Kotlin Night is a meetup that includes 3-4 talks on Kotlin or related technologies.
Learn more about the Kotlin Night event
- Please use the branding materials we’ve provided. Having all events and materials in the same style will help keep the Kotlin Night experience consistent.
- Kotlin Night should be a free event. A minimal fee can be charged to cover expenses, but it should remain a non-profit event.
- The event should be announced publicly and open for all people to attend without any kind of discrimination.
- If you publish the contents of the talks online after the event, they must be free and accessible to everyone, without any sign-up or registration procedures.
- Recordings are optional but recommended, and they should also be made available. If you decide to record the talks, we suggest having a plan to ensure the quality is good.
- The talks should primarily be about Kotlin and should not focus on marketing or sales.
- The event can serve food and drinks optionally.
JetBrains is excited to support your Kotlin Night event. Because we want all events to provide the same high-quality experience, we need organizers to ensure that some basic requirements are met for the event to receive JetBrains support. As an organizer, you are responsible for the following aspects of the event:
- The location and everything required to host the event, including booking a comfortable venue. Please make sure that:
- All the participants are aware of the exact date, place, and starting time of the event, along with the event schedule and program.
- There is enough space as well as food and beverages, if you provide them, for everyone.
- You have a plan with your speakers. This includes a schedule, topics, abstracts for the talks, and any necessary equipment for the presentations.
- Content and speakers
- Feel free to invite presenters from your local community, from neighboring countries, or even from all over the globe. You don’t have to have any JetBrains representatives or speakers at your event. However, we are always happy to hear about more Kotlin Nights, so feel free to notify us.
- Announcements and promotion
- Announce your event at least three weeks before the date of a meetup.
- Include the schedule, topics, abstracts, and speaker bios in the announcement.
- Spread the word on social media.
- Providing event material to JetBrains after the event
- We would be glad to announce your event at kotlinlang.org, and we would appreciate it if you provided slides and video materials for a follow-up posting.
JetBrains provides support with:
- Access to Kotlin Night Branding, which includes the name and logos
- Merchandise, such as stickers and t-shirts for speakers and small souvenirs for attendees
- A listing for the event on the Kotlin Talks page
- Help to reach out to speakers to take part in the event, if necessary
- Help to find a location if possible (via contacts, etc.), as well as help to identify possible partnerships with local businesses
JetBrains provides branding and materials for Kotlin Night events. Our team will prepare digital assets for the event promotion and ship your merchandise pack containing stickers and t-shirts. Check out what we have to make your Kotlin Night fun!
Download all{:.typo-float-right.kto-button.kto-button_size_m.kto-button_mode_outline}
Stickers can be used to brand any media necessary for a Kotlin Night. Just stick them on anything you can get your hands on. It’s fun!
Stickers can be used to brand assets for a Kotlin Night. Just stick them on anything you can get your hands on. It is funny!
You can decorate a press wall with stickers for unforgettable event pictures.
Use stickers as badges for the attendees and boost networking at the event!
Or you can provide a board where your guests can paste stickers with their impressions, feedback, and wishes.
Guests of the event are offered to paste stickers on the board with their impressions of the meeting. What does it mean for you?