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Releases: JustArchiNET/ArchiSteamFarm

ArchiSteamFarm V2.0.0.2 (Experimental)

09 Mar 02:42
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NOTICE: Pre-releases are experimental versions that often contain unpatched bugs, work-in-progress features or rewritten implementations. If you don't consider yourself advanced user, please download latest stable release instead. Pre-release versions are dedicated to users who know how to report bugs, deal with issues and give feedback. No technical support will be given.

  • [!] ASF now has global config ASF.json and global database ASF.db. Global config allows you to configure how ASF behaves. Global database should not be edited - contains core global ASF persistent storage.
  • [!] ASF now includes auto-updates, which can be configured in global config. Auto updates include not only the boolean switch of enabling and disabling, but also update channel which you want to track (Stable/Experimental)
  • [!] ASF now uses new more modern and robust file structure for configured bots:
    Old: Bot.xml, Bot.bin, Bot.key, Bot.auth
    New: Bot.json, Bot.bin, Bot.db
  • Removed deprecated now SteamNickname and Blacklist config properties. Bot no longer changes nickname (same as null value), and instead of per-bot Blacklist, global blacklist is being used instead (defined in ASF.json).
  • ASF now automatically dismisses notifications related to dropped items. Thanks to that we can cut spam related to new items drop.
  • Added DismissInventoryNotifications bot config property which controls above behaviour, default is true.
  • Added GamesPlayedWhileIdle bot config property, which allows you to specify which game(s) should be farmed while ASF has nothing to do. Default is 0 - no games being farmed while idle.
  • Added CustomGamePlayedWhileIdle bot config property, which is similar to above, but allows you to specify one custom game name instead, as in "Playing non-steam game: XXX". Default is null - no custom game being shown while idle.
  • Added AccountPlayingDelay bot config property, which allows you to define how often bot should be checking if you finished playing already. Default is 5 minutes, old hardcoded value was 30 minutes.
  • Added support for SteamDesktopAuthenticator .maFile. If you put a .maFile in config directory, ASF will automatically pick it up and convert into it's own format.
  • Added Holiday Sale 2013 with appID of 267420 to the blacklist.
  • Fixed a rare exception which could happen when ASF tried to redeem a key on enabled but not connected bot instance.

ArchiSteamFarm V2.0.0.1 (Experimental)

09 Mar 02:40
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NOTICE: Pre-releases are experimental versions that often contain unpatched bugs, work-in-progress features or rewritten implementations. If you don't consider yourself advanced user, please download latest stable release instead. Pre-release versions are dedicated to users who know how to report bugs, deal with issues and give feedback. No technical support will be given.

  • [!] ASF now has global config ASF.json and global database ASF.db. Global config allows you to configure how ASF behaves. Global database should not be edited - contains core global ASF persistent storage.
  • [!] ASF now includes auto-updates, which can be configured in global config. Auto updates include not only the boolean switch of enabling and disabling, but also update channel which you want to track (Stable/Experimental)
  • [!] ASF now uses new more modern and robust file structure for configured bots:
    Old: Bot.xml, Bot.bin, Bot.key, Bot.auth
    New: Bot.json, Bot.bin, Bot.db
  • Removed deprecated now SteamNickname and Blacklist config properties. Bot no longer changes nickname (same as null value), and instead of per-bot Blacklist, global blacklist is being used instead (defined in ASF.json).
  • ASF now automatically dismisses notifications related to dropped items. Thanks to that we can cut spam related to new items drop.
  • Added DismissInventoryNotifications bot config property which controls above behaviour, default is true.
  • Added GamesPlayedWhileIdle bot config property, which allows you to specify which game(s) should be farmed while ASF has nothing to do. Default is 0 - no games being farmed while idle.
  • Added CustomGamePlayedWhileIdle bot config property, which is similar to above, but allows you to specify one custom game name instead, as in "Playing non-steam game: XXX". Default is null - no custom game being shown while idle.
  • Added AccountPlayingDelay bot config property, which allows you to define how often bot should be checking if you finished playing already. Default is 5 minutes, old hardcoded value was 30 minutes.
  • Added support for SteamDesktopAuthenticator .maFile. If you put a .maFile in config directory, ASF will automatically pick it up and convert into it's own format.
  • Added Holiday Sale 2013 with appID of 267420 to the blacklist.
  • Fixed a rare exception which could happen when ASF tried to redeem a key on enabled but not connected bot instance.

ArchiSteamFarm V2.0 (pre4)

07 Mar 15:41
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Please make backup of your config directory prior to trying this release!

