From fde6f98f489c0e9179b1395364dc0de06e2bec25 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Brent Dearth Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 14:34:18 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] chore(changelog): update changelog v0.1.37 -> v0.1.38 --- | 407 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 407 insertions(+) diff --git a/ b/ index 757530137..6f9219fcd 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,5 +1,410 @@ # Change Log +## [0.1.38]( + +[Full Changelog]( + +**Implemented enhancements:** + +- Rails generator to update views [\#33]( +- Extract Omniauth attributes assignation into a method [\#31]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- Generator doesn't work correctly with mongoid and/or rails-api [\#14]( +- Generator issues [\#13]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- rails g devise\_token\_auth:install User auth hangs and does nothing [\#671]( +- callback :set\_user\_by\_token has not been defined [\#649]( +- Issues with active\_model\_serializers [\#644]( +- Error with devise [\#643]( +- undefined method `token\_validation\_response' [\#635]( +- when password is reset from UI, all tokens must be removed if remove\_tokens\_after\_password\_reset is true [\#634]( +- Relax devise dependency to allow 4.1 [\#631]( +- Rails 5 generator doesn't insert concern [\#627]( +- NoMethodError \(undefined method `find\_by\_uid'\) in production. [\#625]( +- Curl not working for sign\_in but works on ng-token-angular [\#620]( +- After Sign-in success, The following requests on Angular side are unauthorized. [\#619]( +- Omniauth - Facebook app doesn't run callback url after successful Facebook authentication [\#615]( +- :authenticate\_user! wired behaviour [\#614]( +- current\_user is nil, request headers are all upcased and prefixed with HTML\_ [\#611]( +- Problem in generated routes [\#607]( +- Rails 5 API Mode - no headers in response [\#606]( +- Filter chain halted as :authenticate\_user! rendered or redirected [\#603]( +- 422 Unprocessable Entity when using local IP address [\#601]( +- overriding rendering methods in devise\_token\_auth [\#597]( +- redirect\_url is missing in email instructions sent to the user for password reset [\#588]( +- Unpermitted parameter: {"email":"","password":"abcdefgh","password\_confirmation":"abcdefgh"} [\#587]( +- can't authenticate user when opening a new download tab [\#582]( +- Mails are not being sent [\#581]( +- current\_user seems to be nil after doing requests from different tabs [\#579]( +- Do we have any rspec helpers to sign\_in an user? [\#577]( +- Cannot override json response of authenticate\_user! [\#575]( +- return custom json data after sign\_in [\#567]( +- /auth/validate\_token works but getting 401 unauthorized when sending request with auth headers [\#550]( +- Where is the access key of omniauth provider? [\#549]( +- How this gem is different from a JWT system? [\#543]( +- Improper formatting for JSON API error/success responses [\#536]( +- Is it a hybrid authentication system? [\#527]( +- check\_current\_password\_before\_update still requires password when resetting password [\#526]( +- Manually authenticate for testing [\#521]( +- Support for STI [\#517]( +- JSON responses don't fit JSON\_API requirements [\#512]( +- Not working with rails 5 and devise master [\#504]( +- Unpermitted parameters: confirm\_success\_url, config\_name, registration [\#501]( +- set\_user\_by\_token not defined in production for rails 5 [\#500]( +- Master branch no longer working with devise master branch \(version error\) [\#498]( +- uid is not getting set in git revision 996b9cf23a18 [\#497]( +- ve\_model\_serializer namespace [\#492]( +- User