diff --git a/doc/man/julia.1 b/doc/man/julia.1
index 2d7f41b2217bc..6320536cbbc74 100644
--- a/doc/man/julia.1
+++ b/doc/man/julia.1
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Display version information
-h, --help
-Print help message
+Print command-line options (this message)
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Start up with the given system image file
-H, --home
-Set location of julia executable
+Set location of `julia` executable
@@ -95,39 +95,42 @@ Use native code from system image if available
Enable or disable incremental precompilation of modules.
-The "existing" option allows use of existing compiled modules that were previously precompiled, but disallows creation of new precompile files.
-The "strict" option is similar, but will error if no precompile file is found.
+The `existing` option allows use of existing compiled modules that were
+previously precompiled, but disallows creation of new precompile files.
+The `strict` option is similar, but will error if no precompile file is found.
Enable or disable usage of native code caching in the form of pkgimages
+The `existing` option allows use of existing pkgimages but disallows creation of new ones
-e, --eval
--m, --module [args]
-Run entry point of `Package` (`@main` function) with `args'.
-E, --print
Evaluate and display the result
+-m, --module [args]
+Run entry point of `Package` (`@main` function) with `args'
-L, --load
Load immediately on all processors
--t, --threads
-Enable n threads; "auto" tries to infer a useful default number
-of threads to use but the exact behavior might change in the future.
-Currently, "auto" uses the number of CPUs assigned to this julia
-process based on the OS-specific affinity assignment interface, if
-supported (Linux and Windows). If this is not supported (macOS) or
-process affinity is not configured, it uses the number of CPU
+-t, --threads {auto|N[,auto|M]}
+Enable N[+M] threads; N threads are assigned to the `default`
+threadpool, and if M is specified, M threads are assigned to the
+`interactive` threadpool; `auto` tries to infer a useful
+default number of threads to use but the exact behavior might change
+in the future. Currently sets N to the number of CPUs assigned to
+this Julia process based on the OS-specific affinity assignment
+interface if supported (Linux and Windows) or to the number of CPU
+threads if not supported (MacOS) or if process affinity is not
+configured, and sets M to 1.
@@ -144,7 +147,7 @@ as the number of local CPU threads (logical cores)
Run processes on hosts listed in
+-i, --interactive
Interactive mode; REPL runs and `isinteractive()` is true
@@ -152,7 +155,7 @@ Interactive mode; REPL runs and `isinteractive()` is true
Quiet startup: no banner, suppress REPL warnings
Enable or disable startup banner
@@ -180,15 +183,15 @@ Enable or disable warning for ambiguous top-level scope
Limit usage of CPU features up to ; set to `help` to see the available options
--O, --optimize={0,1,2*,3}
+-O, --optimize={0|1|2*|3}
Set the optimization level (level 3 if `-O` is used without a level)
Set a lower bound on the optimization level
--g {0,1*,2}
+-g, --debug-info={0|1*|2}
Set the level of debug info generation (level 2 if `-g` is used without a level)
@@ -203,6 +206,10 @@ Emit bounds checks always, never, or respect @inbounds declarations
Always follow `ieee` floating point semantics or respect `@fastmath` declarations
+Enable or disable the polyhedral optimizer Polly (overrides @polly declaration)
Count executions of source lines (omitting setting is equivalent to `user`)
@@ -213,8 +220,8 @@ Count executions of source lines in a file or files under a given directory. A `
be placed before the path to indicate this option. A `@` with no path will track the current directory.
- --code-coverage=tracefile.info
- Append coverage information to the LCOV tracefile (filename supports format tokens)
+Append coverage information to the LCOV tracefile (filename supports format tokens)
@@ -222,8 +229,8 @@ Count bytes allocated by each source line (omitting setting is equivalent to `us
-Count bytes allocated by each source line in a file or files under a given directory. A `@`
-must be placed before the path to indicate this option. A `@` with no path will track the current directory.
+Count bytes but only in files that fall under the given file path/directory.
+The `@` prefix is required to select this option. A `@` with no path will track the current directory.
@@ -233,7 +240,7 @@ fallbacks to the latest compatible BugReporting.jl if not. For more information,
Forces garbage collection if memory usage is higher than the given value.
The value may be specified as a number of bytes, optionally in units of
KB, MB, GB, or TB, or as a percentage of physical memory with %.
