diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6987f2e1b..7d51bd52f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -121,15 +121,6 @@ Currently, the `@compat` macro supports the following syntaxes:
 * `reprmime(mime, x)` is now `repr(mime, x)` ([#25990]) and `mimewritable` is now `showable` ([#26089]).
-* `search` is now `findfirst`/`findnext` and `rsearch` is now `findlast`/`findprev`,
-  sometimes combined with `isequal` or `in` ([#24673], [#26436]).
-* `Compat.findfirst`, `Compat.findnext`, `Compat.findlast` and `Compat.findprev`,
-  return `nothing` when no match is found (rather than `0` or `0:-1`)
-  as on Julia 0.7 ([#24673], [#26149]).
-* `findin(a, b)` is now `findall(in(b), a)` ([#24673]).
 * `Compat.indexin` accepts any iterable as first argument, returns `nothing` (rather than `0`)
    for entries with no match and gives the index of the first (rather than the last) match
    ([#25662], [#25998]).
diff --git a/src/Compat.jl b/src/Compat.jl
index bb7ff2a15..d6afd7610 100644
--- a/src/Compat.jl
+++ b/src/Compat.jl
@@ -75,55 +75,6 @@ end
-@static if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.3272"
-    zero2nothing(x::Integer) = x == 0 ? nothing : x
-    zero2nothing(x::AbstractUnitRange{<:Integer}) = x == 0:-1 ? nothing : x
-    zero2nothing(x) = x
-    findnext(xs...) = zero2nothing(Base.findnext(xs...))
-    findfirst(xs...) = zero2nothing(Base.findfirst(xs...))
-    findprev(xs...) = zero2nothing(Base.findprev(xs...))
-    findlast(xs...) = zero2nothing(Base.findlast(xs...))
-    Base.findnext(r::Regex, s::AbstractString, idx::Integer) = search(s, r, idx)
-    Base.findfirst(r::Regex, s::AbstractString) = search(s, r)
-    Base.findnext(c::Fix2{typeof(isequal),Char}, s::AbstractString, i::Integer) = search(s, c.x, i)
-    Base.findfirst(c::Fix2{typeof(isequal),Char}, s::AbstractString) = search(s, c.x)
-    Base.findnext(b::Fix2{typeof(isequal),<:Union{Int8,UInt8}}, a::Vector{<:Union{Int8,UInt8}}, i::Integer) =
-        search(a, b.x, i)
-    Base.findfirst(b::Fix2{typeof(isequal),<:Union{Int8,UInt8}}, a::Vector{<:Union{Int8,UInt8}}) =
-        search(a, b.x)
-    Base.findnext(c::Fix2{typeof(in),<:Union{Tuple{Vararg{Char}},AbstractVector{Char},Set{Char}}},
-             s::AbstractString, i::Integer) =
-        search(s, c.x, i)
-    Base.findfirst(c::Fix2{typeof(in),<:Union{Tuple{Vararg{Char}},AbstractVector{Char},Set{Char}}},
-              s::AbstractString) =
-        search(s, c.x)
-    Base.findnext(t::AbstractString, s::AbstractString, i::Integer) = search(s, t, i)
-    Base.findfirst(t::AbstractString, s::AbstractString) = search(s, t)
-    Base.findfirst(delim::Fix2{typeof(isequal),UInt8}, buf::Base.IOBuffer) = search(buf, delim.x)
-    Base.findprev(c::Fix2{typeof(isequal),Char}, s::AbstractString, i::Integer) = rsearch(s, c.x, i)
-    Base.findlast(c::Fix2{typeof(isequal),Char}, s::AbstractString) = rsearch(s, c.x)
-    Base.findprev(b::Fix2{typeof(isequal),<:Union{Int8,UInt8}}, a::Vector{<:Union{Int8,UInt8}}, i::Integer) =
-        rsearch(a, b.x, i)
-    Base.findlast(b::Fix2{typeof(isequal),<:Union{Int8,UInt8}}, a::Vector{<:Union{Int8,UInt8}}) =
-        rsearch(a, b.x)
