This project provides an alternative implementation of to fix JSCH bug 111.
In your pom.xml, include the following dependency:
<version><!-- Insert latest available version here --></version>
Now, before using JSCH (or a framework that depends on it, say Apache VFS for example), add the following call:
That all. JSCH will now use the following implementations instead of the default ones:
- org.jurr.jsch.bugfix111.SignatureDSA
- org.jurr.jsch.bugfix111.SignatureRSA
This might not be die hard cryptography, but I still hope many people review this code for potential flaws. Please take into account that this code is more or less based on a copy of the JSCH code. So when you find a bug, please (also) notify the JSCH team.
This project is licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License.