NOTICE: Pre-releases are experimental versions that often contain unpatched bugs, work-in-progress features or rewritten implementations. If you don't consider yourself advanced user, please download latest stable release instead. Pre-release versions are dedicated to users who know how to report bugs, deal with issues and give feedback. No technical support will be given.

  • [!] ASF now has global config ASF.json and global database ASF.db. Global config allows you to configure how ASF behaves. Global database should not be edited - contains core global ASF persistent storage.
  • [!] ASF now uses new more modern and robust file structure for configured bots:
    Old: Bot.xml, Bot.bin, Bot.key, Bot.auth
    New: Bot.json, Bot.bin, Bot.db
  • Removed deprecated now SteamNickname and Blacklist config properties. Bot no longer changes nickname (same as null value), and instead of per-bot Blacklist, global blacklist is being used instead (defined in ASF.json).
  • ASF now automatically dismisses notifications related to dropped items. Thanks to that we can cut spam related to new items drop.
  • Added DismissInventoryNotifications bot config property which controls above behaviour, default is true.
  • Added GamesPlayedWhileIdle bot config property, which allows you to specify which game(s) should be farmed while ASF has nothing to do. Default is 0 - no games being farmed while idle.
  • Added support for SteamDesktopAuthenticator .maFile. If you put a .maFile in config directory, ASF will automatically pick it up and convert into it's own format.
  • Added Holiday Sale 2013 with appID of 267420 to the blacklist.
  • Fixed a rare exception which could happen when ASF tried to redeem a key on enabled but not connected bot instance.

ArchiSteamFarm V2.0 (pre3)

07 Mar 14:59
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Please make backup of your config directory prior to trying this release!

NOTICE: Pre-releases are experimental versions that often contain unpatched bugs, work-in-progress features or rewritten implementations. If you don't consider yourself advanced user, please download latest stable release instead. Pre-release versions are dedicated to users who know how to report bugs, deal with issues and give feedback. No technical support will be given.

  • [!] ASF now has global config ASF.json and global database ASF.db. Global config allows you to configure how ASF behaves. Global database should not be edited - contains core global ASF persistent storage.
  • [!] ASF now uses new more modern and robust file structure for configured bots:
    Old: Bot.xml, Bot.bin, Bot.key, Bot.auth
    New: Bot.json, Bot.bin, Bot.db
  • Removed deprecated now SteamNickname and Blacklist config properties. Bot no longer changes nickname (same as null value), and instead of per-bot Blacklist, global blacklist is being used instead (defined in ASF.json).
  • ASF now automatically dismisses notifications related to dropped items. Thanks to that we can cut spam related to new items drop.
  • Added DismissInventoryNotifications bot config property which controls above behaviour, default is true.
  • Added GamesPlayedWhileIdle bot config property, which allows you to specify which game(s) should be farmed while ASF has nothing to do. Default is 0 - no games being farmed while idle.
  • Added support for SteamDesktopAuthenticator .maFile. If you put a .maFile in config directory, ASF will automatically pick it up and convert into it's own format.
  • Fixed a rare exception which could happen when ASF tried to redeem a key on enabled but not connected bot instance.

ArchiSteamFarm V2.0 (pre2)

06 Mar 20:58
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Please make backup of your config directory prior to trying this release!

NOTICE: Pre-releases are experimental versions that often contain unpatched bugs, work-in-progress features or rewritten implementations. If you don't consider yourself advanced user, please download latest stable release instead. Pre-release versions are dedicated to users who know how to report bugs, deal with issues and give feedback. No technical support will be given.

  • [!] ASF now uses new more modern and robust file structure
    Old: Bot.xml, Bot.bin, Bot.key, Bot.auth
    New: Bot.json, Bot.bin, Bot.db
  • Removed deprecated now SteamNickname and Blacklist config properties. Bot no longer changes nickname (same as null value), and instead of per-bot Blacklist, built-in GlobalBlacklist is being used (which will be editable soon).
  • ASF now automatically dismisses notifications related to dropped items. Thanks to that we can cut spam related to new items drop.
  • Added DismissInventoryNotifications config property which controls above behaviour, default is true.
  • Added GamesPlayedWhileIdle config property, which allows you to specify which game(s) should be farmed while ASF has nothing to do. Default is 0 - no games being farmed while idle.
  • Fixed a rare exception which could happen when ASF tried to redeem a key on enabled but not connected bot instance.

ArchiSteamFarm V2.0 (pre1)

06 Mar 01:36
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NOTICE: Pre-releases are experimental versions that often contain unpatched bugs, work-in-progress features or rewritten implementations. If you don't consider yourself advanced user, please download latest stable release instead. Pre-release versions are dedicated to users who know how to report bugs, deal with issues and give feedback. No technical support will be given.