remains logged in when using devise and devise\_token\_auth in the same app [\#486]( +- DEPRECATION WARNING: alias\_method\_chain is deprecated. Rails 5 [\#482]( +- validate\_token - resource\_name - undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass [\#480]( +- Helpers being loaded for Rails API's [\#468]( +- Unable to call `rails g devise\_token\_auth:install` within rails engine [\#465]( +- locales `errors.messages.already\_in\_use` seems broken [\#463]( +- It shows "An error occurred" after omniauth callback [\#445]( +- - [\#444]( +- Put Access Token in body [\#442]( +- Unable to add a new param for sign up [\#440]( +- Undefined method provider from devise\_toke\_auth concerns/user.rb [\#438]( +- Scoped DeviseToken but it still affects the original Omniauth redirects. [\#429]( +- Can't create user via api [\#422]( +- Password Reset question, do I need my own form? [\#418]( +- Large Size on Disk [\#415]( +- The validate\_token function in the readme is missing a parameter [\#413]( +- Cannot migrate database: NoMethodError: undefined method `new' for DeviseTokenAuth:Module [\#406]( +- change\_headers\_on\_each\_request and batch requests [\#403]( +- Multiple users, returning\(and creating\) wrong model's auth token [\#399]( +- Can't verify CSRF token authenticity [\#398]( +- uninitialized constant DeviseTokenAuth::OmniauthCallbacksController::BCrypt [\#393]( +- Sign in not success. [\#388]( +- password length [\#380]( +- Devise token auth not found routing error [\#379]( +- Defining a custom primary key [\#378]( +- seeing other users data after login/out with different users on ionic [\#375]( +- omniauth: when redirecting, user object should not be serialized into url [\#368]( +- getting ng-token-auth and devise\_token\_auth to work with OAuth in ionic InAppBrowser [\#367]( +- omniauth callback redirect not working properly when using namespace/scope [\#362]( +- invalid token in method set\_user\_by\_token on RegistrationsController\#update [\#357]( +- Allow devise patch version updates [\#351]( +- Error validating token [\#348]( +- Allow for HTTP Basic Auth ? [\#337]( +- Allow Omniauth user reset password [\#335]( +- NameError \(uninitialized constant DeviseTokenAuth::Concerns::User::BCrypt\) [\#333]( +- Unpermitted parameters: format, session [\#328]( +- devise token auth + Save Facebook auth\_hash info in database [\#326]( +- Error sending password reset email when not using confirmable \(reopened \#124\) [\#321]( +- Routing error / Preflight request / OPTIONS [\#320]( +- delete tokens after password change [\#318]( +- Can't authorize \(user\_signed\_in? always show false\) [\#315]( +- Warden::SessionSerializer - wrong number of arguments \(2 for 1\) [\#312]( +- The action 'twitter' could not be found for DeviseTokenAuth::OmniauthCallbacksController [\#309]( +- Having 401 Unauthorized only with mobile [\#305]( +- remove unused nickname, image from user object [\#304]( +- HI, This is more of a doubt since I could not finding anything related to this in your documentation. [\#300]( +- Getting 401's when making requests using iOS/Android clients [\#299]( +- undefined method `tokens' for \#\ [\#297]( +- Confirmation URL giving bad arguments [\#293]( +- set\_user\_by\_token not called in overriden controller [\#291]( +- Question: Should we send password reset instructions to unconfirmed emails? [\#287]( +- NoMethodError \(undefined method `\[\]' for nil:NilClass\): [\#286]( +- Facebook omniauth redirection is missing url when testing on localhost [\#285]( +- No route matches \[GET\] "/users/facebook/callback" [\#280]( +- No route matches \[GET\] "/omniauth/:provider" [\#278]( +- How to refresh token/expiry? [\#275]( +- wrong number of