This guide will help you get started contributing on this repository.
Beginners Only Contributing during Hacktoberfest is reserved for people who are new to Open Source. We know that the process of creating a pull request is the biggest barrier for new contributors. This respository is for you 💝
What you need to know Nothing. This is where you start and the resources contained herein will help you build the skills and the confidence you need to become an active and contributing member of the Open-Source Community - and a clean coder as well.
If you would like to contribute to this repository - have at it. First-Timers Welcome! Check the issues and either add one, or comment on one. Then Branch, commit, pull - start at step2
Remember to observe the Code of Conduct - by which we mean, in short - Be Kind, Be Positive, Be Helpful
We don't want people to be overwhelmed with too many choices, or demotivated by content that is not accessible to beginners. Make suggestions for resources/people that you have used yourself and comes with your most heartfelt recommendation.
Step by Step
- 🙋 Claim an issue: Comment on it.
- Create a New Branch How to branch, Commit, Pull, Merge - start at step2
- Make your change - I use Github Desktop and Visual Studio Code so I don't have to do anything via the command-line, but if you like the command-line git on with it ;-)
- Commit it Make it a good one
- Make a Pull Request Tell us what you did
- We'll review it and merge it in