diff --git a/src/HTTP.jl b/src/HTTP.jl
index 1cacfa12b..ebc0096ea 100644
--- a/src/HTTP.jl
+++ b/src/HTTP.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,23 @@
module HTTP
-# package code goes here
+export Request, Response, URI
+using MbedTLS
+const TLS = MbedTLS
+import Base.==
+# package-wide inits
+function __init__()
+ __init__parser()
end # module
diff --git a/src/parser.jl b/src/parser.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0dcd29c85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parser.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+const libhttp_parser = "/Users/jacobquinn/.julia/v0.5/HttpParser/deps/usr/lib/libhttp_parser.dylib"
+parsertype(::Type{Request}) = 0 # HTTP_REQUEST
+parsertype(::Type{Response}) = 1 # HTTP_RESPONSE
+# A composite type that matches bit-for-bit a C struct.
+type Parser
+ # parser + flag = Single byte
+ type_and_flags::Cuchar
+ state::Cuchar
+ header_state::Cuchar
+ index::Cuchar
+ nread::UInt32
+ content_length::UInt64
+ http_major::Cushort
+ http_minor::Cushort
+ status_code::Cushort
+ method::Cuchar
+ # http_errno + upgrade = Single byte
+ errno_and_upgrade::Cuchar
+ data::Any
+parserwrapper(::Type{Request}) = ParserRequest()
+parserwrapper(::Type{Response}) = ParserResponse()
+function Parser{T}(::Type{T}=Request)
+ parser = Parser(convert(Cuchar, 0), convert(Cuchar, 0), convert(Cuchar, 0), convert(Cuchar, 0),
+ convert(UInt32, 0), convert(UInt64, 0),
+ convert(Cushort, 0), convert(Cushort, 0), convert(Cushort, 0), convert(Cuchar, 0),
+ convert(Cuchar, 0),
+ convert(Ptr{UInt8}, C_NULL))
+ parser.data = parserwrapper(T)
+ http_parser_init(parser, T)
+ return parser
+# Intializes the Parser object with the correct memory
+function http_parser_init{T}(parser, ::Type{T})
+ ccall((:http_parser_init, libhttp_parser), Void, (Ptr{Parser}, Cint), &parser, parsertype(T))
+# A composite type that is expecting C functions to be run as callbacks.
+type ParserSettings
+ on_message_begin_cb::Ptr{Void}
+ on_url_cb::Ptr{Void}
+ on_status_complete_cb::Ptr{Void}
+ on_header_field_cb::Ptr{Void}
+ on_header_value_cb::Ptr{Void}
+ on_headers_complete_cb::Ptr{Void}
+ on_body_cb::Ptr{Void}
+ on_message_complete_cb::Ptr{Void}
+ on_chunk_header::Ptr{Void}
+ on_chunk_complete::Ptr{Void}
+ParserSettings(on_message_begin_cb, on_url_cb, on_status_complete_cb, on_header_field_cb, on_header_value_cb, on_headers_complete_cb, on_body_cb, on_message_complete_cb) =
+ ParserSettings(on_message_begin_cb, on_url_cb, on_status_complete_cb, on_header_field_cb, on_header_value_cb, on_headers_complete_cb, on_body_cb, on_message_complete_cb, C_NULL, C_NULL)
+function Base.show(io::IO, p::Parser)
+ print(io,"libhttp-parser: v$(version()), ")
+ print(io,"HTTP/$(p.http_major).$(p.http_minor), ")
+ print(io,"Content-Length: $(p.content_length)")
+function version()
+ ver = ccall((:http_parser_version, libhttp_parser), Culong, ())
+ major = (ver >> 16) & 255
+ minor = (ver >> 8) & 255
+ patch = ver & 255
+ return VersionNumber(major, minor, patch)
+# Run a request through a parser with specific callbacks on the settings instance
+function http_parser_execute(parser::Parser, settings::ParserSettings, request, len=sizeof(request))
+ return ccall((:http_parser_execute, libhttp_parser), Csize_t,
+ (Ptr{Parser}, Ptr{ParserSettings}, Cstring, Csize_t,),
+ Ref(parser), Ref(settings), convert(Cstring, pointer(request)), len)
+"Returns a string version of the HTTP method."
+function http_method_str(method)
+ val = ccall((:http_method_str, libhttp_parser), Cstring, (Int,), method)
+ return unsafe_string(val)
+# Is the request a keep-alive request?
+http_should_keep_alive(parser::Ptr{Parser}) = ccall((:http_should_keep_alive, libhttp_parser), Int, (Ptr{Parser},), Ref(parser)) != 0
+"Pauses the parser."
+pause(parser::Parser) = ccall((:http_parser_pause, libhttp_parser), Void, (Ptr{Parser}, Cint), Ref(parser), one(Cint))
+"Resumes the parser."
+resume(parser::Parser) = ccall((:http_parser_pause, libhttp_parser), Void,(Ptr{Parser}, Cint), Ref(parser), zero(Cint))
+"Checks if this is the final chunk of the body."
+isfinalchunk(parser::Parser) = ccall((:http_parser_pause, libhttp_parser), Cint, (Ptr{Parser},), Ref(parser)) == 1
+upgrade(parser::Parser) = (parser.errno_and_upgrade & 0b10000000) > 0
+errno(parser::Parser) = parser.errno_and_upgrade & 0b01111111
+errno_name(errno::Integer) = unsafe_string(ccall((:http_errno_name, libhttp_parser), Cstring, (Int32,), errno))
+errno_description(errno::Integer) = unsafe_string(ccall((:http_errno_description, libhttp_parser), Cstring, (Int32,), errno))
+immutable ParserError <: Exception
+ errno::Int32
+ ParserError(errno::Integer) = new(Int32(errno))
+Base.show(io::IO, err::ParserError) = print(io, "HTTP.ParserError: ", errno_name(err.errno), " (", err.errno, "): ", errno_description(err.errno))
+# Dedicated types for parsing Request/Response types
+type ParserRequest
+ val::Request
+ parsedfield::Bool
+ fieldbuffer::Vector{UInt8}
+ valuebuffer::Vector{UInt8}
+ messagecomplete::Bool
+ParserRequest() = ParserRequest(Request(), true, UInt8[], UInt8[], false)
+type ParserResponse
+ val::Response
+ parsedfield::Bool
+ fieldbuffer::Vector{UInt8}
+ valuebuffer::Vector{UInt8}
+ messagecomplete::Bool
+ParserResponse() = ParserResponse(Response(), true, UInt8[], UInt8[], false)
+# Default callbacks for requests and responses
+getrequest(p::Ptr{Parser}) = (unsafe_load(p).data)::ParserRequest
+getresponse(p::Ptr{Parser}) = (unsafe_load(p).data)::ParserResponse
+# on_message_begin
+function request_on_message_begin(parser)
+ r = getrequest(parser)
+ r.messagecomplete = false
+ return 0
+function response_on_message_begin(parser)
+ r = getresponse(parser)
+ r.messagecomplete = false
+ return 0
+# on_url (requests only)
+function request_on_url(parser, at, len)
+ r = getrequest(parser)
+ r.val.resource = string(r.val.resource, unsafe_string(convert(Ptr{UInt8}, at), len))
+ r.val.uri = URI(r.val.resource)
+ return 0
+response_on_url(parser, at, len) = 0
+# on_status_complete (responses only)
+function response_on_status_complete(parser)
+ r = getresponse(parser)
+ r.val.status = unsafe_load(parser).status_code