arguments \(1 for 0\): in DeviseTokenAuth::RegistrationsController\#create [\#274]( +- Can not save a user with nil tokens attribute [\#271]( +- Shouldn't validate\_token param be access-token, not auth\_token? [\#270]( +- include associations on login [\#269]( +- Failure route not handled [\#262]( +- Getting Unauthorized error even after sending the correct token, uid and client [\#261]( +- Weird error message [\#259]( +- undefined method `provider' for \#\ [\#257]( +- Custom Serializer like ActiveModel Serializer [\#249]( +- File download with query params [\#246]( +- Info: is devise\_token\_auth compatible with rails 3.2.19? [\#245]( +- Headers required for different methods [\#243]( +- Unpermitted parameters: format, session, lang [\#239]( +- On sign\_in, devise\_token\_auth expects the uid to be the same as the email [\#237]( +- Name conflict with inherited\_resources [\#236]( +- sign\_in will not fetch the token [\#234]( +- Remove \('\#'\) symbol when using html5mode in locationProvider [\#232]( +- Log in request 401 error [\#231]( +- User Registration - "email address already in use" when it is unique [\#230]( +- Devise email validation disabled...why? [\#229]( +- confirm\_success\_url error not working [\#226]( +- pending\_reconfirmation called when confirmable isn't used [\#224]( +- omniauth\_success.html.erb JSON bug [\#221]( +- Using devise\_token\_auth and ng\_token\_auth with angularJS in an Ionic Hybrid application [\#218]( +- Where can I got token? [\#217]( +- URI fragment prevent to send params in Confirmation URL [\#213]( +- Generating many client tokens [\#210]( +- Limit tokens hash? [\#208]( +- 500 error returned when no data is POSTed to registration controller [\#203]( +- undefined method `match' for nil:NilClass [\#201]( +- DELETE method becoming OPTIONS @ Heroku [\#197]( +- 40 Mb log file and 1 minute to have token with curl [\#195]( +- 401 unauthorized [\#193]( +- GET requests to sign\_in shouldn't raise an exception [\#190]( +- Api not locked by default [\#189]( +- Rails 4.1 [\#187]( +- Unable to override OmniauthCallbacksController\#redirect\_callbacks [\#186]( +- Token based authentication with no sessions [\#183]( +- undefined method `authenticate\_user!' [\#182]( +- confirm\_success\_url shouldn't be a required param [\#176]( +- Provide an OAuth implementation for native apps [\#175]( +- getting an argument error when trying to use omniauth [\#174]( +- Sign in via username doesn't seem to work correctly. [\#173]( +- Cannot use + sign in email address. [\#171]( +- How can i authenticate using curl and get private entries ! [\#167]( +- Pessimistic Locking produces ArgumentError [\#165]( +- POTENTIAL SECURITY RISK: Setting confirm\_success\_url and redirect\_url via API [\#162]( +- Sign out just on client side ? [\#161]( +- Unpermitted parameter: redirect\_url [\#160]( +- Issues using devise and devise\_token\_auth [\#159]( +- Add role based authorization [\#158]( +- Not compatible with ActiveAdmin [\#156]( +- \[Duplicate\] is devise\_invitable supported? [\#154]( +- User can register with a "false" email [\#149]( +- /validate\_token [\#148]( +- Email confirmation link [\#147]( +- Tokens field on database [\#146]( +- Twitter OAuth always throughs CookieOverflow [\#145]( +- Is there a way to configure apiUrl for both dev and prod? [\#144]( +- Getting 401 unauthorized on login attempt [\#142]( +- Comparing with jwt [\#140]( +- Can't get omniauth to work \(error in redirect\_callbacks\) [\#139]( +- Change controller inheritance [\#138]( +- Reset Password call returns 400 for Not Found user [\#137]( +- The gem is too big. Please take care of it. [\#136]( +- Error when loging with facebook the second time without logout [\#135]( +- OmniAuth