Fuzzy C-means is a clustering method that provides cluster membership weights instead of "hard" classification (e.g. K-means).
From a mathematical standpoint, fuzzy C-means solves the following optimization problem:
Here, \mathbf{c}_j
is the center of the j
-th cluster, w_{ij}
is the membership weight of the i
-th point in the j
-th cluster,
and \mu > 1
is a user-defined fuzziness parameter.
using Clustering
# make a random dataset with 1000 points
# each point is a 5-dimensional vector
X = rand(5, 1000)
# performs Fuzzy C-means over X, trying to group them into 3 clusters
# with a fuzziness factor of 2. Set maximum number of iterations to 200
# set display to :iter, so it shows progressive info at each iteration
R = fuzzy_cmeans(X, 3, 2, maxiter=200, display=:iter)
# get the centers (i.e. weighted mean vectors)
# M is a 5x3 matrix
# M[:, k] is the center of the k-th cluster
M = R.centers
# get the point memberships over all the clusters
# memberships is a 20x3 matrix
memberships = R.weights