diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9f17d11..690a55f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ The workshop will take place in the Randall Rollins Building (RR 201)
Slides: [here](https://github.com/JuliaPalacios/SISMID_EvolutionaryDynamics/blob/master/Lectures/2023-07-12_Introduction.pptx?raw=true)
3:30pm - 5:00pm: Lecturer: Nicola. *Getting BEAST2 to run with SARS2*
-Slides: [here](https://github.com/JuliaPalacios/SISMID_EvolutionaryDynamics/blob/master/Lectures/2023-07-12_beast_introduction.pptx?raw=true)
+Slides: [here](https://github.com/JuliaPalacios/SISMID_EvolutionaryDynamics/blob/master/Lectures/2024-07-24_beast_introduction.pptx?raw=true)
Tutorial: [Intro to BEAST2 tutorial](https://github.com/JuliaPalacios/SISMID_EvolutionaryDynamics/blob/master/Tutorials/Introduction-to-BEAST2.zip?raw=true)
**Thursday, July 25: Modeling evolution and tree priors**
8:30am - 10:00am Lecturer: Nicola *Modelling the evolution of genomes through time*
- Slides: [here](https://github.com/JuliaPalacios/SISMID_EvolutionaryDynamics/blob/master/Lectures/2023-07-13-sismid_evol_nfm.pptx?raw=true)
+ Slides: [here](/Users/nmueller/Documents/github/SISMID_EvolutionaryDynamics/Lectures/2024-07-25-sismid_evol_nfm.pptx?raw=true)
Tutorial: [BModelTest](https://github.com/JuliaPalacios/SISMID_EvolutionaryDynamics/blob/master/Tutorials/BModelTest.zip?raw=true)
10:30am - 12:00am: Lecturer: Julia *Coalescent and Birth death tree priors*
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Day 2 additional tutorial suggestions: [Model adequacy](https://taming-the-beast
**Friday, July 26: Structured populations, networks, and XML**
8:30am - 10:00am: Lecturer: Nicola *Structured populations*
- Slides: [here](https://github.com/JuliaPalacios/SISMID_EvolutionaryDynamics/blob/master/Lectures/2023-07-14-structured_nfm.pptx?raw=true)
+ Slides: [here](https://github.com/JuliaPalacios/SISMID_EvolutionaryDynamics/blob/master/Lectures/2024-07-26-structured_nfm.pptx?raw=true)
Tutorial: [MASCOT](https://github.com/JuliaPalacios/SISMID_EvolutionaryDynamics/blob/master/Tutorials/Mascot-Tutorial.zip?raw=true)
10:30am - 11:00am: Lecturer: Nicola *Multi-type birth-death models*
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Day 2 additional tutorial suggestions: [Model adequacy](https://taming-the-beast
Mini Tutorial [ggtree](https://github.com/JuliaPalacios/SISMID_EvolutionaryDynamics/blob/master/Tutorials/mascot_ggtree.zip?raw=true)
11:40am - 12:00am: Lecturer: Nicola and Julia *How does phylodynamics relate to transmission dynamics?*
- Slides: [here](https://github.com/JuliaPalacios/SISMID_EvolutionaryDynamics/blob/master/Lectures/2024-07-26-relation_phylodynamics_epidemiology.pptx)
+ Slides: [here](https://github.com/JuliaPalacios/SISMID_EvolutionaryDynamics/blob/master/Lectures/2024-07-26-relation_phylodynamics_epidemiology.pptx?raw=true)
1:30pm - 3:00pm: Lecturer: Nicola: *Recombination and Reassortment*
Slides: [here](https://github.com/JuliaPalacios/SISMID_EvolutionaryDynamics/blob/master/Lectures/2023-07-14-sismid_network_nfm.pptx?raw=true)
diff --git a/Tutorials/ParseMdtoLatex.py b/Tutorials/ParseMdtoLatex.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d64c5b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tutorials/ParseMdtoLatex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+import os, re, sys, yaml
+from subprocess import call
+from optparse import OptionParser
+# Markdown to Latex parser
+# This script parses tutorials written in Markdown to Latex. It assumes that Pandoc is installed.
+# Although Pandoc does most of the conversion, the script does some pre- and post-processing to better convert
+# difficult tags and things specific to the site's Markdown tutorials (figures, references etc.).
+# The script can also compile the resulting .tex file into .pdf and remove all temporary files produced.
+# This is NOT a proper recursive parser. It is just a hastily written script that helps to convert files. It
+# was a trade-off between the time it takes to convert things manually and the time it would take to write a
+# real parser. After running the script the file should always still be inspected by hand!
