ressourcen und einer gut aufgestellten Feindmacht.<br/> <br/>Um das zu erreichen, werden Sie eine große Anzahl von verschiedensten Sektoren einnehmen, jeder mit seinen spezifischen Eigenschaften.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>El objetivo primordial de esta campaña es remover las fuerzas enemigas de la región completamente. Para lograrlo, tendrás que liberar TODOS los pueblos mayores en la región! Esta es la única condición para la victoria de la campaña, Pero esas ciudades son nueces duras de romper con solo recursos limitados y una fuerza enemiga tan bien establecida. <br/> <br/>Para tener éxito, tendrás que capturar un grán número de diferentes sectores, cada uno con sus propios usos.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>L'obiettivo primario di questa campagna è di eliminare interamente le forze nemiche dalla regione. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, dovrai liberare TUTTE le grandi città della regione! Questa è l'unica condizione di vittoria per la campagna, ma quste città sono difficili da liberare in quanto dovrete aver a disposizione numerose risorse e fronteggiare una forza nemica consolidata. <br/> <br/>Per vincere, dovrai catturare un gran numero di settori diversi, ognuno con il proprio uso.<br/> <br/> @@ -4868,7 +4868,7 @@ <br/><br/>Hlavním úkolem je vyhnat jednotky OPFOR z oblasti. K dosažení, budete muset obsadit všechna hlavní města v oblasti. Toto je jediná podmínka vítězství kampaně.<br/> <br/>Ale tyto města budou oříšek, máte k dispozici jen omezené zdroje a města jsou obsazená po zuby ozbrojenými jednotkami OPFOR. <br/> <br/>Aby jste uspěly, budete muset obsadit mnoho jiných sektorů, každý za jiným účelem.<br/> <br/> - 4. Sectors + 4. Sectors 4. Secteurs 4. Sektoren 4. Sectores @@ -4882,7 +4882,7 @@ 4. Sektory - <br/><br/>Sectors are split into 5 different types:<br/> <br/>- Points of Interest (PoI): Generally small to medium sized villages/towns. While strategically unimportant, these places are where the citizens of the region live and as such are key in obtaining their trust and sympathy.<br/> <br/>- Factories: Across the region you will find civilian factories under enemy control. These factories are specialized at creating one of the three resources (Supplies, Ammo, and Fuel), but can later be upgraded to produce all 3. As such they are a very strategic first target!<br/> <br/>- Military Bases: Home to large amounts of highly equipped enemy forces, these installations are heavily defended and will require large and well co-ordinated assaults if you have any hope in capturing them! Capturing these bases will enable us to deploy stronger assets in the region and are critical to your success.<br/> <br/>- Radio Towers (RT): When under enemy control, RTs will be used to call in reinforcements when a nearby sector is attacked by our own forces. The reaction time of the reinforcements will depend on the distance between the tower and the sector. When under friendly control, the towers will give useful map intel on hostile troop movements in the vicinity by intercepting their radio communications.<br/> <br/>- Major Cities: There are several major cities in the region. When all are under friendly control, we will most certainly have beaten back the enemy to a point where they cannot re-establish control. This is your primary objective.<br/> <br/> + <br/><br/>Sectors are split into 5 different types:<br/> <br/>- Points of Interest (PoI): Generally small to medium sized villages/towns. While strategically unimportant, these places are where the citizens of the region live and as such are key in obtaining their trust and sympathy.<br/> <br/>- Factories: Across the region you will find civilian factories under enemy control. These factories are specialized at creating one of the three resources (Supplies, Ammo, and Fuel), but can later be upgraded to produce all 3. As such they are a very strategic first target!<br/> <br/>- Military Bases: Home to large amounts of highly equipped enemy forces, these installations are heavily defended and will require large and well co-ordinated assaults if you have any hope in capturing them! Capturing these bases will enable us to deploy stronger assets in the region and are critical to your success.<br/> <br/>- Radio Towers (RT): When under enemy control, RTs will be used to call in reinforcements when a nearby sector is attacked by our own forces. The reaction time of the reinforcements will depend on the distance between the tower and the sector. When under friendly control, the towers will give useful map intel on hostile troop movements in the vicinity by intercepting their radio communications.<br/> <br/>- Major Cities: There are several major cities in the region. When all are under friendly control, we will most certainly have beaten back the enemy to a point where they cannot re-establish control. This is your primary objective.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Sektoren sind in 5 unterschiedliche Typen eingeteilt:<br/> <br/>- Point of Interest (PoI): Für gewöhnlich kleine- bis mittelgroße Dörfer/Städte. Jeder PoI, den Sie kontrollieren kann aufgewertet werden (nach Bau einer Lagerfläche), um uns mit den drei Arten von Ressourcen zu versorgen, die gebraucht werden, um militärische Ausrüstung zu produzieren.<br/> <br/>- Fabriken: Verteilt über das Gebiet, sind zivile Fabriken unter der Kontrolle des Feindes. Nehmen Sie diese ein, da sie nur eine Lagerfläche brauchen, um dann jede der drei Arten von Ressourcen zu produzieren, ohne sie aufwerten zu müssen. Als solches sind Fabriken ein wertvolles, strategisches, erstes Ziel!<br/> <br/>- Militär Basen: Diese beherbergen eine große Anzahl von bestens ausgestatteten Feindkräften. Sie werden stark verteidigt und erfordern einen großen und gut koordinierten Angriff, falls sie überhaupt irgendwelche Hoffnungen haben, diese einnehmen zu können.<br/> <br/>- Funktürme (FT): Unter Feindkontrolle werden FT genutzt, um Verstärkungen anzufordern, wenn ein Sektor in der Nähe von unseren Kräften angegriffen wird. Die Zeit, bis die Verstärkung eintrifft, hängt von der Entfernung zwischen Turm und Sektor ab. Unter unserer Kontrolle geben FT Aufschluß über Feindbewegung in der Nähe, indem sie ihre Funksprüche abfangen.<br/> <br/>- Großstädte: Es gibt mehrere große Städte in dem Gebiet. Wenn alle unter unserer Kontrolle sind, haben wir den Feind soweit zu einem Punkt zurückgeschlagen, von dem aus er sich nicht wieder neu formieren und die Kontrolle zurückerlangen kann. Dies ist Ihr Hauptziel.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Los sectores se dividen en 5 tipos diferentes:<br/> <br/>- Puntos de Interes (PoI): Generalmente pequeñas a medianas aldeas/pueblos. Aunque estratégicamente poco importantes, estos lugares son donde viven los civiles de la región y son como tal, son calve para obtener su confianza y simpatía.<br/> <br/>- Industrias: A través de la región encontrarás industrias civiles bajo control enemigo. Éstas industrias se especializan en la creación de uno de tres recursos (Suministros, Municiones, Combustible), pero más adelante pueden ser mejoradas para producir los 3. Como tal, son un muy importante punto estratégico para empezar!<br/> <br/>- Bases Militares: Hogar de gran cantidad de enemigos altamente armados, éstas instalaciones se encuentran altamente defendidas y requerirán grandes y bien coordinados asaltos si tienes esperanza en capturarlos! Capturando estas bases nos permitirá desplegar elementos más fuertes en la región y por lo tanto son críticas para el éxito.<br/> <br/>- Torres de Radio (RT): Cuando se encuentran bajo control del enemigo, las RT serán usadas para llamar refuerzos ante el ataque de nuestras fuerzas a un sector cercano. El tiempo de reacción de los refuerzos dependerá de la distancia entre la torre y el sector. Cuando se encuentran bajo control amigo, las torres nos darán información valiosa en el mapa sobre el movimiento de tropas hostiles en las cercanías de la torre a través de interceptar sus comunicaciones por radio.<br/> <br/>- Ciudades Principales: Existe una gran cantidad de ciudades principales en la región. Cuando todas se encuentren bajo nuestor control, seguramente habremos vencido al enemigo hasta el punto donde no puedan re-establecer control. Ese es tu objetivo principal.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>I settori sono divisi in 5 tipi diversi:<br/> <br/>- Punti di interesse (PDI): generalmente piccoli e medi villaggi, ogni PDI che controlli può essere aggiornato (dopo la costruzione di una zona di stoccaggio) per fornire uno dei tre tipi di risorse necessari per continuare a produrre forze militari e armamenti.<br/> <br/>- Fabbriche: In tutta la regione troverete le fabbriche civili sotto il controllo nemico. Catturatele, in quanto hanno solo bisogno di una zona di archiviazione e possono quindi produrre una delle tre risorse, senza aggiornamento. In quanto Fabbriche sono un primo obiettivo strategico!<br/> <br/>- Basi Militari: Sono piene di grandi quantità di forze armate altamente equipaggiate, queste installazioni sono fortemente difese e richiedono assalti grandi e ben coordinati per avere qualche speranza di catturarle!<br/> <br/>- Torri Radio (TR): Quando sotto controllo nemico, le TR saranno utilizzate per chiamare i rinforzi quando un settore vicino viene attaccato dalle vostre forze. Il tempo di reazione dipenderà dalla distanza tra la torre e il settore. Se conquistate, le torri offriranno utili mappature su movimenti di truppe ostili nelle vicinanze intercettando le loro comunicazioni radio.<br/> <br/>- Città Principali: Ci sono diverse città principali nella regione. Quando sarannno tutte sotto controllo, certamente avremo battuto il nemico in maniera per la quale non riuscirà ristabilire il controllo. Questo è il tuo obiettivo primario.<br/> <br/> @@ -4894,7 +4894,7 @@ <br/><br/>Sektory jsou rozděleny na 5 různých typů:<br/> <br/>- Body zajmu: obvykle malá a střední města, strategicky nedůležitá místa, kde žijí místní civilisté v klidu a harmonii.<br/> <br/>- Vojenské základny: plné jednotek OPFOR, tyhle základny jsou dobře bráněny a vyžadují silný a koordinovaný útok. Zajmutí těchto základen nám dovolí nasadit do boje novou techniku, která je kritická k našemu vítězství.<br/> <br/>- Továrny: Napříč celou oblastí mužete najít civilní továrny pod nepřátelskou kontrolou. Tyto továrny se specializují na výrobu jedné ze tří surovin (Zásoby, Munice, Palivo), ale později je lze vylepšit aby produkovaly všechny tři suroviny najednou. Jako takové jsou strategicky našim první cílem.<br/> <br/>- Rádiové věže: pod kontrolou OPFOR jednotek, slouží k přivolání posil do blízkých sektorů pod útokem. Rychlost reakce posil je dána vzdáleností radiové věže od sektoru. Ale pod kontrolou NATO jednotek, poskytují věže informace o pohybu nepřátelských jednotek v okolí za pomoci rádiové komunikace.<br/> <br/>- Hlavní města: V oblasti je několik Hlavních Měst. Pokud jsou všechna pod kontrolou NATO, vyhráváte.<br/> <br/> - 5. Resources + 5. Resources 5. Ressources 5. Ressourcen 5. Recursos @@ -4908,7 +4908,7 @@ 5. Zdroje - <br/><br/>In this campaign you have to manage, store and protect three types of resources:<br/><br/><t color='#00ff00'>SUPPLIES:</t> These are the most essential. Without supplies, you will be unable to deploy additional soldiers or requisition any military hardware. As such, HQ recommends prioritising these first!<br/> <br/><t color='#ff0000'>AMMUNITION:</t> Used to stock armed vehicles such as APCs and MBTs as well as elite (and heavily armed) soldiers.<br/> <br/><t color = '#ffff00'>FUEL:</t> Every vehicle needs fuel, some being more thirsty than others.<br/> <br/>You may come across all three resources in any sector but for a considerable and constant supply, you must capture Factory sectors! Once captured, factories require a storage area (scroll menu action) and then they can immediately begin producing their intended resource. If you can afford it, any factory can be upgraded to produce the other two resources as well. <br/> <br/> + <br/><br/>In this campaign you have to manage, store and protect three types of resources:<br/><br/><t color='#00ff00'>SUPPLIES:</t> These are the most essential. Without supplies, you will be unable to deploy additional soldiers or requisition any military hardware. As such, HQ recommends prioritising these first!