- account_enabled is now correctly bool (from str)
- Adding applications.get_service_principals_id_by_app_id
- identifier_uris is not a required application parameter
- Model Application has a new parameter optional_claims
- Model Application has a new parameter pre_authorized_applications
- Model Application has a new parameter group_membership_claims
- Model Application has a new parameter oauth2_allow_url_path_matching
- Model Application has a new parameter allow_passthrough_users
- Model Application has a new parameter is_device_only_auth_supported
- Model Application has a new parameter saml_metadata_url
- Model Application has a new parameter app_logo_url
- Model Application has a new parameter sign_in_audience
- Model Application has a new parameter logout_url
- Model Application has a new parameter oauth2_permissions
- Model Application has a new parameter oauth2_require_post_response
- Model Application has a new parameter org_restrictions
- Model Application has a new parameter allow_guests_sign_in
- Model Application has a new parameter www_homepage
- Model Application has a new parameter public_client
- Model Application has a new parameter error_url
- Model Application has a new parameter known_client_applications
- Model Application has a new parameter publisher_domain
- Model Application has a new parameter informational_urls
Breaking changes
- client.oauth2 has been renamed client.oauth2_permission_grant
- Add PasswordCredentials.custom_key_identifier
- Add Application.key_credentials
- Add Application.password_credentials
- Fix KeyCredential.custom_key_identifier type from bytes to str
- Add missing required_resource_access in Application
- Fix sdist broken in 0.50.0 and 0.51.0. No code change.
- Add delete group/application owner
- signed_in_user.get : Return the currently logged-in User object
- signed_in_user.list_owned_objects : All objects owned by current user
- deleted_applications.restore : Restore an application deleted in the last 30 days
- deleted_applications.list : List all applications deleted in the last 30 days
- deleted_applications.hard_delete : Delete for real an application in the deleted list
- groups.list_owners : List owner of the group
- groups.add_owner : Add owner to this group
- Application and ServicePrincipals have now the attribute "app_roles" which is a list of AppRole class. To implement this.
- Client class can be used as a context manager to keep the underlying HTTP session open for performance
- Model ADGroup has a attributes mail_enabled and mail_nickname
- Model KeyCredential has a new atrribute custom_key_identifier
- Added operation group oauth2_operations (operations "get" and "grant")
Bug fixes
- Fix applications.list_owners access to next page
- Fix service_principal.list_owners access to next page
Breaking changes
- ApplicationAddOwnerParameters has been renamed AddOwnerParameters
- objects.get_current_user has been removed. Use signed_in_user.get instead. The main difference is this new method returns a DirectoryObjectList, where every elements could be sub-type of DirectoryObject (User, Group, etc.)
- objects.get_objects_by_object_ids now returns a DirectoryObjectList, where every element could be sub-type of DirectoryObject (User, Group, etc.)
- GetObjectsParameters.include_directory_object_references is no longer required.
- Groups.get_members now returns a DirectoryObjectList, where every element could be sub-type of DirectoryObject (User, Group, etc.)
General Breaking changes
This version uses a next-generation code generator that might introduce breaking changes.
- Model signatures now use only keyword-argument syntax. All positional arguments must be re-written as keyword-arguments. To keep auto-completion in most cases, models are now generated for Python 2 and Python 3. Python 3 uses the "*" syntax for keyword-only arguments.
- Enum types now use the "str" mixin (class AzureEnum(str, Enum)) to improve the behavior when unrecognized enum values are encountered.
While this is not a breaking change, the distinctions are important, and are documented here:
At a glance:
- "is" should not be used at all.
- "format" will return the string value, where "%s" string formatting will return NameOfEnum.stringvalue. Format syntax should be prefered.
- New Long Running Operation:
- Return type changes from msrestazure.azure_operation.AzureOperationPoller to msrest.polling.LROPoller. External API is the same.
- Return type is now always a msrest.polling.LROPoller, regardless of the optional parameters used.
- The behavior has changed when using raw=True. Instead of returning the initial call result as ClientRawResponse, without polling, now this returns an LROPoller. After polling, the final resource will be returned as a ClientRawResponse.
- New polling parameter. The default behavior is Polling=True which will poll using ARM algorithm. When Polling=False, the response of the initial call will be returned without polling.
- polling parameter accepts instances of subclasses of msrest.polling.PollingMethod.
- add_done_callback will no longer raise if called after polling is finished, but will instead execute the callback right away.
- azure-mgmt-nspkg is not installed anymore on Python 3 (PEP420-based namespace package)
To prepare future versions, all Model creation should use keyword only arguments.
Breaking changes
- ApplicationCreateParameters changed __init__ signature, breaks if positional arguments was used.
- ApplicationUpdateParameters changed __init__ signature, breaks if positional arguments was used.
- CheckGroupMembershipParameters changed __init__ signature, breaks if positional arguments was used.
- GetObjectsParameters changed __init__ signature, breaks if positional arguments was used.
- GroupAddMemberParameters changed __init__ signature, breaks if positional arguments was used.
- GroupCreateParameters changed __init__ signature, breaks if positional arguments was used.
- GroupGetMemberGroupsParameters changed __init__ signature, breaks if positional arguments was used.
- ServicePrincipalCreateParameters changed __init__ signature, breaks if positional arguments was used.
- UserCreateParameters changed __init__ signature, breaks if positional arguments was used.
- UserGetMemberGroupsParameters changed __init__ signature, breaks if positional arguments was used.
- UserUpdateParameters changed __init__ signature, breaks if positional arguments was used.
- groups.is_member_of now takes an instance of CheckGroupMembershipParameters, and not group_id, member_id parameters
- groups.add_member now have an optional parameter "additional_properties", breaks if positional arguments was used.
- groups.create now takes an instance of GroupCreateParameters, and not display_name, mail_nickname parameters
- groups.get_member_groups now have an optional parameter "additional_properties", breaks if positional arguments was used.
- service_principals.get_member_groups now have an optional parameter "additional_properties", breaks if positional arguments was used.
- Enable additional_properties on all Models. to dynamically harvest new properties.
- Better hierarchy resolution and new generic Model like AADObject. This adds several new attribute to a lot of models.
- Operation groups now have a "models" attribute.
- Add applications.list_owners
- Add applications.add_owner
- Add service_principals.list_owners
- add "required_resource_access" when applicable
- Get/Delete of Users now encode for you if you provide the UPN.
- Add Application.oauth2_allow_implicit_flow (create, update, get)
- Add to User: immutable_id, given_name, surname, user_type, account_enabled
- Add to UserCreate: given_name, surname, user_type, mail
- Add to UserUpdate: immutable_id, given_name, surname, user_type, user_principal_name
- Renamed User.signInName to an array User.signInNames
- Add domains operation group
- Add usage locations to user
- Add several new attributes to AADObject
- ApiVersion is now 1.6 for the whole package
- This wheel package is now built with the azure wheel extension
- 'list' methods returned only 100 entries (#653)
- Initial preview release