diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3f1262e7f..68a15754b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -121,3 +121,48 @@ groupedbar(rand(10,3), bar_position = :dodge, bar_width=0.7)
+## groupapply for population analysis
+There is a groupapply function that splits the data across a keyword argument "group", then applies "summarize" to get average and variability of a given analysis (density, cumulative and local regression are supported so far, but one can also add their own function). To get average and variability there are 3 ways:
+- `compute_error = (:across, col_name)`, where the data is split according to column `col_name` before being summarized. `compute_error = :across` splits across all observations. Default summary is `(mean, sem)` but it can be changed with keyword `summarize` to any pair of functions.
+- `compute_error = (:bootstrap, n_samples)`, where `n_samples` fake datasets distributed like the real dataset are generated and then summarized (nonparametric
+bootstrapping). `compute_error = :bootstrap` defaults to `compute_error = (:bootstrap, 1000)`. Default summary is `(mean, std)`. This method will work with any analysis but is computationally very expensive.
+- `compute_error = :none`, where no error is computed or displayed and the analysis is carried out normally.
+The local regression uses [Loess.jl](https://github.com/JuliaStats/Loess.jl) and the density plot uses [KernelDensity.jl](https://github.com/JuliaStats/KernelDensity.jl). In case of categorical x variable, these function are computed by splitting the data across the x variable and then computing the density/average per bin. The choice of continuous or discrete axis can be forced via `axis_type = :continuous` or `axis_type = :discrete`
+Example use:
+using DataFrames
+import RDatasets
+using StatPlots
+school = RDatasets.dataset("mlmRev","Hsb82");
+grp_error = groupapply(:cumulative, school, :MAch; compute_error = (:across,:School), group = :Sx)
+plot(grp_error, line = :path)
+Keywords for loess or kerneldensity can be given to groupapply:
+df = groupapply(:density, school, :CSES; bandwidth = 1., compute_error = (:bootstrap,500), group = :Minrty)
+plot(df, line = :path)
+The bar plot
+pool!(school, :Sx)
+grp_error = groupapply(school, :Sx, :MAch; compute_error = :across, group = :Minrty)
+plot(grp_error, line = :bar)
diff --git a/REQUIRE b/REQUIRE
index 1b92f237e..d70b88f2c 100644
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ StatsBase
diff --git a/src/StatPlots.jl b/src/StatPlots.jl
index b70001304..ae4715b73 100644
--- a/src/StatPlots.jl
+++ b/src/StatPlots.jl
@@ -9,11 +9,15 @@ using Distributions
using DataFrames
import KernelDensity
+import Loess
@recipe f(k::KernelDensity.UnivariateKDE) = k.x, k.density
@recipe f(k::KernelDensity.BivariateKDE) = k.x, k.y, k.density
@shorthands cdensity
+export groupapply
+export get_groupederror
@@ -24,5 +28,8 @@ include("hist.jl")
end # module
diff --git a/src/bar.jl b/src/bar.jl
index 1e09fdd54..3697788c5 100644
--- a/src/bar.jl
+++ b/src/bar.jl
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ grouped_xy(y::AbstractMatrix) = 1:size(y,1), y
- get(d, :fillrange, 0)
+ get(d, :fillrange, nothing)
seriestype := :bar
diff --git a/src/groupederror.jl b/src/groupederror.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..778963876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/groupederror.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+##### List of functions to analyze data
+function extend_axis(df::AbstractDataFrame, xlabel, ylabel, xaxis, val)
+ aux = DataFrame()
+ aux[xlabel] = xaxis
+ extended = join(aux, df, on = xlabel, kind = :left)
+ sort!(extended, cols = [xlabel])
+ return convert(Array, extended[ylabel], val)
+function extend_axis(xsmall, ysmall, xaxis, val)
+ df = DataFrame(x = xsmall, y = ysmall)
+ return extend_axis(df, :x, :y, xaxis, val)
+ `_locreg(df, xaxis::LinSpace, x, y; kwargs...)`
+Apply loess regression, training the regressor with `x` and `y` and
+predicting `xaxis`
+function _locreg(df, xaxis::LinSpace, x, y; kwargs...)
+ predicted = fill(NaN,length(xaxis))
+ within = minimum(df[x]).<= xaxis .<= maximum(df[x])
+ if any(within)
+ model = Loess.loess(convert(Vector{Float64},df[x]),convert(Vector{Float64},df[y]); kwargs...)