Please make backup of your config directory prior to trying this release!

  • [!] ASF now uses new more modern and robust file structure
    Old: Bot.xml, Bot.bin, Bot.key, Bot.auth
    New: Bot.json, Bot.bin, Bot.db
  • Removed deprecated now SteamNickname and Blacklist config properties. Bot no longer changes nickname (same as null value), and instead of per-bot Blacklist, built-in GlobalBlacklist is being used (which will be editable soon).
  • ASF now automatically dismisses notifications related to dropped items
  • Added GamesPlayedWhileIdle config property, which allows you to specify which game(s) should be farmed while ASF has nothing to do.

ArchiSteamFarm V1.7 (pre1)

28 Feb 02:45
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NOTICE: Pre-releases are experimental versions that often contain unpatched bugs, work-in-progress features or rewritten implementations. If you don't consider yourself advanced user, please download latest stable release instead. Pre-release versions are dedicated to users who know how to report bugs, deal with issues and give feedback. No technical support will be given.

  • ASF now automatically dismisses notifications related to dropped items

ArchiSteamFarm V1.6.1

25 Feb 03:16
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  • [1.6.1] Application now comes signed, which hopefully will prevent some AVs from falsely flagging it as a virus, #127. There's no need to update if your Windows/AV doesn't make problems.
  • Added !rejoinchat command, which can be executed to issue JoinChat request on all connected bots.
  • Enhanced !addlicense command, it now accepts more than one game, use !addlicense 1,2,3 and !addlicense <BOT> 1,2,3
  • Until Mono 4.3 stabilizes, ASF is compiled with (and requires) .NET 4.5.1 (again), previously - .NET 4.6.1.
  • Improved SendOnFarmingFinished, now ASF will send trade only if it in fact farmed something and not always.
  • Increased farming check interval from 15 minutes to 60, this should minimize the side effect of refreshing sessionIDs and annoying users with primary accounts.
  • Fixed ASF failing to !loot the inventory with non-tradable steam items, thanks to @il-marc
  • Fixed rare issue when bot would not try to reconnect in some unusual disconnect scenarios
  • Fixed main RequestLimiter time being too short for over 100 enabled bots in ASF, some of them could not connect right away.
  • Many other bugfixes, improvements and code optimizations. ASF should be also a little less memory intensive now.

ArchiSteamFarm V1.6

24 Feb 21:00
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  • Added !rejoinchat command, which can be executed to issue JoinChat request on all connected bots.
  • Enhanced !addlicense command, it now accepts more than one game, use !addlicense 1,2,3 and !addlicense <BOT> 1,2,3
  • Until Mono 4.3 stabilizes, ASF is compiled with (and requires) .NET 4.5.1 (again), previously - .NET 4.6.1.
  • Improved SendOnFarmingFinished, now ASF will send trade only if it in fact farmed something and not always.
  • Increased farming check interval from 15 minutes to 60, this should minimize the side effect of refreshing sessionIDs and annoying users with primary accounts.
  • Fixed ASF failing to !loot the inventory with non-tradable steam items, thanks to @il-marc
  • Fixed rare issue when bot would not try to reconnect in some unusual disconnect scenarios
  • Fixed main RequestLimiter time being too short for over 100 enabled bots in ASF, some of them could not connect right away.
  • Many other bugfixes, improvements and code optimizations. ASF should be also a little less memory intensive now.

ArchiSteamFarm V1.6 (pre5)

24 Feb 04:58
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NOTICE: Pre-releases are experimental versions that often contain unpatched bugs, work-in-progress features or rewritten implementations. If you don't consider yourself advanced user, please download latest stable release instead. Pre-release versions are dedicated to users who know how to report bugs, deal with issues and give feedback. No technical support will be given.

  • Enhanced !addlicense command, it now accepts more than one game, use !addlicense 1,2,3 and !addlicense <BOT> 1,2,3
  • Until Mono 4.3 stabilizes, ASF is compiled with (and requires) .NET 4.5.1 (again), previously - .NET 4.6.1.
  • Improved SendOnFarmingFinished, now ASF will send trade only if it in fact farmed something and not always.
  • Increased farming check interval from 15 minutes to 60, this should minimize the side effect of refreshing sessionIDs and annoying users with primary accounts.
  • Fixed ASF failing to !loot the inventory with non-tradable steam items, thanks to @il-marc
  • Fixed rare issue when bot would not try to reconnect in some unusual disconnect scenarios
  • Fixed main RequestLimiter time being too short for over 100 enabled bots in ASF, some of them could not connect right away.
  • Many other bugfixes, improvements and code optimizations. ASF should be also a little less memory intensive now.