These pages are written to display newest displays and monitoring information from the current datataking period of the LHC at CERN. It is intended for showcases. To use it, just open start in a browser.
If you want to adapt this setup to your needs, just copy this
folder to your webspace and work on it.
Feedback and improvements are always welcome. Please contact [email protected].
This information is generated from
markdown > README.html
These steps lead you to a display station, based on a Raspberry Pie and a monitor.
Setup Raspbian on your Raspberry Pi using either NOOBS or the manual installation image.
, a stable browser with full screen mode accessible from the command line. Also install the Microsoft ttf fonts.:sudo apt-get install chromium ttf-mscorefonts-installer
Clone the repository in your home folder:
git clone
To start the display on boot and prevent the screen saver from showing up, add these lines to
. You may have to adapt the paths to the working copy of the cloned respository:@/home/pi/cmstv/ on @/home/pi/cmstv/
If the Raspberry Pi is not setup with NOOBS, the file is called
.If the screen is blank after waking up, try adding the following setting to
.# disable console blanking for CMS-TV usage setterm -blank 0 -powersave off -powerdown 0
To show the display only on working days from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., add these lines to crontab (
crontab -e
). Again check that the paths point to the checked out version of the cmstv repository. The script will startup the browser in kiosk mode and check every 5 minutes if the browser is still running. Midori e.g. had some stability issues after running for a couple of days:0 7 * * 1-5 /home/pi/cmstv/ on 0 20 * * * /home/pi/cmstv/ off */5 * * * * /home/pi/cmstv/ > /dev/null
Now it should be ready after reboot (no further interaction needed):
sudo reboot