<br/> <br/><t color='#ff0000'>AMMUNITION:</t> Used to stock armed vehicles such as APCs and MBTs as well as elite (and heavily armed) soldiers.<br/> <br/><t color = '#ffff00'>FUEL:</t> Every vehicle needs fuel, some being more thirsty than others.<br/> <br/>You may come across all three resources in any sector but for a considerable and constant supply, you must capture Factory sectors! Once captured, factories require a storage area (scroll menu action) and then they can immediately begin producing their intended resource. If you can afford it, any factory can be upgraded to produce the other two resources as well. <br/> <br/> <br/><br/>In dieser Kampagne müssen Sie drei Arten von Ressourcen verwalten, einlagern und beschützen:<br/> <br/><t color='#00ff00'>NACHSCHUB:</t> Diese sind von essenzieller Bedeutung. Ohne Nachschu können Sie weder Soldaten rekrutieren, noch militärisches Gerät anfordern. Daher empfiehlt HQ diese zu bevorzugen!<br/> <br/><t color='#ff0000'>MUNITION:</t> Werden für bewaffnete Fahrzeuge wie Spz und Kpz, sowie für Elite (schwerbewaffnete) Soldaten benötigt.<br/> <br/><t color='#ffff00'>KRAFTSTOFF:</t> Jedes Fahrzeug benötigt Kraftstoff. Einige sind durstiger, als andere.<br/> <br/>In den Sektoren können Sie durchaus alle drei Arten von Ressourcen finden, aber für einen signifikanten und konstanten Nachschub, müssen Sie PoI und Fabriken einnehmen. Nach Übernahme benötigen beide Lagerflächen (Scroll-Menü) und der PoI benötigt zusätzlich noch ein Fabrikgebäude (wieder Scroll-Menü). Alle drei Arten von Fabriken können in ein und dem selben PoI gebaut werden, jedoch müssen Sie eine erste und einzige Abgabe dafür bereitstellen! Das sind 50 von der Ressource, die nachher von der Fabrik produziert werden soll und je 100 der anderen beiden Ressourcen.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>En esta campaña tendrás que administrar, almacenar y proteger tres tipos de recursos:<br/> <br/><t color='#00ff00'>SUMINISTROS:</t> Estos son los más escenciales. Sin suministros, no podrás desplegar soldados adiciones ni solicitar mejoras militares. Como tal, HQ recomienda priorizar dichos recursos!<br/> <br/><t color='#ff0000'>MUNICION:</t> Se usa para reabastecer vehículos como APCs y Tanques, así como soldados de élite (altamente armados).<br/> <br/><t color='#ffff00'>COMBUSTIBLE:</t> Cada vehículo necesita combustible, algunos requieren más que otros.<br/> <br/>Quizá te cruces con los 3 tipos de recursos en un sector pero, para tener un fuente considerable y constante de suministros, deberás capturar sectores industriales! Una vez capturadas, las industrias requieren una zona de almacenamiento (acción en el menú escroleable) y después, ellos pueden empezar a productir los recursos deseados inmediatamente. Si puedes costearlo, cualquier industria puede ser mejorada para porducir los otros dos recursos también.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>In questa campagna è necessario gestire, memorizzare e proteggere tre tipi di risorse:<br/> <br/><t color='#00ff00'>APPROVVIGIONAMENTI:</t> Questi sono i più essenziali. Senza approvvigionamenti, non sarete in grado di distribuire soldati o richiedere qualsiasi hardware militare. In quanto tale, HQ raccomanda di dare priorità a queste risorse per prime!<br/> <br/><t color='#ff0000'>MUNIZIONI:</t> Utilizzate per lo stoccaggio di veicoli armati come APC e MBT, nonché soldati di élite (e pesantemente armati).<br/> <br/><t color='#ffff00'>CARBURANTE:</t> Ogni veicolo ha bisogno di carburante, alcuni hanno più sete di altri.<br/> <br/>Puoi incontrare tutte e tre le risorse in qualsiasi settore, ma per una fornitura considerevole e costante, devi catturare i PDI e le Fabbriche! Una volta catturati, entrambi richiedono un'area di stoccaggio (menu rotellina) e poi un PDI richiederà anche la costruzione di strutture (nuovamente, menu rotellina). Tutte e tre le strutture possono essere costruite in qualsiasi PDI ma dovete fornire un costo iniziale per impostare queste strutture! Costo 50 della risorsa specifica e 100 delle altre due.<br/> <br/> @@ -4920,7 +4920,7 @@ <br/><br/>V této kampani musíte spravovat, ukládat a chránit tři typy zdrojů:<br/> <br/><t color ='#00ff00'>SUROVINY:</t> Toto jsou nejdůležitější. Bez spotřebního materiálu nebudete moci nasadit další vojáky ani zabavit vojenskou techniku. Velitelství jako takové doporučuje prioritu těchto prvních!<br/> <br/><t color ='#ff0000' >MUNICE:</t>Používá se k zásobě ozbrojených vozidel, jako jsou APC a MBT, stejně jako elity (a těžce vyzbrojení) vojáci.<br/> <br/><t color = '#ffff00'>PALIVO:</t>Každé vozidlo potřebuje palivo, některé jsou více žíznivé než ostatní.<br/> <br/>Možná narazíte na všechny tři zdroje v jakémkoli sektoru, ale pro značnou a stálou dodávku musíte zachytit tovární sektory! Jakmile jsou továrny zachyceny, vyžadují úložný prostor (akce nabídky posouvání) a poté mohou okamžitě začít vyrábět zamýšlený zdroj. Pokud si to můžete dovolit, může být každá továrna upgradována tak, aby vytvořila další dva zdroje. <br/> <br/> - 6. Alert Level + 6. Alert Level 6. Niveau d'alerte 6. Alarmstatus 6. Nivel de alerta @@ -4934,7 +4934,7 @@ 6. Úroveň pohotovosti - <br/><br/>The enemy won't let you liberate all of its brand new territory without a reaction. When you begin the campaign, hostile forces will only be composed of the garrisons inside military bases. However as you become more threatening by liberating more and more sectors, they will start calling in more reinforcements and equipment to counter you.<br/> <br/>To limit the enemies operational capabilities, you will have to fulfill secondary objectives that will consist of destroying their logistical bases and raiding their convoys. This is not required to win the campaign but if you ignore the alert level for too long, you're in for quite a lot of resistance.<br/> <br/> + <br/><br/>The enemy won't let you liberate all of its brand new territory without a reaction. When you begin the campaign, hostile forces will only be composed of the garrisons inside military bases. However as you become more threatening by liberating more and more sectors, they will start calling in more reinforcements and equipment to counter you.<br/> <br/>To limit the enemies operational capabilities, you will have to fulfill secondary objectives that will consist of destroying their logistical bases and raiding their convoys. This is not required to win the campaign but if you ignore the alert level for too long, you're in for quite a lot of resistance.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Der Feind wird nicht untätig dabei zusehen, wie wir alles in seinem brandneuen Territorium nach und nach befreien. Zu Beginn der Kampagne setzen sich die Feindkräfte lediglich aus den Garnisonen innerhalb der Militär Basen zusammen. Wie auch immer, sobald wir für den Feind mehr und mehr zu einer Bedrohnung werden, während wir mehr und mehr Sektoren einnehmen, wird er anfangen, Unterstützung und Ausrüstung anzufordern, um uns zu bekämpfen.<br/> <br/>Um den Feind in seinem militärischen Handlungsspielraum einzuschränken, müssen Sie Sekundärziele erfüllen, die aus Suchen und Zerstören von Logistic Basen, Konvoiüberfällen und Suchen und Retten von Kriegsgefangenen bestehen. Dies ist zwar keine Bedingung für den Erfolg der Kampagne, aber wenn Sie das Bedrohungsniveau zu lange ignorieren, stoßen Sie bald auf recht viel Widerstand.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>El enemigo no te dejará liberar todos sus territorios recién capturados sin una reacción. Cuando comiences la campaña, las fuerzas hostiles estarán conformadas solamente por tropas dentro de bases militares. Sin embargo, conforme te vuelves una amenaza mayor liberando más y más sectores, los enemigos comenzarán a llamar refuerzos y equipo para contraatacar.<br/> <br/>Para limitar la habilidad operacional de los enemigos, tendrás cumplir misiones secundarias que consisten en destruir sus bases logísticas y atacar sus convoys. Esto no es necesario para ganar la campaña pero si ignoras la alerta por mucho tiempo, espera una resistencia enemiga difícil de erradicar.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Il nemico non ti permetterà di liberare tutto il suo nuovo territorio senza una reazione. Quando inizierai la campagna, le forze ostili saranno composte solo dalle guarnigioni all'interno delle basi militari. Tuttavia, quando diventerete più minacciosi , inizieranno a chiamare più rinforzi e attrezzature per contrastarvi.<br/> <br/>Per limitare la capacità offensiva dei nemici, dovrete compiere missioni secondarie che consistono nel distruggere le basi logistiche e raidare i loro convogli. Questo non è richiesto per vincere la campagna, ma se ignorate troppo il livello di allarta, sarate pronti a contrastare la risposta?.<br/> <br/> @@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ <br/><br/>Jednotky OPFOR vás nenechají obsazovat nové sektory bez jakékoliv reakce. Na začátku kampaně jsou nepřátelé schováni pouze v nepřátelských základnách. Nebezpečí však vzrůstá s každým obsazeným sektorem, jednotky OPFOR si častěji přivolají posily, vozidla a jiné vybavení proti vám.<br/> <br/>Ke snížení nebezpečí musíte plnit vedlejší mise, například zničení logistické základny. Tohle není nutné k vyhrání kampaně a však pokud budete ignorovat vzrůstající nebezpečí, mohou přijít velké problémy.<br/> <br/> - 7. Construction + 7. Construction 7. Construction 7. Konstruktion 7. Construcción @@ -4960,7 +4960,7 @@ 7. Stavění - <br/><br/>To help you succeed in your endeavors, you have a construction capability at every FOB that allows you to deploy infantry, vehicles, defenses, fortifications and so on to your specific location.<br/> <br/>Although infantry, vehicles and defenses will cost resources, fortifications such as structures, sandbags and walls will not.<br/> <br/>The construction system will be available when you are within 100 meters of any FOB.<br/> <br/> + <br/><br/>To help you succeed in your endeavors, you have a construction capability at every FOB that allows you to deploy infantry, vehicles, defenses, fortifications and so on to your specific location.<br/> <br/>Although infantry, vehicles and defenses will cost resources, fortifications such as structures, sandbags and walls will not.<br/> <br/>The construction system will be available when you are within 100 meters of any FOB.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Hilfe zum Erfolg Ihrer Bemühungen bieten die Bauoptionen an den einzelnen FOBs, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, Infantrie, Fahrzeuge, Verteidigungsanlagen, Befestigungsanlagen und so weiter, an der jeweiligen Position zu bauen.<br/> <br/>Obgleich Infantrie, Fahrzeuge und Verteidigungsanlagen Ressourcen benötigen, braucht man zum Bau von Befestigungsanlagen wie Gebäuden, Sandsäcken und Wänden keine.<br/> <br/>Die Bauoptionen werden in einem Bereich vom 100 Metern um eine FOB herum verfügbar.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Para ayudarte a tener éxito en tu misión, tienes la capacidad de construcción en cada FOB el cual te permite desplegar infantería, vehículos, defensas y fortificaciones en ubicaciones específicas.<br/> <br/>Aunque la infantería, vehículos y defensas cuestan recursos, fortificaciones y estructuras, parapetos y muros no.<br/> <br/>El sistema de construcción estará disponible cuando estés dentro de los 100 metros de cualquier FOB.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Per aiutarti a riuscire nella tua missione, ogni FOB ti permette di creare fanteria, veicoli, difese, fortificazioni e così via nella posizione specifica.<br/> <br/>Anche se la fanteria, i veicoli e le difese costano risorse, le fortificazioni come strutture, sandbags e muri non lo faranno.<br/> <br/>Il sistema di costruzione sarà disponibile quando si è a 100 metri da qualsiasi FOB.