GNNLux.jl is a package that implements graph convolutional layers fully compatible with the Lux.jl deep learning framework. It is built on top of the GNNGraphs.jl, GNNlib.jl, and Lux.jl packages.
See GraphNeuralNetworks.jl instead for a Flux.jl-based implementation of graph neural networks.
GNNLux.jl is a registered Julia package. You can easily install it through the package manager :
pkg> add GNNLux
Let's give a brief overview of the package by solving a graph regression problem with synthetic data.
We generate a dataset of multiple random graphs with associated data features, then split it into training and testing sets.
using GNNLux, Lux, Statistics, MLUtils, Random
using Zygote, Optimisers
rng = Random.default_rng()
all_graphs = GNNGraph[]
for _ in 1:1000
g = rand_graph(rng, 10, 40,
ndata=(; x = randn(rng, Float32, 16,10)), # Input node features
gdata=(; y = randn(rng, Float32))) # Regression target
push!(all_graphs, g)
train_graphs, test_graphs = MLUtils.splitobs(all_graphs, at=0.8)
We concisely define our model as a GNNLux.GNNChain
containing two graph convolutional layers and initialize the model's parameters and state.
model = GNNChain(GCNConv(16 => 64),
x -> relu.(x),
GCNConv(64 => 64, relu),
x -> mean(x, dims=2),
Dense(64, 1))
ps, st = LuxCore.setup(rng, model)
Finally, we use a standard Lux training pipeline to fit our dataset.
function custom_loss(model, ps, st, tuple)
g,x,y = tuple
y_pred,st = model(g, x, ps, st)
return MSELoss()(y_pred, y), (layers = st,), 0
function train_model!(model, ps, st, train_graphs, test_graphs)
train_state = Lux.Training.TrainState(model, ps, st, Adam(0.0001f0))
for iter in 1:100
for g in train_graphs
_, loss, _, train_state = Lux.Training.single_train_step!(AutoZygote(), custom_loss,(g, g.x, g.y), train_state)
train_loss += loss
train_loss = train_loss/length(train_graphs)
if iter % 10 == 0
st_ = Lux.testmode(train_state.states)
test_loss =0
for g in test_graphs
ŷ, st_ = model(g, g.x, train_state.parameters, st_)
st_ = (layers = st_,)
test_loss += MSELoss()(g.y,ŷ)
test_loss = test_loss/length(test_graphs)
@info (; iter, train_loss, test_loss)
return model, ps, st
train_model!(model, ps, st, train_graphs, test_graphs)