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base repository: mheberger/delineator
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: main
Choose a base ref
head repository: KIT-HYD/delineator
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: main
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Able to merge. These branches can be automatically merged.
  • 17 commits
  • 16 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Oct 27, 2024

  1. update gitignore

    mmaelicke committed Oct 27, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    43a8735 View commit details
  2. use pydantic-settings

    mmaelicke committed Oct 27, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    6601d94 View commit details
  3. Merge pull request #1 from KIT-HYD/pydantic-settings

    use pydantic-settings
    mmaelicke authored Oct 27, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    28429df View commit details

Commits on Oct 28, 2024

  1. update gitignore

    mmaelicke committed Oct 28, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    2a7eb02 View commit details
  2. define tool-specs

    mmaelicke committed Oct 28, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    1fd2540 View commit details
  3. init script

    mmaelicke committed Oct 28, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    9544259 View commit details
  4. implement the tool

    mmaelicke committed Oct 28, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    f4e79cd View commit details
  5. create Dockerfile

    mmaelicke committed Oct 28, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    7f18fa2 View commit details
  6. add some mini imporvements

    mmaelicke committed Oct 28, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    d599bce View commit details
  7. add a logging message

    mmaelicke committed Oct 28, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    0b30a4e View commit details
  8. fix file paths

    mmaelicke committed Oct 28, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    e9711e6 View commit details
  9. fix filename

    mmaelicke committed Oct 28, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    dd50c0c View commit details
  10. add nitrate example

    mmaelicke committed Oct 28, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    17b6b56 View commit details
  11. fix docker-compose

    mmaelicke committed Oct 28, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    cf29b93 View commit details

Commits on Oct 29, 2024

  1. remove duplicates

    mmaelicke committed Oct 29, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    eac5068 View commit details
  2. fix type error

    mmaelicke committed Oct 29, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    ba3ecca View commit details
  3. Merge pull request #2 from KIT-HYD/fix-type

    fix type error
    mmaelicke authored Oct 29, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    bf4cdf7 View commit details
Showing with 10,579 additions and 246 deletions.
  1. +4 −1 .gitignore
  2. +33 −0 Dockerfile
  3. +129 −116
  4. +121 −99
  5. +17 −0 docker-compose.yml
  6. +10 −0 example/nitrate/in/input.json
  7. +9,924 −0 example/nitrate/in/outlets.geojson
  8. +10 −0 in/input.json
  9. +30 −0 in/outlets.geojson
  10. +8 −8 py/
  11. +28 −20 py/
  12. +4 −2 requirements.txt
  13. +113 −0 src/
  14. +68 −0 src/
  15. +24 −0 src/tool.yml
  16. +56 −0 src/
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,4 +4,7 @@ __pycache__/
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
FROM python:3.10

# install json2args and setup the tool-spec structure
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y openssh-server gdal-bin libgdal-dev && \
pip install --upgrade pip && \
pip install json2args==0.7.0 && \
pip install GDAL==$(gdal-config --version | awk -F'[.]' '{print $1"."$2}') && \
pip install pygeos && \
pip install fire && \
mkdir /in && \
mkdir /out && \
mkdir /data && \
mkdir /src

# copy over the metadata
COPY ./src /src

# copy over the application
COPY ./py /src/py
COPY ./ /src/
COPY ./requirements.txt /src/requirements.txt
COPY ./ /src/

# install all requirements
RUN pip install -r /src/requirements.txt


# run the install for west europe
#RUN python --region-code 23
CMD ["python", ""]
245 changes: 129 additions & 116 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,119 +8,132 @@
outside of the sample data provided for Iceland.

# Path to your CSV file with the watershed outlet data
OUTLETS_CSV = 'outlets_sample.csv'

# Set to True for "higher resolution" mode or False for "lower resolution."

# Directory containing the merged, basin-scale MERIT-Hydro flow direction rasters (.tif)
# Download from
# For all paths, do not include a trailing slash.
MERIT_FDIR_DIR = "data/raster/flowdir_basins"

# Directory containing the merged, basin-scale MERIT-Hydro flow accumulation rasters (.tif)
# Download from
MERIT_ACCUM_DIR = "data/raster/accum_basins"