redirect doesn't work if using the generated mount\_devise\_token route [\#133]( +- Missing template /omniauth\_response [\#132]( +- Unpermitted parameter: session [\#130]( +- OAuth error: We're sorry, but something went wrong [\#129]( +- Would it be useful to integrate login with username ? [\#127]( +- Sign in with login instead of email [\#126]( +- Error sending password reset email when not using confirmable [\#124]( +- Using expired token for parallel calls [\#123]( +- User tokens don't properly deserialize [\#121]( +- Could not load 'omniauth' [\#118]( +- bad argument \(expected URI object or URI string\) [\#116]( +- devise\_token\_auth for public API, but devise for rest of app? [\#114]( +- Omniauthable deleted on UsersConcern : Why ? [\#111]( +- Unrequired route [\#110]( +- raises NoMethodError instead of displaying error when email is missing [\#108]( +- Error with RailsAdmin. "The action 'new' could not be found for DeviseTokenAuth::SessionsController" [\#107]( +- Circular dependency detected while autoloading constant Api [\#106]( +- Can't Authenticate via cURL [\#105]( +- Unpermitted parameters: user, registration [\#104]( +- BCrypt::Errors::InvalidSalt errors [\#103]( +- Active job token expiring integration [\#102]( +- The action 'new' could not be found for DeviseTokenAuth::RegistrationsController [\#100]( +- Disable confirmable [\#99]( +- responders - rails 4.2 [\#98]( +- forward skip to devise [\#97]( +- API versioning the devise scope of token validation and ominiauth controller path will wrap up [\#96]( +- Overwriting default "from" email address [\#94]( +- uninitialized constant DeviseTokenAuth [\#92]( +- change\_headers\_on\_each\_request not working expiry header empty [\#90]( +- Gem render consistency [\#87]( +- Sample Sessions Controller for logging in via Rails View. [\#86]( +- Change authorization key: Use phone\_number instead of email [\#84]( +- Conflict with active\_admin gem [\#83]( +- NoMethodError in DeviseTokenAuth::OmniauthCallbacksController\#redirect\_callbacks [\#82]( +- All the APIs are getting 'Authorized users only' [\#81]( +- Is Devise option Rememberable required ? [\#80]( +- Problem with skip\_confirmation! [\#78]( +- Cannot reset password if registered by omniauth [\#77]( +- NoMethodError at /omniauth/facebook/callback - undefined method `\[\]' for nil:NilClass [\#76]( +- Remove dependency on ActiveRecord [\#72]( +- Skipping Registrations Controller Altogether [\#70]( +- Problem in validate\_token if the model is in a namespace [\#69]( +- Cannot send confirmation email if there is no 'User' model [\#68]( +- Better guidelines for contributors [\#65]( +- admin namespace [\#63]( +- Devise trackable module not working [\#62]( +- Devise\_token\_auth without OmniAuth authentication [\#60]( +- Reset Password error [\#59]( +- Confirmable - unconfirmed email [\#58]( +- Email Column Isn't Used for Database Authentication [\#56]( +- Unique Key for Provider and UID Combination [\#55]( +- User Info in separate table or removed [\#53]( +- rename @user to @resource [\#48]( +- Active\_admin issue [\#47]( +- Possible Logout Issue [\#46]( +- Routes not appended to routes.rb [\#45]( +- Return resource.errors.full\_messages in addition to resource.errors [\#44]( +- Devise and Devise\_Token\_Auth in api namespace [\#43]( +- Trackable attributes are not being updated. [\#42]( +- Avoid using respond\_to in application controller [\#41]( +- devise\_token\_auth assumes you want the :confirmable functionality [\#40]( +- undefined method `match' for nil:NilClass [\#39]( +- Expired token aren't removed when session expires [\#38]( +- sign\_up helper [\#37]( +- self.tokens\[client\_id\]\['token'\] != token [\#30]( +- How is the uid generated for non-omniauth users? [\#29]( +- Access to current\_user variable? [\#28]( +- Filter chain halted as :require\_no\_authentication [\#27]( +- Allow additional parameters for registration [\#25]( +- Cannot add more parameters at sign\_up [\#22]( +- Error on Registration [\#21]( +- Error with authentication [\#20]( +- Cascade of Issues with Omniauth\(?