<br/> <br/> @@ -4972,7 +4972,7 @@ <br/><br/>Abyste uspěly ve své snaze, máte možnost stavět jednotky, vozidla a opevnění. Samozřejmě v závislosti na zdrojích.<br/> <br/>Ačkoli pěchota, vozidla a obrana budou stát zdroje, opevnění, jako jsou budovy, pytle s pískem a zdi, nikoliv.<br/> <br/>Systém stavění je dostupný do 100 metrů od FOB. Tehdy se vám objeví možnost stavět v kontextové nabídce.<br/> <br/> - 8. Deploying another FOB + 8. Deploying another FOB 8. Déployer une autre FOB 8. Errichtung einer weiteren FOB 8. Desplegar otra FOB @@ -4986,7 +4986,7 @@ 8. Zřízení FOB - <br/><br/>To build a brand new FOB, go to the construction menu and then the logistics tab and build a FOB container or a FOB truck (the same thing, only with wheels). Then you can position the FOB container/truck where you want to deploy your shiny new FOB. However, be aware that you can't build a FOB within 1km of your starting position, within 300m of any sector, or within 2km of any other FOB.<br/> <br/>That would simply be redundant!<br/> <br/> + <br/><br/>To build a brand new FOB, go to the construction menu and then the logistics tab and build a FOB container or a FOB truck (the same thing, only with wheels). Then you can position the FOB container/truck where you want to deploy your shiny new FOB. However, be aware that you can't build a FOB within 1km of your starting position, within 300m of any sector, or within 2km of any other FOB.<br/> <br/>That would simply be redundant!<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Um eine brandneue FOB zu bauen, öffnen Sie das Baumenü und unter dem Reiter Logistik bauen Sie einen FOB Container oder einen FOB Lastwagen (dasselbe, bloß mit Rädern). Dann können Sie den FOB Container/Lastwagen an die Position Ihrer Wahl bringen und Ihre niegelnagelneue FOB aufbauen. Beachten Sie, das Sie keine FOB innerhalb von 1km von der Startposition, von 300m von einem Sektor und von 2km von einer anderen FOB aufbauen können.<br/> <br/>Das wäre einfach unnötig!<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Para construir un nuevo FOB, ve al menú de construcción y luego a la sección de logísitica, finalmente a "Construir FOB", "Contenedor de FOB" o "Camión de FOB" (lo mismo pero con ruedas). Despupes puedes posicionar el contenedor/camión de FOB en la posición donde quieras desplegar tu flamante FOB nuevo. Sin embargo, considera que no puedes construir un FOB dentro de 1km de tu posición inicial, ni dentro de 300m alrededor de cualquier sector o 2km alrededor de cualquier otro FOB.<br/> <br/>Eso sería simplemente redundante!<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Per costruire una nuova FOB, vai nel menu di costruzione e poi alla scheda logistica e costruisci un contenitore FOB o un camion FOB (la stessa cosa, solo con ruote). Quindi è possibile posizionare il contenitore / camion FOB. Tuttavia, tenere presente che non è possibile costruire un FOB entro 1 km dalla posizione iniziale, ed entro 300 metri da qualsiasi settore, o entro 2 km da qualsiasi altra FOB.<br/> <br/>Sarebbe semplicemente ridondante!<br/> <br/> @@ -4998,7 +4998,7 @@ <br/><br/>K postavení nového FOB, jděte do stavebního menu a pote do logistické záložky, poté postavte FOB kontejner nebo FOB náklaďák (to je to samé ale na kolech).<br/> <br/>Poté přesuňte kontejner na místo kde rozložíte z brusu nové FOB. Mějte se však na pozoru, FOB nelze postavit uvnitř obsazeného sektoru nebo ve vzdálenosti 2km od jiného FOB a 1km od startovní základny.<br/> <br/>To by bylo prostě zbytečné!<br/> <br/> - 9. Secondary Objectives + 9. Secondary Objectives 9. Missions secondaires 9. Sekundäre Ziele 9. Objetivos secundarios @@ -5012,7 +5012,7 @@ 9. Vedlejší úkoly - <br/><br/>When you capture sectors, sometimes the few hostiles forces remaining will surrender. You can then capture those prisoners and take them back to a nearby FOB to be interrogated.<br/> <br/>That interrogation, executed in the utmost respect of the Geneva Convention, will allow you to obtain information which can be used to reveal the rough position of an enemy logistics base, enemy convoy or friendly search and rescue.<br/> <br/>After going there you will need to find the exact position of your target, then use any means at your disposal to complete your objective. Succeeding at this task will be rewarded, reducing the alert level consequently and with it the efficiency of all hostile forces.<br/> <br/> + <br/><br/>When you capture sectors, sometimes the few hostiles forces remaining will surrender. You can then capture those prisoners and take them back to a nearby FOB to be interrogated.<br/> <br/>That interrogation, executed in the utmost respect of the Geneva Convention, will allow you to obtain information which can be used to reveal the rough position of an enemy logistics base, enemy convoy or friendly search and rescue.<br/> <br/>After going there you will need to find the exact position of your target, then use any means at your disposal to complete your objective. Succeeding at this task will be rewarded, reducing the alert level consequently and with it the efficiency of all hostile forces.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Nach Befreiung eines Sektors, werden sich manchmal ein paar der verbliebenen Feindkräfte ergeben. Sie können sie gefangen nehmen und zu einer nahegelegenen FOB bringen, um sie zu verhören.<br/> <br/>Dieses Verhör wird unter höchster Rücksichtnahme auf die Genfer Konventionen durchgeführt und bringt Ihnen präzise Informationen, die dazu genutzt werden können, um die ungefähre Lage einer feindlichen Logistik Basis zu bestimmen, feindliche Konvois aufzuspühren oder auch die ungefähre Position von Kriegsgefangenen zu ermitteln.<br/> <br/>Wenn sie dort angekommen sind, müssen Sie die exakte Position Ihres Ziels herausfinden, dann setzen Sie alle Ihnen zur Verfügung stehenden Mittel ein, um das Einsatzziel zu erreichen. Ein erfolgreicher Einsatz wird mit Verringerung des Bedrohungsniveaus und damit der Effektivität der feindlichen Streitkräfte belohnt.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Cuando capturas sectores, a veces las pocas fuerzas enemigas terminarán por rendirse. Entonces puedes capturar a dichos prisioneros y traerlos de vuelta al FOB más cercano para ser interrogados.<br/> <br/>Esa interrogación, ejecutada al pie de la Convención de Ginebra, te otorgará información que puede ser usada para revelar la posición aproximada de bases logísticas enemigas, convos enemigos o misiones de búsqueda y rescate.<br/> <br/>Luego de ir a la ubicación, deberás encontrar la posición exacta de tu objetivo y hacer uso de cualquier medio a tu disposición para cumplirlo. Si tienes éxito en la tarea la recompenza será la reducción del nivel de alerta en la región, consecuentemente la reducción de la eficiencia de las tropas enemigas.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Quando catturi i settori, talvolta le forze ostili che restano si arrenderanno. Quindi puoi catturare quei prigionieri e riportarli in una FOB vicina per interrogarli.<br/> <br/>Questa interrogazione, eseguita nel più grande rispetto della Convenzione di Ginevra, ti permetterà di ottenere informazioni precise che possano essere utilizzate per rivelare la posizione rudimentale di una base logistica nemica, di un convoglio nemico o di un salvataggio.<br/> <br/>Dopo essere andato lì dovrai trovare la posizione esatta del tuo bersaglio, quindi utilizzare qualsiasi mezzo a tua disposizione per completare il tuo obiettivo. Eseguire questo compito sarà premiato, riducendo così il livello di allarme e con essa l'efficienza di tutte le forze ostili.<br/> <br/> @@ -5024,7 +5024,7 @@ <br/><br/>Když obsadíte sektor, někdy se stane že některé nepřátelské jednotky zůstanou a vzdají se. Ty můžete zajmout a převést do nejbližší FOB kde budou vyslechnuti.<br/> <br/>Z výslechu, z úcty k Ženevským konvencím, můžete zjistit vice nebo méně přesné informace o nepřátelských logistických základnách, nepřátelských konvojích nebo o spojeneckých zajatcích.<br/> <br/>Poté, co tam půjdete, budete muset najít přesnou polohu vašeho cíle, a pak pomocí jakýchkoli prostředků, které máte k dispozici, dokončete svůj úkol. Úspěch v tomto úkolu bude odměněn, čímž se sníží úroveň pohotovosti a tím i účinnost všech nepřátelských sil.<br/> <br/> - 10. Commanding + 10. Commanding 10. Commandement 10. Oberkommando 10. Comandancia @@ -5038,7 +5038,7 @@ 10. Velení - <br/><br/>When a player uses the Commander role, they get access to the Zeus interface by pressing the corresponding key (Y by default). This interface allows the commanding of friendly forces in 3D or map view.<br/> <br/>Moreover the commander gets additional build options that will allow them to obtain crewed vehicles or entire pre-made squads.<br/> <br/>This role is now mandatory, as it provides direct access to the management of production sectors and AI logistics. Given that you are positioned by a FOB, you will see the options "Production Settings" and "Logistic Overview".<br/> <br/> The first enables the ability to decide which Factory produces which specific resources, as well as a detailed current overview.<br/> <br/> The latter allows you to command an AI logitical convoy, where you may "Add" logistical groups, purchase any amount of trucks per group and command them to move specific amounts of resources across the region for you.<br/> <br/> + <br/><br/>When a player uses the Commander role, they get access to the Zeus interface by pressing the corresponding key (Y by default). This interface allows the commanding of friendly forces in 3D or map view.<br/> <br/>Moreover the commander gets additional build options that will allow them to obtain crewed vehicles or entire pre-made squads.<br/> <br/>This role is now mandatory, as it provides direct access to the management of production sectors and AI logistics. Given that you are positioned by a FOB, you will see the options "Production Settings" and "Logistic Overview".<br/> <br/> The first enables the ability to decide which Factory produces which specific resources, as well as a detailed current overview.<br/> <br/> The latter allows you to command an AI logitical convoy, where you may "Add" logistical groups, purchase any amount of trucks per group and command them to move specific amounts of resources across the region for you.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Wenn ein Spieler die Rolle des Commanders übernimmt, bekommt er spezifischen Zugang zum Zeus-Interface, wenn er die entsprechende Taste dafür drückt (default Z). Dieses Interface erlaubt das Kommandieren befreundeter Einheiten in der 3D- und Kartenansicht.<br/> <br/>Darüber hinaus hat der Commander erweiterte Bauoptionen, die es ihm ermöglichen, Fahrzeuge mit Besatzung oder auch komplette vorgefertigte Squads zu bauen.<br/> <br/>Die Rolle des Commanders ist nun zwingend erforderlich, da sie direkten Zugang zum Management von Produktionssektoren und KI-Logistik bietet. Dafür hat man an einer FOB die Optionen "Produktionseinstellungen" und "Logistikübersicht".<br/> <br/> Ersteres gewährt sowohl die Möglichkeit zu entscheiden, welcher PoI oder welche Fabrik welche Ressourcen produzieren soll, als auch einen detaillierten aktuellen Überblick.<br/> <br/> Letzteres erlaubt es, einen KI-Logistik-Konvoi zu befehligen, wobei man Logistik-Gruppen hinzufügen, eine beliebige Anzahl an Lkw pro Gruppe kaufen und diese dann befehligen kann, eine bestimmte Anzahl an Ressourcen quer über die Gesammte Region zu verfahren.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Cuando un jugador usa el rol de Comandante, obtienen acceso a la interface de Zeus presionando la tecla correspondiente (Y por defecto). Esta interface permite el control de tropas amigas en un entorno 3D o por medio del mapa.<br/> <br/>Además, el comandante obtiene opciones de construccion adicionales, las cuales le permiten obtener vehículos tripulados o escuadrones pre-fabricados.<br/> <br/>Este rol es mandatorio, ya que provee acceso directo al manejo de la producción en los secotres y lógistica de AI. Dado que estarás posicionado por un FOB, podrás ver opciones de "Opciones de producción" y "Resumen de logística".