diff --git a/samples/WhoIsIAmForeign.py b/samples/WhoIsIAmForeign.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a2e9f889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/WhoIsIAmForeign.py
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+This application presents a 'console' prompt to the user asking for Who-Is and I-Am
+commands which create the related APDUs, then lines up the coorresponding I-Am
+for incoming traffic and prints out the contents.
+import sys
+from bacpypes.debugging import bacpypes_debugging, ModuleLogger
+from bacpypes.consolelogging import ConfigArgumentParser
+from bacpypes.consolecmd import ConsoleCmd
+from bacpypes.core import run
+from bacpypes.pdu import Address, GlobalBroadcast
+from bacpypes.app import LocalDeviceObject, BIPForeignApplication
+from bacpypes.apdu import WhoIsRequest, IAmRequest
+from bacpypes.basetypes import ServicesSupported
+from bacpypes.errors import DecodingError
+# some debugging
+_debug = 0
+_log = ModuleLogger(globals())
+# globals
+this_device = None
+this_application = None
+this_console = None
+#   WhoIsIAmApplication
+class WhoIsIAmApplication(BIPForeignApplication):
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        if _debug: WhoIsIAmApplication._debug("__init__ %r", args)
+        BIPForeignApplication.__init__(self, *args)
+        # keep track of requests to line up responses
+        self._request = None
+    def request(self, apdu):
+        if _debug: WhoIsIAmApplication._debug("request %r", apdu)
+        # save a copy of the request
+        self._request = apdu
+        # forward it along
+        BIPForeignApplication.request(self, apdu)
+    def confirmation(self, apdu):
+        if _debug: WhoIsIAmApplication._debug("confirmation %r", apdu)
+        # forward it along
+        BIPForeignApplication.confirmation(self, apdu)
+    def indication(self, apdu):
+        if _debug: WhoIsIAmApplication._debug("indication %r", apdu)
+        if (isinstance(self._request, WhoIsRequest)) and (isinstance(apdu, IAmRequest)):
+            device_type, device_instance = apdu.iAmDeviceIdentifier
+            if device_type != 'device':
+                raise DecodingError("invalid object type")
+            if (self._request.deviceInstanceRangeLowLimit is not None) and \
+                    (device_instance < self._request.deviceInstanceRangeLowLimit):
+                pass
+            elif (self._request.deviceInstanceRangeHighLimit is not None) and \
+                    (device_instance > self._request.deviceInstanceRangeHighLimit):
+                pass
+            else:
+                # print out the contents
+                sys.stdout.write('pduSource = ' + repr(apdu.pduSource) + '\n')
+                sys.stdout.write('iAmDeviceIdentifier = ' + str(apdu.iAmDeviceIdentifier) + '\n')
+                sys.stdout.write('maxAPDULengthAccepted = ' + str(apdu.maxAPDULengthAccepted) + '\n')
+                sys.stdout.write('segmentationSupported = ' + str(apdu.segmentationSupported) + '\n')
+                sys.stdout.write('vendorID = ' + str(apdu.vendorID) + '\n')
+                sys.stdout.flush()
+        # forward it along
+        BIPForeignApplication.indication(self, apdu)
+#   WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd
+class WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd(ConsoleCmd):
+    def do_whois(self, args):
+        """whois [ <addr>] [ <lolimit> <hilimit> ]"""
+        args = args.split()
+        if _debug: WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd._debug("do_whois %r", args)
+        try:
+            # build a request
+            request = WhoIsRequest()
+            if (len(args) == 1) or (len(args) == 3):
+                request.pduDestination = Address(args[0])
+                del args[0]
+            else:
+                request.pduDestination = GlobalBroadcast()
+            if len(args) == 2:
+                request.deviceInstanceRangeLowLimit = int(args[0])
+                request.deviceInstanceRangeHighLimit = int(args[1])
+            if _debug: WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd._debug("    - request: %r", request)
+            # give it to the application
+            this_application.request(request)
+        except Exception as err:
+            WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd._exception("exception: %r", err)
+    def do_iam(self, args):
+        """iam"""
+        args = args.split()
+        if _debug: WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd._debug("do_iam %r", args)
+        try:
+            # build a request
+            request = IAmRequest()
+            request.pduDestination = GlobalBroadcast()
+            # set the parameters from the device object
+            request.iAmDeviceIdentifier = this_device.objectIdentifier
+            request.maxAPDULengthAccepted = this_device.maxApduLengthAccepted
+            request.segmentationSupported = this_device.segmentationSupported
+            request.vendorID = this_device.vendorIdentifier
+            if _debug: WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd._debug("    - request: %r", request)
+            # give it to the application
+            this_application.request(request)
+        except Exception as err:
+            WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd._exception("exception: %r", err)
+    def do_rtn(self, args):
+        """rtn <addr> <net> ... """
+        args = args.split()
+        if _debug: WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd._debug("do_rtn %r", args)
+        # safe to assume only one adapter
+        adapter = this_application.nsap.adapters[0]
+        if _debug: WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd._debug("    - adapter: %r", adapter)
+        # provide the address and a list of network numbers
+        router_address = Address(args[0])
+        network_list = [int(arg) for arg in args[1:]]
+        # pass along to the service access point
+        this_application.nsap.add_router_references(adapter, router_address, network_list)
+#   main
+def main():
+    global this_device, this_application, this_console
+    # parse the command line arguments
+    args = ConfigArgumentParser(description=__doc__).parse_args()
+    if _debug: _log.debug("initialization")
+    if _debug: _log.debug("    - args: %r", args)
+    # make a device object
+    this_device = LocalDeviceObject(
+        objectName=args.ini.objectname,
+        objectIdentifier=int(args.ini.objectidentifier),
+        maxApduLengthAccepted=int(args.ini.maxapdulengthaccepted),
+        segmentationSupported=args.ini.segmentationsupported,
+        vendorIdentifier=int(args.ini.vendoridentifier),
+        )
+    if _debug: _log.debug("    - this_device: %r", this_device)
+    # build a bit string that knows about the bit names
+    pss = ServicesSupported()
+    pss['whoIs'] = 1
+    pss['iAm'] = 1
+    pss['readProperty'] = 1
+    pss['writeProperty'] = 1
+    # set the property value to be just the bits
+    this_device.protocolServicesSupported = pss.value
+    # make a simple application
+    this_application = WhoIsIAmApplication(
+        this_device, args.ini.address,
+        Address(args.ini.foreignbbmd),
+        int(args.ini.foreignttl),
+        )
+    if _debug: _log.debug("    - this_application: %r", this_application)
+    # get the services supported
+    services_supported = this_application.get_services_supported()
+    if _debug: _log.debug("    - services_supported: %r", services_supported)
+    # let the device object know
+    this_device.protocolServicesSupported = services_supported.value
+    # make a console
+    this_console = WhoIsIAmConsoleCmd()
+    if _debug: _log.debug("    - this_console: %r", this_console)
+    _log.debug("running")
+    run()
+    _log.debug("finally")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()