+ return 0
+request_on_status_complete(parser) = 0
+# on_header_field, on_header_value
+function request_on_header_field(parser, at, len)
+ r = getrequest(parser)
+ if r.parsedfield
+ append!(r.fieldbuffer, unsafe_wrap(Array, convert(Ptr{UInt8}, at), len))
+ else
+ r.val.headers[String(r.fieldbuffer)] = String(r.valuebuffer)
+ r.fieldbuffer = unsafe_wrap(Array, convert(Ptr{UInt8}, at), len)
+ end
+ r.parsedfield = true
+ return 0
+function request_on_header_value(parser, at, len)
+ r = getrequest(parser)
+ if r.parsedfield
+ r.valuebuffer = unsafe_wrap(Array, convert(Ptr{UInt8}, at), len)
+ else
+ append!(r.valuebuffer, unsafe_wrap(Array, convert(Ptr{UInt8}, at), len))
+ end
+ r.parsedfield = false
+ return 0
+function response_on_header_field(parser, at, len)
+ r = getresponse(parser)
+ if r.parsedfield
+ append!(r.fieldbuffer, unsafe_wrap(Array, convert(Ptr{UInt8}, at), len))
+ else
+ r.val.headers[String(r.fieldbuffer)] = String(r.valuebuffer)
+ r.fieldbuffer = unsafe_wrap(Array, convert(Ptr{UInt8}, at), len)
+ end
+ r.parsedfield = true
+ return 0
+function response_on_header_value(parser, at, len)
+ r = getresponse(parser)
+ if r.parsedfield
+ r.valuebuffer = unsafe_wrap(Array, convert(Ptr{UInt8}, at), len)
+ else
+ append!(r.valuebuffer, unsafe_wrap(Array, convert(Ptr{UInt8}, at), len))
+ end
+ r.parsedfield = false
+ return 0
+# on_headers_complete
+function request_on_headers_complete(parser)
+ r = getrequest(parser)
+ p = unsafe_load(parser)
+ if length(r.fieldbuffer) > 0
+ r.val.headers[String(r.fieldbuffer)] = String(r.valuebuffer)
+ end
+ r.val.method = http_method_str(p.method)
+ r.val.major = p.http_major
+ r.val.minor = p.http_minor
+ r.val.keepalive = http_should_keep_alive(parser) != 0
+ return 0
+function response_on_headers_complete(parser)
+ r = getresponse(parser)
+ p = unsafe_load(parser)
+ if length(r.fieldbuffer) > 0
+ r.val.headers[String(r.fieldbuffer)] = String(r.valuebuffer)
+ end
+ r.val.status = p.status_code
+ r.val.major = p.http_major
+ r.val.minor = p.http_minor
+ return 0
+# on_body
+function on_body(parser, at, len)
+ append!(unsafe_load(parser).data.val.data, unsafe_wrap(Array, convert(Ptr{UInt8}, at), len))
+ return 0
+# on_message_complete
+function request_on_message_complete(parser)
+ r = getrequest(parser)
+ r.messagecomplete = true
+ return 0
+function response_on_message_complete(parser)
+ r = getresponse(parser)
+ r.messagecomplete = true
+ return 0
+# Main user-facing functions
+function parse(::Type{Request}, str)
+ http_parser_init(DEFAULT_REQUEST_PARSER, Request)
+ http_parser_execute(DEFAULT_REQUEST_PARSER, DEFAULT_REQUEST_PARSER_SETTINGS, str, sizeof(str))
+ throw(ParserError(errno(DEFAULT_REQUEST_PARSER)))
+ end
+ return (DEFAULT_REQUEST_PARSER.data.val)::Request
+function parse(::Type{Response}, str)
+ http_parser_init(DEFAULT_REQUEST_PARSER, Response)
+ throw(ParserError(errno(DEFAULT_RESPONSE_PARSER)))
+ end
+ return (DEFAULT_RESPONSE_PARSER.data.val)::Response
+function __init__parser()
+ HTTP_CB = (Int, (Ptr{Parser},))
+ HTTP_DATA_CB = (Int, (Ptr{Parser}, Ptr{Cchar}, Csize_t,))
+ # Turn all the callbacks into C callable functions.
+ global const request_on_message_begin_cb = cfunction(request_on_message_begin, HTTP_CB...)
+ global const request_on_url_cb = cfunction(request_on_url, HTTP_DATA_CB...)
+ global const request_on_status_complete_cb = cfunction(request_on_status_complete, HTTP_CB...)
+ global const request_on_header_field_cb = cfunction(request_on_header_field, HTTP_DATA_CB...)
+ global const request_on_header_value_cb = cfunction(request_on_header_value, HTTP_DATA_CB...)
+ global const request_on_headers_complete_cb = cfunction(request_on_headers_complete, HTTP_CB...)
+ global const on_body_cb = cfunction(on_body, HTTP_DATA_CB...)
+ global const request_on_message_complete_cb = cfunction(request_on_message_complete, HTTP_CB...)
+ global const DEFAULT_REQUEST_PARSER_SETTINGS = ParserSettings(request_on_message_begin_cb, request_on_url_cb,
+ request_on_status_complete_cb, request_on_header_field_cb,
+ request_on_header_value_cb, request_on_headers_complete_cb,
+ on_body_cb, request_on_message_complete_cb)
+ global const response_on_message_begin_cb = cfunction(response_on_message_begin, HTTP_CB...)
+ global const response_on_url_cb = cfunction(response_on_url, HTTP_DATA_CB...)
+ global const response_on_status_complete_cb = cfunction(response_on_status_complete, HTTP_CB...)
+ global const response_on_header_field_cb = cfunction(response_on_header_field, HTTP_DATA_CB...)
+ global const response_on_header_value_cb = cfunction(response_on_header_value, HTTP_DATA_CB...)
+ global const response_on_headers_complete_cb = cfunction(response_on_headers_complete, HTTP_CB...)
+ global const response_on_message_complete_cb = cfunction(response_on_message_complete, HTTP_CB...)
+ global const DEFAULT_RESPONSE_PARSER_SETTINGS = ParserSettings(response_on_message_begin_cb, response_on_url_cb,
+ response_on_status_complete_cb, response_on_header_field_cb,
+ response_on_header_value_cb, response_on_headers_complete_cb,
+ on_body_cb, response_on_message_complete_cb)
+ #
+ global const DEFAULT_REQUEST_PARSER = Parser(Request)
+ global const DEFAULT_RESPONSE_PARSER = Parser(Response)
+ return
diff --git a/src/serve.jl b/src/serve.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46063e7e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/serve.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# High-level
+ # Bind TCPServer and listen to host:port
+ # Outer event loop:
+ # accept TCPSocket connections
+ # @async the connection off into it's own green thread
+ # initialize a new HTTP Parser for this new TCPSocket connection
+ # continue reading data off connection and passing it thru to our parser
+ # as parser detects "checkpoints", callback functions will be called
+ # on_url: choose appropriate resource handler from those "registered"
+ # on_message_complete:
+ # request/response timeout abilities
+ # appropriate size limits/timeouts for different parts of request messages
+ # handle Expect 100 Continue
+ # special case OPTIONS method like go?