<br/> <br/> La primera opción permite que decidas que Indsutria produce que recurso(s), así como el detalle actual de la Industria.<br/> <br/> La segunda opción te permite comandar un convoy logísitico de AI, donde puedes "Agregar" grupos logísticos, comprar camiones por grupo y comandarlos a mover específicos recursos a través de la región.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/>Quando un giocatore usa il ruolo del comandante, ottierrà l'accesso all'interfaccia di Zeus premendo il tasto corrispondente (Y per impostazione predefinita). Questa interfaccia consente il comando di forze amiche in visualizzazione 3D o mappa.<br/> <br/>Inoltre il comandante ottiene ulteriori opzioni di costruzione che consentiranno loro di ottenere veicoli con equipaggio o intere squadre pre-fatte.<br/> <br/>Questo ruolo è ora obbligatorio in quanto fornisce accesso diretto alla gestione dei settori produttivi e alla logistica AI. Dato che sei posizionato da una FOB, vedrai le opzioni "Impostazioni di produzione" e "Panoramica logistica".<br/> <br/> Il primo consente di decidere quali PDI o Fabbriche producono risorse specifiche, così come una panoramica corrente dettagliata.<br/> <br/> Quest'ultimo ti permette di comandare un convoglio logistico di AI, dove puoi "aggiungere" gruppi logistici, acquistare qualsiasi quantità di camion per gruppo e mandarli a spostare determinate risorse in tutta la regione per te.<br/> <br/> @@ -5050,7 +5050,7 @@ <br/><br/>Když hráč použije roli Velitele, získá přístup k rozhraní Zeus stisknutím odpovídající klávesy (ve výchozím nastavení Y). Toto rozhraní umožňuje velení přátelských sil v zobrazení 3D nebo mapy.<br/> <br/>Navíc komandér získá přístup postavit vozidla s posádkou nebo celé předvytvořené družstva.<br/> <br/>Tato role je důležitá, a jako taková dává přímý přístup k spravování produkce v sektorech a logistice AI. Pokud budete stát na FOB, dostanete možnosti "Nastavení produkce" a "Logistický přehled".<br/> <br/> První vám dá možnost nastavit která továrna bude produkovat kterou surovinu, jako také detailní přehled.<br/> <br/> Písmena vám dovolí rozkazovat AI logistickým konvojům, kde můžete "Přidat" logistické skupiny, koupit jakékoliv množství náklaďáků na skupinu a přikázat jim převážet specifické množství surovin napříč celou oblastí pro vás.<br/> <br/> - Arsenal mode + Arsenal mode Arsenalmodus Modo Arsenal Режим арсенала @@ -5063,7 +5063,7 @@ Nastavení Zbrojnice - No restrictions + No restrictions Keine Einschränkungen Sin restricciones Без ограничений @@ -5076,7 +5076,7 @@ Bez Omezení - Use preset from config + Use preset from config Benutze Preset aus Konfiguration Usar pre-definición desde configuracion Использовать предустановки из конфигурации @@ -5089,7 +5089,7 @@ Použít nastavení z configu - -- PUSH CRATE + -- PUSH CRATE -- KISTE SCHIEBEN -- EMPUJAR CAJA -- ТОЛКНУТЬ ЯЩИК @@ -5102,7 +5102,7 @@ -- TLAČIT KRABICI - -- STACK AND SORT + -- STACK AND SORT -- STAPELN UND SORTIEREN -- APILAR Y ORDENAR -- СОБРАТЬ И ОТСОРТИРОВАТЬ @@ -5116,7 +5116,7 @@ - BI Support Module System access + BI Support Module System access BI Support Module System Zugriff Acceso a módulo de Soporte de BI Accesso Modulo Di Supporto BI @@ -5127,7 +5127,7 @@ BI Modul podpory Přístup do systému - Commander only + Commander only Nur Kommandant Solo comandante Только командир @@ -5140,7 +5140,7 @@ Pouze Komandér - Whitelisted only + Whitelisted only Nur Whitelist Solo permitidos en la lista de permisos Только из Whitelist @@ -5153,7 +5153,7 @@ Pouze whitelist - Everyone + Everyone Jeder Todos Все @@ -5166,7 +5166,7 @@ Kdokoliv - -- Extended Options -- + -- Extended Options -- -- Erweiterte Optionen -- -- Opciones extendidas -- -- Расширенные Опции -- @@ -5179,7 +5179,7 @@ -- Rozšířené Možnosti -- - Extended Options + Extended Options Erweiterte Optionen Opciones Extendidas Расширенные Опции @@ -5192,7 +5192,7 @@ Rozšířené Možnosti - - disabled - + - disabled - - deaktiviert - - desabilitado - - выключен - @@ -5205,7 +5205,7 @@ - vypnuto - - Squad Management + Squad Management Truppmanagement Manejo de escuadras Управление Отрядами @@ -5218,7 +5218,7 @@ Správa Družstva - Join + Join Beitreten Unirse Войти @@ -5231,7 +5231,7 @@ Přidat se - Create + Create Erstellen Crear Создать @@ -5244,7 +5244,7 @@ Vytvořit - Rename + Rename Umbenennen Renombrar Переим. @@ -5257,7 +5257,7 @@ Přejmenovat - Leader + Leader Anführer Lider Лидер @@ -5270,7 +5270,7 @@ Velitel - Cancel + Cancel Abbrechen Cancelar Отмена @@ -5283,7 +5283,7 @@ Zrušit - Choose + Choose Wählen Elegir Выбрать @@ -5296,7 +5296,7 @@ Vybrat - Platoon and Squad Awareness + Platoon and Squad Awareness Sichthilfen und Kartenmarkierungen Mostrar ubicación de Pelotón y Escuadra en el mapa Информирование о Взводах и Группах @@ -5309,7 +5309,7 @@ Ostražitost Týmů a Družstev - Show platoon overlay: + Show platoon overlay: Platoon Overlay: Indicador de pelotón Показ. оверлей взводов: @@ -5322,7 +5322,7 @@ Zobrazit přehled družstev: - active + active aktiv activo активно @@ -5335,7 +5335,7 @@ aktivní - Show player nametags: + Show player nametags: Spielernamen: Mostrar nombres de jugadores Показ. имена игроков: @@ -5348,7 +5348,7 @@ Zobrazit hráčské jmenovky: - Yes + Yes Ja Да @@ -5361,7 +5361,7 @@ Ano - No + No Nein No Нет @@ -5374,7 +5374,7 @@ Ne - Adjust View Distance + Adjust View Distance Sichtweite ändern Ajustar distancia de visión Настройка Дистанции Прорисовки @@ -5387,7 +5387,7 @@ Přizpůsobit Dohled - View Distance + View Distance Sichtweite Distancia de Visión Дистанции Прорисовки @@ -5400,7 +5400,7 @@ Dohled - Infantry + Infantry Infanterie Infantería Пехота @@ -5413,7 +5413,7 @@ Pěchota - Vehicles + Vehicles Fahrzeuge Vehículos Транспорт @@ -5426,7 +5426,7 @@ Vozidlo - Objects + Objects Objekte Objetos Объекты @@ -5439,7 +5439,7 @@ Objekty - Adjust view distance to keep FPS above + Adjust view distance to keep FPS above Automatische Sichtweite für FPS über Ajustar distancia de visión para mantener FPS arriba de Настроить дист. прорисовки для FPS более @@ -5452,7 +5452,7 @@ Přizpůsobit dohled k zachování FPS nad - Adjust Terrain Details + Adjust Terrain Details Landschaftdetails Ajustar detalle de terreno Настройка Детализации Земли @@ -5465,7 +5465,7 @@ Přizpůsobit detaily terénu - Very Low + Very Low Sehr niedrig Muy bajo Очень низко @@ -5478,7 +5478,7 @@ Velmi nízké - Low + Low Niedrig Bajo Низко @@ -5491,7 +5491,7 @@ Nízké - Normal + Normal Normal Normal Нормально @@ -5504,7 +5504,7 @@ Normální - High + High Hoch Alto Высоко @@ -5517,7 +5517,7 @@ Vysoké - Show teammates on map: + Show teammates on map: Truppmitglieder auf Karte: Mostrar compañeros en el mapa: Отобр. напарников на карте: @@ -5530,7 +5530,7 @@ Zobrazit spoluhráče na mapě: - In-Vehicle Sound Volume + In-Vehicle Sound Volume Fahrzeug Innenlautstärke Volumen del sonido dentro del vehículo Громкость звука в транспорте @@ -5543,7 +5543,7 @@ Hlasitost ve vozidle - Test + Test Test Prueba Тест @@ -5556,7 +5556,7 @@ Test - Respawn + Respawn Respawn Reaparecer Возродиться @@ -5569,7 +5569,7 @@ Respawn - Replace nearest AI + Replace nearest AI Ersetze nächste KI Reemplazar IA más cercano Заменить ближайшие ИИ @@ -5582,7 +5582,7 @@ Nahradit nejbližší AI - A civilian named %1 was killed! + A civilian named %1 was killed! Ein Zivilist mit Namen %1 wurde getötet! Un civil llamado %1 fue asesinado! Гражданский %1 был убит! @@ -5595,7 +5595,7 @@ Civilista jménem %1 byl zabit jednotkami BLUFOR! - A civilian's vehicle was seized! + A civilian's vehicle was seized! Ein Zivilfahrzeug wurde beschlagnahmt! Un vehículo civil fue tomado! Транспорт гражданского был захвачен! @@ -5608,7 +5608,7 @@ Civilní vozidlo bylo zajato jednotkami BLUFOR! - Civilians are complaining about %1 lost buildings. + Civilians are complaining about %1 lost buildings. Die Zivilisten beklagen sich über %1 verlorene Gebäude. Los civiles se quejan por %1 edificios destruidos. Гражданские жалуются из-за %1 разрушенных зданий. @@ -5621,7 +5621,7 @@ Civilisté si stěžují na %1 zničené budovy. - Civilian named %1 is thankful for your help. + Civilian named %1 is thankful for your help. Der Zivilist %1 ist dankbar für die Hilfe. El civil %1 se siente agradecido por tu ayuda. Гражданский %1 благодарен за вашу помощь. @@ -5632,7 +5632,7 @@ Civilista jménem %1 ti děkuje za pomoc. - Civil Reputation penalty for buildings if building is + Civil Reputation penalty for buildings if building is Ziviles Ansehen sinkt, wenn Gebäude Consecuencia en reputación con civiles por destruir edificios si el edificio es Штраф к Репутации Гражданских, если постройка @@ -5645,7 +5645,7 @@ Penalizace reputace u civilistů pokud je budova - damaged + damaged beschädigt dañado повреждена @@ -5658,7 +5658,7 @@ poškozená - fully destroyed + fully destroyed komplett zerstört completamente destruido полностью уничтожена @@ -5671,7 +5671,7 @@ kompletně zničena - SERVER RESTART NOTIFICATION + SERVER RESTART NOTIFICATION SERVER RESTART HINWEIS NOTIFICACION DE REINICIO DE SERVIDOR НАПОМИНАНИЕ О ПЕРЕЗАПУСКЕ СЕРВЕРА @@ -5684,7 +5684,7 @@ OZNÁMENÍ O RESTARTU SERVERU - The server will restart in less than 60 seconds! + The server will restart in less than 60 seconds! Server Restart in weniger als 60 Sekunden! El servidor se reiniciará en 60 segundos! Сервер перезапустится меньше чем через 60 секунд! @@ -5697,7 +5697,7 @@ Server se restartuje za méně jak 60 vteřin! - The server will restart in less than 5 minutes! + The server will restart in less than 5 minutes! Server Restart in weniger als 5 Minuten! El servidor se reiniciará en 5 minutos! Сервер перезапустится меньше чем через 5 минут! @@ -5710,7 +5710,7 @@ Server se restartuje za méně jak 5 minut! - The server will restart in less than 15 minutes! + The server will restart in less than 15 minutes! Server Restart in weniger als 15 Minuten! El servidor se reiniciará en 15 minutos! Сервер перезапустится меньше чем через 15 минут! @@ -5723,7 +5723,7 @@ Server se restartuje za méně jak 15 minut! - The server will restart in less than 30 minutes! + The server will restart in less than 30 minutes! Server Restart in weniger als 30 Minuten! El servidor se reiniciará en menos de 30 minutos! Сервер перезапустится меньше чем через 30 минут! @@ -5736,7 +5736,7 @@ Server se restartuje za méně jak 30 minut! - Automatic Server Restart after (hours) + Automatic Server Restart after (hours) Automatischer Server Restart nach (Stunden) Reinicio del servidor automáticamente despues de (horas) Автоматический перезапуск сервера после (часов) @@ -5749,7 +5749,7 @@ Automatický restart serveru za (hodiny) - == DEBUG MESSAGES == + == DEBUG MESSAGES == == DEBUG NACHRICHTEN == == MNESJAES DE DEBUG == == ОТЛАДОЧНЫЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ == @@ -5762,7 +5762,7 @@ == DEBUGOVACÍ ZPRÁVY == - Civil Informant + Civil Informant Ziviler Informant Informante Civil Informatore Civile @@ -5774,7 +5774,7 @@ Civilní Informace - Civil Reputation + Civil Reputation Ziviles Ansehen Reputación Civil Reputazione Civili @@ -5786,7 +5786,7 @@ Civilní Reputace - A civilian from %1 says he has some information for us. + A civilian from %1 says he has some information for us. Ein Zivilist aus %1 sagt, er hätte Informationen für uns. Un civil de %1 dice que tiene información para nosotros. Гражданский из %1 говорит, что у него есть информация для нас. @@ -5799,7 +5799,7 @@ Civilista z %1, říká že má pro nás nějakou informaci. - The civilian gave us some important information. + The civilian gave us some important information. Der Zivilist gab uns wichtige Informationen. Un civil nos ha dado información importante. Гражданский передал нам важную информацию. @@ -5812,7 +5812,7 @@ Civilista nám dal nějaké důležité informace. - The civilian has disappeared. + The civilian has disappeared. Der Zivilist ist wieder untergetaucht. El civil ha desaparecido. Гражданский пропал. @@ -5825,7 +5825,7 @@ Civilista odešel. - The civilian died. + The civilian died. Der Zivilist wurde getötet. El civil ha muerto. Гражданский умер. @@ -5838,7 +5838,7 @@ Civilista umřel. - Asymmetric Threat + Asymmetric Threat Asymmetrische Bedrohung Amenaza Asimétrica Minaccia Asimmetrica @@ -5850,7 +5850,7 @@ Asymmetric Threat - Logistic + Logistic Logistik Logística Логистика @@ -5863,7 +5863,7 @@ Logistika - Logistic Convoy Ambush + Logistic Convoy Ambush Logistikkonvoi Überfall Envoscada de Convoy de Logística Засада на конвой @@ -5876,7 +5876,7 @@ Přepadení Logistického konvoje - Guerilla forces attacking our convoy near %1. + Guerilla forces attacking our convoy near %1. Guerillakräfte greifen unseren Konvoi nahe %1 an. Fuerzas de geurrilla atacando nuestro convoy cerca de %1. Партизанские войска атакуют наш конвой около %1. @@ -5889,7 +5889,7 @@ Odboj přepadl náš konvoj poblíž %1. - The ambush was successfully repelled. + The ambush was successfully repelled. Der Hinterhalt konnte erfolgreich zurückgeschlagen werden. La envoscada ha sido repelida satisfactoriamente. Засада успешно отражена. @@ -5902,7 +5902,7 @@ Přepadení bylo úspěšně odraženo - The guerilla forces escaped with the convoy resources. + The guerilla forces escaped with the convoy resources. Die Guerillakräfte konnten mit den Konvoiressourcen verschwinden. Las fuerzas de guerrilla han escapado con los recursos del convoy. Партизанские войска сбежали с ресурсами конвоя. @@ -5915,7 +5915,7 @@ Odboj uprchl se surovinami z konvoje. - Sectorspawn + Sectorspawn Sektorspawn Spawn de sector Spawn Settori @@ -5926,7 +5926,7 @@ Sectorspawn - Killed units + Killed units Getötete Einheiten Unidades eliminadas Unità Uccise @@ -5937,7 +5937,7 @@ Zabité jednotky - Treat the civilian (field dressing) + Treat the civilian (field dressing) Zivilisten versorgen (einfache Bandage) Asistir al civil (curar) Перевязать гражданского (полевая перевязка) @@ -5949,7 +5949,7 @@ Ošetřit civilistu(pomocí bandáže) - You need a field dressing. + You need a field dressing. Du brauchst eine einfache Bandage. Necesitas vendas. Вам необходима полевая перевязка. @@ -5961,7 +5961,7 @@ Potřebuješ ošetřit. - There is a high ranked officer near %1. + There is a high ranked officer near %1. Ein hochrangiger Offizier befindet sich in der Nähe von %1. Hay un oficial de alto mando cerca de %1. Высокопоставленный офицер находится около %1. @@ -5973,7 +5973,7 @@ Důstojník s vysokou hodností poblíž %1. - The officer was successfully killed. + The officer was successfully killed. Der Offizier konnte erfolgreich getötet werden. El oficial fue eliminado. Офицер успешно убит. @@ -5985,7 +5985,7 @@ Důstojník úspěšně zabit. - The officer has moved on. + The officer has moved on. Der Offizier ist weitergezogen. El oficial se ha ido. Офицер ушел. @@ -5997,7 +5997,7 @@ Důstojník utekl. - Mobile Respawn Cooldown (minutes) + Mobile Respawn Cooldown (minutes) Mobiler Respawn Cooldown (Minuten) Tiempo de espera de Respawn Móvil (minutos) Задержка дислокации на КШМ (минуты) @@ -6009,7 +6009,7 @@ Mobilní respawn cooldown (minuty) - %1 minutes mobile respawn cooldown left. + %1 minutes mobile respawn cooldown left. %1 Minuten Mobiler Respawn Cooldown übrig. %1 (minutos) tiempo de espera para uso del respawn móvil. Осталось %1 минут(-ы) задержки дислокации на КШМ. @@ -6021,7 +6021,7 @@ Zbývá %1 minut na mobilní respawn. - An allied resistance fighter named %1 was killed! + An allied resistance fighter named %1 was killed! Ein verbündeter Widerstandskämpfer mit Namen %1 wurde getötet! Un aliado de la resistencia llamado %1 ha sido asesinado! Союзный боец сопротивления %1 был убит! @@ -6033,7 +6033,7 @@ Spojenecký bojovník domobrany %1 byl zabit! - Gamedata saving + Gamedata saving Savegame Speicherung Guardando datos del juego Salvataggio Dati di Gioco @@ -6044,7 +6044,7 @@ Ukládání hry - Production + Production Produktion Producción Produzione @@ -6056,7 +6056,7 @@ - Load/Save Parameters + Load/Save Parameters Laden/Speichern der Parameter Cargar/Guardar parámetros Сохранить/Загрузить параметры @@ -6065,7 +6065,7 @@ Uložit/načíst parametry - SAVE selected parameters + SAVE selected parameters SPEICHERN der momentanen Parameter GUARDAR parámetros seleccionados Сохранить выбранные параметры @@ -6074,7 +6074,7 @@ Uložit vybrané parametry - LOAD parameters or use selected if no saved value found + LOAD parameters or use selected if no saved value found LADEN der gespeicherten Parameter oder momentane nutzen, wenn keine gespeicherten vorhanden sind CARGAR parámetros o usar seleccionados si no hay parámetros guardados Загрузить параметры или использовать выбранные, если не найдено сохраненного значения @@ -6083,7 +6083,7 @@ Načíst parametry nebo použít vybrané pokud nebyly nalezeny žádné uložené. - Use selected parameters without saving + Use selected parameters without saving Momentane Parametereinstellung ohne Speicherung Usar parámetros seleccionados sin guardar Использовать выбранные параметры без сохранения @@ -6092,7 +6092,7 @@ Použít vybrané parametry bez ukládání - -- Raise + -- Raise -- Höher -- Levantar -- Поднять @@ -6101,7 +6101,7 @@ -- Zvýšit - -- Lower + -- Lower -- Niedriger -- Bajar -- Опустить @@ -6110,7 +6110,7 @@ -- Snížit - Guerilla forces on the way. + Guerilla forces on the way. Widerstandskämpfer sind unterwegs. Fuerzas de guerrilla en camino. Партизанские силы в пути. @@ -6119,7 +6119,7 @@ Partyzánské síly na cestě. - Guerilla forces are incoming to %1 from the %2. + Guerilla forces are incoming to %1 from the %2. Widerstandskämpfer nähern sich %1 aus %2. Fuerzas de guerrilla se aproximan a %1 desde el %2 Партизанские силы идут из %2 в %1. @@ -6128,7 +6128,7 @@ Partyzáni přicházejí do %1 z %2. - == REVIVE OPTIONS (Disregarded, if you play with ACE Medical) == + == REVIVE OPTIONS (Disregarded, if you play with ACE Medical) == == WIEDERBELEBUNGSEINSTELLUNGEN (Nicht berücksichtigt, wenn mit ACE Medical gespielt wird) == == OPCIONES DE REVIVE (Activar sólo si NO se usa ACE) == ОПЦИИ ВОЗРОЖДЕНИЯ (Игнорируются, если вы играете с ACE Medical) == @@ -6141,7 +6141,7 @@ == REVIVE OPTIONS (bez ohledu na to, pokud hrajete s ACE Medical) == - Arsenal + Arsenal Arsenal Arsenal Арсенал @@ -6150,7 +6150,7 @@ Arzenál - BI arsenal + BI arsenal BI Arsenal Arsenal BI Арсенал BI @@ -6159,7 +6159,7 @@ BI arzenál - ACE arsenal + ACE arsenal ACE Arsenal Arsenal ACE Арсенал ACE @@ -6168,7 +6168,7 @@ Arzenál ACE - Victory Condition + Victory Condition Siegesbedingung Condición de Victoria Условие для победы @@ -6176,7 +6176,7 @@ Vítězství - All capitals + All capitals Alle Hauptstädte Todas las capitales Все столицы @@ -6184,7 +6184,7 @@ Všechna hlavní města - All capitals and military bases + All capitals and military bases Alle Hauptstädte und Militärbasen Todas las capitales y bases militares Все столицы и военные базы @@ -6192,7 +6192,7 @@ Všechna hlavní města a vojenské základny - All capitals and 60% of the sectors + All capitals and 60% of the sectors Alle Hauptstädte und 60% der Sektoren Todas las capitales y 60% de los sectores Все столицы и 60% секторов @@ -6200,7 +6200,7 @@ Všechna hlavní města a 60% sektoru - All capitals and 80% of the sectors + All capitals and 80% of the sectors Alle Hauptstädte und 80% der Sektoren TOdas las capitales y 80% de los sectores Все столицы и 80% секторов @@ -6208,7 +6208,7 @@ Všechna hlavní města a 80% sektoru - All sectors + All sectors Alle Sektoren Todos los sectores Все секторы @@ -6216,7 +6216,7 @@ Všechny sektory - CAMPAIGN COMPLETED + CAMPAIGN COMPLETED KAMPAGNE ABGESCHLOSSEN CAMPAÑA COMPLETA КАМПАНИЯ ВЫПОЛНЕНА @@ -6224,7 +6224,7 @@ CAMPAIGN KOMPLET - You have liberated the area from the enemy oppression. + You have liberated the area from the enemy oppression. Du hast das Gebiet von der feindlichen Unterdrückung befreit. Haz liberado el área de la oposión enemiga. Вы освободили территорию от угнетения врага. @@ -6232,7 +6232,7 @@ Osvobodili jste oblast od nepřátelského útlaku. - Playtime: %1 days, %2 hours, %3 minutes and %4 seconds + Playtime: %1 days, %2 hours, %3 minutes and %4 seconds Spielzeit: %1 Tage, %2 Stunden, %3 Minuten und %4 Sekunden Tiempo de juego: %1 días, %2 horas, %3 minutos y %4 segundos Игровое время: %1 дней, %2 часов, %3 минут и %4 секунд @@ -6240,7 +6240,7 @@ Doba hraní: % 1 dny, % 2 hodiny, % 3 minuty a % 4 sekund - OPFOR infantry killed: %1 + OPFOR infantry killed: %1 Infanterie OPFOR tuée: %1 OPFOR Infanterie getötet: %1 Infantería OPFOR eliminada: %1 @@ -6254,7 +6254,7 @@ Pěchota OPFOR zabila: %1 - OPFOR infantry killed by players: %1 + OPFOR infantry killed by players: %1 Infanterie OPFOR tuée par les joueurs: %1 OPFOR Infanterie von Spielern getötet: %1 Infantería OPFOR eliminada por jugadores: %1 @@ -6268,7 +6268,7 @@ Pěchota OPFOR zabitá hráči: %1 - OPFOR vehicles destroyed: %1 + OPFOR vehicles destroyed: %1 Vehicules OPFOR détruits: %1 OPFOR Fahrzeuge zerstört: %1 Vehículos OPFOR destruídos: %1 @@ -6282,7 +6282,7 @@ Vozidla OPFOR byla zničena: %1 - OPFOR vehicles destroyed by players: %1 + OPFOR vehicles destroyed by players: %1 Vehicules OPFOR détruits par les joueurs: %1 OPFOR Fahrzeuge von Spielern zerstört: %1 Vehículos OPFOR destruídos por jugadores: %1 @@ -6296,7 +6296,7 @@ Vozidla OPFOR zničená hráči: %1 - BLUFOR soldiers recruited: %1 + BLUFOR soldiers recruited: %1 Soldats BLUFOR recrutés: %1 BLUFOR Soldaten rekrutiert: %1 Soldados BLUFOR reclutados: %1 @@ -6310,7 +6310,7 @@ Nábor vojáků BLUFOR: %1 - BLUFOR infantry killed: %1 + BLUFOR infantry killed: %1 Infanterie BLUFOR tuée: %1 BLUFOR Infanterie getötet: %1 Infantería BLUFOR eliminada: %1 @@ -6324,7 +6324,7 @@ BLUFOR zabila: %1 - BLUFOR vehicles built: %1 + BLUFOR vehicles built: %1 Vehicules BLUFOR construits: %1 BLUFOR Fahrzeuge gebaut: %1 Vehículos BLUFOR construidos: %1 @@ -6338,7 +6338,7 @@ Postavena vozidla BLUFOR: %1 - BLUFOR vehicles destroyed: %1 + BLUFOR vehicles destroyed: %1 Vehicules BLUFOR détruits: %1 BLUFOR Fahrzeuge zerstört: %1 Vehículos BLUFOR destruídos: %1 @@ -6352,7 +6352,7 @@ Vozidla BLUFOR zničena: %1 - Player deaths: %1 + Player deaths: %1 Joueurs morts: %1 Spielertode: %1 Muertes del jugador: %1 @@ -6366,7 +6366,7 @@ Úmrtí hráčů: %1 - BLUFOR friendly fire incidents: %1 + BLUFOR friendly fire incidents: %1 Tirs fratricides BLUFOR: %1 BLUFOR Eigenbeschuss: %1 Incidentes de fuego amigo en BLUFOR: %1 @@ -6380,7 +6380,7 @@ Incidenty přátelské BLUFOR: %1 - Resistance fighters killed: %1 + Resistance fighters killed: %1 Widerstandskämpfer getötet: %1 Combatientes de la resistencia eliminados: %1 Убито бойцов сопротивления: %1 @@ -6388,7 +6388,7 @@ Spojenci zabili: %1 - Allied resistance fighters killed: %1 + Allied resistance fighters killed: %1 Verbündete Widerstandskämpfer getötet: %1 Combatientes de la resistencia aliada eliminados: %1 Убито союзнических бойцов сопротивления: %1 @@ -6396,7 +6396,7 @@ Spojenci zabití: %1 - Allied resistance fighters killed by players: %1 + Allied resistance fighters killed by players: %1 Verbündete Widerstandskämpfer von Spielern getötet: %1 Combatientes de la resistencia aliada eliminados por jugadores: %1 Убито союзнических бойцов сопротивления игроками: %1 @@ -6404,7 +6404,7 @@ Spojenci zabití hráči: %1 - Civilians killed: %1 + Civilians killed: %1 Civils tués: %1 Zivilisten getötet: %1 Civiles asesinados: %1 @@ -6418,7 +6418,7 @@ Civilisté zabili: %1 - Civilians killed by players: %1 + Civilians killed by players: %1 Civils tués par les joueurs: %1 Zivilisten von Spielern getötet: %1 Civiles asesinados por jugadores: %1 @@ -6432,7 +6432,7 @@ Civilisté zabití hráči: %1 - Civilians healed: %1 + Civilians healed: %1 Zivilisten versorgt: %1 Civiles curados: %1 Гражданских вылечено: %1 @@ -6440,7 +6440,7 @@ Uzdravení civilisté: %1 - Civilian vehicles destroyed: %1 + Civilian vehicles destroyed: %1 Zivile Fahrzeuge zerstört: %1 Vehículos civiles destruidos: %1 Транспорта гражданских уничтожено: %1 @@ -6448,7 +6448,7 @@ Civilní vozidla byla zničena: %1 - Civilian vehicles destroyed by players: %1 + Civilian vehicles destroyed by players: %1 Zivile Fahrzeuge von Spielern zerstört: %1 Vehículos civiles destruidos por jugadores: %1 Транспорта гражданских уничтожено игроками: %1 @@ -6456,7 +6456,7 @@ Civilní vozidla zničená hráči: %1 - Civilian vehicles seized: %1 + Civilian vehicles seized: %1 Zivile Fahrzeuge beschlagnahmt: %1 Vehículos civiles capturados: %1 Транспорта гражданских захвачено: %1 @@ -6464,7 +6464,7 @@ Krádež civilních vozidel: %1 - Civilian buildings destroyed: %1 + Civilian