@@ -275,13 +282,17 @@ Generate an assembly file (.s)
Generate an incremental output file (rather than complete)
Print precompile statements for methods compiled during execution or save to a path
Force generate code in imaging mode
+Copy the data section of package images into memory
See https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/environment-variables/
diff --git a/doc/src/manual/command-line-interface.md b/doc/src/manual/command-line-interface.md
index 1bb9507756aec..50002801e06f8 100644
--- a/doc/src/manual/command-line-interface.md
+++ b/doc/src/manual/command-line-interface.md
@@ -164,44 +164,47 @@ The following is a complete list of command-line switches available when launchi
|Switch |Description|
|:--- |:---|
|`-v`, `--version` |Display version information|
-|`-h`, `--help` |Print command-line options (this message).|
-|`--help-hidden` |Uncommon options not shown by `-h`|
+|`-h`, `--help` |Print command-line options (this message)|
+|`--help-hidden` |Print uncommon options not shown by `-h`|
|`--project[={\|@.}]` |Set `` as the active project/environment. The default `@.` option will search through parent directories until a `Project.toml` or `JuliaProject.toml` file is found.|
|`-J`, `--sysimage ` |Start up with the given system image file|
|`-H`, `--home ` |Set location of `julia` executable|
|`--startup-file={yes*\|no}` |Load `JULIA_DEPOT_PATH/config/startup.jl`; if [`JULIA_DEPOT_PATH`](@ref JULIA_DEPOT_PATH) environment variable is unset, load `~/.julia/config/startup.jl`|
|`--handle-signals={yes*\|no}` |Enable or disable Julia's default signal handlers|
|`--sysimage-native-code={yes*\|no}` |Use native code from system image if available|
-|`--compiled-modules={yes*\|no\|existing|strict}` |Enable or disable incremental precompilation of modules. The `existing` option allows use of existing compiled modules that were previously precompiled, but disallows creation of new precompile files. The `strict` option is similar, but will error if no precompile file is found. |
-|`--pkgimages={yes*\|no|existing}` |Enable or disable usage of native code caching in the form of pkgimages. The `existing` option allows use of existing pkgimages but disallows creation of new ones|
+|`--compiled-modules={yes*\|no\|existing\|strict}` |Enable or disable incremental precompilation of modules. The `existing` option allows use of existing compiled modules that were previously precompiled, but disallows creation of new precompile files. The `strict` option is similar, but will error if no precompile file is found. |
+|`--pkgimages={yes*\|no\|existing}` |Enable or disable usage of native code caching in the form of pkgimages. The `existing` option allows use of existing pkgimages but disallows creation of new ones|
|`-e`, `--eval ` |Evaluate ``|
|`-E`, `--print ` |Evaluate `` and display the result|
+|`-m`, `--module [args]` |Run entry point of `Package` (`@main` function) with `args'|
|`-L`, `--load ` |Load `` immediately on all processors|
-|`-t`, `--threads {N\|auto}` |Enable N threads; `auto` tries to infer a useful default number of threads to use but the exact behavior might change in the future. Currently, `auto` uses the number of CPUs assigned to this julia process based on the OS-specific affinity assignment interface, if supported (Linux and Windows). If this is not supported (macOS) or process affinity is not configured, it uses the number of CPU threads.|
+|`-t`, `--threads {auto\|N[,auto\|M]}` |Enable N[+M] threads; N threads are assigned to the `default` threadpool, and if M is specified, M threads are assigned to the `interactive` threadpool; `auto` tries to infer a useful default number of threads to use but the exact behavior might change in the future. Currently sets N to the number of CPUs assigned to this Julia process based on the OS-specific affinity assignment interface if supported (Linux and Windows) or to the number of CPU threads if not supported (MacOS) or if process affinity is not configured, and sets M to 1.|
| `--gcthreads=N[,M]` |Use N threads for the mark phase of GC and M (0 or 1) threads for the concurrent sweeping phase of GC. N is set to half of the number of compute threads and M is set to 0 if unspecified.|
|`-p`, `--procs {N\|auto}` |Integer value N launches N additional local worker processes; `auto` launches as many workers as the number of local CPU threads (logical cores)|
|`--machine-file ` |Run processes on hosts listed in ``|
-|`-i` |Interactive mode; REPL runs and `isinteractive()` is true|
+|`-i`, `--interactive` |Interactive mode; REPL runs and `isinteractive()` is true|
|`-q`, `--quiet` |Quiet startup: no banner, suppress REPL warnings|
-|`--banner={yes\|no\|auto*}` |Enable or disable startup banner|
