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data-structure-cookies 🍪

re-inventing the wheel w/ data structures

collection of common data structure problems

🔧 Useful Mechanisms To Remember

list of useful mechanisms (functions) to remember

1. Arrays

  1. define dynamic array class (1-1. dynamic array)
  2. methods for rotating array in-place (1-2. rotate array ⭐)
    • shift array elements one by one
    • use cyclic replacement in array
    • use reverse to rotate array by k
  3. binary search for condition to find rotation point (1-3. rotation pivot ⭐)
    • rotation point == smallest value's index
  4. left shift: end -> begin | right shift: begin -> end (1-2. rotate array & 1-3. rotation pivot)
  5. use two pointers for ranging (1-3. rotation pivot & 1-4. reverse array)
  6. one-pass hash table for fast lookup time (1-6. find pair sum)
  7. (left <= right) and return false at end for binary search (1-7. search element)
  8. (1-8. merge two arrays ⭐)

+ Strings

+ Matrixes

rotate matrix

2. Linked List

  1. define singly-linked list class & define doubly-linked list class (2-1. singly linked list & 2-2. doubly linked list)
  2. check 2 cases for deletion: delete head & delete others (2-1. singly linked list & 2-2. doubly linked list ⭐)
    • delete head: O(1)
    • delete other nodes: O(n)
  3. two pointer technique (2-3. find nth node)
    • use n-wide stick approach
    • use turtle and hare approach
  4. reverse linked list in-place (2-4. reverse list ⭐)
    • reverse data values
    • reverse ptr directions
  5. merge two linked lists (2-5. merge two lists ⭐)
    • handle exceptions: if (!list1) return list2 & if (!list2) return list1
    • use 3 pointers: lastMerged + 1 for traversing each list
    • recursive version: pick smaller node -> connect w/ merged list of rest of nodes
  6. use dummy node (2-5. merge two lists)
    • to avoid separating head case from rest of nodes case
    • creates single code instead of repetitive code
  7. use length difference to find intersection point (2-6. find intersection ⭐)
    • give head start for longer runner
    • use two pointers to cross traverse: create illusion of same length course
  8. two runner (turtle and hare) approach for cycle detection (-7. cycle detection ⭐)
    • while loop condition: check slowRunner & fastRunner & fastRunner->next
    • to start both runners at same position (head): update pointers first and then check cycle

3. Stack

  1. define stack class (3-1. stack ⭐)
  2. simulate linked list to implement k stacks w/ single array (3-2. two stacks with array)
    • use an extra array to track links of prev for next simultaneously
  3. use stack to reverse order (2-4. reverse list && 3-3. reverse stack)
  4. sort (3-4. sort using stack)
  5. (3-2. max stack ⭐)
  6. (3-6. queue with two stacks)
  7. use stack for checking matching pairs (3-7. valid brackets ⭐)
    • predefine pairs using unordered_set & map
  8. check 3 cases for invalid brackets (3-7. valid brackets)
    • no opening match, no closing match, wrong match
  9. pop all equal or lower priority operators (3-8. postfix expression)
    • use while loop to pop those w/ specific conditions
    • predefine precedence using helper function
  10. use 2 stacks for undo & redo action (3-9. simple text editor ⭐)

4. Queue

5. Tree

+ Binary Tree

  1. check only current node for order traversal (5(1)-2. pre-order / in-order / post-order traversal)
  2. use recursion to calculate height of binary tree (5(1)-3. tree height)
  3. check root or !root as base case (5(1)-2. order traversals & 5(1)-3. tree height)

+ Binary Search Tree (BST)

  1. use binary search mechanism to check if node exists in BST (5(2)-2. least common ancestor)
  2. use divide-and-conquer method to find Least Common Ancestor (5(2)-2. least common ancestor)

+ Heap

6. Graph

7. Hashing