+# Details
+# - Tables are not converted and should be done by hand
+# - Some unicode characters are not correctly converted (this is an issue with pdflatex)
+# - It is assumed that images are in html tags in the Markdown tutorial
+# - The only image sizing that is recognized is width as a percentage of the panel
+# - If a different image size or no image size is specified the image is displayed at its actual size,
+# unless it is bigger than the page margins, in which case the image will be resized to fit within the
+# margins.
+# - Horizontal lines will be removed and replaced with new pages. This could be an issue when code blocks
+# contain series of dashes (----) as these will also be removed.
+# TODO:
+# - Contents of figure captions are not always parsed correctly (if it contains math etc.)
+# Parameters
+usage = "usage: %prog [option]"
+parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
+ dest = "inputfile",
+ default = "",
+ metavar = "file",
+ help = "Input file [required]")
+ dest = "outputfile",
+ default = "",
+ metavar = "file",
+ help = "Name of the output file (by default it is the same as the input) [required]")
+ dest = "template",
+ default = "",
+ metavar = "file",
+ help = "Pandoc template file to use (if not specified use pandoc default) [required]")
+ dest = "title",
+ default = "Untitled tutorial",
+ metavar = "string",
+ help = "Title of tutorial in quotes (if not already in yaml header) [required]")
+ dest = "subtitle",
+ default = "",
+ metavar = "string",
+ help = "Subtitle of tutorial in quotes (if not already in yaml header) [required]")
+ dest = "version",
+ default = "2.x",
+ metavar = "string",
+ help = "Version of BEAST the tutorial is written for (if not already in yaml header) [required]")
+ action = "store_true",
+ default = False,
+ dest = "remove",
+ metavar = "boolean",
+ help = "Remove temporary files (default=%default) [required]")
+ action = "store_true",
+ default = False,
+ dest = "latex",
+ metavar = "boolean",
+ help = "Compile output file with pdflatex (default=%default) [required]")
+(options,args) = parser.parse_args()
+inputfile = os.path.abspath(options.inputfile)
+outputfile = os.path.abspath(options.outputfile) if options.outputfile != "" else inputfile[:inputfile.rfind('.')]+".tex"
+template = os.path.abspath(options.template) if options.template != "" else ""
+title = options.title
+subtitle = options.subtitle
+version = options.version
+remove = options.remove
+latex = options.latex
+signature = "% This file was created (at least in part) by the script ParseMdtoLatex by Louis du Plessis\n" \
+ + "% (Available from https://github.com/taming-the-beast)\n\n"
+def getPandocCall(inputfile, outputfile, template=""):
+ call = ["pandoc"]
+ # Output file
+ call.append("-o")
+ call.append(outputfile)
+ # Standalone file
+ call.append("-s")
+ if (template != ""):
+ call.append("--template")
+ call.append(template)
+ # Do not parse html blocks
+ #call.append("-R")
+ # Use listings package for code blocks
+ call.append("--listings")
+ # Input file
+ call.append(inputfile)
+ return(call)
+def getYamlHeader(text):
+ match = re.match("(\A---.*?)---",text, re.DOTALL)
+ header = yaml.load(match.groups(0)[0])
+ if (title != "Untitled tutorial"):
+ header["title"] = title
+ if (subtitle != ""):
+ header["subtitle"] = subtitle
+ if ("beastversion" not in header):
+ header["beastversion"] = version
+ if ("author" in header.keys()):
+ authors = header["author"].split(",")
+ if (len(authors) > 1):
+ header["author"] = ", ".join(authors[:-1]) + " and " + authors[-1]
+ else:
+ header["author"] = "Anonymous"
+ return((header,text[match.end():]))
+def parseLiquid(text, header=None):
+ start = 0
+ while (True):
+ # Match the next liquid tag
+ # {% (tag) (content) %}
+ # Can be multiline
+ match = re.search(r'{%\s(.*?)\s(.*?)%}', text, re.DOTALL)
+ # No more matches
+ if (match == None):
+ break
+ (tag,content) = match.groups()
+ # Process tags
+ if (tag == "eq"):
+ replacement = "\\begin{equation}\n\t%s\n\end{equation}" % content.strip()
+ elif (tag == "eqinline"):
+ replacement = "`$ %s $`" % content.strip()
+ #replacement = ""
+ elif (tag == "cite"):
+ replacement = "\citep{%s}" % content[:content.find("--")].strip()
+ elif (tag == "bibliography"):
+ parts = content.split()
+ for i in range(0,len(parts)):
+ if (parts[i] == "--file"):
+ bibfile = parts[i+1]
+ if (bibfile.find('/') > 0):