+ # handle redirects
+ # read through RFCs, writing tests
+ # support auto-decompress, deflate, gunzip
+abstract ServerType
+immutable http <: ServerType end
+immutable https <: ServerType end
+# immutable ws <: ServerType end
+# immutable wss <: ServerType end
+type Server{T <: ServerType} # {I <: IPAddr, H <: ServerHandler, T <: ServerType}
+ host::IPAddr
+ port::Int
+ handler::Function
+ logger::IO
+ count::Int
+ tlsconfig::TLS.SSLConfig
+ tcp::Base.TCPServer
+ function Server(host::IPAddr, port::Integer, handler::Function, logger::IO)
+ new{T}(host, port, handler, logger, 0)
+ end
+Base.listen(s::Server) = (s.tcp = listen(s.host, s.port); return nothing)
+type ServerClient{T <: ServerType, I <: IO}
+ id::Int
+ server::Server
+ parser::Parser
+ keepalive::Bool
+ replied::Bool
+ buffer::Vector{UInt8}
+ tcp::TCPSocket
+ socket::I
+ request::Request
+ response::Response
+ function ServerClient(id, server, parser, keepalive, replied, buffer, tcp, socket)
+ sc = new(id, server, parser, keepalive, replied, buffer, tcp, socket)
+ sc.request = parser.data.val
+ sc.response = Response()
+ return sc
+ end
+function ServerClient{T}(server::Server{T})
+ if T == https
+ tls = TLS.SSLContext()
+ TLS.setup!(tls, server.tlsconfig)
+ c = ServerClient{https, TLS.SSLContext}(server.count += 1, server, Parser(Request), false, false, Vector{UInt8}(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE), TCPSocket(), tls)
+ else
+ tcp = TCPSocket()
+ c = ServerClient{http, TCPSocket}(server.count += 1, server, Parser(Request), false, false, Vector{UInt8}(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE), tcp, tcp)
+ end
+ finalizer(c, x->close(x.tcp))
+ return c
+# if haskey(r.headers, "Expect")
+# if r.headers["Expect"] == "100-continue"
+# write(c.socket, "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n")
+# else
+# # expectation failed
+# write(c.socket, "HTTP/1.1 417 Expectation Failed\r\n\r\n")
+# c.replied = true
+# end
+# end
+# gets called when a full request has been parsed by our HTTP.Parser
+function handle!(client::ServerClient)
+ local response
+ println(client.server.logger, "Received request on client: $(client.id) \n"); flush(STDOUT)
+ show(client.server.logger, client.request)
+ println(client.server.logger); flush(STDOUT)
+ if !client.replied
+ try
+ response = client.server.handler(client.request, client.response)
+ catch err
+ response = Response(500)
+ Base.display_error(err, catch_backtrace())
+ end
+ response.headers["Connection"] = client.keepalive ? "keep-alive" : "close"
+ println(client.server.logger, "Responding with response on client: $(client.id) \n"); flush(STDOUT)
+ show(client.server.logger, response)
+ println(client.server.logger); flush(STDOUT)
+ write(client.socket, response)
+ end
+ client.replied = false
+ client.keepalive || close(client.socket)
+ return
+initTLS!(client::ServerClient{http}) = return
+function initTLS!(client::ServerClient{https})
+ try
+ TLS.associate!(client.socket, client.tcp)
+ TLS.handshake!(client.socket)
+ catch e
+ println("Error establishing SSL connection: ", e); flush(STDOUT)
+ close(client.tcp)
+ end
+ return
+function process!{T}(client::ServerClient{T})
+ println(client.server.logger, "`process!`: client connection: ", client.id); flush(STDOUT)
+ initTLS!(client)
+ retry = 1
+ while !eof(client.socket)
+ # if no data after 30 seconds, break out
+ nb = @timeout 10 readbytes!(client.socket, client.buffer, nb_available(client.socket)) break
+ if nb < 1
+ # `retry` tracks how many times we've unsuccessfully read data from the client
+ # give up after 10 seconds of no data received
+ sleep(1)
+ retry += 1
+ retry == 10 && break
+ continue
+ else
+ http_parser_execute(client.parser, DEFAULT_REQUEST_PARSER_SETTINGS, client.buffer, nb)
+ if errno(client.parser) != 0
+ # error in parsing the http request
+ break
+ elseif client.parser.data.messagecomplete
+ retry = 0
+ handle!(client)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ println(client.server.logger, "`process!`: finished processing client: ", client.id); flush(STDOUT)
+#behavior I'm seeing
+ # setup TCPServer listening on localhost:port
+ # create TCPSocket()
+ # call `accept(server, client)`
+ # call @async process!(client)
+ # initialize another TCPSocket() client
+ # the @async process! seems to be getting the 2nd TCPSocket client
+function serve{T}(server::Server{T})
+ println(server.logger, "Starting server to listen on: $(server.host):$(server.port)"); flush(STDOUT)
+ listen(server)
+ while true
+ # initialize a ServerClient w/ Parser
+ client = ServerClient(server)
+ println(server.logger, "New client initialized: ", client.id); flush(STDOUT)
+ try
+ # accept blocks until a new connection is detected
+ accept(server.tcp, client.tcp)
+ println(server.logger, "New client connection accepted: ", client.id); flush(STDOUT)
+ let client = client
+ @async process!(client)
+ end
+ catch e
+ if typeof(e) <: InterruptException
+ println(server.logger, "Interrupt detectd, shutting down..."); flush(STDOUT)
+ break
+ else
+ if !isopen(server.tcp)
+ println(server.logger, "Server TCPServer is closed, shutting down..."); flush(STDOUT)
+ # Server was closed while waiting to accept client. Exit gracefully.