+ predicted[within] = Loess.predict(model,xaxis[within])
+ end
+ return predicted
+ `_locreg(df, xaxis, x, y; kwargs...)`
+In the discrete case, the function computes the conditional expectation of `y` for
+a given value of `x`
+function _locreg(df, xaxis, x, y)
+ ymean = by(df, x) do dd
+ DataFrame(m = mean(dd[y]))
+ end
+ return extend_axis(ymean, x, :m, xaxis, NaN)
+ `_density(df,xaxis::LinSpace, x; kwargs...)`
+Kernel density of `x`, computed along `xaxis`
+_density(df,xaxis::LinSpace, x; kwargs...) = pdf(KernelDensity.kde(df[x]; kwargs...),xaxis)
+ `_density(df, xaxis, x)`
+Normalized histogram of `x` (which is discrete: every value is its own bin)
+function _density(df,xaxis, x)
+ xhist = by(df, x) do dd
+ DataFrame(length = size(dd,1)/size(df,1))
+ end
+ return extend_axis(xhist, x, :length, xaxis, 0.)
+ `_cumulative(df, xaxis, x) = ecdf(df[x])(xaxis)`
+Cumulative density function of `x`, computed along `xaxis`
+_cumulative(df, xaxis, x) = ecdf(df[x])(xaxis)
+#### Method to compute and plot grouped error plots using the above functions
+type GroupedError{S, T<:AbstractString}
+ x::Vector{Vector{S}}
+ y::Vector{Vector{Float64}}
+ err::Vector{Vector{Float64}}
+ group::Vector{T}
+ axis_type::Symbol
+ show_error::Bool
+get_axis(column) = sort!(union(column))
+get_axis(column, npoints::Int64) = linspace(minimum(column),maximum(column),npoints)
+function get_axis(column, axis_type::Symbol)
+ if axis_type == :discrete
+ return get_axis(column)
+ elseif axis_type == :continuous
+ return get_axis(column, 100)
+ else
+ error("Unexpected axis_type: only :discrete and :continuous allowed!")
+ end
+# f is the function used to analyze dataset: define it as nan when it is not defined,
+# the input is: dataframe used, points chosen on the x axis, x (and maybe y) column labels
+# the output is the y value for the given xvalues
+get_symbol(s::Symbol) = s
+get_symbol(s) = s[1]
+function new_symbol(s, l::AbstractArray{Symbol})
+ ns = s
+ while ns in l
+ ns = Symbol(ns,:_)
+ end
+ return ns
+new_symbol(s, df::AbstractDataFrame) = new_symbol(s, names(df))
+ get_groupederror(trend,variation, f, splitdata::GroupedDataFrame, xvalues, args...; kwargs...)
+Apply function `f` to `splitdata`, then compute summary statistics
+`trend` and `variation` of those values. A shared x axis `xvalues` is needed: use
+`LinSpace` for continuous x variable and a normal vector for the discrete case. Remaining arguments
+are label of x axis variable and extra arguments for function `f`. `kwargs...` are passed
+to `f`
+function get_groupederror(trend,variation, f, splitdata::GroupedDataFrame, xvalues::AbstractArray, args...; kwargs...)
+ v = Array(Float64, length(xvalues), length(splitdata));
+ for i in 1:length(splitdata)
+ v[:,i] = f(splitdata[i],xvalues, args...; kwargs...)
+ end
+ mean_across_pop = Array(Float64, length(xvalues));
+ sem_across_pop = Array(Float64, length(xvalues));
+ for j in 1:length(xvalues)
+ notnan = !isnan(v[j,:])
+ mean_across_pop[j] = trend(v[j,notnan])
+ sem_across_pop[j] = variation(v[j,notnan])
+ end
+ valid = !isnan(mean_across_pop) & !isnan(sem_across_pop)
+ return xvalues[valid], mean_across_pop[valid], sem_across_pop[valid]
+ get_groupederror(trend,variation, f, df::AbstractDataFrame, xvalues::AbstractArray, ce, args...; kwargs...)
+Get `GropedDataFrame` from `df` according to `ce`. `ce = (:across, col_name)` will split
+across column `col_name`, whereas `ce = (:bootstrap, n_samples)` will generate `n_samples`
+fake datasets distributed like the real dataset (nonparametric bootstrapping).
+Then compute `get_groupederror` of the `GroupedDataFrame`.
+function get_groupederror(trend,variation, f, df::AbstractDataFrame, xvalues::AbstractArray, ce, args...; kwargs...)
+ if ce == :none
+ mean_across_pop = f(df,xvalues, args...; kwargs...)
+ sem_across_pop = zeros(length(xvalues));
+ valid = ~isnan(mean_across_pop)
+ return xvalues[valid], mean_across_pop[valid], sem_across_pop[valid]
+ elseif ce[1] == :across
+ # get mean value and sem of function of interest
+ splitdata = groupby(df, ce[2])
+ return get_groupederror(trend,variation, f, splitdata, xvalues, args...; kwargs...)
