diff --git a/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Early Lunar Habitation/LunarHabitation180D.cfg b/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Early Lunar Habitation/LunarHabitation180D.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b54c15906c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Early Lunar Habitation/LunarHabitation180D.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+ name = LunarHabitation180D
+ title = Crewed 30-Day Lunar Mission
+ group = EarlyLunarHabitation
+ description = Program: Early Lunar Habitation
To prepare for interplanetary crewed exploration as well as matured Lunar surface habitation, the ability to maintain a dormant command module in orbit while crew operates on the surface for several months needs to be tested. Design and launch a spacecraft with at least three crew members to enter orbit at the Moon. Descend to the Lunar surface for a 90-day stay with a lunar taxi before returning back to the command module in orbit. Then, return safely to Earth.
+ synopsis = Perform a 180 day Lunar stay with 6 crew, then return them back to Earth safely.
+ completedMessage = Congratulations! We have proved our long-duration, high-capacity lunar habitation designs. This work provides excellent insight into what it takes to live in space for a long time. Perhaps in the future, we can permanently inhabit the Moon.
+ sortKey = 708
+ cancellable = true
+ declinable = false
+ autoAccept = false
+ minExpiry = 0
+ maxExpiry = 0
+ maxCompletions = 1
+ maxSimultaneous = 1
+ deadline = 0
+ targetBody = Moon
+ // ************ REWARDS ************
+ prestige = Trivial // 1.0x
+ advanceFunds = 0
+ rewardScience = 0
+ rewardFunds = 0
+ failureFunds = 0
+ rewardReputation = 800 // was 100
+ failureReputation = 0 // was @rewardReputation // was 100
+ // ************ REQUIREMENTS ************
+ {
+ name = ProgramActive
+ type = ProgramActive
+ program = EarlyLunarHabitation
+ }
+ {
+ name = CompleteContract
+ type = CompleteContract
+ contractType = LunarHabitationRDVZ90D
+ }
+ {
+ name = VesselGroup
+ type = VesselParameterGroup
+ title = Enter orbit of @targetBody
+ {
+ name = NewVessel
+ type = NewVessel
+ title = Launch a new vessel
+ hideChildren = true
+ }
+ {
+ name = ThreeCrew
+ type = HasCrew
+ minCrew = 3
+ crewOnly = true
+ title = Have at least 3 crewmember on board
+ hideChildren = true
+ }
+ {
+ name = Orbit
+ type = Orbit
+ disableOnStateChange = true
+ title = Achieve lunar orbit with the crew
+ {
+ name = Duration
+ type = Duration
+ duration = 2m
+ preWaitText = Check for stable orbit
+ waitingText = Checking for stable orbit
+ completionText = Stable orbit: Confirmed
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ name = LandCrewed
+ type = All
+ title = Land the crewed lander
+ disableOnStateChange = true
+ {
+ name = ThreeCrew
+ type = HasCrew
+ minCrew = 3
+ maxCrew = 99
+ title = Land with at least 3 crew
+ hideChildren = true
+ }
+ {
+ name = OrbitWrapper
+ title = Stay on the Moon for the specified duration
+ type = All
+ disableOnStateChange = true
+ completeInSequence = true
+ {
+ name = LandOnMoon
+ type = ReachState
+ targetBody = Moon
+ situation = LANDED
+ }
+ {
+ name = Duration
+ type = Duration
+ duration = 90d
+ preWaitText = Land on the moon
+ WaitingText = Exploring...
+ completionText = Exploration complete, you may return to Earth when ready.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ name = ReturnHome
+ type = RP1ReturnHome
+ title = Return home safely
+ hideChildren = true
+ completeInSequence = true
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Early Lunar Habitation/LunarHabitation30D.cfg b/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Early Lunar Habitation/LunarHabitation30D.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..13b59322a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Early Lunar Habitation/LunarHabitation30D.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ name = LunarHabitation30D
+ title = Crewed 30-Day Lunar Mission
+ group = EarlyLunarHabitation
+ description = Program: Early Lunar Habitation
With a 14-day crewed Lunar mission now complete, it's time to increase the crew size and extend the time the crew spends on the moon. Send at least 3 crew to the Moon for 30 days. Previously landed infrastructure can be used, and a resupply mission can be sent if your mission profile requires it.
+ synopsis = Land a crew on the Moon, complete 30 days of science experimentation and exploration, then return them safely to Earth
+ completedMessage = Congratulations! We have successfully completed a month-long stay on the Moon, further improving our understanding and ability to live on another world.
