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View flashcards by clicking the back and forward arrows in the bottom nav. See the back of a Flash Card by clicking anywhere on the card.
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Delete any flash card by clicking the trash icon.
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Redux Toolkit is the official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development and is intended to be the standard way to write Redux logic.
Majorly Reduces Boilerplate With Powerful Helper Functions
createSlice() - Eliminates the need for a constants/types file & action creators by accepting an initial state, an object full of reducer functions, a "slice name", then automatically generating action creators and action types.
configureStore() - Eliminates the need for a separate "root-reducer" file by allowing you to pass in each slice of your state as an object and running combineReducers() automatically for you.
configureStore also sets up DevTools and popular middleware automatically (see next drop down for more info) and calls applyMiddleware() and compose() for you
Includes Popular Middleware & DevTools With No Setup Required
Prevents common mistakes such as accidentally mutating your state or putting non-serializable data into state (functions, promises, etc. which should be handled separate from the state logic.) by including redux-immutable-state-invariant, serializable-state-invariant-middleware, and allows you to manage side-effects with redux-thunk
Comes with a getDefaultMiddleware() function if you'd like to add your own middleware but still use the provided defaults.
Makes Code More Readable, Testable & Easier to Reason About
Lets you write easily readable, mutative code, and replaces verbose switch/case statements with readable functions such as
newPost: (state, action) ⇒ { const newPost = action.payload state.userPosts.push(newPost) }
without actually mutating the state & causing bugs by automatically processing your code with the Immer library.
Before hooks
The most common way of accessing the store and dispatch functions in React was to use the connect()() function, supply it with a manually-created mapStateToProps & mapDispatchToProps, and then pass a huge assortment of functions & state variables directly in the component props.
Now that we have hooks we can simply import useDispatch() & useSelector from react-redux and access our state & dispatch directly inside our component like
const dispatch = useDispatch()
const { myStateVariable } = useSelector(state ⇒ state.mySlice)