+ bibfile = bibfile[bibfile.rfind('/')+1:]
+ if (header != None):
+ header["bibtex"] = bibfile
+ replacement = ""
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write("WARNING Unsupported tag: %s\n" % (text[match.start():match.end()]))
+ sys.stdout.write("skipping...\n")
+ replacement = ""
+ text = text[:match.start()] + replacement + text[match.end():]
+ return(text)
+def parseFigures(text):
+ start = 0
+ while (True):
+ # Match the next html figure tag
+ # Can be multiline
+ match = re.search(r'.*?.*?(.*?) .*? ', text, re.DOTALL)
+ # No more matches
+ if (match == None):
+ break
+ (label, figure, caption) = match.groups()
+ # Process \includegraphics
+ scale = "[max width=\\textwidth, max height=0.9\\textheight]"
+ for part in figure.strip().split():
+ (tag,content) = part.split("=")
+ if (tag == "src"):
+ figfile = content.replace('"',"")
+ if (tag == "style"):
+ if (content[1:6].lower() == "width" and content[-3:-1] == '%;'):
+ mult = float(content[content.find(':')+1:content.find('%')])/100
+ scale = "[width=%.6f\\textwidth]" % mult
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write("WARNING Unsupported image style specification %s in '%.20s...'\n" % (part, caption))
+ sys.stdout.write("skipping...\n")
+ # Process \caption
+ # TODO: Should actually run the caption through pandoc to parse the caption body text
+ caption = caption.replace("%","\%")
+ if (re.match(r'[f|F]igure\s\d+:',caption)):
+ caption = caption[caption.find(':')+1:].strip()
+ replacement = "\\begin{figure}\n\t\centering\n"
+ replacement += "\t\includegraphics%s{%s}\n" % (scale, figfile)
+ replacement += "\t\caption{%s}\n" % caption.strip()
+ replacement += "\t\label{%s}\n" % label.strip()
+ replacement += "\end{figure}\n"
+ text = text[:match.start()] + replacement + text[match.end():]
+ return(text)
+# Assumes each figure contains only one image
+def parseFiguresStepwise(text):
+ start = 0
+ while (True):
+ # Match the next html figure tag
+ # Can be multiline
+ match = re.search(r'(.*?) ', text, re.DOTALL)
+ # No more matches
+ if (match == None):
+ break
+ label = re.search(r'', match.groups()[0], re.DOTALL)
+ caption = re.search(r'(.*?) ', match.groups()[0], re.DOTALL)
+ replacement = "\\begin{figure}\n\t\centering\n"
+ # Process \includegraphics
+ if (figure != None):
+ scale = "[max width=\\textwidth, max height=0.9\\textheight]"
+ for part in figure.groups()[0].strip().split():
+ (tag,content) = part.split("=")
+ if (tag == "src"):
+ figfile = content.replace('"',"")
+ if (tag == "style"):
+ if (content[1:6].lower() == "width" and content[-3:-1] == '%;'):
+ mult = float(content[content.find(':')+1:content.find('%')])/100
+ scale = "[width=%.6f\\textwidth]" % mult
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write("WARNING Unsupported image style specification %s in '%.20s...'\n" % (part, caption))
+ sys.stdout.write("skipping...\n")
+ replacement += "\t\includegraphics%s{%s}\n" % (scale, figfile)
+ #
+ # Process \caption
+ if (caption != None):
+ # Should actually run the caption through pandoc to parse the caption body text
+ captionstr = caption.groups()[0].replace("%","\%")
+ if (re.match(r'[f|F]igure\s\d+:',captionstr)):
+ captionstr = captionstr[captionstr.find(':')+1:]
+ replacement += "\t\caption{%s}\n" % captionstr.strip()
+ #
+ # Process label
+ if (label != None):
+ replacement += "\t\label{%s}\n" % label.groups()[0].strip()
+ replacement += "\end{figure}\n"
+ text = text[:match.start()] + replacement + text[match.end():]
+ return(text)
+def parseFigureRefs(text):
+ start = 0
+ while (True):
+ # Match the next figure reference
+ # [Figure (number)](#(label))
+ # Can be multiline
+ match = re.search(r'\[Figure\s\d+\]\(#(.+?)\)', text, re.DOTALL)
+ # No more matches
+ if (match == None):
+ break
+ label = match.groups(0)[0]
+ replacement = "Figure \\ref{%s}" % label.strip()
+ text = text[:match.start()] + replacement + text[match.end():]
+ return(text)
+def removeMdLines(text):
+ start = 0
+ while (True):
+ # Match the next horizontal line
+ # Three or more dashes (---)
+ # Can be multiline
+ match = re.search(r'\n\n---*', text, re.DOTALL)
+ # No more matches
+ if (match == None):
+ break
+ text = text[:match.start()] + "\n\clearpage\n" + text[match.end():]
+ return(text)
+def formatInlineMath(text):
+ start = 0
+ while (True):
+ # Match the next inline equation
+ # \lstinline!$(math)$!