+|`--banner={yes\|no\|short\|auto*}` |Enable or disable startup banner|
|`--color={yes\|no\|auto*}` |Enable or disable color text|
|`--history-file={yes*\|no}` |Load or save history|
|`--depwarn={yes\|no*\|error}` |Enable or disable syntax and method deprecation warnings (`error` turns warnings into errors)|
|`--warn-overwrite={yes\|no*}` |Enable or disable method overwrite warnings|
|`--warn-scope={yes*\|no}` |Enable or disable warning for ambiguous top-level scope|
|`-C`, `--cpu-target ` |Limit usage of CPU features up to ``; set to `help` to see the available options|
-|`-O`, `--optimize={0,1,2*,3}` |Set the optimization level (level is 3 if `-O` is used without a level) ($)|
-|`--min-optlevel={0*,1,2,3}` |Set the lower bound on per-module optimization|
-|`-g`, `--debug-info={0,1*,2}` |Set the level of debug info generation (level is 2 if `-g` is used without a level) ($)|
+|`-O`, `--optimize={0\|1\|2*\|3}` |Set the optimization level (level is 3 if `-O` is used without a level) ($)|
+|`--min-optlevel={0*\|1\|2\|3}` |Set the lower bound on per-module optimization|
+|`-g`, `--debug-info={0\|1*\|2}` |Set the level of debug info generation (level is 2 if `-g` is used without a level) ($)|
|`--inline={yes\|no}` |Control whether inlining is permitted, including overriding `@inline` declarations|
|`--check-bounds={yes\|no\|auto*}` |Emit bounds checks always, never, or respect `@inbounds` declarations ($)|
|`--math-mode={ieee\|user*}` |Always follow `ieee` floating point semantics or respect `@fastmath` declarations|
+|`--polly={yes*\|no}` |Enable or disable the polyhedral optimizer Polly (overrides @polly declaration)|
|`--code-coverage[={none*\|user\|all}]` |Count executions of source lines (omitting setting is equivalent to `user`)|
|`--code-coverage=@` |Count executions but only in files that fall under the given file path/directory. The `@` prefix is required to select this option. A `@` with no path will track the current directory.|
|`--code-coverage=tracefile.info` |Append coverage information to the LCOV tracefile (filename supports format tokens).|
|`--track-allocation[={none*\|user\|all}]` |Count bytes allocated by each source line (omitting setting is equivalent to "user")|
|`--track-allocation=@` |Count bytes but only in files that fall under the given file path/directory. The `@` prefix is required to select this option. A `@` with no path will track the current directory.|
|`--bug-report=KIND` |Launch a bug report session. It can be used to start a REPL, run a script, or evaluate expressions. It first tries to use BugReporting.jl installed in current environment and falls back to the latest compatible BugReporting.jl if not. For more information, see `--bug-report=help`.|
+|`--heap-size-hint=` |Forces garbage collection if memory usage is higher than the given value. The value may be specified as a number of bytes, optionally in units of KB, MB, GB, or TB, or as a percentage of physical memory with %.|
|`--compile={yes*\|no\|all\|min}` |Enable or disable JIT compiler, or request exhaustive or minimal compilation|
|`--output-o ` |Generate an object file (including system image data)|
|`--output-ji ` |Generate a system image data file (.ji)|
@@ -211,9 +214,9 @@ The following is a complete list of command-line switches available when launchi
|`--output-bc ` |Generate LLVM bitcode (.bc)|
|`--output-asm ` |Generate an assembly file (.s)|
|`--output-incremental={yes\|no*}` |Generate an incremental output file (rather than complete)|
-|`--trace-compile={stderr,name}` |Print precompile statements for methods compiled during execution or save to a path|
+|`--trace-compile={stderr\|name}` |Print precompile statements for methods compiled during execution or save to a path|
|`--image-codegen` |Force generate code in imaging mode|
-|`--heap-size-hint=` |Forces garbage collection if memory usage is higher than the given value. The value may be specified as a number of bytes, optionally in units of KB, MB, GB, or TB, or as a percentage of physical memory with %.|
+|`--permalloc-pkgimg={yes\|no*}` |Copy the data section of package images into memory|
!!! compat "Julia 1.1"
diff --git a/src/jloptions.c b/src/jloptions.c
index 9020404e70781..6980d4b8b235c 100644
--- a/src/jloptions.c
+++ b/src/jloptions.c
@@ -108,11 +108,13 @@ static const char usage[] = "\n julia [switches] -- [programfile] [args...]\n
static const char opts[] =
"Switches (a '*' marks the default value, if applicable; settings marked '($)' may trigger package precompilation):\n\n"
" -v, --version Display version information\n"
- " -h, --help Print this message (--help-hidden for more)\n"
- " --help-hidden Uncommon options not shown by `-h`\n\n"