-    Base.findprev(c::Fix2{typeof(in),<:Union{Tuple{Vararg{Char}},AbstractVector{Char},Set{Char}}},
-             s::AbstractString, i::Integer) = rsearch(s, c.x, i)
-    Base.findlast(c::Fix2{typeof(in),<:Union{Tuple{Vararg{Char}},AbstractVector{Char},Set{Char}}},
-             s::AbstractString) = rsearch(s, c.x)
-    Base.findprev(t::AbstractString, s::AbstractString, i::Integer) = rsearch(s, t, i)
-    Base.findlast(t::AbstractString, s::AbstractString) = rsearch(s, t)
-    findall(b::Fix2{typeof(in)}, a) = findin(a, b.x)
-    # To fix ambiguity
-    findall(b::Fix2{typeof(in)}, a::Number) = a in b.x ? [1] : Vector{Int}()
 @static if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.4047" #26089
     showable(mime, x) = mimewritable(mime, x)
     export showable
diff --git a/test/old.jl b/test/old.jl
index d5184a6bc..72e5a74d1 100644
--- a/test/old.jl
+++ b/test/old.jl
@@ -733,3 +733,43 @@ end
 let x = y = 1
     @test objectid(x) == objectid(y)
+# 0.7.0-DEV.3415
+for (f1, f2, i) in ((Compat.findfirst, Compat.findnext, 1),
+                    (Compat.findlast, Compat.findprev, 2))
+    # Generic methods
+    @test f1(isequal(0), [1, 0]) == f2(isequal(0), [1, 0], i) == 2
+    @test f1(isequal(9), [1, 0]) == f2(isequal(9), [1, 0], i) == nothing
+    @test f1(in([0, 2]), [1, 0]) == f2(in([0, 2]), [1, 0], i) == 2
+    @test f1(in([0, 2]), [1, 9]) == f2(in([0, 2]), [1, 9], i) == nothing
+    @test f1([true, false]) == f2([true, false], i) == 1
+    @test f1([false, false]) == f2([false, false], i) == nothing
+    # Specific methods
+    @test f2(isequal('a'), "ba", i) == f1(isequal('a'), "ba") == 2
+    for S in (Int8, UInt8), T in (Int8, UInt8)
+        # Bug in Julia 0.6
+        @test f2(isequal(S(1)), T[0, 1], i) == f1(isequal(S(1)), T[0, 1]) == 2
+        @test f2(isequal(S(9)), T[0, 1], i) == f1(isequal(S(9)), T[0, 1]) == nothing
+    end
+    for chars in (['a', 'z'], Set(['a', 'z']), ('a', 'z'))
+        @test f2(in(chars), "ba", i) == f1(in(chars), "ba") == 2
+        @test f2(in(chars), "bx", i) == f1(in(chars), "bx") == nothing
+    end
+@test findnext("a", "ba", 1) == findfirst("a", "ba") == 2:2
+@test findnext("z", "ba", 1) == findfirst("z", "ba") == nothing
+@test findprev("a", "ba", 2) == findlast("a", "ba") == 2:2
+@test findprev("z", "ba", 2) == findlast("z", "ba") == nothing
+@test Compat.findnext("a", "ba", 1) == Compat.findfirst("a", "ba") == 2:2
+@test Compat.findnext("z", "ba", 1) == Compat.findfirst("z", "ba") == nothing
+@test Compat.findprev("a", "ba", 2) == Compat.findlast("a", "ba") == 2:2
+@test Compat.findprev("z", "ba", 2) == Compat.findlast("z", "ba") == nothing
+@test findnext(r"a", "ba", 1) == findfirst(r"a", "ba") == 2:2
+@test findnext(r"z", "ba", 1) == findfirst(r"z", "ba") == nothing
+@test Compat.findnext(r"a", "ba", 1) == Compat.findfirst(r"a", "ba") == 2:2
+@test Compat.findnext(r"z", "ba", 1) == Compat.findfirst(r"z", "ba") == nothing
+@test findall([true, false, true]) == [1, 3]
+@test findall(in([1, 2]), [1]) == [1]
diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl
index d85bd8328..ae348293a 100644
--- a/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/test/runtests.jl
@@ -82,61 +82,6 @@ end
