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IETF WebSocket Protocol

Eric Forgy edited this page Feb 15, 2018 · 10 revisions

This page will try to summarize where we stand as far as compliance with the IETF WebSockets Protocol.

Section Quote Status (WebSockets) Status (HTTP)
1.3 The Connection and Upgrade header fields complete the HTTP Upgrade. The Sec-WebSocket-Accept header field indicates whether the server is willing to accept the connection. If present, this header field must include a hash of the client's nonce sent in Sec-WebSocket-Key along with a predefined GUID. Any other value must not be interpreted as an acceptance of the connection by the server.
3. Fragment identifiers are meaningless in the context of WebSocket URIs and MUST NOT be used on these URIs. As with any URI scheme, the character "#", when not indicating the start of a fragment, MUST be escaped as %23.
4.1 When the client is to Establish a WebSocket Connection given a set (/host/, /port/, /resource name/, and /secure/ flag), along with a list of /protocols/ and /extensions/ to be used, and an /origin/ in the case of web browsers, it MUST open a connection, send an opening handshake, and read the server's handshake in response.
4.1.1 1. The components of the WebSocket URI passed into this algorithm (/host/, /port/, /resource name/, and /secure/ flag) MUST be valid according to the specification of WebSocket URIs specified in Section 3. If any of the components are invalid, the client MUST Fail the WebSocket Connection and abort these steps.
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