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Releases: JustArchiNET/ArchiSteamFarm

ArchiSteamFarm V1.3 (pre1)

01 Jan 11:53
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  • Fixed a bug where ASF would not detect config directory if not started from the executable directory. ASF now always navigates to directory where executable is located.

ArchiSteamFarm V1.2.4

28 Dec 14:54
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  • Fixed regression introduced in 1.2.3 which would cause ASF to crash in some circumstances.

ArchiSteamFarm V1.2.3

28 Dec 10:39
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  • Fixed a problem where ASF wrongly interpreted number of badge pages of accounts with more than 6 of them, which resulted in no games to farm (only accounts with more than ~3000 games were affected).

ArchiSteamFarm V1.2.2

25 Dec 16:52
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  • Fixed a problem when ASF would not try to reconnect if logging in to ISteamUserAuth failed because of Valve's fuckup.

ArchiSteamFarm V1.2.1

23 Dec 10:04
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  • Fixed regression introduced in 1.2, which could cause ASF not respecting sleeping times after receiving some signals such as InvalidPassword, #47

ArchiSteamFarm V1.2

23 Dec 08:44
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  • Added global blacklist to ASF which includes appIDs which are not supposed to be farmed, such as steam's winter sale. This is an "extra" to already existing Blacklist config property.
  • Hopefully fixed rare bug regarding ASF trying to reconnect in a loop.
  • Removed obsolete now !farm command, as it's not needed anymore.

ArchiSteamFarm V1.2 (pre3)

22 Dec 15:55
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  • Rewrote internal cards farming module to be more stable and reliable
  • Removed !farm command

ArchiSteamFarm V1.2 (pre2)

22 Dec 11:31
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  • Temporarily disabled possibility to farm check, in order to hunt a bug

WARNING: This release is experimental for specific people, do not use it - #46.

ArchiSteamFarm V1.1

21 Dec 18:33
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  • Added new config property, FarmOffline which defaults to false. When true, account won't appear as online during farming, so you can farm steam cards while actually being "offline" in Steam Community, this is especially useful for primary accounts so your friends won't see you as online when only ASF is running.
  • Added new config property, HandleOfflineMessages which defaults to false. When true, ASF will handle offline messages sent to your account. This comes useful basically only when FarmOffline is true, because then bot can respond to your commands even while being offline!
  • Added internal ASF logging, ASF will now automatically create and maintain log.txt in the same directory as the executable. Log doesn't contain any sensitive data, and can be useful for debugging purposes.
  • ASF now responds to chat invites sent by master, as well as commands executed on chat rooms in addition to private chats.
  • Hopefully fixed rare bug which would cause your account renamed to [unassigned].
  • Many internal improvements and bugfixes regarding Steam coming from up-to-date SteamKit2.

ArchiSteamFarm V1.1 (pre1)

21 Dec 10:29
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  • Added new config property, FarmOffline which defaults to false. When true, account won't appear as online during farming, so you can farm steam cards while actually being "offline" in Steam Community, this is especially useful for primary accounts so your friends won't see you as online when only ASF is running.
  • Added new config property, HandleOfflineMessages which defaults to false. When true, ASF will handle offline messages sent to your account. This comes useful basically only when FarmOffline is true, because then bot can respond to your commands even while being offline!
  • Added internal ASF logging, ASF will now automatically create and maintain log.txt in the same directory as the executable. Log doesn't contain any sensitive data, and can be useful for debugging purposes.
  • Hopefully fixed rare bug which would cause your account renamed to [unassigned].
  • Many internal improvements and bugfixes regarding Steam coming from up-to-date SteamKit2.