# v1.11.2.1 ## Support SDK versions * Updates native iOS Support SDK to [](https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/ios/version_information). * Fixes iPhone X issues. * Allows attachments in landscape only apps for iOS 11. # v1.11.0.1 # Support SDK versions * Updates native iOS Support SDK to [](https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/ios/version_information). * Updates native Android Support SDK to [](https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/android/version_information). # v1.10.1.1 ## Support SDK versions * Updates native iOS Support SDK to [](https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/ios/version_information). * Updates native Android Support SDK to [](https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/android/version_information). ## Request List * Expose `ZDKRequests.ShowRequestList` method for starting the request list screen directly. ## Bug fix * Corrected the difference between iOS and Android for contact button visibility options. # v1.10.0.1 ## Support SDK versions * Updates native iOS Support SDK to [](https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/ios/version_information). * Updates native Android Support SDK to [](https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/android/version_information) # v1.9.2.1 ## Support SDK versions * Updates native iOS Support SDK to [](https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/ios/version_information). * Updates native Android Support SDK to [](https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/android/version_information) ## Ticket forms Api * Added an API provider to fetch the contents of ticket forms. [Learn more](https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003181667-Build-your-own-dynamic-ticket-forms-with-the-Support-SDK) about the how to build your own dynamic ticket forms with the Support SDK. # v1.7.0.1 ## Support SDK versions * Updates native iOS Support SDK to [](https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/ios/version_information). * Updates native Android Support SDK to [](https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/android/version_information) [Learn more](https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/224252968-Introducing-Support-SDK-v1-7-A-new-Help-Center-experience-and-options) about the new Help Center experience. ## Push notifications Version of the Unity plugin contained end-to-end support for push notifications, and we bundled UrbanAirship's SDK to accomplish this. In version we removed the client-side push libraries to be more in line with how push is handled in the native Support SDKs. If you wish to use push notifications you will need to determine the client id or channel id of your users' device, and then pass the identifier to `ZendeskSDK.ZDKPush.EnableWithIdentifier`. More details of push notifications are available below: * [Android web-hook application integration](https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/android/handle_push_notifications_wh#application-integration) * [Android UrbanAirship application integration](https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/android/handle_push_notifications_ua#application-integration) * [iOS web-hook application integration](https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/ios/handle_push_notifications_wh#application-integration) * [iOS UrbanAirship application integration](https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/ios/handle_push_notifications_ua#application-integration) ## Entry points Version supports Help Center, or Create Request as the main entry points. Version allowed the request list as an entry point. # v1.4.1.1 * Fix crashes for iOS7 and below when initializing the SDK. * Fix issue of incorrectly mapping ticket email to ticket Subject, ticket Subject to ticket description, and ticket description to ticket email. # v1.4.0.1 * **Native SDKs updated: plugin now uses Zendesk Android SDK v1.4.2.2 and iOS SDK v1.4.2.1. Please see the changelogs for these products to read about any under-the-hood improvements.** * https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/android/release_notes * https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/ios/release_notes * ZDKConfig changes: * New method: `SetCustomFields` - This is used to add custom field data to tickets created. * New method: `SetContactConfiguration` - This is used to set custom contact configuration on all tickets created, whether via Help Center or not. * ZDKRequests changes: * Method removed: `ShowRequestCreation(ZDKRequestCreationConfig config)` - Use `ZDKConfig.SetContactConfiguration` instead. * ZDKHelpCenter changes: * Method removed: `SetRequestSubject(String reqSub)` - Use `ZDKConfig.SetContactConfiguration` instead. * Synchronize default request subject across both Android and iOS. * Fixes to push notifications on Android via UrbanAirship. * Android permissions added, for adding and viewing attachments in tickets: * READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE * WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE * Fixes to RateMyApp dialog on Android. * Fixes to push notifications on iOS. * `ZendeskTester` updated with more examples. # v1.3 * **Native SDKs updated: plugin now uses Zendesk Android SDK v1.4.1.1 and iOS SDK v1.4.1.4. Please see the changelogs for these products to read about any under-the-hood improvements.** * https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/android/release_notes * https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/ios/release_notes * Integration instructions changed * SDK must now be built using configuration options * ZenExternal class no longer used * New push notification features added including optional integration with Urban Airship * Many new parameters for showing the Help Center * Provider changes: * New provider: ZDKUserProvider * Many methods added to ZDKHelpCenterProvider and ZDKRequestProvider * ZDKRequestProvider.CreateRequest now takes a ZDKCreateRequest object instead of individual parameters * ZDKHelpCenterProvider.GetAttachment renamed to GetAttachments * ZDKSettingsProvider.GetSdkSettingsiOS removed, now only GetSdkSettings is needed * ZDKConfig changes: * use ZDKConfig instead of ZDKConfig.Instance for configuration methods * Logging methods moved to ZDKLogger * ZDKConfig.SetDebugLoggingiOS removed, replaced with ZDKLogger.Enable and ZDKLogger.SetLogLevelIOS * new methods added: SetCoppaEnabled, SetUserLocale # v1.2 * Added ViewArticle method to the Help Center Provider. * Added Alpha color and background color for Rate My App view. * Update README to state that Unity 5.0 is required. # v1.1 * Android - Fix upload provider to work with image files * Fix conflicts with Chartboost Unity Plugin # v1.0 * Initial release