buildings destroyed: %1 Zivile Gebäude zerstört: %1 Edificios civiles destruidos: %1 Построек гражданских уничтожено: %1 @@ -6472,7 +6472,7 @@ Zničeno civilních budov: %1 - Vehicles recycled: %1 + Vehicles recycled: %1 Vehicules recyclés: %1 Fahrzeuge wiederverwertet: %1 Vehículos reciclados: %1 @@ -6486,7 +6486,7 @@ Recyklovaná vozidla: %1 - Ammunition produced: %1 + Ammunition produced: %1 Munition hergestellt: %1 Municiones producidas: %1 Произведено боеприпасов: %1 @@ -6494,7 +6494,7 @@ Výroba munice: %1 - Ammunition spent: %1 + Ammunition spent: %1 Munition verbraucht: %1 Municiones gastadas: %1 Боеприпасов потрачено: %1 @@ -6502,7 +6502,7 @@ Spotřeba munice: %1 - Fuel produced: %1 + Fuel produced: %1 Kraftstoff hergestellt: %1 Combustible producido: %1 Произведено топлива: %1 @@ -6510,7 +6510,7 @@ Výroba paliva: %1 - Fuel spent: %1 + Fuel spent: %1 Kraftstoff verbraucht: %1 Combustible gastado: %1 Топлива потрачено: %1 @@ -6518,7 +6518,7 @@ Spotřeba paliva: %1 - Supplies produced: %1 + Supplies produced: %1 Nachschub hergestellt: %1 Suministros producidos: %1 Произведено припасов: %1 @@ -6526,7 +6526,7 @@ Výroba surovin: %1 - Supplies spent: %1 + Supplies spent: %1 Nachschub verbraucht: %1 Suministros gastados: %1 Припасов потрачено: %1 @@ -6534,7 +6534,7 @@ Spotřeba surovin: %1 - Sectors liberated: %1 + Sectors liberated: %1 Secteurs libérés, delivrés: %1 Sektoren befreit: %1 Sectores liberados: %1 @@ -6548,7 +6548,7 @@ Sektory se osvobodily: %1 - Sectors lost: %1 + Sectors lost: %1 Secteurs perdus: %1 Sektoren verloren: %1 Sectores perdidos: %1 @@ -6562,7 +6562,7 @@ Sektory prohráli: %1 - FOBs built: %1 + FOBs built: %1 FOBs construites: %1 FOBs gebaut: %1 FOBs construídas: %1 @@ -6576,7 +6576,7 @@ Postaveny FOB: %1 - FOBs lost: %1 + FOBs lost: %1 FOBs perdues: %1 FOBs verloren: %1 FOB perdidas: %1 @@ -6590,7 +6590,7 @@ FOB ztratil: %1 - Secondary objectives accomplished: %1 + Secondary objectives accomplished: %1 Objectifs secondaires accomplis: %1 Sekundärziele erreicht: %1 Objetivos secundarios conseguidos: %1 @@ -6604,7 +6604,7 @@ Dosažené sekundární cíle: %1 - Prisoners captured: %1 + Prisoners captured: %1 Prisonniers capturés: %1 Gefangene gefasst: %1 Prisioneros capturados: %1 @@ -6618,7 +6618,7 @@ Vězni zajati: %1 - Hostile battlegroups called: %1 + Hostile battlegroups called: %1 Battlegroups hostiles appelés: %1 Feindliche Kampfgruppen ausgerückt: %1 Grupos hostiles de combate llamados: %1 @@ -6632,7 +6632,7 @@ Nepřátelské bojové skupiny nazvané: %1 - Hostile reinforcements called: %1 + Hostile reinforcements called: %1 Renforts hostiles appelés: %1 Feindliche Verstärkungen ausgerückt: %1 Refuerzos hostiles llamados: %1 @@ -6646,7 +6646,7 @@ Nepřátelské posily nazývané: %1 - Total combat readiness raised: %1 + Total combat readiness raised: %1 Augmentation totale du niveau d'alerte: %1 Gesamterhöhung der gegnerischen Kampfbereitschaft: %1 Disposición de combate total recaudada: %1 @@ -6660,7 +6660,7 @@ Bojová připravenost: %1 - IEDs detonated: %1 + IEDs detonated: %1 Explosions d'IED: %1 IEDs ausgelöst: %1 IEDs detonados: %1 @@ -6674,7 +6674,7 @@ Výbuch miny: %1 - Number of Potato 01 losses: %1 + Number of Potato 01 losses: %1 Pertes de Potato 01: %1 Verluste von Potato 01: %1 Número de pérdidas de Potato 01: %1 @@ -6687,7 +6687,7 @@ Počet ztracených Potato 01: %1 - Rabbits killed: %1 + Rabbits killed: %1 Lapins tués: %1 Hasen getötet: %1 Conejos asesinados: %1 @@ -6701,7 +6701,7 @@ Zabití králíci: %1 - Many thanks for playing KP LIBERATION! + Many thanks for playing KP LIBERATION! Merci beaucoup d'avoir joué à KP LIBERATION! Vielen Dank fürs Spielen von KP LIBERATION! ¡Muchas gracias por jugar KP LIBERATION! @@ -6715,7 +6715,7 @@ Děkujeme za hraní KP LIBERATION! - We hope you enjoyed playing it, as much as we enjoyed making it. + We hope you enjoyed playing it, as much as we enjoyed making it. Nous espérons que vous avez pris autant de plaisir à y jouer, que nous à la créer. Wir hoffen, du hattest so viel Spaß am Spielen, wie wir dabei, es zu entwickeln. Esperamos que hayas disfrutado tanto jugándola, como nosotros creándola. @@ -6729,7 +6729,7 @@ Doufáme, že jste si tuto misi užili stejně, jako když jsme ji vytvořili. - (Press ESC to exit) + (Press ESC to exit) (Appuyez sur Echap pour quitter) (Drücke ESC zum Beenden) (Pulsa ESC para salir) @@ -6743,7 +6743,7 @@ (Stisknutím klávesy ESC ukončete program) - -- Clear FOB area + -- Clear FOB area -- Limpiar área de FOB -- Очистить зону FOB -- FOB Gebiet räumen @@ -6751,7 +6751,7 @@ -- Vymazat zónu FOB - FOB repackaged.\nPossibly created clearance will be reverted upon server restart. + FOB repackaged.\nPossibly created clearance will be reverted upon server restart. FOB eingepackt.\nEventuelle Gebietsräumung wird zum Serverneustart rückgängig gemacht. FOB empacado. \nProbablemente el permiso de creación será revertido después de reiniciar el servidor. FOB свернуто.\nЕсли вы очищали место для FOB, оно будет восстановлено после перезапуска сервера. @@ -6759,7 +6759,7 @@ FOB je zabalen.\Po restartování serveru bude pravděpodobně vytvořené oprávnění zrušeno. - Dynamic fog (A3 Vanilla) + Dynamic fog (A3 Vanilla) Dynamischer Nebel (A3 Vanilla) Niebla dinámica (A3 Default) Динамический туман (A3 Vanilla) @@ -6767,7 +6767,7 @@ Dynamická mlha (A3 Vanilla) - Start FOB provided as + Start FOB provided as Start-FOB bereitgestellt als Empezar con FOB proveído como Создать FOB в виде @@ -6775,7 +6775,7 @@ První FOB poskyzován jako - FOB Container + FOB Container FOB Container Contenedor FOB FOB Контейнер @@ -6783,7 +6783,7 @@ FOB Kontejner - FOB Truck + FOB Truck FOB LKW Camión FOB FOB Грузовик @@ -6791,234 +6791,234 @@ FOB Nákladní auto - Client options variant + Client options variant Spielermenü Variante Variantes de opciones de cliente Vybrat možnost klienta - GREUH Extended Options + GREUH Extended Options GREUH Erweiterte Optionen GREHU Opciones Extendidas GREUH Rozšířené možnosti - KP Player Menu (requires CBA) + KP Player Menu (requires CBA) KP Spielermenü (benötigt CBA) Menú de jugador KP (requiere CBA) KP Player Menu (vyžaduje CBA) - Are you sure? + Are you sure? Bist du sicher? ¿Estás seguro? jsi si tím jistý? - This will permanently remove a total of %1 terrain objects (houses, trees, fences, lamps, etc.) within a radius of %2m around %3. + This will permanently remove a total of %1 terrain objects (houses, trees, fences, lamps, etc.) within a radius of %2m around %3. Dies wird insgesamt %1 Kartenobjekte (Häuser, Bäume, Zäune, Lampen, etc.) im Umkreis von %2m um %3 herum permanent entfernen. Esta acción removera permanentemente un total de %1 objetos de terreno (casas, árboles, bardas, lamparas, etc.) dentro de un radio de %2m alrededor de %3. Tím se trvale odstraní celkem %1 terénních objektů (domy, stromy, ploty, lampy atd.) V okruhu %2m kolem %3. - Add enemies to Zeus editable objects + Add enemies to Zeus editable objects Feindliche Einheiten für Zeus editierbar Agregar enemigos como objetos editables de Zeus Přidejte nepřátele k upravitelným objektům Zeus - Arma 3 High Command for Commander + Arma 3 High Command for Commander Arma 3 Oberbefehl für Kommandanten Arma 3 High Command para comandantes Arma 3 Vrchní velení velitele - Arma 3 High Command + Arma 3 High Command Arma 3 Oberbefehl Arma 3 High Command Arma 3 Vrchní velení velitele - BI Support System access + BI Support System access Zugriff auf BI Support System BI Podpora přístupu do systému - Commander and Whitelist + Commander and Whitelist Kommandant und Whitelist Velitel a whitelist - Everyone + Everyone Jeder Každý - Weapon sway + Weapon sway Waffenschwanken (Weapon sway) Zbraň houpat - Ingame Tutorial + Ingame Tutorial Tutorial im Spiel Výukový program Ingame - Crate + Crate Kiste Bedna - Surrendering Soldier + Surrendering Soldier Kapitulierender Soldat Vzdávající se voják - Wounded Civilian + Wounded Civilian Verwundeter Zivilist Zraněný civilista - KP Liberation Tutorial + KP Liberation Tutorial KP Liberation Tutorial KP Liberation Tutorial - Do you want to enable the interactive tutorial?<br/>It'll guide you through the aspects of the mission. Check your tasks area on the map for further information on each task.<br/><br/>(This popup can be disabled in the mission parameters) + Do you want to enable the interactive tutorial?<br/>It'll guide you through the aspects of the mission. Check your tasks area on the map for further information on each task.<br/><br/>(This popup can be disabled in the mission parameters) Möchtest du das interaktive Tutorial aktivieren?<br/>Es wird dich durch einzelnen Missionsaspekte führen. Prüfe die Aufgaben im Kartenbildschirm für weitere Informationen zu den einzelnen Aufgaben.<br/><br/>(Dieses Pop-Up kann in den Missionsparametern deaktiviert werden) Chcete povolit interaktivní výukový program?<br/>Provede vás aspekty mise. Další informace o jednotlivých úkolech naleznete v oblasti úkolů na mapě.<br/><br/>(Toto okno lze v parametrech mise deaktivovat) - You've completed all currently available/implemented tutorials.<br/>Have a lot of fun with playing this mission.<br/><br/>Should you've questions or want to learn the more deeper mechanics, make sure you visit the <a href="https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/wiki">KP Liberation Wiki</a>.<br/>We've also a <a href="https://discord.gg/Qk35Sw8">Discord Server</a> where hundreds of KP Libertion players are around. + You've completed all currently available/implemented tutorials.<br/>Have a lot of fun with playing this mission.<br/><br/>Should you've questions or want to learn the more deeper mechanics, make sure you visit the <a href="https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/wiki">KP Liberation Wiki</a>.<br/>We've also a <a href="https://discord.gg/Qk35Sw8">Discord Server</a> where hundreds of KP Libertion players are around. Du hast alle derzeit verfügbaren/implementierten Tutorials abgeschlossen.<br/>Wir wünschen dir sehr viel Spaß mit dem Spielen der Mission.<br/><br/>Solltest du Fragen haben oder die etwas über die tiefergehenden Mechaniken erfahren wollen, dann schaue als erstes in das <a href="https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/wiki">KP Liberation Wiki</a>.<br/>Außerdem gibt es unseren <a href="https://discord.gg/Qk35Sw8">Discord Server</a>, wo hunderte von KP Liberation Spielern zu finden sind. Dokončili jste všechny aktuálně dostupné/implementované výukové programy.<br/> Užij si spoustu zábavy při hraní této mise.<br/><br/> Pokud máte dotazy nebo se chcete dozvědět hlubší mechaniku, ujistěte se, že navštívíte stránku <a href="https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/wiki"> KP Osvobození Wiki</a>. <br/> Také jsme a <a href="https://discord.gg/Qk35Sw8">Discord Server</a> kde jsou kolem stovky hráčů KP Libertion. - KP Liberation Tutorial Tasks + KP Liberation Tutorial Tasks KP Liberation Tutorial Aufgaben KP osvobození Výuky - Tasks of the KP Liberation Tutorial.<br/>It'll create new tasks when the correct circumstances are reached and there are still tutorials available. + Tasks of the KP Liberation Tutorial.<br/>It'll create new tasks when the correct circumstances are reached and there are still tutorials available. Aufgaben des KP Liberation Tutorials.<br/>Es werden automatisch neue Aufgaben erstellt, sobald die entsprechenden Umstände eintreten und noch weitere Tutorials verfügbar sind. Úkoly KP Osvobození Tutorial.<br/>To bude vytvářet nové úkoly, když jsou dosaženy správné okolnosti a stále jsou k dispozici výukové programy. - First FOB deployment + First FOB deployment Erste FOB errichten První nasazení FOB - This tasks will guide you through the deployment of your first FOB and gathering the start resources. + This tasks will guide you through the deployment of your first FOB and gathering the start resources. Diese Aufgaben werden dich durch die Bereitstellung deiner ersten FOB und dem Sammeln der Startressourcen führen. Tyto úkoly vás provedou nasazením prvního fob a shromažďováním počátečních prostředků. - Transport FOB Container + Transport FOB Container FOB Container transportieren Přepravní FOB kontejner - This is your first FOB container, which allows you to deploy a FOB.