K-means is a classical method for clustering or vector quantization. It produces a fixed number of clusters, each associated with a center (also known as a prototype), and each data point is assigned to a cluster with the nearest center.
From a mathematical standpoint, K-means is a coordinate descent algorithm that solves the following optimization problem:
Here, \boldsymbol{\mu}_k
is the center of the k
-th cluster, and
is an index of the cluster for i
-th point \mathbf{x}_i
If you already have a set of initial center vectors, kmeans!
could be used:
using Clustering
# make a random dataset with 1000 random 5-dimensional points
X = rand(5, 1000)
# cluster X into 20 clusters using K-means
R = kmeans(X, 20; maxiter=200, display=:iter)
@assert nclusters(R) == 20 # verify the number of clusters
a = assignments(R) # get the assignments of points to clusters
c = counts(R) # get the cluster sizes
M = R.centers # get the cluster centers
Scatter plot of the K-means clustering results:
using RDatasets, Clustering, Plots
iris = dataset("datasets", "iris"); # load the data
features = collect(Matrix(iris[:, 1:4])'); # features to use for clustering
result = kmeans(features, 3); # run K-means for the 3 clusters
# plot with the point color mapped to the assigned cluster index
scatter(iris.PetalLength, iris.PetalWidth, marker_z=result.assignments,
color=:lightrainbow, legend=false)