+ elseif ce[1] == :bootstrap
+ n_samples = ce[2]
+ indexes = Array(Int64,0)
+ split_var = Array(Int64,0)
+ for i = 1:n_samples
+ append!(indexes, rand(1:size(df,1),size(df,1)))
+ append!(split_var, fill(i,size(df,1)))
+ end
+ split_col = new_symbol(:split_col, df)
+ bootstrap_data = df[indexes,:]
+ bootstrap_data[split_col] = split_var
+ ends = collect(size(df,1)*(1:n_samples))
+ starts = ends - size(df,1) + 1
+ splitdata = GroupedDataFrame(bootstrap_data,[split_col],collect(1:ends[end]), starts, ends)
+ return get_groupederror(trend,variation, f, splitdata, xvalues, args...; kwargs...)
+ else
+ error("compute_error can only be equal to :none, :across,
+ (:across, col_name), :bootstrap or (:bootstrap, n_samples)")
+ end
+ get_groupederror(trend,variation, f, df::AbstractDataFrame, axis_type, ce, args...; kwargs...)
+Choose shared axis according to `axis_type` (`:continuous` or `:discrete`) then
+compute `get_groupederror`.
+function get_groupederror(trend,variation, f, df::AbstractDataFrame, axis_type, ce, args...; kwargs...)
+ # define points on x axis
+ xvalues = get_axis(df[args[1]], axis_type)
+ return get_groupederror(trend,variation, f, df::AbstractDataFrame, xvalues, ce, args...; kwargs...)
+ groupapply(f::Function, df, args...;
+ axis_type = :auto, compute_error = :none, group = [],
+ summarize = (get_symbol(compute_error) == :bootstrap) ? (mean, std) : (mean, sem),
+ kwargs...)
+Split `df` by `group`. Then apply `get_groupederror` to get a population summary of the grouped data.
+Output is a `GroupedError` with error computed according to the keyword `compute_error`.
+It can be plotted using `plot(g::GroupedError)`
+Seriestype can be specified to be `:path`, `:scatter` or `:bar`
+function groupapply(f::Function, df, args...;
+ axis_type = :auto, compute_error = :none, group = [],
+ summarize = (get_symbol(compute_error) == :bootstrap) ? (mean, std) : (mean, sem),
+ compute_axis = :separate,
+ kwargs...)
+ if !(axis_type in [:discrete, :continuous])
+ axis_type = (typeof(df[args[1]])<:PooledDataArray) ? :discrete : :continuous
+ end
+ if (axis_type == :continuous) & !(eltype(df[args[1]])<:Real)
+ warn("Changing to discrete axis, x values are not real numbers!")
+ axis_type = :discrete
+ end
+ mutated_xtype = (axis_type == :continuous) ? Float64 : eltype(df[args[1]])
+ # Add default for :across and :bootstrap
+ if compute_error == :across
+ row_name = new_symbol(:rows, df)
+ df[row_name] = 1:size(df,1)
+ ce = (:across, row_name)
+ elseif compute_error == :bootstrap
+ ce = (:bootstrap, 1000)
+ else
+ ce = compute_error
+ end
+ g = GroupedError(
+ Array(Vector{mutated_xtype},0),
+ Array(Vector{Float64},0),
+ Array(Vector{Float64},0),
+ Array(AbstractString,0),
+ axis_type,
+ ce != :none
+ )
+ if group == []
+ xvalues,yvalues,shade = get_groupederror(summarize..., f, df, axis_type, ce, args...; kwargs...)
+ push!(g.x, xvalues)
+ push!(g.y, yvalues)
+ push!(g.err, shade)
+ push!(g.group, "")
+ else
+ #group_array = isa(group, AbstractArray) ? group : [group]
+ by(df,group) do dd
+ label = isa(group, AbstractArray) ?
+ string(["$(dd[1,column]) " for column in group]...) : string(dd[1,group])
+ xvalues,yvalues,shade = get_groupederror(summarize...,f, dd, axis_type, ce, args...; kwargs...)
+ push!(g.x, xvalues)
+ push!(g.y, yvalues)
+ push!(g.err, shade)
+ push!(g.group, label)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if compute_error == :across; delete!(df, row_name); end
+ return g
+builtin_funcs = Dict(zip([:locreg, :density, :cumulative], [_locreg, _density, _cumulative]))
+ groupapply(s::Symbol, df, args...; kwargs...)