+ break
+ end
+ println(server.logger, "Error encountered: $e"); flush(STDOUT)
+ println(server.logger, "Resuming serving..."); flush(STDOUT)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ close(server.tcp)
+ return
+function serve(host::IPAddr,port::Int,
+ handler=(req, rep) -> Response("Hello World!"),
+ logger=STDOUT;
+ cert::String="",
+ key::String="")
+ if cert != "" && key != ""
+ server = Server{https}(host, port, handler, logger)
+ server.tlsconfig = TLS.SSLConfig(cert, key)
+ else
+ server = Server{http}(host, port, handler, logger)
+ end
+ return serve(server)
+serve(; host::IPAddr=IPv4(127,0,0,1), port::Int=8081, handler::Function=(req, rep) -> Response("Hello World!"),
+ logger::IO=STDOUT, cert::String="", key::String="") = serve(host, port, handler, logger; cert=cert, key=key)
diff --git a/src/statuscodes.jl b/src/statuscodes.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d44fb211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/statuscodes.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# HTTP status code => description
+const STATUS_CODES = Dict(
+ 100 => "Continue",
+ 101 => "Switching Protocols",
+ 102 => "Processing", # RFC 2518 => obsoleted by RFC 4918
+ 200 => "OK",
+ 201 => "Created",
+ 202 => "Accepted",
+ 203 => "Non-Authoritative Information",
+ 204 => "No Content",
+ 205 => "Reset Content",
+ 206 => "Partial Content",
+ 207 => "Multi-Status", # RFC 4918
+ 300 => "Multiple Choices",
+ 301 => "Moved Permanently",
+ 302 => "Moved Temporarily",
+ 303 => "See Other",
+ 304 => "Not Modified",
+ 305 => "Use Proxy",
+ 307 => "Temporary Redirect",
+ 400 => "Bad Request",
+ 401 => "Unauthorized",
+ 402 => "Payment Required",
+ 403 => "Forbidden",
+ 404 => "Not Found",
+ 405 => "Method Not Allowed",
+ 406 => "Not Acceptable",
+ 407 => "Proxy Authentication Required",
+ 408 => "Request Time-out",
+ 409 => "Conflict",
+ 410 => "Gone",
+ 411 => "Length Required",
+ 412 => "Precondition Failed",
+ 413 => "Request Entity Too Large",
+ 414 => "Request-URI Too Large",
+ 415 => "Unsupported Media Type",
+ 416 => "Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
+ 417 => "Expectation Failed",
+ 418 => "I'm a teapot", # RFC 2324
+ 422 => "Unprocessable Entity", # RFC 4918
+ 423 => "Locked", # RFC 4918
+ 424 => "Failed Dependency", # RFC 4918
+ 425 => "Unordered Collection", # RFC 4918
+ 426 => "Upgrade Required", # RFC 2817
+ 428 => "Precondition Required", # RFC 6585
+ 429 => "Too Many Requests", # RFC 6585
+ 431 => "Request Header Fields Too Large", # RFC 6585
+ 440 => "Login Timeout",
+ 444 => "nginx error: No Response",
+ 495 => "nginx error: SSL Certificate Error",
+ 496 => "nginx error: SSL Certificate Required",
+ 497 => "nginx error: HTTP -> HTTPS",
+ 499 => "nginx error or Antivirus intercepted request or ArcGIS error",
+ 500 => "Internal Server Error",
+ 501 => "Not Implemented",
+ 502 => "Bad Gateway",
+ 503 => "Service Unavailable",
+ 504 => "Gateway Time-out",
+ 505 => "HTTP Version Not Supported",
+ 506 => "Variant Also Negotiates", # RFC 2295
+ 507 => "Insufficient Storage", # RFC 4918
+ 509 => "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded",
+ 510 => "Not Extended", # RFC 2774
+ 511 => "Network Authentication Required", # RFC 6585
+ 520 => "CloudFlare Server Error: Unknown",
+ 521 => "CloudFlare Server Error: Connection Refused",
+ 522 => "CloudFlare Server Error: Connection Timeout",
+ 523 => "CloudFlare Server Error: Origin Server Unreachable",
+ 524 => "CloudFlare Server Error: Connection Timeout",
+ 525 => "CloudFlare Server Error: Connection Failed",
+ 526 => "CloudFlare Server Error: Invalid SSL Ceritificate",
+ 527 => "CloudFlare Server Error: Railgun Error",
+ 530 => "Site Frozen"
diff --git a/src/types.jl b/src/types.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55937e201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+typealias Headers Dict{String,String}
+headers() = Headers(
+ "Server" => "Julia/$VERSION",
+ "Content-Type" => "text/html; charset=utf-8",
+ "Content-Language" => "en",
+ "Date" => Dates.format(now(Dates.UTC), Dates.RFC1123Format) )
+type Request
+ method::String # HTTP method string (e.g. "GET")
+ major::Int8
+ minor::Int8
+ resource::String # Resource requested (e.g. "/hello/world")
+ uri::URI
+ headers::Headers
+ keepalive::Bool
+ data::Vector{UInt8}
+Request() = Request("", 1, 1, "", URI(""), Headers(), true, UInt8[])
+Request(method, resource, headers, data) = Request(method, 1, 1, resource, URI(resource), headers, true, data)
+==(a::Request,b::Request) = (a.method == b.method) &&
+ (a.major == b.major) &&
+ (a.minor == b.minor) &&
+ (a.resource == b.resource) &&
+ (a.uri == b.uri) &&
+ (a.headers == b.headers) &&
+ (a.keepalive == b.keepalive) &&
+ (a.data == b.data)
+function Base.show(io::IO, r::Request)
+ println(io, "$(r.method) $(r.resource) HTTP/1.1")
+ for (k, v) in r.headers
+ println(io, "$k: $v")
+ end
+ if length(r.data) > 100
+ println(io, "[Request body of $(length(r.data)) bytes]")
+ elseif length(r.data) > 0
+ println(io, String(r.data))
+ end
+Base.showcompact(io::IO, r::Request) = print(io, "Request(", r.resource, ", ",
+ length(r.headers), " headers, ",
+ sizeof(r.data), " bytes in body)")
+type Cookie
+ name::String
+ value::String
+ attrs::Dict{String, String}
+Cookie(name, value) = Cookie(name, value, Dict{String, String}())
+Base.show(io::IO, c::Cookie) = print(io, "Cookie(", c.name, ", ", c.value,
+ ", ", length(c.attrs), " attributes)")
+type Response
+ status::Int
+ major::Int8
+ minor::Int8
+ headers::Headers
+ cookies::Dict{String, Cookie}
+ data::Vector{UInt8}
+ request::Nullable{Request}
+ history::Vector{Response}
+typealias HttpData Union{Vector{UInt8}, AbstractString}
+Response(s::Int, h::Headers, d::HttpData) =
+ Response(s, 1, 1, h, Dict{String, Cookie}(), d, Nullable(), Response[])
+Response(status, major, minor, headers, cookies, data) =
+ Response(status, major, minor, headers, cookies, data, Nullable(), Response[])
+Response(s::Int, h::Headers) = Response(s, h, UInt8[])
+Response(s::Int, d::HttpData) = Response(s, headers(), d)
+Response(d::HttpData, h::Headers) = Response(200, h, d)
+Response(d::HttpData) = Response(d, headers())
+Response(s::Int) = Response(s, headers(), UInt8[])
+Response() = Response(200)
+==(a::Response,b::Response) = (a.status == b.status) &&
+ (a.major == b.major) &&
+ (a.minor == b.minor) &&
+ (a.headers == b.headers) &&
+ (a.cookies == b.cookies) &&
+ (a.data == b.data)
+function Base.show(io::IO, r::Response)
+ println(io, "HTTP/1.1 $(r.status) ", get(STATUS_CODES, r.status, "Unknown Code"))
+ for (k, v) in r.headers
+ println(io, "$k: $v")
+ end
+ if length(r.data) > 100
+ println(io, "[Response body of $(length(r.data)) bytes]")
+ elseif length(r.data) > 0
+ println(io, String(r.data))
+ end
+function Base.showcompact(io::IO, r::Response)
+ print(io, "Response(", r.status, " ", get(STATUS_CODES, r.status, "Unknown Code"), ", ",
+ length(r.headers)," headers, ",
+ sizeof(r.data)," bytes in body)")
+"Converts a `Response` to an HTTP response string"
+function Base.write(io::IO, response::Response)
+ write(io, join(["HTTP/1.1", response.status, STATUS_CODES[response.status], "\r\n"], " "))
+ response.headers["Content-Length"] = string(sizeof(response.data))
+ for (header,value) in response.headers
+ write(io, string(join([ header, ": ", value ]), "\r\n"))
+ end
+ for (cookie_name, cookie) in response.cookies
+ write(io, "Set-Cookie: ", cookie_name, "=", cookie.value)
+ for (attr_name, attr_val) in cookie.attrs
+ write(io, "; ", attr_name)
+ if !isempty(attr_val)
+ write(io, "=", attr_val)
+ end
+ end
+ write(io, "\r\n")
+ end
+ write(io, "\r\n")
+ write(io, response.data)
diff --git a/src/uri.jl b/src/uri.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a684db18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uri.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+is_url_char(c) = ((@assert UInt32(c) < 0x80); 'A' <= c <= '~' || '$' <= c <= '>' || c == '\f' || c == '\t')
+is_mark(c) = (c == '-') || (c == '_') || (c == '.') || (c == '!') || (c == '~') ||
+ (c == '*') || (c == '\'') || (c == '(') || (c == ')')
+is_userinfo_char(c) = isalnum(c) || is_mark(c) || (c == '%') || (c == ';') ||
+ (c == ':') || (c == '&') || (c == '+') || (c == '$' || c == ',')
+isnum(c) = ('0' <= c <= '9')
+ishex(c) = (isnum(c) || 'a' <= lowercase(c) <= 'f')
+is_host_char(c) = isalnum(c) || (c == '.') || (c == '-') || (c == '_') || (c == "~")
+immutable URI
+ scheme::String
+ host::String
+ port::UInt16
+ path::String
+ query::String
+ fragment::String
+ userinfo::String
+ specifies_authority::Bool
+ URI(scheme,host,port,path,query="",fragment="",userinfo="",specifies_authority=false) =
+ new(scheme,host,UInt16(port),path,query,fragment,userinfo,specifies_authority)
+==(a::URI,b::URI) = (a.scheme == b.scheme) &&
+ (a.host == b.host) &&
+ (a.port == b.port) &&
+ (a.path == b.path) &&
+ (a.query == b.query) &&
+ (a.fragment == b.fragment) &&
+ (a.userinfo == b.userinfo)
+URI(host, path) = URI("http", host, UInt16(80), path, "", "", "", true)
+# URL parser based on the http-parser package by Joyent
+# Licensed under the BSD license
+# Parse authority (user@host:port)
+# return (host,port,user)
+function parse_authority(authority,seen_at)
+ host=""
+ port=""
+ user=""
+ last_state = state = seen_at ? :http_userinfo_start : :http_host_start
+ i = start(authority)
+ li = s = 0
+ while true
+ if done(authority,li)
+ last_state = state
+ state = :done
+ end
+ if s == 0
+ s = li
+ end
+ if state != last_state
+ r = s:prevind(authority,li)
+ s = li
+ if last_state == :http_userinfo
+ user = authority[r]
+ elseif last_state == :http_host || last_state == :http_host_v6
+ host = authority[r]
+ elseif last_state == :http_host_port
+ port = authority[r]
+ end
+ end
+ if state == :done
+ break
+ end
+ if done(authority,i)
+ li = i
+ continue
+ end
+ li = i
+ (ch,i) = next(authority,i)
+ last_state = state
+ if state == :http_userinfo || state == :http_userinfo_start
+ if ch == '@'
+ state = :http_host_start
+ elseif is_userinfo_char(ch)
+ state = :http_userinfo
+ else
+ error("Unexpected character '$ch' in userinfo")
+ end
+ elseif state == :http_host_start
+ if ch == '['
+ state = :http_host_v6_start
+ elseif is_host_char(ch)
+ state = :http_host
+ else
+ error("Unexpected character '$ch' at the beginning of the host string")
+ end
+ elseif state == :http_host
+ if ch == ':'
+ state = :http_host_port_start
+ elseif !is_host_char(ch)
+ error("Unexpected character '$ch' in host")
+ end
+ elseif state == :http_host_v6_end
+ if ch != ':'
+ error("Only port allowed in authority after IPv6 address")
+ end
+ state = :http_host_port_start
+ elseif state == :http_host_v6 || state == :http_host_v6_start
+ if ch == ']' && state == :http_host_v6
+ state = :http_host_v6_end
+ elseif ishex(ch) || ch == ':' || ch == '.'
+ state = :http_host_v6
+ else
+ error("Unrecognized character in IPv6 address")
+ end
+ elseif state == :http_host_port || state == :http_host_port_start
+ if !isnum(ch)
+ error("Port must be numeric (decimal)")
+ end
+ state = :http_host_port
+ else
+ error("Unexpected state $state")
+ end
+ end
+ (host, UInt16(port == "" ? 0 : Base.parse(Int,port,10)), user)
+function parse_url(url)
+ scheme = ""
+ host = ""
+ server = ""
+ port = 80
+ query = ""
+ fragment = ""
+ username = ""
+ pass = ""
+ path = "/"
+ last_state = state = :req_spaces_before_url
+ seen_at = false
+ specifies_authority = false
+ i = start(url)
+ li = s = 0
+ while true
+ if done(url,li)
+ last_state = state
+ state = :done
+ end
+ if s == 0
+ s = li
+ end
+ if state != last_state
+ r = s:prevind(url,li)
+ s = li
+ if last_state == :req_scheme
+ scheme = url[r]
+ elseif last_state == :req_server_start
+ specifies_authority = true
+ elseif last_state == :req_server
+ server = url[r]
+ elseif last_state == :req_query_string
+ query = url[r]
+ elseif last_state == :req_path
+ path = url[r]
+ elseif last_state == :req_fragment
+ fragment = url[r]
+ end
+ end
+ if state == :done
+ break
+ end
+ if done(url,i)
+ li = i
+ continue
+ end
+ li = i
+ (ch,i) = next(url,i)
+ if !isascii(ch)
+ error("Non-ASCII characters not supported in URIs. Encode the URL and try again.")
+ end
+ last_state = state
+ if state == :req_spaces_before_url
+ if ch == '/' || ch == '*'
+ state = :req_path
+ elseif isalpha(ch)
+ state = :req_scheme
+ else
+ error("Unexpected start of URL")
+ end
+ elseif state == :req_scheme
+ if ch == ':'
+ state = :req_scheme_slash
+ elseif !(isalpha(ch) || isdigit(ch) || ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '.')
+ error("Unexpected character $ch after scheme")
+ end
+ elseif state == :req_scheme_slash
+ if ch == '/'
+ state = :req_scheme_slash_slash
+ elseif is_url_char(ch)
+ state = :req_path
+ else
+ error("Expecting scheme:path scheme:/path format not scheme:$ch")
+ end
+ elseif state == :req_scheme_slash_slash
+ if ch == '/'
+ state = :req_server_start
+ elseif is_url_char(ch)
+ s -= 1
+ state = :req_path
+ else
+ error("Expecting scheme:// or scheme: format not scheme:/$ch")
+ end
+ elseif state == :req_server_start || state == :req_server
+ # In accordence with RFC3986:
+ # 'The authority component is preceded by a double slash ("//") and isterminated by the next slash ("/")'
+ # This is different from the joyent http-parser, which considers empty hosts to be invalid. c.f. also the
+ # following part of RFC 3986:
+ # "If the URI scheme defines a default for host, then that default
+ # applies when the host subcomponent is undefined or when the
+ # registered name is empty (zero length). For example, the "file" URI
+ # scheme is defined so that no authority, an empty host, and
+ # "localhost" all mean the end-user's machine, whereas the "http"
+ # scheme considers a missing authority or empty host invalid."
+ if ch == '/'
+ state = :req_path
+ elseif ch == '?'
+ state = :req_query_string_start
+ elseif ch == '@'
+ seen_at = true
+ state = :req_server
+ elseif is_userinfo_char(ch) || ch == '[' || ch == ']'
+ state = :req_server
+ else
+ error("Unexpected character $ch in server")
+ end
+ elseif state == :req_path
+ if ch == '?'
+ state = :req_query_string_start
+ elseif ch == '#'
+ state = :req_fragment_start
+ elseif !is_url_char(ch) && ch != '@'
+ error("Path contained unexpected character")
+ end
+ elseif state == :req_query_string_start || state == :req_query_string
+ if ch == '?'
+ state = :req_query_string
+ elseif ch == '#'
+ state = :req_fragment_start
+ elseif !is_url_char(ch)
+ error("Query string contained unexpected character")
+ else
+ state = :req_query_string
+ end
+ elseif state == :req_fragment_start
+ if ch == '?'
+ state = :req_fragment
+ elseif ch == '#'
+ state = :req_fragment_start
+ elseif ch != '#' && !is_url_char(ch)
+ error("Start of fragment contained unexpected character")
+ else
+ state = :req_fragment
+ end
+ elseif state == :req_fragment
+ if !is_url_char(ch) && ch != '?' && ch != '#'
+ error("Fragment contained unexpected character")
+ end
+ else
+ error("Unrecognized state")
+ end
+ end
+ host, port, user = parse_authority(server,seen_at)
+ return URI(lowercase(scheme),host,port,path,query,fragment,user,specifies_authority)
+URI(url) = parse_url(url)
+Base.show(io::IO, uri::URI) = print(io, "HTTP.URI(\"", uri, "\")")
+function Base.print(io::IO, uri::URI)
+ if uri.specifies_authority || !isempty(uri.host)
+ print(io,uri.scheme,"://")
+ if !isempty(uri.userinfo)
+ print(io,uri.userinfo,'@')
+ end
+ if ':' in uri.host #is IPv6
+ print(io,'[',uri.host,']')
+ else
+ print(io,uri.host)
+ end
+ if uri.port != 0
+ print(io,':',Int(uri.port))
+ end
+ else
+ print(io,uri.scheme,":")
+ end
+ print(io,uri.path)
+ if !isempty(uri.query)
+ print(io,"?",uri.query)
+ end
+ if !isempty(uri.fragment)
+ print(io,"#",uri.fragment)
+ end
+function Base.show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/html", uri::URI)
+ print(io, "")
+ print(io, uri)
+ print(io, "")
+const escaped_regex = r"%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})"
+# Escaping
+const control_array = vcat(map(UInt8, 0:Base.parse(Int,"1f",16)))
+const control = String(control_array)*"\x7f"
+const space = String(" ")
+const delims = String("%<>\"")
+const unwise = String("(){}|\\^`")
+const reserved = String(",;/?:@&=+\$![]'*#")
+# Strings to be escaped
+# (Delims goes first so '%' gets escaped first.)
+const unescaped = delims * reserved * control * space * unwise
+const unescaped_form = delims * reserved * control * unwise
+function unescape(str)
+ r = UInt8[]
+ l = length(str)
+ i = 1
+ while i <= l
+ c = str[i]
+ i += 1
+ if c == '%'
+ c = Base.parse(UInt8, str[i:i+1], 16)
+ i += 2
+ end
+ push!(r, c)
+ end
+ return String(r)
+unescape_form(str) = unescape(replace(str, "+", " "))
+hex_string(x) = string('%', uppercase(hex(x,2)))
+# Escapes chars (in second string); also escapes all non-ASCII chars.
+function escape_with(str, use)
+ str = String(str)
+ out = IOBuffer()
+ chars = Set(use)
+ i = start(str)
+ e = endof(str)
+ while i <= e
+ i_next = nextind(str, i)
+ if i_next == i + 1
+ _char = str[i]
+ if _char in chars
+ write(out, hex_string(Int(_char)))
+ else
+ write(out, _char)
+ end
+ else
+ while i < i_next
+ write(out, hex_string(str.data[i]))
+ i += 1
+ end
+ end
+ i = i_next
+ end
+ takebuf_string(out)
+escape(str) = escape_with(str, unescaped)
+escape_form(str) = replace(escape_with(str, unescaped_form), " ", "+")
+# Splits the userinfo portion of an URI in the format user:password and
+# returns the components as tuple.
+# Note: This is just a convenience method, and this form of usage is
+# deprecated as of rfc3986.
+# See: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2.1
+function userinfo(uri::URI)
+ Base.warn_once("Use of the format user:password is deprecated (rfc3986)")
+ uinfo = uri.userinfo
+ sep = search(uinfo, ':')
+ l = length(uinfo)
+ username = uinfo[1:(sep-1)]
+ password = ((sep == l) || (sep == 0)) ? "" : uinfo[(sep+1):l]
+ (username, password)
+# Splits the path into components and parameters
+# See: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.3
+function splitpath(uri::URI, starting=2)
+ elems = String[]
+ p = uri.path
+ len = length(p)
+ len > 1 || return elems
+ start_ind = i = starting # p[1] == '/'
+ while true
+ c = p[i]
+ if c == '/' || i == len
+ push!(elems, p[start_ind:i-1])
+ start_ind = i + 1
+ end
+ i += 1
+ (i > len || c in ('?', '#')) && break
+ end
+ return elems
+# Create equivalent URI without the fragment
+defrag(uri::URI) = URI(uri.scheme, uri.host, uri.port, uri.path, uri.query, "", uri.userinfo, uri.specifies_authority)
+# Validate known URI formats
+const uses_authority = ["hdfs", "ftp", "http", "gopher", "nntp", "telnet", "imap", "wais", "file", "mms", "https", "shttp", "snews", "prospero", "rtsp", "rtspu", "rsync", "svn", "svn+ssh", "sftp" ,"nfs", "git", "git+ssh", "ldap"]
+const uses_params = ["ftp", "hdl", "prospero", "http", "imap", "https", "shttp", "rtsp", "rtspu", "sip", "sips", "mms", "sftp", "tel"]
+const non_hierarchical = ["gopher", "hdl", "mailto", "news", "telnet", "wais", "imap", "snews", "sip", "sips"]
+const uses_query = ["http", "wais", "imap", "https", "shttp", "mms", "gopher", "rtsp", "rtspu", "sip", "sips", "ldap"]
+const uses_fragment = ["hdfs", "ftp", "hdl", "http", "gopher", "news", "nntp", "wais", "https", "shttp", "snews", "file", "prospero"]
+function isvalid(uri::URI)
+ scheme = uri.scheme
+ isempty(scheme) && error("Can not validate relative URI")
+ if ((scheme in non_hierarchical) && (search(uri.path, '/') > 1)) || # path hierarchy not allowed
+ (!(scheme in uses_query) && !isempty(uri.query)) || # query component not allowed
+ (!(scheme in uses_fragment) && !isempty(uri.fragment)) || # fragment identifier component not allowed
+ (!(scheme in uses_authority) && (!isempty(uri.host) || (0 != uri.port) || !isempty(uri.userinfo))) # authority component not allowed
+ return false
+ end
+ true
diff --git a/src/utils.jl b/src/utils.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..56f8f5158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Returns a string with special HTML characters escaped: &, <, >, ", '
+function escapeHTML(i::String)
+ # Refer to http://stackoverflow.com/a/7382028/3822752 for spec. links
+ o = replace(i, "&", "&")
+ o = replace(o, "\"", """)
+ o = replace(o, "'", "'")
+ o = replace(o, "<", "<")
+ o = replace(o, ">", ">")
+ return o
+@timeout secs expr then pollint
+Start executing `expr`; if it doesn't finish executing in `secs` seconds,
+then execute `then`. `pollint` controls the amount of time to wait in between
+checking if `expr` has finished executing (short for polling interval).
