diff --git a/ArchiSteamFarm.OfficialPlugins.SteamTokenDumper/Localization/Strings.lv-LV.resx b/ArchiSteamFarm.OfficialPlugins.SteamTokenDumper/Localization/Strings.lv-LV.resx
index 053dc64cdf9e1..90f7add6125c0 100644
--- a/ArchiSteamFarm.OfficialPlugins.SteamTokenDumper/Localization/Strings.lv-LV.resx
+++ b/ArchiSteamFarm.OfficialPlugins.SteamTokenDumper/Localization/Strings.lv-LV.resx
@@ -107,7 +107,10 @@
Pabeidza iegūt {0} aplikāciju informāciju.
{0} will be replaced by the number (count this batch) of app infos retrieved
+ Pabeigts {0} no {1} noliktavas atslēgu pieprasījumiem.
+ {0} will be replaced by the number (count this batch) of depot key requests that were successfully answered, {1} will be replaced by the number (count this batch) of depot key requests that were supposed to be sent
Pabeigta visu depot atslēgu izgūšana, kopā {0} lietotnēm.
{0} will be replaced by the number (total count) of apps retrieved
diff --git a/ArchiSteamFarm/Localization/Strings.lv-LV.resx b/ArchiSteamFarm/Localization/Strings.lv-LV.resx
index f459a18f3ffe8..d68dabe3349a9 100644
--- a/ArchiSteamFarm/Localization/Strings.lv-LV.resx
+++ b/ArchiSteamFarm/Localization/Strings.lv-LV.resx
@@ -584,7 +584,10 @@ Darbspējas laiks: {1}
Botam ir {0}. līmenis.
{0} will be replaced by bot's level
+ {0}/{1} ({2}/{3}): {4} līdzekļi
+ {0} will be replaced by appID (number), {1} will be replaced by contextID (number), {2} will be replaced by app's name (string), {3} will be replaced by name of the context (string), {4} will be replaced by number of assets in the specified inventory (number).
Salīdzina Steam preces, #{0}. raunds...
{0} will be replaced by round number
@@ -793,5 +796,8 @@ Darbspējas laiks: {1}
Pielāgotie spraudņi ir reģistrēti automātiskajiem atjauninājumiem. ASF komanda vēlās atgādināt, ka Tavai drošībai, automātiskos atjauninājumus vajag iespējot tikai no uzticamiem izstrādātājiem. Ja to neplānoji darīt, Tu vari atspējot spraudņu atjauninājumus ASF globālajā konfigurācijā.
+ Ievade: {0}
+ {0} will be replaced by text input from the user.
diff --git a/wiki b/wiki
index ca3fddce97bb6..d3b2adaf6953e 160000
--- a/wiki
+++ b/wiki
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit ca3fddce97bb6ead79dfe8cd2268d9a3c7cb7900
+Subproject commit d3b2adaf6953ebce103ebadbf1fae894230238ef