A control that uses flip transition to change different states for UWP apps.
Works on Build 10586 or higher because this control uses Composition API.
Install-Package FlipperControl
<flipper:FlipperControl Grid.Row="1"
<!--Insert framework elements-->
FlipperControlTest proj has demenstrated how to use this control.
There are a few properties that control the behavior:
The only way to change the visual state of the control. Note that the value of zero points to the last framework element you added in FlipperControl.Views
Note: Be aware of the **IndexOutOfRangeException **.
Tap to flip. If there is a button on your view and you have set e.Handled=true, this will NOT work even if this property is enabled.
Currently the value is either X
or Y
Currently the value is either FrontToBack
or BackToFront
It's obvious.
The default value is true.
When set this to true:
When it's false: