This code is adapted from PlaneSweepLib in order to reconstruct with satellite images. It can also work on ground-level images.
Project page:
The following libraries are required:
Boost (system filesystem program_options)
The script '' aims to assist installing opencv on your computer.
Compile the program via:
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
SatellitePlaneSweep/build/bin/satellitePlaneSweep \
--imageFolder {} \
--imageList {} \
--refImgId {} \
--outputFolder {} \
--matchingCost {} \
--windowRadius {} \
--nX {} --nY {} --nZ {} \
--firstD {} --lastD {} --numPlanes {} \
--filterCostVolume {} --guidedFilterRadius {} --guidedFilterEps {} \
--saveCostVolume {} \
--debug {} \
--saveBest {} --filter {} --filterThres {} \
--saveXYZMap {} \
--savePointCloud {}
Brief explanation of the options
- imageFolder: directory that contains your reference and source images
- imageList: a .txt file with each line being {img_id} {img_name} {fx fy cx cy s qw qx qy qz tx ty tz}; the number of lines should be equal to the number of reference and source images; {img_id} is an integer identifier, while {img_name} is the file name for the image inside {imageFolder}; {fx fy cx cy s qw qx qy qz tx ty tz} are the camera intrinsics and extrinsics
- refImgId: specify which image in the {imageList} you would like to be the reference image; the other images inside {imageList} will automatically become the source images
- outputFolder: where to save the program's output
- matchingCost: "ncc" or "census"
- nX, nY, nZ: they jointly define the normal direction of the sweeping planes in scene coordinate frame
- firstD, lastD: constants of the first and last sweep plane, respectively
- numPlanes: number of sweeping planes to be used
- filterCostVolume: whether to filter each slice of the cost volume with a guided-filter
- guidedFilterRadius, guidedFilterEps: parameters of the guided-filter
- saveCostVolume: whether to save the cost volume
- debug: if enabled, the program will output visualizations of the cost volumes and the warped images
- saveBest, filter, filterThres: whether to save the best plane hypothesis; before saving, an optional step filtering out the best plane hypothesis that have a cost above {filterThres} can be performed.
- saveXYZMap: whether to save the XYZ map, for which each pixel is the 3D point (X,Y,Z) in scene coordinate frame
- savePointCloud: whether to save the point cloud
scripts/ can be used to read the output files of the C++ program as numpy array.
This software uses the GPLv3 license.