+macro timeout(t, expr, then, pollint=0.01)
+ return quote
+ tm = Float64($t)
+ start = time()
+ tsk = @async $expr
+ while !istaskdone(tsk) && (time() - start < tm)
+ sleep($pollint)
+ end
+ istaskdone(tsk) || $then
+ tsk.result
+ end
diff --git a/test/cert.pem b/test/cert.pem
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85029c67b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cert.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
diff --git a/test/key.pem b/test/key.pem
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8387ce8bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/key.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+-----END PRIVATE KEY-----
diff --git a/test/parser.jl b/test/parser.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ce15f19e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/parser.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+reqstr = "GET http://www.techcrunch.com/ HTTP/1.1\r\n" *
+ "Host: www.techcrunch.com\r\n" *
+ "User-Agent: Fake\r\n" *
+ "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\n" *
+ "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5\r\n" *
+ "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate\r\n" *
+ "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7\r\n" *
+ "Keep-Alive: 300\r\n" *
+ "Content-Length: 7\r\n" *
+ "Proxy-Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n"
+req = HTTP.Request("GET",
+ 1, 1,
+ "http://www.techcrunch.com/",
+ Dict("Content-Length"=>"7","Host"=>"www.techcrunch.com","Accept"=>"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8","Accept-Charset"=>"ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7","Proxy-Connection"=>"keep-alive","Accept-Language"=>"en-us,en;q=0.5","Keep-Alive"=>"300","User-Agent"=>"Fake","Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip,deflate"),
+ true,
+ UInt8[]
+@test HTTP.parse(HTTP.Request, reqstr) == req
+reqstr = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" *
+ "Host: foo.com\r\n\r\n"
+req = HTTP.Request("GET",
+ 1, 1,
+ "/", HTTP.Headers("Host"=>"foo.com"),
+ true,
+ UInt8[]
+@test HTTP.parse(HTTP.Request, reqstr) == req
+reqstr = "GET //user@host/is/actually/a/path/ HTTP/1.1\r\n" *
+ "Host: test\r\n\r\n"
+req = HTTP.Request("GET",
+ 1, 1,
+ "//user@host/is/actually/a/path/",
+ HTTP.Headers("Host"=>"test"),
+ true,
+ UInt8[]
+@test HTTP.parse(HTTP.Request, reqstr) == req
+reqstr = "GET ../../../../etc/passwd HTTP/1.1\r\n" *
+ "Host: test\r\n\r\n"
+@test_throws HTTP.ParserError HTTP.parse(HTTP.Request, reqstr)
+reqstr = "GET HTTP/1.1\r\n" *
+ "Host: test\r\n\r\n"
+@test_throws HTTP.ParserError HTTP.parse(HTTP.Request, reqstr)
+reqstr = "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n" *
+ "Host: foo.com\r\n" *
+ "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n" *
+ "3\r\nfoo\r\n" *
+ "3\r\nbar\r\n" *
+ "0\r\n" *
+ "Trailer-Key: Trailer-Value\r\n" *
+ "\r\n"
+req = HTTP.Request("POST",
+ 1, 1,
+ "/",
+ HTTP.Headers("Transfer-Encoding"=>"chunked", "Host"=>"foo.com"),
+ true,
+ "foobar".data
+@test HTTP.parse(HTTP.Request, reqstr) == req
+reqstr = "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n" *
+ "Host: foo.com\r\n" *
+ "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" *
+ "Content-Length: 9999\r\n\r\n" * # to be removed.
+ "3\r\nfoo\r\n" *
+ "3\r\nbar\r\n" *
+ "0\r\n" *
+ "\r\n"
+@test_throws HTTP.ParserError HTTP.parse(HTTP.Request, reqstr)
+reqstr = "CONNECT www.google.com:443 HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"
+req = HTTP.Request("CONNECT",
+ 1, 1,
+ "www.google.com:443",
+ HTTP.Headers(),
+ true,
+ UInt8[]
+@test HTTP.parse(HTTP.Request, reqstr) == req
+reqstr = "CONNECT HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"
+req = HTTP.Request("CONNECT",
+ 1, 1,
+ "",
+ HTTP.Headers(),
+ true,
+ UInt8[]
+@test HTTP.parse(HTTP.Request, reqstr) == req
+reqstr = "CONNECT /_goRPC_ HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"
+req = HTTP.Request("CONNECT",
+ 1, 1,
+ "/_goRPC_",
+ HTTP.Headers(),
+ true,
+ UInt8[]
+@test HTTP.parse(HTTP.Request, reqstr) == req
+reqstr = "NOTIFY * HTTP/1.1\r\nServer: foo\r\n\r\n"
+req = HTTP.Request("NOTIFY",
+ 1, 1,
+ "*",
+ HTTP.Headers("Server"=>"foo"),
+ true,
+ UInt8[]
+@test HTTP.parse(HTTP.Request, reqstr) == req
+reqstr = "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1\r\nServer: foo\r\n\r\n"
+req = HTTP.Request("OPTIONS",
+ 1, 1,
+ "*",
+ HTTP.Headers("Server"=>"foo"),
+ true,
+ UInt8[]
+@test HTTP.parse(HTTP.Request, reqstr) == req
+reqstr = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: issue8261.com\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n"
+req = HTTP.Request("GET",
+ 1, 1,
+ "/",
+ HTTP.Headers("Host"=>"issue8261.com", "Connection"=>"close"),
+ false,
+ UInt8[]
+@test HTTP.parse(HTTP.Request, reqstr) == req
+reqstr = "HEAD / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: issue8261.com\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"
+req = HTTP.Request("HEAD",
+ 1, 1,
+ "/",
+ HTTP.Headers("Host"=>"issue8261.com", "Connection"=>"close", "Content-Length"=>"0"),
+ false,
+ UInt8[]
+@test HTTP.parse(HTTP.Request, reqstr) == req
+reqstr = "POST /cgi-bin/process.cgi HTTP/1.1\r\n" *
+ "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE5.01; Windows NT)\r\n" *
+ "Host: www.tutorialspoint.com\r\n" *
+ "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\r\n" *
+ "Content-Length: 19\r\n" *
+ "Accept-Language: en-us\r\n" *
+ "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n" *
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n" *
+ "first=Zara&last=Ali\r\n\r\n"
+req = HTTP.Request("POST",
+ 1, 1,
+ "/cgi-bin/process.cgi",
+ HTTP.Headers("Host"=>"www.tutorialspoint.com",
+ "Connection"=>"Keep-Alive",
+ "Content-Length"=>"19",
+ "User-Agent"=>"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE5.01; Windows NT)",
+ "Content-Type"=>"text/xml; charset=utf-8",
+ "Accept-Language"=>"en-us",
+ "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate"),
+ true,
+ "first=Zara&last=Ali".data
+@test HTTP.parse(HTTP.Request, reqstr) == req
diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl
index a1b29087f..acce0546f 100644
--- a/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/test/runtests.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,70 @@
-using HTTP
-using Base.Test
+using HTTP, Base.Test
-# write your own tests here
-@test 1 == 2
+server_task = @async HTTP.serve()
+client = connect("")
+write(client, "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n")
+resp = String(readavailable(client))
+# reject invalid HTTP versions
+# test a variety of invalid requests (see http_parser error codes?)