# Set to True if you want the script to write status messages to the console

# Set to True to make a bunch of plots of each watershed.
# (Just for debugging. Slows down the script a lot.)
PLOTS = True

# Folder where you have stored the Merit-BASINS catchment shapefiles.
# These files need to be downloaded from:
HIGHRES_CATCHMENTS_DIR = "data/shp/merit_catchments"

# Location of simplified unit catchment boundaries vector data (shapefiles)
# Download from:
LOWRES_CATCHMENTS_DIR = "data/shp/catchments_simplified"

# Folder where you have stored the MERIT-Basins River flowline shapefiles
# Download from:
RIVERS_DIR = "C:/Data/GIS/MERITBasins/rivers"

# Folder where the script will write the output GeoJSON files or shapefiles
OUTPUT_DIR = "output"

# The file extension will determine the types of geodata files the script creates.
# "gpkg" for GeoPackage (recommended)
# "geojson" for GeoJSON files
# "shp" for shapefile
# Use a blank string "" if you DO NOT want any geodata files (for example,
# you are only making the interactive map and don't need geodata).
# Other file formats are available;
# see:
OUTPUT_EXT = "gpkg"

# Set to True to ouput a summary of the delineation in OUTPUT.CSV

# Directory to store Python pickle files. Because it can be slow for Python to
# read shapefiles and create a GeoDataFrame. Once you have done this once, you
# can save time in the future by storing the GeoDataFrame as a .pkl file.
# Enter a blank string, '' if you do NOT want the script to create .pkl files.
# Please note that these files can be large! (Up to around 1 GB for large basins.)
PICKLE_DIR = 'pkl'

# Threshold for watershed size in km² above which the script will revert to
# low-resolution mode

# If the requested watershed outlet is not inside a catchment, how far away
# from the point should we look for the nearest catchment (in degrees). 0.025 recommended

# Watersheds created with Merit-Hydro data tend to have many "donut holes"
# ranging from one or two pixels to much larger.
FILL = True

# If FILL = True, you many choose to to fill donut holes that are below a
# certain size. This is the number of pixels, on the 3 arcsecond grid.
# Set to 0 to fill ALL holes.

# Simplify the watershed boundary? This will remove some vertices
# from the watershed boundary and output smaller files.

# If SIMPLIFY is True, set SIMPLIFY_TOLERANCE to a value in decimal degrees.

# Set to TRUE if you want the script to create a local web page where you
# can review the results.

# Folder where the script should put the map files. (MAKE sure it exists!)
# The mapping routine will make _viewer.html and .js files for every watershed
MAP_FOLDER = "map"

# On the map, do you also want to include the rivers?

# On the web page map, if MAP_RIVERS is True, how many stream orders shall we display?
# I recommend 4 or less. More than this and the browser may not display all the rivers in a large watershed.

# Set to True to use the experimental match areas feature.
# You must include the field `area` in your outlets CSV file to use this feature (in km²)

# If you set MATCH_AREAS = True, how close of a match should the script look for?
# Enter 0.25 for 25%. If you set MATCH_AREAS to False you can ignore this parameter.

# If you set MATCH_AREAS = True, how far away from the original outlet point should the script look
# for a river reach that is a better match in terms of upstream area?
# Units are decimal degrees (sorry, not a proper distance measurement, this feature could be improved!)
# 0.1° is about 11 km near the equator, and about 8 km near at a latitude of 45°
MAX_DIST = 0.075

# Threshold for number of upstream pixels that defines a stream
# These values worked will in my testing, but you might try changing if the
# outlet is not getting snapped to a river centerline properly
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings

# load any configuration which might be available in a .env file

# autoload the settings from the environment.
class Config(BaseSettings):
# Path to your CSV file with the watershed outlet data
OUTLETS_CSV: str = 'outlets_sample.csv'

# Set to True for "higher resolution" mode or False for "lower resolution."
HIGH_RES: bool = True

# Directory containing the merged, basin-scale MERIT-Hydro flow direction rasters (.tif)
# Download from
# For all paths, do not include a trailing slash.
MERIT_FDIR_DIR: str = "data/raster/flowdir_basins"

# Directory containing the merged, basin-scale MERIT-Hydro flow accumulation rasters (.tif)
# Download from
MERIT_ACCUM_DIR: str = "data/raster/accum_basins"