+`s` can be `:locreg`, `:density` or `:cumulative`, in which case the corresponding built in
+analysis function is used. `s` can also be a symbol of a column of `df`, in which case the call
+is equivalent to `groupapply(:locreg, df, args[1], s; kwargs...)`
+function groupapply(s::Symbol, df, args...; kwargs...)
+ if s in keys(builtin_funcs)
+ analysisfunction = builtin_funcs[s]
+ return groupapply(analysisfunction, df, args...; kwargs...)
+ else
+ return groupapply(_locreg, df, args[1], s; kwargs...)
+ end
+ groupapply(df::AbstractDataFrame, x, y; kwargs...)
+Equivalent to `groupapply(:locreg, df::AbstractDataFrame, x, y; kwargs...)`
+groupapply(df::AbstractDataFrame, x, y; kwargs...) = groupapply(_locreg, df, x, y; kwargs...)
+@recipe function f(g::GroupedError)
+ if !(:seriestype in keys(d)) || (d[:seriestype] == :path)
+ for i = 1:length(g.group)
+ @series begin
+ seriestype := :shadederror
+ x := cycle(g.x,i)
+ y := cycle(g.y, i)
+ shade := cycle(g.err,i)
+ label --> cycle(g.group,i)
+ ()
+ end
+ end
+ elseif d[:seriestype] == :scatter
+ for i = 1:length(g.group)
+ @series begin
+ seriestype := :scatter
+ x := cycle(g.x,i)
+ y := cycle(g.y, i)
+ if g.show_error
+ err := cycle(g.err,i)
+ end
+ label --> cycle(g.group,i)
+ ()
+ end
+ end
+ elseif d[:seriestype] == :bar
+ if g.axis_type == :continuous
+ warn("Bar plot with continuous x axis doesn't make sense!")
+ end
+ xaxis = sort!(union((g.x)...))
+ ys = extend_axis.(g.x, g.y, [xaxis], [NaN])
+ y = hcat(ys...)
+ if g.show_error
+ errs = extend_axis.(g.x, g.err, [xaxis], [NaN])
+ err := hcat(errs...)
+ end
+ label --> hcat(g.group...)
+ StatPlots.GroupedBar((xaxis,y))
+ end
+@shorthands GroupedError
diff --git a/src/shadederror.jl b/src/shadederror.jl
index ea84a1303..fd737f1dc 100644
--- a/src/shadederror.jl
+++ b/src/shadederror.jl
@@ -38,69 +38,3 @@ end
@shorthands shadederror
-## Define a more general shadederror function that can take as input:
-## - a function to be applied to your dataframe
-## - a dataframe
-## - the x-variable of the plot
-## - the categorical variable used to compute s.e.m. across population
-## - optionally, another categorical variable used to split the data
-get_axis(column::PooledDataArray) = sort!(union(column))
-get_axis(column::AbstractArray) = linspace(minimum(column),maximum(column),100)
-# f is the function used to analyze dataset: define it as NA when it is not defined,
-# the input is: dataframe used, x variable and points chosen on the x axis
-# the output is the y value for the given xvalues
-function get_mean_sem(f, df, x, population)
- # define points on x axis
- xvalues = get_axis(df[x])
- # get mean value and sem of function of interest
- splitdata = groupby(df, population)
- v = DataArray(Float64, length(xvalues), length(splitdata));
- for i in 1:length(splitdata)
- v[:,i] = f(splitdata[i],x, xvalues)
- end
- mean_across_pop = DataArray(Float64, length(xvalues));
- sem_across_pop = DataArray(Float64, length(xvalues));
- valid = Array(Bool, length(xvalues));
- for j in 1:length(xvalues)
- mean_across_pop[j] = mean(dropna(v[j,:]))
- sem_across_pop[j] = sem(dropna(v[j,:]))
- valid[j] = (length(dropna(v[j,:]))>1)
- end
- return xvalues[valid], mean_across_pop[valid], sem_across_pop[valid]
-function shadederror(f, df, x, population; kwargs...)
- x,y, shade = get_mean_sem(f, df, x, population)
- shadederror(x,y; shade = shade, kwargs...)
-function shadederror!(f, df, x, population; kwargs...)
- x,y, shade = get_mean_sem(f, df, x, population)
- shadederror!(x,y; shade = shade, kwargs...)
- return
-function shadederror(f, df, x, population, conditioned; kwargs...)
- s = plot()
- shadederror!(f, df, x, population, conditioned; kwargs...)
- return s
-function shadederror!(f, df, x, population, conditioned; kwargs...)
- if isempty(conditioned)
- shadederror!(f, df, x, population; kwargs...)
- else
- by(df,conditioned) do dd
- shadederror!(f,dd,x,population; kwargs...)
- return
- end
- end
- return