\) [\#18]( +- Batch Requests Respond with Original Auth Token [\#17]( +- Sign out with email provider error [\#16]( +- sessions\_controller.rb [\#12]( +- Github login in example is broken [\#10]( +- Facebook auth is broken [\#9]( +- Generator is not working [\#8]( +- Test ticket from Code Climate [\#6]( +- Test ticket from Code Climate [\#5]( +- extending the devise\_token\_auth user model [\#4]( +- A few ideas [\#3]( +- Google Oauth2 does not set cookies in production. [\#1]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Fix for issue \#600 [\#674]( ([milep]( +- Fix setup config example in README [\#665]( ([guich-wo]( +- added bypass\_sign\_in for next version of Devise [\#663]( ([KendallPark]( +- fix method 'is\_json\_api' with active\_model\_serialier v 0.10.0 [\#651]( ([woodcrust]( +- Tokens count overmuch fixed [\#650]( ([JerryGreen]( +- updates config wrapper to conform with newer idiom [\#648]( ([bvandgrift]( +- Adding support for devise 4.1.1 [\#642]( ([iainmcg]( +- Updating Devise dependency to max 4.1.1 [\#641]( ([TGRGIT]( +- Fix yields from controller actions [\#638]( ([tiagojsag]( +- Fix generator to correctly inject content into the user model in rails 5 [\#636]( ([ethangk]( +- fix spelling in comment on token auth concern [\#632]( ([dandlezzz]( +- fixed devise deprecation warning for\_regexp [\#618]( ([lemuelbarango]( +- Revert "Update readme for headers names" [\#592]( ([y4ashida]( +- Update readme for headers names [\#589]( ([y4ashida]( +- Add info to README [\#585]( ([ghost]( +- Fix typo and remove trailing spaces [\#578]( ([y4ashida]( +- allowing authenticating using headers as well as a post request [\#576]( ([ingolfured]( +- Whitespace: tabs removed [\#574]( ([olleolleolle]( +- Added dutch translations [\#571]( ([nschmoller]( +- now possible to change headers names in the config file [\#569]( ([ingolfured]( +- User concern: Ensure fallback is in place [\#564]( ([olleolleolle]( +- Return resource with top-level 'type' member. [\#562]( ([ruimiguelsantos]( +- Fix devise mapping [\#540]( ([merqlove]( +- Make all json responses to be json\_api compliant [\#537]( ([djsegal]( +- Avoid sending auth headers if while processing used token is cleared [\#531]( ([virginia-rodriguez]( +- Add Japanese locale and fix typo [\#530]( ([metalunk]( +- Added omniauth post route [\#528]( ([v3rtx]( +- Extract model callbacks [\#525]( ([merqlove]( +- create token when no client\_id token [\#523]( ([charlesdg]( +- Fix enable\_standard\_devise\_support in initializer [\#518]( ([halilim]( +- Make render\_create\_success render valid json\_api [\#513]( ([djsegal]( +- Prevent raise of exception if set\_user\_by\_token not defined [\#511]( ([jeryRazakarison]( +- send\_on\_create\_confirmation\_instructions callback isn't defined \(rails 5\) [\#508]( ([fivetwentysix]( +- \[REBASE\] Fix rails 5 deprecation and devise parameter sanitization [\#507]( ([fivetwentysix]( +- remove deprecations from RegistrationsController [\#506]( ([fivetwentysix]( +- Allow new devise version for rails 5 compatibility [\#499]( ([djsegal]( +- Spelling mistake [\#493]( ([Tom-Tom]( +- Improve Brazilian Portuguese locale [\#491]( ([ssouza]( +- fix namespaced mapping name [\#484]( ([paulosoares86]( +- Locale file for both zh-TW and zh-HK [\#483]( ([TravisTam]( +- Fixed typos and inconsistencies in ru.yml [\#478]( ([fertingoff]( +- Fixes