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139 lines (99 loc) · 6.29 KB

File metadata and controls

139 lines (99 loc) · 6.29 KB


This is a Mock RESTful bank API written in GO. It parses and loads mock data from a camt053 file and uses that for the responses. The API uses a basic API key authentication method with bearer tokens in the header.

The API Has the ability to fetch accounts, list accounts, fetch transactions and list the transactions of a given account. Depending on the request resource it will require different role privileges.


First, if you do not already have GO installed then you have to download and install GO, you can do so here.

Secondly, run go mod download to download all dependencies.

Thirdly, create a .env in the project root directory. This ENV file should contain the following:


Finally, to run the project run go run cmd/main.go in the projects root directory.


This section goes through some aspects of the project layout and details of how it works and how to interact with it.


A basic API key system is in place with three levels of access privilege. These levels are: Admin, Account and Any. In order to get access to the service you will need to include a valid API key with the correct access privilege for the requested resource.

Example header with API key attached as a bearer token:

    "User-Agent" : "PostmanRuntime/7.40.0",
    "Accept" : "*/*",
    "Connection" : "keep-alive",
    "host" : "localhost:8080",
    "Authorization" : "Bearer E77g8v16Au8fkLvjf1yf5f4NfLneC9EK",

Test Keys

The API will create three predictable API Keys with the ENV variable AUTH_DEBUG set to true. These three have the following Authority and associated accountIds

Auth Role Account Id token
Admin 0 8iqmm8vmFGHyA4ikLBBKcrn36kfggANM
Account 54400001111 E77g8v16Au8fkLvjf1yf5f4NfLneC9EK
Account 13371337984 kN7fgeBax424gcEEFnkFe3cqd4rfc3Mg

The Mock data contains Account data for account 54400001111, The API key associated with accountId 13371337984 is to test account resource access rules.


Any error response from the API will (other than the HTTP status) have a body with JSON containing a message and error key-value pairs.

Example Error

    "error": "Unauthorized", 
    "message": "Your API key is not authorized to access the requested resource"

API Endpoints

This section lists all valid endpoints in the API along with required header fields and response examples. You will receive a 200 OK code if you have authorization to access the resource otherwise you will get a 401 Unauthorized error. If you have access but the server is unable to find the requested resource the server will return a 404 Not Found error.

GET /ping

Anyone with a valid API key and call the /ping endpoint. The server will respond with a pong if the API key is valid.

Required Role Any

example response

    "message" : "pong"

GET /accounts

To list accounts in the API you can call the /accounts endpoint.

Required Role Admin

GET /accounts/:accountId

Fetching accounts can be done by specifying an account id (accountId) at the /accounts/:accountId endpoint. Your API key needs to have the Admin role or be associated with the requested accountId.

Required Role Admin or Account (with matching accountId)
accountId type uint64

GET /accounts/:accountId/transactions

Fetching transactions for a given account can be done by specifying an account id (accountId) at the /accounts/:accountId/transactions endpoint. Your API key needs to have the Admin role or be associated with the requested accountId.

Required Role Admin or Account (with matching accountId)
accountId type uint64

GET /accounts/:accountId/transactions/transactionRef

Fetching a specific transaction for a given account can be done by specifying an account id (accountId) followed by /transactions/, followed by a transaction reference (transactionRef) at the /accounts/:accountId/transactions endpoint. Your API key needs to have the Admin role or be associated with the requested accountId.

Required Role Admin or Account (with matching accountId)
accountId type uint64
transactionId type string


The code base has partial code coverage with most focus being on that the end product, the end-points, work as expected.

To run all tests run

go test ./...

in the project root directory.

Future Work

There are several areas which could be further improved. This section lists some areas which I would like to improve if I had more time.

The API only supports the R (read) in the CRUD acronym. For future work, full support for creating, reading, updating and deleting resources would increase the quality of the project.

Adding a real database such as PostgreSQL for data storage is something that would be good as a future feature. Adding a real database would streamline implementation of proper pagination by including LIMIT number_of_rows OFFSET offset_value in the SQL requests.

Full code coverage of the codebase would be a good addition, as it stands local packages have very limited coverage.

Creating an internal package for error return maps / errors messages would be good instead of having hard coded messages and error strings in error return JSON. This would enforce consistency and make testing easier.

Expanding and validating that camt053 are loaded properly and follows the spec would be good. An extensive test suite with varied camt053 data would be good to validate the marshaling and unmarshaling of camt053 data.

This repo is my first lines of GO, a week ago I had never written a line of GO. As such I may not have followed all idioms and best practices. When I've gained more experience in GO it would be beneficial to go back through the code to review it and perhaps refactor to better reflect the idioms and best practices of GO.