# Foundry DeFi Stablecoin

This is a section of the Cyfrin Foundry Solidity Course.

[DSCEngine Example](https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0x091ea0838ebd5b7dda2f2a641b068d6d59639b98#code)
[Decentralized Stablecoin Example](https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0xf30021646269007b0bdc0763fd736c6380602f2f#code)

# About

This project is meant to be a stablecoin where users can deposit WETH and WBTC in exchange for a token that will be pegged to the USD.

- [Foundry DeFi Stablecoin](#foundry-defi-stablecoin)
- [About](#about)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
  - [Requirements](#requirements)
  - [Quickstart](#quickstart)
    - [Optional Gitpod](#optional-gitpod)
- [Updates](#updates)
- [Usage](#usage)
  - [Start a local node](#start-a-local-node)
  - [Deploy](#deploy)
  - [Deploy - Other Network](#deploy---other-network)
  - [Testing](#testing)
    - [Test Coverage](#test-coverage)
- [Deployment to a testnet or mainnet](#deployment-to-a-testnet-or-mainnet)
  - [Scripts](#scripts)
  - [Estimate gas](#estimate-gas)
- [Formatting](#formatting)
- [Slither](#slither)
- [Additional Info:](#additional-info)
  - [Let's talk about what "Official" means](#lets-talk-about-what-official-means)
  - [Summary](#summary)
- [Thank you!](#thank-you)

# Getting Started

## Requirements

- [git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git)
  - You'll know you did it right if you can run `git --version` and you see a response like `git version x.x.x`
- [foundry](https://getfoundry.sh/)
  - You'll know you did it right if you can run `forge --version` and you see a response like `forge 0.2.0 (816e00b 2023-03-16T00:05:26.396218Z)`

## Quickstart

git clone https://github.com/KMean/cyfrin-updraft-defi-stable-coin.git
cd cyfrin-updraft-defi-stable-coin
forge build

# Usage

## Start a local node

make anvil

## Deploy

This will default to your local node. You need to have it running in another terminal in order for it to deploy.

make deploy

## Deploy - Other Network

[See below](#deployment-to-a-testnet-or-mainnet)

## Testing

We talk about 4 test tiers in the video.

1. Unit
2. Integration
3. Forked
4. Staging

In this repo we cover #1 and Fuzzing.

forge test

### Test Coverage

forge coverage

and for coverage based testing:

forge coverage --report debug

# Deployment to a testnet or mainnet

1. Setup environment variables

You'll want to set your `SEPOLIA_RPC_URL` and `PRIVATE_KEY` as environment variables. You can add them to a `.env` file, similar to what you see in `.env.example`.

- `PRIVATE_KEY`: The private key of your account (like from [metamask](https://metamask.io/)). **NOTE:** FOR DEVELOPMENT, PLEASE USE A KEY THAT DOESN'T HAVE ANY REAL FUNDS ASSOCIATED WITH IT.
  - You can [learn how to export it here](https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015289632-How-to-Export-an-Account-Private-Key).
- `SEPOLIA_RPC_URL`: This is url of the sepolia testnet node you're working with. You can get setup with one for free from [Alchemy](https://alchemy.com/?a=673c802981)

Optionally, add your `ETHERSCAN_API_KEY` if you want to verify your contract on [Etherscan](https://etherscan.io/).

1. Get testnet ETH

Head over to [faucets.chain.link](https://faucets.chain.link/) and get some testnet ETH. You should see the ETH show up in your metamask.

2. Deploy

make deploy ARGS="--network sepolia"

## Scripts

Instead of scripts, we can directly use the `cast` command to interact with the contract.

For example, on Sepolia:

1. Get some WETH

cast send 0xdd13E55209Fd76AfE204dBda4007C227904f0a81 "deposit()" --value 0.1ether --rpc-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY

2. Approve the WETH

cast send 0xdd13E55209Fd76AfE204dBda4007C227904f0a81 "approve(address,uint256)" 0x091EA0838eBD5b7ddA2F2A641B068d6D59639b98 1000000000000000000 --rpc-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY

3. Deposit and Mint DSC

cast send 0x091EA0838eBD5b7ddA2F2A641B068d6D59639b98 "depositCollateralAndMintDsc(address,uint256,uint256)" 0xdd13E55209Fd76AfE204dBda4007C227904f0a81 100000000000000000 10000000000000000 --rpc-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY

## Estimate gas

You can estimate how much gas things cost by running:

forge snapshot

And you'll see an output file called `.gas-snapshot`

# Formatting

To run code formatting:

forge fmt