+ cancellable = true
+ declinable = false
+ autoAccept = false
+ minExpiry = 0
+ maxExpiry = 0
+ maxCompletions = 1
+ maxSimultaneous = 1
+ deadline = 0
+ targetBody = Moon
+ // ************ REWARDS ************
+ prestige = Trivial // 1.0x
+ advanceFunds = 0
+ rewardScience = 0
+ rewardFunds = 0
+ failureFunds = 0
+ rewardReputation = 2000 // was 400
+ failureReputation = 0 // was @rewardReputation // was 400
+ // ************ REQUIREMENTS ************
+ {
+ name = ProgramActive
+ type = ProgramActive
+ program = EarlyLunarHabitation
+ }
+ {
+ name = CompleteContract
+ type = CompleteContract
+ contractType = LunarShelter14D
+ }
+ {
+ name = CompleteContract
+ type = CompleteContract
+ contractType = first_spaceStation
+ }
+ {
+ name = VesselGroup
+ type = VesselParameterGroup
+ title = Extended Duration Moon Landing
+ define = ExtendedMoonLanding
+ {
+ name = NewVessel
+ type = NewVessel
+ title = Launch a new vessel
+ hideChildren = true
+ }
+ {
+ name = ThreeCrew
+ type = HasCrew
+ minCrew = 3
+ maxCrew = 99
+ title = Have at least 3 crew on board
+ hideChildren = true
+ }
+ {
+ name = LandCrewed
+ type = All
+ title = Land the crewed lander
+ disableOnStateChange = true
+ {
+ name = TwoCrew
+ type = HasCrew
+ minCrew = 3
+ maxCrew = 99
+ title = Land with at least 3 crew
+ hideChildren = true
+ }
+ {
+ name = OrbitWrapper
+ title = Stay on the Moon for the specified duration
+ type = All
+ disableOnStateChange = true
+ completeInSequence = true
+ {
+ name = LandOnMoon
+ type = ReachState
+ targetBody = Moon
+ situation = LANDED
+ }
+ {
+ name = Duration
+ type = Duration
+ duration = 30d
+ preWaitText = Land on the moon
+ WaitingText = Exploring...
+ completionText = Exploration complete, you may return to Earth when ready.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ name = ReturnHome
+ type = RP1ReturnHome
+ title = Return home safely
+ hideChildren = true
+ completeInSequence = true
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Early Lunar Habitation/LunarHabitationRDVZ90D.cfg b/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Early Lunar Habitation/LunarHabitationRDVZ90D.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3ad38166355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Early Lunar Habitation/LunarHabitationRDVZ90D.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+ name = LunarHabitationRDVZ90D
+ title = 90-Day Extended Lunar Orbital Rendezvous
+ group = EarlyLunarHabitation
+ description = Program: Early Lunar Habitation
To prepare for interplanetary crewed exploration as well as matured Lunar surface habitation, the ability to maintain a dormant command module in orbit while crew operates on the surface for several months needs to be tested. Design and launch a spacecraft with at least three crew members to enter orbit at the Moon. Descend to the Lunar surface for a 90-day stay with a lunar taxi before returning back to the command module in orbit. Then, return safely to Earth.
+ synopsis = Perform a 90 day Lunar stay with 3 crew, and rendezvous with the command module in Lunar orbit to then return back to Earth.
+ completedMessage = Crew alive and well after the mission--congratulations!
