This LLVM C backend has been resurrected by Julia Computing with various improvements.
This version of the LLVM C backend works with LLVM 19, for older versions please check the tags.
On macOS, use pkgsrc and run the following commands:
~$ pkgin in llvm clang ninja-build
On CentOS, install the llvm-devel package:
~# dnf install llvm-devel clang ninja-build
On Debian and derivatives, install the llvm-dev package via:
~# apt install llvm-dev clang ninja-build
Note: this project uses LLVM 19, so make sure that the package manager is installing it and not some other version. At the time of writing, Ubuntu installs version 14.
Note: to convert C to LLVM IR to run the tests, you will also need a C compiler using the LLVM infrastructure, such as clang.
The first step is to compile LLVM on your machine (this assumes an in-tree build, but out-of-tree will also work):
~$ git clone
~$ cd llvm-project
llvm-project$ git checkout tags/19.1.1
llvm-project$ mkdir llvm/build
llvm-project$ cd llvm/build
build$ cmake .. -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DLLVM_PARALLEL_LINK_JOBS=1
build$ ninja
To run tests, you need to build lli
Now you can download and compile llvm-cbe.
If you built LLVM yourself, put it in the same folder you built LLVM in:
~$ cd llvm-project/llvm/projects
projects$ git clone
projects$ cd ../build
build$ cmake -S .. -G "Ninja"
build$ ninja llvm-cbe
If you used your distribution's package, put it wherever you feel like:
~$ git clone
~$ cd llvm-cbe && mkdir build && cd build
build$ cmake -S .. -G "Ninja"
build$ ninja llvm-cbe
If llvm-cbe compiles, you should be able to run it with the following commands.
llvm-cbe$ cd test/selectionsort
selectionsort$ ls
selectionsort$ clang-19 -S -emit-llvm -g main.c
selectionsort$ ls
main.c main.ll
selectionsort$ ../../build/tools/llvm-cbe/llvm-cbe main.ll
You can find options to configure the C backend's output with llvm-cbe --help
Look for options beginning with --cbe-
selectionsort$ gcc -o main.cbe main.cbe.c
selectionsort$ ls
main.c main.cbe main.cbe.c main.ll
selectionsort$ ./main.cbe
Unit tests:
llvm-project$ cd llvm/build
build$ make CBEUnitTests && projects/llvm-cbe/unittests/CWriterTest
Note that you need to have passed -DLLVM_INCLUDE_TESTS=1
to cmake if you used
your distribution's LLVM package. You also will need to install gtest (on Debian
derivatives: apt install libgtest-dev
Other tests:
First, compile llvm-cbe, and install pytest (e.g. pip install pytest
). Then:
llvm-cbe$ pytest
You might have to adjust the llvm-cbe and lli paths in that configuration.
If you want the tests to run faster, installing pytest-xdist
will allow you to run the test suite in parallel, e.g. pytest -n 4
if you want to use 4 cores.
The policy of this project is to only support latest released version of LLVM on the head of repo here. The rationale is that supporting multiple versions is additional work for a project which has no sponsors. Additionally, since there are very few changes, other than version compatibility maintenance, anyone using an older version of LLVM can just checkout the last commit to work on that branch. For discussion, see #60.