<br/>You need to slingload it via the transport helicopter to a position at least 1km away from the operation base in order to deploy it. We recommend to build it in the vicinity of a factory.<br/>After you've transported the container to the desired position, head near to it and you'll get an scroll wheel action to place the FOB.<br/>We'll continue after you've deployed your first FOB. + This is your first FOB container, which allows you to deploy a FOB.<br/>You need to slingload it via the transport helicopter to a position at least 1km away from the operation base in order to deploy it. We recommend to build it in the vicinity of a factory.<br/>After you've transported the container to the desired position, head near to it and you'll get an scroll wheel action to place the FOB.<br/>We'll continue after you've deployed your first FOB. Dies ist dein erster FOB Container mit dem du eine FOB bereitstellen kannst.<br/>Diesen musst du als Außenlast mit dem Transporthelikopter zu einer Position mit mindestens 1km Abstand zur Operationsbasis bringen, um die FOB aufzubauen. Wir empfehlen die erste FOB in der Nähe eines Fabrik-Sektors zu errichten.<br/>Nachdem du den Container zur gewünschten Position gebracht hast, nähere dich ihm und du wirst eine Mausrad-Aktion erhalten, um die FOB aufzustellen.<br/>Wir fahren fort nachdem du deine erste FOB errichtet hast. Jedná se o váš první FOB kontejner, který vám umožní nasadit FOB.<br/> Musíte ho naložit transportním vrtulníkem na pozici, která je vzdálena alespoň 1 km od operační základny, abyste ji mohli nasadit. Doporučujeme jej postavit v blízkosti továrny.<br/> Po přepravě kontejneru do požadovaného místa zamiřte k němu a získáte akci rolovacího kolečka, která umístí FOB.<br/> Budeme pokračovat, až to provedete. - Drive FOB Truck + Drive FOB Truck FOB Truck fahren Nákladní auto FOB - This is your first FOB truck, which allows you to deploy a FOB.<br/>You need to drive it to a position at least 1km away from the operation base in order to deploy it. We recommend to build it in the vicinity of a factory.<br/>After you've driven the truck to the desired position, head near to it and you'll get an scroll wheel action to place the FOB.<br/>We'll continue after you've deployed your first FOB. + This is your first FOB truck, which allows you to deploy a FOB.<br/>You need to drive it to a position at least 1km away from the operation base in order to deploy it. We recommend to build it in the vicinity of a factory.<br/>After you've driven the truck to the desired position, head near to it and you'll get an scroll wheel action to place the FOB.<br/>We'll continue after you've deployed your first FOB. Dies ist dein erster FOB LKW mit dem du eine FOB bereitstellen kannst.<br/>Diesen musst du zu einer Position mit mindestens 1km Abstand zur Operationsbasis fahren, um die FOB aufzubauen. Wir empfehlen die erste FOB in der Nähe eines Fabrik-Sektors zu errichten.<br/>Nachdem du den LKW zur gewünschten Position gebracht hast, nähere dich ihm und du wirst eine Mausrad-Aktion erhalten, um die FOB aufzustellen.<br/>Wir fahren fort nachdem du deine erste FOB errichtet hast. Jedná se o váš první FOB truck, který vám umožní nasadit FOB.<br/> Musíte ho dojet na pozici alespoň 1 km od operační základny, abyste ji mohli nasadit. Doporučujeme ji postavit v blízkosti továrny.<br/> Poté, co jste řídili vůz do požadovaného místa, zamiřte blízko k němu a dostanete akci rolovacího kolečka pro umístění FOB.<br/> Budeme pokračovat, až rozmístíte svůj první FOB. - Build a storage area + Build a storage area Baue einen Lagerbereich Vytvoření úložného prostoru - Now you've access to the build menu via the scroll wheel actions.<br/>Use this action to place a storage area. You can find it in the support tab of the build menu.<br/>This is needed to store the resource crates we'll send to you after this task. + Now you've access to the build menu via the scroll wheel actions.<br/>Use this action to place a storage area. You can find it in the support tab of the build menu.<br/>This is needed to store the resource crates we'll send to you after this task. Nun hast du Zugriff zum Baumenü über die Mausrad-Aktionen.<br/>Benutze diese Aktion, um einen Lagerbereich zu errichten. Die Lagerbereich sind im Unterstützungs-Reiter des Baumenüs.<br/>Dieser ist notwendig, um die Startressourcen, die wir dir im Anschluss an diese Aufgabe zukommen lassen, einzulagern. Nyní máte přístup k nabídce sestavení prostřednictvím akcí rolovacího kolečka.<br/> Tato akce slouží k umístění skladovacího prostoru. Najdete ji na kartě budovy v nabídce stavení.<br/> To je nutné k uložení beden prostředků, které vám pošleme po tomto úkolu. - Collect start resources + Collect start resources Sammle Startressourcen Shromáždit počáteční zdroje - We've send you some start resource crates via paradrop. Collect them and store them in your storage area to add them to the FOB resource pool.<br/>Resources have always to be stored in such areas to use them for building. It's not enough to have them near the FOB. If you go near a crate you'll have a store and a push scroll wheel action, which will help you. + We've send you some start resource crates via paradrop. Collect them and store them in your storage area to add them to the FOB resource pool.<br/>Resources have always to be stored in such areas to use them for building. It's not enough to have them near the FOB. If you go near a crate you'll have a store and a push scroll wheel action, which will help you. Wir haben dir ein paar Kisten mit Startressourcen per Fallschirmabwurf zukommen lassen. Sammel sie ein und lagere sie in deinen Lagerbereich ein, um sie den verfügbaren Ressourcen der FOB hinzuzufügen.<br/>Ressourcen müssen übrigens immer in solche Bereiche eingelagert werden, damit sie zum bauen verwendet werden können. Es reicht nicht aus, die Kisten einfach in der Nähe der FOB zu haben. Bist du in der Nähe einer Kiste, hast du unter anderem eine "Einlagern" und "Schieben" Mausrad-Aktion, welche dir helfen werden. Poslali jsme vám přes paradrop nějaké bedny se startem. Shromážděte je a uložte je do úložiště a přidejte je do fondu zdrojů FOB.<br/> Zdroje musí být vždy uloženy v těchto oblastech, aby je mohly používat pro stavbu. Nestačí je mít blízko FOB. Pokud se přiblížíte k bedně, budete mít možnost a akci push rolovacího kolečka, která vám pomůže. - Capture your first factory + Capture your first factory Erobere deine erste Fabrik Zachyťte svou první továrnu - This tasks will guide you through the process of capturing a factory sector, take possible POWs, help possible wounded civilians and start the resource production. + This tasks will guide you through the process of capturing a factory sector, take possible POWs, help possible wounded civilians and start the resource production. Diese Aufgaben werden dich durch die Eroberung eines Fabrik-Sektors, das Festnehmen möglicher Gefangener, der Betreuung möglicher verwundeter Zivilisten und den Start der Ressourcenproduktion führen. Tyto úkoly vás provedou procesem zachycení výrobního sektoru, vezmou možné válečné zajatce, pomohou zraněným civilistům a zahájí výrobu zdrojů. - Approach a factory + Approach a factory Nähere dich einer Fabrik Přistupte k továrně - It's always a good decision to start your campaign with capturing a factory. That way you'll be able to produce more resources, which you'll need in order to build more vehicles and later air assets.<br/>We've marked up to three near factory sectors on the map for you. Decide by yourself, which one you want to approach.<br/>We'll continue, if you're near one of the marked factories.<br/><br/>More information about the different sector types can be found in our <a href="https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/wiki/EN_Sectors">Wiki</a>. + It's always a good decision to start your campaign with capturing a factory. That way you'll be able to produce more resources, which you'll need in order to build more vehicles and later air assets.<br/>We've marked up to three near factory sectors on the map for you. Decide by yourself, which one you want to approach.<br/>We'll continue, if you're near one of the marked factories.<br/><br/>More information about the different sector types can be found in our <a href="https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/wiki/EN_Sectors">Wiki</a>. Es ist immer eine gute Entscheidung die Kampagne mit der Eroberung einer Fabrik zu beginnen. Dadurch wirst du in der Lage sein weitere Ressourcen zu produzieren, um weitere Bodenfahrzeuge und später auch Luftfahrzeuge zu bauen.<br/>Wir haben bis zu drei nahe Fabriken für dich auf der Karte markiert. Entscheide selbst, welche du angehen möchtest.<br/>Wir fahren fort, wenn du in der Nähe einer der markierten Fabriken bist.<br/><br/>Mehr Informationen über die verschiedenen Sektortypen findest du in unserem <a href="https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/wiki/EN_Sectors">Wiki</a>. Je vždy dobré začít kampaň se zachycením továrny. Tímto způsobem budete moci produkovat více zdrojů, které budete potřebovat, abyste mohli postavit více vozidel a později letecké prostředky.<br/> Označili jsme na mapě až tři blízké výrobní sektory. Rozhodněte se sami, který z nich chcete přistupovat.<br/> Budeme pokračovat, pokud jste poblíž jedné z označených továren.<br/><br/> Více informací o různých typech odvětví naleznete v našem <a href="https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/wiki/EN_Sectors"> Wiki</a>. - Conquer the factory + Conquer the factory Erobere die Fabrik Dobýt továrnu - The factory is now activated and will spawn enemy defenders. A full sector activation might take up to 20 seconds, depending on the amount of player side units near the sector. The more troops, the faster it'll spawn. This is to avoid random spawning by e.g. helicopter or jet fly-bys.<br/><br/>Now you've to defeat the enemy garrison until they surrender. + The factory is now activated and will spawn enemy defenders. A full sector activation might take up to 20 seconds, depending on the amount of player side units near the sector. The more troops, the faster it'll spawn. This is to avoid random spawning by e.g. helicopter or jet fly-bys.<br/><br/>Now you've to defeat the enemy garrison until they surrender. Die Fabrik ist nun aktiv und wird feindliche Verteidigungstruppen erzeugen. Eine vollständige Sektoraktivierung kann bis zu 20 Sekunden dauern, abhängig von der Menge an freundlichen Einheiten in der Nähe eine Sektors. Umso mehr Einheiten, umso schneller. Dies verhindert, dass zufällige Sektoren durch lediglich vorbeifliegende Helikopter oder Jets aktiviert werden.<br/><br/>Nun musst du die feindliche Garnison, bis zur Aufgabe, bekämpfen. Továrna je nyní aktivována a bude plodit nepřátelské obránce. Úplná aktivace sektoru může trvat až 20 sekund, v závislosti na množství jednotek na straně hráče v blízkosti sektoru. Čím více vojáků, tím rychleji se vynoří. To má zabránit náhodnému tření např. vrtulník nebo tryskové přelety .<br/><br/> Nyní musíte porazit nepřátelskou posádku, dokud se nevzdají. - Capture and care + Capture and care Gefangennahme und Versorgung Zachyťte a pečujte - After capturing a sector there is a chance that enemies surrendered or wounded civilians are in need of medical aid.<br/>We've marked these for you this time. Normally you need to search the buildings for surrendering enemies and have a look on the map for small violet circles which gives a hint for wounded civilians.<br/><br/>Approach all of the markers to capture the enemies and provide medical assistance for the civilians. + After capturing a sector there is a chance that enemies surrendered or wounded civilians are in need of medical aid.<br/>We've marked these for you this time. Normally you need to search the buildings for surrendering enemies and have a look on the map for small violet circles which gives a hint for wounded civilians.<br/><br/>Approach all of the markers to capture the enemies and provide medical assistance for the civilians. Nachdem ein Sektor erobert wurde, besteht die Chance, dass Feinde sich ergeben und verwundete Zivilisten medizinische Hilfe benötigen.