+ sortKey = 708
+ cancellable = true
+ declinable = false
+ autoAccept = false
+ minExpiry = 0
+ maxExpiry = 0
+ maxCompletions = 1
+ maxSimultaneous = 1
+ deadline = 0
+ targetBody = Moon
+ // ************ REWARDS ************
+ prestige = Trivial // 1.0x
+ advanceFunds = 0
+ rewardScience = 0
+ rewardFunds = 0
+ failureFunds = 0
+ rewardReputation = 800 // was 100
+ failureReputation = 0 // was @rewardReputation // was 100
+ // ************ REQUIREMENTS ************
+ {
+ name = ProgramActive
+ type = ProgramActive
+ program = EarlyLunarHabitation
+ }
+ {
+ name = CompleteContract
+ type = CompleteContract
+ contractType = LunarHabitation30D
+ }
+ {
+ name = VesselGroup
+ type = VesselParameterGroup
+ title = Enter orbit of @targetBody
+ {
+ name = NewVessel
+ type = NewVessel
+ title = Launch a new vessel
+ hideChildren = true
+ }
+ {
+ name = ThreeCrew
+ type = HasCrew
+ minCrew = 3
+ crewOnly = true
+ title = Have at least 3 crewmember on board
+ hideChildren = true
+ }
+ {
+ name = Orbit
+ type = Orbit
+ disableOnStateChange = true
+ title = Achieve lunar orbit with the crew
+ {
+ name = Duration
+ type = Duration
+ duration = 2m
+ preWaitText = Check for stable orbit
+ waitingText = Checking for stable orbit
+ completionText = Stable orbit: Confirmed
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ name = LandCrewed
+ type = All
+ title = Land the crewed lander
+ disableOnStateChange = true
+ {
+ name = ThreeCrew
+ type = HasCrew
+ minCrew = 3
+ maxCrew = 99
+ title = Land with at least 3 crew
+ hideChildren = true
+ }
+ {
+ name = OrbitWrapper
+ title = Stay on the Moon for the specified duration
+ type = All
+ disableOnStateChange = true
+ completeInSequence = true
+ {
+ name = LandOnMoon
+ type = ReachState
+ targetBody = Moon
+ situation = LANDED
+ }
+ {
+ name = Duration
+ type = Duration
+ duration = 90d
+ preWaitText = Land on the moon
+ WaitingText = Exploring...
+ completionText = Exploration complete, you may return to Earth when ready.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ name = ReturnHome
+ type = RP1ReturnHome
+ title = Return home safely
+ hideChildren = true
+ completeInSequence = true
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Early Lunar Habitation/LunarOrbitalLab.cfg b/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Early Lunar Habitation/LunarOrbitalLab.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bc614e66997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Early Lunar Habitation/LunarOrbitalLab.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ name = LunarOrbitalLab
+ title = Crewed 28-day Lunar Polar Orbit
+ group = EarlyLunarHabitation
+ description = Program: Early Lunar Habitation
Type: Optional
Design and launch a spacecraft with at least three crew members to enter a polar orbit at Moon for at least 28 days and return safely to Earth. Perform the required experiments, and return the samples with the crew to Earth.
+ synopsis = Send crew to a polar orbit around the Moon, orbit for 28 days, and return with the experiment samples
+ completedMessage = Crew alive and well after the mission--congratulations!
+ sortKey = 708
+ cancellable = true
+ declinable = false
+ autoAccept = false
+ minExpiry = 0
+ maxExpiry = 0
+ maxCompletions = 1
+ maxSimultaneous = 1
+ deadline = 0
+ targetBody = Moon
+ // ************ REWARDS ************
+ prestige = Trivial // 1.0x
+ advanceFunds = 0
+ rewardScience = 0
+ rewardFunds = 0
+ failureFunds = 0
+ rewardReputation = 800 // was 100
+ failureReputation = 0 // was @rewardReputation // was 100
+ // ************ REQUIREMENTS ************
+ {
+ name = ProgramActive
+ type = ProgramActive
+ program = EarlyLunarHabitation
+ }
+ {
+ name = CompleteContract
+ type = CompleteContract
+ contractType = first_spaceStation
+ }
+ {
+ name = VesselGroup
+ type = VesselParameterGroup
+ title = crewed polar orbit of @targetBody
+ {
+ name = NewVessel
+ type = NewVessel
+ title = Launch a new vessel
+ hideChildren = true
+ }
+ {
+ name = ThreeCrew
+ type = HasCrew
+ minCrew = 3
+ crewOnly = true
+ title = Have at least 3 crewmember on board
+ hideChildren = true
+ }
+ {
+ name = OrbitWrapper
+ title = Stay in specified orbit for 28 Days
+ type = All
+ disableOnStateChange = true
+ completeInSequence = true
+ {
+ name = MoonOrbit
+ type = Orbit
+ maxPeA = 200000 // relatively circular
+ maxApA = 500000 // relatively circular
+ minInclination = 85
+ maxInclination = 95
+ targetBody = Moon
+ title = Reach a polar orbit of the Moon with a maximum periselene of 200 km and a maximum aposelene of 500 km and hold it for at least 28 days
+ }
+ {
+ name = Duration
+ type = Duration
+ duration = 28d
+ preWaitText = Reach specified orbit
+ waitingText = Orbiting...
