A simple ncurses program for displaying the time in binary numbers
While binclock is running, you can press the following keys to interact with binclock:
q Quit binclock
t Cycle through the themes
c Cycle through the colour sets
-h Help information. Points here or to the manpage
-t # Choose a character theme form those listed below (0-2)
(0 is default)
-s # Choose a colour set from those listed below (0-2)
(0 is default)
Theme 0:
[ ] [ ] [ ] [*] [*] [ ] [*] [*]
Theme 1:
<0> <0> <0> <1> <1> <0> <1> <1>
Theme 2:
( ) ( ) ( ) (+) (+) ( ) (+) (+)
Set 0:
H = Red, M = Green, S = Yellow
Set 1:
H = Blue, M = Magenta, S = Cyan
Set 2:
H = Red, M = WHite, S = Blue
If you find this software useful, please consider donating to Meningitis U.K. or your local meningitis charity.