<br/>Dieses mal haben wir diese für dich markiert. Normalerweise musst du die Gebäude nach sich ergebenen Feinden durchsuchen und auf der Karte nach kleinen violetten Markierungen schauen, welche dir einen Anhaltspunkt für verwundete Zivilisten gibt.<br/><br/>Nähere dich allen Markierungen, um Feinde gefangen zu nehmen und den Zivilisten zu helfen. Po obsazení sektoru je šance, že nepřátelé, kteří se vzdali nebo budou zraněni civilisté, potřebují lékařskou pomoc.<br/> Tentokrát jsme je označili. Za normálních okolností je třeba hledat budovy pro odevzdání nepřátel a podívat se na mapě pro malé fialové kruhy, které dává náznak pro zraněné civilisty.<br/><br/> Přistupte ke všem značkám, abyste zachytili nepřátele a poskytli lékařskou pomoc civilistům. - Build a storage area + Build a storage area Baue einen Lagerbereich Vybudujte skladovací prostor - You need to place down a storage area for each factory you conquer. Otherwise the factory won't be able to produce resources due to a lack of storage space.<br/>Use the scroll wheel action to place a storage area at the factory sector. + You need to place down a storage area for each factory you conquer. Otherwise the factory won't be able to produce resources due to a lack of storage space.<br/>Use the scroll wheel action to place a storage area at the factory sector. Für jede eroberte Fabrik muss ein Lagerbereich errichtet werden. Andernfalls wird die Fabrik, aufgrund fehlendem Lagerplatz, keine Ressourcen produzieren können.<br/>Benutze die entsprechende Mausrad-Aktion, um einen Lagerbereich bei der Fabrik zu errichten. musíte umístit úložný prostor pro každou továrnu, kterou dobýváte. V opačném případě nebude továrna schopna vyrábět zdroje z důvodu nedostatku úložného prostoru.<br/> Pomocí akce rolovacího kolečka umístěte úložný prostor do výrobního sektoru. - Start the production + Start the production Starte die Produktion Zahajte výrobu - Now the factory is ready to start produce resources. Use the scroll-wheel action to open the production interface and start the production in the just conquered factory.<br/>More detailed information about the interface can be found in our <a href="https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/wiki/EN_Production">Wiki</a>. + Now the factory is ready to start produce resources. Use the scroll-wheel action to open the production interface and start the production in the just conquered factory.<br/>More detailed information about the interface can be found in our <a href="https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/wiki/EN_Production">Wiki</a>. Nun ist die Fabrik dafür bereit, um Ressourcen zu produzieren. Benutze die Mausrad-Aktion, um das Produktionsinterface zu öffnen und die Produktion in der eroberten Fabrik zu starten.<br/>Detailliertere Informationen über das Produktionsinterface findest du in unserem <a href="https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/wiki/EN_Production">Wiki</a>. Nyní je továrna připravena začít vyrábět zdroje. Pomocí akce rolovacího kolečka otevřete výrobní rozhraní a začněte vyrábět v právě dobyté továrně.<br/> Podrobnější informace o rozhraní naleznete v našem <a href="https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/wiki/EN_Production">Wiki</a>. - Direct arsenal access without KPLIB Loadout Dialog + Direct arsenal access without KPLIB Loadout Dialog Direkter Arsenalzugang ohne KPLIB Loadout Dialog - UNDER ATTACK + UNDER ATTACK WIRD ANGEGRIFFEN diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/defines.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/defines.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/defines.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/defines.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_arsenal.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_arsenal.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/liberation_arsenal.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/liberation_arsenal.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_build.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_build.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/liberation_build.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/liberation_build.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_deathscreen.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_deathscreen.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/liberation_deathscreen.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/liberation_deathscreen.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_deploy.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_deploy.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/liberation_deploy.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/liberation_deploy.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_endscreen.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_endscreen.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/liberation_endscreen.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/liberation_endscreen.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_halo.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_halo.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/liberation_halo.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/liberation_halo.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_interface.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_interface.hpp deleted file mode 100644 index 5c5b2c4c6..000000000 --- a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_interface.hpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -#include "defines.hpp" -#include "standard_controls.hpp" -#include "liberation_titles.hpp" -#include "liberation_recycle.hpp" -#include "liberation_build.hpp" -#include "liberation_deploy.hpp" -#include "liberation_menu.hpp" -#include "liberation_tutorial.hpp" -#include "liberation_endscreen.hpp" -#include "liberation_deathscreen.hpp" -#include "liberation_squad.hpp" -#include "liberation_permissions.hpp" -#include "liberation_arsenal.hpp" -#include "liberation_repackage_fob.hpp" -#include "liberation_halo.hpp" -#include "liberation_secondary.hpp" -#include "liberation_production.hpp" -#include "liberation_logistic.hpp" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_interface.inc b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_interface.inc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c72113a79 --- /dev/null +++ b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_interface.inc @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#include "defines.inc" +#include "standard_controls.inc" +#include "liberation_titles.inc" +#include "liberation_recycle.inc" +#include "liberation_build.inc" +#include "liberation_deploy.inc" +#include "liberation_menu.inc" +#include "liberation_tutorial.inc" +#include "liberation_endscreen.inc" +#include "liberation_deathscreen.inc" +#include "liberation_squad.inc" +#include "liberation_permissions.inc" +#include "liberation_arsenal.inc" +#include "liberation_repackage_fob.inc" +#include "liberation_halo.inc" +#include "liberation_secondary.inc" +#include "liberation_production.inc" +#include "liberation_logistic.inc" diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_logistic.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_logistic.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/liberation_logistic.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/liberation_logistic.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_menu.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_menu.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/liberation_menu.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/liberation_menu.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_notifications.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_notifications.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/liberation_notifications.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/liberation_notifications.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_permissions.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_permissions.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/liberation_permissions.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/liberation_permissions.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_production.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_production.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/liberation_production.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/liberation_production.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_recycle.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_recycle.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/liberation_recycle.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/liberation_recycle.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_repackage_fob.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_repackage_fob.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/liberation_repackage_fob.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/liberation_repackage_fob.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_secondary.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_secondary.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/liberation_secondary.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/liberation_secondary.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_squad.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_squad.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/liberation_squad.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/liberation_squad.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_titles.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_titles.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/liberation_titles.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/liberation_titles.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/liberation_tutorial.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/liberation_tutorial.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/liberation_tutorial.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/liberation_tutorial.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/mission_params.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/mission_params.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/mission_params.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/mission_params.inc diff --git a/Missionframework/ui/standard_controls.hpp b/Missionframework/ui/standard_controls.inc similarity index 100% rename from Missionframework/ui/standard_controls.hpp rename to Missionframework/ui/standard_controls.inc diff --git a/_tools/_presets.json b/_tools/_presets.json index 84e459dcb..47be3840a 100644 --- a/_tools/_presets.json +++ b/_tools/_presets.json @@ -13,6 +13,21 @@ }, "workshopId": "1578862234" }, + { + "sourceFolder": "kp_liberation.cam_lao_nam", + "missionName": "kp_liberation", + "map": "cam_lao_nam", + "mapDisplay": "Cam Lao Nam", + "configFile": "kp_liberation_config.sqf", + "variables": { + "KP_liberation_preset_blufor": 31, + "KP_liberation_preset_opfor": 21, + "KP_liberation_preset_resistance": 9, + "KP_liberation_preset_civilians": 8, + "KP_liberation_arsenal": 17 + }, + "workshopId": "2478668937" + }, { "sourceFolder": "kp_liberation.Chernarus", "missionName": "kp_liberation", diff --git a/_tools/gulpfile.ts b/_tools/gulpfile.ts index 2fdc32e30..5eb6c1969 100644 --- a/_tools/gulpfile.ts +++ b/_tools/gulpfile.ts @@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ for (let preset of presets) { function stringTableReplace () { // I know, replacing XML with regex... :| // https://regex101.com/r/TSfish/2 - const versionRegex = /(\s*)(?.+)(<\/Original>)/; - const nameRegex = /(\s*)(?.+)(<\/Original>)/; + const versionRegex = /(\s*)(?.+)(<\/English>)/; + const nameRegex = /(\s*)(?.+)(<\/English>)/; return gulp.src(mission.getFrameworkPath().concat('/stringtable.xml')) .pipe(gulpModify((content: string) => {