+ completionText = Orbits are complete, you may return to Earth when ready
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ name = ReturnHome
+ type = RP1ReturnHome
+ title = Return home safely
+ hideChildren = true
+ completeInSequence = true
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Early Lunar Habitation/LunarShelter14D.cfg b/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Early Lunar Habitation/LunarShelter14D.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5c0a4518bd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Early Lunar Habitation/LunarShelter14D.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ name = LunarShelter14D
+ title = Crewed 14-Day Lunar Mission
+ group = EarlyLunarHabitation
+ description = Program: Crewed Lunar Habitation
Previous crewed lunar mission requirements were short in duration, no more than a few days. Much longer stays will be required in order to one day place a permanent installation on the Moon. This mission will conduct the first long-duration planetary habitat experiment to validate the technology for further afar crewed exploration in the future.
This mission can be completed in numerous ways. Whether Apollo-style with a Lunar Orbit Rendezvous, as a Lunar Direct mission with no orbiter, or by sending a separate presupply mission ahead of your crew, the choice is yours. However, follow-on missions will require longer stays and larger crews, so plan accordingly. A separate pre-supply mission is available should you choose to use that mission profile.
+ synopsis = Land a crew of 2 on the Moon, stay for 14 days, then return them safely to Earth
+ completedMessage = Congratulations! We have improved our lunar technology and successfully executed a two-week stay. This completes the first step of learning to live on the Moon.
+ cancellable = true
+ declinable = false
+ autoAccept = false
+ minExpiry = 0
+ maxExpiry = 0
+ maxCompletions = 1
+ maxSimultaneous = 1
+ deadline = 0
+ targetBody = Moon
+ // ************ REWARDS ************
+ prestige = Trivial // 1.0x
+ advanceFunds = 0
+ rewardScience = 0
+ rewardFunds = 0
+ failureFunds = 0
+ rewardReputation = 1500 // was 400
+ failureReputation = 0 // was @rewardReputation // was 400
+ // ************ REQUIREMENTS ************
+ {
+ name = ProgramActive
+ type = ProgramActive
+ program = EarlyLunarHabitation
+ }
+ {
+ name = VesselGroup
+ type = VesselParameterGroup
+ title = Extended Duration Moon Landing
+ define = ExtendedMoonLanding
+ {
+ name = NewVessel
+ type = NewVessel
+ title = Launch a new vessel
+ hideChildren = true
+ }
+ {
+ name = TwoCrew
+ type = HasCrew
+ minCrew = 2
+ maxCrew = 99
+ title = Have at least 2 crew on board
+ hideChildren = true
+ }
+ {
+ name = LandCrewed
+ type = All
+ title = Land the crewed lander
+ disableOnStateChange = true
+ {
+ name = TwoCrew
+ type = HasCrew
+ minCrew = 2
+ maxCrew = 99
+ title = Land with at least 2 crew
+ hideChildren = true
+ }
+ {
+ name = OrbitWrapper
+ title = Stay on the Moon for the specified duration
+ type = All
+ disableOnStateChange = true
+ completeInSequence = true
+ {
+ name = LandOnMoon
+ type = ReachState
+ targetBody = Moon
+ situation = LANDED
+ }
+ {
+ name = Duration
+ type = Duration
+ duration = 14d
+ preWaitText = Land on the moon
+ WaitingText = Exploring...
+ completionText = Exploration complete, you may return to Earth when ready.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ name = ReturnHome
+ type = RP1ReturnHome
+ title = Return home safely
+ hideChildren = true
+ completeInSequence = true
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Groups.cfg b/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Groups.cfg
index 594945cf8a9..72ac2badc46 100644
--- a/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Groups.cfg
+++ b/GameData/RP-1/Contracts/Groups.cfg
@@ -168,11 +168,19 @@ CONTRACT_GROUP
agent = Stations
+ {
+ name = EarlyLunarHabitation
+ displayName = Lunar Habitation
+ minVersion = 1.12.2
+ sortKey = 29
+ agent = Base Construction
+ }
name = MartianSurfaceExploration
displayName = Mars Surface Exploration