+ " -h, --help Print command-line options (this message)\n"
+ " --help-hidden Print uncommon options not shown by `-h`\n\n"
// startup options
- " --project[={|@.}] Set as the active project/environment\n"
+ " --project[={|@.}] Set as the active project/environment.\n"
+ " The default @. option will search through parent directories\n"
+ " until a Project.toml or JuliaProject.toml file is found.\n"
" -J, --sysimage Start up with the given system image file\n"
" -H, --home Set location of `julia` executable\n"
" --startup-file={yes*|no} Load `JULIA_DEPOT_PATH/config/startup.jl`; if `JULIA_DEPOT_PATH`\n"
@@ -122,8 +124,12 @@ static const char opts[] =
" Use native code from system image if available\n"
" --compiled-modules={yes*|no|existing|strict}\n"
" Enable or disable incremental precompilation of modules\n"
+ " The `existing` option allows use of existing compiled modules that were\n"
+ " previously precompiled, but disallows creation of new precompile files.\n"
+ " The `strict` option is similar, but will error if no precompile file is found.\n"
" --pkgimages={yes*|no|existing}\n"
- " Enable or disable usage of native code caching in the form of pkgimages ($)\n\n"
+ " Enable or disable usage of native code caching in the form of pkgimages\n"
+ " The `existing` option allows use of existing pkgimages but disallows creation of new ones ($)\n\n"
// actions
" -e, --eval Evaluate \n"
@@ -136,7 +142,7 @@ static const char opts[] =
" -t, --threads {auto|N[,auto|M]}\n"
" Enable N[+M] threads; N threads are assigned to the `default`\n"
" threadpool, and if M is specified, M threads are assigned to the\n"
- " `interactive` threadpool; \"auto\" tries to infer a useful\n"
+ " `interactive` threadpool; `auto` tries to infer a useful\n"
" default number of threads to use but the exact behavior might change\n"
" in the future. Currently sets N to the number of CPUs assigned to\n"
" this Julia process based on the OS-specific affinity assignment\n"
@@ -146,7 +152,7 @@ static const char opts[] =
" --gcthreads=N[,M] Use N threads for the mark phase of GC and M (0 or 1) threads for the concurrent sweeping phase of GC.\n"
" N is set to half of the number of compute threads and M is set to 0 if unspecified.\n"
" -p, --procs {N|auto} Integer value N launches N additional local worker processes\n"
- " \"auto\" launches as many workers as the number of local CPU threads (logical cores)\n"
+ " `auto` launches as many workers as the number of local CPU threads (logical cores)\n"
" --machine-file Run processes on hosts listed in \n\n"
// interactive options
@@ -164,20 +170,20 @@ static const char opts[] =
// code generation options
" -C, --cpu-target Limit usage of CPU features up to ; set to `help` to see the available options\n"
- " -O, --optimize={0,1,2*,3} Set the optimization level (level 3 if `-O` is used without a level) ($)\n"
- " --min-optlevel={0*,1,2,3} Set a lower bound on the optimization level\n"
+ " -O, --optimize={0|1|2*|3} Set the optimization level (level 3 if `-O` is used without a level) ($)\n"
+ " --min-optlevel={0*|1|2|3} Set a lower bound on the optimization level\n"
- " -g, --debug-info=[{0,1,2*}] Set the level of debug info generation in the julia-debug build ($)\n"
+ " -g, --debug-info=[{0|1|2*}] Set the level of debug info generation in the julia-debug build ($)\n"
- " -g, --debug-info=[{0,1*,2}] Set the level of debug info generation (level 2 if `-g` is used without a level) ($)\n"
+ " -g, --debug-info=[{0|1*|2}] Set the level of debug info generation (level 2 if `-g` is used without a level) ($)\n"
" --inline={yes*|no} Control whether inlining is permitted, including overriding @inline declarations\n"
" --check-bounds={yes|no|auto*}\n"
" Emit bounds checks always, never, or respect @inbounds declarations ($)\n"
+ " --math-mode={ieee|user*} Always follow `ieee` floating point semantics or respect `@fastmath` declarations\n\n"
#ifdef USE_POLLY
" --polly={yes*|no} Enable or disable the polyhedral optimizer Polly (overrides @polly declaration)\n"
- " --math-mode={ieee|user*} Always follow `ieee` floating point semantics or respect `@fastmath` declarations\n\n"
// instrumentation options
" --code-coverage[={none*|user|all}]\n"
@@ -223,7 +229,7 @@ static const char opts_hidden[] =
" --output-asm Generate an assembly file (.s)\n"
" --output-incremental={yes|no*}\n"
" Generate an incremental output file (rather than complete)\n"
- " --trace-compile={stderr,name}\n"
+ " --trace-compile={stderr|name}\n"
" Print precompile statements for methods compiled during execution or save to a path\n"
" --image-codegen Force generate code in imaging mode\n"
" --permalloc-pkgimg={yes|no*} Copy the data section of package images into memory\n"