Issue \#362: Fixes for the omniauth redirection issue for namesp… [\#476]( ([devilankur18]( +- removing old tokens when user changes passwords [\#474]( ([paulosoares86]( +- Move travis to container based configuration [\#470]( ([ValentinTrinque]( +- Prevent helpers being loaded for Rails API’s [\#469]( ([djsegal]( +- Reduce dependencies to allow Rails 5.0 [\#467]( ([djsegal]( +- Fix locales `errors.messages.already\_in\_use` + clean up [\#466]( ([ValentinTrinque]( +- Added 401 response to failed group authentication [\#446]( ([rstrobl]( +- RU translations [\#441]( ([yivo]( +- to keep coherent with devise. pt instead of pt-PT.yml [\#436]( ([rmvenancio]( +- limiting the number of concurrent devices [\#434]( ([paulosoares86]( +- Raise error in controller method [\#430]( ([ArneZsng]( +- feat\(enable-standard-devise\): allow configurable support of legacy Devise authentication [\#428]( ([booleanbetrayal]( +- Support for i18n in mailers views [\#427]( ([ponyesteves]( +- Fix omniauthredirection when under scopes [\#425]( ([xjunior]( +- Translation to German [\#423]( ([haslinger]( +- fix\(url\): preserve query parameters when building urls [\#421]( ([nbrustein]( +- Change default message for already in use error and added to english … [\#417]( ([ponyesteves]( +- Issue \#413 [\#414]( ([Carrigan]( +- Add .ruby-version entry to .gitignore [\#412]( ([xymbol]( +- 404 for invalid link with password reset token [\#411]( ([rmvenancio]( +- Portuguese Translation [\#409]( ([rmvenancio]( +- Added polish translation. [\#405]( ([h3xed]( +- Drop .ruby-version file [\#404]( ([xymbol]( +- Implement hook methods for customized json rendering [\#384]( ([neutronz]( +- Feature/password reset with check fix [\#374]( ([jakubrohleder]( +- fix\(oauth\): fixes \#368: do not serialize the entire user object in the url when redirecting from oauth [\#371]( ([nbrustein]( +- Fallback to ActiveModel translations in EmailValidator [\#369]( ([yivo]( +- Add a Gitter chat badge to [\#360]( ([gitter-badger]( +- Improvements to the docs. [\#358]( ([aarongray]( +- Add description to readme about the devise.rb initializer. [\#356]( ([aarongray]( +- Correct handling namespaced resources [\#355]( ([yivo]( +- Fix concern not being inserted for rails-api apps. [\#350]( ([aarongray]( +- Add documentation to explain gotcha with rails-api. [\#349]( ([aarongray]( +- Fully support OmniauthCallbacksController action overrides. Fixes \#186. [\#347]( ([tbloncar]( +- \#340 Restrict access to controllers methods [\#341]( ([gkopylov]( +- fix\(omniauth\): fix error in setting text on redirect page [\#336]( ([nbrustein]( +- add Brazilian Portuguese translation \(pt-BR\) [\#331]( ([josiasds]( +- Tests to ensure standard devise has greater priority than tokens [\#330]( ([colavitam]( +- Fixed error when using standard devise authentication [\#329]( ([colavitam]( +- feat\(improved-omniauth\): omniauth sameWindow and inAppBrowser flows [\#323]( ([nbrustein]( +- Fix invalid omniauth redirect [\#322]( ([troggy]( +- Old password check before password update [\#317]( ([jakubrohleder]( +- Remove erroneous colon from before\_action callback [\#310]( ([jmliu]( +- Disabled serialization for JSON type columns [\#306]( ([colavitam]( +- Set default provider to "email" in migration [\#302]( ([colavitam]( +- Fix an issue for not :confirmable users [\#296]( ([sebfie]( +- Update [\#295]( ([adisos]( +- Fix MOUNT\_PATH 'Read More' link [\#294]( ([jmliu]( +- Don't send password reset instructions to unconfirmed email [\#288]( ([coryschires]( +- Feature/i18n support [\#283]( ([sebfie]( +- Update documentation for validate\_token [\#277]( ([adamgall]( +- Added json support for tokens [\#276]( ([shicholas]( +- perf\(token\_is\_current?