+ # invalid METHOD (501 not implemented status)
+ # URI too long (414 status)
+ # invalid HTTP versions
+ # whitespace where there shouldn't be
+ # non-encoded target resource w/ spaces (return 400)
+ # duplicate headers
+ # no space between header field name and colon
+ # reject obs-fold multi-line header field values (400 bad request)
+# limit on overall header size? body size?
+# no response body
+ # HEAD requests
+ # 1xx and 2xx responses
+ # CONNECT requests
+ # 204, 304
+# no transfer-encoding header in response to:
+ # 1xx or 204 response statuses
+ # CONNECT request
+# unsupported transfer-endcoding => 501 not implemented
+# bad request 400 on multiple Content-Length headers
+# timeout and close connection when bytes received don't match Content-Length from client
+# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.5
+# ignore preceeding CRLF to request-line
+# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-4.1.1
+# ignore unsupported chunk-extensions
+# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-4.1.2
+# chunk trailer headers are handled appropriately
+# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-4.2
+# transfer-encodings supported: compress, deflate, gzip, x-gzip
+# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-5.4
+# 400 for no Host or multiple Host headers
+# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-6.1
+# test keep-alive support
+# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-6.5
+# test an inactive client (i.e. sent keep-alive, but didn't send anything else)
diff --git a/test/uri.jl b/test/uri.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b539c60b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/uri.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+urls = ["hdfs://user:password@hdfshost:9000/root/folder/file.csv#frag",
+ "https://user:password@httphost:9000/path1/path2;paramstring?q=a&p=r#frag",
+ "https://user:password@httphost:9000/path1/path2?q=a&p=r#frag",
+ "https://user:password@httphost:9000/path1/path2;paramstring#frag",
+ "https://user:password@httphost:9000/path1/path2#frag",
+ "file:///path/to/file/with%3fshould%3dwork%23fine",
+ "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt", "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt",
+ "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one", "mailto:John.Doe@example.com",
+ "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix", "tel:+1-816-555-1212", "telnet://",
+ "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2"]
+failed = 0
+for url in urls
+ u = HTTP.URI(url)
+ if !(string(u) == url) || !isvalid(u)
+ failed += 1
+ println("Test failed for ",url)
+ end
+if failed != 0
+ exit(failed)
+@test HTTP.URI("hdfs://user:password@hdfshost:9000/root/folder/file.csv") == HTTP.URI("hdfs","hdfshost",9000,"/root/folder/file.csv","","","user:password")
+@test HTTP.URI("google.com","/some/path") == HTTP.URI("http://google.com:80/some/path")
+g = HTTP.URI("google.com","/some/path")
+@test HTTP.URI(g,port=160) == HTTP.URI("http://google.com:160/some/path")
+@test HTTP.escape("abcdef αβ 1234-=~!@#\$()_+{}|[]a;") == "abcdef%20%CE%B1%CE%B2%201234-%3D~%21%40%23%24%28%29_%2B%7B%7D%7C%5B%5Da%3B"
+@test HTTP.unescape(HTTP.escape("abcdef 1234-=~!@#\$()_+{}|[]a;")) == "abcdef 1234-=~!@#\$()_+{}|[]a;"
+@test HTTP.unescape(HTTP.escape("👽")) == "👽"
+@test HTTP.escape_form("abcdef 1234-=~!@#\$()_+{}|[]a;") == "abcdef+1234-%3D~%21%40%23%24%28%29_%2B%7B%7D%7C%5B%5Da%3B"
+@test HTTP.unescape_form(HTTP.escape_form("abcdef 1234-=~!@#\$()_+{}|[]a;")) == "abcdef 1234-=~!@#\$()_+{}|[]a;"
+@test ("user", "password") == HTTP.userinfo(HTTP.URI("https://user:password@httphost:9000/path1/path2;paramstring?q=a&p=r#frag"))
+@test HTTP.URI("https://user:password@httphost:9000/path1/path2;paramstring?q=a&p=r") == HTTP.defrag(HTTP.URI("https://user:password@httphost:9000/path1/path2;paramstring?q=a&p=r#frag"))
+@test ["dc","example","dc","com"] == HTTP.path_params(HTTP.URI("ldap://ldap.example.com/dc=example,dc=com"))[1]
+@test ["servlet","jsessionid","OI24B9ASD7BSSD"] == HTTP.path_params(HTTP.URI("http://www.mysite.com/servlet;jsessionid=OI24B9ASD7BSSD"))[1]
+@test Dict("q"=>"a","p"=>"r") == HTTP.query_params(HTTP.URI("https://httphost/path1/path2;paramstring?q=a&p=r#frag"))
+@test Dict("q"=>"a","malformed"=>"") == HTTP.query_params(HTTP.URI("https://foo.net/?q=a&malformed"))
+@test false == isvalid(HTTP.URI("file:///path/to/file/with?should=work#fine"))
+@test true == isvalid(HTTP.URI("file:///path/to/file/with%3fshould%3dwork%23fine"))
+@test HTTP.URI("s3://bucket/key") == HTTP.URI("s3","bucket",0,"/key")
+@test sprint(show, HTTP.URI("http://google.com")) == "HTTP.URI(http://google.com/)"
+# Error paths
+# Non-ASCII characters
+@test_throws ErrorException HTTP.URI("http://🍕.com")
+# Unexpected start of URL
+@test_throws ErrorException HTTP.URI(".google.com")
+# Unexpected character after scheme
+@test_throws ErrorException HTTP.URI("ht!tp://google.com")
+# Issue #27
+@test HTTP.escape("t est\n") == "t%20est%0A"
+# Issue #2
+@test sprint((io, mime, obj)->show(io, mime, obj),
+ MIME("text/html"), HTTP.URI("http://google.com")) ==
+ """http://google.com/"""