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Background Organizations

Maleclypse edited this page Jan 17, 2021 · 18 revisions

This page list all the organizations that are mentioned in Aftershock back or that otherwise play an important role within the mod's lore. (very early draft at this point)


The Powers of Earth

Most actual earth governments crumbled or otherwise became unrecognizable during the FTL discontinuity, as such references to current governments should be avoided except for vague historical mentions. The currently active governments of Earth and the Solar System have no official presence in the frontier, and act mostly through ESCA.

Extra Solar Colonial Administration [ESCA] (better name pending)

An inter governmental organization formed alongside the rediscovery of FTL drive technology, with the goal of reuniting the fractured human colonies of the first expansion.


A design bureau of the Soviet Union that was fairly prominent during the hyperspace expansion. The TskBEM designed many of the landers, habitats, and robots that would be used to establish the first extrasolar colonies. Adapted or even original TsKBEM designs are still commonly seen within recently settled frontier worlds, where their ubiquitous design specs and relative ease of fabrication make them attractive to less fortunate colonists.

The original colony of Salus IV was partly build using surplus TsKBEM technology, and surviving robots and infrastructure can still be found around the planet.

Solar Corporations

Vast corporations and conglomerates that formed when outer space was privatized during Earth's early space age. All solar corporations are space industry giants, they build ships and orbital foundries, manage interstellar shipping, and control their own private colonies, which in some cases, might span entire planets.

The difference between the average, corporation and a Solar Corporation can be exemplified with as follows:

  • SpaceY owning the economic production of well populated Galilean moon is a Solar Corporation.
  • SpaceY owning a large city in Ganymede and having a monopoly in space travel between it and Earth is a Solar Corporation in making.
  • SpaceY launching its own private missions to other planets is just a normal corporation.

Solar corporations currently mentioned within Aftershock

  • Wraitheon Industries ltd. A solar corporation created after the merging of many ancient American defense contractors. Best known for manufacturing advanced combat drones.

Other corporations

Other smaller corporations mentioned within aftershock

  • Thistle Industries: An Earth based food and drink processing conglomerate. Briefly managed to patent the chemical formula of water in the late 21st century.
  • FoodCo: A widely spread fast-food franchise from before the discontinuity. Can have a similar feel to its vanilla counterpart, with heavy branding around the word FOOD and FOODPERSON.
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