\): add simplistic cache to reduce overhead of redundant token checks during validation calls [\#272]( ([booleanbetrayal]( +- perf\(update\_auth\_header\): only lock the resource if we are rotating tokens [\#267]( ([booleanbetrayal]( +- fix\(email-validation\): Update in-use email validation message during registration to allow full\_message use [\#255]( ([booleanbetrayal]( +- fix\(session\#new\): fix unhandled 500 when logging in with valid user and bad password [\#254]( ([mathemagica]( +- feat\(ominauth\): support json-formatted values in omniauth callback. [\#252]( ([nbrustein]( +- fix\(sessions controller\): call reset\_session on destroy [\#251]( ([nbrustein]( +- fix\(resource\_class\): support optional mapping property from set\_user\_by\_token [\#250]( ([booleanbetrayal]( +- Allow current\_password to be supplied when updating profile. [\#240]( ([jasonswett]( +- fixes password reset when not using confirmable [\#225]( ([aesnyder]( +- Fix error when email missing from registration params [\#220]( ([iangreenleaf]( +- URI fragment should appear at the end of URL [\#214]( ([edymerchk]( +- Super block yield \(all controllers\) [\#209]( ([sgwilym]( +- Super block yield [\#207]( ([sgwilym]( +- Ability to localize error message [\#206]( ([lda]( +- remove fragment sign \("\#"\) from URLs without fragment [\#205]( ([tomdov]( +- Return 422 \(was 500\) when empty body for sign up and account update [\#204]( ([mchavarriagam]( +- Users with allowed unconfirmed access can now log in successfully. [\#202]( ([colavitam]( +- Authenticating an existing Warden/Devise User [\#200]( ([nickL]( +- GET sign\_in should direct people to use POST sign\_in rather than raising exception [\#191]( ([milesmatthias]( +- Ignore 'extra' in Twitter auth response to avoid CookieOverflow. Fixes \#145. [\#179]( ([tbloncar]( +- Some missing as\_json ? [\#152]( ([nicolas-besnard]( +- Check email format on registration [\#150]( ([nicolas-besnard]( +- Actual header key uses dashes, not underscores. [\#143]( ([ragaskar]( +- Username register login [\#128]( ([nicolas-besnard]( +- Check if confirmable is active before skipping confirmation [\#125]( ([nicolas-besnard]( +- Fix links to section about controller integration. [\#117]( ([Le6ow5k1]( +- document GET for /validate\_token [\#113]( ([lukaselmer]( +- Fix small error in documentation. [\#91]( ([edgarhenriquez]( +- Exclude devise modules [\#85]( ([jartek]( +- fix\(registration and update\): Ensure UID is updated alongside Email, and case-sensitivity is honored [\#71]( ([booleanbetrayal]( +- Add better guidelines for contributors. [\#67]( ([edgarhenriquez]( +- Use resource\_class to override email confirmation. [\#64]( ([edgarhenriquez]( +- fix\(case-sensitivity\): support devise case\_insensitive\_keys for session ... [\#57]( ([booleanbetrayal]( +- fix\(contention\): fix write contention in update\_auth\_headers and always ... [\#52]( ([booleanbetrayal]( +- Include resource.errors.full\_messages in error response. [\#50]( ([jasonswett]( +- fix\(expiry\): fix an issue where token expiration checks were too permissive [\#49]( ([booleanbetrayal]( +- Update README with Example Generator Command [\#35]( ([wwilkins]( +- Remove OmniAuth dependency [\#26]( ([hannahhoward]( +- Update [\#24]( ([davidsavoya]( +- guard against MissingAttributeError during common ActiveRecord operations [\#19]( ([booleanbetrayal]( +- Fix expiry data type [\#11]( ([lonre]( +- README and travis config tweaks [\#7]( ([guilhermesimoes]( + +# Change Log + ## [0.1.37]( (2016-01-26) [Full Changelog]( @@ -386,4 +791,6 @@ +\* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](* + \* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](* \ No newline at end of file