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base repository: JuliaLang/julia
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: 7634bb4fc6ed2f43cf51be7b8f5fdab38d28591b
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head repository: JuliaLang/julia
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: 28dc1a7e51d0d6a4aeca5f6f4c0e70c772c15981
Choose a head ref
Showing with 13 additions and 15 deletions.
  1. +13 −15 base/stat.jl
28 changes: 13 additions & 15 deletions base/stat.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -57,23 +57,21 @@ StatStruct(buf::Union{Vector{UInt8},Ptr{UInt8}}) = StatStruct(
ccall(:jl_stat_ctime, Float64, (Ptr{UInt8},), buf),

function show(io::IO, st::Base.StatStruct)
function show(io::IO, st::StatStruct)
str = sprint() do iob
println(iob, "StatStruct")
println(iob, "Name | Value")
println(iob, "--------|----------")
println(iob, "size | $(st.size)")
println(iob, "device | $(st.device)")
println(iob, "inode | $(st.inode)")
println(iob, "mode | 0o$(string(filemode(st), base = 8, pad = 6))")
println(iob, "nlink | $(st.nlink)")
println(iob, "uid | $(st.uid)")
println(iob, "gid | $(st.gid)")
println(iob, "rdev | $(st.rdev)")
println(iob, "blksize | $(st.blksize)")
println(iob, "blocks | $(st.blocks)")
println(iob, "mtime | $(st.mtime)")
println(iob, "ctime | $(st.ctime)")
println(iob, " size: $(st.size)")
println(iob, " device: $(st.device)")
println(iob, " inode: $(st.inode)")
println(iob, " mode: 0o$(string(filemode(st), base = 8, pad = 6))")
println(iob, " nlink: $(st.nlink)")
println(iob, " uid: $(st.uid)")
println(iob, " gid: $(st.gid)")
println(iob, " rdev: $(st.rdev)")
println(iob, "blksize: $(st.blksize)")
println(iob, " blocks: $(st.blocks)")
println(iob, " mtime: $(st.mtime)")
println(iob, " ctime: $(st.ctime)")
print(io, str)