 @test codeunit("foo") == codeunit(SubString("fooαβγ",1,3)) == UInt8
-# 0.7.0-DEV.3415
-for (f1, f2, i) in ((Compat.findfirst, Compat.findnext, 1),
-                    (Compat.findlast, Compat.findprev, 2))
-    # Generic methods
-    @test f1(isequal(0), [1, 0]) == f2(isequal(0), [1, 0], i) == 2
-    @test f1(isequal(9), [1, 0]) == f2(isequal(9), [1, 0], i) == nothing
-    @test f1(in([0, 2]), [1, 0]) == f2(in([0, 2]), [1, 0], i) == 2
-    @test f1(in([0, 2]), [1, 9]) == f2(in([0, 2]), [1, 9], i) == nothing
-    if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.4592"
-        # test that occursin work on 0.6
-        @test f1(occursin([0, 2]), [1, 0]) == f2(occursin([0, 2]), [1, 0], i) == 2
-        @test f1(occursin([0, 2]), [1, 9]) == f2(occursin([0, 2]), [1, 9], i) == nothing
-    end
-    @test f1([true, false]) == f2([true, false], i) == 1
-    @test f1([false, false]) == f2([false, false], i) == nothing
-    # Specific methods
-    @test f2(isequal('a'), "ba", i) == f1(isequal('a'), "ba") == 2
-    for S in (Int8, UInt8), T in (Int8, UInt8)
-        # Bug in Julia 0.6
-        f1 === Compat.findlast && VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.3272" && continue
-        @test f2(isequal(S(1)), T[0, 1], i) == f1(isequal(S(1)), T[0, 1]) == 2
-        @test f2(isequal(S(9)), T[0, 1], i) == f1(isequal(S(9)), T[0, 1]) == nothing
-    end
-    for chars in (['a', 'z'], Set(['a', 'z']), ('a', 'z'))
-        @test f2(in(chars), "ba", i) == f1(in(chars), "ba") == 2
-        @test f2(in(chars), "bx", i) == f1(in(chars), "bx") == nothing
-        if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.4592"
-            # test that occursin work on 0.6
-            @test f2(occursin(chars), "ba", i) == f1(occursin(chars), "ba") == 2
-            @test f2(occursin(chars), "bx", i) == f1(occursin(chars), "bx") == nothing
-        end
-    end
-@test findnext("a", "ba", 1) == findfirst("a", "ba") == 2:2
-@test findnext("z", "ba", 1) == findfirst("z", "ba") == (VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.4480" ? (0:-1) : nothing)
-@test findprev("a", "ba", 2) == findlast("a", "ba") == 2:2
-@test findprev("z", "ba", 2) == findlast("z", "ba") == (VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.4480" ? (0:-1) : nothing)
-@test Compat.findnext("a", "ba", 1) == Compat.findfirst("a", "ba") == 2:2
-@test Compat.findnext("z", "ba", 1) == Compat.findfirst("z", "ba") == nothing
-@test Compat.findprev("a", "ba", 2) == Compat.findlast("a", "ba") == 2:2
-@test Compat.findprev("z", "ba", 2) == Compat.findlast("z", "ba") == nothing
-@test findnext(r"a", "ba", 1) == findfirst(r"a", "ba") == 2:2
-@test findnext(r"z", "ba", 1) == findfirst(r"z", "ba") == (VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.4480" ? (0:-1) : nothing)
-@test Compat.findnext(r"a", "ba", 1) == Compat.findfirst(r"a", "ba") == 2:2
-@test Compat.findnext(r"z", "ba", 1) == Compat.findfirst(r"z", "ba") == nothing
-@test findall([true, false, true]) == [1, 3]
-@test findall(in([1, 2]), [1]) == [1]
-if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.4592"
-    # test that occursin work on 0.6
-    @test findall(occursin([1, 2]), [1]) == [1]
 # 0.7.0-DEV.3666
 module TestUUIDs
     using Compat