+ # Can be multiline
+ match = re.search(r'\\lstinline\!\$(.+?)\$\!', text, re.DOTALL)
+ # No more matches
+ if (match == None):
+ break
+ label = match.groups(0)[0]
+ replacement = "$ %s $" % label.replace("\\\\","\\").strip()
+ text = text[:match.start()] + replacement + text[match.end():]
+ return(text)
+def formatSuperscript(text):
+ super_regex = [r'(\\\^\{\}\((.+?)\))([^\)])', r'(\\\^\{\}(\w+?))(\W)']
+ for regex in super_regex:
+ start = 0
+ while (True):
+ # Match the next text superscript (no parentheses)
+ # \^{}(superscript)
+ # Can be multiline
+ #match = re.search(r'\\\^\{\}(\w+?)\W', text, re.DOTALL)
+ #match = re.search(r'\\\^\{\}[\((.+?)\)[^\)]', text, re.DOTALL)
+ match = re.search(regex, text, re.DOTALL)
+ # No more matches
+ if (match == None):
+ break
+ replacement = "$^{%s}$%s" % (match.groups(1)[1], match.groups(1)[2])
+ text = text[:match.start()] + replacement + text[match.end():]
+ return(text)
+def removeRefSection(text):
+ start = 0
+ while (True):
+ # Remove the heading relevant references at the end
+ # \section{Relevant References}\label{relevant-references}
+ # Can be multiline
+ match = re.search(r'\\section\{Relevant References\}\\label{relevant-references}', text, re.DOTALL & re.IGNORECASE)
+ # No more matches
+ if (match == None):
+ break
+ text = text[:match.start()] + text[match.end():]
+ return(text)
+# Pre-processing #
+text = open(inputfile,'r').read()
+# Read header
+(header, text) = getYamlHeader(text)
+# Parse liquid tags
+text = parseLiquid(text, header=header)
+# Parse figures in html tags
+text = parseFiguresStepwise(text)
+# Parse figure references
+text = parseFigureRefs(text)
+# Remove horizontal lines
+text = removeMdLines(text)
+# Add header to text and save temporary file
+outfile = open(inputfile[:inputfile.rfind('.')]+"-temp"+inputfile[inputfile.rfind('.'):],'w', encoding='utf-8')
+#for key in header:
+# outfile.write("%s : %s\n" % (key, header[key]))
+yaml.dump(header, outfile, default_flow_style=False, encoding='utf-8')
+# Pandoc conversion #
+ inputfile[:inputfile.rfind('.')]+"-temp.tex", template=template))
+# Post-processing #
+text = open(inputfile[:inputfile.rfind('.')]+"-temp.tex",'r').read()
+# Framed boxes (quotes)
+text = text.replace("\\begin{quote}","\\begin{framed}").replace("\end{quote}","\end{framed}")
+# Format inline math (not properly converted by pandoc)
+text = formatInlineMath(text)
+# Format text superscripts (does not work perfectly)
+text = formatSuperscript(text)
+# Remove relevant references heading
+text = removeRefSection(text)
+# Remove unknown latex tags that pandoc inserts
+# remove \toprule, \bottomrule, \tightlist
+text = text.replace("\\toprule","").replace("\\bottomrule","").replace("\\tightlist","")
+outfile = open(outputfile,'w',encoding='utf-8')
+outfile.write(signature + text)
+# Remove temporary files
+if (remove):
+ os.remove(inputfile[:inputfile.rfind('.')]+"-temp.tex")
+ os.remove(inputfile[:inputfile.rfind('.')]+"-temp"+inputfile[inputfile.rfind('.'):])
+# Compile latex #
+if (latex):
+ outputpath = outputfile[:outputfile.rfind('/')]+"/"
+ filename = outputfile[outputfile.rfind('/')+1:outputfile.rfind('.')]
+ here = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(outputpath)
+ call(['pdflatex',filename+'.tex'])
+ if ('bibtex' in header.keys()):
+ print (['bibtex',filename])
+ call(['bibtex',filename])
+ call(['pdflatex',filename+'.tex'])
+ call(['pdflatex',filename+'.tex'])
+ # Remove temporary files
+ if (remove):
+ os.remove(filename+".aux")
+ os.remove(filename+".log")
+ os.remove(filename+".out")
+ os.remove(filename+".run.xml")
+ if ('bibtex' in header.keys()):
+ os.remove(filename+"-blx.bib")
+ os.remove(filename+".bbl")
+ os.remove(filename+".blg")
+ os.chdir(here)