minVersion = 1.12.2
- sortKey = 29
+ sortKey = 30
agent = Exploration
@@ -180,7 +188,7 @@ CONTRACT_GROUP
name = VenusSurfaceExp
displayName = Venus Surface Exploration
minVersion = 1.12.2
- sortKey = 30
+ sortKey = 31
agent = Exploration
@@ -189,14 +197,14 @@ CONTRACT_GROUP
displayName = Small Bodies Flyby
agent = Exploration
minVersion = 1.12.2
- sortKey = 31
+ sortKey = 32
name = MercuryExploration
displayName = Mercury Exploration
minVersion = 1.12.2
- sortKey = 32
+ sortKey = 33
agent = Exploration
@@ -204,7 +212,7 @@ CONTRACT_GROUP
name = AsteroidExploration
displayName = Asteroid Exploration
minVersion = 1.12.2
- sortKey = 33
+ sortKey = 34
agent = Exploration
@@ -212,7 +220,7 @@ CONTRACT_GROUP
name = JupiterObservation
displayName = Jupiter Observation
minVersion = 1.12.2
- sortKey = 34
+ sortKey = 35
agent = Exploration
@@ -220,7 +228,7 @@ CONTRACT_GROUP
name = JupiterMoonLandings
displayName = Jovian Moon Landings
minVersion = 1.12.2
- sortKey = 35
+ sortKey = 36
agent = Surveys
@@ -228,7 +236,7 @@ CONTRACT_GROUP
name = SaturnObservation
displayName = Saturn Observation
minVersion = 1.12.2
- sortKey = 36
+ sortKey = 37
agent = Exploration
@@ -236,7 +244,7 @@ CONTRACT_GROUP
name = SaturnMoonLandings
displayName = Saturine Moon Landings
minVersion = 1.12.2
- sortKey = 37
+ sortKey = 38
agent = Surveys
@@ -244,7 +252,7 @@ CONTRACT_GROUP
name = OuterPlanetFlyby
displayName = Outer Planet Flybys
minVersion = 1.12.2
- sortKey = 38
+ sortKey = 39
agent = Exploration
@@ -252,7 +260,7 @@ CONTRACT_GROUP
name = OuterGasGiantSurvey
displayName = Outer Gas Giant Survey
minVersion = 1.12.2
- sortKey = 39
+ sortKey = 40
agent = Surveys
@@ -260,16 +268,8 @@ CONTRACT_GROUP
name = PlutoLandings
displayName = Plutonian Landings
minVersion = 1.12.2
- sortKey = 40
- agent = Surveys
- }
- {
- name = LunarHabitation
- displayName = Lunar Habitation
- minVersion = 1.12.2
sortKey = 41
- agent = Base Construction
+ agent = Surveys
diff --git a/GameData/RP-1/Programs/Programs.cfg b/GameData/RP-1/Programs/Programs.cfg
index 77950db6611..7324e71c107 100644
--- a/GameData/RP-1/Programs/Programs.cfg
+++ b/GameData/RP-1/Programs/Programs.cfg
@@ -1041,6 +1041,58 @@ RP0_PROGRAM_MODIFIER
+ name = EarlyLunarHabitation
+ isHSF = true
+ title = Longterm Lunar Habitation
+ description = The Crewed Lunar program proved humans could safely land on another planetary body in the solar system, operate there for a short period of time, and return home. This program further develops the technology required to spend longer periods of time on the Lunar surface before attempting a crewed Mars surface mission.
+ requirementsPrettyText = Have completed the Crewed Lunar Expedition
+ objectivesPrettyText = Complete longer stays and advanced science on the Moon, culminating in a 6-month long-term habitation project.
+ nominalDurationYears = 6
+ baseFunding = 15000000
+ fundingCurve = Flat
+ repDeltaOnCompletePerYearEarly = 1505
+ repPenaltyPerYearLate = 1505
+ repToConfidence = 3
+ slots = 4
+ {
+ {
+ complete_program = CrewedLunar
+ }
+ {
+ active_program = EarlyEarthSpaceStation
+ complete_program = EarlyEarthSpaceStation
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ complete_contract = LunarShelter14D
+ complete_contract = LunarHabitation30D
+ complete_contract = LunarHabitationRDVZ90D
+ complete_contract = LunarHabitation180D
+ }
+ {
+ LunarOrbitalLab =true
+ MOLAB = true
+ LunarGateway = true
+ NuclearTug = true
+ }
+ {
+ Normal = 13350
+ Fast = 26700
+ }
name = MarsSurfaceExp
@@ -1652,41 +1704,6 @@ RP0_PROGRAM
- name = LunarHabitation
- isHSF = true
- title = Lunar Habitation (No Content Yet)
- description = TODO: write up a program description
- requirementsPrettyText = Complete contracts X and Y
- objectivesPrettyText = Do this and that
- nominalDurationYears = 10
- baseFunding = 20000000
- repDeltaOnCompletePerYearEarly = 1505
- repPenaltyPerYearLate = 1505
- repToConfidence = 3
- slots = 5
- {
- {
- complete_program = EarthSpaceStation
- complete_program = CrewedLunar
- }
- }
- {
- complete_contract = TODO
- }
- {
- Normal = 13350
- Fast = 26700
- }