# Set to True if you want the script to write status messages to the console
VERBOSE: bool = True

# Set to True to make a bunch of plots of each watershed.
# (Just for debugging. Slows down the script a lot.)
PLOTS: bool = True

# Folder where you have stored the Merit-BASINS catchment shapefiles.
# These files need to be downloaded from:
HIGHRES_CATCHMENTS_DIR: str = "data/shp/merit_catchments"

# Location of simplified unit catchment boundaries vector data (shapefiles)
# Download from:
LOWRES_CATCHMENTS_DIR: str = "data/shp/catchments_simplified"

# Folder where you have stored the MERIT-Basins River flowline shapefiles
# Download from:
RIVERS_DIR: str = "C:/Data/GIS/MERITBasins/rivers"

# EDIT mmaelicke:
# This file was in the original repo and hardcoded in the script.
# I move this into the config for reasons of readability and clarity.
# This file has the merged "megabasins_gdf" in it
MERIT_BASINS_SHP: str = 'data/shp/basins_level2/merit_hydro_vect_level2.shp'

# Folder where the script will write the output GeoJSON files or shapefiles
OUTPUT_DIR: str = "output"

# The file extension will determine the types of geodata files the script creates.
# "gpkg" for GeoPackage (recommended)
# "geojson" for GeoJSON files
# "shp" for shapefile
# Use a blank string "" if you DO NOT want any geodata files (for example,
# you are only making the interactive map and don't need geodata).
# Other file formats are available;
# see:
OUTPUT_EXT: str = "gpkg"

# Set to True to ouput a summary of the delineation in OUTPUT.CSV
OUTPUT_CSV: bool = True

# Directory to store Python pickle files. Because it can be slow for Python to
# read shapefiles and create a GeoDataFrame. Once you have done this once, you
# can save time in the future by storing the GeoDataFrame as a .pkl file.
# Enter a blank string, '' if you do NOT want the script to create .pkl files.
# Please note that these files can be large! (Up to around 1 GB for large basins.)
PICKLE_DIR: str = 'pkl'

# Threshold for watershed size in km² above which the script will revert to
# low-resolution mode
LOW_RES_THRESHOLD: int = 50000

# If the requested watershed outlet is not inside a catchment, how far away
# from the point should we look for the nearest catchment (in degrees). 0.025 recommended
SEARCH_DIST: float = 0

# Watersheds created with Merit-Hydro data tend to have many "donut holes"
# ranging from one or two pixels to much larger.
FILL: bool = True

# If FILL = True, you many choose to to fill donut holes that are below a
# certain size. This is the number of pixels, on the 3 arcsecond grid.
# Set to 0 to fill ALL holes.

# Simplify the watershed boundary? This will remove some vertices
# from the watershed boundary and output smaller files.
SIMPLIFY: bool = False

# If SIMPLIFY is True, set SIMPLIFY_TOLERANCE to a value in decimal degrees.
SIMPLIFY_TOLERANCE: float = 0.0008

# Set to TRUE if you want the script to create a local web page where you
# can review the results.
MAKE_MAP: bool = True

# Folder where the script should put the map files. (MAKE sure it exists!)
# The mapping routine will make _viewer.html and .js files for every watershed
MAP_FOLDER: str = "map"

# On the map, do you also want to include the rivers?
MAP_RIVERS: bool = True

# On the web page map, if MAP_RIVERS is True, how many stream orders shall we display?
# I recommend 4 or less. More than this and the browser may not display all the rivers in a large watershed.

# Set to True to use the experimental match areas feature.
# You must include the field `area` in your outlets CSV file to use this feature (in km²)
MATCH_AREAS: bool = False

# If you set MATCH_AREAS = True, how close of a match should the script look for?
# Enter 0.25 for 25%. If you set MATCH_AREAS to False you can ignore this parameter.

# If you set MATCH_AREAS = True, how far away from the original outlet point should the script look
# for a river reach that is a better match in terms of upstream area?
# Units are decimal degrees (sorry, not a proper distance measurement, this feature could be improved!)
# 0.1° is about 11 km near the equator, and about 8 km near at a latitude of 45°
MAX_DIST: float = 0.075

# Threshold for number of upstream pixels that defines a stream
# These values worked will in my testing, but you might try changing if the
# outlet is not getting snapped to a river centerline properly